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Chapter 27 Part 1

Writer's picture: Jennifer BeiroJennifer Beiro

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

It is not even dawn but the common red glow in the sky stayed through the regularly hot night in the fire territory. Agni after telling Yami the truth of what happen all those years ago did not bother trying to sleep, how could he with the past clear in his mind of that day. He only hopes that Yami will understand and help him try to make things right this time. He paces back and forth in thought most of this time in thought or staring at his research to keep his mind busy. He finally decides to check on Yami knowing time is not fully on his side. He remembers how peacefully he rested with the blanket almost cradling him compared to the night terror of the previous night at least he could give some closure to a young boy who had clearly been in a lot of pain that has built up. He is happy he could give him at least one night of long needed rest even if it were not to last. Hopefully as he heads to his office where he had left Yami alone for the night he had made a decision to help him right his own wrongs and make the world better like he had tried but this time to work. He is sure of it.

Agni: (As he begins to enter the room he knocks on the door and wait for an answer for he doesn't wish to wake up Yami to early).

Yami: (Is not sleeping having a short sleep but still a peaceful one he hasn't experienced in a long time. He feels calmer having some time to think sitting on the windowsill with the red blanket in his hold tightly. He doesn't look away from looking at the outside still darkened sky as he speaks up to the knock). ... Yeah?

Agni: (He enters the room upon hearing the response). Ah I'm glad to see that you're awake now. If I can guess that you had slept quite well for the first time in quite a while.

Yami: (Still looks out but then at the blanket in his hands as well). Yeah... Guess I was asleep... It wasn't that long but... I can't remember the last time that happened... It's like someone helped me... She sang nice.... (Gets a small smile at the blanket remembering just a lullaby from that night, the sweet tune and the woman's voice being stuck in his mind until now).

Agni: (He smiles). Well then I'm glad to hear... Now I'm sorry if it ruins the moment but I would like to hear your answer to my previous question.

Yami: (He looks down and away with a small frown as he gets up from his spot at the windowsill to walk up to Agni). Well... You and my dad weren't a monster like always thought... You were even trying to do something to make things better... Help... Just went bad.

Agni: (He looks down in the moment as the small memories with Izumi begin to rise as though feelings of grief and regret still peck at his mind). Yes... They went bad... If I could change anything... I would do anything to never make it happen again.

Yami: (Still looks down and away seeming to have had a lot of time to think by the window about this). And you're trying to make help again now... Make everything better....

Agni: (He smiles trying to remind himself on why he is doing this again). Yes... But I'm also doing this to fulfill my promise to him as well.

Yami: (He pauses thinking about what Agni says with a small nods but it still seems like something is troubling his mind especially what he says next). And... If you need me to help with this... What happened to him... It can't happen to me... Right...? (Finally looks up at Agni seriously but what cannot be hidden is a fear that shows clearly in his eyes to what he says).

Agni: (He gently smiles). No it shouldn't happen... If I feel like it will happen... I will stop you and let you go home again... It wouldn't be worth it in the end to have happen twice... And make your sister go through this twice.

Yami: (Still looks up as if needing to be reassured more). Are you sure...? Promise...? That it's better this time... I won't hurt anyone and become monster... I want them to be safe too... I.... (His fists clenched as he struggles to say these things being a bigger fear than he wants to let show).

Agni: (He smiles more at Yami). I will promise that you will go back to your family at the end of the day... You will smile and return home to your sister and little master.

Yami: (He looks down for a moment thinking of Agni's words carefully before looking back up at Agni with a small nod and his answer to him). ... Ok.... (He lifts his fist in a fist bump towards Agni and it is clear it is a meaning of a big amount of trust to him to do so).

Agni: (He laughs a bit as he fists bump Yami back).

Yami: (Gets a small grin feeling more at ease now). Guess you're not as bad as I first thought. Maybe the fire stuff can be kind of cool too.

Agni: Well of course fire is cool... It helped create life itself... There are so many good things about it... It just depends on who uses it.

Yami: I never really thought about it, just saw the destruction part... Explosions look cool at least.

Agni: (He smiles a bit more at the comment). Well it's true that it can be quite destructive, but depending on the person it can be quite creative as well. Just like fireworks there are so many different ways for it be seen and in different colors.

Yami: (He gets a look of wonder and curiosity). That sounds cool, especially the fireworks and stuff like that... Guess it's not so bad. (As something catches his eye crawling up to Agni's shoulder from his back. He looks confused thinking it is some sort of red small lizard not sure of if it should be there or how to tell Agni if it is not). Umm...?

Agni: (He feels the crawls go against his skin as he looks over and sees dragon as he's about to respond to Yami). Well hello there dragon... I was wondering where you ran off too.

Yami: (Still gives a questioning look). So what's with the lizard? (As Yami says this Dragon tilts his head up at Yami seeming offended by the lizard comment).

Agni: (He laughs a bit at the comment and the reaction from Dragon). Well, well... No this isn't a lizard... It's a baby red dragon born in the area.

Yami: (Still looks confused and curiously at Dragon as it stretches his small wing proudly with a small attempt at a roar that is more like a squeak). So it's like a fire dragon? I heard they were giant and awesome breathing fire as they flew around epically... This is pretty tiny. (Sounds a little underwhelmed having always wanting to meet a fire dragon as he tries to poke Dragon's shiny red scales who looks even more offended especially from the tiny comment as he shrinks away from the attempt to poke him).

Agni: (He pets dragon to keep him calm). Well that may be so... But there is a process to this... Dragons take a little longer to grow up fully just like we spirits do... We are all the entities in this world.

Yami: Heard in the stories when I was little they just turn from tiny to giant instantly. Also heard they were not longer around but they sound so epic... Are you sure this is the same one? Can they breath fire when this small if so? (As a response Dragon puffs out to Yami as if trying to make himself bigger with wings spread out. Since Yami's face is close to the dragons he manages to let out a small puff of fire in his face taking him completely off guard). Wah, oh shit-! (He falls backwards in surprise from the flames in his face after tripping over a chair in back of him as Dragon puts his head up proudly again as if saying HA I showed him).

Agni: (He laughs some more from the situation). Now Dragon play nice, though you did show him up so good job. (He pets Dragon in a spot on his head knowing he likes being pet there).

Yami: (Rubs his head as he sits up shaking off the stumble and embers from his hair). Fine I get it, you're a dragon.

Agni: (He lands out his hand to help Yami get back up fully). Yes and never forget this one here is a dragon

Yami: Yeah it is kind of cool and guess can relate to the small but wanting to be a giant and awesome like my uncle.... Not that I'm not now. (Crosses his arms defensively with a proud look realizing he admitted that he's small but grins when dragon does another puff of fire with his head turned up proudly). Guess he's alright, he gets the idea! (Tries to do the same but with dark energy that is more like dark smoke and laughs).

Agni: (He laughs as well as he holds dragon with a small petting motion). Well... Do you wish to follow through in your fathers steps, but the fate become different.

Yami: (He stops laughing a looks up at Agni a bit more seriously with a small nod). If you're really trying to help... And your sure you got it right so I don't... become that... Sure... I'll give it a shot... You seem like your trying hard to make whatever that stuff is work this time... Just hope they understand after all this.... (Looks down as he thinks of his family but also worry and fear in the back of his mind about it).

Agni: (He puts his hand on his shoulder). Well I'm sure they will understand later... But if things don't look right. I will let you go back and can try again at a different time. I do promise your safety at the end of all this.

Yami: (Nods his head as he looks up at Agni, trusting his words from his expression and tone knowing its sincere). Sure... Hope it works out... Guess you're not so bad a guy now hearing all this... You do kind of have that mad scientist type thing though to you.

Agni: (He laughs as he has heard that quite often). Well that may be true... But I put all of my life into this

Yami: Makes sense and hope however that stuff goes it works out. (He puts his hands in his pockets as he starts to walk out of the study looking back at Agni curiously). So what are we suppose to do now?

Agni: (He smiles at the resolve). Well, for the moment you relax for a bit more as I ready the preparations for later on.

Yami: (As he walks into the hall looking back at Agni). Sure, just tell me when were going-. (He is cut off as he runs into something feeling large and metal with a big hand put on his shoulder to keep him from falling over). What the.... (He looks up to see someone large in a full set of dark plated armor with a red rim and cloak over one of his shoulders covering his other arm with a fire medallion holding it there. The person is tall and very muscular but nothing can be seen of him having his armor and helmet fully closed with a glow of red peering down at Yami from the thin opening of the helmet. Yami is taken back by the intimidating yet in awe at the knight). ... Whoa.

Agni: (He smiles as he sees the person in heavy armor as he has a hold on Yami). This man right here will be showing you to your living quarters for the day. Until all is set for the seal please don't be afraid to ask for anything as you are my guest as of this moment. Sorry if the man here seems scary... He just does not do well with other people at times.

Yami: Oh cool... Umm sup? (He waits for a response but does not get one and is unable to see a expression or any features to get a idea through the helmet able to tell he is paused looking down at Yami giving him a questioning look). Umm... Hey? (The knight only nods without a word and then uses the hand he had put on his shoulder to pat Yami's head before going on his way down the hall leaving him in even more confusion and awe but also noting the giant broadsword on his back looking heavy for even two hands to wield). Umm....

Agni: (He sighs in awkwardness). Well yeah... He is like that, either way follow him for now to get to your living quarters.

Yami: (Nods hesitantly and a bit confused). Umm sure... Guess he's a giant that doesn't talk... Armor and sword is cool though.... (Starts to follow shrugging it off and giving a casual wave to Agni as he catches up with the knight). See you then.

Agni: (He keeps up a friendly face until Yami leaves the room and heading to the room. The moment he is out of sight he immediately heads towards his notes to begin working).

Talia: (There is a knock at Agni's door shortly after with her voice behind it Agni instantly recognizes). Lord Agni?

Agni: (He looks up for a second at the door as he waves for Talia to come in). Yes Talia, what is it?

Talia: (Looks a bit discreet on entering as if making sure she is not heard then sighs letting her guard down once she knows they are alone). We may have issue we will need to address.

Agni: (His eyebrows rise up). Oh and what would that be?

Talia: A camp was spotted nearby by a patrol scouting the area. It was reported that it seemed that they were not of fire and it was almost as if they intended to stay hidden being so deeply in the wilderness.

Agni: Ahh I see... Hmm I can take a wild guess on who it would be... hmm make sure that city is on high alert... Because I'm sure these guests are not going to be as quiet they think they are.

Talia: (Gives a expression as if in thought as something seems off). We were subtle on where we would settle in so I don't see how they could track us so quickly... Could it be.... (Pauses as if unsure of her theory at first to openly accuse).

Agni: No not yet....They wouldn't be silly to affect innocents in this whole thing... But regardless we should be hurrying along anyway with our plans.

Talia: I see and I will let you know when those plans and the location for your experiment are clear then to move forward. We will have everything ready to move by early today and execution of your plans ready for tomorrow at earliest Lord Agni. (She does a bow almost having a admiration in her eyes towards Agni yet a flirtatious nature to her personality. Before she completely exits the door she peaks her head out at Agni before closing it with slight concern in her eyes yet chooses her words carefully to not upset him). And if may ask... That boy... Are you sure he is safe around like this uncontained now... And stable enough.

Agni: (He thinks for a second). Hmm he should be fine... I was not lying to him about anything... He understands why I am doing this so he should be ok.

Talia: (Sighs but still narrows her eyes in a wary and protective way to herself but nods her head). I see, I will make sure everything is prepared for you when the time comes Lord Agni. (Bowing her head to him once more she leaves shutting the door once again to once again give Agni time alone to do his work).

Agni: (He waves goodbye as she leaves the room and gets back to work as many thoughts go through his mind, unsure of how to proceed further optimally anyway. Regardless... He knows how they are so he should be able to stay ahead of the game).

The after dawn hours rolls by and morning begins to rise as well with a group settled into a temporary camp hidden in the fire territory wilderness. Most had not slept this night for obvious weights on their minds as they anxiously await word from whatever source Shizen has in this area only her, Orion and now Rowen knowing who she waits for as a signal. In the meantime Jennifer helps Chazz gather things from their surroundings for the camp and morning meal. Kura sits focusing on a barrier she had set on the camp for protection but her mind seems greatly distracted by her own thoughts with a worried and anxious stare out to where Yami could be. Rowen had gone with Shizen as she waits for some sort of information or signal but also to calm her , knowing the situation Adara is putting herself in. Hiki and Tori are to the side practicing their new training Shizen had instructed them on seeming more determined to help their power and connection grow in balance the more they feel the tension in the air from waiting for whatever is to come. Kairi is more determined in her own way as Orion sits and helps her train with her barrier in-between helping Shizen, looking over now and then to give tips to strengthen its defense when he has the chance. Everyone in their own way prepares for whatever hardships and fights they will face.

Jennifer: (Focuses on her tasks with the camp next to Chazz with her mind elsewhere with all that has and will possibly happen, having a small frown to her minds wonders as she works).

Chazz: (He places a hand on Jennifer's shoulder). Is everything alright Jennifer? Do you need to talk about something?

Jennifer: (Snaps out of her thoughts looking at Chazz giving him a small smile). I am fine. It is just the situation that gives everyone plenty on their minds.

Chazz: (He smiles to see that she is worrying about everyone else so much). Well it is not surprising since under the current circumstances anyone would be worried and stressed out.

Jennifer: (Sighs and nods her head agreeing). It is hard to know how things will turn out but I just do not have a good feeling about whatever will come. (Looks down as she thinks on what her instincts are telling her).

Chazz: (He grabs on to her hand as he sees the worry come across her face). It will be alright Jennifer... Just believe.

Jennifer: (Pauses looking up at Chazz's sincere expression towards her feeling better from the comfort that comes with it. She smiles back with the same sincerity realizing something more often about how he calls her, saying her thought of it out loud). ... I like it when you call my name like that....

Chazz: (His face flashes red from the comment as he coughs to get his composer back). Well umm... It was a request from you... So I uh... My apologies...Just getting used to calling you that after all these years

Jennifer: (Frowns slightly looking down a little at a thought). Part of me wished you did not have to in the first place... Call not as a lady but more just talk like friends without having to be told to... That is all I wanted when we were growing up even though it would of been improper... To talk, laugh and open up as friends instead of just a butler and his lady. (Her hand tightens in Chazz's but still looks down in her thoughts).

Chazz: (He frowns seeing the sight of Jennifer looking like this). Well my apologies for that... But I was always there for you dear... Never misunderstand that... I had my duty, but I did it because I cared for you... So I was your friend, but our world's were so far apart

Jennifer: It just makes me think... That if the status in life was erased or even just a little closer could we have slowly gotten even closer then friends... Could you have had the same feelings I have about you... And if it was like that... Would you put this on our hands one day without that push to do so... Have the feeling that are meant to be behind these...? (She looks down at their hands held together where each has a ring for engagement to make it clear what she means then up into Chazz's eyes having the sincere feelings, opening up about something she clearly had on her mind heavily, needing to know).

Chazz: (He is silent for a moment as he feels his heart rip apart as he understands that Jennifer doesn't fully get he's feelings). ... If I could have more forward for a moment let me say... There is nothing like your smile that is more subtle and perfect and... Real. You could never understand on how wonderful that smile could make me feel days that were hard. From all the training I did in the past... But I kept it all unsaid with feelings... Because I did not wish to damper on your life... You could say how you were everything to me sometimes... It would have been different... But I was at risk of changing positions if I did... Because we are so many different worlds apart that I held it all in. So yes things could have been different... But I would not be here now if I still held back... So I am sorry you had to wait... But understand all the feelings are there... And Hiki had helped show me that....

Jennifer: (Is completely speechless listening to Chazz as she puts a hand to her mouth not sure of what to do or say at first being in shock as emotions start to overwhelm her. Tears spill from her eyes as she finally wraps her head around the words being something she had wanted to hear from him all this time but thinking she would never hear it. It is even more then she could ever imagine it could be now hearing him). ... Chazz....

Chazz: (In an attempt to stop the tears he pulls her close into an warm embrace resting her head on his shoulder as he rest his on hers as he pets her head).

Jennifer: (Holds onto Chazz tightly as her tears are wiped onto his shoulder she hides face into finding it calming there managing to say quietly). Thank you Chazz... You've given and said everything I ever wanted to be said and so much more....

Chazz: (Tears in his eyes appear as well as he holds her closer staying silent as the love he has speaks for him).

Jennifer: (Rest her head onto his shoulder as she wipes her eyes but also smiles being tears of happiness staying silent for a moment before she says more). I think what I wanted most is for you to be able to open up about your own feelings. To vent, or laugh, joke around and just open up to me like I would to you and not worry about keeping the barrier to be proper with me. That is what makes me happiest right now... Hearing you open up to me like that... It is what I wanted most right now....

Chazz: I'm sorry I didn't... But it was just on how I was trained or brought up... It was all I knew on how to help you anyway I could... I did not feel the need to because I was always there for you... No Matter where you went in life I would be there with you.

Jennifer: (Pulls away a little to look at Chazz with a sincere smile putting a hand on his cheek). Well now it is different... You do not have to silently stand at my side, I still want you here but I want you to speak your mind as much as you want to me and not silently keep it in side... You do not have to follow my order or opinion because yours is just as important... We are equal to each other and if you wish face things together like this... It is what these rings mean after all... Together.... (Looks down holding out her hand to his where they both where their rings to each other).

Chazz: (He looks down as well as he nods his head yes). I will promise to do my best... I am still getting used to calling you by your name... But I promise that will change as time goes on.

Jennifer: (Nods her head still with a sincere smile as she holds onto his hand comfortingly). Only at the pace you are comfortable with... Who knows, maybe one day you can call me casually as Jenny like most here. (Laughs slightly at her comment but does not mind the idea admittingly to herself).

Chazz: (He blushes as he is about to be very bold for a second for himself). Oh um yes... J-Jenny....

Jennifer: (Is taken off guard hearing Chazz call her that. She blushes heavily seeming speechless in a flustered yet overwhelmingly happy way as she stares at Chazz).

Chazz: (He keeps his gaze away as best he can as he holds her hand tighter). Well umm... We should be going now... I think we have everything ready....

Jennifer: (Still is taken a back him but slowly nods. She then smiles greatly putting a hand on one of his cheeks and lightly kissing the other). We will face whatever happens together... Thank you Chazz... For loving me in return....

Chazz: (He blushes greatly as he hides his face onto her shoulder). Well thank you for caring about a clueless person as myself.

Jennifer: (Cannot help but blush and laugh agreeing bluntly). You really are clueless.

Chazz: (He laughs a bit as well as he grabs her other hand). Well we should get going now Jennifer.

Jennifer: (Nods as she wipes her tears from her happiness to calm down). Shizen will give us the signal to move out... Let us make sure everyone is together where they belong for good this time... Let's make things better for everyone....

Chazz: (He holds her hand tighter). We will... We will make everything better and right again. Back to our normal every day.

Jennifer: (Smiles more with all of her sincere feelings shone in her eyes and nods). Bring back balance as I think you would put it.

Chazz: (He smiled as well with the showing of the same feelings). Well of course my dear... It is what I am here to do... With all of you.

Jennifer: And I will be right there beside you every step of the way.

Chazz: (He smiles). As I will be as well for any path you take.

Jennifer: (Rests her head on Chazz's shoulder with a truest smile she could possibly have wanting the moment to last as long as possible).

During Jennifer and Chazz's share in feelings Hiki and Tori are training on their connection of balance to one another. Overhearing Jennifer and Chazz Tori can tell Hiki is not focused on their training as her hands shake in his. He knows too well she is struggling to keep her emotions from overwhelming her as she looks down and away to hide it.

Tori: (He goes towards Hiki and pull her head into his shoulder). Now, now it's bad to hold it in... I have known you long enough to know when you're hurting. It's going to be ok Hiki

Hiki: (She is silent as she bursts into tears feeling her heart break apart. She is happy for Chazz but she still had the hope that something could happen between them. He was one of the few people who accepted everything about me. He was special to him... Even when they would talk Jennifer and the feelings hiding inside of him... She would still smile and be there for him and help support him. She's happy yet heartbroken... She knows he isn't leaving her... But these of feelings of love are tearing her apart... She holds onto Tori and cries silently as he rubs her head. She wants to be the person to stand next to Chazz's side always... And she knows he will... But not the way she wanted... But she is happy Jenny is the one to take her place... She wouldn't have it be anyone else).

Tori: (He keeps rubbing her head remembering all the talks they had before with the sparkle in Hiki's eyes sparking like a little star. He always admired the star but knows she is strong for what she had to deal with before... But it will be ok because she won't be abandoned now... She will be love just as she is now by everyone and Chazz. So he knows she is aching but it will be ok). No more feeling alone... He will still love you all the same and still be next to you... We helped him find himself and not be alone. So we did good so no more crying....

Hiki: (She is silent for a moment and then taps his chest in response). I know... But still... I will hang onto his hand as much as can... Until it fades away... I will keep holding on....

Kura: (In-between being lost in worry she looks over at Hiki. She feels sympathy but also a tug on her heart as she places a hand on her own chest with a frown. She doesn't speak up quite yet to comfort Hiki not sure of what to do. She let's Tori help for now but begins to put a lot of thought in so that she can somehow help as well... For both of them).

Tori: (He notices that Kura is watching and nods towards her as he keeps patting the silent crying Hiki).

Kura: (Looks at Tori giving him a small smile and nod knowing he understands for now and sighs going back to collecting her thoughts).

Meanwhile a little further on the other side of their camp Kairi is focused on her own training. She concentrates on a barrier slightly smaller than her being very focused as Orion who sits nearby helps in-between securing the area and helping Shizen. He starts to see with his instructions followed well the darkened barrier starts to harden and look rougher. It is more like a dark solid stone as a barrier instead of a plain darkness barrier looking much sturdier as well.

Orion: (He smiles as he looks towards Kairi and is proud of the progress she is making... But a slight sting in his heart is still there).

Kairi: (She continues to concentrate on the barrier making a few stones rumble beside her. Somehow she is using less dark and more earth element but not as magic but as her energy not relying as much on the darkness from her spirits but the energy dormant within her. Orion's tortoise Rocky wonders over nudging the barrier curiously as his big dog spike lies his head on his lap lying down sprawled out next to both of them).

Orion: (He keeps notice of Kairi as he begins to walks towards her after getting Spike to get up). Now, now miss Kairi, it seems you are learning quite well.

Kairi: (She shakes out of her focus which weakens the barrier but looks up at Orion brightly and proudly). Thank you!

Orion: (He smiles but then questions the Earth element). Now miss Kairi, my first question is where is the Earth element coming into play?

Kairi: (Stops and pauses looking back at her barrier. She has a look of shock and wonder not knowing why herself). ... I... I do not know.... (She feels the barrier in more wonder and amazement).

Orion: (He seems surprised at first wondering where this source of Earth energy is coming from as he places his hand on the barrier).

Kairi: Whenever Hiki was teaching me magic and I practiced it I could only make earth appear no matter what I tried... This feels different like there is more of it... I am not sure... It is hard to explain... It feels different.... (She looks confused as the barrier is like solid stone to touch the earth energy seems to be coming from her as if having her own energy somehow buried under Kura and Yami's dark energy).

Orion: (He has a thought in mind that he does not want to accept). Mis Kairi... Can you focus on not using a the dark energy from Kura... I want you to focus on making a wall of energy... But not with dark energy.

Kairi: (Looks slightly lost but nods). Umm... I can try. (She let's down her barrier and pauses to try and figure out what Orion had meant. She is determined to try though so she puts up her hands with a sigh as she begins to focus again. For a moment nothing happens but slowly the ground starts to rumble and slowly the earth gathers on the ground in front of her and climbs upwards. It is not a very big or sturdy wall to begin with but it is formed from the ground. The less dormant earth energy within being strong somehow).

Orion: Sarah.... (He catches himself saying that but questions greatly on what is happening... How is this even possible).

Kairi: (Having heard Orion say something but not being sure of what it is she opens her eyes to look up at Orion. Her eyes have a brown glow to them as she looks up tilting her head with a cute curiosity). What was that?

Orion: (He stops for a moment as he looks into Kairi's eyes as he sits down not believing what he is seeing right now).

Kairi: (Looks at Orion with more concern taking her focus off of the energy which makes the wall fall and the glow fade). Orion...?

Orion: It's... It's... Just I saw a sense of Sarah again... And I'm sorry to worry you... It was just a lot.

Kairi: (She has a questioning look at first but then her eyes widen staring down at her hands in wonder and slight sadness in thought at her hands). ... Sarah... Really...?

Orion: (He shakes the feeling away). No, no it's fine Kairi... I'm sorry... It's just I'm trying to understand where you got the Earth energy from....

Kairi: (Still looks down at her hands and can't help but tear up as she thinks). It must hurt a lot... I must remind you of her a lot then... It happened before at your workshop didn't it... I am sorry to do that to you....

Orion: (He shakes his head as he hugs her). No... Don't be sorry... It's just my own fault... I'm not trying to shove her onto you.... Your are your own person Kairi... And I love you just as much as I loved her... So don't be sorry....

Kairi: (She sniffles as she wipes her eyes on his shoulder). I just never really understood what having a dad was like at first because mine did not want to play games or spend time around us... But you gave me a idea of what it should be like just like Rowen for my big sis... I really liked painting rocks or looking for cool shiny ones with you when I was little. Showing you things I was proud of or even pick me up when I cried... I just hope I did not push to feeling like you had to or being selfish wanting that from somewhere... I just hope it did not hurt doing things like that for me... They were a lot of fun I remember when you could stop by....

Orion: (He holds her tighter and holds her head with his hand). Now... I thank you for being true to yourself... And I was always to come see you because... You helped fill that dark hole in my heart... I couldn't thank you enough... And I'm glad to have been able to fill that hole in your heart as well... Nothing made me happier than it was to see your bright smiling face.

Kairi: I just want everyone to be together and happy... Share more of those moments... Sarah... She must of been great to like cute things like ducklings and pink so much... I like the same but with bunnies but anything cute is great... I just did not want to be sad and reminded like that to you... I hope not... But she did sound great from the stories I asked Mis Mizu and Shizen about.... I am sorry if I reminded you of sad things though... I just want everyone to smile together and struggle less. (She still rubs her eyes from crying on his shoulder as Rocky nudges Orion's leg doing so every time sensing he is upset).

Orion: (He holds her tightly as he kisses her forehead). And you will see those smiles all together again... I promise you will. You're a very sweet Kairi I could never stay sad when I saw you smiling as bright as the sun sometimes. I will admit the feelings of loss still haunt me... But don't ever think you will make me sad, if anything... You have helped me understand the feelings of having a daughter again... So I'm happy to be there for you as I know you are for me when my days seem glom. So don't live in the sadness... Live in the happiness you give everyone around you. (As he lets Rocky in to snuggle up to both him and Kairi). See even Rocky is worried about us as well... So don't be sad alright? And all those smiles will be back together again.

Kairi: (Rubs her eyes and feels better hearing Orion but still hides her face on him. It comforts her and she nods as a promise to keep her bright smile up again). Alright... I promise... Thank you for being there... And I will do everything I can to help everyone smile together too... I am glad to have someone there that cares like a dad should... Just like sis thinks of Rowen as... Thank you for being there, caring... And painting rocks with me... It is a lot of fun....

Orion: (He smiles hearing those words). Well... I will always be there with you when you need me... I will do my best to fit that role... And will we paint some more rocks together... I promise.

Kairi: Maybe you could teach me more how to carve the stones too. It looked really cool in your city. (Her bright smile starts to return as Spike joins the hugs from behind them giving big slobbery lick kisses which Kairi cannot help but giggle and pet both him and Rocky on the head).

Orion: (He gives a small smirk as he places his finger under nose as a show of confidence). Well, well... It seems the young miss wishes to learn. Well it so happens I'm the master blacksmith and of the Earth element. Teaching you how to carve will be as easy as pie.

Kairi: (Has a sparkle in her eyes looking up at Orion). But you are not just a master, you are a grand master with earth just like Shizen with nature! You would really teach me more about earth and how to use it?

Orion: (He grins even more from the boost in ego he has right now). Well of course I would! Now what type of grandmaster would I be if I didn't?

Kairi: (Giggles from the words and big goofy grin doing her own back. She then stares at her hands after the laughter calms and smiles at them). I don't know where the earth energy comes from... But it feels better... Right... I struggled more with the dark shadowy things and maybe that is why... Maybe it was meant to bring Kura and Yami together. In that case I am happy I could help them... I always did like looking at different rocks when really small so maybe that was meant to fit me better... Maybe that is why I am better at the barrier things... If that is the case then I am proud then and will do my best to be the best student ever to the Earth grandmaster! (She then looks back up at Orion with her bright sweet smile showing greatly).

Orion: Well, I will definitely do my hardest to help you learn the way of the Earth element as best I can. There is a lot to learn... And if the contract was formed with you because it was to bring them together that's amazing.... (He says to himself quickly "now where does the Earth energy coming from I don't understand").

Kairi: Thank you, I want to bring them back together again like their meant to be and I will do my best to learn everything I can. (Giggles as Spike gives her some more dog kisses and Rocky nudges the both of them petting them both as she giggles and plays with both of them).

Orion: (He smiles as pets her head as he creates a rock flower for her to hold). Well to congratulate you on passing the first test as my student... Here is a small token of my work for my dear student.

Kairi: (Looks at the stone flower in amazement and her own hands as well in a expression of wonder and curiosity to the abilities they may hold not sure herself how to ever explain them).

Orion: (As he is sitting with Kairi from the corner of his eye he catches a glimmer of green light. Looking up he sees Shizen on a branch with Rowen giving a serious nod to him and hand signal to move out. He nods after he is done hugging Kairi). Well it's time to get going now Mis Kairi... Go help gather everyone together.

Kairi: (She looks at the serious expression nods back becoming anxious for whatever is to come. She gets up being determined to face it no matter what for Yami going to Kura first being who needs it most. She places a hand on her shoulder to get her attention seeing her stare downwards in deep thought). Kura... It is time to get going....

Kura: (Instantly stands anxiously but says nothing. She only clenches her hands together close to her chest but nods back).

Hiki: (After the moment with Tori and get her feelings sorted out she and Tori head towards Shizen after giving notice to Chazz and Jennifer).

Jennifer: (Nods back understanding what is happening quickly. She stands with Chazz but before she follows everyone else she holds tightly onto his hand noticing something on his wrist again. She gives a small smile seeing a worn emerald ribbon tied around it usually hidden under his sleeve with him noticing the small smile there for a brief moment).

Chazz: (He smiles as well as he holds her hand tighter seeing the smile). Well we should be heading out now.

Jennifer: (Shakes her head yes still looking down at his wrist then back up at him). Yes we shall... It just took me until not long ago to realize you were the one I gave this too you... You do not have to give it back... It just makes me think back to when this group started... It was first us... And then slowly got bigger and brought all of these spirits together... Kairi too of course helped with that... So let's make sure they stay together this time... and this time for good. (Smiles more up at Chazz holding on just as tightly to his hand).

Chazz: (He holds just a tightly onto her hands). Well of course, we will make sure that everyone comes back together. I will do my best to help and bring everyone together... Because I am sure the feeling is mutual amongst everyone here.

Jennifer: And I will be right there beside you to help with that... Together no matter what. And who knows, maybe that sword from the blacksmith in the Earth city will come in handy at some point. (Looks at the big great sword on Chazz's back still wrapped in a leather binding).

Chazz: Maybe... I do hope that it will help... But we shall see where the tides of fate takes us. Until than... I will be going through each step with you.

Jennifer: Yes and bring back a balance as you would put it. (Laughs slightly but it quickly stop and her expression goes more serious like everyone else as they gather around with Shizen and Rowen).

Shizen: (Looks back everyone else with the same serious expression and then sighs). I know you have been waiting quite anxiously... But it is time to head out and make our first move.

Kura: (Has the most anxious and tense expression out of anyone as she whispers quietly to herself from her own thoughts). Yami....

Hiki: (She places her hand on Kura's shoulder and gives her a reassuring smile). Everything will be fine Kura... I promise.

Kura: (Looks to Hiki shaking her head yes then looks forward wanting to move quickly).

Shizen: (Sighs again before she says more in her serious tone). I have gotten word of Yami's location in the fort near a town close to us. I have a source that has given me insight to the probable times he will be moved outside to a more secure location later today, even early this day. We need to move quickly to catch them while they are still near the fort yet far outside of it to have more of a opening for Yami to reach us.... It will be our easiest chance to reach him yet that does not mean there will not be struggle involved so stay on your guard... Please....

Rowen: (He takes up charge next to Shizen). Now you all knew the risk when you all wanted to come even I did... But even so, mister Yami a man connected to our dear Kairi. So we must make with up most certainly that they reunite alongside his sister. We have assistance from both the light and dark council members so we should move quickly and carefully. Let's make sure to get this done quickly. So we all can return home for the festival in town.

Kura: (She shakes her head yes besides one fact she says quietly to herself). He's just a young boy still... He deserves a place he can grow and act like one finally....

Kairi: (Looks up at Kura reassuringly hold her hand to do so as well). He will, I know because we will make sure of that Kura.

Hiki: So just believe in us! And everything will be ok! We aren't just a bunch of push over's anymore... We will make sure to bring everyone back.... (There is a clear pain in her voice as she wants to believe that it will be ok but things are never that simple).

Shizen: (She knows the bad feeling herself heavily, knowing her instinct is never wrong but she knows she must prepare everyone for whatever the feeling brings). If possible we want all of you to stay with Orion, Rowen or I as we will be in command. Mizuko is part of the first squad as reinforcements. They will most likely stay back until Mizuko's call for aid judging from how this turns. (She then glances at Orion who seems distant during this knowing something is off in his mind when he gets like this. She knows the look from him too well of having much weighted on his thoughts planning to confront it as they move out).

Orion: (He sighs as he looks towards Shizen). Will you stop looking at me like that... Already have enough on my nerves, don't need more.

Shizen: (She narrows her eyes at Orion as he should know full well this will not be dropped by her with that. She turns to Rowen with a polite smile though it is clear it is to cover the tension from the last statement). Rowen why don't you start us off in leading us to our next location? I have some small matters to discuss with Orion if you do not mind taking charge until then.

Rowen: (He shakes his head knowing he wants to help but he lets it go knowing how Shizen can be). Alright, alright I shall take lead from here... Follow me everyone.

Chazz: (He feels a slight shiver done his spine as he sees the cold stare behind Shizen's smile).

Jennifer: (Gives a concerned look towards Shizen feeling the tension with what Orion said as well but before she can speak up about it Rowen urges her to move to the front of the group with him. She still looks back at first with everyone else before looking forward to go on their way).

Shizen: (She waits until everyone starts moving stopping to stay back with Orion walking far enough behind to stay out of ear shot. Once she is she looks to the side of her where Orion walks beside her with a slight glare and her words bluntly put behind it). Now you know I hate when you take that tone with me Orion.

Orion: (He sighs). Well you know I hate that look you give so I'm guessing the feeling is a bit mutual my dear sister.

Shizen: (Sighs back shaking her head at him). I would be more inclined to harden my glare... But I know you to well... I only have known you to act like this... Cold compared to your normal grinning down to earth self... I hate that cold Orion... But I know it happens when deep pain makes your walls crumble.... (Looks back at Orion with a more sincere concerned expression).

Orion: (He sighs one more time as he rubs the back of his head). I'm sorry... It's just I have a pain running through my heart... And Kairi found out she can use earth energy very well compared to the dark energy... So my heart just stinged a little compared to what happened at the workshop... Which is my fault.

Shizen: Earth energy...? (She pauses in surprise looking up ahead at Kairi getting a quick small smile). I shouldn't be surprised. When training in magic with Hiki and Kura she could only make earth and barriers in her magic... Coincidence....

Orion: I'm aware... Which I still find very strange on its own.... (Pauses lost in thought being lost in his emotions).

Shizen: (She looks up in her own thoughts getting a small frown). You went through something I would not wish on any parent in the world Orion... I am amazed you can carry yourself forward with that strength... It's like you carry the world on your shoulder even smiling about it so everyone else does not worry... That's not the kind of smile Sarah wanted for you....

Orion: (He looks down away from Shizen). But she also wouldn't want me to always sit here and grieve all the time... She would want me to live each day as best I can... Don't tell me what my daughter would think... You weren't there when she passed away in my arms... Don't.

Shizen: (Sighs looking down herself). Fine... You have a point... But in that case you're not taking your and her own advise... And if you want to take it out and push me away fine... I can take it... Just not Kairi if you start thinking that... She's too pure to deserve that... They both are... And don't think I don't miss her every dam day too... To Mizu and I she was the most treasured little smile we could never of imagined having to be aunts to... It gave us our first idea of what being a mother could be like... I miss her too... I may not of been with her until the end... But going to your city just to see such a bright smile and eyes filled with wonder was one of the greatest thing to experience then... So don't you dare say or think we don't know grief too... I know you hurt more it's just... Dam... I'm helpless... Mizu always was better at these things... She is better with her comfort... All I'm good at doing is punching a wall. (Her fists clench with her words with gritted teeth in her own anger and grief using a arm to cover her face and rub her eyes turning her head away from him).

Orion: (He sighs getting upset at himself for taking it out on Shizen). Believe me when I say this... I'm not trying to force that image onto Kairi... I'm doing what I normally do... I promised her to help carve some rocks... I'm not pushing my grief onto the young one. She's helping me accept it so I understand your point. I do really... It's just taking a little longer than I would like but I know the difference between the two. And don't worry I know where you coming from on this not like you don't know the feeling of grief either.... Especially after the incident with Nagi and Shiro so I understand.

Shizen: (She still looks away but nods slightly ). Being alive so long... We all have our grief... Some bigger than others... It's the hardest thing to figure out how to move past those but somehow time keeps going forward when the pain is still so fresh... All I ask is for us to grieve together and take those hard steps forward together... For those who can't anymore in our lives... We have to... For them and our own good... The hardest thing to do so it can't be done alone... So let us carry the weight with you.... (She at first is hesitant but then holds onto Orion's hand tightly for both of their comfort).

Orion: (After a few moments he holds onto her hand just as tight). I know... It is just sometimes I don't want to bother others with the shared grief... For they have their own grief's which I don't want to add onto that.... I only want the people I care about to live happily... I don't care much about myself... Well not as drastically, but I shoulder all my burdens because my shoulders are strong enough to hold any boulder. (He says with a small laugh as he gestures to his shoulders). But maybe your right.... I'll try to be more open about it... Maybe.

Shizen: (Laughs slightly to Orion's comment about his shoulders shaking her head in agreement). You are right about your strength but sometimes even the strongest grow tired after such a long time holding everything up. Just like how you would not let Mizu or I keep everything in we will not let you do so either. We have each other's back and I know Rowen will say the same just as the young ones have theirs together. (She then looks up at Kairi and a smile slowly grows watching her bright smile for a second with a thought popping into her head making her eyes widen a little with another laugh after at her thought).

Orion: What is going on in your head now Shizen... I know that look on your face... What's running through it right now?

Shizen: (Shakes her head looking down with a smile once the laughter calms). I am just thinking of what Mizu would think and perhaps she is right. (She then looks up at Orion and then Kairi). She would say something about someone's soul staying around the ones they loved and cherished no matter in what life they are reborn to... I think eventually I slowly started to believe her.

Orion: (He smiles at the thought). Maybe... Maybe it might be right but even so... She is a different person and living a different life. I don't want to treat her like someone else.

Shizen: (Smiles back and nods). I agree and whether or not that is the case this life wants to be close to you just the same. (She then laughs as Rocky catches up and nudges Orion's leg with Spike licking his hand). I would say they agree.

Orion: (He smiles as he pets the both of them). Now, now don't need you too worrying about me as much too... But I will be alright now.... I promise... Because we can't stay behind for too long. Everyone is waiting for us.

Shizen: The animals here are just as stubborn about staying as companions. (She sighs looking to Silver and Owlet on Hiki and Tori's shoulders and little Echo having snuck into Rowen's bag. She then looks at Orion sincerely to him). ... I hope this helped... And your right even if it is a rebirth I wouldn't want those memories to awaken if deep inside as Adara wanted to research at one time... A new life and journey to experience over again after all.... (She has a small smile and reassuring comforting expression).

Orion: (He smiles as he looks towards the group again). Well it has for sure... I will get there... Just you wait... And yes every new memory in someone's life is a new journey they are doing... So it wouldn't be right to change it now.

Shizen: Yes and I will always make sure I am patient with those I care about so take all the time you need and I will help you along with Mizu and the others... Now pick up Rocky and let's move ahead... I already can tell they refuse to be left behind. (She looks towards the young ones in the group with a serious and determined look). And most importantly for what is to come... Let's make sure they do not have to go through living another life during this....

Orion: (He picks up Rocky with ease). I'm glad to hear it and don't you worry... I won't let that happen to them. I won't allow it to happen to them at all.

Shizen: (Nods with a frown looking up ahead as they pick up the pace to catch up. She says before in ear shot giving a reassuring look to them). Yes no matter what I will make sure of that as well... A future in this life and not having to be the next... And make sure this world is at peace most of all.

Shizen and Orion catch up quickly to the front of the group to lead with Rowen right behind who they quickly reassure. It is not long that they reach areas with less plant life as they go further away from the coastline. The land is more rocky and sandy from the heat which everyone feels having little shade that was given by trees. It is desert like with plants and animals that are clearly more suited to such a habitat. There are some hints of volcanic activity in the distance giving off a red glow on the horizon. It is not long after reaching this area Shizen instantly stops mid step putting her hand up to signal the group to stop as well. She narrows her eyes at the distant fort but most of all scans the area carefully.

Rowen: (He stops as well with the feelings of uncertainty). Well it looks we have arrived.

Shizen: (She signals to stay out of fort view even though far from it as she continues to scan the area and everyone can tell her instincts are more on edge).

Jennifer: (Has the same uneasy feeling with her instincts causing her to swing her bow off of her shoulder and then reaches in back to her quiver).

Chazz: (Among everyone else the uneasy feeling begins to spread as they ready their weapons to get ready for the upcoming fight).

Shizen: (She then notices a few small puddles in their area looking to Orion with a small smile). A bit too much water for this type of area wouldn't you say Orion?

Orion: (It takes him a moment to realize what she means than laughs a bit upon figuring it out). Well your quite right about that... Very wet around here indeed.

Shizen: (Laughs as well as a mist rolls into their area being so hot making everyone else a little on edge not knowing what it is).

Jennifer: (Backs up and begins to take out a arrow being almost like a fog as she puts a arm out to keep Kairi in back of her protectively).

Kura: (Takes a step back but questions the laughter making her a little less on guard but the anxious feeling remains).

Rowen: (He does not seem to be as bothered as it would seem everyone else is). Well than, very interesting way of getting here.

Chazz: (He, Hiki and Tori ready their hands on their swords, ready to take action).

??????: (As Chazz, Hiki and Tori ready themselves they feel a presence form behind them with small chirps from both Silver and Owlet as they duck into their bags).

Hiki: (Upon feeling the presence with Chazz and Tori they turn around without drawing their swords to see who the presence is).

Mizuko: (It is easy to tell who forms from the water as detail is added but for a moment she still looks as if her body is made of water. She has a polite smile and small bow towards them in greeting). I hope I did not scare you just now I apologize if so. Maybe I should of chosen somewhere else to form but it was harder to be precise with such hot air.

Chazz: (He sighs in relief). No it is fine to miss Mizuko. It was just being on guard from the sudden mist that had appeared so I understand.

Mizuko: Yes the air is quite hot here so my waters become steam much easier. It does make quite a good cover though.

Jennifer: (Swings her bow back onto her shoulder with a sigh in relief). It is nice to see you again and maybe we could use that.

Shizen: (Nods to Mizuko with a grin for a moment getting the same idea with the mist). That is not a bad idea using this mist but will you have enough waters saved up for however long this will take? I do not want you to dehydrate being in such a scarce area for you. (Gets a slight look of concern).

Mizuko: (Shakes her head with a small smile to reassure). I can manage fine here

Orion: She has been here before so I'm sure she will be fine, but regardless, please do be careful... While we are here.

Mizuko: I will be fine but you have a good idea using the mist. It is much easier to make this steam here.

Shizen: That reminds me we will want to be careful with fire spirits here. We are in their territory so they have the advantage having increased strength in this climate.

Jennifer: (Nods seriously looking around the desert and volcanic area). I can see why but it makes sense with seeing them in a disadvantage traveling all the way to nature and water territory. We will be careful.

Kura: (She goes back to staring at where the far off fort is though now shrouded by the mist with her hands clenched with Kairi starting to do the same).

Rowen: Now, now it is only right that we begin to prepare for the upcoming battles so let us all be ready to move out as soon as we can. We have things that need to be done and making sure that the young Yami has a home again. Thank you again Mis Mizuko for the assistance, I am sure it will come with great asset to this upcoming event.

Mizuko: I do have a small group of warriors who volunteered but I instructed them to stay back towards the shores to be on standby to call for back-up. One wanted to come with us though. A commander that was first to volunteer on this assault. She insisted even.

Shizen: (Raises a eyebrow in interest). That is very ambitious to volunteer for such a thing.

Rowen: (He smiles at the statement). Well it is quite brave for them to do such a thing so I commend them for this.

Jennifer: Is it someone we know? it's nice of them to want to help as well. (Just then she senses past the mist quick movements similar to Hiki's looking around carefully with Shizen sensing it too though being less obvious about it).

Kairi: Thank you for helping us too Mis Mizu. It's really nice of you.

Mizuko: (Smiles kindly down at Kairi). I am happy to help such a close group and plus you are helping protect this world in the process.

Kura: So when should we expect this new person? I prefer this not take long please.

Chazz: (He has the same feelings of anxious as does Kura for a brief moment). I do agree... If we want to get this done without much harm coming to the rest of the land we need to hurry.

Hiki: (Because of how cautious she is she keeps her hand on her hilt for a brief second following the sense of movement through the mist).

Shizen: Yes so whoever has followed you with this mist we cannot wait for them. We are short on time as it is even if this mist buys us some time but it is more of a cover to give us a surprise advantage at first. (Something catches her interest about the approaching presence being something familiar from the great speed which she whispers to herself about). ... That speed....

Kura: Let's hope they are fast enough to catch up in time. (She turns towards the fort ready to get moving again impatiently).

Hiki: (She keeps keen accuracy of the speed as it matches up to her own, her eyes following it fine). They're coming in fast....

Mizuko: Light spirits never have problems with catching up. They are always the first to respond and send word so I agreed it was wise for her to come along.

Kairi: (Looks up at Mizuko curiously not seeing the movement well). Who is it? They must be really fast then to get here already.

Hiki: (She sighs as she realizes who it is). It's lady Luna... It only makes sense so it shall be alright than.

Kura: (Looks down in thought hearing Luna is joining them reminded of when they first encountered Luna saying out loud but to herself). ... She really wants to help Yami...?

Hiki: It would appear, it would probably have something to do with Maru. So I'm pretty sure it only makes sense but we shall see won't we?

Jennifer: We might as well accept all the help we can get.

Shizen: ( She gets a slight frown). Plus this type of situation hits a hard place for her... I shouldn't be surprised.

Mizuko: (Looks down with a sad expression almost as if there is regret in her eyes if she had not look away from everyone).

Luna: (In an instant, she arrives in front of the party and smiles as though she was slightly lost for a moment explaining all of the flickers of lights from place to place). Oh my apologies for the hold up... I don't normally go through fire lands often so I had lost track of my destination.

Mizuko: The mist probably caused some problems as well... My apologies. (There is a small sad smile as she looks away from Luna with a bow of her head).

Shizen: (Grins as she puts her hands on her hips). We will take all of the help we can. I am glad though Maru stayed behind, being 14 still he did not have much of a choice.

Kairi: (Looks up at Luna with a big smile). Thank you for helping us!

Kura: (Gives a small smile and not back at Luna having a grateful and more trusting look towards her). Thank you Luna... For helping Yami.

Luna: (She nods after a slight pause). I am happy to be of help... I wish to do my very best to help bring your family back together.... (Pauses for another second looking away).

Kura: (Gets a slight frown hearing the hesitation but shakes her). I am grateful....

Shizen: Well we do not have time for catching up unfortunately. We are about to make our move and we will be using this mist as a surprise advantage to begin with.

Kairi: (Looks down a little shaking her head). I am glad Maru did not come along... I would not want him to get hurt.

Luna: (She sighs). Well the young master was quite persistent in his requests... But I told him to stay with Mis Hailey for the time I am away.

Shizen: It is for the best and plus he is not of the age to join battle without training in fighting like a page or squire. That would be 15.

Kairi: I hope he does not worry too much... And he just tries to focus on time with Hailey since they seem really cute together.

Jennifer: You will see them once we make sure everyone is safe and together... We will make sure of it.

Luna: (he nods her head as she looks over the group and sees the stress and uncertainty in some of their eyes). Yes which Is why I requested he stay with her. Now back to the objective at hand... What we are doing now to achieve our goal? Are we storming the city or are we sneaking in?

Shizen: (Her expression becomes more serious with a sigh). We are using this mist to give us some cover as a first step. We have had word that soon they are to move out. That is when we make our move. They will probably have Yami in chains or some sort of guard so we will need to help him get away. The faster he can break free to run the easier this will be. If too many come to aid or Agni himself puts all his attention on keeping Yami away we may lose our opportunity.

Kura: (Her fists clench with gritted teeth as she looks down and away).

Shizen: (She looks directly at Kura but with a stricter tone to everyone). That means not being reckless here....

Chazz: (He sighs knowing on how Kura is but understands if she does). Well regardless we will need to act as fast as possible and spend the least amount of time we can on unneeded fights.

Shizen: (Nods as she makes a hand signal as if motioning up and Silver takes off from Tori's shoulder making Owlet chirp and flap his wings though not ready to follow). Tori if you do not mind scouting ahead above this mist for where we are to approach. Stay in shadow form, you will want to stay hidden and no matter what do not try to a engage on your own. (Has a serious tone out of concern for his safety to not risk himself).

Tori: (He nods his head yes as his body slowly begins to fade into a shadow like state). Alright I'm on it then.

Kairi: (Before Tori forms wings to take off she runs up to him with a worried and concerned look up at him. She hugs him tightly before he goes even if it is only for a brief moment). Please be careful....

Tori: (He stops his transformation midway and hugs her back tightly). I'll be careful, I promise... I won't be gone long.

Kairi: (Shakes her head yes and holds onto his hand tightly before his shadowy black wings carry him to flight kissing his cheek quickly with a smile). Good... I will be right here waiting for you and Silver.

Tori: (He smiles as he begins to take off). I will make sure to come back then.

Hiki: (She smiles at the sight of Tori like this). Now calm down there love birds. We have a thing to do... Though it is kind of cute.... (Looks to Chazz for a quick second with a slight blush).

Jennifer: (Looks too No the Tori and Kairi in the affectionate farewell but instead of her normal glare towards Tori a small smile breaks through as she whispers to herself). Cute....

Shizen: (Looks to Tori with a small smile at their little moment yelling up to him before her goes to catch up with Silver). I gave Silver some directions near the fort. It is the general area they are likely to move out to. Once you find their path you are to fly straight back to us, nothing further.

Tori: (He shakes his head yes as he begins to take off towards the fort).

Shizen: (Looks to everyone else after Tori takes flight). Now let's head to that area ourselves. Kairi, Kura since you have ties to him you could probably get a idea of which way Yami would be located as well so I will need to work on tracking as well.

Kura: (Simply nods her head with hand clenched close to her heart as she already starts to move forward).

Kairi: (Nods her head determinedly catching up to walk with Kura to comfort her). We will do our best.

Jennifer: (She looks forward with a small frown, the same as Shizen's when a bad feeling hits her instincts but then sighs as they move out together). Let's get going then....

Tori once in flight follows Silver above the mist finding it easier to glide high with the mix of hot air and cool from Mizuko's mist. He does his best to stick close to the trail that is following behind Silver as he tries to look around as much as he can to keep an eye out for any sigh of Agni or Yami. It takes quite some time of flying for Tori to reach the fort following Silver to follow a road nearby that led to the fort from inland with hilly dry land surrounding the area. The paths split off in different directions and Silver seems to slow and glide as if they had reached a point that she no long knows her way to be followed. Although Silver slows Tori at least catches the faintest of darkness down the path nearest the fort though some guards pace the main roads regularly this one seems small.

Tori: (He takes notice of the dark energy and begins to look around to see if he has an opening to sneak into the fortress). This might be my only chance.... (A caw from Silver catches his attention. She only looks in one area seeing a distant rather small group walking the path though it is too far away to see anything detailing them. He looks towards the group of people and tries to get a bit closer. Even though he is high up to make sure he is not detected he sees well enough a small group of guards. One thing that does catch his sight instantly is the ones in front being different from standard guard uniforms. One is a small boy he would recognize anywhere from the black and red hair and eyes. Beside Yami looks like Agni with a confidence in his stride with a strange woman to his other side he does not recognize ever seeing with him. She has long black hair and a rather revealing bright red dress with lips to match and orange eyes seeming to give off a flirtatious impression. On Yami's other side there if a knight fully covered in dark plate armor covering all of him even having the helmet down and a cloak draped over one of his shoulders. The knight keeps close guard on Yami and a sheathed giant broadsword on his back. He looks unsure of who the people are but doesn't care. All he cares about is Yami and Agni. His urge to get moving towards them begins to intensify. Silver circles above Tori doing small chirps in a alert fashion as the people below have little notice there is a presence above being almost invisible to most. One thing odd about what Tori sees though Yami hard to see being in-between Agni and the large knight is Yami seems less angry and more passive than he would expect being next to Agni. Before he begins to advance toward them he is taken back by the site of Yami seeming ok with this situation). What is going on...?

????: (Although Tori is in his shadowy state the tall and strong looking knight seems to slow and look up making him feel like he is being directly looked at. There is a medal with the symbol of fire connecting the red cloak to the dark armor being a symbol of a knight for fire, even a champion. He knows it is a high skilled warrior now that he has a closer look).

Tori: (He pulls back to Silver as his sense of danger begins to increase greatly)

????: (The knights head follows Tori as if his shadow is seen clearly. He first taps Agni on the shoulder silently then with the same hand reaches behind him to grip the hilt of his broad sword ready to unsheathe it if ever needed as his warning).

Tori: (He backs off immediately and follows Silver back towards the group. As much as he wants to fight now... It would mean nothing. Silver caws as she glides above Tori right over his shoulder rather protectively as they retreat. After he feels the killing intent intensely from the unknown soldier he makes his way back to the group to tell them what he has seen. He makes it back to the group quickly able to spot the mist closer now seeing that they have made good pace. He makes sure he is going a speed Silver can keep up with but once in the mist he has to rely on the falcon being hard to see but the rushed pace his heart has doesn't fade. Chazz, Kairi and Kura are able to see Tori first but after Silver's caw brings their attention to the sky.

Jennifer and Shizen: (Both look up seeing and hearing Silver but struggle to try and see if Tori is with her putting their hands up to shield their eyes of some glaring light to look up at them better).

Chazz: (He looks relieved to see Tori back but he can just tell something is wrong as he is making his approach as does Hiki for knowing him long enough).

Kairi: (Quickly Runs to Tori jumping up to wave up at him until he lands with plans to give him a big hug when he does).

Kura: (Clenches her hands together tightly watching Tori with hope painfully in her eyes for any news).

Shizen: (Walks forward as well with Orion and Mizuko having talked with them and Luna before Tori had arrived getting a small serious frown).

Tori: (as he lands he holds Kairi's hand as he avoids Kura's gaze. He looks straight at Shizen and Orion). Well I found him... But there was this knight and... Rather strange women next to him and Agni. Now...the thing that was strange was that Yami... wasn't struggling...he was walking calming along with them... And the knight noticed me almost immediately... Which was very strange. I'm... I'm not sure how to process all of this.

Chazz: (He and Rowen look back at each other in shock from the news as does Hiki and Luna). He was... Calm... And looked like he was willing walking with them...? What is the meaning of this...?

Luna: (She looks down and remembers the promise she made to Yami and sighs and thinks to herself). I hope it doesn't lead that promise young Yami... You have a family to return too.

Shizen: (Looks to Orion and Mizuko knowing her bad feeling would be true but not like this narrowing her eyes with clenched fists).

Jennifer: (Looks down with clenched fists as well, the information being confusing and off). There must be a explanation to all of this....

Kairi: (Looks down staying quiet but Tori can feel her hand tighten on his).

Tori: (He looks down at Kairi). I'm sure there is... I just couldn't understand it... I wanted to confront and learn more... But I couldn't get close.

Kura: (After listening to Tori she was in a shocked silence but now she finally breaks it though having a expression of disbelief). T-that's a lie... Yami would never... No way... He would kick and scream fighting with any strength he had and more... I can't believe... I can't! (Looks at Tori in anger out of her denial of his words with fists clenched painfully tight).

Tori: (He looks away from Kura still). I couldn't believe it either... I didn't want to believe it at all... I wasn't sure what to think. I wanted answers... But it was too dangerous

Kura: You could of.... Something... But you saw him right? Let's go now! I'm done being patient about this we need to save him! You found them right? Take us there already! (The desperation gets to her having held it in until now).

Shizen: (Narrows her eyes at Kura knowing this would happen at some point, she is only surprised it didn't come sooner). We need to keep a level head about this more than anything now. Rash actions will only put us all at risk, including Yami.

Orion: So we will take things as they are... At least we know he is safe so we have a little more time then expected but we do need to hurry.

Mizuko: We may have less... Tori I recall you saying you were seen easily? In shadow form even? That means this mist will give little surprise advantage to them.

Jennifer: Wait so someone could see you even as a shadow? It's nearly invisible how? Was there something different about the soldier from the rest? (Has a puzzled yet weary look of how Tori sounded mentioning this).

Luna: (She takes a moment to think). It might have been another dark spirit... It's the only thing that makes sense in all of this... Only dark spirits can detect other dark spirits to my knowledge....

Chazz: But if that is the case... Who would it be because that is the thing that doesn't make sense. Who would agree to work with him.

Mizuko: Highest skilled warriors could also work around that as another idea or have a portion of that element themselves.

Shizen: (Ponders in thought). This soldier or knight... Were there any details you recall making him unique compared to the others. Did he have for example a medallion somewhere with a fire symbol?

Tori: (He takes a moment to try and think back). Well umm... They had a broadsword and it seems like they had one arm... Since it seemed the other arm was covered with a red cloak of some sort....

Shizen: So one arm hidden by a cloak but a two handed type of sword... Odd... But I need you to think back to if there was a sort of fire symbol medal specifically if you are able.

Tori: (He thinks again for a second). Yes I do believe there was something like that... The symbol was also on his cape. I didn't have much time to look in detail.

Shizen: (Looks back at Orion and Mizuko with a frown but nods). A champion knight then.

Mizuko: (Has the same reaction back at Shizen). It surely would meet the highly skilled portion of it and exceed it greatly.

Jennifer: (looks slightly confused from Shizen's statement). A what?

Shizen: (Sighs before she begins to explain why it is so important). Every council member has a sort of champion or second in command in their element. Only the highest of skill and power earn this type of honor but also are known as a advisor most times. Kishi has that title currently for dark element being a master knight and Zahir for example I will give that title for my territory because he meets my standard to earn that and it takes the greatest amount of trust in them. Each one gets a medallion with their element symbol that represents such a title. Rowen has one from Orion in fact though I do not believe you ever explained why you were given that am I right... A bit sly in that Orion.

Rowen: (He thinks for a brief moment as he looks towards Orion). Oh does it now mister Orion? (He is clearly a bit angry). Now, now why would pull something like that....

Orion: (He has a cold sweat as he looks towards Rowen). Well you see, well since you declined the advisor role it only made sense since I believed you were very well deserving of it.

Rowen: (He nods his head after a few seconds). Alright then well please understand it will not change my mind for my duties but I understand your reasoning.

Mizuko: Though I do agree with Orion the little I have known you and trust his choice as well as my sister happiness with you I think you can save this talk for after. We are now expected.

Shizen: Yes not the time for this although Tori I am glad you did not approach with that being the case. We will need to stay even more well guarded if that is the case.

Orion: (He coughs). Yes you are right... Rowen we will discuss more in detail later. We have a tesk we need to get done now....

Chazz: (He sighs as he tries to stay on task, trying to process information and coordinate a plan in his mind).

Kura: (Looks at Tori only having one priority in her mind). You know the way, you saw Yami right? Then take us there already. I'm done wasting time like this let's go!

Kairi: (Looks down more as her hand tightens on Tori's sleeve more in worry with Kura's tone).

Tori: (He holds Kairi's hand tightly feeling the difference as he looks towards Kura). I understand why you want to rush and I want to as well... But we got to be careful or else there will be no one to come back to Kura.

Kura: I know... It's just.... (Her hands clench tighter but she grits her teeth and nods).

Shizen: Knowing we are expected he probably will find no point in running and splitting up at this point will only weaken us being so small in numbers. Tori you lead us since you and Silver found their location. We will go in a rushed pace but not one that exhausts our needed energy greatly for any strong battles we face. (Says quietly in a whisper to Orion, Mizuko and as well as Rowen and Luna standing beside them). We will want to keep a eye on Kura.

Orion: (He sighs as he shakes his head yes).

Tori: (He begins to lead the group in the direction in which he came from and begins to take haste to do so. He wants to make sure Yami will be ok... He has to be and not actually working with Agni... That's impossible).

Jennifer: (Makes sure the animals ate secure seeing some put protective barriers over the bags they carry especially Rowen with Echo and Hiki with Owlet and gives a worried sigh walking beside Chazz to this unavoidable conflict).

Not far away and after Tori was noticed the guarded group of Agni has weapons drawn. Agni even decides to slow the pace knowing they will only prolong the oncoming conflict with Yami's choice. The main knight in front has relaxed some for now only standing silently on guard beside Yami with Talia standing beside Agni with a bit of inpatient boredom. Yami only looks down beside Agni. He is clearly tense and unsure of how to explain himself now and it weighs on him heavily.

Agni: (He sighs as he pats Yami on the shoulder). Are you alright now young Yami? You seem very shaken up from the events.

Yami: (He looks down more in his uncertainty). Just don't know what to say to them... You know?

Agni: (He nods). I understand fully... But it is still your choice in doing these things. They simply don't understand on why it is important for these things to happen

Yami: I hope whatever your doing works out so they understand after... Just don't want to hurt them.

Agni: Yes, I understand and no it shouldn't hurt them at all in end... But they will rebel I will say that at least so I will protect my people at least.

Yami: I guess... It's just.... (As he is about to go on about worries of what his friends and family will think and do a foggy mist starts to roll in causing everyone to perk up, not being normal for this area at all and making the air very humid).

Agni: (He makes a motion for the mysterious knight to move forward faster). We have company get moving now and quickly.

????: (The knight moves forward and more in front of Yami placing his hand on the hilt of his sword ready to unsheathe).

Talia: (Looks at Agni having a small pout until now). They took a little longer then I thought.

Agni: (He sighs). I was hoping I could get some tea first but so be it, one moment. (He begins to create fire to help clear up the mist and continue going forward).

Yami: (Looks around feeling a little on edge about the mist). Isn't this like a dessert or something? I thought it wasn't supposed to rain in those.

Agni: (He nods for the knight to get Yami moving). It is not, now get moving.

????: (The knight goes to place a hand on his back though it's careful to push him to move faster).

Yami: (Stumbles from the still strong nudge forward) Hey I get it no need to push.

????: (He does not respond only does a movement that he is about to pick up Yami under arm to move faster looking to Agni to give the word).

Agni: (He makes a hand sigh the knight would know as he creates a wall of flame to push the mist away).

????: (The knight nods and scoops Yami up quickly).

Yami: (Curses at the knight grumpily struggling in the hold). Hey what the fuck, put me down!

????: (Just before the knight is about to move out he stops and stands straight looking to the side and not taking his gaze away able to tell they are not alone and nudges his shoulder into Agni having his arm full with Yami).

Agni: Yes I am aware of it though I don't like uninvited guests in all honesty.

In the fog there appears a outline of a group of people with weapons ready to unsheathe and one voice at first speaks up being very familiar. Shizen steps forward to be more visible from the fog with her group right behind followed by Orion and Mizuko on either side of her and Rowen and Luna right behind them followed by everyone else.

Shizen: (There is a anger in her tone as she steps forward). Then you shouldn't of crossed that line at the meeting... It was playing dirty.

Agni: (He smirks as he starts to rise up fires around the invading group and themselves). Well than shall we play a game then dearies? (Suddenly a wall of inferno begins to surround them as they move through the fire).

Jennifer: (Instantly jolts back into Chazz from the walls of fire having a reaction of fear at first).

Shizen: (Curses under her breath with fists clenched). Not a time for these games. (Looks back at Orion and Mizuko to see if they could think of a way to go straight through the flames and not play his games).

Kairi: (Yells out at the flames to try and look for Yami). Yami are you there! Are you alright, are they hurting you!

Kura: (Looks frantically to find Yami and once she sees him being held by the knight her eyes widen finally seeing him). ...Yami... YAMI!

Yami: (Perks up hearing Kairi and Kura's voices feeling the knight grip tense briefly but then looks down And says quietly). Sis....

Agni: (He walks through the fire maze with ease as he leads everyone towards the main building as he yells out for everyone else to hear). Now do be careful where you walk everyone... You may find a surprise in some corners.

Shizen: Dammit! (Backs up slightly from a flame that flickers out backing into Orion and Rowen and cursing out with gritted teeth).

Mizuko: (Tries to gather the water in the air near her and try and make some flames near them die down but it is clear the water in the area evaporates fast with Agni having a territory advantage. She tries to keep it inside or near her to keep it from doing so).

Tori: (He looks around frantically as he looks for a way out as he flies into the air being caught by the fire walls slightly as he curses coming back down).

Orion: (He begins to summon up earth golems to make a path through the inferno walls buts it is clear it will take some time).

Kura: (Without little thought she tries to rush past everyone not caring of the flames only one thought in her mind that drives her to be reckless). Yami!

Kairi: (Reaches out to try follow and catch her). Kura wait!

Chazz: (He and Rowen grab her shoulder right away and pull her back).

Rowen: (He sighs). Now Mis Kura we need to stick together or else Yami will not have a sister to come back to anymore... I understand your worry but for now we need to hurry across this maze together or else we will just play into Agni's hands.

Kura: (Her eyes are wide her protective frantic feelings leading her with little thought put into them as she struggles to get through with no success). But he's right there, we don't have time! Yami!

Kairi: (Looks past the flames worriedly with a tight grip on Kura's sleeve). Isn't there a faster way to get through?

Shizen: (Her voice is stern in her command). No matter what we need to stay together. Rowen is right, splitting up will only play along to what Agni wants and make us weak. This is not the time for risking yourselves to rush in.

Chazz: (He looks towards Kura with Hiki giving her a look of asking her to wait). Now Kura... Come now... You got to wait for a second. The moment we can we will make haste.

Kura: (One look behind Chazz at Hiki's pleading expression stops her pushing but still is tense taking all of her will to do so as she looks down and away). ... Just make it quick.

Mizuko: (Bows to everyone respectfully as she helps Orion with his path. It is clear her waters are not doing as much having to be conservative with it). Thank you for staying calm now.

Hiki: (She grabs Kura's hand and smiles at her). Thank you Kura... And don't worry, we will get him back no matter what. I promise you that.

Kura: (Her hand is tight on Hiki's giving her a small smile at least). Thank you Hiki....

Shizen: (Sighs in relief for Kura but also notices something about Mizuko and her waters getting a small frown). You are being a bit more conservative with your water's Mizu. Did you bring enough for yourself? (Shows some concern remember last time she used her waters for others and leave none for herself being a habit of hers).

Mizuko: (Gives a odd look but then smiles with a reassuring nod). Thank you but I have been using my waters. It's just I wanted to make sure everyone is protected.

Shizen: (Notices what Mizuko means instantly and sighs with a smile shaking her head). Just try to leave plenty for whatever events may occur after... And yourself.

Jennifer: (She then notices a damp feeling that surrounds her making her look down as she sees some sort of water like barrier surrounds her and everyone else. It feels like it has a protective, cool and calming effect to the overwhelming heat). Whoa....

Orion: (He sighs as does Rowen). Well it would be easier if you didn't do that Mizu but I understand why... But let's get a moving, we got a dark spirit to save.

Kura: (Ones that is said she along with everyone else rushes to find a way and plan to pass through or find a way around the flames).

Kairi: (Stays close to Kura making sure they stay together).

Jennifer: (Checks the bags with animals hidden in them making sure the barriers are sealed safely for them and stays as far as she can from the flames).

Shizen: (glances back at Luna who has not spoken this whole time seeming downward and in dazed thought). Luna we need you to snap out of whatever your doing back there.

Luna: (She shakes from the thoughts flooding her head hearing that promise she made with Yami and fearing it is close to being true). Ah yes I am sorry... I will be right there.

Shizen: (Nods and goes forward but has to pause again getting a sense the fire is not as intense or serious as it should be... Like he is playing around with them, narrowing her eyes at the flames). ... Something's off here....

Rowen: (He nods). Yes something is amiss... Something is not right here what so ever... This would not be this easy if he would be trying....

Jennifer: (Puts her bow out to stop Chazz noticing movement in the flame maze walls, fire guards able to pass through with little to no effort towards them and positions further in the maze).

Chazz: (It takes a few moments before he is able to notice as well. He begins to go into a guard like stance to prepare for the fire guards).

Kura: (Pushes Kairi behind her protectively as she unsheathes her knife).

Shizen: (Swings her bow off of her shoulder and puts her hand by her quiver and readies it to draw).

Rowen: (Both he and Orion ready there gauntlets with fists up).

Luna: (Readies her swords as she prepares some light magic to use through the flames).

Hiki: (Tori and her stand next to each other and ready her katanas and Tori with his).

Chazz: (He readies his weapons in a fighting stance and waits for a opportunity carefully seeing that they may be surrounded).

Shizen: (Looks carefully at the approaching guards being shielded by flames and frowns seeing something odd). This is off....

Mizuko: (She pauses closely inspecting the guards too noticing as well). The guards surrounding him are mostly low ranking...?

Shizen: (She frowns and steps forward). I almost feel insulted with these games.

Orion: (He sighs heavily as he causes a sudden impact in earth energy by stomping his foot causing sudden pillars of Earth to appear and take down the guards right away). We don't have time for this silliness.

Shizen: I agree, Now let's break through this. I'm tired of these games.

Mizuko: (As she passes some of the dazed guards she looks at them with a bit of sympathy sending a small amount of water to them to heal any injuries that are not as minor).

Jennifer: (Hesitantly puts her hand near the flames as they move quickly noticing they are not as intense a heat as they appear). ... It is almost like giving off the illusion of trying.

Chazz: Well it's seems like he was just trying to buy time... So we must hurry up quickly....

Rowen: (He nods his head in agreement). Yes... He just wanted to distract us from our goal.... (Makes more pillars of earth to take out more of the guards).

Shizen: He's playing games with us and likely keeping the more skilled by his side. (She and everyone else start to run through the maze staying close to the middle to stay away from the walls of flames).

Mizuko: (Staying together makes it easier for her as she creates a water barrier around all of them as they run. She starts to cast bursts of water to make their opening widen. She is able to extinguish flames and create a large amount of steam that can be seen from where Agni stands seeing the waves of water making it easier to reach the exit).

Agni: (As he sees in the distance the waves of water he smirks to himself). I was wondering how long they were going to be all cautious. No fun if they didn't do something already.

Talia: (Looks a little on edge seeing so much water getting a disliking emotion from it). Should we be concerned with so much water... I'm not sure we were expecting her this soon.

Agni: (He waves his hand to calm Talia). Now the more water she uses the more ineffective she becomes in the long term... I am surprised she did that so early, quite intriguing indeed... Though she can recover easily. Just going to take some time.

Talia: (Notices she is using the waters to shield all in the group she is with as well as healing the guards they are facing on the way out not understanding why anyone would do such a ridiculous thing). I see why now. So much effort and supply put into protecting her little party... But... healing your men... I never thought a council member could be so foolish.

Agni: (He laughs a bit). Now Talia don't underestimate Mizuko now... She is actually quite powerful...So do be careful not to underestimate her or else you will regret it.

Talia: (Crosses her arms with a impression that she does not fully see what Agni means, let alone understand such actions). I would expect that from a member of the council like yourself but to waste your energy on such things like healing a enemy is absurd.

Yami: (Only stays quite and looks down by his and the knights side with hands clenched. As this occurs there is a large burst of energy as the maze of fire is being broken through part by part with a yell being heard from the source).

Shizen: (The yell is rage filled as another burst of energy this time green comes from the maze). That is enough of these games Agni!

Agni: (He creates more pillars of fire to surround them). Well, well LETS HAVE SOME MORE FUN THAN SHALL WE SHIZEN!

Shizen: DAMMIT AGNI! (Her curses are heard from where they are as well as mounds of earth beside her).

Mizuko: (There are waves of water surrounding some of the pillars, not all becoming steam but enough for the other younger in the group to manage. A stream of the water starts to go towards Agni but quite a few feet away to keep a good distance between them).

Talia: (Becomes defensive over Agni and reaches for her waist where she holds a whip like weapon).

Mizuko: (As the water starts to reform and her figure starts to take shape from it she looks pleading and sincere to try and end this peacefully. She also looks away from Agni not able to look him in the eyes or even look in his direction). Please don't do this... We can still settle whatever this is if everyone could talk peacefully... It doesn't need to be this way if everyone could come to a compromise and agreement... Please... Not again.... (When she says the last three words her voice quiets as she looks down).

Agni: (He doesn't respond right away as he walks towards Mizuko). Now Mizuko... You may be right, it may be better to settle this peacefully... But to uphold a promise... And to uphold a legacy I have to do this... I'm sorry, but please do leave my space. (Creates a wall of stronger flames to separate the two as he looks away). I didn't want to do this like this... I wish I didn't... But I have no choice... May I see you again at the end of my days Mis Mizuko.

Mizuko: (Still looks down but what isn't seen is a slight tear fall). You have gone down a path that has left many broken to find what you are looking for... But I still... I hope you find it and it is worth it to bring you peace... But please... Let there be no more bloodshed for whatever this promise is... I don't want any more to lose their family and homes... I know you do not see another way and I wish you could help us understand... But if not.... (She raises her hand making it turn into a water form to go through the wall of fire even if it hurts not that she cares at the moment only to have it fall to her side again with a hurt sorrow from her heartache in her voice). I... I don't think I can bring myself to fight you....

Agni: (He hears the sound of heart break in her voice). Believe me Mizu... If there was another way I would do that instead... But if I have to walk down the blood stained path then so be it... Even if it's my blood at the end of it... I don't want to fight you either Mizu.

Mizuko: (Her hands clench as she hides her face with her hair in the way). Then I will prevent the bloodshed by making sure it is my own instead... I will gladly make that sacrifice again.... (She says the last part quietly as another hidden tear falls. A part of her buried away still has hope that she has never been able to be rid of). Even to prevent your own from spilling... No one needs to die....

Agni: Lady Mizuko... I would rather you didn't do that..I couldn't live with myself if it came to you taking the pain... I'll handle it now...I must be going (begins to walk away with his scythe on his shoulders).

Mizuko: (Is about to try and stop him but there are two hands on both of her shoulders from two different people that hold her there in a comforting hold of stopping her. When she looks back she is surprised to see Shizen and Orion at her back as they are able to see she had been crying from her attempt to peacefully fix this). Shizen... Orion....

Shizen: (Has a sympathetic look to Mizuko). Don't put that on your shoulders alone again Mizu... The world need more that are truly pure like you in it....

Mizuko: (She looks down sorrowfully and in hurt). I-I'm sorry... I was just trying to....

Orion: (He shakes his head). No, no it's ok Mizu... Just don't try to handle things yourself like this....

Mizuko: (Nods silently as she looks down still).

Shizen: (Still looks at Mizuko sincere and comfortingly). You tried but sometimes others make it so peace cannot be a option... You will not have to take this fight either Mizu... I am perfectly fine with taking it myself. (She steps forward pulling Mizuko in back of her protectively even if she protests. She then has a hard glare at Agni even more then before now seeing Mizuko like this even have heartbreak in her eyes after all this time. It only adds to the rage and her eyes flash to red as she glares through the flames at him).

Agni: (He waves back to the hard stare he feels on his back as he makes it closer to the destination... Wanting to leave this and ready for his plans).

Kura: (With Tori holding her back now from the flames along with Kairi as everyone arriving with them they both struggle to reach out). Yami... YAMI WERE RIGHT HERE, ARE YOU HURT!


Yami: (As he hears both their cries to them he is about to say something but he can't bring himself to not knowing what to say. All he can do is look down and away from them with a expression of sorrow which Tori notices in-between holding both Kairi and Kura back).

Tori: (He feels an intense pain as he sees the expression... All he wants to do is go grab him now... But he knows he could die if he tried). Yami... We will get you out soon... You can bet on it. (His stare is towards the mysterious knight being on edge every time he looks).

????: (Tori can feel the knight stare right back as if it's a challenge to try it).

Jennifer: (Says a few steps from the barrier of flames for a few moments holding the animals back like Silver, Spike who growls and Rocky. Everyone tries to make ways to break the barrier but looks closely at the situation and all of the people on the other side. The thing that is most off is Yami. Everyone knows he would be kicking and swearing or at least putting up some sort of fight... But nothing... Leading her to notice he is not restrained in any way. She grabs Chazz and Rowen's shoulders being closes saying quietly to everyone else too to get them to notice). Hey... Look at Yami... Something off right...?

Chazz: (He is silent for a few moments). ... I have noticed it as well... It is almost like he is alright with this... Something is not right here at all....

Shizen: (She is taken out of her rage trying to force the barrier open. She looks at Yami as well seeing he is not restrained and passive as Agni rejoins them then glaring at Agni accusingly as if asking what he has done).

Hiki: (She is looking back and forth between Kura and Yami trying to put the pieces together in her head to make sense of this... Trying to deny the reality the group is all facing).

Luna: (She sighs as she says quietly to herself). I guess I have to act on my promise now huh Yami... I was really wishing I did not have too....

Kura: (Tori feels her stop struggling to get past as she looks at Yami now that he has not responded or even looked at her. She feels her heart drop seeing such a expression on his face and not even once looking at her). ... Yami...? Please what's wrong?

Yami: (He only looks away more clenching his fist having a hard time struggling what to say to them still let alone what they will think after).

Kairi: (She holds her hands clenched close to her chest feeling her heart drop too with a few scared tears starting to form not understanding why Yami is acting like this). ... Yami... Please....

Shizen: (She looks back to Agni after seeing how Yami is acting with just as cold a glare as before if not more). What has he done to him...?

Yami: (He finally speaks up but he cannot face them as he does so). I'm sorry guys... I have to go with him....

Agni: (He waves his hand back to the group as he moves further away).

Rowen: (He and Orion hold their fists as they want to charge right through with everyone else... But it would not be right call). I will wait for one moment... Then charge forward... We will get him back.

Shizen: Why are you waiting to-. (Sees Mizuko is working on breaking the barrier in front of both of them and nods understanding though clenching her fists). I see.

Kura: (Her eyes go wide in shock not understanding why). Yami... What do you mean... What are you saying?

Kairi: We came here to bring you home so we can all be together again.... (Her eyes become more teary and some start to fall).

Yami: I do... it's just that I need to try and help with something... It's just hard to explain right now... I just need to go.

Orion: (He grits his teeth as does Tori in anger).

Tori: (Having his emotions begin to overwhelm). WHAT IF THAT SOMETHING CAUSES YOU YOUR LIFE YAMI?!

Yami: ... I just need to do this still... I can't explain or make you understand right now... I'm sorry....

Kura: (Her hands cover her mouth in shock as she falls to her knees with Kairi having tears overflow). Yami please... Just come with us....

Shizen: (Grits her teeth and clenches her fist and steam starts to form on the flames from Mizuko's work weakening them). Your still young, you shouldn't have to have such burdens and choices on your shoulders. Whatever happened don't let that change you.... (She then says quietly to herself in anger). Agni how could you put a pressure like that on a child.

Yami: (He then starts to turn away looking towards Agni as he is about to follow). Well it's my choice so I don't care if it's a lot I'll carry it... Stop calling me small and a kid I've done worse... But I hope you can forgive me. Don't blame you if you don't though.

Kura: (In a last attempt to try and reach out to Yami she reaches her hand out and yells out in a desperate attempt to get him to listen and come back). YAMI!

Rowen: (He and Orion shakes their head in agreement on something to each other. They both raise their hands to cause earth pillars to break up the wall of inferno. As they create an opening a bright white light goes through aimed straight towards Yami. It's Luna).

Luna: (As she moves quicker and quicker she readies her weapon to strike down Yami and uphold on their promise). I'm sorry Yami, but I have to follow up on what you told me... May your sister forgive me.

????: (The knight steps to block but Luna's speed and intent are too fast which also leaves everyone in a state of shock even him it seems).

Yami: (Remembers the promise well he unsheathes his knife to block though his heart not in it. He finally looks up at her with big eyes filled with sorrow and maybe fear or uncertainty behind that, but it is only briefly). I'm sorry too....

Luna: (At the last moment before her blades can pierce his heart she stops her blades... And backs off from the very fatal attack as a pain tugs at her heart when looking into Yami's eyes. Even though the black and red color of them still causes an anger she cannot shake away no matter how hard she tries to seal it away. The feeling in those eyes from a little boy she sees brings back a memory she had blocked away so she did not have to face her own deep pain and grief).

Shizen: (In her shock she finally realizes fully realizes how serious Luna's intent is and she reaches out in a commanding and angered tone). Luna...? W-what are you doing... LUNA!

Kura: (Cannot react, she can only watch as her body feels too weak from her shock).

????: (In that moment of hesitation, the knight is able to pick Luna up by shirt and armor collar and throw her back with ease with one arm like it was nothing).

Luna: (She picks herself back up and lifts up her weapons again ready to strike but the grief and sorrow in heart is too overwhelming to have the strength to stand her ground).

????: (Does not unsheathe his broadsword just pushes her back blocking with his arm since in her state it is not needed).

Yami: (faces away to leave again feeling guilty he put Luna in this position). I shouldn't have made you promise that... Sorry.

Luna: (She grits her teeth). I do not regret making my decision on this promise... But don't stand there and tell me... It is alright to throw your life away almost... When you were building a new life here with your sister and your friends... This is not the same person I made the promise too... Therefore.... (She stands her ground with resolve). I will drag you back to your senses... For you to face tomorrow with no more grief.

Yami: It's not like that... Dammit I wish I could explain... But trying to make it better. Just trust me... Maybe even fix me. (He then starts to walk away again with his back to Luna as a whip wraps around her sword to push her back from Talia).

Talia: (She leans to her side silently sighing in impatient). First try to kill then try taking him with you. I would say to make up your minds, but this is getting a little boring.

????: (Just as Luna is distracted by another he gets a sense behind him and swiftly reaches to his back to unsheathe his giant broad sword with the same arm. He instantly swings it to clash blocking the charge from Yami being Tori with wings out to charge full speed with sword ready, meeting their blades causing a wave an energy from both from such a impact).

Tori: (He puts his entire power behind the swinging of his own sword with fury building up behind his eyes). Well you invited me to try so I did... Pardon me for doing it so quickly though... And miss Luna... We will be having a long conversation about this later.

Hiki: (She and Luna are taken aback by the sudden movement with small tears in her eyes). Tori!

Luna: (She felt the impact as a strong cross fate of power between the two of them. She shakes her head yes and looks back towards the group).

Shizen: (She and everyone else brace themselves with the impact with the help of Orion and Rowen keeping everyone stable though stunned).

????: (The knight adds more strength into pushing Tori back having more strength but Tori seeming to have more speed makes them to be more evenly matched).

Tori: (He pushes back just as hard and manages to get a lead over the knight as he swings with his katana in fast movements).

????: (Even though Tori's faster movements make it harder to block, the knight's skill with using his strength where it counts evens them out. It's obvious when clashing and they make it a matter of strength pushing to try and get each other back that the Knight has a great advantage in this type of struggle between them. Even with only using one arm to swing the skill in the swing of the great sword are clean in his technique).

Tori: (Even with the power struggle he goes faster and stronger than he can go, trying to break his own limits to overcome this wall that is before with all of his passion between each attack. He just wants to bring Yami home). Stand aside already!

????: (He only remains silent and in response stands more in Tori's way pushing with just as much power against him).

Kairi: (Watches the fighting as well as Talia with some guards holding off the attacks of some of the others in the group who have recovered from the shock. She cries heavily in Kura's arms watching Yami walk to catch up with Agni looking away as he does so again. In the spur of the moment in emotion she rushes breaking out of the hold towards Yami to try and get him back. Quickly she swoops past and under the blades of Tori and the knight making both have to pause and hesitate in a stumbling fashion to avoid her). YAMI PLEASE!

Kura: (Her hands shake being stunned she no longer has Kairi in her arms in comfort in that split second. Her eyes go wide as she yells to try and follow stumbling to get on her feet in her frantic scramble up). NO KAIRI!

Jennifer: (Her eyes go wide with fear instantly rushing to try and get through the guards she has been facing with Chazz and Hiki raising her bow to anyone who dares to go near Kairi). KAIRI GET BACK NOW!

Hiki: (In the moment of emotion and the fear of losing anyone else to anything she goes right into her third form. Using the speed of the form to get to Kairi in the blink of a eye using her own sword to block any attacks. She suddenly appears next to Kairi in a flowing bright white dress with small streeks of black and holds her tightly into her arms). Kairi... Dear... Please and Yami... Please.

Orion: (He feels a sense of urgency as he immediately causes earth energy to spike through the group like a earthquake).

Chazz: (Has a surge of the two energies begin to collide in his own body feeling the emotion of rage and sadness all in one as he is ready to strike through with Jennifer).

Kairi: (Tears fall heavily which she tries to wipe with her arm). I just want to know why and maybe we can help... I just want everyone to be together happily again and then we can figure it all out... Together....

Hiki: (With tears in her eyes ready to grab Yami's hand for a chance to talk to him with such a sad expression on her face that would ache anyone's heart).

Tori: (In an attempt to keep the knight busy he does his best to keep up the pressure as it seems he is beginning to gain the momentum he needs).

????: (The knight seems slightly distracted by what has happened as he tries to look back but Tori keeps him too busy to go over to them).

Yami: (Sighs shaking his head as he turns to walk towards Kairi with hands in his pockets).

Hiki: (She stands by Kairi's side ready to move at a moment's notice if someone other than Yami approaches them).

Yami: (He still looks down but he goes over to both Hiki and Kairi and silently gives both a tight hug as if trying to comfort).

Kairi: (Tears fall heavily still as she cries into his shoulder finding the hug confusing being all of the sudden yet comforting).

Hiki: (She holds tightly as she taken off guard by the sudden hug but her emotions are overflowing as the veil covering her face goes above his shoulder).

Yami: (Pats their heads and sighs again saying in a low tone). It's ok... I'm just trying to figure things out... Maybe help change some things too... Maybe even me... So I don't hurt anyone else... So try to calm down... I don't want you guys to follow and get hurt.

Kairi: (She peaks up at Yami with uncertainty finding it hard to understand what he is saying). What do you-.... (Before she can get her questions out to try and understand better she feels a hit on the back of her head making her go unconscious in his arms). ... Y... Yami....

Hiki: (She feels a sudden pressure on the back of her head but because of the rocks she had felt when she was younger it is nothing compared as she notices Kairi falling to the ground. She leaves Yami's side right away and takes Kairi and looks towards Yami with a look of concern and question). Why... Why did you do that to her... Even if it would hurt she wants to be a family again....

Yami: (Turns away once making sure she was laid down carefully shaking his head). I'm sorry... I just don't want her or any of you to follow... Risk getting hurt... Please take care of her now. (Walks away being the last time he faces them).

????: (Stops fighting lowering his sword as he looks back at what happened. He starts to sheath his blade and walk over to Hiki and Kairi once stopping the fight by forcing Tori back).

Tori: (Upon recovering from the exchange he uses his own speed to go in front of Hiki and Kairi and has a very serious warning expression in his eyes). You will not touch anyone.

????: (Pauses for a brief second and then shakes his head placing his hand carefully on the sword blocking his path. He then looks from Yami in the distance now and Kairi lying on the ground behind Tori stepping forward as he blocks the sword away with his hand. He seems to have no intention of drawing his sword on him again at least for now with what has happened).

Tori: (He ignores the knight and just goes back to checking up on Hiki and Kairi if he is going to act like this. He does not caring about the knight for right now).

????: (As Tori kneels to check on Kairi on the other side of where Hiki sits with her the knight kneels beside Hiki. It is almost as if he is in his own way showing concern in making sure they are not hurt even though he does not say a word).

Tori: (Places his blade between the two). No you will not.

Hiki: (She doesn't even notice at first as she keeps looking towards Yami).

????: (Looks directly at Tori unflinching in his moment as he places his hand on the blade applying a bit of strength to block it away again).

Hiki: (She finally realizes what the knight is doing and signals for Tori to calm down, she can handle herself. As Tori pulls the sword away she looks directly at the knight). ... Why must you work for someone so evil or unjust... It isn't right... it's never right to have a family be apart... Why....

????: (He is still silent but has to look down as he pauses. It is like he is keeping himself from speaking a single word as he shakes his head no. He then starts to take off his plate armored glove but he has some difficulties at first only doing it one handed though he can manages like he had done it many times before).

Hiki: (With every emotion in her head to kick the knight... She instead helps the knight take off the glove only because of how compassionate she can be... She is not sure about him though still being on guard). Don't try anything... I'm not that fragile to break so easily.

????: (Still does not respond but they can see that his hand and lower arm that is shown has some scars but very muscular explaining how he can wield his sword so easily with one arm. Despite how big the knight is her reaches out to Kairi lying in front of him is surprisingly carefully and gentle in his approach as he starts checking her forehead and back of her head).

Tori: (He is ready to strike his arm... Until he sees on how gentle the knight is acting towards Kairi... He does not understand it at all). ... Why....

????: (Once he is done checking Kairi for any serious injury and finding none he carefully places her in Tori's arms for him to hold up and take care of her. He then reaches out to Hiki in the same manner).

Tori: (He holds Kairi tightly as he walks to get behind Hiki as she picks herself up).

Hiki: (As she is getting up). You don't need to worry about me here, I'm fine. I'm much tougher than that.

????: (Pauses but nods being reassured of her well being. He pushes to stand as well and then pats the top of Hiki's head a few times. His hand is still gentle and she can see now even though the knight looks quite scary there is a compassionate side of his own behind it despite not seeing any of what he looks like besides being able to see subtly two red eyes that glow dimly behind his helmet).

Hiki: (She smiles a little with the gesture, but moves the knights hand). Go on now... Get going... Still haven't forgiven you just yet....

????: (Nods his head understanding as he steps away looking at Tori before he begins to leave holding his fist up towards him even though he has his hands full at the moment. It's odd but both know that they will meet blades again with one another).

Tori: (He smirks a bit). I look forward to it, but I promise you it won't be so easy.

????: (He turns to leave after the mutual understanding but something make him perk up and stiffen hearing a yell of someone who had finally stumbled to catch up).

Kura: Yami wait-...! (She stops in her tracks as her eyes fall on Kairi putting a hand over her mouth still not believing Yami had done such a thing and struggling to give her words voice). He really did that... Kairi?

Hiki: (She shakes her head). I couldn't believe it either... I was surprised... I did not want it to be true.

Kura: (She holds her hands clenched close to her chest looking from Kairi to Yami as she whispers). ... Why...? (In her out of control emotional state she suddenly bolts towards where Yami had left). Yami please! Stop this!

????: (In that instant he quickly moves in front Kura wrapping his arm around her so she cannot chase after Yami and holds on tight).

Kura: (Franticly tries to get past the knights hold doing everything she can think of to struggle past). No let me go! What did you monsters do to him!

Tori: (He goes towards Kura and helps pull her back because he does not want her to get hurt... So he holds her close and tightly). Kura... Kura... KURA... We will get him back him.

Kura: No we can't let him do this! Yami! (Still struggles to get past to Yami even with two holding her back).

????: (Something odd about him is even though he is being hit and kicked away he still tightly holds onto her. Something odd about the hold is that it is not the type to hold her back but more a tight emotional hug for him from how tense he is).

Hiki: (She is surprised by the type of hug she is seeing from the knight). What are you doing... What is even going on here with you.... (As she is trying to help with getting Kura away from the knight).

????: (Pets her head comfortingly and is reluctant to let go at first).

Kura: (Pulls away to be with Hiki and Kairi clinging to Hiki being wary glare towards this odd acting knight). Who are you... S-Stay away....

Tori: (Goes in between the two). It will be better if you go... Unless you want to start up again... I appreciate the help but get going... Knight of Agni....

Hiki: (She is in a defensive stance as well while being by both Kura and Kairi with her energy simmering all around her. The rest of group begins to catch up as well as Luna comes back as well having been removed from the events).

Luna: (Her mind still being clouded by the sense of duty and the sense... Of family... She is not sure what to listen to anymore).

????: (He hesitates but then reluctantly nods turning away. He puts his hand on his helmet as he walks away).

Kura: (Still is lost in confusion having so many questions about this knight but still in shock trying to put words together). Who... Why did he....

Tori: (He shakes his head). I'm not sure either... But I don't feel like we have the luxury of time to ask for answers.

Kura: (Watches the knight walk away having so many questions still but in a gust of dark smoke he disappears. At to same time the guards the others face fade to lighter grey smoke as if taken away or just an illusion made of the smoke).

Shizen: (Narrows her eyes looking closely at the guards that are now smoke. She covers her mouth and nose with her hand finding an odd smell to it that is hard for anyone else to pick up doing the same reaching over to Rowen beside her).

Jennifer: (Is not questioning or focusing on the smoke at all going right through when it is clear to rush to Kairi's side seeing her in Hiki's arms). Kairi!

Chazz: (He runs up as well going to Kairi and checking up on Hiki and Tori). Is everyone alright?

Kura: (Looks at Kairi but then looks down and away with what had happened and how Yami had acted).

Jennifer: (Kneels down beside Hiki to check on Kairi having an expression filled with worry as she places a hand on her cheek). ... She's fine?

Hiki: (She nods her head yes as she pets Kairi's head). Yes she seems to be ok.... (Seems to be giving her a healing energy to help her head). She will be fine now.

Jennifer: (Pauses with an upset expression showing just as many questions as everyone else has). Why would he do this to her....

Kura: (Sighs but still looks down her voice being quiet). Because she probably was the most likely person to stop him from going....

Hiki: It only makes sense... He listens to Kairi just as much to Kura... So it only makes sense... I still fail to understand on why he wanted to go....

Jennifer: I cannot understand either... I thought he hated Agni with everything he had... How could he join him after all that he has done....

Shizen: (Takes her hands away from hers and Rowen's mouths now that the faint funny smell is fading with a sigh shaking her head looking downwards). Whatever it is matters little... To put so much pressure on a young child... It's uncalled for... You would have to be truly despicable or not even realize it is being done... Maybe even both....

Rowen: (He sighs). Well, I don't think there is an excuse for this really... But I do agree with you... Something wrong is going on... And I don't like what is happening either....

Shizen: When pressure is put on someone or you give a child information anyone would not know how to deal with it hurts their mental health. However this was done... It wasn't done well from how Yami acted just now. (She clenched her hands holding back the anger she feels briefly).

Kura: (She holds her hands close to her saying quietly next to Hiki as her emotions get the best of her). He has already been through so much... He doesn't need more to carry....

Hiki: (She holds Kura tight into a hug after giving Kairi back to Jennifer to hold). I know Kura... And he will not hold anymore... We will share the burden with him... After we bring him home.

Kura: (Slowly nods though it is hesitant as tears start to fall). ... T-That didn't seem as hard to do before... I just....

Shizen: (Her hands clench tighter as she notices Luna staying quiet and to the side to be less noticed. In an instant she is In front of her with a great anger in her eyes remembering what Luna tried to do at the start of the conflict. She grabs the collar of her armor and shirt and brings Luna's face close to hers knowing the anger is serious in her eyes as she grits her teeth). What the hell was that!

Luna: (She is silent for a few seconds as she gets out of the hold). I know this is bad... But it was a promise Yami made with me....

Shizen: (Her anger is unshaken maybe even grows with that statement grabbing her again). What the hell did you promise that boy!

Kura: (Says quietly looking at Luna still shocked and shaken by what she had attempted). ... I was starting to trust you....

Luna: (She looks down). I don't blame for not being able to trust me... And it was young Yami who came up to me with this idea... He said if it seemed like he was going to follow in the destruction like his late father... He would want me to kill him... To spare you all the pain of doing so....

Hiki: (she grits her teeth as does Chazz and everyone else... As she gets up towards Luna... And smacks her with tears streaming down her face). HOW DARE YOU MAKE THAT PROMISE. HE IS NOT THE ONE TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING HAPPENS. WE FIGURE IT OUT TOGETHER... How dare you....

Shizen: (Is taken aback by Luna's response finding it hard to figure out whatever led Luna to agree to such a thing. Her hand grips tighter into her shirt). Do you realize what you promised... What you agreed to... You... An adult even... Promised a child... That you would kill him... In any situation... How... HOW DID YOU EVER THINK THAT WAS GOOD JUDGMENT TO PROMISE SUCH A THING... To a young boy even...? (Her hands shake as their clenched tightly looking straight at Luna).

Mizuko: (She tries to put a hand on Shizen to try and get her and everyone else to try and calm down).

Shizen: (Her tone is strictly serious having no intention of holding back making Mizuko let go and back away bringing Hiki with her, so she is not hurt by getting in the middle of this). This needs to happen... You cannot hold me back from confronting like this... You too Orion.

Luna: (She is silent for a bit as she looks up at Shizen). ... What do you know about me... You are asking why I was ready to do this... Why I was saying to kill him... It's because he had the resolve to die... And he didn't want to hurt his family he still had... Unlike mine who are all dead... My son is gone... Everything is gone... I was built up from nothing on this... I know it was wrong... BUT WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME LADY SHIZEN!

Shizen: (Pauses but her hard stare is unmoved for now. This was held in for so long and no matter how harsh it sounds now this needs to be confronted... For Luna's own good). Luna... You lost your way since then... There is no resolve in that... He's just a scared, confused young boy who doesn't know which way to turn... And I need to say this no matter how much you are hurt and offended with me... I don't care if you lose respect or hate me... But as a mother... And that was your little boy still here asking that of you... Could you even consider doing such a thing!

Luna: (She is taken by the comment as she slaps Shizen as hard as she can). Don't... You ever... Say that to me again... Don't you ever....

Shizen: (Takes the hit barely moving out of the way to dodge it having expected it with her stare at Luna unchanged recovering quickly). You only lash out because you don't want to face it yourself... You’re still a mother and that feeling is still there... It never goes away... Or else the grief wouldn't be crippling you like this... And you wouldn't have hesitated striking Yami down would you?

Luna: I already did hesitate... I know I shouldn't have done it... Maybe I held a grudge against him for what happened... When it wasn't their fault... Even so... I was about to strike him down... But I heard my sons laugh. (She falls to her knees). I heard him call out my name and everything around me began to shatter... Not a thing was put together whole....

Shizen: (She goes down to her knees in front of Luna with her stare turning to sympathy). Come on... Let's go somewhere more private for a bit... There are many things to talk over now that bottling grief all up has boiled over. (Helps Luna up seeing a tree not far off charred from the battle but still would do for now. She nods to everyone else not to follow and Rowen to take care of things having a feeling Mizuko and Orion may want to help along the way having their own pains and regrets with this situation).

Mizuko: (She looks away from Luna for now and many times before even, having her own sorrow and regrets to Luna as she starts to follow slowly and silently).

Orion: (He feels the scar of grief fall upon his heart again as he follows. The pain of loss begins to resurface as well as he follows silently).

Luna: (She has her head down as she lets Shizen lead her away to the private location. She feels torment again and again swish around in hear mind and heart).

Shizen: (Sighs as they quickly making their way to the tree helping her to sit against it. She also helps the greenery to re-grow around it to make it more comfortable. She then pats her back comfortingly and looks down with her). ... Alright now... you can let it all out... No more bottling this up... You have for too long now....

Luna: (She falls to her knees as she begins to cry everything in heart that floods out).

Shizen: (Rubs Luna's back as she sits with her calmly. She even opens herself for Luna to lean into her for a comforting hug if needed). ... It's ok... Just let everything out....

Luna: (She pushes Shizen away gently as she cries more breaking down even more). I just want them back in my arms again... It's been... Hard... The pain right now feels miserable....

Shizen: (Sighs and continues to look down with a deep frown with Mizuko and Orion settling to sit on the opposite side of the tree). ... Nothing I can say or do can take away this deep grief you held in for so long... As a mother our kids are our life when they are born and even before then... I can't say anything about relating to that pain myself. It would be foolish if I did so... Nothing I can say can heal that deep scar on your heart... It wouldn't bring them back... It's a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone... I can just sit here and be a shoulder to breakdown onto or to help you stand when you are ready.

Luna: (She stops for a second as she leans against the tree). ... I know nothing will bring them back... I know that better than anyone else... But I can never accept the pain... But I have learned to deal with it... I just miss them... Solis... And Stello... I miss them more than anything else....

Orion: (He wants to scream out at Luna... But he understands the pain just as well... Losing both the two he loved the most).

Mizuko: (Her hands tighten as she looks down with her hair hiding her face filled with her deepest regrets).

Shizen: (Leans back and looks up as she think). I would say letting it pile up inside you only increases the pain stored... Only makes you more distant... Bitter... Cold... I witnessed that from one of the sincerest, caring and loving fathers there is no matter how strong he is... He still has those moments and I know he always will carry that... Being cold and turning it into anger only hurts others around you... And most of all their memory... The only good thing left we have to hold onto of them and push us to keep going....

Luna: I know of this pain... I have known for a while... It's still painful... I don't regret anything... But I want to erase it all away... Yet I see those smiles. I hear their voices and their laughs the memories over and over again.

Shizen: (Gets a small smile as she looks up in thought). I remember... Solis... A handsome young man with light blue eyes... But seeing into them you saw such a kind caring young man... Very sensitive but just showed how gentle his heart was... Especially towards you... Not as much a fighter compared to you but he always loved giving you more light to help you shine brighter... He admired you so much and most of all how strong you were... You brought out the best in each other from what many saw and felt from your lights....

Luna: (She smiles at the thought of holding him again). It was true... It wasn't the same without him around... Every corner he would just come around and smile at me... And it was like my heart skipped so many beats... I couldn't count.

Shizen: (Continues to give a small smile looking up at the leaves). Such a sweet smile can do that... Then eventually there came along this little boy I would see with both of you... He was such a small cute little boy and so shy... I remember he had one of each color eyes from his parents. A silver from his mother and blue from his father... It was quite unique... But it was always the impression I or anyone else had that he had his father's gentle heart. Even so small already you could see Stello was taking after him so much in the sensitive nature....

Luna: (She holds her hands tightly together). Yes... Stello, I miss him greatly. I was so proud of him ,he had the gentle heart as his father... Yet the very compassion I hold for things as well... He was our world and I did everything I could to protect them both... However the tides of fate were not so kind....

Shizen: (Her smile fades listening to Luna at the end for a moment). Yes... They wouldn't have wanted you to lose your own kind heart like this though... Be so lost... Something reminded me of those times though... A shy boy with a gentle smile and heart yet growing strong... Even more it took me back seeing his eyes when they turned to one blue and the other silver... It reminded me of the little boy that would cling and hide behind you quietly... So shy....

Luna: (She takes Shizen's hand as she cries into it losing what last of the compressor she had left... She breaks down with the words being drowned out by the sorrow and pain in her tears as it affects Orion as well... Bringing up pain... And dread... But yet a sense of light in the darkness surrounding their hearts).

Shizen: (She lets Luna lean into her and tighten her hand on hers in comfort but still looks up). Nothing you could have done could have stopped this but that doesn't really stop that feeling or change your mind on that... But that boy... Maru... I'm not saying they are anything close to a replacement... Not at all possible... But maybe it is a second chance in a way... Having that feeling... As a mother... Stello was never able to grow up... But maybe in a way... Maru is an opportunity to see what it would of been like to watch them grow up into the person you always imagined... Feeling that type of bond again... And you as well Orion....

Luna: (Her cry's subside for a second). ... That may be true... However... Master Maru is a young lad... Who is going through his own stages in life... I wouldn't say I'm guiding him... It's more like... I'm there to help push him to have a good path in his life... I'm not sure what to think of this.

Shizen: (Shakes her head no with her small smile returning). Guiding and that type of push you speak of are one in the same... I am surprised that is not realized sooner... But the bond is there and more similar than you think... The child I am contracted to I realized it's almost like if not the same feeling as having a second daughter to help grow into someone strong... And I have a feeling it is the same for both of you... No matter what you do... Those instincts as a mother... And father... They never fade once you have them....

Orion: (He is silent as he listens to Shizen knowing she is right and understands why she is saying all of this).

Luna: (She holds her bracelet that was a gift from Maru). Your right... I will help you and again I'm sorry for what I did... But I just wanted to fulfill a promise... But now... I will keep up another promise.

Shizen: (Smiles with a sigh in relief she was able to help at least partly). I started to believe in those who pass can become reborn and want to stay close to the ones they loved deeply... I got that from Mizu... But not all believe that... But we can all at least agree that the best people deserve that second chance... And two of them sit here who deserve it greatly.

Luna: (She sighs as she sits up wiping away the tears). I have heard about this as well... And I... Believe in second chances... But I will do my best to follow up with that....

Shizen: Second chances come to those who truly deserve them so cherish and focus on those... You will be a mother again too... I can tell that instinct is still strong even if hidden away.... (She then notices something as she smiles comfortingly at Luna. A few tears fall from her own eyes not feeling them as completely her own as well as Luna and Orion. She frowns and looks down putting a hand to her eyes).

Orion: (He holds Mizuko in for a hug very tightly).

Luna: (She is silent for a few moments as she begins to walk away but before she goes). Second chances... Are always there to grab... But I'll be taking mine now.

Mizuko: (She says quietly before Luna leaves with her head down and her hair cover her face from everyone but it is clear tears flow heavily). I am sorry that I was not able to save them that day... I truly am....

Shizen: (She sighs as she wipes her eyes shaking her head with clenched fists). You need to stop putting so much on your shoulders Mizu... None of this deserves so much blame on yourself... Especially with the state you were in at the end of that day... You did your best and saved so many with so much you could do... Even if it meant harm to yourself....

Luna: (She stops walking away and walks towards Mizuko with a warm embrace). Lady Mizuko... I remember clearly of how hard you were trying... To keep them going... But it's ok... I'm not mad at you... I never was. Don't be sorry... Be grateful for the chances you have to save other's. I know you will do just that. Stop blaming yourself... And take up that second chance like... I was given a chance too.

Mizuko: (Shakes her head but still has sorrow in her heart with heavy tears flowing). I just wish I could have done more... Because I have seen the wounds in your hearts it causes... I know that pain is preventable... I will do all I can to make sure it is prevented... I will save all that I can... I can't let others go through the same... It just hurts knowing the affect of not being able to save even one of those lost... For that deep grief I would see in your heart since then... That is what I have sorrow for most... For that grief I couldn't prevent for you....

Shizen: (Kneels next to Mizuko concerned trying to pick her head up and not hide her sorrow. She knows her Mizuko is strong but just wants her to have the confidence in that... She is one of the strongest and kindest spirits out there to everyone not just her after all). You are the last one to have blame in this... You use your power not to fight but try to keep things peaceful and save others... No one blames you for that pain because you were willing to sacrifice yourself just to save them... Like Nagi and Shiro... But many need you still so that is a sacrifice I can't let you make... No one blames you... Not for Solis... Not for Stello... Not for Sarah....

Orion: (His hands grip hard as he hears Sarah's name but remains silent as he silently comes to cope with it again).

Luna: (She hugs Mizuko). Stop it Lady Mizuko... It's alright, I don't blame you... If anything you have my thanks for still trying even when we all knew what would happen in the end... Don't let your regret take over... It's alright truly.

Shizen: (She puts her head down into Mizuko's shoulder). I remember seeing you in that medical tent... You couldn't wake for many nights... So many bandages and water to try and revive you after such disasters... And you still have pain from it to this day.... (She places a hand on Mizuko's thigh and hip which causes her to wince). We could of lost not just Nagi and Shiro... But the world could of lost its voice of compassion... And us our sister... So many need that compassion to help change and make things peaceful again... So don't feel so much regret for not being able to do more... Because what you could do saved countless others... And we and so many others cherish you too much to let you do something so selfless again... We can't let you....

Mizuko: (Still covers her face as she looks down but it is obvious her tears and overwhelmed emotions make it hard to say anything).

Orion: (He holds Mizuko into a hug). Sister... I couldn't bare the thought of losing you as well as everything else... Your truly wonderful and loved so much... Don't regret what actions you couldn't have changed. The past is the past the path to moving forward is right there... I believe that you will find that path just fine... So please don't regret the past as it didn't shape you now... It will only change from here on out.

Shizen: (Smiles as she hugs Mizuko from the other side). I think we all could use that advice... We will figure it out and comfort each other like we always have... And whatever that path is we will support each other in it... Just try to focus on many you can save and help do as much as you can like you always have... That's all that's needed... And we will be right there to make sure we stay together after... What brothers and sisters are for after all.

Mizuko: (Her tears still flow but she hugs both Shizen, Orion and Luna close as she slowly looks up). I promise... And for you and their memory I will continue to save as many as possible and do everything possible to prevent that day from ever happening again... We all will.

Luna: (As she lets go of Mizuko and looks towards the three). .... I can't really repay for what things I have done... But I can tell you what I was going to do to move forward. I can... Promise you all that I will do my best to make sure that no more families are separated and not hurt anymore... So no more pain is brought upon this world... No more pain and suffering...That I can promise.

Shizen: (Smiles as she finally sees a glimmer of the fight and determination she has seen in Luna before). And I know that you will do that now... And see every young child as one to help and guide like it was your own if lost... And even one day have that feeling of a mother's bond again....

Mizuko: (Gets a small smile as she looks at Luna and then Orion). That life again is what both of you deserve most....

Luna: (She smiles as does Orion as she begins to walk off). I must go and grab reinforcements. They need guidance or else nothing will be done.

Shizen: (Nods her head as she stands with Orion and Mizuko). Yes we will lead the front and first assault and rescue of Yami and you shall lead the forces protecting and getting innocent citizens to safety. We cannot prevent this war but we can make sure there are as few casualties as possible.

Mizuko: (Sighs as she begins to walk with Luna smiling at her sincerely). We must come with the sound the alarm to the others awaiting for orders. I will lead those efforts as you as second in command if I am needed in other areas... We will do our best to protect those families and keep them together.

Orion: (He smiles as he sees Luna speed off for reinforcements). And I'm sure you two will do just great things... And I'm sure you will make sure no one else is hurt. I will see you two again later just be safe

Shizen: (Looks into the distance where they had left, her smile turning into a small frown in thought).

Orion: (He begins to look concerned at Shizen noticing this from her). What is it?

Shizen: Maybe I am being a little selfish making sure she is away from us as this gets worse... I don't want her trying to face Agni like that again.... (She still looks in the direction Mizuko had left with concern in her expression).

Orion: (She pats Shizen's shoulder). It'll be alright dear... No need to worry, she will be ok... I'm sure of it.

Shizen: (Sighs placing her hand on his as it rest on her shoulder and holding on tightly). I know... I hope that for all of them in this. (She then looks towards the rest of their group waiting for them to return).

Orion: (He smiles). It will be alright... They are not the same kids they were before... They have trained everyday for something like this... Let's believe in their ability dear sister.

Shizen: (Looks downwards closing her eyes getting a small smile). Yes you are right... But that does not mean we will not continue to watch over them as they grow even more then we could even have imagined.



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