The flashback ends and Nara is still on the branch as she smiles at Raku lovingly.
Nara: (Hops off of the tree heading over to Raku. She holds him from behind with a smile and a kiss on the cheek). Hello my darling, I'm sorry if I scared you. I promise I will make it up to you later.
Raku: (Sighs). You may want to warn me of when you give me a near death experience next time alright?
Nara: I'm sorry... But I still have a bit of energy in me so I was thinking we could spar now.
Raku: (Sighs as he kisses Nara knowing well that is not what she means by sparring). We will later, let me rest some more then we can.
Nara: Alright, sounds good.
Jennifer: Shall we go back inside then?
Kairi: Ooh I wonder if Ziona is feeling better and how Luka and Lulu are doing.
Yami: It was a cool fight to.
Zahir: She should be feeling better now. She was watching the fight as well from the window with the kids when I went check up on her.
Tori: (As he walks over). Well that's good to hear.
Hiki: (Comes over with Chazz leaning on her since he still feels a bit weak).
Kairi: I'm glad! (Skips over to Tori to stand beside him with a big smile). Hi Tori you did great and I am glad no one got hurt.
Tori: Yeah me too, would be bad if someone was.
Nara: My poison didn't take too much out of you hopefully. It is quite strong.
Shizen: I have herbs that will help if so, so there is no need to worry.
Hiki: No the poison is gone. It's just the energy he needs to recover so he is a bit tired from all the fighting
Shizen: Very well, you can relax on the couch for a bit and that should help.
Jennifer: (Talks to Zahir). Maybe if it's alright with you and Ziona we could visit with her upstairs. Even have lunch up there so she has some company.
Zahir: I'm sure she would be fine with it. I'll talk to her when I check on her in a bit.
Chazz: (He smiles). Yes that does sound very nice.
Kura: Will get lunch ready then if you do not mind me using things from your garden to cook.
Jennifer: I can help get the ingredients you need then if you like.
Kura: Yes, thank you for the help. (Opens the door for everyone).
Hiki: (Helps guide Chazz to the couch so he sit). I'll help take care of you master!
Chazz: (Smiles more nervously). I just need to lay down for a bit Hiki, no need to worry....
Hiki: (Says with a stubborn smile). No, not allowed! You take care of all of us so it's my turn taking care of you now!
Jennifer: (Smiles and blushes looking away a little as she does). Well if it helps I could make you some tea... If I use the right herbs it should help a lot.
Chazz: (Smiles at Jennifer). Thank you Jennifer, I would like that very much as it would help me relax.
Jennifer: (Smiles more at Chazz with her mood seeming to list). Great, I am happy I can help too.
Yami: (Is the last one to go inside and closes the door put Nara being the one entering the house right before him had not gotten the end on her tail in yet and the door slams on it).
Nara: (Freezes with her body tensed up from the sharp pain with the look of pain on her face unable to say anything or yell out yet from it since her body is in shock).
Raku: (Realizes this quickly and then opens the door for Nara and takes her outside).
Nara: (As she is rushed outside she then lets out a yell in pain as she grabs the end of her tail).
Yami: (Looks confused to what happened at the moment not realizing her tail was in the door).
Kura: (Sighs looking over from the kitchen as she says to herself). He's my idiot brother.
Hiki: (Laughs a little bit). Well hopefully she doesn't want another fight again with Yami. Would be bad if she did.
Yami: (Scratches his head and shrugs cluelessly). What did I do?
Kura: You slammed her tail in the door and it sounded very painful.
Nara: (Is heard yelling from the outside). I am going to kill him!
Yami: ... Well it's not like I did it on purpose.
Tori: I don't think that matters to her though....
Raku: I'll handle her hang on! (Is heard from the outside while trying to calm Nara down).
Yami: Well if she wants to fight about it bring it, I don't care. (All the sudden a dagger goes through the door that's opened a little and goes straight for Yami who barely dodges it. The dagger hits the wall inches away from his head as he looks surprised then angry). Hey watch it!
Nara: Shit, I missed!
Yami: Hey not cool, I'll throw one back!
Kura: (Sighs and face palms). He's not helping here.
Raku: Sorry!
Tori: You may want to find some place to hide for now if you feel like living Yami.
Yami: ... Fine whatever. (Runs upstairs to hide as soon as it is suggesting getting a sense of he is in danger).
Kura: I guess that works but honestly he's always getting into trouble.
Kairi: I don't think he means to though.
Hiki: He probably doesn't but he has terrible luck with these things.
Ziona: (All of the sudden everyone hear her scream a little in surprise). Eek!
Kura: (Sighs once again). What did he do now.
Shizen: (Looks up the stair way as she heads over to it curiously).
Zahir: (Heads up stairs as well followed by Tori in a rushed manner).
Yami: (Is staring blankly in the doorway of Zahir and Ziona's room with the door open not sure why Ziona screamed).
Ziona: (At the moment Yami walked in on her she was feeding Luka and Lulu but they covered the main part of her chest but that's all. When she noticed Yami open the door she blushes heavily not able to grab the blanket since she is holding the twins).
Zahir: (Realizes what is happening he taps Yami's shoulder as he closes the door to his and Ziona's room). Yami... Yami... Yami... Yami... May I ask why you were staring so much? (A evil aura begins to form around him).
Yami: (Looks back at Zahir and then gets nervous with a nervous laugh seeing the angry look). I umm was wondering what she was doing with the babies... I umm... Guess those things have milk in them... I guess that explains a lot.
Kura: (Sighs and shakes her head). Honestly how many people will you anger today Yami.
Yami: Not like meant to!
Zahir: Now... Now... Yami... You have a choice... Deal with Nara... Or deal with me.... (His three tails come out from behind him and point at Yami).
Yami: Oh come on what's the big idea not like I haven't seen that type of stuff before! It's no big deal! Everyone makes it a big deal they're just things on girls chests for some reason... That apparently have milk in them... Weird.
Shizen: (Sighs while shaking her head in slight amusement). Well I guess he is not close to hitting puberty yet.
Zahir: No... No... He is not... And... Yami... Those "things" are... Private to girls and the person they love... So since you intruded... You will want to leave...Now.
Yami: (Backs up nervously to get away). Fine I'll just leave or hide or... Something.... (Runs away back downstairs as fast as he had went up there).
Kairi: (Heads upstairs curiously being concerned wanting to know what happened). Is everything alright...?
Shizen: Yes, just a misunderstanding between Zahir and Yami.
Yami: (Yells back now being downstairs). I didn't mean to!
Kura: You should know to knock by now Yami! (Hits Yami over the head).
Yami: Hey quit it!
Zahir: I'm going to head out for a bit to clear my head... I'll be back in a bit....
Shizen: Very well, I think I can fix the problem for the future though if you don't mind me going in there. Kairi could you bring me a baby blanket from the nursery?
Kairi: (Smiles and nods zooming in and out of the nursery to get the blanket and holds it out to Shizen).
Shizen: (Takes the blanket and smiles back to her). Thank you Kairi oh and Tori you should probably leave as well. You don't want to upset Zahir any more then he already is.
Tori: Yeah I figured, I will go tell what happened to everyone downstairs and hopefully Raku got Nara to calm down for now.
Shizen: Yes why not go check on them then.
Kairi: I will go with you too if that is alright.
Tori: Sure I don't see why not
Kairi: (Walks down the stairs with Tori as she smiles up at him brightly). Yay!
Shizen: Very good then. (Smiles at Tori and Kairi and then heads into Ziona's room with the blanket).
Kairi: (Makes it down stairs with Tori and looks around. It seems quiet with Yami pouting grumpily and Chazz had fallen asleep with Hiki beside him and Jennifer and Kura working in the kitchen). Hi everyone, we are going to check on Nara if she's alright oh Hiki do you want to come with us? (Smiles brightly at Hiki as she holds Tori's arm to head outside).
Jennifer: (Sees Kairi clinging to Tori but sighs and tries to let it go for now).
Hiki: Hmm maybe not, I want to stay near master for a bit more if that is alright. (Pets Chazz's head a bit as he sleeps)
Tori: Sounds fine to me, why am I not surprised that you would want to do that?
Hiki: (Sticks her tongue out at Tori as he does the same to her).
Kairi: (Giggles at both Hiki and Tori). It is alright, you can stay here Hiki have fun. Make sure my sis gets a turn sitting by him too or else she might get upset. (Starts to head outside with Tori).
Jennifer: (Blushes at her comment). N-no really, I am fine. I don't mind at all, I am just glad he is relaxing since he works so hard.
Hiki: No, no she's right. You can have his head rest on your lap like he was on mine.
Jennifer: I-I guess. (Brings over tea and sits on Chazz's other side looking down as she blushes. She then looks at his face as he sleeps smiling at how sweet he looks at the moment). You know... He looks really sweet like this... Very relaxed and peaceful.... (Pets Chazz's head and smiles).
Hiki: (Whispers to Jennifer). No kissing just yet Jenny, or are you that bold to do it again?
Jennifer: (Blushes heavily and backs away a little from where she is sitting). N-no I did not mean it like that and I will not I promise!
Hiki: (Smiles a bit teasefully). Well I could since he's adorable right now so maybe.... (She kisses Chazz's cheek). There we go.
Jennifer: (Blushes more but smiles and sighs). Well I guess that is alright but I do not think I should I-I mean maybe later... Oh and umm Hiki... I had a question about something earlier during breakfast.
Hiki: What is it Jenny? (Looks at Jennifer with a confused look as she sits on the other side of the couch next to her).
Jennifer: Well... When Shizen was talking about what animal you would be and that yours is caring for the family you hold dear... And the love you hold for them no matter what happens... Wanting to stay close to each other for as long as you can... You looked kind of sad and cried a little... Could you tell me why you looked so sad... You do not have to tell me but did something happen? (Looks at Hiki with a concerned look).
Hiki: (Looks normal at first but then she looks down a bit before she looks back up with her normal look). I'll... I'll tell you later Jenny but... Just know that when my family didn't think to highly of me and wasn't around that much....
Jennifer: (Looks at Hiki with concern still but nods with understanding). Very well... And if it counts... I think highly of you... And in some ways I look up to you... Your very strong and you try to protect us all and smile whenever you can just to brighten everyone else's mood even if you are sad yourself... I admire that... It is something I don't think I could do. (Hugs Hiki to comfort her).
Hiki: (Accepts the hug as she just lays her head on Jennifer's shoulder).
Jennifer: (Continues to comfort Hiki and pets her head with a smile and staying there until Hiki feels better). It is alright, we are all here and when you cannot smile or feel sad about something we will all be there to cheer you up any way possible and also... If your family did not notice you they must have been blind not to see someone as bright as you... And that is not just because you are a light spirit... It is just because of who you are.
Hiki: Thank you... And I know I can depend on everyone... It's just a long story... I think Shizen might know if you want to ask her later but it had something to do with my hair and other things.
Jennifer: Well I think your hair is awesome if that counts and I think Kairi thinks that as well. I can ask Shizen later if you want me to... But right now I am here to comfort you. If you need anything just ask I am here. (Smiles at Hiki).
Hiki: (She laughs a little but Jennifer can still tell there is some sadness in her voice. She decides to leave it at that for now). Be careful, we might make master jealous with the moment we are having.
Jennifer (Smiles at Hiki hearing the slight sadness so not really blushing too much from the comment like she normally would). Well it was a good moment though so I think he would be fine with it.
Meanwhile back outside right when Raku had led Nara away to help calm her down.
Nara: (As she is dragged away from the house she throws a knife at Yami looking very angry from the pain in her tail). Shit I missed him!
Raku: (Takes Nara away from the house). Yes need to calm down now my dear.
Nara: It was his fault, ow my poor tail! (Holds her tail the end of it being a little crooked from the door as she tries to calm the pain in it while pouting a little).
Raku: (Lisses Nara's tail). There is the pain gone now... Or do you wish for me to do it again,
Nara: (Looks at Raku carefully with a slight blush but continues to pout). Raku you know that area is sensitive don't tease me... But maybe it did feel a little better....
Raku: (Smiles as he kisses Nara a little bit). Well you showed me how to calm you down when you get angry so I'm just doing what you taught me.
Nara: Raku.... (Kisses Raku back and wraps her arms around his neck). But if you plan on being such a tease we might not want to do this in such an open area.
Raku: Well there's a forest now isn't there...? We can get to the main act back at home.
Nara: (Smirks a little as she brings her face close to Raku with their lips inches apart). Ooh I like how you think.
After a little bit and lunch is about to be ready Kairi and Tori go out to find Nara and Raku wondering where they had gone.
Kairi: (Heard not too far away from where Raku and Nara had wondered to now). Raku, Nara! ... Where did you go?
Nara: Crap. (Looks surprised and throws Raku's shirt at him as she fixes her shirt and hair as quickly as she can). You get dressed I'll distract her while you do that.
Raku: (Begins to fix his clothes as he rushes as well).
Tori: (Walks with Kairi thinking he had heard some whispers). Hey you guys it's almost time to eat.
Nara: (Stands up and walks to meet them after making a few fixes to her hair and clothes but they still are little messed up as she walks to great both Kairi and Tori with a smile). Oh hello, sorry about that we will be right there.
Kairi: What were you two doing? We couldn't find you?
Nara: Oh umm we were just sparring is all.
Tori: Sparring huh...? (Notices that Nara's hair is still kind of messed up). Just be back in time to eat alright... Don't enjoy it too much now.
Nara: Right we will be right there, sorry about that and tell Yami I forgive him.
Kairi: (Smiles at Nara). Great I'm glad Raku could calm you down then.
Nara: (Laughs a little). Yes... He's good at that....
Tori: I guess he can and at least everyone is calm for now. We don't need another huge battle now.
Nara: Right though that was a fun battle.
Kairi: I guess so but Raku where are you? Are you here too? (Starts to look for Raku a little).
Nara: (Panics a little not sure if Raku is descent yet).
Raku: (Comes up behind Nara looking the same when he had left). Yeah I'm here, anything you need me for?
Tori: No, no we should be fine.
Kairi: Hi Raku we just wanted to let you know that lunch is in a little bit.
Nara: Well let's get going then. (Whispers to Raku as they start to walk back). Nice recovery.
Raku: True I am kind of hungry right now after that spar we had.
Tori: (Realizes what he means and laughs a little bit).
Nara: (Laughs and says more quietly). Yes but I think we both won that one.
Kairi: (Just gives a confused look to what they are talking about).
Kura is finishing up lunch and pouring the stew she had heated up into bowls for everyone seeing Zahir come back from getting some fresh air so he would not kill Yami.
Kura: Lunch is ready. Are we eating upstairs then? I understand if you don't want Yami to go back up there, honestly he gets into trouble so much. He needs to use his head more though he still does not think of girls that way... Hmm maybe I broke him by taking baths with him so much. (Thinks this more to herself not realizing she said it out loud for Zahir to hear as she thinks of reasons why).
Zahir: No it's alright now, I'll just make sure that the door is locked whenever I'm not up there to avoid these type moments again.
Kura: Very well but I will take responsibility for anymore trouble my little brother causes. (Calls over to Jennifer, Chazz and Hiki on the couch). It's time for Lunch!
Jennifer: Oh great, I was getting hungry as well.
Kura: Yami you can stop hiding now, I know your here.
Yami: (Peaks out of a shadow being in his shadow form to hide). You sure and how did you know I was here?
Kura: Darkness can see through a shadow most times and also I know now that I called out so grab your food.
Yami: Fine. (Comes out of the shadow grumpily as he also gets out of his shadow form as well and grabs a bowl).
Kairi: (Comes in along with Tori, Raku and Nara as she smiles). We are back, sorry it took so long.
Nara: Yes sorry about that. (Holds Raku's arm happily being in a very good mood now as they walk into the kitchen where Kura, Yami and Zahir are).
Hiki: (Smiles as she thinks of a way to wake up Chazz since he is resting on her lap). Master oh, master it's time to get up for lunch.
Chazz: (Still is half asleep). Just five... More minutes... Hiki.
Hiki: No, no you can't you have to eat... Or do I have to kiss you on the lips to wake you up.... (Smirks a little bit).
Chazz: (As soon as Hiki says that Chazz gets up and is awake). Nope... Ummm... Hello I am... Up now, time to eat.
Tori: (Laughs a little bit).
Hiki: (Pouts just a little bit). Didn't need to react like that now.... (She then smiles as she, Chazz and Tori head into the kitchen for their food).
Jennifer: (Walks on Chazz's other side to grab some food as well). I am glad you had a good nap then, oh and I guess Shizen is still upstairs helping Ziona. I will get her bowl as well then.
Kairi: Yay we get to see Luka and Lulu again!
Nara: They are quite adorable. Who knew Zahir could make such adorable kids. (Laughs a little).
Zahir: Hey, hey... At least I got kids unlike you Nara... And I think I am pretty cool looking so hah! (Chuckles a little)
Nara: Hey I wasn't trying to have kids. I could if I wanted to.
Chazz: Thank you madam and alright we will be down here eating when you get back.
Kairi: I thought we were all eating upstairs though?
Chazz: Oh we were?
Hiki: Yeah master, you must have been asleep when we mentioned it so don't worry since we all want to see the kids before we leave.
Tori: That's what you get for trying to show off too much. (Chuckles a little bit).
Chazz: Yes, yes my apologies for the confusion.
Zahir: No need to worry about it, plus don't act like it's going to be the last time you are going to see them. I'm sure you will some other time.
Jennifer: I am sure we can visit again sometime soon.
Kairi: I hope so to it is amazing here. I kind of do not want to leave.
Jennifer: And the time we spent getting Zahir back home was pretty amazing. A day later and Luka and Lulu would of been in this world already... I am glad you got to become a family together. (Amiles at Zahir).
Zahir: I am too... I got another chance to see my wife again and everyone else here... I got another chance....
Jennifer: And I am sure that you will be with her and your kids for a long time... I know it.
Nara: We're glad to have you back Zahir and I know Ziona is happy as well... She was so sad when you were gone but now... I haven't seen her smile this much since around her wedding day with you. (Smiles kindly at Zahir patting him on the shoulder).
Raku: Yeah... When I tried talking to her before you came... She felt so lonely and unsure of how things were going to work out... But now she is so happy that I'm glad that she is.
Zahir: (Smiles gratefully). Thank you everyone... I truly appreciate it.
Jennifer: It is no problem at all and I am glad you are happy now.
Kairi: Ooh and maybe Nara will be expecting a baby next time we visit.
Nara: I umm I'm not sure about that.... (She laugh nervously not sure if she's ready for that or not).
Kairi: Why not? Their so adorable ooh and I wonder if it would have a snake tail like you do.
Nara: (Laughs). Well that would be interesting but I will talk to Raku about that later. (Smiles at Raku and hugs him).
Raku: (Sighs a little bit but with a small smile). Would be interesting but we will see later.
Kairi: Alright then.
Kura: Shall we head upstairs then?
Jennifer: I think so, let's go. (Starts to head upstairs with her and Shizen's food).
Kairi (Follows happily along with Kura and Yami).
Zahir: (Is leading the way upstairs as everyone follows with a small plate of food that looks like a sandwich and stew with some side things to go with it).
Hiki: I love seeing the babies, they are so cute!
Jennifer: They really are cute.
Kairi: Especially since their twins, so cute!
Yami: Don't see how you put up with getting them out of a stomach like that. It looked like the most painful thing ever. (Looks a little sick just mentioning it).
Kura: (Sighs). I told you not to go in there didn't I and I would think it's worth it by how happy it makes a family. Like you Yami, you were so adorable the Kuro and I couldn't help but smile with you around. You even had fangs for some reason but you were still so cute... Hmm I wonder if you still have them. (Opens Yami's mouth to look) Oh yeah still there.
Kairi: Ooh let me see! (Goes over to Kura and Yami). Wow he really does, cool.
Yami: (Says thought it is muffled from Kura looking in his mouth). Stop it, it's not that cool! I'll bite you!

Jennifer: (Laughs a little). Cannot help but laugh at moments like this.
Hiki and Tori: (Look as well as Hiki almost pokes at the fangs a little bit).
Chazz: True but then it makes things more exciting now does it not Jennifer?
Jennifer: (Stops for a moment realizing Chazz had called her by her name and whispers with a smile as she looks down). You... Called me by my name....
Yami: Hey let go! (Bites Kura's hand a little as he talks and she pulls back).
Kura: Well you always were a biter but I was hoping you grew out of that, hmm their sharper too.
Yami: (Looks annoyed). Just stop picking at my teeth. What's the big deal!
Hiki: (Laughs alongside Tori as she blushes a little bit looking at Jennifer with Chazz).
Zahir, Nara and Raku: (Are going on ahead while everyone is doing this in the hallway).
Chazz: (Looks at Jennifer with a wondering look). Are you alright madam?
Jennifer: Oh umm yes... It is just that you called me by my name... Thank you.... (Smiles at Chazz giving him a small hug).
Chazz: (Is surprised at first but takes the hug).
Hiki: (Runs up and hugs Chazz from behind). Hey no fair. I want to hug him too!
Jennifer: I am alright with that... It is just... Can you call me by my name more often like when it's just this group here... I know it is improper... It just makes me feel like I am not just another noble you have to serve sometimes.... (Looks down a little but stays in the hug).
Chazz: Hmm if that as what you ask of me m-. (Coughs). I mean Jennifer.
Hiki: (Holds on tighter as she hides her face in Chazz's back).
Jennifer: Thank you... Thank you so much... You do not know how much it means for me to hear you call me that. (Continues to hold onto Chazz wiping her eyes a little).
Kairi: (Sees everything happening with Chazz and smiles but does not butt in, just smiles at them and then at Tori).
Hiki: (Whispers to herself). I won't lose... I want my master to myself... Because I love him... But you do too don't you Jenny....
Tori: (He smiles at Kairi as they wait for the moment to end).
Chazz: (Accepts the tight embraces as he pets both of their heads).
Jennifer: (Hears Hiki a little bit and looks down a little letting go and smiling at Chazz letting Hiki hug him a little more feeling better just hearing her name). I am alright now... Thank you umm let's go see Ziona and the twins now.... (Starts to walk down the hall while looking back and smiling at Hiki for a second not feeling jealous if she gets to hold him a little longer. She is just happy she could hear her name from Chazz).
Kairi: (Follows Jennifer along with Kura and Yami behind her).
Chazz: (Hugs Hiki for a little bit getting a feeling that she needs the comfort).
Hiki: (Let's go without a word to Chazz and runs up next to Jennifer).
Jennifer: (Smiles at Hiki not saying anything just smiles as if saying it is alright).
In Zahir and Ziona's room Ziona is lying in bed but sitting up as Shizen sits next to her as she feeds Luka and Lulu. Shizen had taken a blanket to cover the twins as they drink their mother's milk and made it tightened it around her neck a little so it would not fall off. Shizen tells her ways to help with Luka and Lulu and what they will need as well as answering any questions Ziona might have. Zahir knocks and comes in with Raku and Nara shortly after.
Ziona: (Gets a big smile as she sees Zahir as the blanket cover her and most of Luka and Lulu but still blushes a little).
Shizen: Ah hello, I think I fixed the problem from earlier so there should be no worries now hopefully.
Zahir: Alright if we can avoid more incidents like that it would be nice and how are you feeling Ziona. How are the kids?
Ziona: I'm fine, just tired but they are eating a lot. Other then that they seem fine just very adorable and Luka keeps making these funny noises and Lulu is so shy. It's so cute. (Smiles at Zahir still wanting to be close to him).
Shizen: (Moves to sit a little away so Zahir can sit by the side of the bed next to Ziona).
Nara: (Laughs a little and goes to find a place to sit in the room with Raku).
Zahir: (Sits next to Ziona). Well that's good to hear and I'm happy to hear that they are alright. They may need a nap later since they are eating so much.
Shizen: Well they need it to become big and strong one day and Ziona will need to eat enough to feed them.
Ziona: I will try my best. (Just then Luka and Lulu start to cry out, Luka being louder than his sister). Oh I guess their full now. (Removes Luka from the blanket first being careful she is covered still holding the crying Luka out to Zahir as she handles Lulu trying to calm her down). Shh it's alright, don't cry.
Zahir: Shh, shh it's alright now since your all full now... supposed to feel sleepy not cry so much. (As he chuckles a little bit while he handles Luka).
Nara: (Laughs a little). He is quite loud.
Ziona: (Cradles Lulu as she smiles down at her rocking her back and forth gently to calm her down being in her own little world as she looks at her daughter who starts to calm down). See... It's alright... Everything's alright....
Shizen: (Smiles at Ziona knowing she will be one of the best mothers because of how she cares for her family and knowing Zahir will be good with his family as well).
Luka: (Isn't as quick to calm down, still crying but not as loudly as Lulu begins to look around and reach for Ziona).
Nara: (She covers her ears and laughs a bit more). He is quite a loud one huh?
Raku: True but then again he is like his dad now isn't he? (He smirks a bit with a laugh).
Zahir: Hey, hey... Raku... Your right, your right... But I will do my best to make them happy. I may not be the best at this but I will do my best.
Ziona: I know you will do your best... You always do. (Smiles at Zahir kissing him on the cheek as Luka starts to calm down more and tries to grab at Zahir).
Shizen: (Turns to Raku and Nara). Well also when they get a bit older you probably will be babysitting them as their aunt and uncle.
Nara: (Looks a little unsure with a nervous laugh). I umm not sure about that... I'm afraid I might break or drop them.
Raku: That's why I'm here you dumb. (Knocks her over the head lightly). Don't worry about it dear.
Nara: Hey no hitting. (Punches Raku in the arm a little bit and smiles).
Ziona: Nara... If you want you could try holding one now... I'm sure you will do alright. You can to Raku, it's fine.
Nara: (Looks unsure still). I'm umm not sure about that still.
Shizen: (Laughs). You won't break them Nara, don't worry it is not to scary.
Raku: Come on, it would be interesting.
Nara: (Sighs and looks at Luka and Lulu). I guess I can try.... (Goes closer to the babies but still looks unsure).
Ziona: (Smiles and hold Lulu out for Nara to hold). It's alright, go ahead.
Nara: (Hesitantly reaches to hold Lulu being unsure of what she is doing at first as she looks at her being very careful since she is afraid she might break her).
Raku: (Smiles at Nara). You will be fine, just believe in yourself dear. I know it will be fine.
Zahir: Raku do want to hold Luka?
Raku: Hmm nah let me see how Nara does at first then we will go from there.
Nara: (After a little bit Nara becomes more comfortable and rocks Lulu a little as she smiles slightly at her. She then starts thinking of why she is so scared to have some of her own... Their so small... It's something she can't fully explain herself just that she never wanted one of her own and now she's not sure that's true anymore as she looks at Lulu and those thoughts showing in her expression).
Raku: Well how do you feel Nara? (Smiles at Nara hugely wondering how she feels).
Nara: (Looks at Raku and smiles as well not saying anything just smiling but he understanding what she wants just from that look).
Raku: Yes... I see the brightness in your eyes. (He laughs a little bit as he pets her head).
Nara: (Smiles more at Raku and then kisses him on the cheek as she holds Lulu).
Ziona: (Smiles at Nara and Raku then looks at Zahir and giggles a little about the idea of Raku and Nara starting a family to).
Shizen: (Just watches the couples with a big grin).
Nara: (As she holds Lulu, Lulu starts to cry which makes her panic a little thinking she did something wrong). No what's wrong! I didn't break you already! I'm sorry, what is it please don't cry!
Ziona: (Giggles). It's alright, she probably just wants to be held by me... She doesn't like to be away from us long I guess. Nara: Oh umm here you can hold her again... Thank you.
Ziona: (Holds Lulu close to comfort her). No problem, I think Luka is a little less like that... Just watch out he will try to grab and slobber you. (Giggles more since that is what Luka is doing to Zahir as she says this).
Raku and Zahir: (Look at each other for a bit than come to an agreement).
Zahir: Hey Nara, want to hold Luka as well... He isn't as quiet as Lulu but he still a kid to hold if you want too?
Nara: (Laughs a little). I'm fine for now, maybe a little later but thank you. (As a knock on the door is heard).
Jennifer: It's just us, sorry it took so long. Can we come in?
Zahir: Looks like the rest of the party is here. Are you ready for the crowd Ziona? (As he kisses Ziona's head quickly before he walks over to the door).
Ziona: (Nods trying not to be as shy around the idea of a crowd and smiles at Zahir). A-alright.
Nara: Took them a while.
Shizen: (Laughs). Yes I almost wanted to check on them myself.
Raku: (Laughs a little bit as Zahir opens the door for everyone).
Jennifer: (Smiles). Hello oh and Luka hello to you to little guy.
Kairi: (Goes over to look at Luka excitedly). He is still so cute!
Luka: (Smiles and makes a giggling sound as he looks at everyone, taking in the surrounding as he grabs onto Zahir still).
Hiki: (Follows Kairi and does the same as the rest of the group comes in without a rush).
Chazz: Hello everyone
Tori: Yo
Ziona: H-hello.
Jennifer: Hi there oh and Shizen I brought you your food to.
Shizen: Thank you child.
Kura: (Is beside Yami and nudges him a little when in front of Zahir).
Yami: (Sighs with a grumpy pout). Fine I'm sorry ok, there I said it you happy now?
Kura: Yes I am, thank you. (Pats Yami on the head).
Ziona: (Blushes as she remembers what had happened). I-it's alright Yami I-I know you didn't mean to.
Yami: Yeah... Sorry.
Nara: He got you angry to, wow you are a little trouble maker aren't you? (Laughs).
Yami: Shut it, am not!
Lulu: (Starts to cry from the sudden shout making Luka cry).
Ziona: (Comforts Lulu so she calms down again).
Kura: (Knocks Yami over the head). Nice going you idiot.
Yami: (Rubs his head and lowers his voice). Oops.
Tori: (Sighs as he does the same). Yeah good job Yami, making the baby cry.
Hiki: (Keeps looking at Luka with a sparkle in her eyes). Daw still so cute!
Zahir: (Sighs as he goes by Ziona as he hands Luka off to Raku and Nara). Here for now watch him for me. (He then says to Luka). I need to check on your sister real quick alright?
Luka: (Just looks at Lulu as she cries and he continues to).
Nara: (Holds Luka with Raku but letting him have a turn to hold the baby more so he knows what it's like).
Ziona: (Looks up at Zahir as she comforts Lulu in her hold). I guess she gets scared easily... It's alright Lulu shh nothing bad happened, everything's fine. (Cradles Lulu in her arms holding her close).
Raku: (Holds the baby like how Zahir held him and he begins to try and play with him to keep him from crying but it doesn't seem that effective so Hiki tries to help with the baby).
Luka: (Still cries until Lulu is calmed by Ziona then grabs for Hiki's hair as he is in Raku's arms with a big smile).
Kairi: (Is right next to Hiki and playing with Luka a little as well along with Jennifer). He's so cute and your really good with little kids Hiki. He really likes you.
Jennifer: He has such an adorable big smile to.
Hiki: Well... Ow... At least he is not... Ow... Crying anymore... Ow... Still cute but ow. (She is tilting her head in a weird position from the hair pulling)
Tori: Well at least he likes you Hiki so it's fine. (He chuckles a little bit as he pets Hiki's head making her pout a little).
Chazz: (He helps Hiki get her hair out of Luka's hold so that Hiki won't feel the hair pulling pain). Yes, yes not nice to pull a girls hair.
Jennifer: (Laughs and helps Hiki as well getting her hair out of Luka's grip though the hair is a little slobbered on). Wow he has a strong grip for a newborn.
Luka: (Looks upset at first but then looks for a new target and reaches for Tori grabbing his shirt and reaching up to his face).
Tori: Well it looks like I'm in for a strong tug of war but alright. (Let's Luka take the shirt in his grip as he takes him away from Raku).
Kairi: (Giggles and goes over to Tori to play with Luka). He really is cute with trying to grab everything he sees. (Look at Lulu in Ziona's hold). What about you Lulu? Do you want to say hi to everyone?
Lulu: (Just hides shyly).
Kairi: Aww she's so shy.
Nara: (Laughs shaking her head). Just like Ziona.
Ziona: (Just blushes but smiles at all of the attention).
Hiki: (Laughs as well). Well like the daughter gets traits from the mom so they are both shy but still both so cute.
Zahir: I know right, she is very adorable.
Kairi: She really is! (Looks at Kura and smiles seeing her smile at Luka and Lulu).
Kairi: Do you want to hold one of them Kura?
Kura: Oh no I'm fine, it's just I agree they are adorable is all.
Kairi: You know you want to.
Kura: No really it's fine.
Kairi: (Takes Luka form Tori and holds Luka who makes a giggling noise with a goofy smile out to Kura). Are you sure, they are so cute.
Kura: I know from when Yami was small and... Why not. (she laughs and takes Luka and holds him rocking Luka in her arms making him calm very quickly from being so playful and energetic).
Jennifer: Wow you are really good with the little guy. You calmed him down so quickly. (Laughs but has a impressed expression).
Kura: (Laughs shaking her head no). Well I wouldn't say that.
Chazz: I'm pretty sure you could.
Zahir: (Is in shock). Tow I couldn't be able to tell that that was the same kid as before. You did very well Kura.
Hiki: (Is in shock as well).
Kura: ... I guess it is a hidden talent then.
Kairi: Wow I guess when you have your own kids you will be great at this. (Laughs as well).
Kura: (Smiles down at Luka but with a hint of sadness). In the future... Perhaps to others... But no... I don't think my own....
Kairi: (Looks confused seeing the sadness).
Yami: (Looks at Kura looking concerned seeing the hint of sadness but says nothing as he leans against the wall with his hands in his pockets).
Hiki and Tori: (Both look at Kura wondering why she looks so sad).
Hiki: Kura are you alright, why so sad so suddenly?
Kura: Oh... I'm not, it's nothing... Here you can take him for now... I'll be back in a moment. (Hands Luka to Hiki and leaves without another word as she hides her face).
Kairi: (Is about to go after Kura but Yami stops her placing a hand on her shoulder but saying nothing just stares at the door Kura left).
Shizen: (Looks out where Kura had left and sighs). Let her go for now I would think.
Hiki: (Looks worried about Kura but so does everyone else since this is not normal for her).
Zahir: Well... Um... Here let take Luka again.... (Takes Luka away from Hiki who doesn't even notice).
Yami: (Still says nothing as he sits on the window sill looking out the window being lost in thought).
Kairi: (She still looks very concerned but not sure what she can do).
Shizen: (Just sits where she had and says nothing as well, the whole room being much quieter than before).
Ziona: (Looks at Zahir not sure what happened but she is still concerned).
Yami: (While looking out the window he starts to think of the night before they were leaving to find Zahir that turns into a small flashback).
Yami is awake on the roof late at night enjoying the moment of quiet as he thinks to himself and absorbs dark energy but then sees Kura climbing up the roof.
Yami: I guess you couldn't sleep huh?
Kura: No Yami just a bad dream again.
Yami: Yeah... Know how that is... That's why I gave up on it a while ago.
Kura: (Sits beside Yami). Yes me as well but the memories and pain are still there... It's something that cannot be forgotten... Although I have tried many times....
Yami: Yeah... I know... Wish I could have done something to help you back then... If we weren't split up then maybe-.
Kura: Then you would have been captured as well and that's something I never will let happen to you... My only regret is I couldn't protect you from the pain you experienced once I was gone that prevents you from sleeping even one night.
Yami: No... Don't apologize... I understand now what you we're doing... True the scars won't fade and I can no longer feel physical pain much... But the most pain I felt was being alone... If I hadn't come here... I'd still be in pain... But now... I think it's better... But sis if there a point where I have to protect you like you did with me... I'm taking it.
Kura: (Looks seriously at Yami). No Yami, I'm not letting that happen.
Yami: Don't argue with that. I already promised myself that.
Kura: That won't happen Yami. We're staying together this time.
Yami: I... I hope so... But for now let just stay up here... away from the nightmares ok?
Kura: Yes Yami... Though it is something that is hard to move past... Hard to let go... Hard to let the fear go.
Yami: I know... I know....
They both stare up at the sky until the sky starts to brighten calling the beginning of the next day as the flashback ends.
Yami: (Says silently but out loud next to Tori and Hiki as he stares out the window still lost in thought with a small laughs but not out of happiness). The nightmares never fade....
Shizen: (Hears Yami as well but says nothing understanding what he means).
Hiki and Tori: (Don't understand why Yami would say that but also understand the context of it since they know what it feels like to not know the pain).
(The room is a lot quieter for a little bit besides a few noises from the twins that start to yawn and look sleepy).
Ziona: I guess their getting tired now.
Nara: Well they do need a lot of sleep so should we leave and let them sleep then?
Jennifer: I think everyone has had enough to eat right? (Starts to pick up empty plates and bowels).
Kairi: Aww but that means we have to go soon. (Looks a little upset at the thought).
Zahir: Yeah, let's all head out to let them rest for now after all of that silence.
Chazz: I agree should at least finish up the dishes and get everything ready.
Hiki: (Jumps onto Chazz). Can we go back into the village again, huh can we?
Tori: I don't see why not. (Starts heading into the hallway).
Chazz: We will see alright Hiki, calm down for now.
Hiki: (Gets off of Chazz). Yes master.
Jennifer and Kairi: (Both go to Luka and Lulu in Zahir and Ziona's arms saying goodbye to them).
Yami: (Still looks out the window lost in thought until Shizen places a hand on his shoulder realizing what is happening and starts to leave as well).
Ziona: (Speaks up with a smile). T-thank you... For everything... I can't thank you enough... You helped protect the people here... You helped so much... Most of all... Thank you... For bringing my husband back to where he belongs.
Shizen: You don't need to thank us Ziona, just be happy and live peacefully with your family.
Chazz: Yes and no need, we only did what we thought was right.
Zahir: Well still I have no way to thank any of you for what you done for all of us. You have my thanks always.
Tori: Just let us know when we need to kick an army's butt again. We will come running. (He chuckles alongside Hiki and Raku).
Raku: True we will call you for stuff like that.
Shizen: (Laughs then goes over to Zahir taking his hand and while doing that placing something in his hand being a green gem like the ones Kairi and Chazz we're given by Jennifer). Well let us know anything you need and I will get things smuggled to you to help somehow. I have a idea how to do that once though it may take a little bit.
Nara: (Looks at Shizen with curiosity). What is it?
Shizen: (Gives a small smirk). Now that's for you to find out later.
Raku and Zahir: (Both look a little bit confused as well).
Raku: I feel like I shouldn't ask more then that.
Zahir: Yeah we probably shouldn't since I may or may not like the answer... If she even does answer us.
Shizen: It will be fine I believe but I need to create a portal so that may take a bit. If you need any of us we will be here around another hour.
Jennifer: I will go with you then.
Shizen: Very well Child.
Kairi: Alright I will come back up to say goodbye. (Zooms out to explore the island one more time as well as to look for where Kura had gone).
Yami: (Leaves the room still looking deep in thought with no words).
Shizen: (Sighs seeing Yami leave). Those two have been through so much... And at such a young age... Things like that are hard to move forward from... It takes a lot of time and support... But even then the scars remain but just being in a family again helps them through it. They will be fine, they just need time, support and perhaps some comfort but mostly from each other.
Jennifer: (Looks at where Yami was she then has a saddened expression imagining the hard past they have had).
Hiki and Tori: (Are not sure of what to do next besides to follow both Kura and Yami since they feel worried for them).
Chazz: (As they leave he tells Hiki and Tori). You may not be able to help much but you two can at least try understand the scars they may be feeling and be there for them.
Yami walks out of the house and straight into the forest where Kura probably went to. He is not looking at his surroundings as much just walking in to the darkest part where he sees Kura crouched under a tree and stops looking at his sister and sighs.
Yami: Kura... It's just another memory... It's just in your head....
Kura: (Says nothing not moving from where she is with her head down).
Yami: (Sighs and sits in front of Kura). I'm right here... You can talk about it if that helps since I told you what happened to me... But then again I never asked you to share it... It's not something I would ask you to do so don't worry about it. I get the idea... We can just sit here until your nightmare ends... I'll wait right here.... (Looks at Kura not caring how long he waits not leaving to make sure he's there when she snaps out of it. He is being much calmer and different from his normal self).
Hiki and Tori: (Are close behind as they watch the two siblings from a nearby tree).
Yami: (Notices Hiki and Tori and sighs). I would leave her alone right now. She won't answer until she snaps out of it....
Hiki and Tori: (Come out of hiding from behind a tree).
Hiki: (Feels concerned and unsure still). Are you sure?
Yami: Yeah... You get used to it... I guess the nightmares don't go away when you wake up... She'll be back to normal just this happens every now and then... I guess I got used to it more than her. (Not once does he look away from Kura while talking).
Hiki: (Goes over to Kura and gives her a hug). She doesn't need to wake up from it just stand strong through it with all of us and not alone....
Yami: (Tries to stop Hiki from hugging Kura but he is too late). Wait don't touch her yet!
Kura: (Her eyes widen and she tries to scramble away with a look of pure fear as if she's seeing her deepest fears and not Hiki. It's like a state where she sees illusions and not reality).
Hiki: (Is launched from Kura as Tori catches her and she looks confused as to what just happened).
Yami: (Goes over to sit directly in-front of Kura again) ... It's ok Kura... Whatever you saw was just a memory... And if you wake up you'll see your brother again... Probably would wish it was Kuro though
Kura: (Sits there for a moment and then tears start to fall with her head down taking a moment to speak again). It... Wasn't real....
Yami: Just a nightmare so just calm down.
Kura: (Puts her hand to her face as she tries to regain herself) I'm sorry... It must of gotten to me... I think it's over now... Trying to shakes the nightmares hold... It should be fine now.
Yami: Good... Welcome back. (Smiles at Kura and stays across from her still to make sure she's fully calmed).
Hiki and Tori: (Still watch from behind Yami wondering what had happened to Kura before they met her but yet they are also more afraid to find out about it).
Kura: (Looks up and removes her hand seeing Hiki and Tori behind Yami). I'm sorry you had to see me like that... It was just a nightmare that was triggered nothing more... I'm better now.
Yami: Good, glad your back... I'm right here like I said I would be... Every time no matter what.
Kura: (Hugs Yami). Thank you... And I will do the same for you....
Yami: Nah I can deal with it.
Hiki: No... No it's fine... Just wow... You had me flying in the air like Tori.
Kura: (Laughs a little and then looks down). Well a nightmare will do that to you... I'm sorry though for doing that to you... I was seeing things I prefer never to live through again... It's still is haunts me though... And I think it always will at this point.
Yami: Yeah... I know how that is... I guess I just learned to deal with it better now but... Still not easy to sleep... So I gave up on it... Even when resting I don't let myself actually sleep... Instead I just absorb enough darkness until I'm not tired.
Kura: (Laughs a little). I wish I could go without sleep like you, that would make it easier.
Yami: Yeah I guess so as long as your mind doesn't wander to it.
Kura: True and having my brother by my side helps as well.
Yami: Yeah not being alone....
Kura: (Looks at Hiki and Tori and smiles as she stands with Yami helping her up and she walks to face Hiki). I'm sorry if I hurt you... I was seeing things that were not there... And I suppose what Kairi said triggered my mind... It's nothing to big, it's just that because of what I went through I will probably never have a child of my own... That was likely taken away from me... However right now with this group I think I don't mind. Besides I'm too young for that... Ever since that time you reached out and I told you who I was its been better so perhaps... One day I will be able to move on but I think for now a hug will do. (Hugs Hiki and smiles at her as a apology for pushing her away).
Yami: (Walks beside Kura to face Tori). Yeah... I'm not opening up like that and don't expect a hug either.
Hiki: (Brings Yami into the hug as well as Tori and smiles at the sight). It's no problem... I don't feel that much pain from it since Tori caught me... But don't need to worry... No matter your past I will be here to accept you... So no matter what me and everyone else will be here for the both of you.
Kura: (Smiles at the big hug with a few tears). Thank you... With that things are better... Thank you.
Yami: (Is kind of crushed in the middle of the hug). Yeah... With this new family were not alone again... As long as I don't get crushed to death here.
Kura: Deal with it Yami. (Laughs and tightens the hug).
Yami: (Is crushed by the hug even more). ... Help, can't breathe....
Hiki: (Is tearing up as well as she holds the two of them with Tori giggling a little bit as she lets the hug loosen).
Kura: (After a moment she let's go of the hug letting Yami catch his breath while smiling at Hiki and wiping her eyes). it's fine now but Tori did you not want a hug as well or would you prefer one from Kairi? (Smirks a little seeing him lean away from the hug).
Tori: Hey, hey I get my fair share of hugs from both Kairi and Hiki so I don't want to crush Yami as well.
Kura: Very well.
Yami: (Once he catches his breath he looks annoyed). Ok even with the emotions and stuff I don't like hugs so could you just leave me out of it next time or something.
Hiki: Nope I can't. (She smiles more at Yami).
Yami: Fine but don't expect me to hug back. I still don't do hugs.
Kura: You let Kairi hug you now.
Yami: I don't think I have much of a choice with her but at least her hugs I don't get crushed in.
Hiki: (Pouts a little bit). So your saying my hugs are no good? (Gives off a cute pout).
Yami: No its just I won't be crushed by those! I couldn't breathe! (Points to both Kura and Hiki's chest).
Kura: (Sighs). Perhaps I was wrong earlier, maybe he will never grow out of that and also. (Hits Yami over the head). That wasn't nice.
Yami: (Rubs his head). What the hell!
Hiki: (Blushes a little bit from the comment
Tori: (Does the same to Yami as Kura had done). Got to be more careful with your words Yami. You don't want another Zahir or Nara moment now do we? It would be kind of bad for everyone.
Hiki: (Stands up and hides behind Tori). Yeah you silly shadow! (She sticks her tongue out before running to the house).
Yami: Hey not cool with the name calling! ... Silly shadow?
Kura: (Laughs). Not that big of an insult, he's more of a idiot from how much trouble he gets into.
Yami: (Starts to get frustrated). Hey I said quit it!
Kura: Would you rather I call you little Yami then?
Yami: I'm not little!
Kura: (Laughs more as they start to walk back to the house with Tori). Fine oh and Tori are you going to do something about your feelings for Kairi? It's pretty obvious you have feelings for her with how she cuddles up to you. She really is bad at hiding her feelings. (She laughs a little more).
Tori: (He tenses up from the question). I'm... Working on it... Without having to worry about having an arrow stick in the back of my head
Kura: (Looks in thought). Yes having a protective older sister, hmm well that is a problem. I know being one myself but... I think you will one day have a moment to share your feeling but for now it's kind of cute how you two have your little moments. (Laughs a little).
Yami: (Shrugs not really having much to say about this kind of stuff).
Tori: Yeah but right now I'm just working on it. I shared some feelings with her I just can't do more but I'm alright with that for now.
Kura: True she still has a little growing up to do but her birthday is coming up soon so perhaps after that or the year after that. If you need me to lure her sister away I have got your back on this. I can be nice sometimes. Especially when it comes to helping with these kinds of things so just let me know. (Smiles at Tori).
Yami: Why are you so into this type of stuff?
Kura: Because I read too many books about it and so I started creating them and thinking about it in reality. I mean especially a first kiss, that must be perfect.
Yami: What's the big deal with a kiss? I don't see it. (Shrugs).
Kura: (Sigh). Of course you don't. Well a kiss is meant to put all your feelings into, on day you will understand.
Yami: I doubt it.
Tori: It's only for right now, maybe in the future you may be struggling with same type of love that I am but we shall see. (Pats Yami on the back).
Yami: (Shrugs still not getting it).
Kura: One day and I will look forward to pointing out how you see it now. (Laughs as they make it back to the house).
Shizen is working on the gate back to the mansion as Kura and Yami come back with Tori. Jennifer and Hiki are helping Zahir with some chores with Raku and Nara).
Kairi: (See Kura and Yami and runs over to hug them looking concerned). Are you alright now?
Kura: (Smiles at Kairi). Yes it's fine now.
Kairi: Good I'm glad.
Kura: Yes now go hug Tori since he helped but Hiki helped as well.
Kairi: Alright, hi Tori thank you for helping them! (Hugs Tori).
Tori: (Accepts the hug seeing what Kura was trying to do). No problem... Though I didn't do much, Hiki did more than me... Hiki: Doesn't mean you don't get a hug as well.
Kairi: (Smiles happily staying in the hug a little more before letting go).
Jennifer: Shizen how is the gate going? Are you having trouble?
Shizen: No I am fine child. I am just trying to find the location. It is more difficult when not doing this in the city but I am almost done.
Jennifer: Alright well take your time. (Turns to Zahir, Raku and Nara with a smile). We had a great time meeting everyone.
Nara: (Grins). No problem, you're welcomed back any time and if you need any help just ask.
Kairi: Ooh and maybe one day you could visit us or I could invite you to my birthday party if Ziona feels better by then.
Nara: Hmm we will see though it is difficult to go in your world for long without being contracted.
Hiki: True but maybe we could celebrate it over here then.
Chazz: It would be possible to do since it would be trouble to have them come by us.
Kairi: Well either way I am happy with it.
Shizen: Well I will try and find a way so no need to worry but.... (Suddenly a gate like a portal that glows green appears in front of her and smiles back to them). I think it is time to go for now.
Kairi: Aww already? (Pouts a little).
Jennifer: I see, I will probably have a lot of paperwork now if it has been a few days. (Sighs not looking forward to all the work she probably has to catch up on).
Tori: I guess if looks like that... Uhh we have been gone for a while haven't we?
Hiki: (Pouts a little bit). Aww I wanted more time with the babies.
Chazz: It will be fine, we will come back another day for sure so no need to be sad.
Shizen: Well we can always make a portal back though it takes a lot of energy just to make one.
Jennifer: (Faces Zahir). Well take care and if you need help just contact us through that stone Shizen gave you.
Kairi: (Hugs Zahir, Raku and Nara). Bye I can't wait until we visit again. I just hope I don't run into Raku every time we see each other.
Nara: (Laughs). Well make sure to look where you are going but if that is your way to great him then don't worry. It takes a lot to hurt him.
Kairi: Well I still am sorry about that and scaring you at first.
Raku: (still talking to Kairi) no need to worry about it anymore, everything is cleared up now and I look forward to seeing everyone again.
Zahir: Yeah... No problem, if anything I'll call and I know you will all run back. Chazz you may be together with two powerful spirits but don't forget that even sometimes you need your own sense of balance, especially in other areas. (Is directing towards Jennifer and Hiki secretly).
Chazz: (Realizes what Zahir means and says quietly). Umm... I am aware of that and I will work on it... But yes if anything bad or you just want us to come and visit just let us know and we will be here.
Hiki: (Not noticing what Zahir meant she just smiles). And when we come back I'm going to see the babies again, oh am I so excited!
Tori: Well calm down for now silly girl and Nara next time we will spare without having to show off alright.
Yami: Next time I better get a turn to spar.
Kura: You have to learn self control first Yami.
Yami: Sure whatever but I'll be even stronger next time.
Kura: (Sighs while shaking her head). Well at least you are determined. We will see you next time and if you need a babysitter let me know. (Waves and heads to the gate after saying their farewells while pushing Yami along).
Yami: See ya, Kura I can walk on my own don't push.
Shizen: Go ahead, I am going last to hold the portal open.
Kairi: Oh alright bye then, see you next time! (Gives out a few last hugs and then waves as she catches up with Kura and Yami with a bright smile looking back).
Jennifer: (Gives out hugs as well before she leaves and saying to Zahir as she hugs him before she leaves). I am glad we could help you get to your family.
Zahir: I am too... More than you could ever know.
Hiki: (She gives a hug to Ziona inside the house because she wanted to make sure to say farewell properly one last time to her and the babies and then she walks through the gate waving goodbye along with Tori).
Ziona: (Is surprised by the sudden hug from Hiki but looks out her bedroom window and waves back to everyone with a big smile).
Chazz: Well there goes my company, looks like I will be leaving as well then. Goodbye everyone and Nara did I impress you in our a spar? (Gives off a little smirk as his hands turn slightly black and white with his magic).
Nara: (Smirks as well). Hmm well I was impressed but perhaps next time we will spar again and you can impress me even more.
Chazz: Maybe, maybe but for now goodbye everyone. (He leaves through the gate with a wave back).
Shizen: Alright I think that is everyone. (Goes to say goodbye as well). Well this has been a interesting little adventure hasn't it? I am glad that it had a good outcome.
Nara: (Smiles back at Shizen). Thank you Shizen, you always do your best to look after us.
Zahir: You really do though, sometimes I feel like a bother to you for everything you do for us but then again I don't mind it.
Shizen: Don't be silly, I am happy to help. You are the kind of spirits I know I can rely on in the future and I know that if I am away Zahir you would do a great job at that being leader of the poison spirits once you are no longer in hiding. (Places a hand on Zahir's shoulder and smiles). I know that day will come soon and your family will be safe from harm. Zahir once they are safe you will lead the poison spirits out of hiding with help from Raku and Nara since they are strong as well... I am leader of the nature spirits but I trust you to take the lead when I am not there as second in command when you are brought out of hiding.
Zahir: That may be a lot to handle all at once but I'm sure that it will work out for me and my family. Just trying to lead everyone will be an interesting thing alright.
Raku: I'm pretty sure that it will be fine from how much everyone respects you.
Nara: I mean before you left you led things here pretty well so I think you can handle it.
Shizen: Yes I think so as well but for now I have to say farewell. (She hugs Raku and Nara then Zahir whispering as she hugs him). ... Goodbye.... (Something sounds off about the goodbye, as if saying goodbye for the last time... Saying a final goodbye).
Zahir: (Does not have time respond to Shizen as she leaves through the portal. He is still trying to realize what Shizen meant by the goodbye he can't. He has a very strange feeling as if something may happen in the future however). Just to say goodbye like that isn't something like you Shizen... What is the thing you see in your destiny? (He says silently as he walks back inside the house to be with his family).
A few days pass for them on the island. Life is peaceful as it is Nara's turn to scope out the perimeter of the island seeing a small ship coming towards the island she grabs her weapon and goes to alert the others on guard and in charge of defending the island.
Nara: (Sees Zahir and Raku chatting with each other and goes over to alert them with a serious expression). We have company! There's a boat coming towards the island, it doesn't look very big from what I saw. Perhaps a trading boat, it was still too far away to see well.
Zahir and Raku: (Shake their heads as they head out to the makeshift watch tower they made so they can have a better overview of the sea).
Nara: I will be there after I alert the others. Tell me if anything goes wrong. (Goes to alert the others using her tail to pick up her speed).
Zahir and Raku: (As they go to the watchtower they see a rather small green boat symbolizing the nature territory coming towards the island. The boat looks like it has boxes of supplies filled to full capacity as it comes closer but are unable to see anyone on the boat yet).
Raku: Should we be on guard Zahir!
Zahir: Yes we should but let me stand out on the coast. If anything seems off go let everyone know and they will come running but we have to see first before we do anything.
They go onto the coast and the boat is a little bigger than they had thought. It goes onto the shore being twice as tall as Zahir and Raku. It is made of wood with plant life and flowers decorated on the sides making it look mostly green but with no sight of a person on board besides light footsteps heard from inside the boat's cabin.
Zahir: (He walks up to the boat not knowing what he should expect). Umm... Hello...? Is anyone there?
????: (Laughs a little still being on the boat but on the deck of it. They are still out of view being a females voice and very familiar to Zahir and Raku but less so him quite yet as the person says with sarcasm). No Zahir a random boat full of supplies randomly goes straight to your island and with no one on board but thank you for letting me know I have the right island.
Zahir: Hana... You should know you send something ahead of time to let us know. You should know by now how cautious we are at the moment.
Hana: Wait Shizen didn't tell you? Oh that's right she wanted it to be a surprise. (Goes to the edge of the deck so she is seen wearing green simple shirt and pants for work clothes with a leather jacket as well as a pink flower in her brown hair that is tied in a ponytail. She sees Raku as well getting a big smile as she holds a small wooden crate). Raku it's been a while! Oh that means Nara's here! I have to see her it's been so long! (Gets a very excited look).
Raku: Umm yeah she's in town right now Hana....
Hana: I have to see her! (Jumps down from the boat and remembers going to Zahir still looking very excited). And what about Ziona from how you look I know you've found her. Please tell me what happened. I have to know! (Shakes him by the shoulders a little being even more excited).
Zahir: Well a lot of things happened since we saw you... But I'll walk you to Ziona.
Hana: That's great then the whole groups back together! I can't wait oh and all of those boxes are for you. There supplies that could help make things easier here but I will need some help unloading later. (Points to all of the crates big and small that are on the boat to Zahir and Raku).
Zahir: Yeah but now we have more in the group but you will see after we finish helping right Raku?
Raku: (Sighs not having planned on doing so much heavy lifting today). Yes, yes.
Hana: I look forward to it! (Instantly is tackled by Nara in a hug her snake tail wrapping around her taking a second to figure out what happened. She then gets even more excited as she hugs her back).
Nara: (She laughs in overwhelming excitement). Hana I missed you!
Hana: I missed you to Nara!
Nara and Hana: (Both giggle excitedly to each other as they jump up and down together in excitement).
Zahir: (Grins while crossing his arms). Well there's the excitement that we needed.
Raku: (He joins in the hug as well since he owes Hana for a lot of things).
Zahir: And theirs the group hug! (He grins more). Well it's always a nice thing to see.
Hana: Oh come on! (Pulls Zahir into the group hug as well as she is still jumping with excitement with Nara).
Zahir: (He laughs as he jumps with them as well a bit goofily).
Hana: (After a few moments of hugging and excitement they settle down). So can I see Ziona now? It's been so long since the whole groups been together.
Nara: It really has! I missed you so much!
Hana: Oh and I'm glad your with Raku still. Is he still trying to get you to marry him? It's been a while or are you still saying no to him?
Nara: Well.... (Pauses and has a slight blush).
Hana: What...? (Notices Nara's ring on her ring finger and then looks at Raku looking for a ring as well by grabbing both of their hands. Finding one her eyes widening and mouth open in a little shock looking in disbelief). You didn't!
Zahir: They did! (Grins at Hana and Raku does as well).
Nara: ... Quiet... If it counts I knocked him over the head and called him an idiot when he asked.
Hana: (Pokes Nara's cheek with a giggle). Hmm but you said yes didn't you?
Nara: Well... Quiet. (Blushes while crossing her arms being a little embarrassed).
Hana: Aww I wish I could of been there. I always knew you two would get married but I guess it took a little bit huh? (Laughs patting Raku on the back). Good job convincing her. I thought there was no hope. (Gives Raku thumbs up).
Raku: Oh trust me I had no hope either... But I knew I had to do it so that I could keep feeling her warmth by side and help make sure I don't become an idiot like I did before. (He smiles warmly at Nara while saying this).
Nara: (Can't help but smile back and hold Raku's hand). Well... Your still an idiot... But I still love you... Even if you didn't ask me I still would love you, it's just if it was you I was marrying... I umm then I say yes... B-but that doesn't mean I won't be difficult.
Hana: (Has a big excited smile as she watches the both of them).
Raku: Well I wouldn't love any more than I do now if you weren't difficult.
Nara: I love you too... And I'm not that difficult. (Pouts a little).
Hana: (Laughs). You never will change Nara.
Nara: Hey that's not a bad thing sometimes.
Hana: I guess not but we are missing one girl here. Can I see Ziona too? I can't wait, I bet she missed you so much Zahir.
Zahir: She did almost as much as I missed her. She was just crying and crying as she just held on to me... It was a nice.
Hana: (As all four of them start to walk and talk on their way to Zahir and Ziona's house). I bet so... You two always are so cute and did anything change while you were gone?
Nara: (Laughs a little as two little changes come to mind).
Zahir: Umm I think it will be better if you saw for yourself Hana.... (He scratches his head).
Hana: (Gives a confused and concerned look). Umm alright... Is everything ok...? Is something wrong with Ziona?
Raku: No nothing like that.
Hana: Well alright, I still can't wait to see her.
They walk up a hill to Zahir and Ziona's little house on the top of the hill with Zahir leading the way as Hana and Nara gossip and catch up on what they have been doing very excitedly and happily.
Zahir: (Leads Hana inside and then upstairs as he knocks on the door to their bedroom). Ziona we have a guest. Is it alright to come in now?
Ziona: O-oh a guest umm alright... And yes I just fed them and Luka need to be burped if you can help with that please. Lulu needs some help to but I can handle one at a time. They just are very awake today.
Hana: (Looks even more confused looking at Zahir questioningly). Luka... Lulu... Huh?
Zahir: (He opens the door to answer the question). Yes say hello to our kids Luka and Lulu, Hana.
Hana: (Takes a moment to process it as she looks at Luka and Lulu in Ziona's arms in stunned pause).
Ziona: Hana...! It's so great to see you. It's been so long oh and I never was able to thank you for decorating our wedding. Thank you so much... I-I missed you so much. (Blushes but has a big smile).
Hana: (Still is a little in shock but it slowly goes away and turns into excitement). You... Have babies!
Ziona: Oh umm they are twins. I had a few days ago... There really cute and this is Luka he smiles a lot and makes cute noises. (Just then Luka start making a babbling sound making everyone laugh as Lulu just looks around with a shy look staying quiet). And this is Lulu but she's a little shy but still so cute. (Smiles happily as she cradles both Luka and Lulu in her arms rocking them both as they cling to one another).
Hana: Zahir... You got here like a week ago... How... Wow you work quick. (Laughs a little with a big smile nudging Zahir in the arm).
Zahir: Hey... It wasn't like that she was pregnant before I had left... So when I came back conveniently enough it was time for the kids to come out. (As he takes Luka from Ziona as Luka grabs at him and Ziona is holding Lulu and patting her back so she can burp).

Hana: (Still looks shocked but also smiles at how cute the babies are). Their so cute! Did you know before you left?
Ziona: I didn't know until a week later I think... And I'm happy he got here before they came... I was so scared... And now I couldn't be happier. (Has a big smile as she looks at Zahir).
Zahir: I am happy as well... I was overjoyed knowing I was going to be a father.... (Smiles back).
Ziona: Even though he didn't have much of a notice I think he is doing great with them... I always knew he would.
Hana: Of course both of you would. I always thought would make great parents though I've never heard of twin spirits... Well I heard some stories but their so adorable.
Ziona: They really are although it's a lot of work taking care of them I wouldn't change it for the world. (As she hears Lulu about to cry as she struggles to burp from her meal still and rubs and pats her back as Luka is acting the same way but the cries are still small). It's alright you can do it, no reason to cry. (Laughs a little holding Lulu close).
Zahir: (Starts to pat Lukas back as he tries to burp him). There, there Luka come on and get it all out.
Hana: Daw see such great parents ooh and when you come back to the main land I was thinking of opening a daycare so they can join. Oh Zahir what were you doing being on watch like that? You should be staying home. You have to new babies you have to stay home. (Still smiles coming over to look at Luka and Lulu to get a better look).
Ziona: I-I didn't mind... He doesn't go for a long time and I can take care of them while he's out so it's fine.
Zahir: I know I have too but I worry about the island since Agni came here... I don't want that to happen again so I try to help keep watch when I can. I do feel bad but I am thankful that Ziona understands my intentions.
Hana: (She looks down slightly). I see... Agni must have really needed something badly to go into water territory like this... Not just the nature city.
Ziona: I guess so and Zahir it's fine I understand. You're a leader after all Shizen said so herself when she said she would make you second in command behind her when we are no longer in hiding... I'm proud of you so don't worry. Your family will be here when you come home.
Zahir: Yeah he wanted something alright and I know Ziona but that doesn't mean I can't help but want to help out with the kids because their my kids too so I should help take care of them as well.
Ziona: I know you will and I look forward to all our little family moments, like now you're helping. (Giggles and just then Luka burps getting some milk from his meal from before on Zahir's shirt but clearly feels better after it). See your helping right now.
Hana: (Laughs a little from everything that is happening still wrapping her head around it).
Zahir: (sighs but then laughs as well). Well... It's not so bad to have these types of moments either so I'm happy with it.
Hana: I could imagine so but you stay here I and the others will unload the boat. You take care of your family and I will visit later with Nara and Raku since Nara invited me to stay at their house.
Ziona: Oh you brought supplies? You didn't need to, I think we're alright.
Hana: No it was Shizen who told me to but also I may stop here to drop off more every couple of months or years and stay a few days before I leave as well. I may bring some poison spirits I found that survived when things were bad in the city... Some survived thankfully, I was wrong when saying that they were all gone... Is that alright... I think they deserve a safe place from what they have been through. (She looks down at the thought).
Zahir: (Puts Luka in front of her). Well don't look down, the best thing we all can do is keep trying to have hope. It doesn't help to over worry about this type of thing as we all want a chance to live our lives to the best that we can no matter the circumstances.
Hana: (Smiles and starts playing with Luka a little to make him smile). Then it's alright if they come here next time I bring supplies?
Ziona: I don't see why not, besides this has become like a sanctuary for poison spirits right?
Zahir: Right, so no need to worry!
Hana: Thank you so much, it means a lot but I will be back after unloading the boat and we can all catch up together over dinner. (She hugs both Zahir and Ziona with a big smile and makes a silly face and tickles Luka and Lulu to make them smile as Luka laughs and reaches out to grab her and Lulu hides shyly). Daw their like little versions of both of you.
Ziona: I-I think so to and thank you for everything... A-and I look forward to talking with you and Nara... All three of us... I've missed it.
Hana: I know but at least now we can see each other a little more often since I missed everyone so much... It will be great to catch up.
Zahir: (Smiles). Yes we will all eat together and it will be mostly you catching up with us but regardless it will be very fun.
Hana: Great I look forward to it so much! (She looks excited as she hugs them one more time before opening the door to leave through it and saying before she goes). Shizen was right picking you; you know... People tend to look up to you once they get to know you. (She then leaves closing the door).
Ziona: (Smiles at Zahir). She is right though... Look Luka and Lulu are already doing that.
Luka: (Is looking up at Zahir as he clings to him grabbing his shirt). Blahba!
Lulu: (Is looking at Zahir and Luka as well but still clings to Ziona but she is much quieter). B... ba....
Zahir: (Looks at Ziona with a slight blush as he kisses her quickly on the lips). Well it's because I have you and the kids that I love so much that I want to protect them that makes me this way.
Ziona: (Kisses Zahir back). And I love you and look forward to seeing our kids learn that protectiveness and kindness that you always show... It's how I fell for you even more than I already had when first seeing you. (Hugs Zahir with one arm Lulu being in the other and then rests her head on his shoulder as Luka and Lulu settle down staring up at both of them and then each other).
Zahir: Well I'm not the only cool parent here. There's are also you Ziona! Your caring and loveable and the greatest person to ever come into my life and I couldn't be happier to share this life with you. You may say I'm strong but it takes a true strength to be able to carry on no matter what happens and you do that with no regrets.
Ziona: Of course... All of that comes from you and my new family I have with you... And I can tell they will learn that from both of us... Luka already seems protective of Lulu a little... He cries when she does almost like letting us know Lulu wants something and he clings to her a lot when they sleeps... And they both cry when they can't see or be next to each other... I think they will be just like us in some ways... It really is adorable. (She pets both Luka and Lulu's heads while smiling at them).
Zahir: Well they are brother and sister so it makes sense that they would be protective but I'm also happy that they are.
Ziona: And I am to just being with my family like this. (She rests her head on Zahir's shoulder kissing his cheek as Luka and Lulu yawn and look a little sleepy). Just like this... It's perfect... But I wish I could regain my energy quicker... I want to help as much as possible... And I can't do that while in bed and having to be helped down the stairs... But at least I have Luka and Lulu here when you're out... It's a lot better than resting alone.
Zahir: Well I will stay right here until you have your energy back so rest as much as you want dear. (He pets her head to let her begin to relax).
Ziona: Thank you... That sounds nice.... (Looks sleepy as she snuggles up to Zahir holding Luka and Lulu close as well as they look on the edge of sleeping). I... love you. (She drifts off to sleep slowly).
Zahir: I love you too Ziona, have a good sleep. (He kisses her head as he stays in this position to make sure Ziona sleeps well. He then once their visitors leaves goes to rest as well with Luka cradled in his arms and Lulu in Ziona's).
