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Chapter 26 Part 1

Writer's picture: Jennifer BeiroJennifer Beiro

Updated: May 17, 2021

It is well before dawn in a fort checkpoint in a warm land. This is in the territory of fire located near the capital city which has been built up as a fortress under a faint red hue in the distant dark sky. Besides the normal guards stationed at the fort; Agni stands in his office and looks through his window looking out with arms crossed as he stares into the distance. Biting his thumb slight he knows that his plans will not run as smoothly as he prepares for the retaliation that will arise soon from his most favorite group of people.

Agni: Well they should be coming any moment now.... (He thinks to himself as he paces around the room now looking at the nearby chessboard) well it has been a few hours so. The fun should be happening tomorrow. (As he paces he can hear the faint troubled sleep of the knocked out boy in the hall nearby having heard what he guessed to be night terror the whole night. He sighs as he hears his guest and the noise he is making). Well than I guess we won't be getting that much sleep tonight huh kid. (As Agni looks out his office window he also hears the sound of heels hitting stone floor with each step. It is a woman with long black wavy hair and orange eyes that appear to have a constant faint glow and bright red lips. Her dress matches the tone of her lips in a slip style to fit her curves tightly under a jacket the covers most of it besides her cleavage. It is the same woman Yami had heard faintly the other day when being taken).

Agni: Ahh Talia you are here. How is our dear guest? I hope he is accommodated to living with us.

Talia: (Has a annoyed sigh as she come in to lean on the desk casually). I almost wished we could have kept him in a quite sleep lord Agni. I can't sleep with such yelling. It's almost like he is in pain and panic as he sleeps. I have tried a few things but he seems to be.... A special case. (Has her own curious expression but still seems very annoyed and at such a troubling, irritating night with their guest).

Agni: (He sighs). Yes, yes I know I will be checking up on him in a bit so no need to free any longer.

Talia: (Has a small pout with arms crossed). As you wish lord Agni. Then perhaps our beauty sleep will not be interrupted.

Agni: yes do not worry I shall be meeting with him in a few moments. Currently I'm just putting my thoughts together. But please refrain from thinking more I'll of our guest, he is only a child. Be patient Talia.

Talia: (Sighs with a nod). Yes you do need him after all so I will try to be more reasonable for you. I will be on my way as well to collect reports from guards at the wall for now.

Agni: (He smiles at Talia). That will be much appreciated Talia. I will look forward to talking to you again later than.

Talia: (Laughs a little as she goes on her way). Good luck my lord I will put the reports on your desk for later. I have a feeling that boy will be a handful.

Agni: (He waves goodbye to Talia as she leaves). Well alright now let's get to seeing my guest. (Agni leaves his study and goes to where the loud noises are coming from. As Agni walks through the halls lighted by flickering torches he hears the boy yelling in a fearful state as he reaches the fort holding cells. He knocks on the entrance door and begins to walk in). Now, now can't be making so much noise now at this time of night buddy. (As Agni walks in he sees Yami on the cot where he had been left the rest of the night having been knocked out. It is not a peaceful sleep as in the cell Yami is huddled on the cot where he was left going through a nightmare clearly from his shaking and gritted teeth and hands gripped onto his head though still cuffed. There is also some shocks from the light seal on him that stops him from taking the darkness around him. He sighs). Well maybe this will help you out...hmmm a light seal...they should really work on getting better seal crafting. (He creates his own seal to destroy the light seal)

Yami: (As soon as the light seal is destroyed dark energy starts to flow heavily and powerfully into Yami from how his emotional state is from the nightmare).

Agni: (In a sense of curiosity he begins to watch Yami as the energy is being absorbed). Interesting, very interesting.

Yami: (He continued to take dark energy greatly while shaking from the nightmare. He does this until finally his eyes snap open in a look and state of terror from whatever he saw the energy still swirling around and into him seeming to be able to take in a endless amount from what can be estimated).

Agni: Well good morning sunshine you have been very proactive in your sleep recently... Now I can guess it's been a recurring nightmare?

Yami: (Instantly sits up not seeming to be in the mind set yet to pay attention to his surrounding as crouched in the corner of the bed from his experiences. He still shakes and has fear in his eyes and gritted teeth but the harsh flow of energy slowly starts to lessen mumbling himself). Please... No....

Agni: (He sighs as he sits down in the nearby chair). I'm not doing anything so don't be afraid young one.

Yami: (Has heavy breaths as he tries to get his head back into reality glancing at Agni finally seeing him his black and red eyes now showing anger but still the fear behind it as they glow red slightly).

Agni: Now, now it seems you are back to your senses, that is great to see now Yami... What were those nightmares about.

Yami: (Instantly lunges to try and swing at Agni through the bars with both cuffed hands ragefully with a shout). Fuck you! You asshole, I hate you! You ruined everything!

Yami: (Tries to reach out to swing again in anger his energy being taken showing that as well). I don't give a shit about your plans, let me go! I'll kill you for what you did!

Agni: (He sighs). Yes, yes whatever you say young one, just be ready for tomorrow.

Yami: (Looks at Agni in anger still but breaths heavily his body still recovering from the seal and his mind with the nightmare as he has a tight grip on the cell bars now). Yeah for what? Whatever it is I'm not doing it, no way in hell!

Agni: (He just shakes his head). Well it's only natural you would say something like that but you didn't hear the best part about all of this plan young Yami.

Yami: (Grits his teeth in anger looking up at Agni). Yeah and what's that?

Agni: (he smiles as Yami has opened up a bit). What would you say if I had an experiment that would fix the problem you are currently having?

Yami: (Can see his eyes widen a little in surprise though he tries to hide it by huffing a bit and turning away to sit with his back against the bars). I'm not gonna take anything from you... Why would you care about that anyway... None of your dam business. (Looks down and away as he speaks).

Agni: (He smirks). Well it could help with the problem your blamed for constantly but it's out of your control... But it could also help your nightmares and be able to sleep again soundly with your sister and the young girl connected to you two.

Yami: (Looks down more as fists clench at first mumbling to himself more). Right... I was knocked out... dammit... I haven't slept really... In such a long time... I don't think that can be fixed... Not after.... (His fists tighten as he tries to escape the memories in his nightmares coming back to his thought. He then speaks up more as he gives a strong expression though his eyes still show those nightmares fears). What makes you think you can change that, and it's not like I'll agree to anything you say.... Especially after what you've done. You made my dad into a monster and ruined everything then.... You did it. (Looks down again as if trying to convince his head of that watching his hand absorb darkness as he whispers it again with different focus).

Agni: true, true... The events with Izumi were... Unfortunate... But I will be honest he came to me for help... He wanted to try and help have a better life... But as you can see... The effects... Were backwards many would say... But I have been working on this for many centuries but I feel like I got it just right... I just need your help. (He says with sincerity as he feels a sense of a regret he doesn't normally feel).

Yami: (Looks at Agni still with distrust and hurt anger in his eyes to all that's happened). Backward? That's a joke right? From how much happened.... Just unfortunate? (He looks up at Agni the anger growing in his expression as he snaps). No way in hell I'm helping you! I lost my grandparents and my dad with that! He promised he would come back and he never did! Every day was a struggle to survive for a while and everyone hated us! They came to my home burning it down! Even lost my brother when he tried to save us! You think you can take away those nightmares and what I did! I didn't even mean to! No way I'll ever forgive or help you! Never! (Can see the rage in his expression as he takes darkness grow with each statement and tears form slightly by the time he mentions his brother).

Agni: (Is taken back a bit not expecting this much of a reaction from Yami). Yes, yes your right my apologies... But look at what you're doing now... Your emotions blind you in a rage that harm's others. Now don't you want that trait to go away? What if I told you... If you help I'll make anything you want happen... All you have to do is just follow along to this entire ordeal and it will be solved by tomorrow my promise.

Yami: (Pauses his eyes widening before he looks down at himself and the darkness he takes in. He looks defeated with himself and who he really blames starts to show as he looks down at himself. His hands tighten and shake a little on the cell bars keeping his face down and hidden from view). ... D-dammit....

Agni: Well tell me your answer? If you don't wish too than you can leave with an armed escort out to the front gate. (He says as he is about to leave the room).

Yami: (Looks down as he thinks over what Agni is saying and how much damage he caused with his ability a small part of him starting to consider what he is saying). ... No one would get hurt... Especially the people I was with... I won't hurt anyone anymore... Right?

Agni: (He smiles as he turns back around towards Yami). No one at all... Not your sister... Or the family you are a part of now... Everyone will be safe.

Yami: (Doesn't face Agni yet as he sits there still thinking through). Then... I guess I'll think about it... And give you a answer by the next morning. ... But need something first before anything... I'll give you by the end of today too to think that through too.

Agni: (He bows). Thank you very much for the consideration.

Yami: You haven't gotten that yet... Need one thing from you to get even close to that... By the end of today I need it to even consider.

Agni: (He raises his eyebrow in curiosity). Well what do you want than?

Yami: (He then turns so he is looking up directly at Agni in the eye with a deadly serious look). I want the truth. No bullshit and lies. I want to know what happened with my dad... What went wrong... What you were trying to do... What your trying to do now... Everything that happened to understand and don't dare leave anything out... Everything from the beginning.

Agni: (His smile turns to a small frown). Well... That will take some to time to converse fully... But I will tell you everything that happened... I'll have you escorted to my study later... To learn the truth.... (He looks away). You may not like it though but if you're prepared than ill say it all.

Yami: (Shakes his head seriously). I need to know, I don't care how bad it is. I need... The truth. I'll be here waiting for it... Just promise that and I'll think it over... Got it? (Does not break eye contact with every word, his serious expression unwavering).

Agni: (He walks out with only a shake of his head yes). Well than this shall be interesting... Hopefully.

Yami: (Looks up in thought as he sits there). Sure... Be right here waiting for answers.

The rest of the time is silent and eerie especially in the main capital city where everyone is woken up well before dawn to leave as well. The hopeful energetic smiles are not shown like the day before as a serious aura covers the group to what is going on. No one could sleep much regardless most anxious and Hiki and Kairi looking after Kura who had been silent all of the night and the time preparing. They are ready to set out before dawn meeting in the empty cathedral with Kyoda and Chikara with Mizuko with the group for now to see everyone off. They meet with the rest more silent in there greetings and Shizen with Orion in front to speak seriously.

Chikara: (Looks to the group with a sad expression knowing she cannot stop them from going ahead of everyone in this point). I suppose nothing I can say will convince you of not waiting for a larger group to assemble deal with this. It will hard to give you too much backup right away.

Shizen: (Shakes her head no with a sigh) It would be too noticeable to have a large group to fight in. The fire territory has innocent citizens we want out of harm's way after all. It is more quite for Orion and I to go at first... Though I know there are a few more that will not be left behind with this as well. (Looks in back of her motioning to the group they came here with knowing they feel the same as her about this).

Kyoda: (He sighs in frustration). Alright well it seems I have no real way of convincing you otherwise.

Shizen: (Smiles as reassuring as she can manage at the moment). You know Orion and I are very capable to be on the front lines like this and the young ones with us are just as determined... Besides... Someone very dear to me has gone ahead even further as well.... (Looks down managing a small smile and worried look in her eyes she cannot hide).

Orion: (He sighs knowing Adara would do something like that after giving a sigh of shock and surprise). Knowing her we need to go fast before she gets herself hurt.

Shizen: (Sighs as well saying to herself). She is as stubborn as I am so I should of known she would not listen. (Speaks up again Looking up). We will need move quickly and quietly through. I would hope there is a small boat to use inconspicuously once we reach the shores between your lands and fire?

Mizuko: (Steps forward though she looks down sadly). I ordered a boat prepared away from the docks and city lines. ... I am sorry to not journey with you right away but I will prepare word to what is about to pass right away... Though I had hope not to join such a battle once again.

Orion: No it is fine Mizu I know you will be there when you can don't worry. (He says as he pats her head).

Kyoda: The same will be said about the dark and light territory forces. Once we will have the chance to collect everything together at once we will make sure our forces are ready.

Shizen: I know. We want to prevent the calamity that the last war had brought about. I hope that is so but regardless we must prepare... Though Seiji I assume will be on the other side of this battle having a alliance with fire. I would hope one of us can convince him otherwise in this matter especially.

Mizuko: (Nods and bows slightly). I will do my best with Seiji to try and resolve things peacefully... I would hope there is a peaceful solution to all of this.

Chikara: We may hope but it is best to prepare for a battle and make sure civilians safety is our top priority.

Mizuko: (She nods still looking down in thoughts and worries to what is to come not wanting it to come pass that they may fight). If the unfortunate comes to pass I will be there wherever is needed.

Orion: (He smiles as he still Pat's Mizu but also Chikara because she is nearby). Well than don't stutter for a second... If there is no option for peace than we'll make one happen and no one shall fall today. We will make sure. (As he looks towards Shizen with a glimmer of self-doubt but also trying to be hopefully as they both have bad feelings).

Shizen: (Looks to Orion knowing the same feeling and nods understandingly knowing her instincts had not failed her once glancing to Rowen with the serious expression still).

Chikara: I trust your abilities fully with Orion having the most strength and Shizen the same with her instinct and skills in survival to lead you. I will put together a first squad of our forces to follow close behind your trail as well as soon as we can.

Shizen: I see then we will leave the trail as clear-.... (As she looks up she gets a smile to seeing at first two approach from the capital building with the unmistakable heavy sound of clopping hoofs). I can guess who will be leading your forces then Kyoda?

Kyoda: (He smiles as well hearing the horse). No but I shall be placing the trust in my brother to do that... He's much better to do combat than I am so I will leave him in charge of our forces.

Shizen: That is a very wise choice then having a master knight to lead and with such a noble steed as well. (Nods her head in a greeting with a smile getting Chief to buck his head up and shake out his mane with a huff as Kishi holds the reins and walks with him).

Kyoda: (He smiles at the thought). Well that is why I want Kishi to do it... But also to keep regaining the courage that he lost a long time ago....

Chikara: (Nods her agreement looking down with a small smile). I missed seeing that from my brother.

Shizen: (Nods her understanding looking at Kishi with a small grin). He will continue gaining it back and perhaps take more charge as he had before. I assume Chief saw that then? Did he pass his test his your father before him?

Kyoda: (He looks towards the pair). It would seem so since chief was very defensive for anyone to get near him so it's surprising and I would assume so.

Shizen: It take a great determination and strength to earn Chief's respect. I'm glad they have thought about my words then.

Kyoda: Well it seems it wasn't easy for him. (He notices the wounds on Kishi's arm). Well oh well it might be worth it all in the end.

Shizen: I can tell it was worth that from the prideful grin.

Chikara: (Can't help but run up and hug Kishi first although forgetful of his arm a bit). ... I missed you brother.

Kishi: (He is surprised at first with the sudden hug from her sister). What do you mean? I saw you a few moments ago. (He isn't understanding fully of what she means but then smiles regardless). I missed you too.

Chikara: It's just... I missed seeing the big goofy grin of yours... It's been a really long time. (Holds on tighter once saying this).

Mizuko: (Politely gathers some water that flows to Kishi's arm with a faint glow where a soothing healing can be felt).

Kishi: (He finally notices the wounds). Oh... Thank you lady Mizuko I didn't even notice they were there.

Mizuko: (Nods with a smile). It is not a problem. I am happy to.

Shizen: (Nod in greeting with grin a in pride). I take it was a battle well fought and won then? (She then looks at Chief who nudges Kishi on top of his head). And respect well earned?

Kishi: (He laughs a bit to himself). Well it definitely was exciting to say the least... And I would think so.

Shizen: (Chief nudges Kishi with a small neigh and stomp of his hoof before moving to the side more he is next to the saddle). I have the answer then... I look forward to fighting alongside both of you.

Kishi: (He smiles). Well than we both look forward to it as well to be alongside everyone.

Shizen: I will look to you for our reinforcements then. (Looks over to Chikara next curiously). And who have you assigned for light territory's first reinforcement commander?

Chikara: (stands straight letting go of Kishi as she coughs lightly before speaking). It was to a little surprise but I had a volunteer with this before even asking from my officers from one of our forces offensive sergeants. She insisted on such a task really.

Mizuko: (raises her eyebrows in slight surprise). Really, now that is quite interesting.

Kyoda: (He has an idea on who it is). Well should be one of the people to do just that but hearing the news of the events she should be arriving soon.

Chikara: Yes Shizuna was suppose to arrive as a key neutral witness with the boy she is contracted to for Yami's case. (Pauses with a frown as she thinks of the current situation but then looks up seriously). With the news of the situation though she immediately volunteered for the position.

Kairi: (Realizes who they are talking about whispering to herself as she peeks from behind her sister). Maru and Luna....

Orion: (He seems concerned a bit from the encounter the two had). I see... Shizuna will be here... This make things quite interesting.

Chazz: (He is thinking to himself as he wonders what will happen next though everyone was on good terms he can't help but feel uncertain about something).

Chikara: She is one of our fastest commanders so I believe she will make her way to you quickly once you give us word on a location.

Shizen: And what of the boy she is contracted to, Maru. I advise he not follow her since he is not 15 as of yet. Regardless of that I would advise against it anyways.

Mizuko: (Looks to the group behind Shizen, Orion and Rowen with a worried frown seeing the stubborn and serious faces). I could say the same of the handful of little ones with you.

Rowen: (He questions the idea). Well I don't feel like that will be an issue really since I trust the people with us to keep proper protection of the little ones and especially since the young mistress here is contracted to Yami that it only makes sense to bring her along.

Shizen: They are strong as well and keep growing in strength each day to go with their stubbornness.

Kura: (Looks down with a low voice as she speaks). And if Yami can go inside Kairi's mind we can seal him there for a time just to protect him... Like I was supposed to.... (Her voice goes more to herself as she clenches her fist hiding her face downward Tori being closest to her to listen).

Tori: Well should we wait for their arrival to us? Or should we get going now and meet up with them later because we don't have the privilege of time on our side.

Shizen: (Shakes her head in agreement). Yes we will need to be on our way now. We will send coded messages with locations when I meet with someone once we make camp in our territory. I hope everyone has packed well with camp equipment and rations for us and the animals then?

Jennifer: (Nods in response adjusting the bag on her back). Yes, we have everything.

Shizen: (Shakes her head in agreement). Yes we will need to be on our way now. We will send coded messages with locations when I meet with someone once we make camp in the fire territory. I hope everyone has packed well with equipment and rations for us and the animals then?

Jennifer: (Nods in response adjusting the bag on her back). Yes, we have everything.

Tori: We were taking count of everything while you were talking with everyone so everything is accounted for. So let's get ready to get moving.

Rowen: (He smiles). Very well done well seems everything is ready to go.

Shizen: Then we will be on our way so that we may reach the territory and set up camp tonight. We will see you out there at a later time. (Nods a farewell as well as a smile to Kishi and Chief).

Mizuko: (Still has a concerned expression but bows politely). I wish you luck on your travels and will support when it's needed. (She then looks to Hiki). Hiki please save the vile of water I gave you for when it is most needed. It is from a special spring of pure waters that helps with healing.

Hiki: (She shakes her head yes as she looks towards Mizuko). Of course I will make sure to save until I need it the most.

Mizuko: (Smiles with a small nod). I will hope it is not needed.

Shizen: If we are ready we will be on our way then. The boat is located on the dark territory side outside of the city. We made sure it was the more vacant area so we do not run into many.

Chikara: (Bows as well with everyone else to do a last farewell). I wish all of you safe travels. We will join you soon to bring back our nephew. (Looks to her brothers with a serious yet worried nod).

Kyoda: You have our word that we will be there as soon as possible so let us be off as well... Kishi... Chikara.... (He smiles at Chief). Chief let's go.

Chikara: (Nods to her brothers with a small smile). Yes, we shall. (Chief stomps his hoof with a small huff nudging Kishi and trotting so he is beside him where the saddle is rested on his back).

Chazz: Well we shall go as well since a very important member is still waiting for us so let's get going everyone... Time to bring balance.

Jennifer: (Smiles at Chazz with a nod). Well it is who you are to put it like that.

Kairi: (Has a determined look yet sad as well). Yami belongs with us, we need to bring him home.

Shizen: Well then let's be on our way... Mizu thank you and we will meet you there at a later date.

Mizuko: (Bows her farewell once more). Please stay safe all of you. Shizen... Orion I will join you as soon as I am able. (She smiles politely with a wave but the next moment her form falls into a puddle on the stone walk way).

Shizen: (Smiles and waves back until Mizuko leaves in such a way leaning to the side to say to Orion beside her with a slight laugh). I swear, it freaks me out every time she does that still.

Orion: (He smiles with a small laugh). Well it does take a bit to get used to that but oh well. Let's be off like everyone has been saying, have things to do have people to see.

Shizen: (Nods as they turn to walk on their way. She looks at Orion with his big shaggy dog Spike walk beside him and his tortoise Rocky tucked into his shell carried under his arm to travel, a little amused by this). They still wanted to follow you as well? It looks like you will have your hands full with Rocky there.

Orion: (He sighs). I figured I would have to deal with it as well but.. I don't wish to put them in harm's way... I wouldn't be able to deal with it. (As Rocky pokes his head out of his shell to look up at Orion and Spike licks Orion's hand as he walks beside him).

Shizen: (Sighs sympathetically looking over to Hiki and Tori as well with Silver perched on his shoulder and Orion tucks into her bag with his head poking out). I understand very well... With all of these young ones really. ... But their very stubborn. It's hard ask companions and those dear to us to stay behind. (Looks at Rowen as she walks behind him seeing his bag move. She flips the cover revealing Echo the puppy border collie peaking out cutely). And she just is too attached to stay behind was she? She fears that abandonment again, It's hard to force one to stay with that mindset....

Rowen: (He smiles awkwardly). Well when I tried to leave her with someone in the city... Echo wouldn't stop weeping and I would terrible to leave her like that though if it becomes too bad I will be leavening her with the animals to watch over her.

Shizen: Orion's two companions here are very capable of that then. I know both of you will protect them with all of your power... I trust you with that but also just like the group as a whole. They will protect each other with all they have. The animals want to be with you for the same supportive reason everyone does. (Watches Echo climb her paws up on the back of Rowen's head with a little wagging tail. Spike and Rocky look up to Orion as well with their own form of comfort. Silver as well pecks lightly at Tori's hair as Owlet snuggles into the opening of Hiki's bag).

Hiki: (She and Tori both smile). That is true... We can't just leave them here since they want to be with every step of the way as we do for them.

Jennifer: Animals think very similar to us really most of the time they are even more loyal then we can even imagine. (Smiles patting Owlets head as it pokes out of Hiki's bag doing the same with Silver as well).

Kairi: (Smiles and goes over to pet Spike and pet Rocky's shell then looking up at Orion reassuringly). Don't worry it will be ok.

Orion: (He sighs knowing how weak he is to Kairi). Yes, yes I guess you win they can come along however we will be dropping them at a secure location to make sure they are out of harm's way.

Kairi: (Looks up brightly with a nod). Alright Orion!

Shizen: (Has a small laugh looking from Orion to Kairi understanding fully). It's not just the animals we are protective of as well.... (Looks to Jennifer with a small smile to herself then looks down with a worried look in her eyes especially to another that is most dear to her as well). Let us mope the boat to pass through will get us to the territory to the camp location before dark today...

Tori: Aye. (He nods to Kura as a sigh of reassuring as well attempting to cheer anyone up as he thinks to himself).

Kura: (Only nods in acknowledgement but continues looking down as she walks without much said).

The group continues to walk silently on the quite streets reaching a more empty spread out suburb outside the giant city. The area seems odd to most noticing how most of the homes are vacant if not all. The ones unfamiliar with the area can't help but have their eyes wonder the surroundings curiously.

Jennifer: (Looks around the area curiously next to Chazz and Hiki with a confused expression to the homes and odd surroundings well tree covered area a bit darker with a empty feeling with the trees more bare of leaves even to fit the odd yet depressing suburban area. She says quietly taking in the area with a frown). Something doesn't feel right about this area....

Tori: (He is a bit reluctant to start the idea). Well it makes sense... This part of town was the origin point of the uncle Izumi incident.

Jennifer: That's why everything and the homes feel... Deserted.... (Her frown deepens as she places a hand on a dead looking tree where it looks like very old burn marks singed the bark).

Shizen: (Looks around realizing where they had walked instantly regretting it and speaking quietly to Rowen and Orion). Their old home... The riots... We should of took a route around this area.... (Looks to Kura who has her face hidden downward with immediate concern).

Tori: (He is looking down as well as he holds Kura's hand in an attempt to keep her all together though he isn't sure).

Hiki: (She is looking around being surprised by the amount of damage in the area... She knew it was bad but not... Not like this).

Kura: (Her hand in Tori's grips onto his so tight it hurts his hand as her other hand his gripped onto her arm just as tight being as tense as could be possible).

Chazz: (He says with a heavy guilt). Its... A graveyard... Just a graveyard that shows... The past in the worst way possible.

Jennifer: (Puts a hand on Chazz's shoulder to stop that thought with a shake of her head noticing Kura).

Kura: (Her footsteps slow to a stop making the whole group do the same starting with Tori whose hand she grips even tighter).

Tori: (He follows knowing he can be the only one who can support her right now in this current moment as he begins to feel dread).

Kura: (Walks slowly down the pathways the further they walk the more that looks far too familiar even if warn from time).

Tori: (One of the things he recognizes instantly in a tree with a target with many sword slashes from his and Kuro's time training together as kids. It is not the same as he remembers it though as the tree in singed, darkened by old flames. The target being barely recognizable as it has fallen to the ground, the only thing that Tori can make out is the rough shape of it. Looking like it is ready to crumble apart into splintered shards a wood with one touch. He sighs as he brings out one of his swords in one hand and as they past the barely recognizable tree. He slashes into it one last time cause it to crumble to dust as though it was waiting for one last hit).

Kura: (Continues to walk without a word with emotions hidden. She pauses once reaches to stand in front of where there was once a structure but now completely unrecognizable as it is mostly burned up rubble on the foundation of where a home used to stand).

Tori's: (He looks around the area and recognizes the structure as Kura's home before... The incident had happened he feels great remorse). It's here... Well... As much as it can be.

Kura: (Doesn't answer Tori as she begins to walk towards the house ruins. She steps over the rubble and fallen old wood planks as she enter walking through it as can see what used to be furniture destroyed and scattered about. Some areas look like they were even smashed with weapons as well but any signs of the weapons or anything that could be linked to the damage had rusted and crumbled with time).

Tori: (He follows Kura though he is feeling nostalgic of his surroundings not knowing fully why Kura is looking as remorseful as she does now).

Kura: (She goes right through the house stepping over some more rubble to exit where the back door had been. She then walks into the wooded area behind her home as if she knows fully where she is going. The woods are quiet even a bit eerie as they walk through).

Tori: (He follows Kura even further he feels the sense of dread again though it seems like dark energy is leaking out of the forest entrance causing him to break a sweat and draw out a sword)

Kura: (Does not seem bothered by the energy and simply continues her walk into the woods. It is a few moments before she finally slows in a opening of the trees with a mound indented into the grounds not far from where they are. But right in front of them what trees that are there look completely damaged if not smashed completely with old burns covering the bark and ground making it so little had grown. Besides that it looks like a area where obviously a old battle had taken place though it is hard to tell from what at first look but there is still a intense feeling of dread and sorrow looming over the area).

Tori: (He looks around as though he is desperately looking for someone... But yet no one else is around but Kura... But yet he feels like he needs too).

Kura: (Kneels down couple of feet or so away from the small mound in the ground creating a little underneath cover. She looked down at the ground in front of her placing her hand down on it. Brushing some of the leaves away as she looks down with a deep sadness in her expression if one could see).

Tori: (He keeps looking but he stops just behind Kura and wonders what she is doing but then feels even more sadness and sorrow come over him greatly. Getting a small idea on what happened here... As he frowns). Kuro....

Kura: (She doesn't speak right away and when she does its quite as she looks at her hand on the ground). ... This... Is where he fell... Where his shadow lay....

Tori: (He looks down as a shadow casts upon him). I see... I never knew where he was... But I know now.

Kura: (The same shadow is cast on her ever since she started walking here as she nods). I couldn't help him... I had to leave his shadow behind to fade... To protect Yami I had to hide and run... He pushed us under the mound and cast a barrier over there knocking Yami so we couldn't get out to help... I guess he knew he was too big to hide with us too.... (She looks down more her hand going into a fist as she had starting telling Tori how it all happened).

Tori: (In his sense of sadness and remorse he clenches his fist as well).

Kura: ... I saw him fight... He didn't stop fighting no matter how much damage he took... He held his own really well... No matter how badly he was hurt he used all the strength he had to protect us... He was so strong ... But... Eventually the injuries were too much... And he fell here... I could only watch him... And hold Yami back when he woke.... (Her shoulders shake and even though her face is hidden there can be seen tears that fall on the spot she kneels over).

Tori: (He kneels down next to Kura and puts one arm on her shoulder to bring her in for a side hug). It's fine... It's fine.... (He tears up A bit as well). He did what he always dreamed of being and what he trained to be... A knight... He wanted to protect the two people that mattered the most to him.

Kura: (She can't help but lean into Tori's hug and cry into his shoulder). I haven't been to this spot since... And it still hurts... But he really did put up a great fight... I just miss him... I feel like a big part is missing... I just want us to all be a family again.... (Sobs more into Tori's shoulder all of the sadness she had held in).

Tori: I know... You do Kura..and I want my best friend back...but he wouldn't want you crying like this over him... He would want you to remember on how he was and the love he gave to you... So don't be holding yourself down the past... I know I couldn't for a while... It was hard... But... I got better. (He holds her tight as he rubs her shoulder).

Kura: (Nods her head but still cries into Tori's shoulder). I know... I just remember how good he was at making the whole family smile and have fun even in hard times... I miss those times... And I guess I wanted to pay my respects here... A part of me still hopes but I know that's naive... But it's harder because I promised to protect Yami as I ran from this place... And I couldn't even do that! (Cries even more into Tori hiding her face in his shoulder more as she does so).

Tori: I know... And I made a promise to help protect the both of you if anything happened to him... But I failed as well... But let's pay our respects and fulfill his wishes of keeping you two together.

Kura: (Nods again and lets go of Tori facing the spot Kuro fell again as she wipes her tear filled eyes). Thank you Tori... When we get Yami back I want to come here with him to pay our respects together... I want to be a family again... And happy without fears... He's still so young to deal with all of this and with what he's been through... I want things to be better for us all... Together... For Kuro....

Tori: (He smiles as he kisses her head). Well I'll be here with you guys so rely on me a bit more alright? Got to keep my promise as well

Kura: (Gets a small smile after getting her emotions cleared having not done it in a while). Thank you... You probably didn't get a chance to say goodbye... And I can't really bring myself to yet... Not without Yami at least... But if you want to... Maybe it is like saying all you wanted to say.... (Looks down at the spot Kuro lay reaching out to it again).

Tori: No... Not just yet... I will do it when I'm with you two... It would only be fitting to do it all at once you know? (He smiles as he best he can as he cries as well feeling huge amounts of dread fall upon as though sorrow is his best friend).

Kura: (Smiles the same smile as Tori as she gathers some fallen leaves into a makeshift bouquet to place on the spot). Before I ran away with Yami I had enough time to do this on his shadow... But I don't think I'm ready to say that closing goodbye either... I don't know why it just doesn't feel right... But for him... Yami... And everyone... Can come back safely... To be a happy family again... What he wish most... So for Kuro.... (Wipes her eyes again Looks down with a feeling that something isn't right or is missing mixed with that same dread of the area yet a sad hope).

Tori: Yeah... We will come back together... And maybe and Kyoda and them... It would be nice to have everyone say goodbye... To our young knight in training.... (A moment in his speaking he feels someone was listening in on them but the feeling is gone now).

Kura: (Nods though the heaviness in her heart is still there to stay hugging Tori for that needed comfort). Thank you for coming with me....

Tori: (He shakes his head). No... Thank you for letting me come with..and showing me this... I feel like I'm a bit closer now.

Kura: Well you are just as close as we are with Kuro... Your best friends... Brothers... Your family too... So it's only right that you came here. (Manages to give a small smile to Tori).

Tori: Yeah... But still I appreciate it... Well we should get going before Kairi worries more than she already is... Don't want to make her upset or we won't hear the end of it.

Kura: (Shakes her head yes as she stands slowly to leave). No we don't and I how you two can be with one another so let's get going. (Turns to leave with a sigh then turns to look at Tori). And let's bring my little brother home.

Tori: (He smiles with a smirk). Yes of course... Or else I wouldn't hear the end of it regardless so I rather avoid that... Let's go reunite the family one last time.

Kura: (Nods in agreement as she begins to walk back with Tori. She does one more look back before she turns to leave to be on their journey once again with a feeling of hope yet worry still behind it).

The group continues a short walk until they reach a small humble looking boat to sail in subtlety to the fire territory. Most of the boat ride is quiet much different from their journey to the capital neutral city. Most think of their arrival and wear clothing with hoods to hide their faces when it will be needed. As they sail the notice as well the closer they get the warmer the air feels. The boat ride even seems to take nearly as long as the travel in the water but that may of also been the tension they felt to whatever they will face. The travel does take most of the sunlit day though with nothing eventful in the calm warm waters as the air grows hot like a mid summers day. As the group is enjoying their final moments of relaxation as best they can while feeling a slight rise in temperature. Chazz is the first one to see land come forward.

Chazz: (He smiles). LAND HOLD! (He thinks to himself on how he always wanted to say that to himself and laughs a bit).

Jennifer: (Laughs a little to Chazz but then looks forward to the land that was spotted). Finally this boat ride has felt longer then what would of liked.

Kura: (Looks forward slightly and her hands clench together in the same hope and worry).

Shizen: (Looks out as well as she had been sitting with Orion looking over a map as she undoes her braid a bit but still keeps her grey hair away from her face at least). I is a smaller body of water but with it being night last we sailed and with so much curiosity the ride seemed shorter. (Looks to Rowen who is busy steering the boat with sleeves rolled up as he focuses on the waters with Chazz managing the sail). Let's stay away from any town docks. The less presence we make known in the land the better. We do not want to cause any problems or be too obvious... Let's try to hide and camp small today.

Rowen: (He nods his head as he steers the ship towards a more isolated piece of land near the coastal port town). Alright I think this area will work just fine for what we need to do though. I do suggest that we have people stay up to watch over the area while taking turns.

Shizen: I will take first watch then... There is a specific location... And something I need to wait for where we camp. (Looks downward for a moment with a small smile but worry in her eyes holding onto the locket always wrapped around her wrist tightly).

Orion: (He is surprised at first). Well than alright if your sure Shizen. Well than the rest of us will go around and find information about the capital and find a place to rest for the night.

Shizen: I will bring back some key information while I am out as well. I do know that most is built like a fort though so some things may be a bit trickier.

Kairi: (Looks forward towards the land feeling the hot air from the area already). It's really hot here, is it always like this?

Shizen: (Shakes her head yes). Yes and it will only rise in temperature once we reach inward on the land. They have a few volcanoes as well so it was important to we have brought plenty of water.

Tori: (He looks around and sees the volcanoes in the distance). Oh your right and seems like some of them are getting ready to erupt soon.

Kairi: (Looks with Tori seeing them as well in wonder). I read about giant fire breathing dragons living in volcanoes in fairy tale books, do they exist?

Shizen: (Pauses to think looking to Orion to help recall). I do not believe there has been sighting like that in a very long time. There are small ones that look similar to a winged bearded dragon though still very rare. In fact it was studied that those are the same spices as the giant ones you speak of but no one has seen a in-between growth between the small and giant ones to confirm that fully. It's a bit odd but regardless I would hope not to have are first recorded encounter with a giant one now. (She looks down for a moment as memory pops into her mind but quickly shakes it away).

Chazz: Well it would be interesting to see one. However, it would be difficult if we had to deal with one with the current situation that we are in.

Jennifer: (Nods in agreement patting Kairi's head as they approach the shore). I think we will have enough to deal with let alone worrying about a dragon.

The group as they begin to land their boat. They the temperature rising greeting as some sweat begins to develop on some of them. As they land the moment they touch the ground they are captivated by the forest nearby as it seems to be in a fall like setting in color with the trees and scenery. Nearby they see a town that is more inland nearest the capital being their best chance to getting information without attracting too much attention. But the biggest stands out as they travel through the forest to find a reasonable camping spot to serve as a hideout for now, estimating the distant fort castle is where they believe Yami is being held.

Kura: (Cannot take her eyes off the distant capital as she walks, every part of her wanting to rush there instantly to reach Yami).

Kairi: (Right beside her with the same anxious feeling as everyone else feels).

Rowen: (He and Orion lead the group to a subtle spot that should be able to act as camp spot for the night). Well this should work for now. Now we must split up to find some information in the nearby town.

Shizen: (Speaks a little quietly as she looks around the spot, Rowen in earshot also noticing a tight grip still on the locket around her wrist). This looks to be about the area....

Rowen: (He sighs as he can guess what Shizen is talking about). Well than Shizen do you want to have watch while we go collect some Information?

Shizen: (Shakes herself out of her thoughts looking at Rowen with a small smile). I believe I will head out alone tonight since I have a very good source of information. There is no need to worry about that but also most of you I encourage to not stray far from the camp and keep your faces out of sight if needed. Do not do anything rash.

Jennifer: (Looks at Shizen in worry). Who are you meeting, will you be in danger? Maybe we should come along to help if something goes wrong?

Shizen: (Gives a small smile and pats Jennifer's head though keeping most of the details to herself). No need to worry child, I trust this informant with everything I have so there will be no problems. ... Let me do this on my own and trust me. (Looks to Orion knowing he knows the whole truth of things to understand more than the younger ones).

Orion: (He nods his head). Alright not a problem. Let's get going everyone we shouldn't be out for long but we got to try and get something.

Chazz: (He and Hiki feel a slight uneasiness begin to rise but decides to trust Shizen).

Shizen: (Nods as she adjusts her bag and quiver on her back as she get ready to part ways). I will be gone for quite a bit so be sure to listen to Orion well. No going on your own to look yourself and build the camp discreetly and try to stay cool. This is the only forest in this area and it's not as covered as many lands with the rest being rocky plains, volcanoes and deserts.

Kairi: (Nods to Shizen with worry in her eyes wanting to help). We will be ok... Please stay safe.

Shizen: (Laughs a little reassuringly). I will be fine just listen to Orion and try to practice your barriers around the camp when its set up... But I will be on my way so please behave and keep your animals hydrated as well. (Sighs then looks to Rowen giving him a small reassuring smile but something hidden well behind it that can't be read in her expression. A instinct of protective worry fills the mind first for him).

Rowen: (He says quietly to himself). Now how could you expect me to leave you alone after that sort of smile.... (He speaks back up). Yes, yes I will make sure everything is kept together while you are away.

Orion: (Immediately catches on to Rowen thoughts and just smiles a bit).

Shizen: (Nods her farewells to everyone and then starts to head on her way quickly out of the area).

Jennifer: (Looks to Shizen leaving with the grip on her bow tightening then forward to the area they would camp in everyone else doing the same). I guess we should go and start setting up then....

Kairi: (Looks on as well and up at Orion not sure of what to do the worry still in her eyes).

Orion: (He Pat's her head). Everything will be alright dear just believe in her alright? She's knows what's she's doing.

Jennifer: (Feels a little more reassured but a moment later feels something in her bag move around and a puppies whimper. She looks over her shoulder seeing Echo stand on top of her backpack and lick her face when she does. She quickly reaches over to hold and cradle the whimpering puppy with Spike going over panting from the heat sniffing Echo). It's alright Echo, what are you doing in my bag? I thought Rowen had-.... (Looks behind her having sworn he was walking in back of the group giving a confused look when not seeing him). Rowen?

Orion: (He laughs a little). Well, well it seems he went his own way..but let's get going everyone... I'm pretty sure Rowen is doing just fine.

Jennifer: (Still has a confused look but nods as she tries to comfort Echo with a smile). It's alright Echo he will be back, just stay with me then.

The group continues to head towards the place to set up camp leaving Shizen to meet them later. Rowen with his instinct telling him to follow had gone a few minutes behind Shizen left. He is behind enough to not to be detected walking carefully to not make any noise or sudden noticeable movements wanting to know what Shizen is up to. He walks for quite a bit the tree covered area turning dusk. He finally stops seeing Shizen stop noticing a symbol marked into a tree of a lead inside a flame and takes a seat seeming to wait patiently. Rowen hides in the bush covered area far enough he would have to listen carefully is anything was said. From what he can see though she sits on a log looking down at the locket always on her wrist lifting it up to see better. The expression of hiding something or covering up her emotions fall away in her expression and instead he can see one of the biggest genuine smiles he had seen from her.

Rowen: (He smiles as well seeing her like that). Well now... This seems to be worth it just from looking at her from here. (He says to himself quietly).

Shizen: (She waits there for a few moments staring at her open locket until a figure jumps down to the center of the clearing wearing red with a few borders of green. She has a face mask up covering up to her nose but pull her hood down revealing long locks of red hair. The vibrant red hair and the red clothes cause jump of conclusion to thinking her being a fire spirit but even so Shizen has great smile as she quickly get up and hugs the young lady looking to be in her teens at most).

Rowen: (recognizing the fire spirit he is hesitant to act right away. So he decides to watch firstly but will jump in if the moments call for it. Though the smile on Shizen's face still puzzles him greatly).

Shizen: (Hugs the girl tightly and protectively). Never run off like that again... You had me worried sick....

Adara: (Smiles back at the hug hugging back reassuringly). I'm fine, you know I can handle myself.

Shizen: (Laughs a little but until hold on tight). I know but things are changing here and you can't run here alone.

Adara: (Still smiles reassuringly behind her mask). Come on mom I had to. Or else you wouldn't have a trail to follow out here. It was the best solution or else you would lose everything.... I'm fine mom, I know what I'm doing mom.... I'm not a baby... And I'm the only one who could do this at the rushed time anyways... Besides I know he will not harm me.

Shizen: (Looks at Adara sincerely and still with protectiveness just happy to see her pulling away a little to look at her). Your my baby girl so I have my full right to worry and protect more than anything... Never think that will change.... (Smiles greatly kissing her daughter forehead just happy she is safe more than anything).

Rowen: (He is shocked to hear the girl is Shizen's daughter but he can't help but smile a bit as he decides to head out). Well it wouldn't be right if I was still here... I should get going.... (He says to himself quietly. As he is about to leave them for privacy a small branch had caught on his sleeve making s small rustling sound).

Adara: (Is the first to turn back hearing the sound in back of her as she narrows her eyes that glow a slight green).

Shizen: (Does the same but also grips onto the bow on her shoulder stepping in front of Adara protectively until she sees who is there her tone demanding). Whose there... Show yourself.

Rowen: (He sighs as he holds his hands up above his head as he stands up from the bush). Well, well looks like I was caught.

Shizen: (Raises her eyebrows in surprise as she lowers her bow). ... Rowen?

Adara: (Looks from her mother and to Rowen in surprise yet interest taking a less defensive stance). Rowen?

Rowen: (He laughs nervously). Yeah.... Yeah I followed I'm sorry.

Shizen: (Sigh knowing this would happen eventually but begins a rare slight blush and nervous smile). Hello Rowen... I should of known better someone followed... You especially.

Adara: (Gets a small smirk looking between them still. She also pulls down her face mask and Rowen can see her face more seeing how much they look alike clearly as mother and daughter besides the color of hair). So this is the man that you and Orion kept mentioning in your letters mom?

Rowen: oh I was talked about this is even more embarrassing yet satisfying... but I'm glad to meet you Adara.... (He smiles)

Adara: (Smiles back). Yes she mentioned you quite a lot the past few letters.

Shizen: (Laughs a bit nervously not being quite ready for this moment yet but knowing it would happen eventually being a bit worried how this would go). Well... Rowen yes... I would like you to meet my daughter....

Adara. (Looks at Adara getting a big proud smile the worry falling away more when she does patting her head).

Rowen: (Well he comes forward towards Adara). Well it's glad to meet you. To reintroduce myself my name is Rowen and it's a great pleasure to meet you. (He bows)

Shizen: (Grins at Rowen and Adara and the big moment). And Adara as you he already said this is Rowen then.

Adara: (Laughs offers Rowen her hand to shake). It's nice to meet you. You are exactly how my mom described. Uncle Orion talked about you too, but always a emphasis on being proper and formal.

Shizen: (Can't help but laugh at that). Not very proper though to hide in a bush. (As she reaches out to remove some leaves in Rowen's hair holding them out to him).

Rowen: (He blushes a bit in a flustered manner but then coughs). Well I was just curious and concerned for you Shizen. You were acting quite strange.

Shizen: (Cannot help but get a slight blush as well). Well I am sorry to worry you. I think it would be a inappropriate time to smile but I can't help it when it come to seeing my amazing daughter. (Puts a arm around Adara with a big grin).

Adara: (Smiles with a small laugh). Amazing? (Gets a small smirk in amusement as well).

Shizen: (Does a small fake pout patting Adara's head). Oh I'm your mother, I have every right to brag.

Rowen: (He can't help but laugh a bit). Well that is quite like your mother to boost what she is proud about.

Shizen: (Laughs as well). Yes and she is my biggest pride so expect me to at the moment but it is not like you do not like to show off when things catch your interest Adara.

Adara: (Smirks with a small laugh as well). I may tend to slightly. (Her expression then changes looking up at Shizen curiously and unsure of how much can be shared Rowen noticing the uncertain look for a second).

Rowen: (He notices it as well). Now, now don't worry I only know what was shared with me which wasn't much but I shall not press further.

Adara: (Still looks to Shizen with uncertainty).

Shizen: (Knows the look and also knows it is probably about time things were out in the open as she sighs). No it's about time you knew some things anyways... Maybe it's almost a time where things should be out in the open more as well.

Adara: (Concern grows looking at Shizen still glancing at Rowen with her uncertainties). Mom....

Shizen: (Smiles reassuringly to Adara after inward nervous sigh and nods). It's alright Adara. I trust him so just be who you are and I will deal with the explanations later... It's about time I stopped hiding this... I never should have in the beginning really. (Smiles reassuringly down at her daughter kissing her forehead then turns to look at Rowen again managing a small yet nervous and worried smile for what he will think at the end).

Rowen: (He looks in question towards Shizen as he touches her cheek). Well don't force yourself Shizen and anything you want to tell me I'll listen to you with earnest feelings.

Adara: (Looks at Rowen with raised eyebrows in surprise but then looks at her mother with a more sincere smile). No wonder you like him so much.

Shizen: (Sighs and calms down from Rowen's sincere feelings holding onto his hand). Yes I do quite a lot. But I will explain all of that after you two talk a bit and then answer those questions alone... But thank you for your patients. For now though I want you two to know each other. Form your own opinions before and brag on how talented she is. (Laughs a little her hand tightening slightly on Rowen's).

Adara: (Laughs with her mom). We could be here all night with that topic.

Rowen: (He laughs). That may be true but we don't have time for all of that but I will be happy to have a introductory conversation if that would work for you.

Adara: I think I can sum it up well with just the important parts.

Shizen: The most important parts... Yes you should know those first. (Nods with a small frown remembering time is not on their side but makes the most of it. Sighs knowing she should start with the most important first). Well first of all you should know this... Only few know this. Adara is a... Special kind of spirit... There's only one energy of a spirit like this... It was thought this could not be possible in spirits even.

Adara: (Looks to Shizen knowing instantly what her mom is talking about trusting her with a shake of her head. She silently lifts her right hands first a green glow forming with a plant sprouting from it).

Rowen: (He looks slightly confused at first from the statement but listens to Shizen). Something like the balance spirits if I'm understanding this correctly

Shizen: (Looks at Adara shaking her head to go ahead).

Adara: (Understands lifting her other hand out so that in her left hand a warm flame grows on her palm flickering in shades in-between reds, orange, and yellow brightly).

Rowen: (He waits in anticipation though very surprised from the fire energy from a natures spirits daughter).

Shizen: (Sighs but then smiles to Adara and Rowen). Half of her energy is nature and the other is fire. It's a even amount for each element with the potential to master both like Chazz with light and dark... Only it was thought not to be able to exist for a spirit.

Adara: (Looks at both her elements playing with them individually in each hand). I have learned more of my mother's nature element which is obvious with learning with her first hand but what I know with fire I needed to acquire advanced books for the most part.... (Pauses on her fire quickly changing the train of thought). I still have much to research and combining them has not been successful so I still need to improve individual energies.

Rowen: (Seems to understand where this is going but plays along with the conversation). Well than that is quite impressive on its own fret.

Adara: (Seems to be in her own thoughts slightly). I will need to research and experiment with it more after this but to balance a element with one with a natural weakness to the other is a complicated puzzle when pieces are still being collected. (Looks at the flame in pondering to herself seeming to be in her own world almost able to see her mind look through scenarios and hypothesis in her expression. It is clear her intelligence shows with that as she bites her thumb while in thought seeming to be a habit as she rambles her thoughts).

Shizen: (Can't help but laugh watching Adara then looks to Rowen so she can explain). I should also mention she is quite smart. Even that is quite a big understatement for her.

Rowen: (He laughs as well). Well it shows quite well...a very interesting lady she is

Shizen: Most of the things I have trouble following but the way her mind works it's almost like she is calculating every scenario and outcome in that moment. She is even reading expert level book and beyond especially with those complex seals.

Adara: (Breaks out of her thoughts seeming to have her interest caught looking at Rowen in interest). Orion mentioned a seal too I wanted to study now that I am reminded.

Rowen: (He smiles). Well I see Orion has been in close contact..but that is too be expected really. But what seal would that be? Something related to Agni now?

Adara: (Shakes her head no with a pondering expression). Orion is my Uncle so of course I am close to him and.... This one is not related to my... Agni... I will go over those in a moment.... From Orion's letters and time with him he told me about your contract with him. I've never known a permanent seal like that was possible. It's intriguing if I could study such a seal one day.

Shizen: (Looks at Adara with a curiosity but also a small frown knowing she will explain to him after this visit what Adara had caught herself almost saying). It was a seal Nagi and Shiro created before they passed... But anyways it is up to Rowen at that. I am sure he would mind being studied in your science. Perhaps hold most of that curiosity for later. (Laughs patting Adara's head).

Adara: (Shakes her head yes). Of course just studying such a complex seal is such a interesting opportunity, just to see such a seal even.

Rowen: (He seems slightly concerned from the statement). Well I'll be glad to help with your research though I'm slightly concerned as I would be.

Adara: (Gives a reassuring smile to Rowen). I only will want to study the seals components and the seal from what was read and studied is irreversible regardless. The obvious theory is that your living energy is connected to Orion's making it so that as long as that energy exists your are able to take this spirit like existence rather than human. It has been done before but those are a time limit that depended on the spirits skill and amount of energy only to fade like a spirit would in death. But this is a scenario where the energy is shared indefinitely as long as that energy source lives with the help of a seal of such unimaginable level of power to achieve. It's a amazing feat to achieve such a thing. (Bites her thumb again as her mind works a mile a minute with a few complex ramblings).

Shizen: (Has a nervous smile nudging Adara to break her out of her thoughts). Come on now Adara we don't want Rowen to be scared away do we now?

Adara: (Looks up at her mother and Rowen with a puzzled expression). What, did I say something wrong?

Shizen: (Still has a nervous expression not liking some of the parts said). Just try not to mention the fade away part please.

Adara: (Gets a confused expression looking up at her mother). But all I said was that it was improbable as long as that specific earth energy is there?

Shizen: (Sighs in defeat a little and a apologetic look to Rowen).

Rowen: (He laughs more Than he should happily as he listens to the bicker). It's quite alright. (He smiles at Adara). Well if my seal can help further your own research I would be glad to help. (He looks towards Shizen nervously but yet happy). If I were to fade away now... I would be happy too because I wouldn't regret a thing after meeting your mother Adara.

Shizen: (Looks at Rowen a bit speechless and a noticeable blush form on her cheeks and love in her eyes). Rowen....

Adara: (Looks between the two with a expression as if saying daw). ... I think the research can wait....

Rowen: (he grabs Shizen's hand). No, no it's quite alright I will do what I can to help out.

Adara: (Smiles reassuringly). No not a problem at all. I have more projects to set my focus on.

Shizen: (Her hand on Rowen is tight from her feelings smiling up at him). Why not stick to board games when all of this is over. It is a better compromise though fair warning she never loses. (Kisses Rowen's cheek).

Adara: (Gets a small grin and smirk in her expression). I may be a small fan of chess.

Rowen: Hmm very interesting but at the speed someone had captured him. It was more than likely not a one person job. Though at the same considering all possibilities there more than likely he's ok for the moment.

Adara: Good estimations and there was more than one type of fire energy I could sense so you are correct. Most likely they will wait until tomorrow to make that location change and I marked those possibilities on a map for you to strategize your own plans. It would be easier to intersect that change before they get more inland towards their main fort after all).

Shizen: (Nods in agreement). Let us take care of that part then. You have done quite enough and I am proud of you to bring us this information.

Adara: (Smiles at her mother as she rustles through her bag with a few of her complex research notes spilling out as she give the map to her mother). It is what is needed and besides I am the one who could blend in easiest out here if I am honest. (Grins playing with a lock of her red hair as she collects her notes again).

Rowen: Well if you are sure you will be alright. Though if you're like Shizen than you will go no matter what we say so just follow in what you believe is right. However just make sure to be careful.

Shizen: (Still has a frown in deep worry). That's true... You get that stubbornness from me... I suppose asking you to come with us will not work either.

Adara: (Has a small smile to Shizen giving her a hug). You know I can't. I can be most helpful where I am and I promise I will be carful... I don't think he will hurt me either but still regardless I will be ok... I learned survival skills from you didn't I?

Shizen: (Can't help but smile and hug her daughter tight though a few tears have formed). I know you have but it doesn't mean I will stop my worries... It's a mothers job after all... I don't know what I would do if anything happened to my baby girl. So please stay safe and come back when it gets too dangerous alright, or else I will go rushing in for you no matter what. (Pets Adara's hair and kisses the top of her head).

Adara: (Hugs back reassuringly). I promise mom, I'll be safe just promise me that you stay safe while doing that too. He seems to have that same goal from how much he seems to care about you.... I'm happy for your mom. (Looks over at Rowen giving a nod in approval as well as a expression as if to say to look after her mom).

Rowen: (he is silent in the exchange but he just smiles reassuring and nods his head in agreement).

Shizen: (Lets go of Adara but glances at the at the locket on her wrist in thought. She then does a inward sigh as she starts unwraps it from her wrist Rowen remembering her never going without it). Adara... I want you to take this with you while you do this....

Adara: (Looks down at the locket in speechless surprise). Mom... I can't take that... You don't need to-.

Shizen: (Shakes her head no). No Adara just take it. If it protects you even a little somehow it is worth you taking so please take it.... (As she reaches around to put the locket chain around Adara's neck).

Adara: (Still is a little speechless but it is her turn to hug her mom tight). Thank you....

Rowen: (He smiles at the exchange just feeling happiness and love coming from the two).

Adara: (Let's go a little looking at Rowen bringing Rowen into the hug and saying quickly to him as Shizen wipes her eyes). You seem to make my mom happy and I can tell you care a lot about her... So thank you.

Rowen: (He is surprised at first). Well... She does the same for this old man... So I'm glad that I can make her happy... And in a way that can make you happy as well.

Adara: (Has a surprised expression but then smiles). Good I am glad to hear that... I hope that you keep a open mind to whatever she tells you. Just be patient listen to everything first... It's hard for her to talk about. (She pulls away with a sincere smile though leaving Shizen slightly confused).

Rowen: (He doesn't respond but he nods his head in agreement. With Adara knowing he will do just that).

Adara: (Pulls away from a last hug from her mother still smiling). Well... I think must be off. I wish I could stay longer but time is not exactly on my side with this type of tracking.

Shizen: (The worry still is in her eyes but nods her head). Just please be careful Adara and I will be right here if you need anything at all.

Adara: (Has a reassuring expression). I promise but the same goes for you and uncle Orion. It was nice finally meeting you as well Rowen.

Rowen: (He bows towards Adara). It was wonderful to meet you as well miss... I hope to see you again soon.

Adara: (Bows back to be polite). Yes but in better circumstances I would hope. (Turns towards her mom). Bye mom, I will see you later.

Shizen: (Nods wiping her eyes). Of course... See you later my little girl.

Adara: (Grins and then waves before running out if the clearing. The last thing Shizen see of her is taking the form of what looks like a large wolf or fox with red fur and green eyes).

Rowen: (He is quite surprised at first but then has a laugh). Well she is definitely your daughter if she doing things like that.

Shizen: (Pauses Looking the direction Adara had left with her hand still out in a wave with a small smile). Yes... She defiantly is....

Rowen: (He looks towards Shizen with concern but then holds her hand). Shizen... It's alright... No need to worry... She's just as stubborn as you.

Shizen: (Sighs and sits on the nearby log she had sat on when she first reached the area. She leans back on a tree in is up against and looks up in thought). Your right about that... She has always been so independent and capable of so much as well.... I worry and she is what I cherish most in life... I couldn't be prouder really.

Rowen: I know the feeling quite well but regardless just believe in her and everything will be fine.

Shizen: (Laughs a little sitting with Rowen putting her head on his shoulder). She is so smart so it is hard not to... She even figured out reading and simple seals at 3 years old let alone outsmarting me. And in a board game or strategy she could think so many steps ahead it it's amazing how her mind works.... I remember Orion showing her chess when she was so small and no matter what he could not win a single game to this day. No one could. (Has a big grin thinking of the memories she can't help but smile towards).

Rowen: (He smiles as well). Now I understand on how you felt when I was talking about my past wife... It feels like... Your sharing the love greatly... And it feels quite nice.

Shizen: (Smiles and nods). You have a point... I could go on endlessly saying all the little details about her... And that part of me is glad to share this in return like you had.... It's a different type but still sharing what's most precious.

Rowen: (He smiles as he holds her hand tight still). Well just how the feeling is... Just sharing the feelings you have with someone you care about can someone realize new things but also appreciate the love they have now.

Shizen: Yes... I look forward to those new things... And feelings... Perhaps a few new experiences as well.... This one is a biggest step. I am glad you have met and have met approval from my little girl.... She's a little wild and stubborn like myself plus a passionate flame.... She truly is amazing and I am glad you two will get along. (Her hand clenches onto Rowen's tight as something still seems to be held back especially at the mention of the flame but still smiles sincerely to Rowen).

Rowen: Well remember... Regardless of the pain you had in the past... I'll listen to all of them and I'll promise to help with them as best I can... Because you've have helped in more than one way Shizen. (He says with a loving smile).

Shizen: (Her hold on his hand is tight though the unsure look in her eyes still is there slightly). I just hope you do not look at me differently after I tell you some things. True they were far in the past... It's just... I'm just scared that you.... (She pauses looking down at her wrist almost forgetting she gave the locket to Adara hiding her face from Rowen a bit).

Rowen: (He holds tighter than Shizen). No, no never worry about that type of thing... Whatever worries are on your shoulders..I'll carry them with you

Shizen: (Looks up at Rowen the fear in her eyes but nods to the reassurance). I guess I should stop holding it in... The biggest secret I have kept in really... In a way it feels like a test in order to believe your reassuring words fully.... I have always been scared of those falling. (Looks down a bit of shame in her worry as she seems to struggle getting words out easily unsure of where to start her hands clenched so tightly).

Rowen: (He sighs). Shizen I'm done repeating myself you should know me better than that to just abandon you over something

Shizen: (Nods understandingly sighing to try and calm down). I'm sorry it's just hard to get something's around my stubborn brain. (Takes a deep breath getting a small smile). Thank you for your patients with me Rowen... Now where do I begin... It's a sort of long story after all... True... I have been ashamed of some parts.... But at the same time something most precious to me so I wouldn't change it even if I could.... So maybe it's time for me to accept some things about the past... It's probably myself that needs that most of all to move forward.... (Gives a small smile to Rowen she thinks).

Rowen: (He smiles back being relieved she can get this off her shoulders). Well I'm glad to hear it than cause the more it haunts the worse it gets.

Shizen: (Sighs looking down with a small smile in her thoughts). I have held it in for so long... So many centuries... That locket... This is the first time I had every taken it off my wrist. I should think like what I had done with it all these years. I used to look at it in sadness and shame.... Then I replaced the picture with something most precious to me.... A picture of my little girl when she was still so small... And now has a entirely new meaning to me. One I'm proud of and never could dream of regretting.

Rowen: (He nods and just listens to Shizen as he remembers the stories she has told him the past but never once had she mentioned the great significance about the locket besides right now).

Shizen: (Sighs as she continues). That shame comes from who her father is... Which is also why half Adara's energy is fire.... I never lied fully saying he was dead... Well the man I knew died to me at least... But he's not really dead. (She looks down her hands clenching tightly again).

Rowen: (he is shocked at first from the information but still listens)

Shizen: (Seems to struggle with herself getting something voiced out for a moment. She finally takes a deep breath looking down her grey hair hiding her face a little as she finally gets it out). ... It's Agni....

Rowen: (He looks completely shocked and it's obvious in his face). Well than... That's a bit of news I didn't expect... But it makes the most sense in a way... I was told by Orion that your weren't on close terms with many fire sprits... So it only makes sense

Shizen: (Sighs at finally getting words out there). ... Back then... I admit it was a brief relationship... And I wanted the true mate so desperately... I realize now it's not something pushed to find... I think there was another who had that feeling for him but I had not realized it at the time. But things were different... People were different... I was even more forward then I am now because I wanted to have such a bond so badly and went about it the wrong way.... But still for a brief time it was something to smile about and perhaps was a little naive about.

Rowen: (He holds her hand tight still). Well understandable... I heard you were quite jealous of Nagi and Shiro... So I understand the feeling or at least have an idea... You wanted love but no one was giving it.

Shizen: (Nods her head feeling better at the comforting hand at least). So I rushed into something hoping it would lead to that... Before then I will admit I was a afraid of fire... Very much so... and had a bit of attitude towards Agni for that to no fault of his own, only my fear.... Maybe it was just us not understanding each other's elements but he was different then.... So during that brief relationship we learned to have a appreciation for each other's elements... Even though a mark had not stayed of a true mate I desperately wanted to make it work.... But then he changed... Pushed away and started the hurtful actions he is doing now.... It hurt when he walked away leaving me with a heartbreaking feeling and hurt more each time he made such harmful decisions that until I looked at him with such rage and anger as I do now.... I can never forgive and only see a monster in his place for the damage he caused... Continues causing no matter what those ending goals are he has. (Narrows her eyes at her thoughts as she grits her teeth).

Rowen: (He hangs tight). Well what about Adara? Didn't you stay with her as she was growing up? Or was there issues with a council woman having a child like her?

Shizen: (Looks down shaking her head). Not at all, Shiro had 4 after all and... He... doesn't know about Adara. The day he left... I found out around the same time but he broke it off harshly before.... Then he started to do so much harm... So I hid it because I thought it would protect her from such hurt.... He doesn't know I have a child, not many did.... I told Orion first followed by Mizuko.... They helped most with Adara and Nagi and Shiro found out as well.... Orion is a fantastic uncle and helped so much with her.... It was a difficult time to say the least though... I wonder what would of happened it I had told him but... I was scared to.... Each time I wanted to say.... He took a step down this path he has now.

Rowen: Well... It's very wonderful to see that you had help you with a very difficult time... But I can't even imagine how painful it was for you.

Shizen: (Sighs). I know I made my mistakes too in this though. But Adara, she's truly special... But she always wondered about who her father... So smart... So she could easily see through my hiding from the subject even when she was so small.... I couldn't sway her curiosity and she set out to find out who he was when she was a little girl.... She scared me so much and worried me with that independent nature... You can imagine I caused quite some havoc turning over every stone I could to find her.... But she always wanted to know where half of herself came from and explained things much later.... I never can understand what she sees still good in him.... But it's clear she has seen something... Maybe I will never understand truly since I am not a true mate or related by blood.

Rowen: well I can understand the need for her curiosity that she would have... But it's fine Shizen... She may see him differently... But he's still her father so it's fine....

Shizen: (Nods in agreement but still has worry in her eyes). True... She's so sure he will not hurt her even without him knowing though.... I hope with everything I have she is right.

Rowen: (He hugs Shizen) well regardless of how I feel about Agni I'm sure he wouldn't attack her without reason since she is a fire sprit after all.. he cares about his people to my understanding

Shizen: (Nods with a sigh leaning into the much needed hug). Every leader cares about their peoples well being most of all. I just fear... his goals whatever they are, are blinding that... He needs a wake-up call somehow before it's too late fully. As well I have always feared when seeing she visits him here. (Shakes her head with a small smile to try and shake off the worst case scenario in her mind). I am sorry my stories and explanation go a little long... We may be here for a bit if I were to go through all of the details....

Rowen: Well it is fine! (He says with a smile as he hold on Shizen tightens because he knows right now it's a lot for her to talk about). True we would be here a while but why not take some time to get it off your chest... I don't want to feel as tormented as you did before.

Shizen: (Sighs in relief at the comfort). I always was worried for being judged by the past... Maybe just out of shame and fears on people's views so I never shared this part of the story... Thank you for listening and still holding me like this. With that maybe I can accept things inside myself about the past... And if I do tell you the stories perhaps start at the beginning now

Rowen: Well I'll be here with you alongside every step you take and no matter what I'll be here to accept everything about you because I love you Shizen. (He says with a loving smile).

Shizen: (Pauses looking at Rowen and how sincere he is and cannot help but tear up). ... I... Love you too.... (She then gives Rowen a kiss and a sincere and more calmed expression as she rests her head on his shoulder. Getting comfortable for her story telling feeling better knowing how he is taking things so supportively). Now how do I begin... Let's see....

They get comfortable having a little time to talk at least. Rowen lets Shizen get all her thoughts collected for her tales of the past. She reminisces all the way to when things had started so long ago. It was a normal council meeting still early in negotiations between territories and the treaties formed from the last war of spirits. From then on Nagi and Shiro had taken more charge of the meetings to keep balance between the alliances of water, earth, nature and air, fire to help build trust between their people even if only slowly. They all gather for a average annual meeting with a few reports and some more important matters being brought up.

Shizen: (Sighs and sits back at the slow meeting, it seeming to drag on with a the mandatory reports of each territory).

Shiro: (As she and Nagi lead the meeting nodding to Seiji who had made a report especially long and detailed sighing a little). Thank you Seiji for the detailed report. We can always depend on you to record the finest of reports.

Seiji: (He bows as he puts away his long report). Your welcome and I just live up to the expectations given as a council member.

Shiro: (Bows back to Seiji). Yes you take the responsibility seriously though do not over work yourself on focus of minor details. We all know how difficult it is to balance responsibilities as leaders. (She directs her attention to the other council members seeming to have finished the main reports and events). I believe those are all of the reports then unless there are other events having been missed?

Mizuko: (Bows politely to the council). No lady Shiro, my water's are as calm a peaceful as normal thankfully.

Nagi: Very well than since all the reports have been reviewed with everyone present. We shall move on to the next order of business. (He says as starts to collect some papers).

Orion: (Looking much different than in present day with a shorter beard he lays back in his chair wanting to get back home soon to finishing forging a sword).

Shizen: (Sighs and stands having wanting to mention something by the end of the reports). There is something I had wanted to propose to the other territories before we close things if you do not mind.

Mizuko: (Gets a surprised expression towards Shizen usually not seeing her to make requests to the entire council often). A proposal?

Shiro: (Raises her eyebrows in surprise). It is quite odd for you to ask the other council members as a whole then. You have my ears at least if everyone else is willing to listen before we close our meetings. (Looks to everyone else).

Agni: (He raises his eyebrows). Oh I do wonder what it could be Shizen.. usually your just as bored as the rest of us in the needed council meeting.

Nagi: (He sighs ignoring the comment knowing it couldn't be wrong in some cases). Well than Shizen go ahead.

Shizen: (Sighs a little). I wanted to propose that animals be brought into other territories. There are some species that do not fit well in my own territory and I know some climates in your own would fit each ones needs greatly to thrive in.

Mizuko: (Smiles at the idea). I would have no problem with welcoming more aquatic species into my territory. As someone she already asked this of, I and Orion am sure we can give positives review and are happy to welcome more. (Looks to Orion as her eyes filled with a bit of excitement seeming to enjoy the idea quite a lot).

Agni: (He thinks to himself for a bit). Well I wouldn't mind though there will be needed assistance in getting proper material to help care for them.

Shizen: I only need a much warmer climate since my territory does not have a volcanic climate, you will do fine finding a area I hope? Some do need those high temperatures and fires to hatch and thrive in. As for Seiji I have some species that require some flight space which I can send this as a report since I know you are fond of those.

Shiro: (As something is whispered in her ear by Nagi she seems to repeat). You have permission in our territories as long as Nagi can have a noble stead to ride epically. (Glances at her husband after saying this with a sigh as he has a goofy grin).

Agni: Ahh alright well I will find an area I think that will suffice for their needs.

Shizen: (Nods her thanks). Very well and Nagi I will see what I can do about your conditions. (Gets a small grin at the idea).

Shiro: (Sighs shaking her head). A simple horse will do as a compromise, no need to go any further with such ideas once again.

Nagi: (He rubs his hands together as he says to Shiro). Oh I'm so excited!

Shiro: (Shakes her head as she can't help but smile). Only if you and Kishi build a stable together and learn how to take care of one.

Mizuko: (Stands politely with a bow). Then I believe we have went over all our matters of this meeting then?

Shiro: (A thought comes to mind that she had almost forgotten). Ahh right there was a matter mission for us to go over. Nothing too serious but I believe it would be best to have a council member or two to scout and research the area. Agni if you would like to volunteer since your mind is complex to put it simply?

Agni: Ahh alright well I will find an area I think that will suffice for their needs but we can discuss the details at a later date. (He says truthfully).

Seiji: (He thinks to himself as he looks towards a note he has). Very well... There have been some concerns with citizens wanting more animals around besides the one there already. So I will accept your request as it would better my own people.

Shizen: (Nods her thanks to Seiji). They are mostly of aviary species so I hope your people will appreciate them.

Shiro: (Another idea pops into her mind looking at Shizen). Since you are asking this favor from the other territories why not go on the mission as well?

Shizen: (Her train of other thoughts ends with a smile slowly turning into a disapproving). Working together... With Agni? Surly there is someone better suited for him to work with. Fire and nature are not exactly the greatest match by far.

Agni: (He laughs). Haha I would never think lady Shiro would be the one to suggest that... very amusing... I accept the request.

Shizen: (Stands quickly with arms crossed stubbornly). Well I refuse. Pardon me saying but I do not see why I must go if another it get along better as a team.

Shiro: (Narrows her eyes at Shizen a little shutting down the attitude quickly). I do not see your views. You have the highest survival skills and instincts of us all and that can be used to help aid Agni on this mission and if I am honest you have always had a attitude towards Agni and his fire. I'm quite tired of it so I expect that to be fixed if you have to work together one day. It will be better for the future to keep balance in our worlds territories if we all can get along at least a little better. Let's make a goal in this mission. (Her tone is a bit strict with Shizen knowing she is serious).

Shizen: (Is surprised by Shiro's words but reluctantly nods with clenched hands and teeth). Very well....

Agni: (He smiles). Very interesting indeed.

Nagi: (He looks towards the two in a nervous way being unsure of how things will work out for the two).

Shiro: (Sighs at Shizen hoping when they come back they can at least try to get along as she stands collecting her paper). I believe we are done, Agni, Shizen I will give you details and locations on your mission.

Shizen: (Still holds back her disagreements as she quickly gets ready to real the meeting). Just give him the details, I will work on getting things done quickly with this.

Mizuko: (Looks over to Orion unsure and concerned knowing how stubborn Shizen can be as well as some other things they only know of their sister. Hoping that it does not get in the way of Shiro's idea for them).

Orion: (He has the same, looking towards Mizuko, hoping it doesn't cause more issues than it should).

The council parts with Shizen and Agni preparing for their mission. Orion and Mizuko are about to head to their territories as well bidding them good luck.

Mizuko: (As it is Orion's turn to bid farewell to their little she moves to Agni to politely say farewell to him as well). Please have safe travels. You have permission through my territory as well so I hope you find whatever you are researching. (Bows sincerely with a blush hidden when she bows).

Agni: (He bows as well to Mizuko). Well thank you very much lady Mizuko. It is a quite generous offer.

Mizuko: (Keeps her head down a little shy and conservatively her dark blue hair still hiding the expression). If so I will try to keep my waters as calm as possible for you or to take a frozen path if it is too much. Oh and I can give healing waters if it will helps?

Shizen: (Steps in smiling kindly at Mizuko). Mizu, Orion is ready when you are. He wanted to travel with you since your territory is in-between his own.

Mizuko: (Is a little flustered by Shizen coming up behind her suddenly quickly giving a vile of water to Agni before bowing and moving away. Her form then falls to a watery puddle to form again to catch up with Orion). Farewell!

Shizen: (Pauses at Mizuko's behavior but waves a little clueless to what that was all about). ... Well then... That was odd of her....

Agni: (He Snickers to himself). Well it was quite cute to see the usual calm and collected lady Mizuko act like that.... (He holds the vial). It was very nice of her.

Shizen: (Eyes Agni still having a annoyed tone and expression but sighs). Yes, let's get this over with and figure out a plan and try to keep those fires done to if you don't mind?

Agni: (He says again with a laughter behind it). Yes, yes whatever you say.

They walk a little ways until they come to a disagreement looking at their map. The debating over the large body of water they would need to cross or the frozen icy land they could use to go around.

Shizen: (She and Agni are going over the map to come to a agreement to what route they will take. This does not seem to go as smoothly as some would hope getting a annoyed sigh they cannot come to a decision they are both happy with). It would be much quicker to ask for a boat from Mizuko to cross her territory. We do not need to go around to a area with freezing temperatures. It will only slow us down in such a environment if we don't freeze ourselves first.

Agni: (He sighs as well as he brings up a small ball of fire in his hand that wouldn't be charge). Well it would also be faster if we cross the ice... And I can keep us warm greatly so no need to worry about freezing... And I'm pretty sure there's a travelers cabin halfway where we can camp for the night if it's night fall. Plus isn't miss Mizuko busy already with what she is doing? Or would you want to interrupt that.

Shizen: (Grits her teeth backing away and picking up her bag. She is about to retort but stops knowing there is a point though she doesn't want to admit it still being a bit pouty about the whole thing). Fine, we can go your way... And I don't need your fires to stay warm, I can handle myself just fine. You can save all of that for yourself and if we get stuck in a blizzard your entirely to blame.

Agni: Now, now don't to act like that but alright I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do however my offer still stands.

Shizen: (Swings her bow and pack over her shoulder). No let's get to it. Hopefully getting a few more layers will help the travel and you should hope the weather is kind to us.

Agni: Well it'll be just as kind as we see it right now until night time is when it starts to get worse. So yes let's hurry along than. (He picks up his stuff and begins to lead the journey).

They walk onward to lower temperatures as they take the northern arctic route. The land through their travel become colder with snow covering the land the further they walk. It quickly leads into a frozen tundra, the land mass being completely made of ice and snow as clouds block what would of been a clear sky. That sky starts to turn greyer as snow picks up on their path with a cold wind to follow making so a normal traveler would turn back early for shelter seeing that the weather had picked up early.

Shizen: (Is walking in back of Agni rubbing her arms to try to keep warm having put on fur winter coat and other garments to block out the cold. She tries to block the wind with a arm to see better through the snow seeing Agni who never had put on a jacket besides the mages one he always where the cold seeming not to bother him at the least besides the wind. She can't help but glare a little at him a bit jealously at how unfazed he is, herself being not a big fan of the cold in the slightest). Showoff.

Agni: (He looks behind him and sees Shizen struggling to keep warm). You know Mis Shizen my offer still stands to help keep you warm. It isn't an attempt to attack you I just want to make sure nothing happens to you.

Shizen: (Shakes her head no stubbornly). The blizzard was not supposed to come in until nightfall you said and.... (She glows green slightly as she changes to the form a giant grey wolf being more stubborn then for her own good walking in front of Agni now but looking back once to say). I can take care of myself quite well.

Agni: (He sees Shizen shivering as he sighs). Well don't be acting like this now it isn't good for your health.

Shizen: (Still puts up a stubborn front and moves forward). Then I will just take the form of a animal with more fur.

Agni: (He sighs). Now stop it seriously I rather not have you deal with hyperthermia while under my watch.

Shizen: Well the quicker we get to shelter the quicker we can get out of this blizzard... It was certainly not the easiest route that could of been chosen now. (Continues moving forward stubbornly against the blizzard winds. Her wolf form also stands in front of Agni so that he is shielded from the wind as if intentionally though it cannot be sure that she protects her company on purpose with the action).

Agni: (He looks past Shizen and sees the cabin for travelers coming up). Well the cabin is coming up soon let's do our best to hurry along.

Shizen: (They push through the wind more though it does not let up as they go against it Agni having a easier time with her blocking the harsh winds for him to see the cabin better. Agni can swear that over the time and push forward had slow. He then realizes that it is Shizen's pace ahead of him as she has been slowing from the cold harsh winds this whole time even with her stubbornness claiming she is fine. It is harder to tell for him since she is in her wolf form but she slowly comes to the stop in front of him).

Agni: (When they finally stop he touch her fur in concern and feels that's it on the verge of hypothermia). Shizen change back now! (He begins to make the air around them heated up).

Shizen: (Her form goes out anyways as she begins to fall. Her skin is very pale from the cold once Agni sees her change back her body colder than he had thought. The wind now blows on Agni harshly where he could fall over easily if not prepared, not feeling it so strong realizing she had gone in front of it to protect him she saying once she falls right before passing out). ... I'm... Fine....

Agni: (He grits his teeth). Fine... Yes, yes your fine... You're going to be anyway... Now we need to hurry.... (He picks her up and heads to the cabin creating warm air around them as best he can without fire appearing).

Shizen: (The warmth helps shield them slightly from the cold but the wind howls at them. She remains unconscious and shivering from the cold in Agni's arms as he does a final push toward the cabin with a few shuttered mumbles). ... T-told y-you t-there w-would... B-be a-a b-blizzard....

Agni: (He grits his teeth as he has had enough of this and creates a walkway of fire to block the wind as he keeps carries Shizen as they finally arrive at the cabin).

Shizen: (He can feel her body tense up from the feel of the flames heat on instinct, much like a reaction of fear even with her body shivering from hypothermia).

Agni: (They finally get into the cabin as Agni lays Shizen down on the floor and setting up the fireplace to help get heat circulating in the cabin).

Shizen: (Lies there shivering harshly as her body had taken such low temperature winds, she shielded him from. With her skin looking very pale with shallow slow breaths from her condition).

Agni: (He starts to panic as he heats up his hands to touch her skin and try and help her body temperature stabilize as he touches her arm and legs and her neck).

Shizen: (She still shivers but the color in her skin is starting to return with a few coughs as she gasps a little to catch her breath from the shallow breaths she had. Even with that he can still feel a fever start to take hold with the state she is in).

Agni: (He remembers the water that Mizuko gave him as he pulls it out and begins to force Shizen to drink as he keeps his warm hold on her).

Shizen: (The water has a slight glow to it but she does cough a little as it goes down but her breathing eases as well as the fever though slowly. The most helpful is the warm hold as it helps her body temperature rise. She still shivers but opens her eyes slightly and weakly with a mind still fogged. Being very slow to come back into reality).

Agni: (He shows relief seeing her eyes open). Oh thank goodness you woke up again... I was worried.

Shizen: (Still is catching her breath with her eyes looking at him and her surroundings to figure out where they are). ... Now... How could... I let both... Of us take on... such winds, plus a little... Storm like that won't kill me... That easily. (Takes another deep breath after giving reassuring words to Agni, her body feeling stiff and hard to move still. Her eyes catch a glance at the light in the cabin turning her head towards the fireplace they are next to. Her body can't help but tense up staring at the flames and a fear in her eyes it's hard to hide the way she is).

Agni: (He feels her body tense up). Ahh I see why you never liked me now... It's because you're afraid of me... Or more like what I control.

Shizen: (Her eyes widen for a second but the turns away, also turning her head away from the fireplace as she hides her emotions a bit defensively. It is clear she is lying and hiding in her words as well). I'm... I'm not afraid.... (She looks down and away from him with clenched fists).

Agni: (He sighs). Now, now don't let your pride get the better of you in this situation because even if you dislike what I am. What reason do I have to dislike you, I still care for you.

Shizen: (Looks away still but her expression changing more to one of confusion and guilt but at the same time it is clear that it is hard for her to admit). I guess... I do avoid and push you away... I'm sorry if you took it personally... I thought you would be angry honestly... And I... I guess I am... Scared... And took it out on you... You did nothing wrong at all.... I'm sorry....

Agni: (He sighs). Now only if you were honest with yourself more often... But I'm glad to hear it... And I knew you had a problem with me... But I'm glad it wasn't personal.

Shizen: (Has a sincere look feeling badly for her behavior). Not personal at all, your quite interesting in fact... I just can't see past the fire... So I put up barriers... Because of my fear of fire.... (Looks down with clenched fists in a bit of shame admitting her fear took control of her judgment).

Agni: (he laughs as bit as he just smiles) I see... Well I'm glad you find me interesting... And never be afraid to let your out your feelings... No one will down grade who you are as a person... We all have feelings... And we can't keep them bottled up forever.

Shizen: I suppose not.... I can't believe I let fear control my judgment so far... I know I am weak to your fires true... But maybe it's true that people fear what they do not understand. It makes sense since I was not wanting to get burned... But I will try harder to break that.... Try to understand you better.... (As she struggles to sit up a bit at least though her body still feels too stiff).

Agni: Well it's true fire can be destructive... It also be very warm and caring... It helps change scenery but yet can destroy it... It's a unknown powerful force... But when it becomes something scared... It's the more gentle than even water sometimes.

Shizen: (Looks at Agni sincerely as she does her best to understand). I have always seen the destructive side because of my elements weakness to it... But I shouldn't and your right... Fire is another element with its own sentimental ideals.... I want to break that fear and understand the other side... like the calm side of water as you put it... I don't want to fear you when there's another side to fire I was too scared to learn about. Like I said I found you interesting as a person I was just too stubborn and scared to admit it.

Agni: (He laughs as he smiles sincerely helping Shizen sit up properly now). Well we are probably going to be here for the night so I'll be glad to help teach you everything I can about the fire element.

Shizen: (Leans her back against the wall with a sigh). Well I am here now to listen and maybe another day do the same with how much nature means to me. (Looks up at Agni genuinely, not seeing such a kind and sincere smiling expression from her towards him before).

Agni: (He blushes slightly from the sight as he coughs to regain composure). Well I'm all ears now so let us begin.

Shizen: (Sighs as she thinks back to their last meeting as she does her best starting to open up to him). I have a idea for mine later. But unlike myself I don't think you fear nature. I guess proposing bringing creatures to you more was my way of sharing it. They thrive better in fire and some even I believe could have those abilities. I guess it's pretty obvious why I proposed that to you for how I am with fire. I have a feeling you and your people will do quite better then with mine. (Still has a sincere expression but a little hopeful giving him a fuller explanation).

Agni: (He thinks to himself). Well that may be true but right now I have an idea.... (He opens his palm). What if I show you the sincere warmth of fire. (He creates a small ball of fire that seems to have its flames moving in a very smooth motion).

Shizen: (On instinct she flinches away not able to back up being against the wall. There's the look of fear in reflex shutting her eyes tightly with gritted teeth having trouble controlling her phobia).

Agni: (He subsides the flame realizing his mistake). Oh right my apologies I may have skipped a few steps before I could do that... I'm sorry.

Shizen: (Keeps her eyes shut tight trying to take a breath to ease her mind though her body still visibly tense). It's fine... I just was taken off guard is all.

Agni: (He has an idea as he grabs her hand and holds it tight). Now keep your eyes closed and just focus on my hand.

Shizen: (Her hands jerks away at first but then follows Agni though it is clenched tight onto him showing how much she is struggling with her minds fear. She still keeps her eyes shut as tight as possible finding that part quite easy). I won't have a problem with that part....

Agni: (He smiles as he mildly warms up his hand). How are you feeling.

Shizen: (She is still tense but tries to take another breath to relax. She focuses on the feeling, her hands having been very cold from the climate they are in. She starts feeling a warmth on her hand that somehow helps relaxes it becoming a little less tense). It feels... Warm... it's quite nice even....

Agni: wonderful... Now just focus on that warmness as it envelops your hand. (He raises the warmness up a bit as they hold longer).

Shizen: (She has to breathe deeply to keep relaxed but then focuses on the feeling more to keep her mind away from the fear as much as possible. Agni can see she is putting her best effort in this for him knowing it takes a lot for her to do this). Alright....

Agni: (He takes a second to keep the temperature stable). Now, now it's fine just relax to this and focus on my voice and the feeling you have right now in your hand.

Shizen: (Nods her response and can tell she is completely focused that part being easy for her skills. She is also being calmed by his reassuring tone and the warmth in his hand finding it comforting).

Agni: I'm going to raise it a bit so be ready Shizen. (He begins to subtly raise it as if she would be feel a smooth wave of warmness covering her hand).

Shizen: (Her hand tightens a little on Agni but nods again to prepare herself. It isn't as bad as she thought it would be, in fact still a soothing heat that releases the tension more in her hand. She takes another breath with reassuring words out loud but more to herself). ... Not too bad....

Agni: (He smiles as he puts his other hand on tops of hers). Well than I'm glad to hear it... It's steps forward.

Shizen: (Sighs in relief). I guess I always had the thought of it always burning.... With how this feels... I admit I am wrong to fear.... (Sighs again looking down with eyes shut still while holding onto his hand as she admits it to herself as well to help begin to rid of the fear in her mind at least).

Agni: (He holds tighter). No, no it's fine... It was only natural to be afraid... It's not the first time fire has been pinned on for destruction and such... But it can actually quite warm... Even calm some might say... From just the use of a has infinite possibilities.

Shizen: Suppose I should listen more when I hear the positive meanings of fire.... Be more open and less stubborn in my ways.... that last part won't happen knowing myself. (Laughs a little to herself but the carries on). Fire... Desire, excitement, courage and inspiration... I need listen to that part of your element more to understand you and it... I promise I will...

Agni: (After getting his hands and energy adjusted correctly). Well if you are ready to face it than open your eyes Shizen... And look at the fire you used to fear.

Shizen: (Has to pause to ready herself, it taking a lot to build up her courage not knowing what exactly she will see but still prepares for it. She takes one more breath before slowly opening her eyes but once she sees it she is at a loss of words. She looks in awe instead of fear at a vibrant bright green flame in Agni's hand. It takes her a bit to come up with even a word to say having trouble at first but finally is able to say one through her awe). ... Beautiful....

Agni: (He smiles as the fire is stable). Well I thought a green flame would be more relaxing than a red one.

Shizen: (Still is a bit speechless as she watches the flame). It's Amazing.... (Can see the fear is gone from her eyes and replaced with a look of wonder that's hard for her to explain).

Agni: (He takes his hands off of her hands and leaves the fire in her hands to examine). Well here you go have a closer look.

Shizen: Thank you.... (Watches the flame a little closer still in awe able to put her hand closer to it to hold its warmth. As she examines the flame closely almost cradling it in her hands she then looks up at Agni in a genuine sincere smile once again. A expression Agni still isn't used to from her at all but greater though hard to explain feeling now that she holds the green flame with more confidence).

Agni: (He looks in awe towards Shizen and in a moment's notice he kisses her... He isn't sure himself buts it's like a passion raised up and reveled itself in that single moment).

Shizen: (Her eyes widen in surprise at first but on instinct she responds back to the kiss. A blush goes over her cheeks as she feels his warm lips on hers, to herself admitting she likes the feeling even though it's so sudden).

Agni: (The kiss goes on for a few moments before he pulls away). Oh my apologies... I don't know what came over me....

Shizen: (Is a little loss of words at first but then goes back to her senses with a small cough. She looks down with a blush). Oh... Um no... It's quite fine... Warm.... (The last word is more to herself as she touches her fingers to her lips in thought).

Agni: (He snickers to the small comment). Well yes I have heard our kisses are quite warm but again my apologies.

Shizen: (Leans back against the wall with a finger still to her lip that get a small smile and laugh). And I thought I was the one known to be the forward here....

Agni: Well... I can be just as passionate as anyone else so it isn't surprising. (As he sits up against the wall as well).

Shizen: (Sighs taking her hand away from her lips as she look at Agni curiously with a faint blush). Very sudden indeed... But please do not apologize... Perhaps I will admit I liked it.... (Looks down as her blush deepens).

Agni: (He looks up towards Shizen with a blush as well). Well... I'm glad... Though if want to learn more... I'll tell you.

Shizen: (Still has a expression in thought of what to do, not being used to being in this type situation let alone how sudden it was). Well... I may take you up on that as long as it's even... But mainly... Where do we go from here? (Her blush deepens as her hand inches towards his making it clear what she refers to).

Agni: (He thinks to him). Well we have two options... We can continue what we were doing before... Or continue down a different route... Since we will be here all night anyway.

Shizen: (Looks up leaning back against the well as she thinks sincerely). Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see where things lead... Now that I think about it you are quite attractive and have your own charms... So maybe it's something to peruse... And ease up on teasing Nagi so much for Shiro.... (Laughs a little then she continues). I am not sure how fire and nature will mix... Or where things will go after tonight... But we do have all night and it was quite a kiss... I am a bit cold again as well.... (Looks at back at Agni with her blush deepening more with a sincere expression as her hand reaches his knowing she's taking the thoughts seriously).

Agni: (He smirks as he kisses again). Well only the night will tell of what can happen but tonight... Let's just forget about everything... And just focus on this moment right now.

Shizen: (Smirks and kisses back). I think I would like that.... (She closes into the embrace as they see where the rest of the night goes. They enjoy each other's company much better then when they started staying quite warm despite the cold outside winds).

The cold night carries on with the inside of the cabin keeping quite warm throughout the night. When morning comes with the two seeming much closer then when they started to say the least. The rest of the mission goes about quite smoothly and quickly with the harsh blizzards passing making their return uneventful as well. They finally have their scheduled arrival with a few anxiously awaiting to know how such a mission had gone. Orion and Mizuko are too who wait for the return greatly as they walk the halls together. They walk the halls together in search of them before the usual council meeting.

Orion: (He stretches out his arms and looks around more). Oh I do wonder where everyone else is at... Those missions were quite simple generally right Mizuko?

Mizuko: (Seems to be in a little more of a cheery mood than usual with a nod). I hope things went smoothly and Shizen fared well and I hope Agni found whatever he was researching. (Looks down with a small smile and blush playing with a strand of her dark blue hair).

Orion: (He laughs a bit). Well as always you get like this when talking about Lord Agni I guess you could say.... He boils your water pot?

Mizuko: (Her blush deepens looking up at Orion a bit flusterdly). D-don't put it like that! I-it's not like that at all. I-I mean.... (Lowers her voice and in embarrassment looking down as she stumbles over her words some more).

Orion: (He laughs as he Pat's her head). No, no it's fine but it's just fun to tease you Mizu.

Mizuko: (Still blushes and can't help but get a small smile and laugh). Well I-it's just that.... (Orion hears her words trail off and so do her steps as she comes to a stop).

Orion: Well regardless it's fine... Just find a moment to say something to him to at least let your feelings be known alright?

Mizuko: (She gives no response to Orion at all having now realized she had come to a sudden stop in their walk).

Orion: (He looks behind him and sees Mizuko). Hey what's wrong Mizu? Everything ok? (Worry in his voice).

Mizuko: (She doesn't say a word only looking forward. The expression she has is something like of being in shock with her cheery mood wiped away. Tears fill the rim of her eyes and Orion can clearly see it is a expression of a heart breaking).

Orion: (He gets more concerned as he keeps looking at Mizuko seeing the tears in her eyes and the pain he can just feel from her as he looks towards the same direction she was looking towards. he looks at the direction she stares in it becomes clear what is the cause of the heartbreaking pain. On the side of the hallway they see Shizen and Agni together. Even though they are to the side they both see Agni with his back pressed against the wall as he holds Shizen in a close embrace and passionate kiss. He is more shocked than anything else because the last thing they knew was that the two of them didn't get along but again looks towards Mizuko and feels a great pain in his heart as well). Oh Mizu....

Mizuko: (Her voice is shaky as she forces a small smile to her lips even with the overwhelming pain in her tear fill eyes. She still stares seeming frozen in that space as she speaks quietly). E-excuse me there was... S-some paperwork I forgot... I-I must go now....

Orion: (He sighs). Mizu... Alright I will talk to you in a bit....

Mizuko: (Does a slight nod before she turns to leave her form turning into water that falls into a puddle she leaves behind).

Orion: (He leaves the area as well not wanting to interrupt but also wants to go comfort Mizuko because right now... She needs it the most).

A little time passes and not many know of the relationship deciding that would be best for now. Mizuko after her shock smiles to Shizen to be happy for her knowing that would be best not wanting to hurt her little sister. The relationship is in a moment of happiness for both Shizen and Agni, their heads mix of infatuation and attraction. It is a time soon after Where Shizen and Agni sit privately together their meeting and a long day of meeting proposals being finalized. They share a meal together enjoying the company though Shizen not quite enjoying Agni's taste in food.

Shizen: (Quickly is trying to get rid of the taste of the curry on her tongue clearly being too spicy from how she reacts). Agni what did you put in this, it's like you add liquid fire to everything you bring. (Quickly downs a glass of water and instantly goes to fill the glass again).

Agni: (He smiles a bit with a laugh). Aww come on and that was on mild but alright I will do my best to accommodate your tastes.

Shizen: That was mild? (Has a disbelieving tone as she looks at Agni sticking her tongue out and her eyes watering from the heat).

Agni: (He laughs still). Now, now it's fine Shizen don't give me that look.

Shizen: (Quickly drinks another glass of water with ice sighing in relief as it seems to help). If that was mild I'm scared to find out what you consider spicy or are you immune to that? (Laughs a little with a grin).

Agni: (He shrugs). Meh I just usually go for mild since easier to make really and it's pretty spicy I will say but I'll just leave it at that.

Shizen: (Gets a little bit of a pretend pout crossing her arms). You're just trying to make me feel better about it now but I have heard your cuisine has quite a spice. It makes sense with how hot you can be. (Laughs a bit more with a faint blush at the cheesy flirtatious comment).

Agni: (Is taken a little off guard by the comment). Oh my, it seems your food is not the only thing heating up.

Shizen: (Smirks flirtatiously). Well let's just say you have that effect. (She then remembers something with a grin). Oh I almost forgot to thank you. Having the paperwork finally filled I can now have the creature more suited to your territory escorted there... It means a lot that you agreed to it. (Smiles more sincerely at Agni knowing it meant a lot to her).

Agni: (He smiles). Oh no, no not a problem at all and I'm glad everything is working out than for this Shizen.

Shizen: (Begins to search through her small shoulder bag). I still appreciate it... And I had a few things as a thank you. (Smiles with a faint blush).

Agni: (He raises his eyebrows). Oh what do you in mind? Though you really didn't need too.

Shizen: Well I did learn a thing or two from Orion so I thought I could make something. I had the idea walking through his city. It is a little cheesy though I admit. (Blushes slightly more as she pulls out a small brown leather pouch to give to Agni).

Agni: (He is generally surprised by the gesture but can't help but smile as he grabs the bag). Aww Shizen this is very sweet.

Shizen: (Gets a nervous laugh). Well just thought it was a good idea I just hope it's not too silly a thought. (As two identical gold lockets fall into Agni's hand. They are simple but he can see that care was taken into putting the lockets together. They have a plant floral pattern on the side where the lockets open and the metal is a shiny gold high in quality).

Agni: (He is silent for a second being speechless as he takes one of the lockets). Oh Shizen....

Shizen: (Blushes more in embarrassment as she takes the other matching locket from him. She tries to act like it is not as big a deal but that is clearly not the case from how much effort Agni can see was put into the locket). Sorry if it is too much. It's just thought it wasn't a bad idea... I'm sorry if it is too cheesy.

Agni: (He just smiles). Yes they are a bit cheesy... But I love them very much... Because they came from you.

Shizen: (Perks up hearing Agni likes the locket). Well I am happy you like it then! I just liked the idea of having it as a memory of each other wherever we are. (She is about to put her own locket around her neck then pauses with a pondering look. She then gets the idea wrapping the gold chain around her wrist a few times to make it a bracelet being satisfied with wearing it that way instead as she smiles at it once on).

Agni: (He looks at her wrist and sees the bracelet and just smiles as he holds her hand). Well this beautiful trinket and is a part of a very beautiful lady.

Shizen : (Can't help but blush being taken off guard by the comment). Thank you.... (She then places hand on Agni's cheek as she places her lips on his in a lingering kiss to show her appreciation).

Agni: (He is taken by surprise but holds her head as they kiss deeper and more passionate).

Shizen: (Enjoys the passionate kiss heavily with her hand gripped into his hair. As their lips part but stay close to catch their breath from the deep kiss. She can't help but laugh a little at loosing track of their actions nearly once again).

Agni: (He does the same as they sit back down on the chairs with the dishes just sitting there). Well then... Very unexpected.

Shizen: (Can't help but laugh more as she gains back her espouser and catches her breath). It usually is... But not something I would complain about honestly.

Agni: (His smile continues). Well neither would I really... Wouldn't mind if it keeps going.

Shizen: (Gets a smirk as she fixes her hair). Well I wouldn't mind either but maybe in a more private place later if we are able to wait.

Agni: (He smirks). Well we should relocate than probably soon.

Shizen: (Her smirk grows). I may take you up on that. (She then remembers something getting a grin). But I did have something else important for you first if we can wait for such... passions. (Still has a slight smirk at her thoughts on that word but also something sincere in her eyes similar to when giving him the locket).

Agni: (He laughs). Well I'm pretty if I didn't agree with you. You would more than likely have it happen anyway cause I know on how you get when it involves animals.

Shizen: Well I guess it is in a way pay back for helping me understand fire. Plus this one is very important specifically... So I needed you to take it directly. (Looks down at the bag she cradles carefully in her hands with a smile as if what the bag contains is very fragile).

Agni: Oh I do wonder very much. Whatever could be the gift that your giving me?

Shizen: Well it's something you will find curious at least. I have a feeling it is something most valuable to fire. (She starts to carefully open up the bag being slow careful to take out its contents. The bag is stuffed with warm blankets as a cushion and Agni sees a glint of shiny red scales on something in a round or oval shape about a foot long).

Agni: (He can only think of one creature in the land that has such scales). Oh Shizen... Did you find me a fire dragon baby... Cause the scales are quite remarkable though one hasn't been seen in a while.

Shizen: Well not quite a baby to be exact. I would think you are more of a expert on this. I have heard they were thought to have been extinct when looking into it. I remember it being a very fierce creature though its odd because I do not recall seeing one growing from a small to large one. I can't be sure if they are the same but if this is one or a type I think it's best you find out since your element would handle it best. (She sighs as she reveals what is under the blankets not being a dragon but a large egg plated with shiny red scales. She still holds the egg carefully with the blanket being quite hot to hold otherwise).

Agni: (He looks at the egg in close inspection). Well, well... Though it isn't a dragon egg... The scales are quite impressive overall.

Shizen: (Gives the egg to Agni so he may inspect it better). I was sure it was one or perhaps a new breed of one? We have tried to incubate it but we have difficulty. It only responds or budges to intense heat so none of my nature spirit's can help it hatch.

Agni: Well I will definitely do my best to give proper incubation and we can only see what's in the egg after some time has passed.

Shizen: (Smiles sincerely at Agni). I am sure you will take great care of it and give me word of when it hatches... Thank you. (Gives Agni another kiss but this one softer).

It is a few weeks time after Agni takes the egg keeping a watchful eye on it through the time. He keeps the large egg at his desk on a makeshift nest kept hot by flames. There is not much activity from the egg besides a few nudges from time to time until one day Agni is at his desk with his feet up comfortably. He is contemplating complex research that had been plaguing his mind recently.

Agni: (He is currently debating on how to proceed with his research when suddenly he feels that his table shaking a little so he begins to look around and see the reason why)

As Agni sits up he does not see the source of his desk shaking at first things seeming to be all where it should. It takes a moment before he sees the source of the shaking but he soon realizes it is the egg that wobbles moves in its nest.

Agni: (He begins to get excited greatly seeing the egg move around like this). Oh this quite exciting! I do wonder if it would be a dragon? Or if it is, what type of dragon?

The egg begins to wobble a bit more and a crack starts to form that slowly grows. Agni can tell whatever is inside the egg is working hard to hatch and at one point he sees the egg is tilting and can see it falling off the desk.

Agni: (in a desperate moment he lunges forward catching the egg just before it hatches open completely as Agni slowly opens his eyes to see the creature).

When Agni opens his eyes he sees a some of the egg shells still on the creature but still visible. It is a reptilian looking creature about a foot long. It is lizard like with four legs and shape similar to a larger bearded dragon but with shiny red and orange scales and grey shiny claws and spikes on its edges. It's eyes are big with shades of red, orange and yellow in it with a piece of egg shell still on the top of his head. Most noticeable different from a standard lizard is the wings folded on its back seeming useless for now.

Agni: (He smirks greatly picking up the creature gently than setting it down on the table). Well, well... Aren't you just a fascinating one... You look like a dragon but yet not fully... Very interesting indeed though still a baby... Still intriguing.

The dragon like creature looks around curiously though it's body still too weak from hatching to move far. It nips at a chest piece on the table near him with a high pitched squeak as it explores what's in the area. He then looks up at Agni with another squeak and its head tilted rather cutely.

Agni: (He is a little speechless towards the small creature with a great sense of aww over whelming him). Well aren't you... Just so precious.

There is a small squeak again only to assume that it is his attempt at a rawr sound with what can only be described as a proud expression. Along with that squeak there is a small puff of smoke that comes from its mouth with a hiccup.

Agni: (He laughs a little to himself). Now, now you don't need to rush it little one. Just take it at your own pace.

The dragon is a bit wobbly as it crawls up closer to Agni sniffing his hand with a few light nips and nudges.

Agni: (He just watches the dragon with small snickers as he continues to be very intrigued by the creature). Now, now... I feel like you need to have a name but what could it be... hmm....

The dragon simple tries to do another rawring sound that's more of a high pitched squeak that turns into a tired yawn, seeming to take a lot of work for its actions as well as hatching.

Agni: (he smiles as he comes up with a idea). Well I'll just going to name you Dragon... Yeah that's sounds about right.

Dragon as a response just tries to climb onto Agni and make his way up his shoulder. He does not make it far though still being a weak newborn so he only makes it to curling up in Agni's hands finding it warm there to rest.

Agni: (He tilts his head with a smile as he brings up dragon to his shoulder). Well than you can rest here too.

Dragon simply yawns and gets comfortable on Agni's shoulder with a few light huffs that is similar to snores.

A little time passes with Agni being busier than ever with his research and dragon. Shizen is the same with her territory so time together becomes less. The last few times they were able to spend time it has been more distant. Shizen can tell Agni has his many things on his mind just unsure of what seeming to hide it whenever questioned. She does know that he spend much more time in his study then usual which is already often. It is a night Agni was finally able to visit her territory for a few days. She is sleeping with him in her bed after their night together when she does not feel his warm presence as close. He is instead sitting at the end of the bed with his hands over his face as if he is struggling with something in his mind.

Agni: (After a few moments of sitting up he begins to get dressed from the night adventures).

Shizen: (Agni feels her hand slide to hold him from behind around his shoulder as he is getting dressed a bit sleepily still. She has sat up a little holding a blanket up to cover herself with a comforting embrace at his back).

Agni: (He smiles towards Shizen as he puts his hand on hers). Oh I'm sorry to wake you dear.

Shizen: (Rubs her eyes from sleep being late in the night). It's awfully late isn't it? Are you coming back to bed Agni?

Agni: (His smile slowly drops). I will be soon... It's just that I need to head back to the lab. Something is bothering me with my research... And you know how I get when my mind is very into it.

Shizen: (Gets a frown being a little disappointed they would not be cuddling up after their night together but sighs). I know... Just try not to be too late alright? It gets quite cold in the bed otherwise. (She gives Agni a kiss on the cheek before laying back down).

Agni: (He kisses her forehead). No need to worry, I will only be gone for an hour. I'll be back as soon as I can to heat up your sleep again.

Shizen: (Smiles with a sigh in relief for now as she tucks back in to rest comfortable still being quite tired). I will be right here waiting. Maybe it will help that big mind of yours relax as well.

Agni: (He looks away as he gets up). Hopefully Shizen... Hopefully.... (As he begins to walk out the door of the bedroom).

It is a few days later with Agni having not returned as soon as promised. Shizen has let it slide knowing how he gets even though in the back of her mind she senses something is off. She lets it slide having other matters that had grabbed her concern today, something that she is quite happy about making her anxious for when Agni finally comes back.

Shizen: (She is in the bathroom that morning staring at herself in the mirror in thought with a small smile forming on her lips finding it exciting). ... I need to tell him....

Agni: (He is working diligently in his lab playing with small pockets of different energies). Well, well that is an interesting reaction... I do wonder if it could stabilize on its own.... (He hears a knock on his door from his assistant telling him he has a guest).

Shizen: (Is waiting at Agni's homes door to be let in being nervous yet excited about this visit in particular. She hopes it is not a bad time having arrived unexpectedly but she felt that she needed to).

Agni: (He looks down knowing he broke his promise but then looks back up towards her). Well come in, come in... I'm about to take a break and I would rather share it with a wonderful lady... and I'm glad to see you.

Shizen: Yes I am as well with you. It was needed today... And I felt it couldn't wait. (She gives Agni a kiss then walks in seeming exited and grinning more than usual as well).

Agni: (He smiles at the gesture as he leads her towards his relax area where it has a couch and just a fire place). Man I always like to sit around here... Makes my stress go away.

Shizen: (Can't help but laugh as she takes a seat on the couch patting Dragon on the head who has crawled up to Agni's shoulder). I think I have a idea how you like to relieve stress as well honestly. (Gets a small smirk remembering a few nights before laughing again knowing it's what led her here today).

Agni: (He smiles as he pets dragon as well). yes, yes this also little dragons favorite spot to relax so might as well make it my own. It helps me focus on my work..

Shizen: I am glad Dragon is doing well, you are taking very good care of him. I am happy you are so focused on you work as well, I hope you will still have time for me in-between though... especially from now on. (She looks down with a faint blush).

Agni: Oh I will do my best to be around more... Though my research is keeping me very busy... I do wonder if I can even have a family at this point. (He looks down). If only but right now it's impossible... I must finish what I need to do.

Shizen: (Has a expression of shock and eyes showing hurt to Agni's words having to repeat it let it fully sink in). ... Do... you not... Want a family...? (Her eyes show that hurt more and it's clear it's something very meaningful to her to have).

Agni: (He looks back up in a hurry). No, no it isn't that I don't want that... It's just right now I can't have the responsibility to have that happen.

Shizen: (She looks down still obviously hurt). When would be a good time...? I mean I understand your research is important but would it take priority always... Could you one day take time away from that for that future especially if it's dangerous...? Recently even more so... And even a few days ago when you promised you wouldn't be long it felt distant... Like us means less than your research... It can't be like that from now on it.... (Clenches her fist on her lap having trouble and fearing getting the words out there now).

Agni: (Before he can speak up about his opinion his assistant brings to his attention that he is needed in the lab because an emergency has come up). Well, we'll... I'm sorry I need to go... I will make up for this I promise... I'm just... I'm sorry. (He looks back towards Shizen then leaves).

Shizen: (Before Agni can walk away he feels a hand stop him by holding his arm). ... Please... We need to talk... I know you won't be right back... And I fear what that says for our future.... Will you just become more distant...? It's like your hiding something.... (She looks down the worry in her eyes clear).

Agni: (He looks down in frustration as he looks towards Shizen than his lab). ... In order to help build a better future... For everyone... For you and for me... I must keep going... I sense solution is right there but I need to find it... I'm not wasting the chance my parents gave me to fall behind.... I must face my destiny... Even if I have to walk it alone... I'm sorry Shizen.... It was truly wonderful to be with you... I'll never regret it... But I'm sorry I must do this to you... But I promise... The future will be made brighter now.... (He shakes off her hand and walks towards his lab again to be alone).

Shizen: (She looks up at Agni in shock with tears coming to her hurt filled eyes). Y-your ending it...? Just like that, like I was just a distraction to you...? Just throwing it away for this... Like nothing? (Her voice raises as she goes to try and follow Agni to the door he is about go through in one last attempt gripping his shoulder tightly her voice raised through her hurt sounding like anger but more through her sadness and heartbreak). Would anything even matter enough for you to change your mind?! AGNI PLEASE I'M-!

Agni: (He shakes her off again as he interrupts her). Trust me in this Shizen... You weren't a distraction... I don't want to throw it away... But I will if I must... I'm sorry goodbye.... (He closes the door on Shizen).

Shizen: (Her hands slowly drop as does her head as heartbreak sets in). I see.... (She then feels weak sitting with her back against the door Agni just left and closed with tears spilling from her eyes. She looks down more towards her stomach placing a hand there as well staring at the locket on the same wrist). ... What am I going to do....



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