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Chapter 19 Part 1

Writer's picture: Jennifer BeiroJennifer Beiro

It is early morning as Jennifer sleeps peacefully though she is about to be woken up for early training by Chazz. Shizen is in Jennifer's room looking out the window sitting on the window sill. Hiki goes to check on Kairi who is usually up earlier than her sister and currently taking a bath as Kura washes her hair. Yami looks rather bored as he sits in Kairi's room against the wall dividing Kairi's room from the bathroom with the door open.

Hiki: (As she reaches Kairi's room she knocks on the door in her maid attire).

Kura: (Shouts from the bathroom). Just a moment, we are almost done in the bath!

Hiki: Yes I shall wait out here.

Kura: Oh it's you Hiki, you may come in then. Last time it was Tori so have to be a little more careful.

Kairi: Good morning Hiki!

Hiki: (She comes in). I am aware... Tori can be a bit senseless sometimes but I understand.

Kura: It's fine, we will be out in a moment.

Yami: (Nods to Hiki as he leans against the wall sitting on the ground). They kicked me out too, don't really see why though. Been in there before. (He shrugs).

Hiki: (She sighs). Of course you don't. One day you will learn I guess.

Yami: (Shrugs again). Whatever you say.

Kura: (Comes out of the bathroom in a towel to grab clothing for Kairi she had forgotten smiling at Hiki as a greeting while laughing a little). He's quite clueless but I guess taking baths with my brothers did not help when we were much younger. (She messes with Yami's hair a little before she goes back into the bathroom with some clothing for Kairi).

Yami: (Crosses his arms while looking grumpy as he mumbles about not liking baths).

Hiki: (Sighs again as she sits on the bed). Yes, yes well I'm just here to take Kairi to the dining room for breakfast.

Kairi: (Runs out of the bathroom wearing one of her normal style pink dresses with black leggings and a pink ribbon in her hair looking up at Hiki as she hugs her with a bright smile). Hi Hiki, sorry I am ready now. We can go, oh and are we training again this morning?

Hiki: (She smiles as she pets Kairi's head). Yes, I believe so anyway but I believe it won't be for as long as it usually is since Jenny has things to do with Cordelia

Kairi: Oh alright, I heard there was a lot of paper work after everything that happened but I'm just happy sis can stay. I think I want to try and help too. (She gets up and starts to walk to the door looking at Kura and Yami to see if they follow).

Kura: (Rushes out in a maid uniform and her hair pulled back). I am ready when you are then.

Yami: (Gets up stretching his arms). Sure why not, could use something to eat.

Hiki: (She chuckles a bit as she gets up and heads towards the door first). Shall we be going then Mis Kairi?

Kairi: Sounds good. (As Kura opens the door for everyone and they start to walk down the hall). Oh maybe I can finally figure out that shadow form thing on my own. I have tried practicing more. It is kind of like holding your breath when going under water as you go through a shadow but it is hard to figure out where I end up. I can only do it if someone helps me still though.

Kura: She improves more during nightfall with going into that form and it seems to strengthen her abilities like normal dark elements would. Other then that she has learned a few new sparring tricks and although they were just shone last night she seems to understand the basic form so she is doing well.

Yami: Yeah I guess but don't really get that magic and support crap. Better just to charge in.

Kura: (Hits Yami over the head). It's not crap and you may not use it but it's helpful.

Yami: (Rubs his head). I guess just quite hitting me! It's not cool!

Hiki: It can be helpful sometimes Yami yet sometimes it is worth just charging in blind.

Kura: I guess we do the opposite of each other then.

Kairi: I do not see anything wrong with it. Now let's go eat! I hope there is that toast I always like with the raisins and chocolate ooh and maybe some strawberries with powdered sugar!

Kura: (Laughs while petting Kairi's head). ... Is there such a thing as too much sweets?

Kairi: But sweets taste good, especially chocolate!

Hiki: They really do look good and they taste even better and no there is never a limit to them ever.

Kairi: Yay! (She gets an excited look running into the dining room with Jennifer, Chazz, Tori, Shizen, Rowen, Orion, Cordelia and Hamako sitting at the large table as Kairi hugs and sits next to Tori with a big smile). Good morning!

Jennifer: (Is talking to Cordelia about any new in the land).

Hamako: (Skips over to Hiki pulling her to the table wanting to sit with her). Hika....

Hiki: (She smiles at Hamako). Alright, alright I'll come sit down with you.

Chazz: Good morning Mis Kairi.

Tori: (Gets a small smile seeing Kairi). Hey

Kura: (Goes to sit as well having Yami sit next to her).

Yami: (Sits next to Kura as well as Rowen on his other side as he starts to take food not using his silverware to eat as he takes some toast using his hands and no manners or even an excuse me when he needs something just reaching over).

Kura: (Sighs). At least try to use manners.

Yami: (Laughs as he takes a bite of toast). Yeah nice try, don't have those.

Kura: (Sighs again while shaking her head). Yes I know though I hope it doesn't bother you Rowen. (She smiles apologetically to Rowen).

Rowen: (He sighs as begins to eat as well but properly). I am aware of how he acts since Chazz has told me ahead of time. I will try to let it go for now.

Kura: (Laughs lightly yet apologetically). yes well believe me we have tried to teach him but it has not worked so far.

Yami: (As he talks with his mouth full of food). Well this way I eat more and manners seem kind of pointless really.

Shizen: (Is eating her toast without a fork and knife but it seems on purpose as a joke with a grin). Yes manners are very important aren't they Orion?

Orion: (He has made a sandwich with the toast as he eats while talking to Shizen). Yes they are... Very much indeed.

Rowen: (He sighs). Again like always you two are not helping the situation.

Shizen: (Laughs more and pats Rowen on the back). Might as well have a little fun with it.

Kairi: (Starts eating her toast covered in chocolate and strawberries happily).

Hamako: (She watches Hiki put food on her plate she stares at her food not eating like the others).

Rowen: Yes, yes have all the fun you want than.

Tori: Are you ok Hamako? (He asks while he sees that she is not eating as Chazz and Hiki look confused as well).

Cordelia: (Notice as well). Oh Hamako does not need to eat really. She just needs to stay hydrated really since she is made of water.

Shizen: (Looks at Hamako). I see a rare water spirit then made of water herself, interesting.

Jennifer: (Gives a confused look). It is rare?

Shizen: A little bit and there are different kinds as well. Hamako seems to be a fresh water one mainly from the light blue look of the water.

Hamako: (Continues to stare at the food and then tries taking a bite but the fork goes through her a little and food still on the fork as she takes it out and pretends to chew).

Hiki: (She chuckles a little bit as she just gives a glass of water for Hamako to have). No need to force trying to eat if that is alright Hamako?

Hamako: (Takes the glass of water staring at it for a moment and then dumps it over her head absorbing it). Wa-ter....

Yami: (Starts choking because he was eating to fast).

Kura: (Sighs patting his back). That's what happens when you eat too fast.

Yami: (Catches his breath from food going down the wrong pipe). Shut... It.

Tori and Orion: (Begin to laugh a little bit upon seeing the sight of karma).

Tori: That's what you get for trying to rush things now.

Chazz: Please to be more careful now. We do not need to start emergency services just because of how fast you eat.

Yami: Shut it, foods good also faster I eat faster I get to train.

Kairi: Please be careful Yami.

Kura: (Sighs). Don't worry, no emergency services will be needed. He's just a idiot.

Yami: (Gets a grumpy look). Am not!

Kura: (Gets a slight smirk). Alright, I'm sorry little Yami.

Yami: (Gets frustrated taking a small amount of darkness). I'm not little!

Rowen: Yes, yes that is enough for right. we need to not to scare the staff here if you could please avoid that.

Yami: (Grins at Rowen). They should take it as a compliment since the foods good.

Kura: That makes little sense when choking on it.

Yami: Ok whatever you say. (He goes back to eating).

Cordelia: Oh do you mind if I watch you train for a little bit before I go back to the study?

Jennifer: (Gets a excited look for a opportunity to show her mom how much they have experienced since last seeing her). I do not see why not.

Cordelia: Good, I want to see what you have been up to since we were gone.

Jennifer: Alright it is mostly sparring and working on our abilities.

Cordelia: I see, I do not think I will join you but I will watch for a little bit before my paperwork.

Jennifer: I can work on it with you.

Cordelia: No you enjoy yourself. I can handle it until the afternoon.

Hamako: (Looks at Cordelia with a confused look). ... Train?

Cordelia: (Smiles at Hamako). Yes Hamako you can join them if they do not mind.

Hamako: (Look at Hiki with a big smile). ... Spar!

Hiki: (She smiles at the small child's smile of wonder). Yes I will spar with you Hamako!

Hamako: (Gets a excited look as she does a cheering motion).

Cordelia: I do not see why not. If she is struck physically it does not affect her. It is like cutting water and she is a good person to practice combat skills with since she will act like a reflection.

Jennifer: That seems helpful for practice.

Cordelia: It is but Rowen and Orion trained with her more. I am not much of a fighter on the other hand. Just be patient with her, she tends to let her mind wonder at times.

Tori: Yeah that wouldn't be new to us

Chazz: yeah.... (Both he and Tori stare at Hiki and Jennifer).

Hiki: (She looks confused on what they mean giving a pout).

Rowen: Well regardless it shall be interesting and Yami, Kura and Miss Kairi I shall be training with you again today

Orion: Going to be good to work with you all again.

Kairi: (Gives a determined look as she smiles). I will do my best!

Kura: Yes, I will as well.

Yami: (Shrugs as he sits back casually). Sure whatever, as long as I get stronger.

Shizen: So determined, perhaps you will reach your full first form soon.

Yami: (Gives a confused look). What? I thought I reached that when fighting with the moon lady.

Kura: It was Luna and yes I thought that as well.

Shizen: Well yes you reached it but you have done nothing to improve and develop it fully so it is like a step towards it that needs to be worked on in order to achieve it fully. You cannot learn that over a short time, it takes much practice. Hiki and Tori have not mastered their third form though they have reached the point where they are able to use it. They still need practice.

Yami: (Looks annoyed). That means I barely have 1 while they have 3, no fair.

Kura: (Sighs). Well I at least will do my best to work on that.

Hiki: Yes, it wasn't as easy and it does take time with these things but it can be worth it in the end. I know you guys can do it!

Yami: (Grin confidently). Yeah I'll get it and then I'm challenging you to a rematch Tori.

Kura: (Shakes her head with amusement). You will do that anyways.

Yami: So! I'll win next time!

Kura: (Sighs again). Of course you will Yami, keep telling yourself that.

Kairi: (Giggles as she finishes her chocolate milk).

Tori: (He chuckles). I always welcome a match from you Yami though we may already know the result.

Yami: (Smirks as he throws some toast at Tori). Bring it!

Kura: Not now, we are at the table. We don't need that.

Kairi: (Giggles more).

Cordelia: (Laughs while covering her mouth to hide it). Please, it is improper to waste food and then you will have to deal with Rowen.

Shizen: (Bursts out in laughter). Well that will bring back some memories.

Tori: It does doesn't it? (As he remembers the food fights).

Rowen: I would much less prefer to give a long and boring lecture on manners to Yami.

Kura: It would be wise to save yourself from the trouble. I don't think he would listen.

Yami: Hey... Yeah your right I guess.

Kairi: Ooh maybe if you mention sparring then he will listen. He really likes doing that.

Kura: (Laughs shaking her head in agreement). Another good point.

Jennifer: (Laughs as well with everyone else then remembers something). Oh I wanting to mention to everyone the festival that happens every year. I found out its happening in the closest main city so I was wondering if anyone wanted to go. It is this weekend.

Kairi: (Smiles brightly and excitedly). I always like going and plus it's close to!

Kura: Hmm it sounds interesting.

Yami: (Shrugs). Sure why not as long as it's not too boring.

Kura: And if he can behave.

Yami: Hey not cool!

Shizen: Interesting so a yearly human world festival. I guess I am interested to say the least.

Cordelia: Hmm I am not sure if I could but even if not you should have fun.

Chazz: (He is surprised by the notion since he usually goes to the festival with Hiki and Tori as he looks towards them both).

Hiki: (She knows Chazz is surprised but smiles and mouths out "its alright master lets go with everyone").

Tori: (Shakes his head in agreement yes as well. It is not just them anymore after all).

Chazz: (He smiles as he gets the alright from the two people he goes with every year). Jennifer if you would not mind our company we would want to go as well.

Rowen: I will probably stay and help Cordelia. Orion do you want to go as well?

Orion: Hmm I wouldn't mind going since I could use a fun time.

Jennifer: (Gets a big smile her idea is accepted). Great, it will be so much fun but I think we will need a place to stay for one or two nights in the city since it is a two day festival in the city.

Kairi: (Looks even more excited). Yay I cannot wait!

Cordelia: Hmm I think I can arrange something at a hotel I have stayed at regularly for everyone. Rowen are you sure you do not wish to go as well? I can manage myself fine and I do not remember the last time you have had a day off.

Shizen: (Pouts a little then says quietly to herself only Orion hearing as she sighs). And I was thinking it would be a good opportunity for another date, oh well.

Orion: Hmm... Yeah she has a point Rowen. Why not come with since you have been to the festival before so it would good to have you show us around now wouldn't it?

Rowen: But I am pretty sure that it would work without me there.

Orion: Now don't be like that, just come along.

Rowen: (He sighs defeat). Fine but lady Cordelia I will have some food ready for you to have while you work at least.

Cordelia: (Smiles at Rowen). Why thank you Rowen, I always can depend on you.

Shizen: (Smirks as she drinks her tea mentally celebrating a little).

Jennifer: Though if we all are going I think it is best to have a rule on no powers or very limited at most.

Kura: That is a good point. I believe not many humans know about spirits.

Chazz: I would say none at all. (He looks at Yami). It would be easier to make sure everyone has an enjoyable time.

Yami: (Notices Chazz looks at him when saying this). Hey why you looking at me when saying that!

Kura: (Sighs understanding why as well as many others there).

Tori: Just letting you to take it easy is all really. We don't want to cause a scene with everyone there so Yami just try to keep calm when we are there if that is ok? If you do I'll do 3 sparring matches with you.

Yami: (Leans back casually). Fine but I hope that doesn't make the whole thing boring.

Kura: (Sighs). If he gives any trouble then I will handle it and I will make sure to set out rules before we go.

Yami: (Shrugs as he lies back on the chair putting his feet up on the table while relaxing). Sure, whatever you say.

Kura: You might want to get your feet off the table or else you will get a lecture from Rowen as well.

Yami: (Leans the chair legs back). Don't see how it's a problem.

Orion: (He lifts his fingers up and Yami's chair falls backwards). Well it should matter mister, Yami please be careful.

Jennifer: (Laughs a little hiding it with her hand).

Cordelia: (Hides a amused smiles as well).

Shizen: (Laughs without hiding it giving Orion a thumbs up).

Kura: (Smirks as she watches Yami try to figure out what happened).

Yami: (Rubs his head as he stands and picks up the chair to sit on again). Yeah whatever, not cool to laugh.

Hiki: (She is almost done chucking from the sight as does Tori and Chazz finding great amusement from this).

Rowen: Thank you Orion, now let's finish up with our food.

Jennifer: Very well, I think we are all done over here so should we go out to train then?

Kairi: That sounds good, I cannot wait!

Kura: I am ready when everyone else is.

Yami: Yeah I'm done, let's go.

Hamako: Train!

Shizen: (Laughs and then smirks at Orion). Hey while we're out there we should do some sparring as well like good old times and show them how the first generation really fights. (She punches his arm).

Orion: Oh I'm sure it would be a fight to see but let's try not to destroy the property or else Rowen would never let me live it down.

Shizen: Fine then perhaps only stick with hand to hand combat to not cause too much damage.

Jennifer: (As she and everyone else starts getting up to go outside).

Kairi: (Looks at Orion with amazement). Wow you must be really strong.

Shizen: (Laughs). Earth is known as the strong element but don't compliment him too much. He may lift a mountain just to try and impress you.

Yami: (Looks skeptical that Orion can actually lift a mountain).

Orion: Hey, hey in my defense it's their fault for making them so easy to lift up so I don't see a problem with it.

Rowen: (As he sighs). Yes, yes now let's get going everyone.

Chazz: (He, Hiki and Tori start to follow everyone outside).

Kairi: (Thinks to herself but out loud). I wonder what I should work on today.

Hamako: (Skips happily by Kairi). Fun!

Kairi: (Smiles brightly at Hamako in agreement). I think so too!

Hamako: (Changes to the reflection of Kairi as water as they both clap and have fun together running ahead.

Cordelia: (Smiles as she watches Kairi and Hamako playing together).

Jennifer: (Laughs as she watches as well).

Hiki and everyone else makes it outside. They head straight into the clearing that is near the mansion that everyone has been using as a training place for the last couple of days. Everything seems to be normal as they arrive there.

Jennifer: (Gets ready to train stringing her bow).

Kairi: (Continues playing with Hamako who acts like her reflection as they giggle).

Yami: (Stretches his arms Kura getting ready as well).

Cordelia: (Looks for a good place to observe in the shade with a cup of tea).

Kairi: (Remembers as she runs up to everyone with Hamako by her side). So what do we start with?

Hamako: (Says excitedly). Train... Spar!

Rowen: Well we shall just go with the standard way of going with sparring matches.

Jennifer: That is fine but who are each of us sparring with?

Yami: Yeah should we draw from a hat or something?

Rowen: Well I will be working with Kairi and her spirits since I said I was going too but besides that it is up to everyone else.

Jennifer: I guess we can figure it out.

Kura: Very well, I am fine with that. (She bows formally to Rowen).

Yami: That mean were fighting again?

Kairi: Oh you said we are working on sparring then?

Rowen: Also on how to develop all or your three combat abilities so you can less predictable

Kura: Very well, I am open to what you have to teach.

Yami: Yeah sure, as long as there's fighting.

Kairi: Alright but if I am sparring to I will try my best.

Kura: She does fine with blocking though she is a little more off balance with making her own attacks still though she is improving.

Kairi: (Looks a little nervous but determined as she smiles). I think I could try if you want me too.

Rowen: Do not worry, I have an idea of what we shall be doing so no need to get nervous.

Chazz: Well what should the rest of us do?

Rowen: Hmm why don't you spar with Mis Jennifer since she did not really get a chance last time.

Jennifer: (Looks a little surprised). Alright it has been a little time since we sparred so it should be interesting.

Chazz: Yes it shall be.

Hiki: Yay I haven't sparred with Jenny in a while, this should be fun!

Jennifer: I hope I have improved enough to keep up.

Hamako: (Goes up to Rowen with a hopeful and cute look as if begging a little). Spar too?

Cordelia: Hamako why don't you spar with Hiki and Tori if they are fine with it.

Hamako: (Looks at Hiki and Tori with the same hopeful look).

Hiki: I don't mind sparing with her since I did promised her I would be able to.

Tori: Umm I think I would want to work with Chazz but if they are fighting without help than I don't mind doing it at all.

Yami: (Looks skeptical). Wait can she really fight both of you?

Hamako: (Nods and giggles and then her shape and form starts to change, the water falling for a moment then morphing back into two forms so that there are two of Hamako looking exactly the same. One looksat Hiki and the other Tori and everyone besides Cordelia, Rowen and Orion looking shocked)

Hiki and Tori: (Are surprised by what Hamako had just done and looks at the reflections in awe).

Hamako: (As both look at Hiki and Tori the one looking at Hiki changes to look like a water reflection of Hiki and the other looking at Tori turning into a reflection of Tori).

Hiki: Wow these are pretty cool! I didn't think that she could do something like this!

Tori: It is quite impressive indeed from all of the details.

Cordelia: Every move you make she will make. It is a good ability to help another practice but that is all really and do not worry about hurting her. Again it is like cutting water, she will reform quickly or it will just slice through as long as there is water around.

Hiki: I see... Well that will make things fun. (As she dances around with the reflection where as Tori and his just sit down).

Kairi: (Looks amazed). Wow, that looks so cool, it is almost like having a twin.

Yami: (Gives a confused look). So aren't you going to spar them or something? I don't see why you're just sitting down and dancing.

Hiki: We will, it's just something that's nice to help play around with but Hamako time to get started then alright? (She unsheiths out her sword and gets into fighting stance as Tori does the same while standing up).

Hamako: Hika... Tory. (They hear in her voice both their reflections of Hiki and Tori nod on their own then take the exact stance they take as they replicate the shape of their weapons).

Hiki and Tori: (Both smile as they begin to spar with Hamako first very carefully not sure of how much they need to hold back)

Jennifer: (Watches the sparring for a few moments being impressed that Hamako can keep up with Hiki and Tori's movements as a reflection would then faces Chazz with a smile). Well I guess we should do the same then?

Chazz: I would guess so. (He smiles back at Jennifer).

Jennifer: Very well then I am ready when you are. (She curtsies as she smiles at Chazz and then walks away from the others fighting so they do not run into them readying her bow smirking a little). After you and I hope I have improved enough so we are on even grounds this time. Who knows maybe I will even win this time. (She laughs a little).

Chazz: (He bows as he follows to the area he needs be in as well and unsheathes his swords). We shall see but do not get too confident now Jennifer.

Jennifer: Aww but it makes things more interesting. (She pouts and laughs again as she aims her bow at Chazz watching him carefully as she says formally on purpose just having fun with it and joking around). Now after you sir Chazz.

Chazz: (He chuckles as well as he gets into his fighting stance and gets ready for the sparing to begin). I believe it is my love to go first now wouldn't it be?

Jennifer: (Is taken off guard and starts to blush saying more to herself). My... Love?

Chazz: (He charges forward with a smirk). Got to stay focused now.

Jennifer: (Barely blocks with her bow looking a little upset with a pout as she dodges backwards). Not really playing fair I see.

Chazz: (As he smiles as he holds her hand for a second). Well wasn't I speaking the truth though?

Jennifer: (Blushes again looking at her and Chazz's hands then at Chazz and blushes more heavily finding it difficult to talk). Well I-I....

Chazz: But we need to do this now Jennifer so stay focused alright? So far it has been very easy to throw off your focus. This proves it.

Jennifer: I-I. (She becomes flustered and falls from her overwhelming feelings being passed out from shock and feelings being out cold with her mind not yet used to the idea even with the previous events).

Shizen: (bursts out in laughter which crossing her arms having watched). Well now that was I little unfair but I suppose you win.

Kairi: (Has I big smile and giggles watching becoming unfocused from her own task).

Chazz: (As he is holding Jennifer and making sure she is alright). My apologies, I did not mean for this happen. I guess I just wanted to tease her a little bit like Hiki to see if her focus has improved.

Shizen: Well she seems to have taken it seriously. She will wake up in a little bit but if you need advice on how to tease like this it would seem like a good idea to talk to Orion. He was a grand master at that in his youth I believe. (She laughs patting Orion on the back).

Chazz: Maybe I will but for right now I shall take her some place to rest

Shizen: Very well, there is a place she can rest where her mom is sitting. She seems amused by this as well.

Kairi: (Still is giggling as she watches).

Kura: Pay attention Kairi, your barrier is fading.

Kairi: (Realizes this once Kura tells her and then goes back to focusing). Oh sorry.

Rowen: (Looks at Kairi strictly having to halt his assaults on the barrier suddenly). You must keep focus now Miss Kairi! No enemy will show you mercy when an opening is made available!

Kairi: (Keeps her hands on her barrier to build it back up again not liking being yelled at which makes her nervous). Y-yes sorry.

Rowen: It is fine but do not let your attention be taken away so easily. Keep your focus on the fight. (As he is shooting rocks onto the barrier since he is testing how long it can last with constant attacks).

Kairi: (Gets a determined look as she focuses more than before on strengthening the barrier).

Shizen: (Watches with Orion smiling thinking of how fast Kairi is improving, laughing a little then turning to Orion). So how about we have a sparring match as well like good old times then since everyone else seems to be training hard... Well almost everyone but I am sure the child will start sparring as well once she wakes.

Orion: (He laughs as he puts his arms in the air to stretch). True and if it was that easy to get her to faint than she wouldn't be able to deal with me in my younger days but oh well.

Shizen: (Smirks). Well that is just unfair to her really although you are not the one she has fallen for so I do not think it will affect her as strongly, sorry to break your heart. (She laugh patting Orion's back as they walk a little further away for distance when sparring).

Rowen: Well regardless if he did learn how to tease more than we wouldn't see her awake for long now would we?

Shizen: (Laughs more). Quite true so he should have a opponent that will not fall for his charms, and sorry Orion but at least you have a opponent who is at your level.

Orion: Oh really now Shizen care to put your money where your mouth is?

Shizen: (Smirks looking at Orion with a raised eyebrow). I am always up for a bet and a challenge so what is on your mind?

Orion: Hmm well what do you think would work here? Since I believe that we are bound to a normal sparring match there isn't much we can bet one... However I can think of one that might get you going. (She smirks at Shizen).

Shizen: (Pauses in thought). Hmm we could do have to hand combat to hand combat sparring, perhaps a little test of strength that way but what do you have in mind. (She gives Orion an interested look).

Orion: Well. (He leans in close to whisper to Shizen). Since I believe that you are interested in Rowen I can tell you something's that you may be happy to find out about. (He says as his smirk grows).

Shizen: (Pauses for a few seconds before whispering back with a smirk). Well I suppose there is slight interest perhaps... But what are these things I would be happy to know about him hmm?

Orion: Well maybe the type of things that may help in a private space.

Shizen: (Raises her eyebrows looking a little surprised but continues smirking). Well I do not know what you mean by me having a private space with him. Please do tell what things you mean.

Orion: Well that for you to find out, now wouldn't it? Where would the fun be if I just told you now?

Shizen: (Pouts and sighs). So I am guessing I get to find out when I win then I see but what is the catch. What do you want if you win?

Orion: Hmm at the moment I can't think of anything but I shall let you know when I find out myself.

Shizen: Hmm then I guess a favor from me then. Very well I accept the terms, this should be interesting then.

Orion: Oh yes it shall, well then shall we get started than?

Shizen: (Stretches out her arms and legs as she smirks). Very well, shall it be hand to hand combat like I suggested or shall we keep our weapons although there is more chance of damaging the area that way.

Orion: I think that might be better for everyone if we left our weapons. (He stretches out his arms as well). Oh well, we will use weapons another day.

Shizen: Yes though it is more a test of strength that way. I suppose but good thing you are not the only strong one here. (As she removes her bow walking to a nearby tree to lean it against).

Orion: Oh is that right now? Well in any case we shall see for sure. (He removes his gauntlets on a nearby rock)

Shizen: Of course, it should be quite fun. (Once all of her weapons are set aside she walks over to meet Orion in the middle being a few feet away from him as she cracks her knuckles). Now who shall start this off then?

Orion: Well I would say ladies first but we can just go at the same time now can't we?

Shizen: Very well and let's give this first punch everything we have then. (She smirks as she get into a fighting stance similar to boxing with her arms near her face and feet closer together).

Orion: Let us then.... (He gets into his own free motion stance).

Shizen: (Everything is quiet for a moment with a little tension in the air until Shizen yells out). Now! (As she says this she punches full force with her right hand in a fist at Orion).

Orion: Now! (As he does the same with colors of their elements flowing out of their fist as they collide creating a small flash of green and brown energy).

Shizen: (As their fists connect with each other's perfectly it also causes the ground to shake around them from the impact causing those training as well to stop for a second being taken off guard).

Yami: (Was in the middle of blocking rocks as he feels the ground shake looking in Shizen and Orion's direction). What the-. (As he was looking he losses focus of dodging and blocking and a rock hits him in the head sending him back. He quickly sits up being alert but also looks at the flash of green and brown light). What the fuck was that!?

Kura: (Looks over as well struggling to keep balance and her barrier up). Is that really those two sparring?

Kairi: (Looks at the flash of light as well). Whoa pretty light.

Jennifer: (Had just woken up a moment a go and goes full alert from the earth shaking). A-an earthquake!?

Hiki and Tori: (Are taken off guard as well as they look towards the flashing of light in shock).

Chazz: I see your awake and no just Orion and Shizen sparring with each other but it seems they may have already overdone it.

Jennifer: (Looks amazed as she watches). Wow... Their so strong.

Cordelia: I suppose they are. I always wondered why Orion would take Rowen much farther away to train when we were here before now I am glad they had.

Hamako: (Both water reflections of Hiki and Tori look towards the flash of light as well). Pretty....

Chazz: Well, Rowen is truly strong and now I see where he has learned it. Trying to avoid his attacks in the past were quite difficult from just how much they would hurt if they hit me. (He chuckles a little bit as he watches the lights as well).

Rowen: (He stops with the rocks as he watches as well not surprised that this sort of thing would happen really).

Shizen: (There is a pause as their fists connect and she smiles both their arms strained from each other's strength neither moving back however). Not bad, I see you still as strong as ever.

Orion: Well I could say the same for you now couldn't I? I'm just happy that we didn't cause too much damage though we may have become the center of attention just now.

Shizen: I see well let's show them how the first generation really fights and perhaps that will give them some motivation to train harder. (Punches with her other fist this one nearly as strong of a impact as the first).

Orion: Well I wouldn't be a problem if we went like this for a little bit.

Shizen: (Laughs as they exchange strong punches in a boxing fashion. They are able to talk just fine while focusing on their attacks like this is something that they can do easily). Yes I agree but while we are here I must ask, since you have been here with Rowen do you know what is happening in the our world... Things are about to get out of hand I can tell a war could be approaching perhaps even a storm of fire. (She looks a little more serious as they continue to spar and talk being glad they had gone away from the others to have this opportunity to talk with Orion like this).

Orion: (As he is keeping up with Shizen easily though gaining a frown). I am aware of what is going on in our world.

Shizen: I am glad but you do not have to be dragged into it... What happened with the poison spirits recently was not acceptable and do not blame me if I do something stupid the next time he crosses the line.

Orion: I am aware and I wouldn't blame yourself quite yet but we shall see. All I ask of you is not to do anything quite so hasty which I know you will do without hesitation.

Shizen: (Pauses for a second in fighting to block his attacks looking down for a moment). I understand... And I will do what I can... II cannot promise it will end well... I will do everything I can to make sure no more lives are lost... Nagi and Shiro taught me an ability if it comes to that... Peace needs to return.

Orion: (Taking notice of what she meant with Nagi and Shiro). I see then... I guess it would be useless for me to ask you to not risk everything when you already are planning to do it anyway.

Shizen: If it is to save their future. (She looks in the direction of everyone else sparring and pushing themselves, all the young ones she sees hope in). Then what choice will I have... Their the key to bring the balance back, especially Chazz, Hiki and Tori. The child as well since she can actually control my power... She's quite remarkable in her will and sense of right and wrong as well as everyone else's. Kairi can make anyone smile. Her smile is even as bright as Hiki's although being of darkness element and then there's Kura and Yami the children of Izumi. Each have their struggles just to survive and being alone... Such a hard life and so young still and what's worse is I know Agni has his eyes on him... I must protect them as well as the lives that shouldn't be wasted in these wars... And bring back the much needed balance and peace no matter the cost.... (She looks down the force of her attacks easing up as a tell of her being deep in thought).

Orion: Well I can see that you care deeply about all of them and I know because of how you are you would even give you life for them just because you don't want a repeat of what happened with Nagi and Shiro to happen to Chazz and Hiki and Tori and the grief that they all would feel afterwards. I know that is what you're thinking and what you may do but If I can speak my mind for a moment I think that even if your life is gone their grief will grow even more so there is no happy result from this. I cannot control your actions as much as I wish I could.

Shizen: No I understand that fully but if it comes to their life and mine the answer is clear... But if that does happen... I am thinking of possible solution every way I can at least come back somehow... You remember how stubborn I can be after al... I don't plan on leaving without a fight, I promise that.

Orion: I know you will overcome this when it comes down to these type of things.

Shizen: ... There was a time where we were all peaceful... And Agni and I at least tolerated each other even had some good times... Sad thing is I barely remember those now... It felt so long ago... What happened to him to make him like this... I wish I knew fully. (She sighs looking down as she blocked a punch but stopping for a moment).

Orion: (Knows well to stop this sparring match for now from where this conversation has gone). I'm not sure either but all I know he may be driven by maybe a sense of justice or something of that sort... But maybe we willl have too find this out later what has driven Agni to this point.

Shizen: (Sighs). I suppose... Orion... I'm not sure if you knew the truth of Izumi's madness... But Agni told me himself... He turned him into a puppet of rage and hate... I'm not sure how but he confessed it. He did it in a way I cannot call him out in our court... This needs to end... History can not repeat. (She looks at Yami as he's fighting Rowen with everything he has).

Orion: I think I have an idea of what you mean and what happened with Izumi ways unfortunate.... (He notices where she is looking). And it won't since this group will make sure that it won't happen again with everything they have

Shizen: I think so and he's a very strong little one. He gets up and continues fighting with everything he has. He has a lot of potential if he could control his ability better. I think he will be fine. I think he will become even stronger than his father was in time. (She smiles watching Yami).

Orion: Yeah which is why Rowen is trying so hard to train the three of them so that they can reach their potential as fast as possible.

Shizen: And they are growing quite fast. Rowen's doing a good job with them. (She then looks at Rowen). It's odd to find a connection with everything that may happen... I keep telling myself I shouldn't pursue it in the chance that I do leave... He already lost the one he loves once that can't happen again if feelings grow... But then again it gives me even more of a reason to fight to make thing work out more peacefully... To not give up. (She smiles more looking at Rowen).

Orion: (Pauses for a second to collect his thought). Well... If I can say something on that... Even if Rowen may seem hurt by the connection that your trying to have with him he is actually quite happy on the inside. He couldn't stop smiling after you left... If you can't find a reason then I'll give you one... it's standing right over there and there and everyone around us. (He points to everyone training and Jennifer and Chazz doing the same now).

Shizen: (Laughs a little as she looks at everyone). You have a very good point with them Orion, so believe I will not accept my fate so readily if things go badly. I will put up a fight believe me and... He smiled because of me... I see. (She looks at Rowen while getting a big smile and warm feeling).

Orion: (He laughs as he finishes his sparing match with Shizen for now). I know you won't, it would be bad if you did but I believe in you.

Shizen: (Nods and smiles at Orion). Yes it's not in my nature, thank you Orion. You're a good brother. (She pats Orion's shoulder as they walk back). It's good to finally see you again although I suppose you have been contacted to Rowen all this time then? Quite a long time to be contracted. You could of contacted me and we could have met sooner.

Orion: True, I was contracted with Rowen for a good while now which may be why I just want him to be happy. I saw his past love pass away right in front of him and he wasn't able to take it but he kept going because of his duty here gave him something to focus on.

Shizen: I see... So he just kept going because that is all he could do... I'm sorry to him... And I hope I can help ease that pain... It's not easy to lose someone so dear to you. Yes we grieve and the memories of that one will stay with us forever... That is the part that will never go away no matter how much time passes and those times makes us who we are today.

Orion: And I hope you can do that and fill that hole that still exists inside of his heart... The day I have to leave his side. I hope you can be there to stand by him.

Shizen: (looks at Orion a little surprised then looks down). I see... I will do all I can, I promise you that... And if I made him smile after I left then I am happy to say the feelings are very mutual. (She smiles again looking at Rowen). I promise you those feelings will not leave him again... I will do everything I can even if it means waiting years to return... I will do my best.

Orion: (He smiles as he pets Shizen's head). I know you wouldn't disappoint me now Shizen. You are like my little sister now aren't you?

Shizen: And you are like my big brother and I couldn't ask for a better one. Now lets enjoy things while they are calm. (She starts to walk back to the others sparring).

Orion: Yes, yes we shall as as many moments as we can together.

Shizen: Yes indeed. (She walks back with Orion watching the others train stopping at Hiki and Tori who still are sparring with Hamako reflected to them to copy their movements). How are you two holding up? Are you doing well with Hamako?

Hiki: It's interesting of how I am fighting myself as it seems we are on the same wavelength. (As the two clash swords at a identical but reflected angle).

Tori: Yes, it's proving not that easy, yet quite enjoyable at the same time.

Cordelia: (As she is sitting and watching everyone with a cup of tea). She could do more if you like though once she has copied enough on her own she can use it freely for a few minutes but then those moves are forgotten.

Hamako: (As both of Hiki and Tori's reflections strike on their own a move that Hiki had done 4 slashes ago but then goes into the normal reflection motion as if just showing what Cordelia had said). ... fun. (She still is split into reflections Hiki and Tori copying them perfectly as she says this).

Hiki and Tori: (Both block the attack and decide to try something different by switching opponents).

Hamako: (Both pause for a moment the goes into the stances before copying the movements that have been made throughout their sparring match).

Hiki: It's always better to fight someone different. I can't always fight myself now can I?

Hamako: (Clashes in the same pattern Tori had done). It fun... Make more? (Emerges partly from the water replica of Tori with a questioning look but a big smile).

Hiki: Hit me with everything you have Hamako!

Hamako: (As soon as Hiki says this Hamako goes back to the replicas of Hiki and Tori which fall apart as water starts to move up from under the ground forming more figures of them in there fighting stance. There are 4 replicas of Tori in fighting stance facing himself and Hiki having 3 of herself in fighting stance as well towards herself).

Hiki: (She and Tori are taken by surprised by the sudden cloning of themselves)

Tori: Well I think it might be worth to turn it up a notch then. (Hiki shakes her head to agree as they both go into their second forms).

Hamako: (All of the clones tilt their heads looking at Hiki and Tori able to copy how they look but not the power as they go into their battle stances surrounding Hiki and Tori).

Tori: (His swords start to cover in darkness as they fight with the clones but it is clear that he is overpowering them as the same could be said for Hiki and her clones since they can't keep up with the speed).

Hamako: (The clones try to follow the movements obviously struggling to keep track of them. the slashed clone falls apart until there's two that still struggles not able to keep up and copy their movements but all of sudden the clones fall into a puddle as she now reforms what she really looks like with only one of her as she looks very dazed and dizzy). Whoa... Fast... Dizzy. (As she says this she falls down looking up with the same dizzy expression).

Hiki: (Gets out of her second form as she goes over to Hamako with concern). Are you alright, did we push you too far? I'm so sorry.

Hamako: (Still looks dazed and dizzy as she lays there looking up at the sky). Spinning....

Cordelia: (Stand up form where she was watching going over to Hiki, Tori and Hamako with a sympathetic smile). I suppose that was a little too fast for her to keep up with. It is alright, she will snap out of it. She just seems dizzy from this so let me take her inside for now.

Hiki: Alright, I'll go play with her again later if she is well enough. (She says with a apologetic smile with Tori coming right behind her putting his sword on his shoulder).

Cordelia: Very well but next time try not to go into your second form. She is still a little one so she has a lot to learn and understand. (She picks up Hamako to take her inside).

Hamako: (Looks at Hiki and Tori from over Cordelia's shoulder looking tired but smiles and waves at them a little). Bye....

Hiki: (She rubs her head). Sorry, sorry I didn't know how much we could do.... (She smiles than waves at Hamako as well as Tori). Bye Hamako see you later.

Shizen: Quite odd to have a spirit that young be contracted, yes Yami is a special case in that with what he has been through but she still seems at the stage of a young child mind set wise. Her observation and the way she copies what she sees are quite impressive.

Orion: True that is usually the case but sometimes it can happen for gifted spirits so I think it is fine.

Hiki: Yeah it was very cool fighting myself than Tori than myself again!

Shizen: Yes she has potential. It makes me think of what she will be capable as she matures but right now she's still is a small child. I'm glad you enjoyed your sparring, are you going to keep going or take a break?

Hiki: I'm not sure on what we are going to do next. I may just sit down for now. What about you Tori?

Tori: I'm going to go lay down because I could always use a nap.

Shizen: Very well, have a good nap. I think I will watch the others spar then what about you Orion?

Orion: I don't mind watching alongside you.

Shizen: Very well, I enjoy seeing everyone's progress. (She walks with Orion to view the others sparring Jennifer and Chazz sparring each other and Kairi, Kura and Yami sparring Rowen).

Kairi: (Is holding up her barrier that looks weaker then when she had first started. She is feeling weak from holding it for so long blocking shards of rock but then suddenly falls her energy being low from holding up the barrier longer than she ever had).

Kura: (Rushes to Kairi to block for her sitting her up but looks weak as well but more concerned for Kairi). Kairi are you alright. Is this too much for you?

Kairi: (Looks very tired and physically drained as she is helped to sit up. It's weird but she feels as if something is blocking her from accessing more of her own energy). I can keep going... Sorry, I just felt light headed I guess.

Rowen: (Notices that Kairi is physically looking pale). No Kairi you are done for now. It would be more dangerous for your health if you kept going. I can have someone take you inside so you can rest.

Kura: We can stop then and I will take her to get some rest. (She helps Kairi up as well as helping her walk). We will be back a little later or just at least sit on the side but for now I think we are both done.

Kairi: Thank you... For helping train me. (She smiles at Rowen as she is helped to leave and get some rest).

Rowen: (He smiles back at Kairi being much less stern then before). No problem, I will visit later to check up on you so get some rest and just relax. (As he looks at Yami). Now do you feel like stopping right now or no Yami?

Yami: (Gets up while catching his breath and then with a big grin as he takes a fighting stance while readying his knives). Does it look like I'm at my limit to you?

Rowen: (He smiles at the determination showed). Well alright then we shall continue. I hope you are ready for this.

Yami: (Smirks as he readies himself for anything Rowen has to throw at him). Bring it!

Rowen: (He holds his gauntlets in a type of boxing stance ready for Yami).

Yami: (Grins and charges at Rowen using both knives to strike at the same time to make it more powerful going on the offensive right away).

Rowen: (He is able to block the attack with ease as Yami gets sent back by his own punch).

Yami: (Even being sent back he charges in again this time jumping high up as he strikes then doing a jump kick aimed at Rowen's head).

Rowen: (He dodges the attack and punches Yami down into the ground with heavy impact).

Yami: (Is slammed down into the ground as he curses. The impact causes a small crater as he pushes himself up as he starts to take a little dark energy not noticing it as he tries attacking again not planning on giving up so easily).

Rowen: (He gets back on guard as parts of the gauntlet seem to be extending like small pillars between each section).

Yami: (Darkness gathers from the area around him in his fist swarming around it like his hand is wrapped in shadow. When he punches with that hand with knife held to the side he hits one of the gauntlets straight on and the energy gathered forced out in a wave with that punch).

Rowen: (The strike had pierced some of the gauntlets and broke off a small area but he is still able to knock Yami back).

Yami: (Backs up and grins at least making a dent as darkness gathers again in his hands as he continues to strike getting frustrated as he misses most. The shadow coating him seems to spread on him not that he notices focused on his fight giving it everything he has as he breathes a bit heavily from all the blows he had taken).

Rowen: (No other strike makes the same impact again but it can show scratches alongside them). Well... I think we are done for now

Yami: (Grins as he stands up straight while he catches his breath. He is still taking a large amount of energy but not seeming to notice it though Chazz and Tori feeling the effect of it a little now). If you're sure. You know what, you're not bad at fighting for a old man.

Rowen: (Has to pause such a comment). Well... Well I have to still keep up my image now Yami... And that was kind of rude but I shall excuse that for now.

Yami: (Gives a confused look). What, how is that rude?

Kura: (Has been sitting on the side lines Kairi resting besides her insisting to watch). Like I said, his manners are somewhat lacking and Yami you can calm down now. No need to take energy.

Yami: (Looks even more confused not noticing the large amount of darkness he is taking). What are you talking about, I am calm. (He finally sees what Kura is talking about looking at the shadows wrapped around his hands and traveling up his arms looking shocked while trying to stop it). Guys... I'm calm... How do I stop this... I-it's not stopping.

Kairi: (Looks at Yami with concern not sure of what he means).

Shizen: (Watches Yami while looking concerned as well). Hmm something's off.

Jennifer: (Stops sparring with Chazz wondering what is going on as well).

Chazz: (He falls to his knees and so does Tori since he is already on the floor lying down but feels a heavy weight on him).

Yami: (Looks at Chazz and Tori). Hey you guys ok? I'm trying to stop this... What the-. (The shadow spreads slowly covering him. The last thing is his face as he grabs his head as if getting a headache while falling to his knees with a shout).

Kura: (Instantly rushes over making a worried Kairi stay away). Yami!

Jennifer: (Rushes to Chazz trying to help him looking very worried herself). Chazz are you alright... What's going on. (Looks at Yami who still grabs his head with a struggled look).

Shizen: (Starts to rush over to Yami as well with Orion). Something's wrong, his power has never acted out like this.

Hiki: (She rushes over as well to Chazz and Tori seeing them grow week). Master!

Orion: (Sits by Kura trying to get a good look at Yami). Yeah something is causing a chain reaction within him... It seems something is changing in Yami.

Shizen: (Keeps a calm and level head for the others with Orion and Rowen). We need to at least get Chazz and Tori away. Hiki make a barrier around both of them!

Kura: (looks worriedly at the cocoon like darkness around Yami trying to break through it to get to him but it is no use).

Shizen: (Stops Kura for her own safety). Kura we have no idea how destroying the darkness will affect him.

Kura: (Looks almost in panic from her worry). But what if something's hurting him! We need to do something!

Hiki: (She shakes head yes as she gets working on a barrier around Chazz and Tori).

Rowen: Well acting out won't solve anything! Stay calm or leave Kura. If you wish to see this go smoothly than calm down and listen to us.

Kura: (Pauses for a moment worry still in her eyes but then nods looking at the darkness wrapped around Yami helplessly).

Rowen: (He sighs). I understand that you are worried but letting your emotions run wild will not help. Believe me we will do everything we can to make sure nothing bad happens alright?

Kura: ... Ok... Just promise me that... Please. (She looks at Rowen pleadingly then back at Yami).

Shizen: Don't worry Kura, we can handle this and besides your little brother is quite a strong and stubborn little guy. Something like this won't make him leave you like you fear.

Rowen: (He smiles at Kura). We will, no need to worry about that.

Orion: (As he is trying to think of a way for this end well looking at the cocoon of darkness in thought to what this could be).

Shizen: (Thinks as well as she take a hand and tries to touch the darkness seeming to speed up as it swirls around Yami. It sends a jolt of pain instantly grabbing her hand pulling it back). Well I suppose a seal won't be easy if we try that but it seems almost like a cocoon wrapped around him. I have to wonder what is changing in him if that is so.

Rowen: Hmm it would seem that maybe his powers are changing alongside him developing.

Shizen: I suppose but I wonder how then... I think it's slowing down though. (They sees the darkness being taken from around them lessen seeming to slowly come to a stop though Yami is still cloaked in darkness as she nods to Hiki). I think you can let the barrier down in a few seconds but are they doing alright?

Jennifer: Chazz seems fine, he's a little weak but he's still awake. (She looks at Tori still leaning against the tree). Tori are you still awake, I hope not too much was taken.

Tori: (Is fast asleep peacefully).

Hiki: (She sighs). Always sleeping now aren't you?

Orion: Yes it seems that he is changing right now.

Shizen: I suppose but I'm curious to know how. (She places her hand on the darkness again it seeming to settle and start to disperse). It looks like whatever it is, is fading.

Rowen: It would appear so now... What will happen as a result from all of this.

The darkness fades and disperses more until Yami is fully visible though with darkness still surrounding him like black smoke. His black hair with red highlights being messy as it sweeps down his face with some strands reaching his jaw if it weren't as spiky from its disheveled appearance from struggling. His mouth is open being passed out able to see prominent canine like teeth and pointed elf-like ears.

Shizen: (Looks at Yami seeming curious to the changes as she examines him). ... That's... Quite interesting....

Kura: (Looks amazed yet still heavily concerned). ... Yami...?

Rowen: (He and Orion are shocked by the sudden change in Yami). Well this is... Something.

Yami: (Shifts around a little as he snaps out of his unconsciousness though very slowly opening his red and black eyes with blurred vision from waking). ... wha-....

Kura: (Looks at Yami relived he is alright but still shocked by the changes).

Orion: Well Yami don't freak out now... but things are different about you.

Yami: (Gives a confused look as he stiffly sits up grabbing his head having a headache as he tries to recall what had happened not noticing the changes yet). What you talking about... Feel like someone hit my brain full force... Man what happened.

Shizen: At least it seems he has not change mentally.

Yami: (Looks even more confused but still out of it). What... Change what?

Kura: (Still looks at Yami surprised and confused but relieved he's the same as before).

Yami: (Notices everyone looking at him weirdly not understanding). Why you guys looking at me like that? Something on my face?

Hiki: (As she looks at Yami confused). Well I guess you could say... That you are more animal like.

Yami: ... Huh. (He gives a questioning look and then he scratches his head he feels something wrong with his ears feeling longer and pointed for some reason). What... The fuck is that...? (He starts to snap out of it more as he feels his ears trying to process it and then feels something wrong with his teeth checking those as well as he feels they are sharper saying in-between feeling his teeth). What... The fuck is wrong with my teeth... What the hell!

Kura: Yami calm down, you don't look that bad.

Shizen: (Laughs a little). Well we still can tell it is you so that is a good sign.

Yami: What the hell do I look like!

Orion: Well... Maybe more a fox or a wolf... I guess?

Shizen: (Leans closer to examine him better). I would say they are more bat-like in my opinion.

Kura: I guess so; it kind of is cute.

Yami: Don't call me cute!

Shizen: Yami calm down, it's fine.

Yami: Well what the hell happened to me!

Rowen: Well it seems the energy in you was changing alongside your emotions so as a result you became like this.

Yami: (Remains in shock as he shouts). Well how do I fix it and how do I look! Anybody got a mirror or something!

Kura: Yami calm down you honestly don't look bad.

Yami: What do I look like though!

Kairi: (Giggles leaning against the tree still but liking how Yami looks).

Rowen: (Ponders the change as he examines it). I'm not sure this can be reversed really... But we can look into it.

Yami: Still need to look in a mirror or something, I mean is it that bad?

Shizen: Actually it kind of suits you in a way.

Yami: Alright umm I guess? Why couldn't I get something cool like a scorpion or snake tail like those poison spirits we saw. That would've been cool.

Rowen: You did now? (He gives a glaring look at Shizen). I see that... But since you are not poison than something practical suits you better.

Yami: Yeah... I guess? Still this is kind of weird.

Shizen: (Laughs a little and says jokingly patting Rowen on the back). It's fine they were not poisoned much, and Yami was the one poisoning them when it came to those times... Mostly himself though.

Kura: (Sighs). Yes he did but it was not on purpose.

Yami: How was I supposed to know what that was!

Rowen: (He sighs). I guess I will hear about this later then....

Orion: (He laughs a little bit). Why am I not surprised that it happened at all?

Shizen: (Laughs along with Orion). Yes I guess I forgot to explain more of what happened during drinks, oh there's always a next time. (She smiles at Rowen apologetically).

Yami: Ok but I guess I'll just deal with this I mean as long as I don't look dumb or anything.

Kura: You are fine Yami although hiding it may be difficult around others but we can make it work. For now you are fine, can you at least hide your eyes.

Yami: (Pauses closing his eyes but they still are black and red when opening them again). Nah I guess whatever happened drained my energy, I'll get some later. I'll be good until then I guess.

Kura: Ok just take an easy until then.

Shizen: Yes I think we are all done so perhaps we should have lunch out here after a small rest.

Yami: Sure, good with me.

Rowen: (He sighs as he puts his gauntlets away). Fine and yes taking a break now should be good since we still need Chazz and Tori to wake up again.

Hiki: (She is busy looking after Chazz and Tori). Well it seems that they are alright now, just sleeping to recover from the sudden draining.

Jennifer: (Sighs relieved). Good I was worried, thank you Hiki.

Yami: Yeah sorry about that. I don't know what that was but glad everyone's ok.

Kairi: (Looks at Tori sleeping and goes closer to him to lean against the tree with him looking up at him being still worried. She shakes him a little to see if he can wake up as she says in a sweet yet worried tone also showing in her eyes). You are alright... Right Tori?

Tori: (Mumbles in his sleep). ... Yes....

Hiki: (She laughs). That's always like him and no problem Jenny. I have to be able to do these things myself anyways.

Kairi: (Gets a big smile then rests her head on Tori's chest feeling tired still as Jennifer pretends to ignore it).

Jennifer: (Sighs then looks at Chazz as he sleeps still with slight worry wishing she could help more).

Hiki: (As Hiki is checking Chazz's forehead she senses a small trouble forming within his head). Hmm something is on masters mind. It's like a memory it looks like.

Jennifer: (Gives a confused look). He is? How can you tell, and can you tell what it is?

Hiki: (As she still touches Chazz's head). I'm not sure how to explain but it feels like I know the moment master is thinking about... As it seems to be happy yet sad at the same time.

Jennifer: (Looks at Chazz with concern). Something sad and yet happy, what moment is that?

Rowen: (He walks closer to Hiki). Why not open a mental gate and we can see the memory through Chazz's point of view it would work like a story being told. This only really works with light sprits and if they were connected at the time.

Hiki: (She looks at Rowen with confusion but shakes her head). Alright than I can try... I want to see what master sees if he gives me permission. (She starts to make a small circle on Chazz's head and it starts to light up showing the memory faintly).

Jennifer: (Leans over to sit next to Hiki wanting to see as well). I wonder what memory he is dreaming about.

Shizen: (Goes over to stand next to Rowen being interested to what is happening).

Hiki: (Suddenly the light creates a huge barrier that covers everyone that projects the location the memory is happening in but they cannot interact with anything).

Jennifer: (Sees a park with a little boy on the bench looking about seven covered in dirt from the streets looking down seeming very somber). Is that... Chazz?

Rowen: It would seem so.

Suddenly everyone starts to hear a type of story dialogue from Chazz in the present. Years ago before any events that could change any of the lives there was a small child named Chazz who had lost his parents because of illnesses that weren't able to be cured being among the poor in status. Chazz being at a young age he didn't know on how to keep himself a float. He didn't know what to do. He was lost in the city's mist unable to see which way was right and which was wrong. The voices in his head continued trying to help him to make the right decisions but they couldn't fully reach him. He felt alone sometimes he felt a embrace around his neck and that is what kept him going but the only thing he could do was sit down and just wait for his life to end as well thinking there wasn't much for him to be able to walk forward too as he sat on a bench by a park. He sat their thinking more and more negative thoughts... He felt like he was drowning... And no one would be there to pick him back up until one day as Chazz was sitting there on this bench this girl that seemed not be from this part of town walked up to him. The girl is walks into the park getting a little lost looking about Chazz's age though much shorter with wavy brown hair and bangs just over her green eyes. She wears a well made noble green dress

Jennifer: (As she looks at the girl knowing she looks familiar making her eyes widen). That is... Me?

Hiki: (She is just as surprised by this as well). Yeah... it is.

Chazz: (He is looking down while he is holding a small black and white necklace that his parents gave him before they had passed away).

Jennifer: (The her in the memory stands in front of Chazz looking at him concerned to why he's so sad. Her hand tight on her bag she holds feeling nervous about speaking up). Umm excuse me... You look so sad... Is something wrong?

Chazz: (He looks up but he seems lifeless in his eyes). Maybe there is... I just feel like sitting here for right now really and you should be careful around here.

Jennifer: (Smiles politely though a little carelessly to what neighborhood she had wondered into). Careful for what and do you mind if I sit with you then? (She sits on the bench before he answers forgetting her manners from her recent lessons).

Chazz: (Even though he ignores from the girls sudden movement). Oh well as long as you know what you are doing then I guess.

Jennifer: Well I just you seem so sad so I wanted to help somehow... Is there any way I can help... I know I do not know you but no one should look this sad on a day like this. It is nice and warm out and the sky is so blue today. (She smiles cheerfully looking at the sky then the green trees and grass as well as the pond it seeming peaceful in the park feeling a slightly cool breeze).

Chazz: (He looks around). Is it colorful? All I really see right now is black and white... But I will say it does feel warm... And I'm not sure how you could help.

Jennifer: (Looks a little sad from hearing Chazz cannot see color). You cannot see color... But colors make everything more exciting... Hmm. (She takes her green silk ribbon out from holding her hair back a bit). Well this ribbon is green... I always liked green, I mean this park is pretty green and I think it makes thing look alive that way... Ooh maybe I can bring back color for you somehow. (She starts to think of ways to bring color back but instead starts naming ideas on how in ways they do not make any sense like a magic unicorn or a talking tree or the ribbon in her hand having magic powers seeming a little absent minded as she giggles).

Chazz: (He laughs a little bit). You're a silly one... Don't get me wrong it's not like I'm colorblind. It's just the world doesn't seem that cheerily for me right now is all.

Jennifer: (Feels embarrassed as she blushes and then looks down). I guess I understand... I mean when I am at home it's pretty lonely since my parents work a lot... But I have a baby sister so that helps... I guess you have to make things good yourself... Like thinking about things that make you smile like that squirrel over there. It's really cute. (As she sees a squirrel by a tree looking for food and giggles seeming to like watching animals a lot).

Chazz: (He also looks at the squirrel). I guess you really like animals huh? Why do you like them if I can ask?

Jennifer: (Smiles looking at the squirrel). I am not sure but whenever I'm sad it feels like I can talk them and they listen or at least them being there and I just feel a lot better... And I guess they just really like me. I am not sure, it is just nice to have someone to talk to in a way and besides I love animals anyways. Their so cute! (As the squirrel gets closer and looks for food by the tree next to the bench animals usually staying quite far from humans but not this time for some reason).

Chazz: Huh is that right... So by having someone to talk to makes things better I guess is what you're saying. (His necklace starts to shine a little bit but not too noticeable except for the people watching this memory play out).

Jennifer: I think so, I mean just talking to something you think is important and helps too.... (She then looks both ways then whispers to Chazz like it is top secret). Do not tell but sometimes I here tiny voices in my imagination. I cannot understand it but I like thinking about it and talking to them that helps to... Ooh maybe it a imaginary friend, that is what mom told me.

Chazz: (Is surprised but chuckles a bit). Well I guess that does still count now doesn't it...? (He then he looks down). Mom huh?

Jennifer: Yeah she is really nice and caring I just wish she did not work so hard. I do not get to see her anymore and I cannot remember the last time I saw my dad. (She looks down a little then tries to shake it off while smiling at Chazz). What is your mom like though?

Chazz: (He has head down still). Well let me see... She was very funny and nice... She could always make sure that I was feeling ok by just looking at me... She didn't work as much since my dad did most of it.

Jennifer: Was.... (She whispers more to herself looking down knowing what it means). She sounds really nice... And she ss still here though... I guess you cannot see here but she is right there so your never really alone. (She gives a kind smile as she points to Chazz's chest where his heart is when saying this).

Chazz: Yeah she was... And don't worry about hitting a sensitive area... I feel like I have gotten over it... Maybe... All I want to do is just sit here.

Jennifer: (Smiles but a little sadly trying to think of ways to help). Well... You don't mind if I have lunch and sit here then do you? I think I have extras so do you want some? You look hungry. (She holds up her bag where she is carrying her food).

Chazz: I don't mind... Yeah sure I could have some food now.

Jennifer: (Smiles happily digging in her bag and handing Chazz a sandwich seeming to have a lot on it like it is made by a fancy Cafe or personal chef perhaps with chicken, lettuce, mozzarella cheese, and green peppers). Here have all you like. There is plenty for both of us I think but I am not to hungry so you can have more.

Chazz: No, no I couldn't ask for something like that... Just this sandwich will do just fine no problem... But wow this is a pretty looking sandwich.

Jennifer: Oh I guess so, I mean my parents are the nobles that live in a mansion not to far from town and I guess their sort of in charge of this area so we have personal chefs and maids and things like that but... It is still lonely there... I mean all the extravagance its things I do not really care about... I just want them to spend more time with me... They are too busy to do that though.... (She looks down as she talks and then notices what who she is talking to thinking, she is probably seeming a little selfish). Oh I am sorry, I guess I should not complain to you about something small like that... Sorry. (She looks down being embarrassed).

Chazz: (As he is eating the sandwich hungrily). No, no it is fine... I have been told that I'm pretty good listener I don't mind what is said really so why are your parents always so busy?

Jennifer: Well being a noble I guess there's a lot of responsibility... I see them in their study most of the time but when I come in their too busy with papers they write on... but at least I have my little sister. She's three and I guess I end up taking care of her most of the time... But I am really glad she is there. She has a big smile and is really adorable. (She smiles as she looks down thinking about her little sister and giggling at some funny memories that come to mind).

Chazz: Oh I see... So you can't really help when it comes to seeing them huh... Nobles must have a hard time.

Jennifer: I guess so but everyone goes through hard times. We just have to keep going since it gets better eventually. (As the squirrel from before comes up to the bench on her other side and she smiles and pets it seeming like it is normal for her when it normally runs away from everyone).

Chazz: If only it could ever be that easy to do something like that really?

Jennifer: (Looks up at the sky). I think so... You just have to try... That is all it takes I think... It may not be right away when things change but it is a start. (She stands up from sitting on the bench and smiles as she offers her hand to help him stand). It also helps to have someone to help you up too.

Chazz: (As he looks at her hand he hears a small whisper that sounds very familiar to him that says 'Chazz... It's time to get up and walk again... I will be there soon to walk with you... So until than wait for me alright master....' As small tears form in his eyes).

Hiki: (She starts to cry as she remembers talking to someone like that in a dream once).

Jennifer: (As she watches the memory as well she tears up not sure why this memory is so hard to remember for her). I wish I could remember this better.... (She continues to watch as the younger her keeps her hand held out to him. In the memory she continues to hold her hand out smiling at Chazz kindly but also concerned to why he is starting to cry).

Chazz: (He looks down and then at the sky reaching out his hand to sky). You know... Sometimes I always wanted to fly through the sky... But at the same time... Have someone willing to stand by my side... Someone... Maybe even two people that can keep me in a balance... If I have to walk to reach them... Then I will run to them.... (He then holds his hand out to Jennifer and grabs it).

Jennifer: (Helps Chazz stand with a big smile). Well I hope you find them... And maybe I can be there too... If that is alright I mean. (She has a slight blush as she stands with Chazz and then hears her mother in the distance calling her name looking for her in a worried tone. She frowns knowing she has to go knowing she ran off not remembering why).

Chazz: Yes... I will meet them... And maybe I will meet you again... In this new colorful world.

Jennifer: I hope I see you again... Oh I know. (She gets a idea still holding her emerald green hair ribbon from taking it out earlier and holds it out to Chazz with a big smile). Here take this then... Think of it like a promise that I will see you again and when that happens you can give it back to me.

Chazz: (He hesitates to take the item from the girl but ends up taking it ). I see... Well than I will hang on to it happily.

Jennifer: (Smiles happily then hears that she's being called again knowing she has to go but not wanting to). I guess I have to go... I look forward to seeing you again and I hope you find your happiness then.

Chazz: (His hold on the ribbon tightens). Yeah... I will find you again... And I will do my best.

Jennifer: I know but for now it is goodbye. (She curtsies to Chazz continuing to smile as she then runs to where she was being called out to looking back and waving to Chazz as she leaves realizing after she leaves that she never asked for the boys name wishing she had).

Chazz: (As he is waving goodbye to the girl he does not know). I guess it's time for me... To stop waiting and walking forward.

Everyone in the dream start to see that the gray world start to change colors as it also begins to fade away slowly as Hiki is crying and Tori was watching with one eye opened from his nap.

Hiki: Master....

Jennifer: (Has tears in her eyes as well). I wish I had asked for your name... I wish I remembered that... How could I forget something like that...? (She looks at Chazz resting on the grass and smiles at him). But I am glad we met again either way.

Hiki: (She holds Chazz and hides her face on his chest as she cannot hold back the feelings she is having right now remembering the one hug from him when she had confessed feeling a slight pain form).

Rowen: Well... It would seem that around that point in time that Hiki and Tori were set for him because they had the same dreams.

Shizen: I suppose but perhaps it was set when he came into this world. It just took a little time for them to meet formally.

Jennifer: (Places a hand on Chazz's cheek as she smiles at him wiping her teary eyes).

Rowen: Maybe it was like that... It is their fate.

Shizen: I believe it is.

Jennifer: (Continues to sit beside Chazz with Hiki on his other side seeing that he's slowly waking up as she places her hand in his and holds it).

Chazz: (As Hiki is on him as well as Jennifer hand in his. It seems that he starts to wake up by how he is moving around). Huh...?

Jennifer: (Sees Chazz waking up being concerned as she still has tears and tries to wipe them trying to act like her normal self). Hi Chazz... Are you feeling alright. Hou fainted as we were sparring.

Shizen: Your dark energy was being drained rapidly.

Yami: (Yells to them in the background). Hey it's not like I meant too!

Chazz: Oh I see... I am sorry to have been a bother to everyone then.... (He notices Hiki on his chest). What is wrong Hiki?

Hiki: (As she does her best to wipe away the tears). Nothing master... I just remember something nice, that's all. (She says with a big smile on her face).

Jennifer: (Has a big smile as well towards Chazz). You are never a bother and it is not your fault. It is just that something happened with Yami. Tori passed out too I think but everything's alright... I just hope you had a good rest.

Chazz: Alright... Yeah I had a pretty good rest. I had a very good dream that reminded me of a good memory I had a long time ago.

Jennifer: (Has a big smile when hearing that but is not sure whether she should tell Chazz they know realizing they just intruded on his own personal thoughts). Really, what was the dream about? What did you remember?

Chazz: (He thinks for a moment as he tries to sit up but Hiki is still on him like she is cuddling him). Well... It seems... That I have to return something precious... To someone and run forward to reach two people....

Jennifer: (Cannot help but get teary eyed but smile as well). Oh yeah? Well who do you need to return something too... And who are you running towards?

Chazz: I am... Not sure... Just yet... It is all still coming to me.

Jennifer: Well when you remember and find that person you can give that back whatever they gave you then.

Chazz: Yes... I defiantly will do that but right now I feel like we should stop the training for now.

Jennifer: I think we all could use a break really after what happened.

Shizen: Yes we are still trying to figure out what happened to cause a change to Yami, it's quite puzzling.

Jennifer: I am not sure either but at least no one is hurt.

Kura: yes but I'm confused as well.

Yami: (Gets annoyed). Hey still it's not like I look bad or anything.... right?

Chazz: (Since it is the first time he is seeing this form). Umm... I am not even sure myself on what is even happening right now.

Shizen: (Thinks for a moment to explain). Well he started absorbing darkness without control and his emotions did not trigger it and then the darkness swarmed around him like a cocoon almost and he came out looking like this. My guess is that something reacted with his power somehow or maybe his powers are maturing a little more.

Kura: (Gives a confused look). You mean like he's hitting puberty? It is kind of odd way to get it although the ears seem smaller then when you first came out of that darkness. They were slightly longer with the pointed elf part now it is more normal with a little point to them but at least that's easier to hide.

Shizen: Hmm no he's a little young for puberty still. I think it's just his power starting to mature since he is at the age for that at least though it's still puzzling.

Yami: (Gets a grumpy expression). Great and I thought I was going to get taller or something for a second. (He then feels his ears noticing the pointed part). Huh weird I guess.

Rowen: Well in any case there is no point in try to guess this yet. Why don't we just see what happens when he tries to absorb darkness again to see if that is different at least?

Yami: Sure, yeah I guess I can do that. (He absorbs a little amount of darkness from around him not seeming to be different from before).

Kura: Maybe after Chazz and Tori regain their energy just in case.

Yami: Oh yeah oops. (He stops absorbing darkness making it easier being calm now).

Shizen: It might not see the change just by that, perhaps with next time he fights as well to see if the changes show more easily.

Yami: (Shrugs). Whatever you say.

Kura: I'm just glad you didn't have teeth like that as a baby with how much you liked biting people.

Yami: Hey don't bring that up!

Kura: (Laughs sarcastically). Right sorry my apologies, you were never a baby.

Yami: (Gets a grumpy look again as he goes over to sit by the tree Kairi and Tori are next to and resting as he leans back on it).

Kairi: (Looks at Yami as she smiles with a laugh). Don't worry Yami you don't look bad. You look cute like a elf puppy, right Tori?

Yami: (Looks annoyed at the comparison). Hey I'm not a puppy.

Tori: (He yawns a bit as he then laughs). Yeah, yeah whatever you say Yami.

Hiki: (As she finally gets off of Chazz's chest she still keeps a hand onto his shirt though). Yami... You did look kind of cute though.

Yami: Hey I'm not cute!

Kura: (Laughs as well). Keep telling yourself that.

Yami: (Mumbles grumpily that he is not cute as he sits under the tree).

Cordelia: (Comes outside with everyone as well with Hamako both having a basket in their hands with snacks). I am glad everyone is still here. Is anyone ready for lunch?

Hamako: (Says excitedly while clinging to Cordelia). Lunch!

Kairi: Ooh thank you mom, I was getting hungry too.

Jennifer: I guess that is not a bad idea, thank you.

Shizen: I suppose this is a lunch break then. Seems like a good time for it.

Hiki: (She tugs Chazz's shirt). Come on master, lets go eat!

Rowen: Yes some food would be nice right now. Thank you for your kindness lady Cordelia.

Orion: (As he stretches out). Yeah it would be good after everything that has happened.

Cordelia: Yes you probably were training-. (Pauses looking at Yami but decides not to question it). Were training quite hard so I think it is good to have a break although I still have some work so I just came here to offer something to eat.

Jennifer: Do you need help?

Cordelia: No you do not need to but if Hamako wants to stay could you watch her for me?

Hamako: (Runs over to everyone sitting by Hiki). Stay!

Hiki: (She laughs a little bit). Well I guess she is staying with us then.

Rowen: Lady Cordelia I will be their soon to get you tea to help with your work if that is alright.

Cordelia: If you wish too but please take your time, there is no rush.

Kairi: (Goes to hug Cordelia). Thank you and when we finish lunch maybe I can visit after lunch.

Jennifer: I might do that too if that is alright.

Cordelia: I would like that very much and we can do some more catching up as well. Now enjoy your food and let me know if you need any help with Hamako.

Hamako: Bye mama!

Jennifer and Kairi: (Gives a confused look). Mama?

Cordelia: (Laughs a little). Well she does call me that at times.

Kairi: (Gets a big smile looking at Hamako). Ooh then we have a little sister yay!

Jennifer: (Laughs a little as well). I guess in a way we do.

Cordelia: Well sort of but not quite. I think she is looking up to Hiki like a big sister type of figure. She seems to be attached to you I hope that's not a problem.

Hamako: (Looks up at Hiki tilting her head to the side cutely). ... sis?

Hiki: (She smiles as she pets Hamako). Yes, yes I guess in a way you are.

Chazz: (He is still trying to figure out what to do or what is even happening while he was sleeping).

Hamako: (Gets a big smile looking very excited as everyone waves to Cordelia who is about to head back inside and Jennifer, Kairi and Hamako give her a hug).

Jennifer: (As she sits back down she notices Chazz has a confused expression). Are you alright?

Chazz: yes I feel alright... I am just still trying to put everything together in my head since I feel kind of confused by my dream....

Jennifer: (Smiles at Chazz). It is alright, I am sure you will remember but for now let's have something to eat. That will build up your energy some more I think.

Kairi: (Carries the basket of food over to everyone). Is anyone hungry?

Kura: I think so, here let me help. (She takes the basket to help set things out).

Yami: Ehh sure, I could use a bite. (He sits by the basket where everyone starts to sit around the basket is filled with snacks like fruit and bread and cooked turkey sandwiches with cheese).

Shizen: And that is nice of Cordelia to bring us food.

Jennifer: She taught me what I know of cooking. It was one of our hobbies together whenever she was not busy.

Rowen: I remember helping you sometimes as well. Whenever you wanted to surprise her with snacks or treats you always came to me to help you out.

Hiki: (While she sits next to Chazz and Tori getting ready to eat).

Jennifer: (Laughs a little). I remember, that was a lot of fun. Mom also told me you taught her how to cook too.

Shizen: (Smiles at Rowen as she is handed some snacks and a sandwich). Well you must be quite a good chef then, perhaps I will get to try your cooking sometime.

Rowen: Yes I did have to teach her somethings, only because she wanted to teach you two on how to do it yourself.

Orion: And oh man, she messed up a good amount of times but in the end they all turned out alright.

Kairi: (As she shakes Tori to wake him so he can eat as well). Tori wake up, it is time to eat.

Tori: (As he gets up steadily). Yeah, yeah I'm up now, I just wanted to relax with you Kairi.

Kairi: (Smiles happily at Tori as she holds his arm as they go to sit with everyone). I know, it is alright. We can still sit together though right?

Tori: Sure why not, I wouldn't mind at all.

Kairi: Yay! (She hugs Tori and then sits with him as food is passed around).

Kura: (Makes sure everyone has their own plate before taking food herself).

Shizen: This is a nice break after training, everyone did a great job.

Jennifer: It was pretty interesting, especially with Yami.

Yami: (Shrugs). Ehh I guess but did I really change that much?

Hamako: (Pauses looking at Yami and then makes herself copy what he looks like a water reflection like she had done before).

Yami: (Looks at the water version of him). Huh that's what it looks like? Weird kind of look like a demon... Oh well guess it fits.

Shizen: We will figure it out next time we train but I do notice you are good with hand to hand combat, perhaps fight without weapons next time.

Yami: Sure I don't mind, I mean some of it my big brother.... (He pauses for a second then continues shaking off the thoughts). Yeah he taught me some weapons stuff then the rest I learned on the streets really. Yeah also learned some other stuff, most of it was picking locks and not getting caught taking stuff.

Kura: All skills I hope you never use again.

Yami: ... Yeah... Oh yeah, old man I should give this back then I guess. (He pulls a pocket watch out of his pocket with a earth sign on it tossing it to Rowen, everyone going silent for a moment as they process it).

Kura: (Sighs and shakes her head).

Rowen: (He sighs as he holds a mean stare towards Yami). Can I assume this is not the only thing that you have taken?

Yami: (Shrugs). What's the big deal? I usually put it back anyways.

Kura: (Sighs). Who else have you stolen from?

Yami: (Tries to think back and then shrugs). Not sure.

Kura: (Has a scolding tone). Do you have anything else now?

Yami: (Tries to think back and then remembers digging in his pocket again). Oh yeah, took this thing too. (He holds up a medallion with an earth symbol that Orion wears on his suit tossing it to him).

Kura: (Sighs). ... Not sure when you did that but why did are you taken things again. I thought you had gotten over this habbit not that you do not need to do those things.

Yami: (Shrugs again). I don't know, after a while made a game out of it and that seemed like a challenge.

Shizen: (Looks at where Orion had the medallion before as she's sitting next to him seeming amused). That's... Actually impressive....

Orion: (He is making the connections as well where it was). It... Kind of is... But if you take something from me again I'll have Kairi give you a hug

Yami: (Looks nervous hearing that crossing his arms stubbornly as he pouts and Kairi giggles). Yeah whatever, not like don't give the stuff back.

Kura: (Still is shaking her head but with a slight smile). What am I going to do with you little Yami.

Yami: Hey I'm not little!

Kura: Whatever you say and is there anything else you have not returned.

Yami: (Thinks to himself but a bit out loud). Let's see gave that back too Hiki... Think I put that in Tori's jacket yesterday.... (He suddenly remember digging in another pocket). Oh yeah one more thing. (He pulls out a gold locket with a design engraved on the side shown that looks like vines and a flower reaching upwards though it's hard to tell from the small detail and the locket on a thin gold chain). Think I took this from Shizen earlier.

Shizen: (pauses looking at the locket then at her wrist noticing it's not there. After a moment's pause she gives a polite yet scary smile). Yami please give that back.

Yami: (Notices the hidden scary tone and hands it back to Shizen feeling nervous). Umm yeah... Sure....

Shizen: Thank you. (She takes the locket quickly and wraps it around her wrist like a bracelet even though the chain is for a necklace).

Hiki: (She and Tori look around for anything more missing).

Jennifer: (Looks around as well wondering if anything was taken from her as well).

Kura: (Sighs looking at Rowen seeing he still looks a bit angry). I apologies about my little brother. I honestly thought that he had stopped that. He's always had a talent for that though it's not something to brag about I suppose.

Rowen: It is fine... Only if he stops doing that or he will have to deal with me again.... (He looks at Yami as well angrily with a dark aura from such a mood).

Orion: (He starts to laugh it off). Well I don't mind you having some fun with it but I think it would be better with normal things, not something that belongs and are important to us.

Yami: (Laughs nervously looking at Rowen). Umm yeah... I can do that I guess.

Kura: If he gives you any more problems let me know. Jennifer: As long as he returns whatever is taken I do not see the problem with it. I am just wondering how many things were taken that he got away with.

Yami: Hey I gave them back at least.

Chazz: (He sighs). Well at least you returned them at least but in any case let's finishing up lunch.

Hiki: (She and Tori shake their heads yes).

Kairi: I think so but it is really good. (As she takes a bite of her snakes happily).

Jennifer: We will need to go thank mom together after this.

Shizen: I think she was happy just seeing how much you two smile and have enjoyed life to its fullest. That's a important thing all mothers should care about.

Jennifer: I think so, Shizen I was wondering, you talk to us like a parent at times. You even have called me child more times than I can remember.

Shizen: (Laughs a little). Well I suppose I have that same motherly instinct as well, some call Mother Nature for a reason.

Jennifer: Oh do you have any kids of your own? I mean I know you think of all nature spirits as your children but do you have any children that are related to you like Kairi and I with my mom.

Shizen: (Pauses and then smiles looking down at the locket on her wrist though not very noticeably). Actually yes, I do have one child.

Orion: (He looks at Shizen know about it and wondering if she really plans on talking about it). Shizen....

Shizen: (Smiles at Orion knowing what he is about to say and nods understanding). She is a young teen at this point and very smart with a very sarcastic sense of humor although she does have my rebelliousness which makes her quite stubborn. (She laughs a little as she thinks of it).

Kairi: (Looks very interested now knowing that Shizen has a daughter). Ooh can I meet her, oh and what's her name?

Shizen: Her names Adara but hmm I'm not sure if you can but perhaps one day.

Hiki: Oh... She sounds so cool, I want to meet her too someday!

Tori: She does sounds pretty cool, would love to spar with her if she was up to it.

Rowen: (He pauses as he is thinking about how Shizen has never mentioned this even once).

Shizen: (Laughs). Well good luck if you ever do, I taught her well in combat.

Jennifer: If you taught her then she must be really good at it.

Shizen: She is but she didn't need much training in some areas. She likes to develop and learn techniques for anything and uses many books for studying that. Her rooms full of books. (She smiles to herself as she talks and with a sense of pride for her daughter).

Chazz: Her room is full of books? That doesn't seem like you in some ways. (He says jokingly).

Orion: She something alright... Very interesting to meet.

Shizen: (Smiles more and laughs). No it's not quite me, it more like her-.... (Suddenly stops herself losing her smile for a brief second and then tries to shake it off as she smiles again as most next to her seem confused by this). She's quite a interesting young one, that's for sure.

Orion: (He looks down as well understanding why she hesitated).

Jennifer: (Still is confused to why Shizen hesitated). Shizen what did you mean by-.

Shizen: (Cuts Jennifer off from what she says with a smile). I think we are done eating, aren't we Orion? Mind helping me clean up? (She smiles at Orion as she starts to clean up passing some plates to him).

Orion: (He sighs and whispers). You aren't very honest... But alright I will help you out Shizen.

Shizen: (Sighs and whispers back as they clean up). Some things are hard to share and shouldn't be especially with some of the resent events.

Orion: Yeah... But let's get to cleaning Shizen.

Shizen: (Nods and looks down a little sighing to shake the feeling off as she helps clean up).

Jennifer: (Still looks at Shizen with concern as she sits with Chazz and Hiki).

Kura: (Helps clean up as well as Yami finishes eating the food he grabbed last minute).

Kairi: (Helps Kura passing the basket everything was carried in to put things back).

Hamako: (Stays by Hiki as well as Kairi who giggles as she copies her).

Hiki: (She and Tori look confused as well as Chazz feels that something that is off when Shizen had just shrugged off the conversation).

Rowen: (He gets ready to leave to get Cordelia some tea planning to ask Shizen about this more in private but not rush her if she is not ready).

Jennifer: (Gets ready to go as well along with most of everyone there).



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