That morning everyone has woken up besides Zahir and Ziona with everyone doing chores to help them out. Shizen had gone to talk to the villagers about how life is on the island and answer any questions they have for her. Jennifer and Kairi work in the garden as Kairi asks about what every plant does being interested in learning about them. Chazz and Tori train outside being done with their chores and Kura dragging Yami inside to help her and Hiki with breakfast.
Kura: (As she hands Yami a mixing bowl with ingredients). Now don't complain, you need to help somehow.
Yami: (Pouts grumpily). But cooking is boring.
Hiki: Doesn't matter, you can learn a thing or too since girls like guys that can cook.
Yami: I don't care if girls like me or not, why try and impress them?
Kura: (Laughs). Well let's see what you think when you become a teenager.
Yami: (Shrugs). Don't think it will be any different.
Hiki: (Sighs shaking her head). Anyways you aren't getting out of this Yami so just try to help.
Yami: Fine whatever, what do I do just grab stuff and mix it in. (Grabs herbs from the table and puts them in the bowl).
Kura: (Sighs). Try mixing only what we give you.
Hiki: Well now we can't since it might taste bad with too many herbs mixed so just got to work with it I guess.
Yami: Hey for all you know I made it taste even better.
Kura: Well if that happens you are still mixing what we tell you just in case next time.
Yami: Still mixing in whatever is easier.
Hiki: That is not how you cook. For all we know you could make us sick by just throwing in random things like that.
Yami: And for all you know I could have made the best tasting thing ever.
Kura: That a doubt.
Yami: Hey!
Kura: Just mix what we tell you little Yami.
Yami: Fine but no fun that way and I'm not little.
Hiki: Well it's already too late now so let's just work with what we have so far. (Starts the side dishes).
Kura: Very well. (Goes over to help Hiki).
Yami: (Just is doing what is told of him but looking rather filled with bordem).
Ziona is upstairs in Zahir's arms as she slowly wakes up feeling like she had a great dream and sees Zahir is holding her and smiles knowing he is no longer a dream and snuggles up to him.

Zahir: (Is already awake but doesn't want Ziona to know quite yet as he snuggles up to her as well).
Ziona: (Enjoys being so close to him then realizes that he is not clothed and neither is she and looks under the covers at both of them to confirm it. She blushes realizing that their night together was not a dream nor was the day before as well).
Zahir: (Feels Ziona softly pressed against him and just smiles as he enjoys being cuddled up like this after so long).
Ziona: (Settles down putting down the covers as she snuggles up to Zahir again and gives him a kiss on the lips).
Zahir: (Pulls Ziona to him again for another kiss before Ziona has the chance to pull away from it).
Ziona: (Smiles and kisses Zahir back as she holds him close to her). Good morning honey, I hope you slept well.
Zahir: (Smiles). Well a certain someone kept me up so I couldn't really sleep that well.
Ziona: Oh I umm sorry I kept you up... But I did enjoy having that time with you... And enjoy every moment I have with you... You're finally here.... (Looks at Zahir with a big smile and a slight blush).
Zahir: Hey I'm not complaining, I always have fun with you around.
Ziona: Well from now on we can spend every day together.
Zahir: (Smiles as he kisses Ziona suddenly). Those are days I look forward to the most.
Ziona: (Kisses Zahir back then rest her head on his chest). Happy, peaceful days with our little one... I look forward to it. (Places her hand on her stomach as she snuggles up to Zahir).
Zahir: As do I since those are days I would be spending it with you.
Ziona: We will be together even if miles or worlds apart... Because our hearts are always connected no matter what.
Zahir: (Smiles hugely). Yes as you are the first person to accept me full heartedly so I will always hold you close.
Ziona: I accept who you are because of my feelings. I always have and always will.
Zahir: (Embraces Ziona as he pets her hair). You will never have any idea how much that means to me. I love you too and we should probably get up since we can't keep everyone waiting.
Ziona: (Smiles up at Zahir giving him a kiss then laughs a little). I forgot we had guests... I guess I had other things on my mind.
Zahir: (Laughs). I did too for a second. It felt like we were the only people here.
Ziona: I think they are making food... It smells good. I wonder if they made bacon ooh I could put peanut butter on it.
Zahir: I will... Never understand your cravings.
Ziona: It's gotten weirder with this.... (Looks down at her stomach then back at Zahir with a sheepish smile). But mostly it's the idea to put peanut butter on everything... But it's really good.
Zahir: (Gets up). Hmm I may try it with you.
Ziona: (Laughs but then blushes seeing Zahir stand but likes the view of it making her stutter a little). I umm... Guess we should get ready then.
Zahir: We should though. (Smirks at Ziona). Unless you want to repeat last night.
Ziona: (Blushes heavily and hides her face with the sheets becoming flustered).
Zahir: Ands there is the face I love to see most.
Ziona: (Still hides a little as she blushes and stutters). Y-you umm are handsome... I'm sorry for looking... I can't help it....
Zahir: (Looks up and down on Ziona). Oh well I have my own eyes on you as well.
Ziona: (Blushes even more being a little embarrassed but tries to hide her blushing as she shyly looks at Zahir more then anything else).
Zahir: (Chuckles as he reaches out to take Ziona's hand). Come on let's get dressed.
Ziona: (Nods and sits up stiffly on the edge of the bed then winces a little and hold her stomach and rubs it a little to calm down the kicking).
Zahir: (Looks at Ziona with concern). Everything alright there?
Ziona: Yes it's fine just a big kick. Some days it's like this more than others but I'm used to. Usually I would just talk to them and that calms it down... Most of the time I would talk about you and tell them all about what their father is like. (She giggles a little then smiles looking down at her stomach).
Zahir: (Is silent for a moment). Well now I feel like I got a lot things to live up to.
Ziona: (Smiles at Zahir). I know you will... I'm just happy our family will be all together from the start of it... I couldn't be happier... I was scared that I would have to tell them about you and not get to know you... I'm glad that that won't happen. (Looks down a little but smiles).
Zahir: (Kisses Ziona's head). I will do my best to always be around from now on... I promise.
Ziona: (Smiles up at Zahir). I know you will and I know you will be a great father... You care so much and are sweet, kind and protective.
Zahir: Alright before we have a round 2 of our share in intimate emotions let's get going my dear.
Ziona: (Blushes and hides a little). I-I don't mind.... But m-maybe tonight we can if not now.... Zahir: (Kisses Ziona's head again). No need to worry.
Ziona: I-I'm not... I just want to spend every moment with you now that you have returned.
Zahir: As do I with you.
Ziona: (Smiles up at Zahir then stands stiffly wincing a little from a small kick then gives Zahir a kiss). We should get dressed I think... Though I do like seeing you.... (Blushes with a shy smile).
Zahir: I do as well my dear beautiful wife. Just as beautiful as the day I married you.
Ziona: T-thank you my husband... But I agree we should get dressed... I don't think we have time for what we did last night. (Blushes more again).
Zahir: Alright but let me pick out your dress alright my dear. (Heads to the closet that they share).
Ziona: Alright I will wear whatever you pick and in return I can help pick out something from your old clothes since everything is still there... I didn't move a thing. (Smiles at Zahir as she walks over to the closet with him).
Zahir: (Opens up the door to the closet as he looks through all the clothes trying to figure out what Ziona would look best in as he is stump for a bit he finds a light purple summer dress with white stripes down the sides that seems to be able to stretch out so he pulls it out and shows it to Ziona). How about this?
Ziona: That's one of the ones I tried to add white stretchy fabric on the sides to make it fit. I think it worked... Oh I learned how to make clothing a little... Especially when I was umm... Was getting bigger. (Looks down at her stomach for a second once saying that).
Zahir: Well I think it will look good on you dear and it looks like you did a great job. You always loved arts and crafts and I remember how excited you had gotten to figuring out new recipes. (Smiles at Ziona as he brings the dress to her).
Ziona: Well thank you I like that dress to and I even tried making little kids clothes... Or tried to anyways and maybe I can make clothes for you as well... I'm sure I can figure it out. (She starts putting her cloths on having to sit since bottom part is harder to reach slightly).
Zahir: I look forward to it then. (Smiles at Ziona and says teasingly). You can measure me anytime you want.
Ziona: D-don't tease me. (Blushes as she puts her dress on then goes into the mirror to fix it a little).
Zahir: (Gets some clothes quickly as he walks behind Ziona and hugs her remembering something very important). Honey... I have something for you.
Ziona: (Being curious she smiles and looks back at Zahir). What is it?
Zahir: (Puts a necklace around Ziona's neck with a silver pendent looking like it is molded to have a flower and plant life wrapped around in metal with a odd looking crystle that seems empty to make some type of seal inside).
Ziona: (Looks at the pendent as she smiles). Zahir you didn't need to get me anything... You already gave me the greatest gift of all by returning.
Zahir: (Is silent as he starts to shine as he drains his energy into the pendent as Ziona looks at the pendent three different colored swirls appear in the crystal showing the three elements within him. The purple is the greatest of the 3 but with specs of grey and blue faintly).
Ziona: It's... Your energy? (Smiles at the pendant holding it in her hands then looks back at Zahir still smiling with a loving look).
Zahir: Now my energy will always be there for you and protect if I cannot.
Ziona: (Pauses being a little speechless at the gift at first). Zahir... Thank you... It's like having a part of you always with me... I love it... But you are here to stay. You are not leaving again... I won't let you. (Holds Zahir's arms that are wrapped around her as she looks back at him).
Zahir: (Smiles as he kisses Ziona's head). I will not leave you ever again.
Ziona: Good.... (Turns to hug Zahir and hold him close to her as she snuggles up to him a little). Zahir: (Returns the hug with a small kiss).
Ziona: (Kisses him back and smiles). Someone else needs to get dressed as well. (Then takes the shirt in Zahir's hand and unfolds it putting it over his head).
Zahir: (Makes a funny face as the shirt covers his face).
Ziona: (Giggles once pulling it over his head at the face Zahir is making).
Zahir: (Laughs as well as he gets the shirt on fully).
Ziona: (Giggles more). Now get the rest yourself, we have to meet our guests.
Zahir: But I already did, I got pants on already.
Ziona: (Looks down and laughs and blushes hiding her face). I-I was trying not to look down so much... I guess I didn't notice.
Zahir: (Chuckles). I guess you did not where as I was always looking when it comes to you.
Ziona: (Blushes hiding her face on Zahir's chest). I-I'm happy you like what you see... Even with such a big stomach.
Zahir: I always like how you look because you are so beautiful to me no matter what size.
Ziona: (Kisses Zahir with a small giggle). And you always look so handsome to me.
Zahir: (Takes her hands in his). Shall we get going then dear?
Ziona: (Hold his hand tightly). of course let's say hi to everyone. (Her stomach growls and she blushes). And have something eat....
Zahir: (Smiles as he leads Ziona out of the room)
Ziona: (Goes with Zahir down the hall and down the stairs carefully. She winces a little from a big kick as they go down the stairs and sees everyone at the table setting up breakfast then smiles their way as they enter and she clings to Zahir).
Kairi: (Smiles brightly seeing Zahir and Ziona coming down the stairs). Good morning!
Jennifer: Good morning, did you sleep well.
Kura: Breakfast is made so once it's all set out there's enough for everyone to eat all they want.
Yami: I hope so, I'm starving.
Kura: You're always hungry.
Yami: But still.
Hiki: Well I'm going to go get master and Tori. (Runs outside to grab Chazz and Tori).
Shizen: Ziona come sit, stay off of your feet. (Gets out of her chair to give Zahir and Ziona a place to sit right next to each other).
Ziona: B-but I umm I'm fine.
Shizen: Now don't be modest.
Ziona: I-I umm alright.... (Still clings to Zahir being shy since so many people are looking at her).
Zahir: It's fine dear, there is no need to panic.
Ziona: (Nods but still clings to Zahir as she sits beside him).
Kura: (Starts to set out the food).
Shizen: Well this looks like a good meal.
Kairi: Yum it all looks so good!
Yami: Can I eat yet?
Kura: No not until everyone is at the table.
Yami: Well they need to hurry up already then.
Hiki: (Comes backs with Chazz and Tori as she clings to Chazz's arm lovingly).
Jennifer: (Looks at Chazz and Hiki with a slight blush but smiles).
Kairi: (Looks at Tori wanting him to sit by her).
Tori: Food looks great. (As he sits down across from Kairi seeing that Jennifer is keeping an eye on him).
Chazz: I am sorry I couldn't help with the cooking.
Hiki: No it's fine master, I have to take care of these things too right?
Chazz: As you wish. (Says with a slight smile).
Yami: (As he starts to put food on a plate). Well let's eat already.
Kura: (Sighs grabbing food as well). No patience at all.
Jennifer: (Laughs as she grabs food for Kairi then herself).
Shizen: (Gets some food as well as everyone starts to eat).
Kairi: (Her eyes light up as she starts to eat). Wow this is really good.
Ziona: I-it really is.... All that's missing is some peanut butter to put on it.
Jennifer: (Pauses giving a questioning look). On bacon?
Ziona: (Blushes as she admits her cravings). I umm, peanut butter is good on anything....
Kairi: Ooh I would try it.
Hiki: I kind of want too now.
Zahir: (Laughs petting Ziona's head).
Shizen: (Laughs as well shaking her head in understanding for what Ziona means).
Ziona: I-I like to cook weird things sometimes ever since the baby... I do really like cooking though... I know Raku has the same hobby.
Kairi: Ooh it's fun to just think of odd things that you think would not go well.
Kura: Until you start putting ingredients randomly without looking or knowing what it is. (Looks directly at Yami).
Yami: Still not fair, just some herbs that were on the counter no big deal.
Hiki: (As she is eating she starts to feel dizzy and unable to keep focus as her head falls on Chazz's shoulder and he and Tori look at her being worried).
Tori: (Gives a confused look as does Kura).
Shizen: (Continues to eat but looks at Ziona knowing she just sensed what's in the food like she had).
Jennifer: (Noticed when taking her first bite but doesn't know how to deal with the situation at first but looks concerned).
Zahir: (Starts to look at Hiki and eats a bit of the food and notices something is wrong as he tells Ziona).
Shizen: (Laughs slightly shaking her head).
Yami: (He starts to get a little dizzy as well and looks unfocused like Hiki. Kura looks at him with concern and Jennifer and Tori notice as well).
Chazz: I think those herbs he threw in may not have been good were they Ziona?
Ziona: (Shakes her head no looking very nervous). T-they... Umm were... Poison... I was going to mix to make medicine and vaccines... I-I'm so sorry. (Tears up feeling it is her fault).
Kairi: (Looks down at her food questioningly). Poison?
Shizen: (As she still eats with a slight green glow in her eyes). Let's stay calm, no need to panic.
Jennifer: (Eats as well with the same glow). One of us can make an antidote I would hope.
Kura: (Sighs shaking her head). Only Yami would accidentally poison us.
Kairi: (Looks concerned and a little dizzy and unfocused Tori noticing right away).
Tori: (Sighs as he looks at Zahir).
Zahir: I can make one.
Shizen: Everything should be fine.
Ziona: I-I I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to.... (Tears up still feeling guilty).
Yami: (Leans on Kura's shoulder looking not well at all).
Hiki: (Is the same way as Yami but on Chazz's shoulder).
Zahir: (Gets up and heads to the kitchen too start working on the antidote).
Kairi: (Leans on Jennifer's shoulder looking same way as she feels her forehead looking concerned).
Jennifer: (Stops eating as she turns to take care of Kairi). It is alright... Just take it easy.
Shizen: (Continues to eat staying calm as sensing it is not lethal).
Kura: (Pauses noticing Shizen still eat). How are you still eating?
Shizen: (Shrugs taking another bite). The food is made well.
Zahir: (Yells through the kitchen). It really is!
Hiki: (Giggles a little bit from laying on Chazz's shoulder as he makes sure she does not fall down and she says slowly). Thank... You.
Jennifer: Hiki just rest but you did a great job. I am proud of your cooking skills.
Hiki: Master.... (Her face grows even redder even though it already is).
Kura: Well we all can blame Yami on this one for not thinking. I hope you learned your lesson from this.
Yami: Hey... Shut it....
Jennifer: (She still takes a few bites while she holds Kairi as she leans on her rubbing her head for comfort).
Kura: You're eating to?
Jennifer: Well Shizen is right. The food is really good.
Shizen: I guess it is good to control all of nature. It will not affect us to much though I have to say the poison is made very well.
Ziona: I-I'm still very sorry.... (Still looks very guilty and flustered thinking it's her fault).
Zahir: (Comes back with the antidote quickly).
Jennifer: Thank you. (As the antidote comes out she quickly gives it to Kairi).
Kura: Just take it but you're still in trouble for poisoning us. (Gives some antidote to Yami then takes some herself).
Chazz: (Takes the antidote next as he gives it to Hiki).
Ziona: (Looks at Jennifer and Shizen with a concerned look). Y-you're not taking some?
Shizen: We are fine though the poison is quite strong, you have improved well.
Ziona: I-I'm still sorry.... I didn't mean to leave it out like that.
Zahir: (Comes back to Ziona as he hugs her from behind). Hey it's fine, no need to worry. They will be fine now.
Kura: (Points to Yami). If anything it's his fault.
Yami: Hey... Not cool.... (Takes a little darkness in order to feel better faster).
Ziona: I-I still feel bad that something I made made people sick....
Zahir: (Pets Ziona's head). You didn't know but at least everyone will be fine now.
Kairi: (Still leans on Jennifer's shoulder). I do feel a... Little better now.
Jennifer: Good just give it a few moments and you will be as good as new.
Hiki: ... Can I lay here forever master?
Chazz: Hmm we will see.
Jennifer: (Blushes from Chazz and Hiki but thinking it is cute though wishing to lean on him as well partly. She tries to push that thought quickly away).
Kura: Yami are you feeling better?
Yami: (Shrugs as he starts to sit up). Yeah I'm fine.
Kura: Good. (Hits Yami over the head).
Yami: (Grabs his head). Ow, what the hell?
Kura: That's for not using your head.
Zahir: (Seeing everyone is fine now he tries to think of something to move Ziona away from her guilt to this situation). Now Ziona let's find something else to do alright?
Tori: I can agree with this.
Ziona: (Nods but still feels guilty for what had just happened).
Kura: You did mention there was a hot spring yesterday. That does sound nice.
Kairi: (Sits up feeling a bit better now). Ooh that sounds nice.
Hiki: Always have to get clean in the morning.
Jennifer: (Looks down feeling unsure). I umm can wait until everyone else done.
Ziona: Umm there's a smaller spring that's not used much... I usually go there... You can go there if you want to.
Jennifer: Thank you but you can go there... I can wait....
Ziona: (Looks unsure as well of what to do not wanting to be seen as well).
Hiki: (Gets up and starts to pull on Jennifer's arm). Nope you are coming in with everyone. Don't even think of just waiting.
Jennifer: (Tries to argue but then sighs knowing there's no use in arguing with Hiki as she is pulled along).
Kairi: (Gets up along with everyone else). Yay let's go!
Ziona: (Nods and then clings to Zahir as she gets up).
Kura: I will get the towels then. I think I saw some in the spare room down here. (Goes to get the towels).
Chazz: Thank you Mis Kura.
Hiki: (Clings to Chazz as they get ready to leave).
Tori: (Walks near Kairi).
Zahir: (Kisses Ziona's head brushing her hair away from her face more).
Jennifer: (She stands next to Chazz blushing a little not sure if she should do the same as Hiki).
Kairi: (Stand close to Tori blushing when her hand touches his hand accidentally).
Ziona: (Quietly giggles a little at how cute our group is being).
Zahir: (Whispers to Ziona). Everyone must feel some type of love dear.
Ziona: (Whispers back to Zahir). I know and it is very cute.
Kura: (Comes back with plenty of towels and keeping most with her since there are more women in the group and hands the rest to Tori). I think this should be enough.
Tori: (Counts the towels and then nods). I think so.
Kura: Good.
Shizen: Are we ready then?
Jennifer: I think so.
Kura: (Opens the door for everyone and follows Zahir and Ziona).
Kairi: (Is with Tori in back of the group as she looks at him and at her hand close to his).
Jennifer: (Starts to cling to the other side of Chazz like Hiki is but looks away to hide her blush).
Hiki: (Gets a little annoyed but let's it go since she clung to Chazz first). Master who feels better clinging to you?
Chazz: (Is shocked and surprised by Hiki's question). I... I am in a sticky situation now aren't I?
Jennifer: (Realizes she is holding Chazz's arm so close and blushes heavily. She lets go looking down and says more to Hiki as she backs off). I-I am sorry.
Hiki: Sorry about what Mis Jenny?
Jennifer: It is umm nothing.... (Still looks down as she blushes knowing Hiki confessed to Chazz so she deserves him. She tries not to get in the way as she holds back her feelings).
Hiki: No need to hold back Jenny, it's fine. (Knows Jennifer's feelings as she wants an even fight, not just a one sided fight).
Jennifer: (Nods still looking down and away hiding her face as she gets slightly teary eyed).
Kairi: (Gets a glimpse of Jennifer's face looking concerned and trying to understand having listened in being in back of everyone with Tori).
Hiki: (Gets off of Chazz and starts to cling to Jennifer as she hugs her and Tori wonders what is going through Hiki's mind).
Jennifer: (Smiles to reassure Hiki even though it is clear she has tears in my eyes). It is fine... Stay by him... I am fine.
Hiki: Nope I'm staying here with you. (Clings to Jennifer more).
Jennifer: (Sighs then smiles at Hiki knowing she cannot argue). Very well.
Shizen: (Smiles knowing not to interfere and to let me figure it out themselves).
Ziona: (As she clings to Zahir she leads everyone down a smaller path with great mounts of plant life).
Kairi: Wow it is really pretty here.
Ziona: It really is... And everyone made sure that the village was hidden well which is why there's so much plant life.
Zahir: Plus the island wouldn't look so good without all the plants. It makes things interesting to look at.
Shizen: You have done well here though I will need to find a way to smuggle things here to help make life easier.
Ziona: W-we manage fine... Everyone does their part and makes things for the entire village... I make herbs and medicines for everyone and some food.
Zahir: And I helped handle the defense forces with Raku and his wife because sometimes some ships pass by the island. We either trade or defend with others that know where we are from.
Shizen: I see well one day I will make sure you no longer will have to hide here... And come home where you belong.
Ziona: I-I hope so.... (Looks down at her stomach). I don't want them to live in fear... I want them to not have to hide who they are....
Shizen: (Nods smiling as she looks down). I know... I swear I will do everything in my power to make it so that you and your family can live safe and peaceful lives.
Zahir: (Smiles). I'm going to hold you to that Shizen.
Tori: (Chuckles a little bit).
Shizen: (Smiles as well). Even if my position as council member is taken I can always rampage through the main city again.
Tori: I think they may not survive another one.
Hiki: (Laughs a little bit as does Chazz).
Shizen: Well I was always the rebellious one of the 1st generation so they should be used to it by now.
Chazz: (Chuckles to Shizen's statement). I do not think they ever could really.
Ziona: (Leans on Zahir's shoulder as they walk as she holds his arm).
Zahir: (Kisses Ziona's head).
Kairi: (Looks at Tori's hand again when her hand touches his and blushes looking away).
Tori: (Holds Kairi's hand for a bit making sure it is subtle).
Kairi: (Looks up at Tori and blushes being surprised but smiles greatly enjoying it with a small giggle and skip to her step).
They come up to two small paths almost right beside each other but with plant life in-between them which covers the paths from view of the other path.
Ziona: W-we're here... The path on the right is for ladies and the left is for men.
Tori: (Let's go of Kairi's hand quickly as he does not want to die from Jennifer).
Hiki: (Gets excited at seeing such a pretty area). Yay time to get clean.
Ziona: (Looks unsure of what to do as she clings to Zahir not wanting to leave his side).
Jennifer: It should be nice.
Kairi: Can I go with Tori?
Jennifer: (Says strictly and instantly). No!
Kairi: (Has a small pout but lets it go still being excited to go). Alright.
Zahir: (Pets Ziona's head reassuringly). I will be just on the other side. I will be very close to you so no need to worry.
Ziona: (Nods and hugs Zahir holding onto him for another moment).
Kura: Yami I expect you to wash well while there.
Yami: Stop worrying so much, I got it ok?
Kura: But will you listen?
Yami: ... Yeah?
Kura: Your lying, I will make sure someone washes your hair at least.
Yami: Hey not cool and no one can make me.
Kura: Such big talk from little Yami.
Yami: Sis don't call me that, it's not cool! (Pouts grumpily).
Hiki: (Hugs Chazz before she leaves and starts pulling Jennifer and Ziona towards the baths). Bye master no peeking alright?
Chazz: Yes, yes I will not Hiki.
Kairi: (Hugs Tori quickly and then skips beside all of the girls).
Ziona: (Looks back at Zahir before she leaves).
Kura: Make sure little Yami washes his hair well.
Yami: (Pouts crossing his arms grumpily). Sis stop it's embarrassing!
Tori: (Sighs but shakes his head). Yes, yes I will.
Kura: (Smiles and goes to catch up with everyone else).
Yami: (Walks with the men still crossing his arms grumpily).
Kairi: (Skips happily beside everyone else then seeing the hot spring surrounded by plant life on all sides and the ground around it made of stone). Wow this looks nice!

Jennifer: (Looks around at the beauty of the area). It really does.
Hiki: (Starts to undress once they arrive). Well let's head in then while the water is warm.
Kairi: (Kneels down putting her hand into the water to feel it). Wow it feels nice. It is like a oasis in the middle of the island
Ziona: It is warm most of the time... It's really nice.
Kura: (Places the towels on a low branch as she begins to lie her clothes there with it).
Shizen: (Goes to a tree near by to do the same making to grow towards her so she can do the same).
Jennifer: (Blushes not sure if she should undress as well feeling a little insecure).
Ziona: (Looks down being very insecure herself as she blushes).
Hiki: (Is undressed and starts to pull on Jennifer's clothes a bit to let her know to do the same).
Jennifer: H-Hiki do not please, I can get myself. (Moves away and blushes heavily as she undress herself but then covers herself with her hands).
Kairi: Oh right. (Skips over to the branch where everyone is placing their things and starts to do the same and Kura helping whenever needed).
Shizen: (Is done and leans on the tree casually). It's alright Ziona no need to be self conscious.
Ziona: (Still blushes and looks down playing with her hands a little).
Hiki: (Gets in the water). Wow this does feel great.
Kairi: (Hops in as well along with Kura who leans back and relaxes). Wow it really does. It must be great having this so close by.
Jennifer: (Hops in quickly covering her chest).
Shizen: (Puts her arm around Ziona and smiles). Ziona it's fine, do not worry.
Ziona: (Nods and goes over to the branch with everyone's things and starts to put her own there.
Shizen: (Walks with Ziona helping her in by taking her hand so she has more balance when stepping in).
Hiki: (Goes by Jennifer). Why so nervous Jenny? We're all ladies here.
Jennifer: (Blushes heavily still). N-no reason. (Looks at everyone around her and most of all Shizen just getting in who has the largest chest of any of them. She looks down at her own chest and frowns a little covering it with her hands as she blushes even more being slightly insecure when doing so).

Hiki: Hmm well your skin is still are so soft so you are good there Jenny. Speaking of skin let me touch it again, it's so smooth.
Jennifer: W-what no way! (Backs away from Hiki a little blushing as she still covers her chest).
Shizen: (Laughs watching the situation her arms resting stretched out on the rocks as she leans back and relaxes after pulling her hair to one side).

Hiki: (Makes her fingers go out in front of her in a tickling motion infront of Jennifer as if about to try and grab onto her).
Jennifer: (Covers herself still trying to look for escape route to Hiki's plans).
Kairi: (Gives a confused look as Kura helps wash her hair).

Hiki: (Catches Jennifer). No need to run Jenny, it will be fine.
Jennifer: (Pouts and still covers herself). Still not nice.
Ziona: (Blushes covering herself on instinct watching the two).
Hiki: (Looks at Ziona as well). Mis Ziona I shall see for myself about your skin as well.
Ziona: I-I umm.... (Looks down still covering herself as she blushes being shy and timid as she moves away a little and closer to Shizen).
Hiki: (Goes closer to Ziona quickly as she chuckles a little bit with her hair being all over her as it is long in the water and a bit messily).
Ziona: (Stays there and looks down and covers herself still but then looks at Hiki a little looking very timid).
Hiki: (Jumps a bit and lands on Ziona giving her a hug and rubbing her cheek on Ziona's).
Ziona: (Is not sure of what to do being surprised and then just smiles shyly at Hiki looking a little adorable).
Kairi: (Comes over and smiles at both of them sitting beside them).
Hiki: (Notices the smile). There it is, I like that smile. It's so cute!
Ziona: T-thank you. (Looks a little more comfortable and relaxed after a moment).
Kairi: Zahir said a lot about you on the way here and you are just like he said. You two are so in love, it is so cute to see!
Ziona: (Looks down and smiles). Thank you... It was hard without him... Thank you for bringing him back.
Shizen: It's the least we could do after all that has happened.
Jennifer: We wanted to help anyway we could.
Ziona: (Smiles and nods). Thank you so much.
Zahir: (Everyone can hear him from the other side of the plant acting like a wall in between the two hot springs). I kind of told them everything I could so yes but you do have a cute smile.
Ziona: (Brightens up hearing Zahir's voice). Zahir... I'm glad I can hear you....
Kairi: Ooh they can hear us, hi Tori!
Tori: Yo.
Hiki: (Stands up with a giggle). Master do you miss me?
Chazz: Yes, yes every second.
Tori: Hey what about me!
Hiki: I always know you do Tori.
Jennifer: (Laughs with a slight blush). Hello everyone, I am glad we can hear each other.
Kairi: Ooh can I go over there? Is it the same as over here?
Jennifer: Umm no do not go over there.
Kairi: Aww why not?
Jennifer: Girls and boys have separate areas.
Kairi: I still do not get it.
Shizen: (Laughs a little at the innocent questions).
Hiki: I wish I could go by master.
Ziona: (Nods understanding the feeling wanting to be beside Zahir herself).
Kura: Yami you better be washing up over there.
Yami: Sis stop it and stop nagging me.
Kura: Well you're the one who makes it a big deal and refuses to do it.
Yami: I don't want to though.
Kura: Too bad.
Yami: Not cool.
Tori: Just get cleaned already. (Splashes water on Yami's head).
Yami: (Covers his face then gives a angry look). Not cool dude! (Splashes water at Tori as pay back still looking annoyed as he moves away and pouts crossing his arms).
Kura: (Laughs hearing all of the comotion).
Yami: Shut it!
Tori: (Just sighs shaking his head).
Zahir: (Sits by the plants separating the baths in a relaxed manner).
Kura: Well Tori now you see what I have to deal with.
Yami: Hey not cool!
Kura: You could practice swimming while you are there.
Yami: ... I can swim.
Kura: Says the one who nearly drowned yesterday in the sea.
Yami: I could have figured it out.
Kura: And what would happen if someone pushed you into deep water?
Yami: Bring it, can't be that hard.
Kura: Again I say big talk for the one who had to be saved.
Yami: Hey I didn't ask for help.
Kura: That's not how I remember it.
Yami: ... Shut it....
Hiki: Yeah we all panicked for a bit while that was happening but then....
Tori: We know what happened Hiki... No need to finish it now.
Hiki: (Pouts). No fun.
Yami: ... Didn't need help. (Says grumpily and stubbornly still).
Kura: Did too.
Yami: You're evil.
Kura: Don't make me come over there.
Yami: Bring it!
Kura: (Sighs and stands then in a instant is gone and appears beside Yami hitting him on the head then in that instant disappears again and is back where she was in the first place).
Yami: (Grabs his head). What the hell!
Jennifer: (Has to pause to try and figure out what had just happened). ... Did you just go over there....
Kura: Yes I did but he's the one who started it.
Tori and Zahir: (Are wondering what just happened as it happened so fast).
Hiki: (Laughs a bit at what Kura had done). Maybe I could do that too hmm.
Jennifer: You did not look did you?
Kura: No, I had no interest in doing so.
Ziona: (Blushes realizing Kura had gone over there).
Shizen: (Burst out in laughter).
Hiki: How was it being over there? Was everyone having fun?
Kura: (Thinks back). It seemed like they were relaxing. The water feels about the same I think but I can go check again. (Gets ready to go over again).
Jennifer: Umm... I do not think that is a good idea.
Chazz: Mis Kura I would refrain from doing that again if I were you.
Kura: Very well but if Yami becomes hard to handle let me know.
Yami: Hey!
Shizen: (Laughs). well I'm sure they can handle him.
Tori: I will but we should be getting out in a bit.
Chazz: I can agree, my head is feeling hot.
Kairi: Aww just a few more minutes.
Shizen: It is up to everyone else. I am fine either way.
Ziona: T-the water is nice... But I kind of want to go back to see Zahir....
Kairi: Daw so sweet! You will probably be the cutest family ever.
Ziona: T-thank you.
Kairi: How did a baby get in your stomach though. I do not get it?
Ziona: (Blushes heavily not knowing what to say).
Jennifer: Umm can we explain all of this later....
Kairi: (Gives a confused look).
Zahir: (Chuckles). yes let them explain later.
Kairi: Alright but still cool how it is in your stomach. Can I touch it?
Ziona: I-I guess so. (Has her hands resting on her stomach as she nods).
Kairi: (Places her hand on Ziona's stomach looking amazed). Whoa cool, there is really a baby in there.
Ziona: (Winces a little from a big kick and Kairi feels it).
Kairi: (Looks surprised). Whoa what was that.
Ziona: It was a really big kick from them... It happens a bit more often now... They must be really active today since there's so many people.
Kairi: Oh alright then. (Still looks amazed).
Jennifer: (Laughs a little).
Hiki: Babies are so cute! (Clings to Jennifer).
Jennifer: (Smiles). They really are, I remember Kairi being a very cute one.
Kairi: (Giggles at Jennifer's comment). Thank you!
Kura: Yami was cute as well though always had a habit of biting anything around him.
Jennifer: (She and everyone else start to laugh believing it fully).
Yami: Hey don't embarrass me!
Everyone else: (Still laughs).
Yami: (Pouts grumpily crossing his arms).
Kairi: But no matter what babies are so cute.
Shizen: They are quite a amazing part of nature indeed and one will always need plenty of care, kindness and someone they can look up to but shall we go so you can be beside Zahir again Ziona?
Ziona: (Smiles and nods). T-that would be nice.
Zahir: Spending time with my wife would be great!
Hiki: Yay I can hug master again! (Gets jumpy in the water).
Jennifer: Well let us get out and get dressed and maybe we can look around the village.
Kairi: Ooh I cannot wait! (Smiles happily and jumps out to get a towel and Kura goes with her helping Kairi dry off and get dressed).
Shizen: (Helps Ziona out and they walk over to grab towels as well).
Jennifer: (Quickly goes over doing the same).
Hiki: (Follows behind Jennifer as she giggles from her previous teasings before getting to her dress she had brought along).
Jennifer: (Blushes and covers herself with the towel as she dries off and putting on a short green dress with brown leggings).
Kairi: (Hums happily as she gets dressed in simple but cute pink dress with black borders with Kura helping a little and brushing her hair).
Ziona: (Gets dressed in the light purple dress she had worn there that Zahir picked out when getting ready).
Shizen: (Puts on green shirt and pants as she dries her long grey hair).
Hiki: (Puts on a white summer dress with black frills that go around the bottom and underneath of the dress as she puts on black and white leggings).
Kura: Are we ready then? (As she puts her hair up in a pony tail and gives Kairi two pigtails). Jennifer: I think so.
Ziona: (Nods and smiles).
Hiki: (Pulls her hair out of the dress and hair flies up for a bit with the light shining off it as if drying it and smiles at everyone). Yes let's go.
Jennifer: (Smiles at Hiki as everyone follows her out). Yes we shal.
Ziona: (Looks at Hiki and especially her unique hair being half black and half white). Y-your hair is really nice.
Kairi: It really is Hiki!
Kura: (has a faint blush she hides well). And it has a nice shine to it.
Hiki: (Blushes as she scratches her head). Is it really? I don't know how to think of it.
Jennifer: Well it is true.
Shizen: (Smiles and laughs a little). Well light spirits tend to shine brightest though Kairi shines very bright even though of dark element.
Jennifer: That is always true. You can make anyone smile.
Kairi: (Has a big smile and blushes). Thank you.
Hiki: (Hugs Kairi and does the same she had done to Ziona as she rubs their cheeks together). Oh Kairi, you're so adorable!
Kairi: (Giggles and returns the hug as Jennifer laughs as well hugging Kairi as well). Thank you!
Ziona: (Giggles a little with a smile then sees Zahir at the end of the path along with the others and smiles more as she goes to hug him as quickly as she can manage).
Zahir: (Is shocked since he was just talking with everyone else as he feels this sudden weight on him).
Ziona: (Still hold onto Zahir holding him close smiling up at him with a light blush).
Kairi: Yay hi Tori! (Runs and hugs Tori almost tackling him).
Jennifer: (Sighs letting go of her protectiveness for the moment saying more to herself but Hiki being beside her). I cannot stop her from growing up now can I?
Hiki: You really can't stop the development of the feelings of love.
Jennifer: (Sighs but smiles). Well that may be true but she is still my little sister and I will still be protective of her no matter what... But if so I suppose Tori is not to bad a choice.
Kairi: So what are we going to do now?
Jennifer: I think we were just going to look around the village since they probably want to see Zahir and Ziona.
Ziona: I-I hope they forgive me for hiding....
Zahir: I think they will be more shocked about me showing up but I can help. (Holds Ziona's hand as he kisses her head).
Ziona (As they walk leading the way for everyone else she clings to Zahir tightly). They will be happy you are back and I wonder what they will think of having a new member to the village. (Places her other hand on her stomach as she smiles down at it).

Zahir: I'm sure they will celebrate it. (Holding Ziona's hand tightly).
Tori: I don't see why they would be upset.
Ziona: I umm I hid from them this whole time... the only way Raku found out is he came over and was very worried... He was hurt that I was pushing him away so I had to tell him... I felt so bad for making him cry... I just... Didn't want anyone to worry... Or feel sympathy and feel like they needed to help. (Looks down sadly).
Zahir: (Smiles reassuringly). That does sound like him as he did grow up with us though he was still iffy when talking to me at first but as time went on he became one of my best friends.
Ziona: And you can catch up with him later today. He and his wife Nara helped me a lot when they found out... I can't thank them enough.
Zahir: Well then I'm going to talk to them for sure.
Ziona: That sounds good... They are a really cute couple and their wedding was really nice... They both helped so much... Yes Raku was very upset at first that I even hid from him... But he still helped so much... Because of them I was a little less lonely and smiled a little more in hope. (Looks down as she smiles).
As Ziona remembers the scene changes to that memory of the past.
Raku: (He starts to walk up to Ziona's house to try and get her to open up too him once again like many other times).
Ziona: (Is at her table near the kitchen sitting for a moment her legs being tired as she places a hand on her stomach as she tears up a little feeling alone like missing a part of her heart every day that passes).
Raku: (Comes up to the door and hesitates to knock).
Ziona : (Jumps a little from hearing the knock when he does and then stands to go answer the door as she wipes her tears away. She then peeks her head out of the door hiding her body behind the door). H-hello... Who is it?
Raku: It's me Ziona with my usual check up on you.
Ziona: Oh hello how are you Raku? Does the village need medicine, I have some made.
Raku: No not today, I was just wondering how you were doing.
Ziona: (Looks down slightly then smiles though Raku can tell since he has known her so long that it is a half hearted smile). I'm fine... How is your wife? Are you enjoying married life?

Raku: (Scratches his head). It's meh so far, really she's having me do some moving of furniture. That is the only thing that has really changed.
Ziona: (Frowns a little). It should be more than meh. I mean moving things around is normal... When I first married Zahir that happened to and decorated the house with so many stuffed animals softest rug, sofa and chairs I could find. It was really fun. (Smiles as she remembers).
Raku: Oh yeah I remember hearing about it from Zahir. He was so shocked from how much you were so into it.
Ziona: (Laughs). It's because I like to decorate things and make things look nice and pretty.
Raku: (Chuckles). As always you loved to do that but part of me likes those things as well. Especially cooking for us two.
Ziona: Well I think it's normal for things like that to change because it's like making the place feel at home.
Raku: Ohh is it really? Can I come in to see ideas for the wife?
Ziona: (Looks surprised and then stutters making a clearly bad excuse that contradicts what she just said). I umm maybe another time, it's umm messy.
Raku: Oh is it really? I can wait outside while you clean up and plus I don't mind a mess with how Nara can be at times. Ziona: (Stutters more getting a little nervous). I-I umm please don't... I.... (Pauses not sure what to say knowing Raku is stubborn and she is a very bad liar as she looks nervous and a little scared of what he would think if he found out).
Raku: (Hits the wall as his frustration boils over after many times trying to reach out to help her). Why are you pushing me out and away Ziona when you are like a sister to me...! Am I that horrible... Do I not deserve to be friends with you anymore...? (Falls to the floor). Please don't push me away anymore....
Ziona: (Her eyes widen as she pushes away her fears and rushes to Raku her dearest friend kneeling to hug him as she tears up not meaning to hurt him). ... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you... I just didn't want anyone to worry about me... Or for me to become a burden.... (Tears start to fall heavily from her eyes no longer holding them back).
Raku: Idiot... You will never be a burden to me.
Ziona: (Cries as her fears are said having held back for so long). ... But I will be... I can't do as much as I could in the past... And I don't want everyone to feel sorrow for me... What if he can't come back... I'm so scared of doing this on my own.... (She holds Raku tightly as she cries more letting it all out finally). Raku: Then how can you believe in your husband if you start to doubt it. Even then you won't be alone. You have Nara and I to help support you through anything. (Looks up at Ziona with tears). You will never be alone!
Ziona: (Many tears fall from her eyes as she looks back at Raku through her break down). Y-you're right... I should of never hid from you... You're like a brother to me... I'm so sorry... So sorry I hid from you... But I didn't want anyone to know yet.... (Looks down and as tears still fall as she places her hands on her stomach looking about 6 months along at the time).
Raku: (Looks at Ziona's stomach and then looks at her and starts to chuckle slightly). That's just silly of you.
Ziona: I-I'm sorry... So sorry I hid... I didn't know what to do so I was scared... I always wanted a family... I found out soon after Zahir had to leave... I didn't know what to do so I hid it for as long as I could... But then it became difficult to hide... So I stayed here... I didn't want anyone to feel sorrow for me or feel they had to help... So I hid in my house... Though I didn't feel alone... I find myself even talking to the little one in my stomach... I even told them all about their father... So I didn't think I was alone... because Zahir left a part of him with me.... (She still looks down at, her stomach with a small smile).
Raku: Good now if you need help with anything don't feel afraid to ask anymore. No matter what I'm always here.
Ziona: (Looks at Raku with a smile as she wipes her eyes). I guess some company would be nice... You can bring your wife and we can have dinner tomorrow and I can show you the house. I even made the spare room upstairs a nursery... Though I'm having trouble getting the crib up there... I can't move it how I am now.
Raku: (Smiles). I would be happy to come by and so would Nara so no worries there and I can move it no problem Ziona.
Ziona: (Has a big smile wiping her tears away). T-thank you and I guess that this makes you an uncle then. (Thinks this more to herself but out loud). Hmm uncle Raku, it has a nice ring to it. (Giggles a little from the thought of a little child calling him that as she wipes her eyes).
Raku: (Blushes a little). Hey no fair though it isn't that much of a bad thought.
Ziona: (Giggles more). I guess that will make you the uncle and Nara the aunt and then maybe one day you and Nara can have a little one and they can have a playdate. (Giggles more as she imagines it).
Raku: (Scratches his head). You are just enjoying this now aren't you?
Ziona: (Blushes but still giggles). My mind starts to wonder a lot and it's a really cute thought.
Raku: (Sighs). Yes I know that all too well since you were always a scatter brain.
Ziona: (Pouts). Don't be mean... But could I ask a favor... Could you not tell the rest of the village... I-I will when I'm ready. (Looks down a little).
Raku: (Smiles). Well I was planning to throw a whole big party but I guess that isn't happening anymore. No worries I won't tell anyone.
Ziona: (Smiles). Thank you... But for now you can tell your wife and then you two can come over tomorrow.... (Looks down a little). And don't worry... I won't lose hope... It's just that I miss him so much that I find myself talking to him... But he's coming back... I know it.
Raku: (Smiles). There's the Ziona I know. The shy, embarrassed easily, kind and wonderful Ziona that I grew up with.
Ziona: (Blushes sheepishly). T-thank you... And I won't close you out again, I promise... I was not in my right mind set... Thank you for reminding me I'm not alone. (Smiles at Raku).
Raku: If you think you are alone I'll just thump it back into your head. I won't let you feel like that. It's the least I can do.
Ziona: Thank you... You're a great friend and I know you'll make a great uncle to the little one... I can't thank you enough. (Tears up again as she smiles hugging Raku).
Raku: (Tears up as well). And here I thought I was done crying.... (He holds Ziona tighter feeling all kind of feelings and happy he was able to get her to open up). I should be saying thank you.
Ziona: (Wipes her eyes a little as she smiles at Raku). No thank you for putting up with me when I push you away... Thank you for not giving up on me.
Raku: (Doesn't answer as he just holds her with his hands through her hair as he seems to be crying into her shoulder).
Ziona: (Cries a bit in his hold just letting out all the emotions she had held back all of this time).
The memory fades, Ziona having finished her story as the group listened to her story.
Kairi: Wow so Raku is going to be the uncle, so cool.
Ziona: Well he's like a brother to me. (Smiles up at Zahir). I hope it's alright with you I made him the uncle of our little one... Then again I don't think I gave him much of a say.
Zahir: (Laughs). Sounds like you really didn't but I'm sure he was happy about it.
Ziona: I think so too.
Shizen: Well I think he will make a great uncle and one day perhaps a father himself.
Jennifer: (Looks further up the path seeing some wooden houses around a main dirt path). Is that it?
Ziona: (Nods being a little nervous having not been down to the village in a while as she clings closer to Zahir).
Zahir: (Notices this from Ziona and pets her hair). Come on, let's go together now.
Ziona: (Smiles and nods to Zahir giving her confidence).
Kairi: Yay I cannot wait! (Gets really excited and runs up ahead).
Jennifer: No wait- and she ran off again... They know we are here right?
Chazz: I hope so.
Zahir: They might not but they will see Shizen so that will make things easier.
Shizen: Yes but a believe Raku told them some so I hope that helps ease their minds.
Kairi: (As she runs she runs into a villager yet again not seeing them since she was too busy looking around. Sitting up looking a little dizzy as she rubs her hear). Oww.
Villagers: (They look at her wondering who she is and what is going on).
Kairi: (As she sits she opens her eyes she sees villagers surround her and smiles brightly at them). Oh hello, it's nice to meet you!
Villager 1: Umm who are you?
Kairi: Oh hi my names Kairi. (Smiles at the villager as she stands and dusts herself off a little).
Villagers: (Some more villagers gather around her getting cautious as they realize she isn't from here).
Kairi: (Looks all around at the village being amazed as she rambles a little). Wow it is a nice little village. I like how it has purple all over, oh I get it out purples the color of poison. I always liked that color and especially mixed with pink.
Villagers: (Most give upset expressions as she says this as it seems she had been hunting them).
Kairi: (Notices the upset looks and frowns a little not sure if she had said something bad). Is something wrong? Did I say something bad again?
Village: (Start to gather slowly but someone is seen going through the crowd saying "hold it, hold it").
Kairi: (Recognizes the voice and smiles trying to peek through the crowd of villagers).
Raku: (Shows up in front of the crowd). Alright everyone just calm down.
Kairi: (Walks over to Raku smiling up at him). Oh hi Raku, it is nice to see you again.
Raku: Same to you Mis Kairi. (Looks at everyone). Everyone this here is Kairi who is with a group of people who brought Zahir back to the island. I know it seems fishy but council member Shizen was with them so I can believe in their intentions and Zahir was reunited with his wife like the day some of us had hoped for.
Shizen: (Walks up behind Kairi with the rest of the group with Kura and Yami on either side of Kairi who has a big smile).
Jennifer: (Pats Kairi on the head). Always running off, what am I going to do with you.
Kairi: Sorry sis.
Ziona: (Smiles as she blushes hiding behind Zahir a little to hide her stomach as she peaks out). H-hello everyone.
Villagers: (The crowd diverts their attention from Raku and then focuses on the voice and as they look in that direction they see Ziona with Zahir scratching his head).
Ziona: (Blushes and smiles at everyone). I-I'm sorry I hid so much... But I won't anymore... I'm not as scared as before... Still I'm sorry... I guess in my head I still thought I was a burden. (Looks down a little).
Villagers: (No one really focuses on Ziona as they look at Zahir mostly focused on him not seeing someone they view as a leader in such a long time).
Zahir: (Feeling the stares he becomes slightly uneasy and not sure of what to say). Uh, uh hey everyone....
Ziona: (Starts to giggle a little pushing Zahir to move forward more and closer to the crowd as everyone in our group watches and smiles).
Zahir: (Starts to get surrounded by everyone as he isn't sure what to fully do).
Ziona: (Is unable to hide as much being surrounded since clinging to Zahir so she steps to being right beside of Zahir clinging to him as she blushes looking down everyone able to see her large stomach as they say "daw" and "congratulations". This makes her blush heavily but smiles a little clinging to Zahir more). I-I found out a little after Zahir had to leave... I'm sorry I kept it from you all this time... I was just scared... B-but I hope there is room in the village for 1 more.
Villagers: (Most say "of course" as the others talk with Shizen and Zahir).
Ziona: (The crowd goes to a bench so Ziona can sit there with Shizen close by talking to a group in the crowd and answering questions.
Zahir: (stands beside Ziona as many talk to them and a few people asking to touch her stomach being excited for the new member of the village). Ziona (Nods blushing heavily still but can't help but giggle with a big smile).
Jennifer: (Tears up a little seeing how happy everyone is as their group stands away a little watches everyone).
Kairi: (Has the biggest smile as she watches everyone).
Chazz: I guess we are only the guests but they are the guests of honor.
Tori: Not that surprising really. We all expected it.
Chazz: True but to have someone come back to their home makes this island feel like a paradise.
Jennifer: And plus they just found out that Zahir and Ziona have a child on the way so they have that to celebrate as well.
Kairi: It's like seeing a fairytale come true!
Ziona: (The villagers after celebrating for a good bit settle down but still stay around. Some go somewhere to bring Zahir and her gifts like food and supplies making her blush but giving her no option to refuse. She then sees a very familiar face, greeting and hugging Raku's wife, Nara. She has very long straight black hair and deep purple eyes that are almost serpent like if you look close enough. She wears a very casual purple shirt being a work outfit that is easy to move in). Hello Nara its nice seeing you... He finally came back. (Tears up as she hugs Nara).
Nara: (Tears up as well hugging her back). I'm happy for you Ziona, you can finally be a family like you wanted but he sure took his time about getting here.

Ziona: (Nods and gives a big smile). It's like a dream has come true... But if it is a dream I never want to wake up.
Nara: Well this looks real to me. (Looks at Zahir and smirks). Long time no see and I guess you had an extra surprise to come back to. How do you feel about being an almost father huh? (Hugs Zahir and then hold Raku's arm making him stand next to her and facing both Zahir and Ziona).
Zahir: I... Um... Not sure how to feel really. I'm shocked yet happy.
Raku: Well it's better to start somewhere at least.
Nara: Well I guess there's not too much time to prepare mentally having just found out. It probably will really hit you when first seeing your kid. You're going to make such a cute one I bet.
Ziona: (Blushes and giggles). Thank you, I think so to! I hope looks just like Zahir.
Zahir: nah they will look like their mother. I'm not worth it too look like.
Raku: (Chuckles a little bit). You got that right.
Zahir: Hey don't need to agree with me on this.
Ziona: (Pouts a little but giggles as well). Hey be nice you two.
Nara: (Laughs then looks at Ziona). So can you tell if it's a boy or girl yet?
Ziona: oh I-I'm not sure, I can't tell.
Nara: Hmm that's odd, should be able to at least guess by now I would think being how far along you are.
Ziona: I-I don't know but I will love him or her no matter what.
Nara: daw that's sweet you're going to make a great mother.
Ziona: Thank you and I'm happy with it being any gender really though I did get a idea for a name if it's a boy yesterday.
Nara: Ooh really what is it?
Ziona: I-I think I will wait until the little one is born to say what their name will be.
Zahir: (Looks at Ziona curious to what she has in mind as Raku goes to hug Nara).
Raku: Hey don't forget that we are here too, not just you two now.
Nara: (Laughs and hugs him back). Oh sorry it's just nice to have a little girl talk though.
Ziona: We could invite you to our house with our guests for lunch if you would like.
Nara: I have some things to help out with at the village here but Raku you could go if you would like. I could meet you there a little later.
Raku: (Thinks about it as he feels Zahir's hand go on his shoulder).
Zahir: Come on we could catch up as well since the last time I saw you you were telling me to go to Ziona. Now I get that same chance with you Raku.
Raku: (Sighs). I guess I don't have a say anymore do I?
Zahir: (Says with a smile). Not really
Nara: It would be good for you two to catch up and later when I can come by I look forward to meeting your guests over there. Most of the villagers seem to like them.
Ziona: (Nods and smiles). That sounds good and look forward to when you can visit.
Nara: (Smiles and hugs Ziona). As do I and I'm very happy for you. (Hugs Raku and gives him a kiss). And go have fun and catch up with Zahir. He was even the best man at our wedding. (Laughs a little).
Ziona: (Giggles remembering the wedding and how even though Zahir was not there he was still the best man).
Raku: (Scratches his head). Yes I can't deny my wife now can I?
Zahir: (Giggles). Not really, we can never win.
Nara: (Laughs more putting her hands on her hips). You've got that right! Now take care, I'll be there this afternoon sometime.
Ziona: (Smiles and giggles a little). Goodbye thank you for all your help.
Nara: It's the least I could do as a friend and for the one that's going to make me the aunt. (Smiles and hugs Ziona one last time, then hugs Zahir and then Raku last). Goodbye Raku have fun.
Raku: (Smirks). I feel kind of jealous that someone is getting more hugs than me. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Nara: (Laughs and smiles at Raku giving him a kiss). Don't worry I saved the best for last.
Ziona: (Smiles at how they are just as cute a couple and says daw quietly).
Raku: (Smiles). Much better now.
Zahir: (Hits Raku on the back). You just wanted some attention, don't lie.
Raku: Whatever man. I got a kiss, I'm happy.
Nara: Well I'm happy to give you all the attention you want later. (Kisses Raku again hugging him and then goes on her way to a small market. Some around could of sworn Nara's last words to Raku were seductive in tone but Raku can catch it most of all).
Shizen: (Once saying farewell to the villagers talking with her she comes over to Zahir, Ziona and Raku and so does the rest of the group). Well it is nice to catch up with them.
Jennifer: They are a very nice village.
Kairi: They really were oh and Raku was that your wife that was just with you?
Raku: Yes it was, her name is Nara and she is a great girl.
Kairi: (She giggles excitedly). Aww you looked so cute together too.
Ziona: S-she's coming back to the house a little later.
Jennifer: Should we head back for lunch then?
Kura: Seems like a good idea and maybe Yami will not poison the food like he did with our breakfast.
Yami: Hey not like I meant to!
Raku: (Gives a confused look). Wait what?
Zahir: (Hits Raku's back). Don't worry about it. Let's all head back to go eat.
Ziona: (Nods and clings to Zahir again as they start to walk back as everyone waves back at the village as a farewell).
Kairi: Yay food, ooh then maybe have girls go to one area and boys another and can have like a baby shower.
Ziona: (Looks down and blushes). I-I'm fine really... I don't need one.
Zahir: (Chuckles). I think at this point it's too late for one and it would be too much work to try to get everything organized today.
Kairi: well we can at least have girls time.
Jennifer: (Laughs). Maybe but Kairi do not think of going overboard.
Kairi: Alright ooh and Ziona can we look at the room you set up for the baby. Maybe we can celebrate it in there.
Jennifer: What was that about being too late to get one organized?
Kairi: Got it just girls time.
Jennifer: (Sighs). I don't think that's what you have in mind.
Ziona: (Looks up at Zahir not sure what to do or say not wanting to be the center of attention so much).
Zahir: (Sighs). Go on, have some fun. I'll just be downstairs with everyone else. I'm not going anywhere.
Raku: (Looks at Ziona). I'll make sure he keeps his word so no need to worry.
Ziona: (Smiles and nods still clinging to Zahir as they get to the house).
Yami: First let's eat, I'm starving.
Kura: You're always starving.
Yami: So? Foods good.
Ziona: I have the stew still that was meant for dinner yesterday... I can just heat it up. Kura: I can do it, you just sit and relax. (Zooms off into the house with a streak of shadow behind her before Ziona can say anything against it).
Tori: Umm ok then, I think I'll have some too. I like stew.
Hiki: (Is clinging to Chazz's arm as they walk still). Master can you make something to eat?
Chazz: Of course, what would you like Hiki?
Hiki: (Smiles). Some pasta with some seasonings on it since we brought some with us.
Chazz: (Thinks about it). Alright I can do that. Anyone else want some and Miss Ziona can I use your kitchen for a bit?
Ziona: Oh umm of course... But please be careful... The top right cupboards are used for medicines and the poisons....
Kairi: How do you make medicine out of poison?
Ziona: you can if you mix it and use it right.
Shizen: Ziona I think is the best at this skill. It is like making antidotes.
Ziona: (Blushes heavily from the big compliment looking down). T-thank you... But I just want to use my power to help and heal people... And other then basic self defense I can't do much if in combat....
Chazz: Well I will be careful not too. (As he heads in with Hiki and Tori).
Zahir: (Hugs Ziona again this time to help her confidence). And you are helping everyone.
Ziona: I-I wish I could help more.
Shizen: Not all spirits are combat spirits. Some have those skills and are great at it when going into that line of work, then there's others. For example nature spirits that can make plants grow at a amazing rate and make things out of those plants or earth spirits who can make the weapons and items out of different metals. Everyone does their part and can be great at one thing but not know something else. It is how every world works I would think.
Jennifer: (Smiles at Shizen). You do have a point.
Zahir: There's always a place for someone in the world.
Shizen: Yes indeed. (As everyone walks in and sees Chazz and Kura in the kitchen).
Jennifer: (Goes into the kitchen to see if she can help).
Yami: (Leans on the wall and relaxes a bit).
Kairi: (Smiles and skips over to Tori to sit next to him).
Ziona: (Sits on the couch looking quite tired wincing from a big kick placing her hands on her stomach to try and sooth the kicks).
Hiki: (Is sitting by Tori since Chazz is cooking).
Chazz: (Sees Jennifer come into the kitchen as he gets some seasoning out). Oh hello milady, how may I help you?
Jennifer: Oh nothing really. I just wanted to see if I could help at all. (Blushes slightly but smiles at Chazz).
Chazz: Oh I could not ask you to do that madam though I do appreciate the offer.
Jennifer: Well I do want to help somehow. You may be my butler but we are both guests here and I do not mind doing a little work myself.
Chazz: I... Umm... Fine I cannot really argue with you on this can I? If you are going to help please get the pasta ready to cook.
Jennifer: Sounds simple enough, thank you for letting me help. (As she gets a pot of water out and gets it on the fire to boil carefully as she smiles humming a little as she helps).
Chazz: (Gets the seasonings ready with the sauce to cover it as he collects some herbs to make the dish more garnished).
Jennifer: (She adds salt to the water and then adds the noodles and stirs. She find herself looking at Chazz with a small blush).
Chazz: (Keeps focus as he adds all the needed ingredients and starts to mix them).
Jennifer: (Continues to stare with thoughts going through her mind and not paying attention as much attention to the boiling water. She accidentally burns my hand instantly grabbing my hand and biting her lip to not yell as much). Ahh!
Chazz: (Rush over to Jennifer). Madam are you alright?
Jennifer: Yes I am fine.... (Holds her hand to try and stop the burning pain, Chazz noticing her hand is burned a little bit).
Chazz: (Holds out his hand as he holds light energy over Jennifer's hand as he holds it to heal the burn).
Jennifer: (Looks at Chazz and then his hand that holds her's in its gentile hold. She then realizes she is holding his hand and then becomes a little flustered, looking away with a deep blush).
Chazz: (Finishes the treatment). There we go, it should feel better now.
Jennifer: (Nods being flustered as she continues to blush heavily). Y-yes thank you.
Kura: (Laughs a little to herself as she cooks at how Jennifer is acting).
Chazz: Please be more careful from now on madam. It would not be nice to your skin.
Jennifer: Y-yes I am sorry... Umm the noodles should be done now anyways so no need to worry. (Looks down trying to hide my blush as she changes the subject).
Chazz: If you are sure that you are alright then I will get the sauce done. It is almost done settling since it has some small vegetable leaves in it with light sauce to fit the taste and serving.
Jennifer: Sounds great. (Smiles and gets the noodles ready emptying the water from it as she thinks of the few seconds she held Chazz's hand and in hers. She gets jumpy and flustered as they finish up making the food).
Kairi: (Sits beside Tori at the table and leans her head on his shoulder).
Tori: (Let's it be as he notices Hiki just staring at the Jennifer and Chazz waiting for Jennifer to come in and swap with her).
Jennifer: (Is handed bowls of food to bring to everyone and starts to serve everyone from where they sit 2 at a time as they say thank you to her as they are given food).
Hiki: (Gets her bowl and starts eating). Yay I'm not sick like last time. This taste great, thank you master.
Chazz: No problem Hiki though Madam Jennifer helped me quite a bit.
Jennifer: (Blushes from being included). Though you did most of the work I would say.
Kairi: Still it is really good!
Yami: (Eats quickly, finishing his bowl very fast).
Kura: You act like you haven't eaten in days.
Yami: So? Foods good.
Chazz: Madam no need to be modest now.
Tori: (Is eating still). Give yourself more credit. It does taste really good.
Jennifer: (Blushes still). Well you are the one who made the sauce, I only got the noodles ready so you get most of the credit.
Shizen: (Laughs). So stubborn.
Chazz: (Sighs in defeat). She really is now isn't she but I am not surprised at the same time.
Shizen: (Laughs more as Jennifer pouts and everyone eats their serving happily).
Yami: (Stand up from where he sat eating on the floor stretching his arms). Well I'll be back in a bit.
Kairi: Where are you going?
Yami: Just going to get a bit more energy.
Ziona: D-doesn't it just come back?
Yami: (Is not sure of what to say or being used to people knowing who he is and not wanting to hunt him). Well... Not really.
Kura: He absorbs it from his surrounding. He cannot regain it himself.
Yami: (Scratches his head and nods). Umm yeah... That.
Ziona: (Gives a surprised look).
Zahir: (Remembers being told about this). Ohh yeah I remember him saying that before.
Tori: Yeah at first it seems iffy but you get used to it after a while.
Hiki: (Giggles). He's always needy of energy.
Yami: Hey it's not like that! ... I just can't get energy on my own.
Kura: Spirits run on that energy as well but we usually regain it faster then we are using it. Yami is a special case where he has the power to absorb nearly endless amount of darkness and turn it into power. However if without that power to absorb it and it's sealed away he starts to lose it and weaken. I have the same ability though not nearly as strong and can regain my own power which is why we are hunted... (Pauses being unsure if she should of said the last part of her explanation regretting it immediately after saying it).
Yami: (Sighs and just decides to get this part over with). That and because of who our father is.
Ziona: Who is your father?
Yami: (Sighs again and closes his eyes as he looks down before he answers). ... Izumi....
Zahir: (Is silent for a moment as he looks at Kura and Yami).
Hiki: (Gets a bit nervous of what will happen next as is everyone else).
Kura: (Starts getting protective of Yami watching carefully being on guard watching Zahir and Raku very carefully).
Yami: (Gets a little worried but then sighs not blaming anyone if they lash out at him). Look... He was a bad guy and even a monster... And because of that I and my brother and sister were hunted... At one point I lost both of them and was on my own with a power I couldn't control taking darkness even killing some because I had no control or just to survive another day... I understand my dad caused everyone to lose so much so I don't blame you if you take it out on me... Just know that I'm not him... I refuse to be like him. (Looks down and away as he speaks).

Kura: (Is surprised, covering her mouth as she gets teary eyed looking at Yami then at Zahir Ziona and Raku being protective and on guard still).
Ziona: (Is teary eyed from listening to Yami thinking how could such a young child go through so much hardship).
Zahir and Raku: (Walk up to Yami with no words).
Yami: (Would back up a little but is against the wall looking at both of them and then looking down and away). ... Look I'm... Sorry....
Kura: (Looks carefully still instinctively holding the hilt of her knife in its sheath ready for anything).
Kairi: (Looks at Yami, Zahir and Raku not sure of what is happening).
Zahir and Raku: (Look at each other as they disappear with Yami in a instant but pats Kura on the head before they go).
Kura: (Is confused at first but then is alert seeing they had vanished with Yami becoming scared but Shizen stops her by placing a hand on her shoulder).
Shizen: It is fine Kura, he is in no danger.
Kura: (Sighs and hesitantly puts her knife away). He better not be... But I'm still worried.
Yami: (Looks around wondering what just happened and is a little dizzy). Wha-... What?
Raku: Well we took you outside into the jungle that's nearby the house.
Yami: What why... Wanted a fight or something? (Is on guard watching both Zahir and Raku carefully).
Zahir: It would be interesting, haven't fought in a while.
Raku: True same for me but....
Zahir: (Bursts into laughter along with Raku). You said you needed energy by absorbing it so we took you here to do that since it's the darkest area around here.
Yami: (Tilts his head in confusion). Oh... Umm thanks but I don't get it. Why come along? I would think you would be angry or something, not laughing.
Zahir: Nah since we all know what it is like to be hunted, while you were for being related to Izumi but we were because they thought we were dangerous. So they killed many of us before we found a safe place here. Plus from all the scars you have I can see you have a deep history of struggles so I have no room to be mad at you... Izumi yes we can be mad at but you are not him because you are Yami and nothing more, nothing less.
Yami: (Sighs in relief leaning against a tree as he starts to absorb dark energy knowing he's not in danger). Yeah he may be my dad but he didn't raise me. My brother and sister did and they are the opposite of him to say the least. At least your more understanding than others but then again you know what it's like to be hunted so I guess we understand each other better. As for the scars... Yeah I have a bunch all over but I don't mind physical pain... Doesn't bother me.
Raku: And that's all that matters because if you are your own person then that is all that you need to stand out as your own being.
Zahir: You would never have too but knowing you're not alone allows your heart to open up more to everyone.
Yami: Yeah it helped getting my sister back... I thought I lost her forever... I'm just glad she's alive.... (Still smiles looking at both of them now, not hiding his true eyes anymore).
Raku: Well she is here since she found you pretty easily now because we did just disappear didn't we?
Kura: (Comes out of the shadows of a tree behind Yami). Yes plus I am quite fast.

Yami: (Is surprised for a moment stumbling backwards). Sis!?!?
Kura: Well sorry to scare you little Yami.
Yami: (Crosses his arms stubbornly). Did not.
Kura: Uh huh sure but yes we both have been through many struggles and I wish I was not taken from him... It's something I couldn't help but what matters is we are together now so no one needs to feel alone ever again. (She smiles at Zahir and Raku, her eyes being black and red too while patting Yami on the head).
Raku: Whoa, whoa calm down miss protective sister. We didn't mean any harm, just made sure he got what he needed but also make sure no one else in the village saw since we're not sure how they would react.
Kura: (Laughs) at first I was not sure of your intentions but now I see you are pretty reasonable. Plus if you were going to knock sense into Yami like Tori then I would be fine with it.
Yami: Hey those fights were a tie and who said they would be able to knock sense into me!
Kura: (Laughs). See what I mean?
Yami: Hey! (Crosses his arms grumpily).

Raku and Zahir: (Both laugh greatly).
Zahir: Very true.
Kura: (After the laughter has calmed). But yes shall we head back?
Yami: I'm good, think I got enough energy in me and I'll fight you anytime so bring it. (Grins with confidence as he puts his hands in his pockets, ready to get going).
Kura: You just want to fight against the scorpion tails don't you? (Laughs again and pats his hair).
Yami: Hey shut it their awesome.
Zahir: Not to toot my own horn but they are pretty cool.
Raku: (Pushes Zahir). Oh shush.
Kura: (Sighs and laughs as they start to walk back to the house). Men have such a big ego sometimes.
Yami: Hey you're one to talk! You keep saying you can beat me in a fight.
Kura: Well because I can.
Yami: Hey I would win and you know it!
Kura: (Gives a light laugh as she pats his head again). Good luck little Yami.
Yami: (Gets annoyed and grumpy crossing his arms stubbornly). I said stop calling me that!
Kura: (Laughs). As long as you are my little brother I won't.
Yami: (Huffs and pouts grumpily). Not cool.
Raku and Zahir: (Stays behind Kura and Yami as they chuckle at their bickering). Remember when you and Ziona did stuff like that when you were kids.
Zahir: Kind of hard to forget about those good times really. Remember you bickering with Nara more than anything though.
Raku: Yeah they were really something but we are moving forward.
Zahir: (Smiles). Yeah we are.
Kura: (Continue to bicker with Yami as they go back to the house seeing all the men in the living room and girls not there). What's going on? Where did the girls go?
Chazz: They all went up stairs to see the baby room.
Kura: Oh in that case I will join them, you boys have fun. (Starts to go up stairs).
Yami: (Does a casual wave then goes to sit against the wall where he had first sat). See you sis.
Tori: Yes, yes go have fun.
Kura: (Makes it up stairs and into the room right after hearing hearing many giggles. She sees the purple and some blue room filled with stuffed animals and cute baby things. She then sees Ziona who sits in her rocking chair and all the other girls sitting on the floor surrounding her).

Kairi: (Looks at all of the stuffed animals with a bright smile). Hi Kura, is everything alright?
Kura: Yes we just had a simple chat is all.
Hiki: Well come on and join the fun Kura. We are talking about girl stuff, it's fun to do this sometimes.
Kura: Alright don't mind if I do. (Sits next to Hiki).
Ziona: I-it is fun.
Jennifer: Plus you did a really good job on this room. Did you paint the cute animals on the wall yourself?
Ziona: (Nods and blushes). Y-yes I like to do arts and crafts... I also made the blankets and most of the stuffed animals. I also enjoy cooking quite a lot as well.
Kairi: (Looks amazed). You did all of this yourself, wow you're so good at it!
Ziona: (Blushes). Thank you... I-I had a lot of time on my hands I guess... And I wanted it to look as cute as possible.
Hiki: Well it does look very cute. (She takes one of the blankets as she puts it around her feeling how soft it is). Ohh this feels great!
Ziona: Thank you... It needs to be soft because babies have soft and sensitive skin.
Shizen: You always put so much care into anything you do.
Ziona: B-because then it's done well.
Jennifer: I can agree with that.
Kairi: The stuffed animals are so soft and so cute!
Ziona: You can take one if you want.... I kind of went overboard... In fact all of you could take one since there's a whole closet of them I made. I ran out a room to fit all of them.
Kairi: (Looks excited). Really!
Ziona: O-of course.
Kairi: Thank you so much! (Looks around and sees a very soft stuffed bunny that's light purple with some pink paws and ears and hugs it close to her). I choose this one then! Is that alright?
Ziona: (Smiles and nods).
Jennifer: Yes thank you very much. (Takes a purple and light purple stuffed wolf and holds it on her lap).
Kura: I am fine but thank you.
Shizen: Me to but thank you.
Hiki: (Grabs a grey owl as well and just holds it).
Ziona: (Smiles at everyone then winces rubbing her stomach to sooth a big kick). T-this is fun.
Kairi: (Has a bright smile). It really is and thank you so much for the stuffed animal.
Jennifer: Yes thank you so much. Their quite cute.
Ziona: No problem.... (Winces again from another big kick and pout looking at her stomach as she holds it). Stop kicking me... I know you want attention to.
Jennifer: (Laughs a little).
Shizen: Well that is normal with how far along you are.
Ziona: I-I guess just saying hello to everyone.
Hiki: (Giggles holding stuffed animal tightly). Hello there.
Ziona: (Feels a smaller kick and giggles thinking it is perfectly timed as if saying hello back). They say hello back I think.
Hiki: (Laughs as she cuddles with the stuffed animal rubbing her cheek against it more).
Jennifer: This is nice girl's time.
Kairi: It is fun to just sit down and chat.
Ziona: It really is... But I do want to see Zahir. (Blushes being embarrassed).
Shizen: One of us could get him up here, you stay put.
Ziona: B-but-.
Shizen: No don't worry about it.
Kairi: I will go! (Zooms out the door with the bunny tightly in her arms).
Ziona: I-I guess I can't say I'm fine. (Smiles then winces from another kick grabbing her stomach).
Kairi: (Zooms down the stairs going to Zahir with a bright smile). Zahir, Ziona wants to see you!
Zahir: (Is surprised as he was resting on the couch a bit). Oh... Umm alright then I'll be up in a bit.
Kairi: I guess she missed you, how is everything down here? Were you having fun?
Zahir: Everyone is mostly relaxing with some small talk here and there.
Kairi: Oh alright we are too so let's go up you can see your wife. (Zooms back up the stairs).
Zahir: (Stretches to get up). I guess I'm heading up now
Tori: (Is sleeping as Chazz relaxes as well for a bit).
Yami: (Relaxes leaning back on the wall casually waving to Zahir). See you dude.
Zahir: (Heads up and knocks on the door as Hiki answers the door and drags him in).
Ziona: (Brightens up still sitting on the rocking chair). Zahir.
Kairi: (Giggles a little seeing Ziona perk up).
Zahir: Heard someone was missing me now?
Hiki: Yes Ziona was getting lonely since she seems clingy.
Zahir: (Walks towards Ziona). Is that true now dear?
Ziona: (Looks up at Zahir with a cute shy look). M-maybe a little. (Stands stiffly walking towards Zahir with a slight blush then winces a little from a kick Shizen and Zahir noticing).
Zahir: (Goes over to Ziona). Are you alright dear?
Ziona: (Takes a breath then smiles at Zahir). Yes I am fine I-. (Suddenly grabs her stomach kneeling on the floor grabbing her stomach as she looks down at it wondering what is wrong. She then feels the pain again shouting a little as everyone is shocked wondering what is wrong but Shizen getting a idea and gets up and starts walks over).
Zahir: (Is getting an idea as he holds Ziona as well as Hiki gets the same idea).
Ziona: (Still grabs her stomach looking in pain with water falling onto the rug from her water breaking). Ahh... W-why do the kicks hurt now?
Shizen: (Goes over to Ziona with a kind smile rubbing her back for comfort). I don't think those are the same kinds of kicks you felt in the past.
Ziona: Wha- ahh-! (Another one hits her grabbing her stomach).
Shizen: (Smiles at Ziona looking at her carefully). They are contractions, your water broke.
Jennifer: Then that means.... (Eyes widen as Kairi is starting to get what's happening as Kura whispers it to her).
Ziona: (Looks surprised and a little scared looking up at Zahir, him seeing the scared look).
Zahir: (Holds Ziona's hand and isn't sure what to do or how to act). Alright, alright let's find some place to lay you down.
Hiki: (Is sitting there stunned on what is going on).
Jennifer: (Goes and shouts down the stairs). Hey Ziona's in labor!
Shizen: (Is calm knowing how to handle this better than the others). Let's get her to your room and I will be right behind, keep her calm and remind her to breath. If she is unable to walk carry her but that means she is further along than usual. (Looks at Hiki). Hiki you're the fast one so I need you to get warm towels, clean water, and gloves.
Ziona: (Tries to calm down the contractions stopping for a moment as she looks up at Zahir feeling better that he is by her side for this).
Hiki: (Leaves and comes back with everything she is asked to get as Zahir picks Ziona up anyways and takes her to the room as Raku is rushing up the stairs followed by Chazz and Tori).
Yami: (Follows behind the other guys but still wonders what is happening still).
Jennifer: Hi I think Shizen is taking over but yes it just happened.
Kairi: (Says excitedly). There's going to be a baby soon!
Shizen: Good now bring those to their room, then you do not have to stay. (Follows Zahir patting him on the shoulder). Well ready or not you're going to be a father.
Zahir: I guess so.... (He smiles nervously at Ziona as he lays her down on the bed as Hiki follows close and puts everything on the dresser across from the bed).
Ziona: (Smiles at Zahir). I always wanted to be a family with you... And now it's happening. (Winces a little from a small contraction). I'm just a little scared right now.
Shizen: Deep breaths help the pain so relax. (As she gets all the things she needs ready).
Ziona: W-what are you doing?
Shizen: I'm going to help you give birth.
Ziona: A-alright. (Still looks concerned, not sure of what to do being scared).
Shizen: Just relax and hold your husband's hand, though I do need to check how far you are along so hold on.
Ziona: (Nods then winces shouting a little as a big contraction hits her).
Shizen: (Places her hand that glows green slightly on Ziona's stomach being calm). Well from what I can tell you are already pretty far into labor which means the kicks from earlier were part of it as well. This will not take all day though you're not quite ready to push yet so try and breathe deeply and have your husband calm you down.
Ziona: (Nods and tries to steady her breathing until her body is ready to give birth holding Zahir's hand tight).
Zahir: (Talks to Ziona about all their little misadventures they had as kids trying to make her stay upbeat and happy so he can keep her calm).