Later that day the sun is setting and Kairi, Kura and Yami had been gone a while as the sun starts to set.
Jennifer: They must have lost track of time. Someone should probably go get them.
Maru: (Raises his hand). I... Uh... Can go look for them since Kairi promised to show m-me around anyway.
Luna: And of course I will go with him.
Tori: (Sleeps by a tree again and Hiki sleeps next to him resting her head on his shoulder).
Chazz: Since those two are resting for now I do not see a problem with sending Lord Maru.
Jennifer: Very well and if you want to you may stay another night and leave tomorrow afternoon. Therefore you will still have time to spend with her though it is up to her. I have a feeling she will have no problem with it.
Maru: I-I might take you up on that but it does depend on Kairi since she asked me to stay. I-if I do stay again I am in your care again. (Bows to Jennifer).
Chazz: (Smiles). Plus we have been training since they left so everyone is kind of tired now.
Jennifer: We are happy to have you visit anytime and she is determined to become better and train so she will be much improved the next time you visit. For now go on and catch up with her. We will come by to tell you it is dinner time but you have a bit until then so farewell. (Waves to Maru and Luna).
Maru: (Waves back and Luna does the same). I-I will be back with her in no time.
Jennifer: (Laughs). Well have fun and if we are not here then go to the dining room for dinner.
Maru: Yes. (As he and Luna go out of sight).
Luna: Lord Maru lets make sure Kairi is not down the path we are afraid she might be going down.
Maru: (Looks down). Yes Luna....
Luna: (Disappears into Maru's mind and his eyes change to one silver and one blue again).
Kairi: (Makes a barrier that covers her and Kura).
Yami: (Still watches and smiles to himself as he absorbs energy forgetting he was with his eyes still back and red). Not really a fan of that barrier crap but your good at it I guess.
Kairi: (Smiles). Thank you.
Kura: Do not call it a crap though.
Yami: (Shrugs). Yeah, yeah sorry.
Kura: Hmm the sun is setting.
Kairi: Oh no I guess we lost track of time oops.
Kura: It's alright, just finish this lesson and we will leave.
Kairi: Alright.
Maru: (Shows up to where Kairi is training). Kairi it is time to go eat.

Kairi: Oh Maru I am sorry. I lost track of time. (Releases the barrier and walks over happily).
Kura: (Gets up and follows Kairi bowing to Maru). Hello lord Maru my apologies.
Yami: (Gets up and stops taking dark energy as he yawns and stretches as he walks over forgetting about his eyes and stands behind everyone). Hey what's going on.
Maru: (His eyes widen in shock as he stares at Yami's eyes but not saying a word).
Yami: ... Hey what's wrong with you? (Walks over to Maru looking confused)?
Kura: (Looks at Yami's eyes and her eyes widen in shock and whispers to herself). Shit....
Maru: (Says in a different tone of voice almost sounding like Luna). Eyes as black as darkness but stained red in the center. The eyes of the evil dark spirit Izumi, son of dark spirit grand master Nagi.
Yami: (His eyes widen in shock as he takes a step back). What I mean umm shit my eyes I umm.
Kairi: Maru what are you talking about? (Looks confused and a little scared).
Kura: Calm down Luna, let us explain. (She says seriously as she glares watching carefully).
Maru?: What is there to explain! Tell me why I shouldn't take action!
Yami: I-I'm not evil like him... I-I may have his eyes and his abilities but I'm not... I'm just not and will try to never be like him no matter what! (Looks down).
Kairi: He is not a evil corrupt spirit I promise so please!
Maru?: (Looks at Kairi being teary eyes but his are both the same blue color for a brief moment). I am sorry lady Kairi. I did have fun today and yesterday and I can say I am truly sorry but this is my duty to Luna. (His eyes change to two different colors again as he holds out his right arm as a barrier surrounds the area but is hard to see). Shizuna....
Yami: I'm not like him! I won't kill on purpose!
Kura: Listen to me, I will not let you hurt Yami. You will have to go through me first!
Kairi: Maru, Luna please! (As her tears start to spill fromher eyes).
Maru: I am sorry Kairi. I cannot ask for your forgiveness... I did like you after all.... (As he clearly cries then his eyes change different colors as Luna take control of his body).
Luna: Shizuna... Begin the assault! (The fencer sword appears in Maru's hand which she controls but this time the sword having a moon symbol on the hilt as he holds it).
Kairi: Maru... Please don't do this! (Runs to Maru hugging him).
Kura: (Gets ready to attack pushing Yami back and reaching out to Kairi protectively). Lady Kairi stays back!
Yami: (Swears under his breath but still heard as he gets ready to fight). ... Dammit... This is why I hate my dad.
Luna: (Disappears from Kairi's hug as she appears behind her still holding her sword but ignoring Kairi only focused on Kura and Yami).
Jennifer: (Shows up outside of the barrier). What is going on here!
Shizen: It looks like a serious fight.
Jennifer: We have to stop them! (She yells as she runs and hits the barrier). What no let me in, Kairi!
Shizen: It's no use, there is a strong barrier in the way.
Hiki and Tori: (As they start hitting the barrier with their blades try breaking through).
Chazz: (Tries to make the barrier dissolve using his own magic). It is a pure light spirit barrier. This is going to be tough.
Jennifer: (Hits the barrier with all of her strength as she yells for Kairi).
Shizen: I have an idea but Chazz you need to help and I can only give enough time for one person to get through but it will take a few moments.
Chazz: Let me rest a bit... I am still tired from the training and trying to do something about this barrier... Let us just hope they can last... I am sorry. (Looks a bit weakened as it seems the barriers energy had wiped away a good portion of his when he had tried to break it).
Jennifer: No hurry up, Kairi's in danger please! (She says as she cries but Shizen comes behind her and knocks her out).
Shizen: I am sorry child I had to. You are not thinking straight and need a focused mind to save them... I will get the opening in the barrier started. One of you must go through. Hiki or Tori, it can't be both.
Hiki: I would go but then I would not be able to keep up with a lancer because she is more combat then I am... I bet she has many tricks up her sleeve.
Tori: (Looks at Chazz and Shizen and nods seriously). I'm going.
Shizen: (Nods). Very well but I need a few minutes to make a opening. I will tell you when to run through and you have to be quick. I can only hold it for a second or two, got it?
Meanwhile inside of the barrier.
Yami: (Places his hand on his dagger ready to unsheathe it). You don't have to do this.
Kura: He is not like Izumi.
Yami: I may have my father's eyes but I am not him... Let me prove it to you.
Luna: I will gladly... Let me see how you do against this assault but first let me ask you something. Why are you here? I thought all spirits related to the incident were imprisoned by sealing or killed so why are you both here?
Kura: Both...? (Her eyes widen for a second but she shakes it off).
Yami: I ran as people started attacking my house, my brother held them off as my sister and I escaped then we lived on the streets doing anything just to survive but I lost her when she protected me too... I never asked for his ability and I'm not corrupt. I refuse to be so leave me alone! (As he starts taking energy because of his emotions).
Kairi: Yami....
Luna: Well unfortunately you may be off to join them both so go have a happy reunion as you leave this world. Now what about you Kura I ask the same question. I am aware someone matching your appearance was also involved or appeared at that moment.
Kura: ... I am of no relation to this. I am just looking after young Kairi and Yami.
Yami: Both of you go, I'll deal with this myself.
Kura: I am not leaving you to die.
Kairi: And I'm not leaving either! (Runs over to stand between Kura and Yami as tears continue to fall).
Kura: Lady Kairi stay back! (Uses her hand to push Kairi back).
Kairi: (Cries). No you're my spirits and I will help no matter what and Yami is not bad! He's good so stop saying you will hurt him!
Luna: I see... I can't avoid you being involved then... Highly unfortunate.
Kairi: Please stop it! Do not do this!
Kura: Let us handle this Kairi! (Snaps at Kairi forcing her to back up).
Kairi: ... Kura....
Yami: Wow alright I guess there's nothing to stop this fight from happening.
Luna: Yes, best prepare yourself.... (Charges in a streak of light again most aimed at Yami).
Kura: (Blocks with barriers as Luna strikes).
Yami: (Unsheathes his knives and starts to block and dodge but seems familiar to him but then his eyes widen). That's it...! You were the one in the forest last night that attacked me.
Luna: (While attacking in Maru's body taking over completely Maru unable to stop her as she powers through Kura's barrier as the sword starts to slowly cut through it). Yes it was, it's weird it took you this long to figure it out.
Yami: (As he tries to fight back). Why... Why did you come after me! I didn't do anything!
Kura: (Pulls out her knife and makes strikes through the air a barrier forming where she swings blocking as many strikes as possible as she grits her teeth trying to go over to Yami but she is unable to).
Luna: All spirits involved with Izumi run the risk of becoming like him. Hungry for power and strength wanting more and more to become stronger. You may say you are not like that now and I can agree with that but one day you will think you will want more power to beat someone or something and that feeling will consume you. As long as that possibility is there I will interfere and you're in my way. (Cuts through the barrier and then kicks Kura away as she puts a seal on her back to keep her restrained to the ground. When she places her seal a lock of hair was pulled and the blue being taken off showing a lock of red hair under the blue coloring and rubbed onto Maru's hand).
Kura: Dammit he will not turn evil! (Struggles to get up reaching for anything but her back cannot lift from the ground).
Yami: (He clashes with Luna but being pushed back). She has nothing to do with this, leave her alone!

Kairi: (Cries many tears as she watches falling to her knees). Stop!
Luna: (Continues to clash with Yami as the ground rises slowly as if being pulled out of the ground into platforms. She then looks at her hand that had gotten the coloring on it as they are clashing and looks back at Kura for a second). I see... So you dyed your hair.
Yami: (Strikes at Luna but leaves himself open at his side being struck there and stumbles back putting a hand to his side. The darkness he absorbs becomes less and looks at the wound seeing it glow of light then glares at Luna as he is glad he does not feel burning pain that goes with it ready to attack again).
Kura: (Continues to try and get up looking at what's happening becoming more protective and angry).
Luna: You won't be able to handle that wound for that long since it will slow down the energy you gather at first. It's supposed to destroy you from the inside but for now it will just slow down your gathering so you better not get cut up anymore. (Jumps to a higher platform in the air as she places a barrier around Kairi).
Kairi: No let me out, stop it! (As she tries to get through but is not able to).
Yami: Shut up and let them go! (Charges at Luna jumping to the higher platform to strike again but after a few powerful strike but he slows a little and curses himself).
Kura: (Starts to cry as she hits the ground in frustration). I... Won't let... You die....
Luna: That barrier is so that she doesn't get hurt. Maru is begging to make sure lady Kairi is unharmed and that I don't harm her so I will grant that wish but you two Maru is wishing the same. I can't afford to do that... Since the sun is out I need to make it darker here... So here will do. (Points her sword up and a beam of light shoots up turning the day to become night with the moon directly shining onto the battleground the moon symbol on her sword begins to shine, the sword slowly being covered in a white light).
Yami: Let them both go! They have nothing to do with this! (Strikes at Luna but then backs up and is out of breath as he grabs his side looking at the moon and then Luna as he spits out blood to the side but still stands to fight). Dammit!
Kura: (Closes her eyes whispering no and then darkness surrounds her as she punches the ground and a crater forms).
Luna: (Sighs as she points her sword at Yami's head). If they have nothing to do with this do you accept your fate and will let me finish you off in the spirit world. Then I will let these two go. (Notices the darkness surrounding Kura and throws a seal towards her to hold her down more).
Yami: (Laughs and looks away with a smile). That's the funny thing... A day ago I would have been glad I could stop fighting and let everything go but now. (Starts to tear up). I don't want to die.
Kura: (Gets up slowly the seal cracking slowly and her back turned to everyone as more darkness surrounds her as she finally stops holding back). Such a weak seal.... Is that the best you have?
Yami: (Looks surprised but not looking back since Luna's sword is pointed at him but is also scared to look Kura's way fearing he would make the mistake of her being someone he had lost that was dear to him again).
Shizen: (Watches from outside of the barrier with everyone else). Hmm Kura's personality changed from what I see.
Hiki: Oh you have no idea. We are about to see something great.
Tori: Yeah we are from the both of them.
Shizen: (Gives a small smirk seeming to know more than she lets on). Perhaps I know more than you would think.
Chazz: (Looks at Hiki and Tori with a smile). They have made their resolve to grow not only as spirits but as a family.
Luna: (Sighs again as she undoes the seal on Kura). If those are your resolves then allow me to test the both of you with all you have.
Kura: (Laughs). It's not even close... I could break a seal like that... I have broken stronger so is that it? (Walks towards Yami and Luna then disappears from sight showing up right behind Luna with a knife to her back and a smile yet also a scary look). Surprise... It looks like I'm awake.
Yami: (Looks shocked at Kura this moment looking familiar to another). What....
Kairi: (Looks shocked as well not knowing what is happening). Kura....
Luna: I did say both didn't I? Let me show you both. (Kicks Kura back as well as Yami in a instant).
Kura: (She recovers quickly with a smirk). That was not nice to kick.
Yami: (Still is in shock). What's... Going on?
Luna: (Her sword changes into a wave like fencer blade with a moon on the hilt and charges towards Yami with her blade in a fast streak of light).
Kura: No Yami! (She yells and races towards Yami getting in front of him as she absorbs darkness and her hair changes to black and red as she runs facing Luna with her eyes closed and then they open again with her eyes being red instead of blue).
Yami: (His eyes widen recognizing the hair and is unable to make words come out).
Shizen: Hmm her hair is Yami's hair color. (Her smirk grows).
Luna: Well then, now it all makes sense.... (Stops her blade as it nears Kura and Yami).
Kura: (Looks angry). You stay away from my brother!

Yami: K-Kura... S-sister...? (Still is in a state of shock unable to process what has happened that well).
Kura: (Her eyes flash to black and red as she makes her hand move around with darkness and punches the platform below setting up one of her strongest barriers then turns to Yami with a small smile).
Yami: ... S-sis...? (His hand goes to his mouth as tears start to fall).
Luna: I will let you two have a moment before we keep going. I want you two at full strength. (Stands up and stabs her sword into the ground as a sign of waiting for them).
Kura: (Walks over to Yami and hugs him as tears form in her eyes as well). I'm sorry... So sorry I left you alone....
Yami: ... S-sis.... (Cries more unable to understand of know if he is dreaming or not).
Kura: Yes I'm sorry I left you... I was captured not killed... I'm so sorry I left you alone.... (Cries as well holding Yami close).
Yami: ... Your alive! (Holds Kura as well as he continues to cry falling to his knees and Kura doing so as well as they hold each other).
Hiki: (Has some tears in her eyes as she is seeing the reunion since she is happy for Kura).
Tori: (Says to himself). ... I knew it was something like that.
Luna: A reunion in the middle of a battle... Who would have thought.
Kura: I'm so sorry but we need to focus on this fight... Can you do that...? I will explain everything afterwards.
Yami: I-I think so... You're alive. (Tears fall as he hugs onto Kura close and nods feeling his tears as he cries into her shoulder).
Kura: Good... Thank you.... (Helps Yami up taking the light out of his wound and then healing him).
Yami: (Face Luna still tearing up but nods again unable to say much).
Kura: (Lets down the barrier). ... Yes we are done and we cannot afford to die here unfortunately.
Yami: ... I just gained a piece of myself... So I can't afford to die.
Luna: Very well, show me your resolve.
Kura and Yami: (Smiles as they ready themselves to fight, Yami doing the same as they say at the same time). Bring it!
Luna: (Pulls her blade out of the ground and readies herself).
Kura: (Holds one knife in her hand as Yami hold two others as they charge at Luna as one).
Luna: (Readies her blade as she is ready to block the next attack).
Kura: (Attacks after Yami does striking one after the other and when Luna attacks she blocks as Yami attacks).
Luna: Well this is different indeed. (Pulls out a second but shorter sword to use in her other hand also shining from the moonlight to counter this attack pattern).
Kura: (Her eyes widen moving Yami out of the way). Look out! (Gets struck on her side and stumbles back).
Yami: (Rushes to Kura's side). Kura!
Luna: Didn't want to do that but it was the only way I could keep up.
Kura: I'm alright... It's fine.... (Puts a hand to her side).
Yami: Stop it, I'm not losing you again! Not ever so don't say it's fine! (Steps in front of Kura protectively).
Kura: Yami.... (Looks down being surprised but smiles a little).
Luna: Oh young brother protects his sister, how sweet. (Charges in with both blades at hand as a fast speed).
Yami: (Fights back but is forced back but Kura pushes him out of the way to block Luna as she holds her side and his eyes widen to being pushed).
Luna: (Hits Kura's Knife so she is blocked by the other blade and stabs Kura's wound again).
Kura: (Yells out in pain and falls back as she coughs blood).
Yami: (Runs to Kura's side kneeling beside her as he cries). Sis!
Kura: (Sits up stiffly gritting her teeth as she places her hand on Yami's cheek). It's alright, I'm fine... But I want you to run.
Yami: ... N-no not again! I won't do that, not again! I'm protecting you no matter what! I can't lose you again! (Stands up facing Luna ready to attack).
Kura: Yami... No please....
Yami: (Doesn't listen staying where he is).
Shizen: This doesn't look good and I need another minute or more until I can make an opening.
Chazz: I am ready to go now, let's go Shizen! Are you ready Tori?
Tori: (unsheathes his sword). I'm ready.
Luna: (Walks closer to the two readying her blades).
Yami: (Is out of breath as he swings at Luna with all he has).
Luna: (blocks the sloppy attacks as she knocks Yami's knife out of his hands).
Yami: (Punches at Luna with a small throwing dagger pulled out as he attacks again).
Kura: Y-Yami no don't!
Luna: (Strikes at Yami hitting him in the same place Kura was hit).
Yami: (Stumbles back and falls right beside Kura and starts to tear up being frustrated with himself) ... I-I tried to protect you this time... I-I can't.
Kura: (Holds Yami's head as she cries as well). I know Yami, it's alright... You did your best.
Luna: (Walks towards Kura and Yami with her swords ready).
Yami: Sis... I'm glad I got to see you again.
Kura: I am as well... And I'm glad you found out. (Holds her little brother close to her).
Luna: I am sorry but I can't let you two live.
Kairi: (Stands in front of Kura and Yami with her arms out stretched to block Luna as she cries and Kura and Yami being stunned in shock). Stop it please!

Shizen: No Kairi don't, dam I still need 10 seconds!
Luna: (Readies her strike but her blade stops midway). W-what are you doing Maru.
Kairi: (Her, Kura and Yami hear Maru as he fights Luna for control of his body).
Maru: No that's enough Luna! You will not harm her or her spirits anymore so we are done.
Luna: (Gives an angry and frustrated look). Why are you doing this now Maru. This is my duty!
Maru: Because I think Kairi is not corrupted and her spirits are not going to become like Izumi. I was with them, talked with them. You can't say they will because they care for Kairi a lot.
Luna: (Her sword shakes in her hand as she tries to slash at Kairi but is unable to).
Kairi: Maru... Please Luna you know I am not corrupt and they are not either! Their part of my family, I can't let you so please!
Yami: Kairi leave!
Kura: We don't want you to get hurt!
Kairi: I can't leave, I need to help and protect! I don't want to lose you! (Sets a barrier in front of Luna to protect Kura and Yami).
Luna: (The sign of struggle over Maru's body is easy to see as he is still fighting with her for control).
Kairi: (Still cries as she tries to get through to Luna knowing Maru doesn't want to hurt them). Maru I know you can stop this and Luna please trust me. We are not corrupt!
Maru: Kairi... I am sorry I cannot hold her back anymore... P-please run now.

Kairi: No I am not leaving, I cannot!
Kura: No Kairi run, don't worry about us we will be fine!
Kairi: (Puts her hands on the barrier to strengthen it being stubborn and determined not wanting to lose any of her new family). No I am not leaving you! I will protect you with everything I have!
Kura: No Kairi you're not strong enough. It will pierce tight through, go now! She is too strong!
Kairi: No I cannot!
Maru: Kairi... Like you... Goodbye.
Luna: (Takes back control of Maru's body fully once again). Master Maru is so stubborn.
Kairi: No Maru... But he is right, just give us a chance to prove it!
Yami: Get out of here!
Kairi: No I will not!
Luna: (Shrugs up and downs her shoulders too loosen up). Miss Kairi if you won't move then you are just proving to me that you are corrupted for protecting such beings and must be eliminated. I am sorry it has come to this.
Kairi: (Focuses on the barrier making it as strong as she possibly can). I'm not, I am protecting my family. You are the one who is wrong for judging when you do not know anything about them as people. You do not know anything!
Luna: As you wish then. (She strikes the barrier multiple times in a chain).
Kairi: (Each time the barrier is struck it cracks a little as Kairi grits her teeth trying to hold it steady but then the barrier shatters after so many strikes to it. The sword pierces her right shoulder and she screams because of the pain from it and stand there staring at Luna with tears coming down and her mind becoming a little foggy).
Kura: No Kairi! (Reaches out to Kairi along with Yami in vein).
Yami: No!

Kairi: (Falls to her knees looking up at Luna with tears still in her eyes).
Luna: This is the end. (Swings her sword down but it is suddenly is stopped in mid-air by another sword clashing with it).
????: Don't you think it is rude to harm a lady and siblings who have just reunited?
Kairi: (Look for who she hears and sees someone very familiar to her with white hair as Kura and Yami look in shock his back facing them as he blocks Luna). ... T-Tori?
Tori: (Waves at everyone as he smirks). Sorry I'm late, I got stuck outside the door. It wouldn't open at all.

Luna: W-what in the world, that barrier was the strongest I could make!
Tori: Might have to thank Maru for losing your powers for a second.
Kairi: (Smiles at Tori but then coughs a little blood from the wound she had just received and looks like she is about to fall backwards).
Kura and Yami: Kairi! (Both scramble to her but the burning pain from their wounds make it so that they can't move in a state of paralysis because of the light magic in their wounds).
Tori: (Goes to Kairi as he hands some bottles to Kura and Yami that are pure black and white in a swirl).
Kairi: (Still awake but falls backward into Tori's arms). T-Tori... I-I am sorry.
Kura: Thank you Tori. (Takes the bottle making Yami drink his first).
Yami: (After he takes a drink). Kairi... Be ok.
Tori: I will get her healed up by getting her to drink some medicine and patch her up... It should stop the bleeding and she will be fine.
Kura: Right... Thank you, you have good timing.
Kairi: I-I am sorry... I could not protect everyone.... (She says as tears fall).
Tori: (Pets Kairi's head). No you did it to protect them... You gave enough time for me to be here in time... So get your rest now lady Kairi.
Kairi: T-Tori.... (Hides her face in his shirt as she cries but squishes her shoulder since it is on the side she was laying against and makes a little painful noise).
Kura: (Stands and helps Yami up and both look at Kairi with sadness then glares at Luna, Yami doing the same).
Yami: You will pay for that.
Tori: I may want to mention that for the duration of this fight you have light energy so those cuts will not burn anymore but you can't do more than that with it. You should be able to go into your first form if you have the resolve to do it.
Kura: As long as we have enough power to defeat her and protect Kairi that's all we will need.
Yami: If we take energy during this fight we are taking yours too. Are you cool with that? I know you can't get out now so you can't really get away from here.
Tori: I have to watch over you two for master Nagi. It's the least I can do so go out there and fight.
Yami: If you say so. (Picks up his knife and another appears from darkness in his hand).
Kura: Then we won't hold back. (Her knife appears the same way as Yami's and her hand becomes surrounded by shadow as they both look at Luna with anger). You hurt a sweet innocent girl that had nothing to do with any of this.... We will make you pay for that.
Luna: Oh will you now? After I gave you this break that's how you repay me, so ungrateful.
Yami: You the one who's trying to kill us and anyone who gets in your way? If anyone here is corrupt it's you!
Luna: Am I now? I didn't kill anyone in this fight have I or caused others innocent to this to be hurt. I believe in justice and fairness and I gave you chances and you were doing good until I saw those eyes.
Yami: I can't help what I was born with and I may be his son but it doesn't mean I have to follow his path! My big brother and sister taught me that!
Kura: (Smiles at Yami). Thanks I'm glad you forgive me.
Yami: I'll talk to you about that later but now's not the time.
Kura: You're right.
Luna: Well then enough chatting, time to fight again. Bring it you two. (Readies her blades which are shining more than before).
Yami: Couldn't say it better myself. (Both he and Kura absorb darkness then after a few seconds the darkness starts to swirl all around them but mostly around their blades).
Kura: Follow my lead, I have a plan do you feel that power inside of you.
Yami: Yeah and ok sure.
Kura: Luna your power comes from the moon correct?
Luna: Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.
Kura: If it does I think you will have trouble for what I think we have in store for you. Yami are you ready.
Yami: Yeah. (The darkness that swirls around them as they concentrate on their inner strength and their eyes black with red and the red part glowing).
Kura and Yami: (Say at the same time talking as one). Let the darkness fall KuraYami. (The darkness that swirls around them then expands to cover the area. The moon above them slowly being engulfed in darkness as their weapons change shape and Yami's knives becoming more detailed and defined with one a little longer to become almost like a short sword both having a red hilt with a gem to match it. Kura getting a black shield that covers her arm in one hand and a dagger in the other with the same red gem).
Luna: Oh that was your plan huh?
Yami: I feel... Weird... Like I have more power... My weapons.
Kura: I know but let's use this to our advantage.
Yami: Right! (Both fade into the shadows and the whole area becoming pitch black except for the light from Luna and after a few seconds Yami strikes from behind at Luna with the his dagger).
Luna: (Blocks that attack fine with the knife as her sword still glows).
Kura: (comes in from the darkness blocking any of Luna's strikes as Yami continues to strike and pushing Luna back a little bit for the first time making her take a step back).
Luna: It's a little dark in here isn't it? Let's lighten it up a bit.... (She holds out her two blades after getting away from Yami and Kura). First cycle Lunar release.
Yami: (Is alert and in battle stance as Kura gets in front of him being ready to block anything with her shield using a barrier to expand it).
Luna: (Her swords shine bright as they both change shape into a wavy form but are filled with little stars on the blade to a long sword as the knife grows longer with a space like detail on the blade).
Yami: That's a shame we can see just fine in the dark.
Kura: Stay alert Yami!
Yami: Right let's go! (Charges at Luna).
Kura: You're always rushing in without thinking. (Charges as well getting ready to block for Yami).
Luna: (Slashes once and a flow of light energy coming out of the slash as well as from a second slash right after it).
Kura: (Pushes Yami out of the way to block and blocking the first slash but gets cut on her leg stumbling but has no burning pain so she continues to fight).
Yami: (As Kura attacks and mostly blocks Yami attacks from the back slashing Luna's back and is able to make a slight cut).
Luna: (Blocks most of the attacks but as she is struck she doesn't flinch but strikes Yami in the arm).
Yami: (Gets a cut on his arm but doesn't flinch either as he clashes with one of Luna's swords and Kura the other as they push back Luna's attack together as a team).
Luna: Ohh now it's getting interesting. (Pushes them both from behind in a flash).
Yami: Yeah I guess if I weren't protecting everything I care about I would say that.
Kura: Not the time, focus on your attack and listen to me.
Yami: Right... It's like I hear you in my head... What... But this is the only time you're allowed in my head.
Kura: Whatever you say. (Switches knives to block and attack Kura blocking the bigger sword with her shield as Yami strikes her other side).
Luna: (Instead of defense and goes into offense and charges the two but at a faster speed then before).
Kura and Yami: (Both dodge to the side going into the darkness and then Kura attacking from behind and Yami suddenly from above).
Luna: (Disappears again and charges from the air striking both of them at the same time in the shoulders and the cut being deep).
Kura and Yami: (Both yell in pain but then nod to each other grabbing the blade that cut into them pulling it in more than both using their knives and stabbing Luna's stomach as they grit their teeth in pain).
Luna: (Pulls the blade out as another blade appears above them in different locations while she deals with the pain to blinded by anger and rage to think of Maru's well being).
Kura: (As they dodge the blades subtly putting something in Yami's hand). Do exactly as I tell you. I'm not as good at these but it should help with this much power.
Yami: Right whatever you say. (As they say this a shred of darkness starts to come from both wounds then become one and slowly form a seal that becomes covered by a barrier).
Luna: (Coughs a bit). Now, now don't be trying to kill me here.
Kura: (Smirks and so does Yami). And who said we were killing you. We want to save him from you.
Luna: (Starts to feel faintly but slowly gets stronger like she is splitting from Maru's mind as spirits do when coming out of one's mind). Ah a force separation seal, those lessons worked well then. (Raises her sword). Full moon release. (A beam of light breaks the darkness surrounding them and bringing back the moon as Luna's sword gains a back edge to them as if they were more double edged since they are a bit curved now but still keep the same design).
Kura: Stay alert and look for any opening.
Yami: Right and maybe that barrier stuff isn't as useless as I thought. (Darkness still makes a shadowed outline of them as they become alert ready for anything).
Luna: (Doesn't notice at first that the barrier is on her side and surrounds the outline of Kura and Yami with the moonlight to make the shadows disappear).
Yami: Dammit well better attack now.
Kura: Rushing in again now are we? (Charges with Yami and they both attack Luna at once).
Luna: (Disappears from sight).
Kura and Yami: (Both miss their strikes and look at their surroundings being up against each other's back as they prepare for anything).
Luna: No more play time! (Speeds around Kura and Yami at amazing speeds and both are unable to keep track of her as she cuts them from time to time).
Kura and Yami: (They shield their faces with their arms getting cuts on their arms and also their legs as the look back at each other as if talking. Theythen nod as Kura sheaths her blade jumping away from Yami as he closes his eyes and listens closely ignoring the cuts and suddenly punches the air in a certain direction and a wave of darkness coming from his fist like when he had fought Tori but more controlled making the power compress into one area making it stronger and hitting Luna since it was aimed in her area).
Luna: (Recovers from the blast stopping for a second to regain herself).
Kura: (Strikes at Luna surprising her as Luna recovers, striking from behind and making a shallow cut as Yami charges as well).
Luna: (Strikes as well with both blades and cuts through Yami and Kura in their stomachs as light energy burns their energy from the inside making them lose their strength heavily).
Kura and Yami: (Both cough blood in pain as Yami struggles to get free pushing Luna's face away with his bare hand to get away).
Kura: Yami... Stop making the blade go further into... Me. (Pushes on the back of Luna's head to try and get away getting the same result but back at Yami).
Yami: K-Kura.... (Coughs as they both struggle but either one pushes the other into Luna's sword more as they struggle really fighting each other in a way).
Luna: Even if you pull the blade out it will just cut you more by the edge and if the cuts will not burn then I will do it myself. Now be ready and if you try to pull yourself then the other gets cut more. (As the light energy starts to burn within them).
Kura and Yami: (They yell as the burning feeling flashes through the stab wound the sword is pierced through but Yami seeming not to be as phased pain wise physically. Both of their hands still on either side Luna's head to try and pull away but hands still placed there).
Yami: (Says as he ignores and deals with the pain with Kura). Wow... You really are a idiot.

Kura: Keeping your... Head wide open.
Kura and Yami: (With the last of their energy a seal forms on both of their hands connecting with each other's seal one being placed in Yami's hand by Kura before).
Yami: Now Maru I know... You're in their so force her out... Were making it easy for you.
Kura: Come on... You can do it.
Luna: (Pulls her swords out at a fast rate but readies to attack again at different angles to do more damage).
Kura and Yami: (Both stumble back weakly but the seal remains as Kura focuses on it and the seal growing darker and completing the seal since they left enough darkness there to finish it as they breath heavily covering their wounds and falling to their knees together).
Kura: Come on... I know you got enough strength.
Yami: It's not... That hard... Were making it easy for you Maru.
Luna: (Is seen hanging onto her head as Maru tries to regain control).
Yami: (Smirks). Come on what's wrong, got a headache?
Kura: Think of Kairi if that helps.
Maru: (His voice can be faintly heard). No... More... Hurting... People... Close... To... Kairi, Shizuna!
Luna: ... Fine master Maru... You win.... (Disappears from Maru's eyes and mind as his body falls to the platform).
Kura and Yami: (Both catch Mura's body as he falls and ignoring their own pain as they do so).
Kura: Good job... You did it....
Yami: Yeah... But ahh... Sorry for all... The cutting and stabbing you... I guess....
Maru: (Holds his arms in the air and aims it towards the fading moonlight). Like the moon. (Coughs up blood). But it must fade. (His eyes slowly close). Tell... Everyone it was... Fun... And I'm sorry I caused so much harm.... (His arm falls to the ground).
Yami: No come on... Your not dying you idiot! (As he shakes Maru's to get up).
Kura: Don't do this to Kairi.
Maru: I hope... My feelings... Reached her... Even if she did not like me like that... Even if it was hopeless I hope I made her smile....
Tori: Why not ask her yourself.
Kairi: M-Maru...? (Crawls over to Maru as she covers her shoulder). I am sorry... You are not hopeless and all my smiles to you were real.
Maru: (Looks at Kairi with tears flowing). Are you... Alright... Kairi... You were not hurt too bad were you...? (Maru places his hand on Kairi's cheek). And I only want is for you to smile brightly... A sad face doesn't fit you at all.
Kairi: (Cries as well). I am fine Maru, it is just a scratch.... It is not your fault.... I am sorry I could not stop this from happening... I tried but I could not.
Maru: No... Need to be sorry... I had caused this... If I was strong enough... I could have stopped Luna sooner but I could not... Without help... So do not be sorry so... Just smile alright, it is all I wanted....
Kura: It is alright Maru we can smile again after this and you were strong enough back there.
Yami: Yeah if you hadn't of helped in the end we would have been goners.
Kairi: See everyone's fine, no one had to die and Hiki can help all three of you heal up.
Yami: Eh I'm not that bad so don't need it.
Kura: Lier.
Yami: Hey! (Moves a little and winces).
Maru: (His hand slowly falls from Kairi's cheek). Again... I am so sorry... Everyone... It was fun.... (Maru smiles with blood falling down his cheek) ... I think I should fade like the moon for what just happened.... (Looks at Kairi with tears in his eyes). ... You are strong Kairi... I will miss you... I like you... good... bye. (His hand falls to the ground).
Kairi: Maru... Wake up... Wake up! (Cries a she shakes Maru a little to wake him up).
Yami: Dammit what did I say about dying. You're not dying you idiot. I'm not killing anyone! Not again so you better live through this! (As he shakes Maru's shoulders as he yells).
Kura: Yami calm down, let me see him. (Genteelly lies Maru's back down and carefully puts her head down to Maru's chest listening for a heart).
Luna: (Is out of Maru's body now having her own to the side with her arms crossed). Maru is stubborn even when he does not want to be.
Kura: (Hears a faint heartbeat). He has a faint heartbeat but I need to heal him now before we lose him. Kairi I need your help.
Kairi: Please I will do anything!
Kura: Start by putting pressure on the wound by pressing on it.
Kairi: Alright. (Places her hand on Maru's stomach wound as Kura's hands become surrounded with shadows but it then goes out).
Kura: I don't have enough energy, we need Hiki!
Yami: (Glares at Luna).
Luna: What you want me to put down the barrier?
Yami: Do you want your master to die? (Gets up but stiffly ignoring the pain facing Luna with his knife in his hand). If you don't he's going to die.
Luna: Not at all but what can I do myself? I want to help him but I lack any skill to heal him so I will just put down the barrier... And stop looking at me like that... With those eyes. (The barrier goes down as she says this).
Yami: (Starts to walk towards Luna). Looking at you how? Do you mean you can't stand my eyes! How can I convince you I'm not corrupt! HOW!
Shizen: (As the barrier goes down). The barriers down go!
Jennifer: What, let's go!
Shizen: Hiki go ahead with light speed. We will catch up to you.
Hiki: (Nods and runs off in light speed).
Yami: (Stumbles in pain as he walks and Kura looks at him with concern).
Luna: (Looks down in shame). You didn't kill Maru and that is enough for me since he has been my best friend since I had come to this world.
Yami: Then glad you finally get that... Maybe someone isn't as corrupt as they appear. (Stands close to Luna facing her sticking his knife in the ground but still out of breath from his wounds but grins regardless). Yes I have a father who was pretty much a monster but that doesn't mean I have to be one too.
Luna: (Continues to look down and away).
Yami: (Offers his hand to shake with Luna). Call it truths then and can we stop fighting?
Luna: (Shakes Yami's hand). Fine but if you mess up I'm coming again to finish this fight.
Yami: Fine but leave everyone else out of it. No one needs to get hurt because of something stupid like that.
Hiki: (As she runs to everyone). What's happ-. (Sees Maru) Maru are you alright?
Kura: Please he is in critical condition and we are losing him fast! I have no more energy so I cannot heal so please he's almost gone.
Kairi: (Looks at Hiki with tears in her eyes). Save him please!
Hiki: Leave it to me! (Gathers energy in her hands as she places them down on Maru's chest).
Kairi: Please.... (Does not move from Maru's side).
Kura: (Moves to the side so Hiki can sit and work on Maru next to her). Thank you... I hope it's not so late.
Hiki: He should be fine though the cuts are deep. If I convert the energy to the wounds they should be able to stop bleeding for now.
Chazz: (As he arrives with everyone else). Hiki is doing everything she can so just believe in her Mis Kairi.
Kairi: ... I just wish I could have done more to protect everyone.
Jennifer: (Places a hand on Kairi's shoulder holding back her emotions with all of the control she has). ... It is alright Kairi you did your best and I am proud of you.
Yami: Now come on, you owe Kairi an apology and probably her sister. Plus you can try and help your master.
Luna: I have been doing so ever since I have been standing here.
Yami: (Can see a small rope like energy being supplied to Hiki and Maru and smiles and laughs). Nice going but hey if I wasn't fighting for the lives of people I care about I'd say it was an awesome fight.
Luna: I know already, you have said that twice and I will apologize later.
Yami: hey it was, saying it twice makes it even better.
Luna: Well I'm heading back to Maru's mind to gain back energy since I'm giving most of mine to help Hiki here.
Jennifer: (Gets up placing her hand on Kairi's head since she was comforting her and looks directly at Luna with a serious look). Luna come over here! I need to have a word with you.
Kairi: No sis I'm fine... Luna... I forgive you... I-I'm just glad I didn't have to lose anyone.... (Looks down a little).
Hiki: (Continues to heal Maru not paying attention about her surroundings).
Jennifer: ... Alright but we are talking later.
Kairi: Thank you for saving him... I can tell you care a lot about him, even though all of that stuff happened... You must of been really angry....
Shizen: And Luna that was an impressive barrier. It took Chazz and I a bit to figure it out and send someone through.
Luna: Fine but Kairi I am sorry... My duty blinded me heavily and I got Maru dragged around in my selfishness so I must apologize to Maru later... But I must be going back for now and thank you, the barriers is the only magic I can do well.... (Begins to fade away into light energy into Maru's mind).
Kairi: I understand, as long as you understand us now.
Shizen: Rest well, you have much to think through for yourself.
Luna: (bows and fades away completely).
Kairi: ... Kura, Yami are you alright?
Yami: Eh I'm fine just a scratch.
Kura: You were stabbed through the stomach, are bleeding out and should clearly be in a lot of pain.

Yami: Same for you!
Kura: Ha you admitted it.
Yami: ... Dammit.
Kura: (Gets up stiffly walking over to Yami and staring at each other then after a moment starts to tear up).
Hiki: I could try to help but it wouldn't be as effective.
Shizen: (Smiles and laughs). I think they will be fine, look.
Kura and Yami: (Both of them start to cry heavily and then hold each other tight as they fall to their knees).
Yami: (As he sobs). I thought you were dead!
Kura: (Sobs as well). I'm so sorry I left you alone!
Yami: I'm never letting you leave again!
Kura: I never wanted to, I'm so sorry! I'm so glad you are safe!
Yami: I was so alone then, I missed you so much!
Kura: I missed you too!
Kura and Yami: (Both are on their knees still as they hug each other, not letting go as they continue to cry).
Hiki: (Gets teary eyes). Finally....
Tori: (Gets a bit teary eyed as well as he looks away).
Kairi: (Starts to cry again but smiles and Jennifer does the same). ... Kura... Yami....
Kura and Yami: (Both continue to hold each other and cry. Kura letting out all of the emotions she bottled up and Yami crying seeing someone who was very close to him come back afraid if he let go they would disappear again).
Chazz: (Pushes Kairi a little). Miss Kairi you are the reason they are reunited. You have a part to play out as well so join them.
Kairi: (Nods and hesitantly walks over to Kura and Yami standing in front of them). U-umm.
Kura: (She looks over at Kairi and Yami does the same and they smile as tears still fall). Oh get over here. (She grabs Kairi's arm pulling her and both hugging her and Kairi starts to cry with them).
Hiki: Maru is done, he should be fine now since Luna was helping me with the wounds so he should be fine. (Still is teary eyed as she tries to wipe them now).
Jennifer: That is good... This makes you cry to watch them... Chazz, Tori its alright to cry too, you don't have to hide it.
Tori: (Starts to cough as his eyes seem like he was just crying as he tries to cover it up by acting like he wasn't). Ahh fine you little brats, master Nagi and Kuro made me promise to look over you two so I will do just that.
Shizen: Oh come on now, show how you really feel. (Gets behind Tori suddenly and pushes him to Kairi, Kura and Yami making him join the hug, all 3 of them still crying and holding each other and Kairi holding Tori making him stay stuck there).
Tori: Well look like I'm stuck in the hug....
Kura: (After a few moments she and Yami calm down letting go of each other but Kura and Yami sticking together, Kura looks at everyone). ... I suppose there is some explaining that needs to be done.
Hiki: No not really.
Chazz and Tori: Nope.
Kura: (Looks surprised but then smiles). Thank you... Especially you Hiki... Thank you.
Hiki: (Smiles with tears in her eyes). No problem Kura.
Jennifer: It also explains why you snapped at Chazz this morning in Kairi's room.
Kura: Yes because anyone who comes close to harming my little brother gets a broken arm as the least. (says with a innocent yet somehow scary look towards Chazz).
Jennifer: ... Umm. (Looks at Chazz then Kura looking for a reaction from Chazz).
Chazz: Well if you broke mine I will break the same with a dose of payback. (Looks at Kura with the same look).
Kura: (Smirks). Bring it, little Yami will be protected by me not matter what.
Yami: (Crosses his arms grumpily). ... Sis don't call me that! It's embarrassing and I'm not that small anymore.
Jennifer: (Smiles as she tries to hold back a laugh). Little Yami?
Yami: Shut it!
Hiki: Well you do look little sometimes. (Begins to laugh a little).
Chazz and Tori: (Chuckle a little hearing Yami's nickname from Kura).
Kura: Like now he is and stop using that trick to look older. Your fine the way you are.
Yami: But sis.
Kura: No buts that's final, you will grow eventually.
Yami: ... Fine.
Kura: Good now how have you kept up on being clean. You never liked taking baths but have you been staying clean.
Yami: Sis stop it I have been keeping clean.
Kura: Hmm are you sure? (Looks at Yami like she is not buying it).
Yami: (Tries to think of something). Well I....
Kura: (Smells Yami's hair). You have not have you? Next morning you are taking a bath and that's final.
Yami: But sis.
Kura: That's final or else it can be like old times when me you and your older brother took baths together... well the two of us anyways.
Yami: Stop it you're embarrassing me and I don't want to take a bath.
Kura: Well you need one regularly and brush your teeth.
Jennifer: (Looks at both Kura and Yami with a little shock and blush). What kind of family were you?
Hiki: If they weren't siblings they would sound like a married couple if anything.
Kura: We were a odd family. It was me with a older and a younger brother who always got into fights with each other and I always ended them by hitting them both.
Jennifer: Seems like that would start more fighting....
Yami: It did.
Jennifer: Wait still you took baths with your older and younger brother...? (Just looks stunned).
Kura: Yes... Is that not normal?
Chazz: (Covers Jennifer's mouth with his hand). It is fine... Kura.
Kura: ... I see no problem with it. Never bothered with that type of thinking of being decent and never cared usually just laughed at their reactions.
Yami: Sis?
Kura: Yes?
Yami: Shut up please.
Kura: (Sighs and hits Yami over the head).
Yami: (Grabs his head). Hey not cool!
Hiki: Hey, hey no more fighting you two. You can barely stand as it is.
Kura and Yami: Hey were fine. (As both turn to Hiki but then grab their stomachs in pain).
Yami: Ha idiot.
Kura: Right back at you little Yami.
Hiki: (Crosses her arms as she stares at Kura and Yami).
Kura and Yami: What?
Shizen: (Laughs). You can really tell they are brother and sister.
Hiki: Still no fighting at all so stop it or I won't help heal you at all.
Tori: She gets stubborn like this.
Yami: Hey and sisters can also be evil.
Kura: Quiet. (Knocks Yami on the head again making Yami grab his head again).
Yami: Ow, see.
Kura: Oh also Tori I wanted to say this since yesterday but your reaction in Kairi's room. You almost made me laugh, it was to priceless. (Says as she looks at Tori with a slightly mischievous smile).
Tori: (Sighs). I feel like you did that on purpose.
Hiki: (Gives a confused look Kairi giving the same look and she looks at both Tori and Kura not remembering what Kura had told her yesterday).
Kura: (Laughs the smiles innocently). Now I am merely a servant. How could I think of something like that?
Yami: See evil.
Kura: (Laughs more). And Yami you have no reaction as usual.
Yami: (Shrugs). Just don't see why a big deal is made out of that stuff.
Tori: Fine, fine let's just forget that before I have to avoid a deadly attack. (Sighs again).
Hiki: (Still looks lost). I'm lost but alright moving on Kura, Yami come here so I can work on you too as well. Tori mind lending me some dark energy.
Tori: (Stands next to Hiki). Sure.
Yami: I'm fine, just a scratch. (Crosses his arms stubbornly).
Kura: (Sighs pulling on Yami ear). Just come on and heal him first if you would please.
Yami: Let go and no heal sis first!
Kura: (Let's go). Come on Yami don't argue.
Yami: No you're first... I... I never want to lose you again. (Looks down and away).
Kura: (Smiles and hug Yami). Yami... I'm not going anywhere this time.
Hiki: Well I could heal you both actually just going to divide it even between the two of you. (Holds out both hands and Tori's energy is surrounding her hands).
Kura: Very well. (Both her and Yami come over and lay side by side the wounds on their stomachs looking bad since both were stabbed through).
Jennifer: ... How are you even awake?
Kairi: Please be alright....
Yami: Don't worry about it, it's not that bad.
Hiki: Shush let me focus so no talking you two.
Yami: I'm telling you I'm fine.
Kura: Yami.
Yami: Yeah!
Kura: Shut it and don't complain or else I will have to knock you out.
Yami: ... Fine. (Crosses his arms and pouts then realizes something). Wait Tori didn't I take most of your energy, how are you still standing?
Tori: Well Kairi was giving me her energy while she was resting with me. (Suddenly feels like he said something he shouldn't have).
Jennifer: Oh really now? (Looks at Tori with a polite yet scary expression).
Kairi: He also helped patch up my shoulder and stopped it from bleeding.
Jennifer: (Notices Kairi's shoulder). ... What happened to your shoulder!
Tori: She was attacked by Luna while she was protecting Kura and Yami. She did her best and she knew the risk going in.
Kairi: ... I just wanted to protect them.
Jennifer: (Pauses and sighs trying to let it go). I cannot be mad... I would have done the same.
Hiki: Didn't you do the same for master when you had fought with Luka?
Chazz: Ah yes you did. I have not thanked you yet. (Walks over to Jennifer and bows to her). Thank you for saving me milady but please try to refrain from being so reckless.
Jennifer: (Blushes heavily). I-its no problem at all. I had to protect you and Kairi and that is the only option I had because I had no time to think of another way.... (Looks down a little).
Kairi: You saved me too... I wish I could have seen it but thank you sis and I guess I wanted to do the same like you did then.
Hiki: Then what about all us spirits Jenny?
Jennifer: (Looks surprised but then smiles). Of course but you were not the ones with weapons pointed at you. I would risk everything for any of you. Especially you Hiki since you are there for me to and I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt so do not feel left out.
Hiki: Well I wasn't feeling the love but now I do so thank you.
Jennifer: Of course, I care a lot about you.
Hiki: Don't say things like that. I may just fall for you as well Jenny. (Smiles as she heals Kura and Yami).
Jennifer: (Blushes heavily again then pouts a little). I-I did not mean, I mean umm Hiki why do you have to tease me so much.
Hiki: Because you react like that, it is why it is fun.
Chazz: (Sighs). Hiki could you not tease Madam Jennifer as much?
Hiki: Anything for you master.
Jennifer: I-its fine, it's how Hiki is so I really do not mind. You are a great friend to have, could not ask for anyone better.
Hiki: (Smiles as she finishes up healing Kura and Yami). Alright all done, I recommend that you both take it easy. You don't need the wounds reopening.
Kura: Thank you Hiki.
Yami: (Had gone unconscious being weaker then he had claimed).
Kura: (Looks at Yami with a smile). ... I'm just happy to have him back... I can't imagine what he went through all this time.... (Frowns a little as she gets teary eyed).
Tori: (Stares at Kura and as he sits next to her). He was telling me some of it and the only thing that made it possible for him to keep going was that you and his brother wouldn't let him give up so easily.
Kura: That's just like him... Before we were separated and lived in our father's house still. It was just the three of us... Our father came home less and less often after Yami was born and always lashed out easily if someone said something he didn't like... Especially about us our late mother.
Jennifer: He was not always power hungry?
Kura: No he was much better... But it changed when Yami was born.
Tori: How was it different? Whenever I went with master Nagi to your house he didn't seem that rageful.
Kura: Our grandfather adopt before all of this so you should know. You were even best friends with our older brother Kuro. My father hid it from others to a point but it got worse over time.
Tori: Well I believe I knew some but I was kept away still being a bit young.
Kura: I see well before Yami was born he was... happier. He had two children and his wife then another child on the way too, he was... Happy. (Looks down saddly).
Hiki: Kura. (Puts her hand on Kura's shoulder).
Kura: (Smiles at Hiki then continues). Well once our mom was having Yami something went wrong and she lost her life... But they were able to save Yami but he... Wasn't himself after that and had trouble with Yami and his power. I guess you could say it was a mix of grief and being overwhelmed.
Chazz: Losing a loved one haunts someone heavily.
Kura:: After that he stayed in his quarters a lot... I snuck in once and found a book on bring the dead back to life... This was shortly before everything had happened.
Shizen: I see and that is why he wanted so much power.
Kura: I guess so, he started to come home less and less so my older brother and I tried raising Yami ourselves... It was pretty fun and he was the oldest so he was protective of us and did all that he could for us.
Hiki: (Looks at Tori). Siblings are nice to have.
Kura: They really are and a bond forms that can never be taken away. We did everything together. (Smiles as she remembers). And even though it was just the three of us we were happy. Yes we had a good sized home but that didn't matter much as long as we were there together but.... (Her smile turns into a frown).
Hiki: (Hugs Kura).
Kura: (Smiles at Hiki's comfort). Thank you... Yami was different from both of us... Even as a baby and a toddler we noticed that if her had a temper tantrum or cried even a little he would absorb so much darkness energy that it almost killed any dark spirits who visited. It didn't affect us for some reason but it did to others and most started spreading rumors that we were as corrupt as our father which had become normal. Being called names and picked on since out eyes were a give away to who we were.... I think when a crowd of people was saying bad things about our father, Yami who looked around 4 then kept telling them to stop being mean to us... Even then he had his little attitude of his it was kind of cute. Well when Yami was I guess he looked 6 in human years and our father hadn't come home for a long time and a mob marched towards the house and we didn't know why.... We didn't do anything to them so we were confused but then they rushed the house burning it as they went... Yami and I barely escaped.
Jennifer: ... What about your older brother?
Kura: (Looks down and away as she tears up). He held them off as we hid and then escaped... He didn't make it but I made sure to cover Yami's eyes and hold him back... It was hard and I felt helpless....
Hiki: (Tears up as she holds onto Kura more).
Kura: (Holds Hiki back as well). After that I did everything to protect Yami but we didn't have much living on the streets and did everything we could to stay hidden since we were being hunted constantly so we moved around often... But Yami was a little easier to track since he became upset a lot. I didn't blame him for that, besides he was a little kid and he already had gone through so much.
Tori: Yes I had heard about that.... (Looks down and away having his own sadness for Kuro).
Kura: One time when Yami was around 8 a large group of hunters caught up with us. We ran but couldn't get us away so... I told Yami to run and that I would be fine and I would hold them off... He saw through the lie and of course wanted to stay and protect me but I forced him to go making a barrier to hide him so he could run but not come near me... The reason he probably thought I was dead was because those hunters hurt me very badly... Much worse than the wounds I have now but I somehow survived... At that time and when I woke up most of me wishing I hadn't.
Jennifer: ... Why did you wish you were not alive?
Kura: Well being captured I was not treated well to say the least... I desiquised myself as a servant until I could get away... Being a little stubborn and well like Yami in a way I was treated worse but I don't regret punching them in the face... I felt like I went through every bad thing that could happen but one thought kept me going and that was the hope of Yami being safe.
Hiki: (Holds tighter than before as Kura feels tears' coming down her face as Chazz pets her head).
Kura: (Holds Hiki tight for comfort). The way I escaped is others in the similar situation deciding to escape and tried sneaking out but then we were found and had to run. Some tried to stall but I think either not many or only I escaped... After that I came up with a disguise being the blue hair and eyes and lived as a simple servant spirit pretending to be something I hated just so I could blend in and not be found out again... After a while I got used to it and decided to become contracted to a human to hide better... And... There I was... Seeing Kairi and then realizing who the other spirit with me was... But I couldn't say a thing and it hurt that I couldn't but it was safer the way....
Chazz: True at the time if I had known who Yami was and who you were more than likely I might have been more against it as such but now I am happy that I did not decide on that.
Kura: Right... Kairi I want to thank you... Because of you I found Yami... Thank you.
Kairi: (Joins the hug with Kura and Hiki and cries as well). You do not need to say thank you. I am happy I could help you see Yami again... I am sorry that happened to you.
Kura: (Cries as well). It is alright you two, no need to cry.
Hiki: (Say in-between crying). Says... The girl... Crying herself.
Kura: I know, it was just hard to talk about the past but now you know my side of it.
Yami: (Has been awake and pretending to sleep and had heard everything as he looks away and frown wishing for tears to stop).
Tori: (Notices Yami is awake and walks over to him and hits his head). Stop hiding you dimwit.
Yami: (Sits up grabbing his head). Hey you'll pay for that!
Kura: You were pretending to sleep weren't you Yami.
Yami: ... No.
Kura: (Looks at Yami like she is not buying it). Yami.
Yami: Fine I was awake... I just wished I would of known you were alive... You suffered so much because of me....
Kura: It was not because of you. It was because I cared so much about you that I thought at the time we parted that whatever happened to me I didn't want to happen to you too.
Yami: ... Sis... I understand... But I can't complain... Yeah I was alone on the streets and hunted constantly but I can't imagine you went through the same... I'm sorry....
Kura: (Brings Yami over to join the hug). Yami... I'm so sorry I left you alone....
Yami: I'm sorry I couldn't help and protect you.
Kura: It's fine Yami, after all you were younger and it couldn't be helped.
Yami: I-I... I know... But I'll get stronger, I promise.
Kura: I know you will.
Hiki: All to protect those dearest to him... Doesn't that sounds like you master?
Chazz: (Is shocked for a second but smiles). Yes, yes it does.
Kura: Yes and Hiki I'm sorry I made you cry hearing that... You're a very good friend for listening to me... Thank you....
Hiki: I always listen to my friend no matter how hard it is for me to hear it. (Pulls away from Kura with a smile on a face yet tears still flowing).
Chazz: (Comes by Hiki and Kura). Kura remember Hiki and Tori are part of me though I may not speak or show my emotions as much I can rely on them to show my part as I know the feeling of growing up fearing of seeing tomorrow or even have the chance. I am glad Kairi gave you the chance to reunite and I know you two won't be separated from her so easily since it's a bond dear to you. (Everyone can now see tears flowing down his face as well).
Jennifer: (Cries as well putting her hand to her mouth never seeing him cry like this). Chazz....
Kura: (Smiles at Chazz). I understand... And I need to thank you and Tori for accepting Yami, though it took a little time and he can be a little hard to handle. Thank you for giving him the chance.
Yami: (Holds onto Kura tighter looking away from Chazz and Tori). ... Sis....
Chazz: Well in actuality Tori and I had accepted Yami a good while ago after hearing things from Tori and Shizen and filling some parts.
Kura: I see well thank you for giving him the chance regardless.
Shizen: Every person has their side of a story that connects with others and it goes on and on though most of what I know is your grandfather's and grandmother's side and how they stopped your father being there as well.
Kura: I see....
Tori: (Lays his arm on Kura's shoulder). Though our fathers are different in how things ended it doesn't mean you two aren't like family to me so no more hiding alright.
Kura: It is kind of hard to hide now since you know who I am now.
Yami: Yeah and who said I was hiding from someone like you. I'm not scared, I'll fight you anytime, even now. (Straightens up to hit Tori on the head but once he does he crouches in pain grabbing his stomach where he was just healed).
Kura: (Sighs). Idiot.
Tori: (Laughs). Well he's your idiot brother.
Kura: (Reaches up and grabs Tori's ear and pulls on it). Now don't call my brother an idiot, it's not nice.
Yami: You just called me that....
Kura: And I have known you a long time and am your sister so I can get away with it. (Smiles but looks a little scary).
Yami: ... That makes no sense.
Kura: (Pulls on Yami's ear as well pulling both Tori and Yami's ears).
Yami: Ow let go!
Tori: Yes, yes. (Gets Kura's hand off his ear as he rubs it).
Kura: (Smiles innocently as she lets go of Yami who rubs his ear as well looking annoyed and then she laughs). Well whenever you two start fighting I will do that to you two at the end of the fight or knock some sense into you myself.
Kairi: ... Isn't Tori older then you so should he be in charge?
Kura: And who said that was a rule?
Hiki: Maybe I should do that to you too Tori. (Grins at Tori).
Tori: Well I think I could handle myself in a fight at least.
Kura: No it's not that it's not like I am helping you fight. I grabbed your ear too since you are technically family as well so I have to treat you like family and Hiki I am glad I can give you ideas. (Smiles at Hiki).
Tori: I see misfortune in my future.
Hiki: (Grins mischievously at Tori). Now whatever could you mean Tori?
Kairi: It is fine Tori, if it helps I will not pick on you. Instead I will give you lots of hugs.
Tori: (Smiles at Kairi). Thank you Kairi, you give hope that I will survive.
Hiki: Hmm any feelings behind that?
Tori: (Blushes in shock). W-what are you saying Hiki?
Kura: (Smiles as she takes out on of her small books and writes in it getting a idea).
Jennifer: (Looks from Tori and Kairi that smiles a little and looks at Chazz with a small frown thinking of when he cried and wanting to help but is not sure of how).
Chazz: I will be fine milady, no need to worry.
Jennifer: I-I know but it is just that hearing about Kura and Yami's past and yours too it is just... I cannot imagine how hard I must have been... And I complain about little things in my life to you and it feels selfish because you have had worse problems so why should I complain... I have no right to.... (Looks down gets teary eyes).
Chazz: Well yes life was hard for us and may not have been a luxury but right now we are happy so if you need to complain come to me anytime. Do not feel like you cannot talk to me after hearing everything and cannot complain. Everyone complains so there is no way around it.
Shizen: Everyone has problems in life, big and small but it helps to have at least one to talk to to vent those frustrations.
Jennifer: I see.... (Walks over and hugs Chazz and is still a little teary eyes).
Chazz: (Pets Jennifer's head). Thank you milady... You gave me a chance to be happy again.
Jennifer: And I want you to continue being happy. I will make sure of that.
Chazz: And I am so there is no need to worry.
Jennifer: Good. (Smiles with a slight blush as she lets go of the hug and then look at Kairi, Kura and Yami). Now we should start heading back... Are you sure you are fine to move?
Yami: Ehh sure it doesn't hurt that much.
Kura: Yes I can manage as well.
Kairi: I can as well, my shoulder just hurts.
Jennifer: (Looks at Kairi feeling bad she could not prevent her from getting hurt and gives Kairi a hug).
Kairi: (Winces a little from her shoulder trying to not show it hurts and hugs Jennifer back).
Hiki: Alright Jenny, you don't want to injure everyone now.
Jennifer: (Pulls away looking at Kairi's shoulder). I am sorry... It looks like it is a really deep wound... I am sorry I could not do anything.
Kairi: It is alright sis, I just wanted to save Kura and Yami so I rushed in.
Shizen: I have to admit it is something to be proud of and also it took Luna a few hits to get through the barrier which is very impressive progress and instincts.
Kairi: I did good... But I could not protect then... If something happens I want to be able to protect others but I cannot now. (Looks down a little as Jennifer hugs her but more genteelly).
Hiki: (Sits next to Kura and Tori sitting by Yami). Well true you can't do anything alone.
Tori: But at the same time you are not alone at all. (Pulls Yami to Kairi and Hiki doing the same to Kura).
Kura: Thank you but I can go over on my own.
Yami: Yeah I don't need help. (Winces a little the fact being the both him and Kura are pretty weak as Kura leans on Hiki and Yami leans on Tori. Both not having the energy or are not in the condition to stand and walk well).
Hiki and Tori: Let us support you then.
Yami: I just said I don't need it. (Pouts grumpily).
Kura: Yami just accept the help.
Yami: ... Fine.
Hiki and Tori: (Take Kura and Yami's arms and puts it on their shoulders to help them walk).
Yami: ... Thanks.
Kura: Yes Hiki thank you as well. (As she and Yami both walk being supported by Hiki and Tori with their hands on their stomachs).
Jennifer: We need some to help Maru even if he wakes up now. He is in no condition to move.
Chazz: I could get him. (As he walks over to Maru to pick him up).
Shizen: I can help him if you wish.
Jennifer: No Shizen that is alright, here I can help.
Kairi: No I want to help.
Jennifer: No Kairi your shoulder is in not in any condition to do that.
Kairi: ... Fine.
Chazz: Well I am already carrying him on my back so let's go.
Jennifer: I will walk with you then to his guest room.
Kairi: I hope he wakes up in the morning so I can tell him everything is alright.
Chazz: Yes, yes. (Walks with everyone back to the mansion).
Shizen: Also Kura, Yami I noticed that you gained new powers.
Yami: Yeah I think, one of my knives changed I remeber too.
Kura: And I only had one knife originally but I gained a shield of some sort.
Chazz: Very interesting indeed.
Kura: We could also hear each other's thoughts.
Yami: Yeah never go in my head again.
Kura: I wasn't trying to and you were in my head too.
Yami: I wasn't trying to be.
Hiki: Now, now your siblings now aren't you, I thought that was normal?
Kura: Yes it's easy to tell what he thinks but I actually heard what he was thinking and he heard me.
Hiki: Ohh anything interesting worth sharing?
Kura: Yami is very straight forward, he says what he thinks.
Yami: Not the same with you. You have some weird stuff in your head but couldn't really focus on it.
Hiki: (Laughs). Maybe it was a good thing. A girls mind is very complicated.
Kura: (Laughs). Very true.
Shizen: Hmm new weapons, a connection to the others mind and probably new powers. That sounds a lot like a first form besides the connection to their minds.
Kura and Yami: (Both give a confused look). First form?
Chazz: As it seems so since both your resolves were unsteady and now they are solid.
Shizen: Yes and as for the talking through your minds I have heard of that a few times in twin spirits though they are extremely rare for spirits to have. I am not sure about otherwise, perhaps it is because they become more connected through Kairi since they are both her spirits yet also related by blood as siblings.
Kairi: Wow I wish I could hear my sis thoughts.
Jennifer: ... Umm please do not try. I do not think I want you in my head. (Thinks of all the moments she had thought of Chazz).
Kairi: (Pouts). Aww no fun.
Tori: But makes sense.
Hiki: I bet they are filled with master or how she felt-.
Chazz: (Covers Hiki's mouth). That is enough Hiki.
Jennifer: (Blushes heavily and looks away).
Kairi: (Laughs and so does Kura). But what about Hiki and Tori, what would you do if you could read each other's thoughts.
Hiki: I would tease him a lot or just ask him for snacks.
Tori: (Thinks of his answer). I would be scared of what I think of and still talk to Hiki normally.
Kairi: (Laughs). It would be fun though.
Jennifer: Umm lets drop everyone off at their rooms, Maru's room is on the way so let's stop there first.
Chazz: Yes madam.
Hiki and Tori: Yes. (Both still carry Kura and Yami).
Kairi: I hope he will be alright.
Chazz: From what I hear from carrying him that his breathing has become regular again.
Jennifer: Good I am glad he will make it.
Kairi: Me to, he is really nice so he needs to live.
Maru: (Says in his sleep). Smile... As bright... As the moon....
Kairi: Yay he spoke.
Jennifer: I think it was in his sleep.
Kairi: But still it means he will be alright and Luna will be too. (Whispers to herself and then smiles as she looks through the window at the moon as she smiles). Smile as bright as the moon.
Chazz: More likely he is just recovering energy.
Jennifer: Well he can take all the time he needs. (Arrives at Maru's door and she opens it for everyone who walks through).
Chazz: (As he walks in with Maru he wakes up a little).
Maru: W-where am I?
Kairi: Oh Maru your up, how are you feeling? (As she walks over looking at Maru with concern).
Maru: (Smiles seeing Kairi). Ah... Kairi... Yes I am alright, think... I feel like I'm floating into sleep again....
Kairi: That is fine, I will see you tomorrow but I am glad everyone is getting along again and that everything can be happy again.
Maru: That... Is good... Luna is fine... Too. She says thank... You.... (Falls back to sleep).
Hiki: Well looks like he is gone back to sleep.
Kairi: Well I am glad he woke up though even if it was only for a moment.
Jennifer: Yes here I will help you get Maru in bed. (Pulls away the covers so Chazz can place Maru down and she can tuck him in).
Chazz: Thank you madam. (Places Maru down into the bad).
Jennifer: (She tucks Maru into bed carefully). There, much easier then when I got Amber tucked in for bed. He moves around less.
Chazz: Well he is younger than Amber and more exhausted.
Jennifer: True still is kind of adorable, now shall we get going then?
Kairi: Goodnight Maru. (Hugs Maru as he lies there and sleeps then smiles as she begins to leave with everyone).
Hiki: (Pokes at Kairi's cheek). Having feelings now are you Kairi?
Kairi: Hmm I'm not sure...? He is very nice but.... (Looks from Tori to Maru a couple of times as she thinks).
Hiki: (Pauses in a look of thought). Well... Maybe both wouldn't be as bad but Maru already told you how he feels about since you became his star in the shinning night.
Kairi: I am not sure. I mean Maru's nice... But I do not know if he's the one for me.... Do I have to choose. (Pouts a little).
Kura: (Laughs). Well it looks like I should make books of that pair as well.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look).
Hiki: (Whispers to Kura). Yes please Kura. (Looks at Kairi). Well you have time to decide.
Kairi: I guess so. (As they walk Kairi looks at Tori more and more with a slight blush).
Kura: (Whispers back to Hiki). I think she will pick Tori in all honesty.
Hiki: I know but Maru would be the safer choice since he wouldn't want her heart to be broken by time.
Kura: ... True but who said love was always safe and I would be more concerned for Tori with time being the issue... He will live on after all. (Frowns at the thought).
Hiki: True enough but could Tori though is the question.
Kura: I'm not sure....
Shizen: (Who has been standing behind them). I'm not sure, quite a sollum conversion of the future you are having. I mean there are ways to prolong life even for one to become spirit like but at a heavy cost.
Hiki: (Doesn't seem surprised at this point and sighs). Tori wouldn't be happy with that. All he would want is for someone he cares about not to be put at risk for him and I should know that by now.
Shizen: Of course but she would not be harmed the problem is that whoever is making that happen has to go into their 4th form to do that. A life for a life to put it short.
Kura: I see, not a logical option then... It is quite a problem later on but for now... It's cute.
Hiki: I guess so.
Kura: Indeed.
Yami: (Stumbles as he is walking with Tori and most of his weight on Tori. Leaning on him more and more over the time they had been walking also looking weaker and paler).
Tori: You alright there Yami. Not having trouble are we?
Yami: Nah I'm fine don't... Worry about it.
Kura: Yami... He can't regain his energy. He absorbs it. When we were stabbed through Luna was draining our energy rather quickly with light and if he doesn't absorb dark energy he gets sick.
Yami: Sis... I'm fine....
Tori: Silly, silly here. (Puts his hand on Yami's head to give a bit of his energy but not too much). Feeling a bit better?
Yami: Thanks but I don't need it. I'll manage and go out into the forest like usual.
Kura: And that's how you absorb large amounts of darkness without affecting Chazz or Tori. Very smart and shows that you care about their safety.
Yami: ... Well I never said that....
Hiki: But yet you are not denying it either hmm Yami?
Tori: (Sighs).
Yami: Hey shut it, I just hurt a lot of people that way so I try to stay away is all.
Shizen: Hmm how much energy do you need to keep going every day?
Yami: I don't know just absorb enough until I'm at full power usually or don't feel weak at least.
Kura: Let's see he usually stays outside like he has for a hour or so, so at the rate you see him normally absorb but for a hour each night.
Yami: Ehh more if I lose track of time, it's relaxing to do that.
Tori: Alright do you want me to take you to the forest then?
Hiki: Kura you want to go with him or go back to Kairi's room?
Yami: Nah I can make it on my own.
Kura: Liar.
Yami: Shut up I can!
Kura: I am sure I don't need to go with though.
Hiki: Well we are at the room finally then.
Jennifer: Here let me get the door. All 3 of you look very tired.
Kairi: I'm not that tired. (As she then yawns).
Jennifer: Uh huh sure you are not. Now here I will help you get ready for bed and change your bandages.
Kura: I think I will sleep as well.
Jennifer: (Nods and goes into Kairi's closet with her to help her get ready for bed being careful of her arm).
Hiki: Yes, I'll come in.
Tori: Now what about you Yami?
Yami: Guess I'll wait until I get my energy back up to go outside.
Kura: Yami you know full well your energy doesn't work like that so stop being modest.
Yami: Hey!
Tori: Well Miss Kura where should I put him then?
Yami: ... Fine I guess just put me outside near the forest. It should be far enough after a bit. I can get back on my own easily enough then.
Kura: Thank you for admitting it.
Tori: (Chuckles). Finally you are honest and let's get going.
Kura: He's light weight since he's around 10. He's probably easy to carry there but I hope it's no trouble.
Yami: Hey I can get there without being carried, let alone having to lean on you so there.
Kura: What have you been doing this whole time?
Yami: ... Umm being lazy?
Kura: liar.
Tori: I will drop you here Yami if you don't want that then let's go.
Yami: ... Fine let's go.
Kura: Have fun.
Kairi: (Comes out wearing her favorite pink nightgown with a clean bandage on her shoulder and gives Tori and Yami a hug before they leave wincing a little then moves her shoulder so it is more comfortable). Goodnight and see you tomorrow.
Tori: (Bows and leaves with Yami as Chazz and Hiki follow him). Goodnight and rest well Kairi.
Hiki: (Hugs Kairi quickly before she leaves). You did well today, now rest.
Kairi: Thank you goodnight.
Jennifer: Goodnight everyone, see you in the morning.
Shizen: Farewell.
Kura: (Has already fallen asleep on Kairi's bed).
Yami: (As they leave). Yeah umm... All of you don't have to drop me off at the forest.
Tori: Well then where are we taking you then?
Hiki: Hmm. (Looks at Chazz as she thinks with a small blush).
Yami: I usually go to the darkest part of the forest I can find but right outside of the forest should be far enough I think for you to not be affected.
Tori: No I'm going to at least take you there. I'll leave as soon as I drop you off or just Hiki could take you since she won't be affected.
Yami: I can just wait a few minutes before I start absorbing darkness for you to get away.
Tori: Let's get going then, Master, Hiki I will see you later.
Chazz: (Shakes his head as Tori bolts off with Yami).
Hiki: (Blushes saving what she says until Tori leaves). M-master can I ask you something...?
Chazz: Of course Hiki, what is it?
Hiki: (Looks down with a huge blush falling over her face and stays silent).
Chazz: (Gives a questioning look wondering what is coming over Hiki).
Hiki: Well... Umm say I was a normal human girl and I was... A maid here... Would you say... You would like me... Being around you all of the time....
Chazz: I don't see how that changes things from now.
Hiki: (Has a deep blush not looking straight at Chazz). Just answer me please....
Chazz: Well umm... If I did not know you and you were a normal girl I would say yes. I would like you being around because you can make people smile by how funny and kind you can be Hiki.
Hiki: Master... Now let me ask another question....
Chazz: Alright then sure go ahead.
Hiki: (Plays with her fingers looking down a little as she blushes). If I was this normal girl... Would their maybe be a chance you could... Umm... Lov-... Stay by my side no matter what....
Chazz: Well why wouldn't I Hiki. You are very nice person and great to be around and I would have to add that you are quite pretty to say the least.
Hiki: Master... Would you love me....
Chazz: (Stops in his tracks to look back at Hiki). Hiki....
Hiki: (Has tears in her eyes because of the nervousness she is feeling).
Chazz: ... I think I would but... For now.... (Stumbles over his words never even considering such things before).
Hiki: (Looks at Chazz and he can see the full expression on her face of fear, sadness and yet joy).
Chazz: Let me figure out me own feelings because I do-.
Hiki: (Cuts Chazz off by putting her fingers on his lips). No explaining but yes I will wait... I will always be waiting for you Chazz....
Chazz: (Embraces Hiki for a moment to comfort her since he didn't answer her fully).

Hiki: (Wipes her tears away after a moment and starts to walk again as she pulls Chazz along). Gosh that is good to get off my chest. Let's get going master, it's time to rest.
Chazz: But Hiki....
Hiki: (Stops and looks at Chazz again). It's fine master I know you are not that good when it comes to this type of stuff but my feelings won't change if I have to wait. Just know that I love you and I have been loving you for a while so take all the time you need and I will always be there for you....
Chazz: (Shakes his head not knowing what else to say).

Hiki: Now then let's get to bed. (Is in front of Chazz now so she can cry a little but still stands by her feeling to wait and face forward with Chazz).
Jennifer: (Had overheard Hiki's confession as she left Kairi's room soon after smiles as tears form in her eyes feeling happy for Hiki and as she walks into her room and falls into bed she think about it over and over again in her head and how brave Hiki is and wishing she could do the same).
Meanwhile as Tori bring Yami outside.
Yami: Hey no need to rush, if I lean on you I can't keep up.
Tori: Well you know how the moonlight was setting in the hallway as we were walking and it's alright we can walk from here.
Yami: Fine. (Makes it outside leaning on Tori for support but stumbles every minute or two as they walk). ... Thanks.
Tori: (Gives a confused look). For what?
Yami: Being family when I thought I had none and for saving Kairi and Kura just in time like that... Thank you for being my friend... Or uncle... Brother... I mean well my grandpa's son so that makes you family I guess. It's a little confusing to me I guess since never saw you but anyways... Thanks for being a friend now.
Tori: Idiot I have always been your friend. Even before I knew who you were just didn't see it. You have a lot of friends not just me.
Yami: Yeah it's different then what I'm used to but it's a good thing to get used to. (Comes to a big tree that is almost pitch black under it). I think here is a good place to leave me.
Tori: Well if you need me just yell really loud and Kura will come to get you I bet. (He says with a grin on his face).
Yami: (Laughs weakly as he sits under the tree only his eyes that glow a little can be seen in the darkness but Tori able to see him fine being a dark spirit). Yeah your right. Now get going I'll give you 5 minutes to get away, is that enough time?
Tori: Yeah I'll be heading out now. Are you sure you don't need me nearby?
Yami: Nah I would be taking your energy. I'll be fine just need to get my energy back and I'll be strong enough to make it back on my own so don't worry about it.
Tori: If you're sure well then I'm out then Yami, goodnight. (Waves as he begins to walk away). Also one more thing, Master Nagi would be proud of you two.
Yami: (Looks surprised but then tear up a little looking up with a smile). ... Thanks.