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Chapter 20 Part 2

Writer's picture: Jennifer BeiroJennifer Beiro

Alfred and Loretta clean up their shop and head out with the group to enjoy the festival everyone goes along the path seeing many stores. Alfred and Loretta stick close to Chazz wanting to hear about all that he had been doing. The group reaches a city square where many more tent and vendors booths are seen and further along what looks like festival games with prizes as well as food vendors. Rowen still has his arms around Shizen's arm as if escorting her as Orion walks beside Cordelia who discusses the cake ideas with Alfred making sure Kairi does not notice. Jennifer, Hiki and Amber walk together looking at all of the vendors together as they walk. Kairi walks beside Tori everyone seeming to enjoy themselves.

Kura: (Notices Yami is not with the group and begins to worry but spots else him at a weapons vendor and sighs shaking her head as she walks beside Tori). Of course he would go straight to the weapons.

Tori: (He sighs as well). Well I expected this to happen... Want me to go get him or go humor him?

Kura: (Pauses to think). Hmm as long as he doesn't get into trouble... But that usually happens... Wait where'd he go. (She notices she cannot spot him in the crowd of people anymore while she was focused on her decisions).

Tori: Oh boy... Where did that idiot run off to now. (They both excuse themselves from the group as they go to look for Yami).

Kura: (Has a worried expression as she looks around). That idiot better not be getting into trouble... We better find him quick.

Tori: (He shakes his head yes with the same concerns). Yeah we should hurry now!

Kura: (Walks quickly around the area with Tori becoming more worried as they look. They then see a crowd of people at a booth and hear people talking as they rush over to the area).

Person: (Shouts to another with him dragging them along). Come on quick! There's this kid playing with the knives.

Kura: (Looks surprised when over hearing and then looks at Tori). Do you think...?

Tori: I'm... Afraid... That it may be who we think... Let's hurry!

Kura: (Rushes over to the crowd with Tori to try and see what is going on, trying to push her way through the crowd but she is unable to see over everyone). I can't see, do you see him Tori?

Tori: (As he reaches the near center of the crowd he sees Yami juggling the knives and sighs). Well... You could say that he's not doing anything bad at least.

Kura: (Follows Tori to where they can see Yami throw the knives into the air and catch them and sighs as well with a smile in relief). This is better than what I had in mind. (She notices people throwing money into a basket near Yami as they clap). ... He better not be keeping that.

Tori: Why not let him keep it? You never know, maybe he is trying to get you something?

Kura: (Looks at Yami who seems to be enjoying himself). But he doesn't need to anymore but I suppose it would be a nice gesture.

Yami: (Seems to be ending his tricks as everyone claps having seemed to enjoy the act thinking he is part of the festival).

Tori: (He begins to clap along as well since he can't bring himself to stop Yami).

Kura: (Claps as well then pulls Tori to the side to make sure they are not seen). I want to see what he was raising money for so should we follow him, I'm curious.

Tori: (He chuckles). Yeah we should follow.

Kura: (Nods as she keeps her distance with Tori seeing the crowd start to disperse).

Yami: (As he puts the knives away he picks up the money and he starts to walk away looking around as he does so. He puts the money in his pocket as he looks around and he walks to a less busy part of the festival).

Tori: (They stick close to Yami hoping to know what he is planning on doing).

Yami: (After a short walk he goes into a alleyway where the kid from before that tried to pickpocket Jennifer sits the kid standing up quickly looking defensive towards Yamu).

Kura: (Whispers to Tori). It's the kid from before?

Tori: Yeah... I think I have an idea on what he plans on doing and I can say I'm already proud.

Kura: (Nods and tries to get a little closer while sticking to the shadows).

Yami: (Looks at the kid handing him the money with the kid looking to suspicious thinking there's a catch but then quickly takes the money. They talk the kid looking a little beat up but in the shadows it is hard for anyone normal not to see as they both stand. Yami looks like he is talking to the kid while adjusting his stance when suddenly the kid punches at Yami though a bit off balanced. Yami quickly blocks it which makes the kid fall this happening a few times before Yami shows him how to punch correctly. The kid follows as well as other quick things but it's hard to tell without being able to hear Yami well).

Kura: ... He could go without making him fall at least... Or punching them....

Tori: ... He could... But then we would be talking about a completely different person here... So this is just how Yami is.

Kura: (Sighs shaking her head though she can't help but smile). Your right.

Yami: (After a little bit more Yami is pushed down instead seeming to have learned how to block him as Yami gets up quickly in response but nods and after a few moments the kid runs deeper into the ally. He starts walks out of the ally with his hands in his pockets).

Tori: (He whispers to Kura). What shall we do now then?

Kura: (Shrugs). Maybe just head back and act like we never saw anything?

Yami: (Just then walks past both of them casually). Need to hide better for that to happen really.

Tori: (He is taken off guard but then sighs). Oh man you could have just told us in the first place if you knew.

Yami: (Shrugs). Kid just needed money so I got it. I guess his mom is sick or something and told him how to not get beat up.

Kura: I see. (She pats Yami's head with a big proud smile).

Yami: (Looks annoyed). What's that supposed mean and quit petting me.

Tori: Well regardless it was a nice thing to see you do that.

Yami: No big deal really, needed to work on his pick pocketing too. He was too obvious for that stuff.

Kura: ... You didn't teach him how to pickpocket did you?

Yami: (Shrugs again). No big deal, I mean just got to keep a persons attention somewhere else and they won't even know it. (As he holds up a simple necklace with a black yang symbol on some sort of coin that Tori was just wearing).

Kura: (Looks confused wondering when Yami had done that seeming dumbfounded). How....

Tori: (He grabs the necklace back in an instant). Don't try doing that again Yami.

Yami: (Shrugs being confused). What's the big deal, I was going to give it back.

Kura: (Sighs knocking Yami over the head). It's still not nice to take things Yami.

Yami: (Rubs his head looking grumpy). Hey not cool!

Tori: (He sighs as he puts the necklace back on tucking it under his shirt). Well shall we head back then?

Yami: Sure, wanted to do some of those games anyways.

Kura: (Nods and hugs Yami as they walk back with him complaining about all of the hugs).

The group comes back together they find the part of the festival with many games. The group look at all ofthe games and split up a little with Jennifer, Chazz, Hiki and Amber watching some people play a game as Loretta and Alfred are close behind having stopped to play a bean bag toss. Tori, Kura and Yami follow Kairi as she looks amazed at everything going on around her. Shizen, Rowen Orion and Cordelia are in another area with games seeing a strength test where one tries to hit a bell on top and a place to swing a hammer on the bottom.

Shizen: (Looks amused at the little game and the writing saying become the strongest man alive then looking at Orion and Rowen with a laughs). Well it would be an amusing idea at least.

Orion: Oh it would... But I don't feel like breaking the bell so fast so I will let them be or do you want to have a friendly match.

Shizen: (Smirks with the thought catching her interest). Hmm a challenge, well we would both break it I believe so the challenge would be difficult to judge.

Cordelia: (Notices a machine next to the game that seems to judge strength in how high the number gets). You could use this. Hmm though I am not sure it will stay intact however.

Orion: Hmm it may break so if we set some kind of limit on our strength it should be ok I think.

Shizen: Holding back is not really my specialty hmm. (She looks at the poster saying the high score being 365). How about the closest number to the high score wins though I'm not sure how much restraint that would take. (She looks on the machine for any instructions).

Orion: Hmm. (As he hears people nearby talking about it). Fine then its a contest.

Cordelia: Ooh I think I may try it as well, I will pay the man for all for us.

Shizen: (Looks at Rowen). Are you joining in this little contest?

Rowen: I do not see why not since I think we have to all take part in this since it seems to be a fun contest.

Shizen: (Nods and smirks liking the idea). Alright how about we all hold back, the lowest number wins then. A test on self control.

Cordelia: (Comes back after paying). The man said it's impossible for the medicine to break. It even goes into the thousands though that would be impossible to do.

Shizen: (Looks at the machine with a raised eyebrow). Impossible huh?

Rowen: Well this should be interesting to say the least.

Orion: (He cracks his knuckles with a grin). Oh yeah it will.

Shizen: (Smirks and hits Orion in the shoulder). Don't think you will win that easily now.

Cordelia: Please hold back though, there are people around.

Orion: Yes don't want to become the main attraction now do we?

Shizen: (Laughs). No we do not, shall I go first then?

Orion: If you insist Shizen really.

Shizen: Alright this will be fun! (She cracks her knuckles as well as she goes up to the target on the machine. Once there she begins to concentrate seeming more focused as she goes into a ready stance to punch. After a moment she throws a punch at the machine making it slide back a bit more against the wall and the numbers on top start to turn very quickly until every number is filled going into the thousands until it can't go any higher showing 9999 as Shizen cringes slightly with a disappointed look at the number). .... so much for holding back....

Orion: So I see that you already had messed up the contest huh Shizen? (He smirks a bit as he takes her place in front of the machine). Now let me give it a shot. (He readies his fist for the punch holding back most of his strength as his fist connects with the machine and causes it to swing out a bit but not as much as Shizen. A number appears being 6650). Huh did more than I thought but still better than yours really.

Shizen: (Crosses her arms with a pout). Well you still are in the thousands and stop with the smug look. (She punches Orion in the shoulder again with her competitiveness getting to her with a slight pout with the loss).

Orion: (He laughs a bit). Yeah, yeah whatever you say Shizen.

Shizen: (Sighs and looks Rowen and Cordelia with a smile). Who wants to go next so Orion doesn't win?

Cordelia: (Looks at Rowen nodding her head). You may go next Rowen if you would like.

Rowen: (He bows as he takes the next punch, though he doesn't seem to take much effort to limit his strength, as his punch connects the nag barely moves around and the number that's shows up is 1,350). Well I so believe I did very well.

Shizen: (Smiles and laughs as she puts a arm around Rowen). Well I think a gentleman such as yourself knows how to restrain himself and sorry Orion looks like you're not the only losing one here.

Cordelia: (Claps for Rowen with a smile). Very well done.

Rowen: Thank you, thank you but lady Cordelia didn't you want a turn as well?

Orion: Might as well let everyone have a turn!

Cordelia: (Seems a little reluctant at first but then goes over to the machine). Impossible suppose but I am not sure if my numbers could compete with such strong competition. (She gets ready to punch at the target taking a moment to do the punch more properly and then hits the target with all she can. The machine does not seem to be moved much as the score goes to 124. She looks up at score seeming embarrassed at her performance). Oh... Well seems lower then I had hoped.

Rowen: (He scratches his face). Well that was a unforeseen event but regardless good job for winning the little contest lady Cordelia.

Orion: Though I'm not sure if that counts as a win but oh well.

Shizen: (Looks at the score with a grin). It seems like a fair score to me.

Cordelia: (Smiles and curtsies). No, no I do not believe I have won since I did not reach the goal of 365 so I believe that Rowen has won this little contest. (She curtsies to Rowen with a smile).

Rowen: Huh... If you are sure then... Though I do not feel that right about it but alright.

Cordelia: I do not mind, but I did enjoy the game, perhaps there are more games we could play.

Shizen: (Looks around to find if any games interest her seeing a archery one smirking while looking at it). Well I might stop over there myself perhaps.

Orion: Yeah I'm not going to go against you in that one Shizen so that's all you right there.

Rowen: I do see some other interesting games but they all seem rathergood.

Shizen: Very well let's try some other things then, maybe win a prize or two.

They leave the area some people around them looking stunned at them and the machine still as the owner of it goes over to fix it thinking that the machine is broken showing such high numbers. As Shizen, Rowen, Orion and Cordelia go to play more games Kura and Yami do the same finding a shooting gallery game as Tori and Kairi walk together stopping to play some games as well as looking at the vendors with Kairi being distracted by so many things being very excited.

Kairi: (Sees something that interests her at another booth as they walk around. She then has a big smile at Tori as he looks around as well then down at his hand not sure if it is alright to hold it but wanting to with a slight blush).

Tori: (He notices Kairi staring at his hand and grabs hers in a instant). Come on now Kairi, where do you want to go?

Kairi: (Looks surprised at Tori's hand holding hers then gives him a big smile and walks beside him happily). I really like the games here, maybe we can win a few prizes ooh and maybe some more shopping?

Tori: Yeah we can do that, go ahead just show me what you want to do ok?

Kairi: (Continues to walk around and looks at every booth and game. She then stops making Tori stop since they are holding hands as something has caught her eye looking up at a stuffed animal white bunny with light pink feet and long floppy ears as she looks like she really wants it with a sparkle in her eyes).

Tori: (He smiles and tells the vendor that he is going to take part in the game). Just wait, I will get you it.

Kairi: (Looks at Tori with sparkle in her eyes and a big excited smile). Really!

Tori: Well I might as well try right? Since it seems like you really want the bunny so why not?

Kairi: Thank you Tori but it is ok if you cannot get it though, it just looks really fluffy and cute. (She looks up at the bunny with a sparkle in her eyes regardless).

Game Operator: (Goes over to Tori). Sir that's the biggest prize right there. You would have to get the highest score possible on a few rounds. Once you get a high score on one game you can choose to keep going or take a lesser prize but if you continue and lose the score you lose the whole game.

Tori: Ok, well then let's start the game shall we?

Game Operator: Alright sir the point of the game is to hit the target cups with this. (He takes out what looks like a colorful wooden kind of gun in a rifle fashion that seems to shoot rubber pellets giving Tori 5 to load into it and points to the targets being red and white with different scores on each one). The 4 closer ones are 25 points the next closest are 50 and after that the ones pretty far back being 75 and the farthest smaller one there is 100 points. (The furthest one seems very hard to hit for any normal person at least one being gold and having to hit it 10 times to get the big rabbit stuffed animal). You know how to shoot sir?

Kairi: (Watches next to Tori). Wow, it looks difficult.

Tori: (Nods as he takes aim he seems to understand on how the golden one is harder to hit since there is a collision with the stand set up and he realizes this so in order to counter that. He puts some energy into the gun though very small and not noticeable he takes aim at the last two cups and fires as the small pellet is shooting it seems to have more power behind it and hits both cups).

Carnival Game Operator: (Looks in shock processing if as he sees the target cups fall with one bullet then looks at Tori as she re-sets the cups looking at Tori to make sure thinking it was some sort of luck). Umm... Nice shot sir... Was that one bullet?

Kairi: (Has a big smile looking at Tori). Wow Tori you got two cups!

Tori: I believe it was from what I saw.

Game Operator: ... Alright I guess that's 175 points now it's set up again so you can fire when ready. (Steps out of the way for Tori).

Tori: (He takes up aim again and in an attempt to not cause suspicion he aims for the 50 point one to avoid suspicion).

Carnival Game Operator: (Nods as she goes to put the cup target back on the stand and then steps to the side so Tori can shoot again). That one's 50 points so that's 225 now.

Tori: (He goes back and forth between shots between the 50 and 75 until it comes down to his final shot where he needs to hit the 100 point one in order to gain the bunny).

Game Operator: Alright last shot and you get the bunny, good job too. Good a aim as that one kid but he said didn't want a stupid pink bunny in his words and left after I told him he couldn't keep the gun.

Kairi: (Pouts). Bunnies are not stupid, it is too fluffy for that.

Tori: (After getting an idea of who the operator is talking about he sighs and readies the gun to fire aiming directly at the 100 point).

Kairi: (Looks at Tori and the target giving him a quick hug before he aims at the target and smiles). You can do it Tori, I know you can!

Tori: (He is taken off guard for a second, but then regains his composure as he lines up his shot. Like the first shot that he took he exports his energy into the gun in order to guide the rubber bullet. A small amount of energy is all that is needed as he readies the gun and then fires and it hits the 100 points).

Kairi: (Jumps a little in excitement). Yay you won!

Game Operator: (Looks surprised but claps). Wow you actually got it again. I guess that means you win the bunny. (Takes the stuffed animal pink bunny with a black ribbon off the shelf and hands it to Tori). Enjoy your prize sir!

Tori: Thanks! (As he takes the bunny he gives it to Kairi almost immediately with a proud smile on his face). Told you I would get it.

Kairi: (Takes the bunny with a big bright smile hugging Tori). Thank you so much! I love it, it is so fluffy! (As she hugs the bunny close to her and is in her own excitement she goes on her toes and before she realizes she kisses Tori's cheek with a big smile still but starts to blush as she does this).

Tori: (He is taken off guard for a second as a blush comes across his face). Well... Umm... We should head back to everyone else now shouldn't we?

Kairi: Alrighty! (She has a big smile still as she holds Tori's hand again and starts to skip a bit with the bunny tightly in her arms).

As everyone is still in their mood of the festival Kairi and Tori quickly find Kura and Yami they continue to play a few games on the way Yami challenging Tori many times. In another part Jennifer, Chazz, Hiki and Amber walk together as Alfred and Loretta are close behind noticing the attention from the girls Chazz has around him.

Loretta: (Goes over and whispers to Alfred). Chazz seems quite popular with these ladies it seems.

Alfred: I knew I had raised him up good when he can try to understand their hearts... Though it seems he hasn't understood to that extent.

Loretta: I think so but I suppose he will figure that out himself but it makes me wonder. They all seem like good girls but which one. (She looks at each girl as she ponders which one would be the best choice for Chazz).

Alfred: They do don't they... I'm sure it isn't easy for him to choose really.

Loretta: (Nods as she continues to ponder and think but then noticing a wedding or engagement ring on Chazz's hand not that she can tell clearly but grabs Alfred's hand pausing for a moment). ... Alfred... Look at his hand... There's a ring....

Alfred: Oh my... That's something... Interesting but to who?

Loretta: ... We should talk to Cordelia or Rowen, they would know... Our little boy engaged? (She starts to look for Cordelia or Rowen wanting to know for sure).

Alfred: Yes... We should get looking for them now since we need answers

Loretta: (Pulls Alfred excusing themselves and rushes around for a few moments until they see Cordelia at a food booth with Rowen, Shizen and Orion playing a game at the booth beside her. They walk up to her quickly as Loretta blurts out quickly without much thought in her words not being exactly calm). Chazz has a ring!

Cordelia: (Looks very confused at the sudden outburst and them being there but gives a polite smile). What was that exactly?

Alfred: (He says in his excitement). We saw a ring on his finger! Who? What?

Cordelia: (Starts to understand and nods). Oh yes it is quite new but yes, Chazz is betrothed.

Loretta: (Pauses looking at Alfred for a second as she tries to process). He's... Really engaged!

Alfred: (Still breathing a bit hard from running to find her). To who?

Cordelia: That would be my oldest daughter, Jennifer.

Loretta: (Looks at Cordelia dumbfounded then back at Alfred even more in shock). What!

Alfred: (He practically does the same reaction but more speechless to the news).

Loretta: I thought he was her butler.

Cordelia: Let me explain further perhaps. My daughter being a noble must marry or at least be betrothed at this age and she was going to be sent away to the arranged marriage the elders and my husband of our families decided on. There was a option for her to choose before this however and even when leaving and that's when Chazz had stepped in so now they are legally betrothed to one another and as a result my daughter may stay.

Rowen: Though he did have a bit of a struggle to get his feelings out there but he wanted Jennifer to stay. We knew that she had feelings for him but we could not force the two to be together so they just did it on their own.

Loretta: I see... I think I understand it though but I see the other two young ladies seem to have feeling possibly, especially the one with the odd colored hair.

Cordelia: Yes that is Hikari, I suppose you could say my daughter and her are his suitors though Amber I am not too sure is one as well.

Alfred: But it looks Amber has a big deal of affection towards him just by her actions around him so wouldn't she count as well?

Rowen: Well in a sense she would but because of her current family situation I am not so sure anymore.

Cordelia: Yes but for now it seems they are fine with the arrangement made now. My daughter does not need to marry until she is 20.

Loretta: I see so this is not publicly know of his engagement as well then?

Cordelia: No it has not been announced publicly, but in order for her to stay she must stay legally betrothed to Chazz.

Alfred: I see... But who do you see Chazz becoming married too... Since we want to know.

Rowen: (He laughs a little as well as Orion). Well that is a tough one since. We all know Chazz is bad when it comes down decisions.

Loretta: (Laughs and nods in agreement as well). I know that well, though the decision of him staying and working with you was one he made quite quickly in fact. I know things will work out for him and those girls but we will be ready with the wedding cake... Wow... We have made so many wedding cakes ordered... But this one needs to be our best work. (She looks at Alfred grabbing his hand and smiles her head still wrapping around the idea of their son possibly marrying).

Alfred: (He gets a bright smile on his face). Well of course it will be, no need to tell me that!

Loretta and Alfred go back and forth with ideas on a cake as Jennifer, Chazz, Hiki and Amber continue to walk around playing a few games here and there as well as stopping at the vendors when something catches Jennifer's attention.

Jennifer: (As a small goat is running her way as she bends down to greet it though saying more then that to it in her mind as she scratches it's head with a smile). Hello there, where are you from little guy.

Amber: (She bends down as well sitting by Jennifer with a smile to the goat). You really like animals don't you Jennifer?

Jennifer: (Takes a second to answer scratching the goats head and then nods to Amber). I guess I just always had a knack with animals. I just understand them in a way I guess.

Amber: I can see that since it looks like in my view that you two are having a conversation.

Jennifer: (Smiles with a small laugh hiding her nervousness about her powers being found out but waves that away). Well when I was little I had no one to talk to, besides my little sister of course but she was very small still. The mansion is surrounded by woods though and a lot of animals seem to come by. When I talked it felt like they were really listening to me. I do not know, I guess it is hard to explain but it helped me a lot and they helped me. I guess it is just we understand each other easier after that.

Chazz: (He and Hiki smile knowing what Jennifer means).

Amber: Ahh well they do say all animals are able to understand people perfectly. It is just up to them to listen to us.

Jennifer: It is and each one is different just like any human from another, you just have to look closely. (She smiles at the goat motioning subtlety for it to meet Amber and it goes over with a small wagging tail seeming to act more like a dog then anything as something else catches Jennifer's attention giving a slightly worried and unsure look). ... Uh oh.

Amber: (She looks at Jennifer as she pets the goat). What is the matter?

Jennifer: (Seems a little panicked but then tries to act like nothing is happening). It is nothing, just a bad feeling. (As soon as she says that a large group of animals in front of them are seen running towards them as she frantically tries to tell them in her mind to go back. Her franticness gets in the way of her command as she watches many animals from around the festival petting zoo and other wildlife run towards them as everyone quickly tries to get out of the way and the festival workers processing the large amount of animals getting loose never seeing this or knowing how to handle this). ... Oh no....

Hiki, Amber and Chazz: (Are taken by surprise by the sudden rush of animals. As the animals rush over most being from the petting zoo as they surround Jennifer, Chazz, Hiki and Amber as a brown Chicken jumps flapping its wings to get higher and landing on Amber's head looking at Jennifer. A Zebra a head shorter then Hiki and is right in front and facing her chewing on some hay casually as a camel standing next to Chazz and a falcon trying to land on him as well as many goats chickens, ducks, horses, cows, bulls and even some exotic animals but most being farm animals).

Amber and Hiki: (They are both still In surprise by the rush of animals but are beginning to accept it as they are petting the animals and laughing).

Chazz: (Just looks at the camel with a expression as if saying "... what").

Jennifer: (Is still trying to sort out the animals telling them they should go back as they surround her but then sighs and smiles with a small laugh accepting it as she tries to give each one attention talking to them in her head getting to know each one. Most of the animals look at Jennifer with some attention towards Chazz, Hiki and Amber with a tortoise lagging behind and stopping by Chazz as well to take a break as another chicken jumps up onto Hiki's head as the falcon trying to land on Chazz lands on his shoulder as the Camel goes over to Amber).

Hiki and Amber: (They both begin to laugh as well being surrounded by everyone).

Chazz: (Kneels down by the tortoise and pets its shell with the falcon on his other free arm).

Everyone is enjoying the petting zoo that came to them and the festival workers run back and forth trying to figure out how this happened and what they should do. Shizen being next to Rowen walk towards everyone seeing the commotion with a few animals following her once she is in view as well as she crosses her arms and smiles.

Shizen: Looks like the child's power called to them. (She sighs and laughs a little shaking her head as a dog walks beside Rowen looking like a type of wolfhound). Well I suppose her next lesson will be on her power control next time we train.

Rowen: Well... It seems no harm was done though so it is alright I suppose but we should start cleaning up her mess since we don't want to cause a huge commotion now.

Shizen: (Looks around and sighs though a slight grin forms). I suppose I will need a moment though it is nice to visit. (She kneels down to the animals scratching their heads with a smile). I hope you are not to mad at me for not coming by to meet you sooner.

Kairi: (Walks into the area with Tori as well looking amazed at the many animals but mostly the rabbits bending down wanting to pick one up). Yay so many animal ooh hi mister bunny!

Tori: (He laughs at the sight of Kairi and begins to wonder why all of the animals are out of the petting zoo. The falcon that was on Chazz's arm flies over to Tori landing on his shoulder inspecting him pecking at his hair a bit).

Kairi: (Giggles seeing the falcon on Tori's shoulder as she picks up a white very fluffy angora rabbit).

Tori: (He then begins to pet the falcon). Well hey there, how you are you doing? Enjoying the free air? (The falcon just spreads it's wings as a response and ruffles its feathers a bit looking at Tori seeming curious).

Shizen: (Laughs looking at the Tori and the falcon). Seems it is confused, for some reason you remind her of another falcon or some other sort of bird. I wonder why that would be. (She laughs at the thought looking at the falcon knowing why it is confused).

Rowen: (He and Chazz laugh a bit hearing Shizen and also find it interesting that the falcon made that mistake).

Shizen: (Looks at all of the animals now facing her getting their attention and smiles). Now it was nice meeting everyone but you have to go back now. (The animals seem reluctant to go wanting to stay as Shizen sighs shaking her head). Come on now, I don't want to have to command you.

Kairi: (Pouts at the idea of the animals leaving then get a idea with a big smile). Ooh can we keep them all instead!

Rowen: Um I do not think we would have the space for all of the animals.

Amber: (She is too distracted by the animals to hear the group as she is playing with some sheep that are resting by her).

Cordelia: (Stands nearby Orion as she pets a cat). Hmm perhaps a few but that is also up to the owners since most are farm animals but I can discuss that with their owners. Hmm perhaps a few more cats to take care of the mice around the mansion.

Shizen: No need, the child and I have taken care of that problem, the mice understand.

Jennifer: And we do not want to affect Chazz's cat allergy all the time either. (She laughs a little as a cat is trying to climb Chazz's leg).

Chazz: (He blushes a bit as he sneezes). I... I... I do not have a comeback to that statement.

Jennifer: (Laughs more as she looks at the cat and instantly the cat backs off and runs to climb Orion's leg instead for attention though the tortoise still stays by Chazz not moving from its spot as his head ducks into his shell a bit). There I hope that helps.

Amber: (She is preoccupied with Hiki as they both plays with the animals still).

Chazz: Uhh... I am sorry.

Orion: (He begins to laugh a bit). So powerful yet a cute weakness.

Jennifer: (Laughs as well as she smiles at Chazz). It is no problem.

Shizen: (Laughs as well and then goes behind Rowen to hide her eyes that glow green from everyone as the big animals first look alert and in her direction then start to walk back but stop to say goodbye the zebra nuzzling up to Amber and Hiki before it leaves as well as a few goats and horses doing the same to the others).

Hiki: Aww bye zebra... I'll miss you.

Amber: (Makes a pouty face as the zebra leaves).

Some other animals begin to leave as well mostly the farm animals except the rabbit in Kairi's arms that she snuggles with the rabbit looking like it wants to escape the hold. The tortoise that seems to be resting in the place it stopped by Chazz the journey to them seeming to take a lot out of it and a few dogs still near Jennifer. Hiki and Amber wanting attention as well as the falcon on Tori's shoulder seeming stubborn as it stays there looking at its surroundings.

Chazz: (He smiles a bit as he pets the tortoise). I am pretty sure that your friends will wait for you or I could try to help you out if you want but I will wait here with you while you rest.

Tori: Umm Kairi it might be good to let the rabbit go for now. I think she wants to go back home now.

Kairi: (Pouts at bit not wanting to let go of the rabbit then looks at the rabbit seeing it wants to follow the other animals and let's it go so it can catch up). Bye Mr. bunny. (She then looks at the falcon still on Tori's shoulder). It does not look like it wants to leave, ooh are you keeping the birdy then? (The falcon seems offended by being called a birdy still seeming staying on Tori's shoulder as picks at his hair a bit though not enough to hurt him).

Shizen: (Laughs). Well I suppose she likes your company. (She raises her eyebrows listening to the falcon and laughs). Quite a lot it seems.

Tori: (As he can feel the falcon petting its head against his). I see what you mean... Umm.

Kairi: (Giggles at Tori and the falcon with a big smile).

Jennifer: (Laughs along with Shizen about the falcon's thoughts as the rest of the animals leave besides the tortoise and falcon as she goes over to the tortoise by Chazz seeing it is asleep). I guess the journey here tired him out.

Shizen: We may have to carry him back in suppose, Orion, shouldn't be too heavy for you I would think. (She laughs a bit patting a Orion's back).

Orion: (He sighs). Alright let me take care of him... This will be fun. (As he places small wheels made of earth under the tortoise to make things easier).

Shizen: (Laughs more). Well that's one way to get him there.

Kairi: (Waves to the tortoise). Bye mister turtle!

Jennifer: (Laughs and waves as well to all of the animals one last time before they are out of view).

Chazz: (He waves goodbye just as Hiki, Amber and Rowen do the same).

Tori: Well I guess that leaves the hawk. Shizen: Hmm it seems like more of a falcon and a rare breed in fact for these parts.

The falcon does not budge from its spot, refusing to leave. The falcon being black, white and slate gray overall. The preed is of a young female peregrine falcon.

Cordelia: (Laughs lightly). A very stubborn creature, perhaps I can talk to the owner though I hope it is tamed enough for the servants to be around.

Shizen: (Goes over to the falcon petting it's head with two fingers the falcon seeming to enjoy this). I do not think that is a problem though I can see she is a very proud creature. Very reluctant to do tricks for the show and person training them I see.

????: (Just then a man runs to Tori seeing the falcon with a leather arm guard on for falcon to land on). Ahh there she is my apologies, hope she didn't cause to much trouble. (He tries to get the falcon to hop to his arm the falcon refusing and steps closer to Tori cawing at the man while flapping its wings a bit making the man very confused). Come on girl, it's not the time to be difficult stop bothering this man.

Tori: No, no it isn't much of a problem really I assure you, it's just... Weird in a way that she is attached to me.

????: (Looks a bit shocked). Huh, she's never been attached to a person, won't even listen to the trainers. Mostly use her and the others for hunting but she just won't listen let alone get attached, very independent young bird I guess. (He tries to figure out how to get the falcon to go with him even using bait but still failing and sighs). Guess she is attached huh, you have any training experience with these birds or are you just part bird of something? (He laughs a little at his own joke).

Shizen: (She and some of the others snicker a little hearing that saying more to herself). Could say that in a way.

Tori: (He laughs nervously as he scratches his head). Well umm... This is a dilemma now isn't it.

????: (Tries to think of a way to lure the falcon to go with him still).

Cordelia: Excuse me but what is we purchased the creature from you. We have plenty of wooded area, it is a sanctuary for animals in fact.

????: (Seems surprised). Umm this is a purebred, one made for shows, very independent and very hard to tame... Well I guess till they find the right person... You guys know how to work with birds of prey?

Shizen: (Raises her hand as well as Jennifer). Yes I have experience and this young lady next to me is an apprentice of mine.

????: (Looks skeptical at the coincidence and the young looking noble lady). Really?

Shizen: (Lifts her arm making quick almost like a command sound and the falcon quickly flies to land on her arm obediently).

????: (Looks in even more shock). ... We have years of experience and still she wouldn't listen... Must be doing something wrong... Huh....

Tori: No, no I don't think it is anything like that. I guess this one has more free spirit then the others.

????: (Laughs). You got that right! Very independent but I think she'll be happy with you guys, seems like it. (He looks at Cordelia). You wanted to buy her right? Said you had a lot of space so we can talk about that then. Won't be cheap being a rare breed and all.

Cordelia: I do not think price is at issue here, we can talk about this somewhere else and negotiate a price. (She leads the man away smiling and nodding to everyone). I will catch up with you later everyone and Chazz; Alfred and Loretta will want to see you at their shop later. They have a lot to say.

Alfred: And we will be waiting for you so I guess we will head back to the shop now, huh Loretta?

Loretta: Oh we will have a lot to talk about. (She looks at Jennifer then back to Chazz and hugs him). We will be happy to make the cake for you two as well. (She says excitedly as she is hugging Chazz though Jennifer looking confused).

Chazz: Umm... Why do I feel like I am missing out on something.

Alfred: Ahh you will see Chazz but yes we will be heading back to the bakery now.

Kairi: (Gives a big bright smile). Bye, it was nice meeting you! Jennifer: It really was and I hope we can come back to visit.

Cordelia: I will visit early tomorrow about the order I have from you.

Loretta: Of course, it was fun meeting everyone after hearing so much about you and Chazz we are very proud of you. You are really growing up so much.

Alfred: (He has a big proud smile on his face along with his wife).

Hiki: Bye, we will be over again.

Rowen: I will see you tomorrow then alongside lady Cordelia so I look forward to that.

Loretta: Of course, we look forward to it and it was nice meeting your lady friend as well. Let me know if we will need to think of a cake for your two as well.

Shizen: (Is taken off guard by the comment then laughs at the thought, that not really coming to mind giving a polite smile to cover a slight blush that is hidden well). Well just know green is a favorite color of mine.

Rowen: (He is a bit clueless to the remark at first as Orion starts laughing a bit but it is a silent laugh).

Alfred: Alright I will put that down in a note for a future order.

Shizen: Well we shall see.

Loretta: Very well, now goodbye everyone we will see you some other time and Chazz I hope you can stop by tomorrow with Rowen and Cordelia. (She gives one more hug to Chazz and then waves to everyone as they start to leave).

Chazz: (He blushes slightly). Umm... Yeah I'll be there tomorrow morning with them.

Alfred: (As he is leaving he laughs and smiles as he hits Chazz's back). Well you better or we are just going to drag you over.

Loretta: Yes so we look forward to it. We have to get back, we have a bakery to run after all. (She laughs as well as they wave until out of view).

Jennifer: (Waves back with a smile along with Kairi).

Hiki and Amber with the rest of the group wave goodbye as well having enjoyed the company that the two gave them.

Kairi: (Has a big smile still then looks around realizing her spirits are not with everyone). Where did Kura and Yami go? They missed saying goodbye.

Jennifer: (Looks around realizing they are not with them). I am sure they will catch up. Maybe they went back to play some games.

Tori: (He is just noticing this too). Huh I'm going to look for them since I may have idea where they might be.

Hiki: (She raises her hand). I want to come along since I want to show Kura something that I found so let me go with Tori.

Tori: (He sighs). I feel like I don't have a choice in this now do I?

Hiki: Nope, not at all! (She smiles brightly as she heads over by him as Amber goes by Chazz feeling a little out of place).

Chazz: Well be careful regardless and we will meet you all by the market stands since I think we are heading there for a bit right? (He asks Amber).

Amber: Oh... Umm... Yes I guess I could ask around there as well. (She blushes a little bit).

Kairi: Ooh yay, we can do some more shopping! Maybe they went shopping to.

Jennifer: (Smiles at Hiki). We will catch up with you a little later then. I need to help Kairi if she starts going overboard with her shopping.

Shizen: (Laughs as she still has the falcon on her arm with it looking at Tori). Tori do you want to take her back, she seems to want to go with you.

Tori: Umm I guess I could since she can help with finding Kura and Yami.

Shizen: I can ask her to do so, good luck you two. (She looks at the falcon silently asking it in her mind and the falcon spreads its wings and flies very high into the sky).

Amber: (She is surprised by the falcon suddenly flying off). Whoa there she goes.

Jennifer: Do not worry she will come back, but want to do some shopping? I saw some nice dresses up ahead.

Kairi: Ooh I hope there is a pink one!

Amber: (She hides behind Chazz but then shakes her head yes as she pokes her head out from behind them). Sure.

Jennifer: (Smiles and goes with Amber to the shopping area).

Shizen: (Holds Rowen's arm as he is standing behind Cordelia with Orion descussing the falcon).

The falcon flying above seems to stop and fly in circles looking for people that fit Shizen's description around the area as everyone is splitting into small groups. Hiki and Tori are walking through the market and vendor area looking at many things as they follow the falcon in the sky.

Tori: Well having some eyes in the sky will speed this up.

Hiki: Yes, though it is still funny on how the falcon got so attached to you.

Tori: Oh will you shush it, I don't even want to think about it. (The falcon seems to stop and circle around a area around the corner a block away swooping down a bit to narrow in on that area. He notices the falcon and starts to move to that area with Hiki close behind. They hear from where the falcon as swooped down out of view someone yelling being a very familiar voice).

????: What the hell get away, stupid bird!

Hiki: (She starts to pull of Tori a bit knowing where the yelling was coming from and leads Tori to a group of people but they can see the falcon clearly. As they make it through the crowd of people they first see Yami trying to reach up and grab at the falcon that has some carnival food in its claws as it flies above Yami cawing a retort. Kura is right behind him trying to read a book but seeming annoyed by all of the commotion).

Yami: Come on stupid bird, give it back!

Hiki: (She separates from Tori as they head into the group and comes up behind Kura). Kura why did you guys come over here! (She ignores Yami and the bird leaving Tori to handle that part).

Kura: Well I wanted to see if there were any interesting books, I didn't know there was a book store here. (She smiles at Hiki as she looks through the books putting the one she held back).

Hiki: Oh cool, find anything interesting so far? I know you are quite a big book worm.

Kura: I have a few I picked out but with all of the yelling and complaining it's a bit more difficult to focus. (She motions back at Yami who is still trying to get his food back as she opens a book with a drawing of a red rose on the cover held by a hand).

Hiki: Ah I see but why did you pick that book? It seems like a romance novel Kura. (She looks at the book with interest and wonder).

Kura: (Blushes as Hiki looks over her shoulder and she closes the book looking at the cover). I... I guess I am in that section... I can look in another section now. (She moves a step away to look for another section facing away from Hiki to hide the blush a bit and regain her composer). Umm how about mystery, those can be interesting as well.

Hiki: (Is wondering why Kura is acting strange but does not think much of it). Ohh a mystery novel is always good to read.

Kura: Maybe we can find one that's hard to figure out, those are the best.

Yami: (Looks back being grumpy that he lost his food to the falcon). Can we go? What's so good about books anyways?

Kura: No this is my stop, you had so many and books hold stories and other worlds inside of them. You should try reading one before thinking their dumb.

Yami: Seems kind of boring just sitting there with paper and stuff.

Kura: (Sighs as she goes back to looking at books on the shelves with Hiki). I need to find a action one for him to read perhaps.

Hiki: Well it might work out since it is Yami we are talking though he may try to copy the stuff in the book.

Kura: Hmm true and perhaps attack Tori with that... Well he does that anyways. (She laughs a little as she is opening another book).

Hiki: Well maybe I'll look for a book as well. What would recommend me to me Kura? I trust your opinion.

Kura: (Pauses to think for a moment). Hmm you seem to be the person that would like romance novels a little from what I have given you as well as ones with drama and plot twists at the end. I think there were a few of those in the section I was in before. Does that sound like a good area to start?

Hiki: Hmm I wouldn't mind it since I think it wouldn't be bad to learn some more about romance and I do enjoy a good story.

Kura: (Laughs a bit more). I guess they are good to read and then think about yourself in those situations at times. It can be quite fun to think about. (She smiles at Hiki).

Hiki: (She smiles back and gives a friendly hug). Yes they can be great to read.

Kura: (Blushes slightly but then smiles back and nods as they go to a section of the store more in front. They then look at a book with fighting and ninjas on the cover dressed in black and red scarves). I may get this one for Yami to read too, he may like it and maybe this one for me... It's quite cute. (She picks up a book with two silhouettes one in a red dress the other in a blue dress slow-dancing in front of the moon). It looks quite good.

Hiki: (She laughs a bit but then looks at the book with the two dresses). Ohh that looks interesting, have an idea on what's it about?

Kura: (Puts the book under the book for Yami instead of reading the summary around Hiki). Hmm I'm not sure, I guess I will find out. Hiki did you find anything? (She looks over Hiki's shoulder with a smile to see if she found a book).

Hiki: (She looks around in the romance section of the book store and pickups a book that has a cover of a princess on the right side with a maid on the left and a common looking man in the middle). Well this one seems interesting.

Kura: (Looks over at the book with a smile knowing why it has caught Hiki's interest). I think so, maybe I could read it when you're done perhaps.

Hiki: Sure I'm curious to see how it will end. (She says with a small smile).

Kura: (Looks at the cover and looks down but smiles as well). I look forward to hearing about it... Now let's buy these then. I'm sure Yami is already trying to fight Tori at this point. (She laughs a little).

Hiki: Of course he would.

Kura: (As she hands money to the person behind the counter and walking out of the book store with Hiki she sees Yami pouting grumpily with his arms crossed and Tori standing next to him with the falcon on his shoulder eating the food it had taken from Yami).

Hiki: Umm I can take a guess of what had happened can't I? (As she laughs a bit nervously).

Yami: (Mumbles grumpily looking at the falcon). Stupid bird. (The falcon seems to have understood Yami and caws at him in retort and then continues eating).

Kura: (Looks at the falcon a laughs along with Hiki and then looks at Tori). Where did you find the bird, is it from Jennifer's or Shizen's?

Tori: Well a lot of things happened but I can summarize it all in one saying. It was the zoo.

Kura: (Gives a very confused look but decides to just leave it alone). I see... Well thank you for waiting for us to finish shopping. Oh and Yami I got you a book to read yourself, I made sure to find one with a lot of action and some pictures in it. (She hands Yami the book with ninjas on it).

Yami: (Takes the book with confusion). But reading seems boring, better just to fight myself. (He flips through the book quickly to try and get to the pictures but still seems uninterested).

Kura: (Sighs). At least a thank you would be nice and who knows maybe you will learn a technique to spar against Tori with. (She then looks apologetically at Tori).

Yami: (The last part of what Kura had said catches his interest as he looks at the pictures).

Tori: (He and Hiki laugh knowing that the statement would work on Yami knowing on how he is).

Kura: (Laughs as well as they start to walk around the fair again together).

Yami: (Looks through the book as they walk seeming frustrated as he flips through quickly stopping whenever there's a picture).

Tori: Nothing new just yet huh Yami?

Yami: (Shrugs). Pictures are ok, just where's the action part? Just want to skip to that.

Kura: It's most likely in the middle but I think starting at the beginning is better.

Yami: (Flips to the middle of the book still looking at the words in frustration though).

Hiki: (She looks over and reads out loud the section of instructions that were given for a cool looking move in the book).

Yami: (Looks confused thinking Hiki was just explaining the picture and not reading really). Wait that's what the pictures showing? Looks different, how do you know that.

Kura: The instructions are right beside it; it seems like simple instructions.

Yami: (Realizes what she's saying and just shrugs it off like it is no big deal). Oh right... Cool. (He looks at the words seeming like he's struggling but not trying to show it and play it cool like he knows what he is doing).

Tori: (He sighs and sits down with Yami and begins to read the things that seem to interest him and tries to teach him).

Kura: (Follows both Tori and Yami). Yami... I never taught you how to read... Did I?

Yami: You gave me a few lessons I guess and... Wait I can read... I wasn't having trouble! (Crosses his arms stubbornly letting his pride get to him).

Kura: (Mumbles to herself as she hangs her head in defeat). ... I'm a horrible big sister....

Hiki: (She hugs Kura from the side). No, no you didn't know so don't blame yourself Kura... After everything that happened there's nothing that you could have done about it. (She says quietly next to Kura).

Kura: (Nods but still looks down). Your right... Everything happened when he was 6... So I guess those lessons were put aside... Though he didn't seem to pay attention in the lessons anyways. (She laughs a little as she is remembering).

Hiki: (She laughs a bit as well and smiles seeing Kura seems to be feeling better). Well regardless don't ever say that alright?

Kura: (Nods and smiles reasuringly). This is a new start for both of us, we can move on thanks to everyone here. Now I need to put time aside to give Yami lessons after the birthday tomorrow, but in a way he will actually be interested. (She starts to ponder on how to teach Yami).

Hiki: Well I will help you figure that out later alright? (She looks genuinely interested in helping).

Kura: (Smiles at Hiki giving her a hug). Thank you and it should be interesting, though using that book may help.... (She looks at Tori reading the book to Yami). It's strange... Kuro used to read to Yami and I like that every night... I'm glad he found someone to look up to like that again. (She has a reminiscing smile as she watches them).

Hiki: (She begins to laugh a little as she smiles knowing the two would never admit). It's funny because Yami won't admit it or even Tori.

Kura: No... No they won't but I think it is a silent understanding for them, nothing needs to be admitted really. It's good for them to have really... Everyone one here I guess made this small group into a very strange and accepting... It helped us as spirits grow and start moving on from our pasts. (She has a sincere hopeful smile as she says this).

Hiki: Well that's who we are Kura. So strange and weird yet so great at the same time.

Kura: I agree and I think we have the humans we are contracted too to thank. They have done more than we can thank them for just for being contracted to them and bringing everyone together.

Hiki: Yes... Who knew that everything would happen like this... I like it.

Kura: I wouldn't change it either. (She has a bigger smile then notices Kairi along with everyone else across the fair street looking at different vendors together).

Kairi: (Yells to them). Hiki, Tori, Yami, Kura over here! We found a lot of cool things!

Hiki: (She waves over as she begins to take Kura by her hand). Come on now, everyone is waiting for us.

Kura: (Blushes as Hiki holds her hand but tries not to show it turning to look back at Tori and Yami). Come on you two, you can look at the book later.

Yami: (Shrugs and stands up). I guess, hope not going to one of the boring vendors again.

Hiki: (She starts to walk towards the group with Kura as Tori gets up).

Tori: Well that was interesting time reading a combat book.

Yami: Teah pictures were cool I guess but quit reading to me like that. Not a little kid and not like I couldn't read it. (He crosses his arms stubbornly).

Tori: Well is that right then? Try reading one sentence of a page I didn't read off.

Yami: (Pauses for a moment then looks at the picture seeming determined taking a moment to try and figure it out). ... T-the?... Something about that one guy doing a kick so why read it picture shows it I guess. (He tries to shrug it off to try and hide the fact he couldn't figure it out).

Tori: Yes, yes well we should get going now or else Kairi is going to come hug you again.

Yami: ... Yeah let's go. (He goes to catch up with everyone quickly not wanting a hug).

Tori sighs as he catches up to everyone and the group continues to walk through the festival and the vendors when it seems the town is preparing for a firework showing. Jennifer sees the sun is setting and goes to everyone still shopping at the vendors now being in a weapons and armory type vendor with medallions and pendants on shelves as well.

Jennifer: I think this may be our last vendor. We should head to the fireworks show soon.

Kairi: (Pouts for a second as she has a big pile of things for everyone from the vendors she has gone to). Aww but alright I have so many things for everyone here!

Jennifer: (Sighs shaking her head with a laugh). Kairi you do not have to get everyone something at every booth.

Kairi: I did not do that for every booth just this one has so many cool things!

Shizen: (Is inspecting the swords raising a eyebrow in interest looking at the man running the booth then back at the swords and armor. The rest of the group does not it notice as easily except for Rowen who begins to look much closer to the shop).

Kairi: (Goes to the man behind the counter with all of the things she picked out and sees the pendants on the counter with what looks like seals on them). Ooh these are pretty too.

Jennifer: (Looks at the pendants as well curiously). They are quite pretty.

Shizen: (Is looking at pendant on another shelf with Orion saying quietly). These are sealing and magic pendants.

Orion: They are? (After taking a closer look with Shizen). Yeah they are from the energy coming off of them.

Shizen: (Looks at the man behind the counter). Quite odd for someone with a spirit to make these types of things at a human festival... I thought that was banned if I recall.

Orion: From what I can recall if the owner can create most of the material himself then it wouldn't be bad since the human was the one who had initially created it and this is considered crafting so it works either way really.

Shizen: I see, I myself did not see the problem being very large but I think we can find useful things here... Well perhaps we will not need to look to much ourselves. (She is looking at the pile of things Kairi picked and laughs). We may even clean out the store of items with energy.

Kairi: (Looks at a medal pendant with some type of seal on it, on a necklace chain seeming to be drawn to it). Ooh I like this one.

Jennifer: (Seems surprised the pendant looking simple and not very polished as she is looking at a shiny gold looking stone pendant). I would think you would pick a different one really but it seems nice. Though it is quite expensive for how it looks.

Vendor: That one actually took a lot a work there though it may not look it, quite a rare thing.

Kairi: (Smiles at it and the vendor). I will take it then, thank you!

Jennifer: (Looks at the pile of things Kairi already picked out and sighs). Well we might as well, you already went overboard.

Hiki: (She laughs a bit as she sees a yin and yang pedant being covered by some of the other pendants and points it out for Jennifer to see).

Jennifer: (Looks at the pendant). Ooh that one is nice. (She looks at Chazz and then the pendant and smiles). It is like a balance pendant.

Hiki: (She smiles as well as she nudges Jennifer). Why not get it for him then hmm?

Jennifer: (Blushes and stutters a little). B-but what about you? You are the one that found it so you should give it to him really.

Hiki: Hmm. (She picks it up and waves it in front of them both). Then why don't we both give it to him?

Jennifer: (Continues to blush but nods). I think that is fair... I hope he likes it.

Hiki: (She smiles as she picks up the pendant and gives it to Jennifer)

Jennifer: (Nods and looks through her purse to pay the vendor then looks at Chazz blushing more not sure if they should give him the pendant now or later and just being becoming more nervous for some reason).

Chazz: (He looks over by Jennifer and Hiki and then sees the pendent in her hand). Oh what a wonderful looking pendent you have there Jennifer.

Jennifer: (Turns to Chazz seeming surprised as she continues to blush but tries to hide it). Oh umm... We got it for you. We thought you would like it. (She holds out the pendant out for Chazz to take).

Chazz: (He has a very slight blush). Oh... Well then thank you. Thank you both of you again. (As he takes the pendent with a kind smile).

Hiki: (She leaves Jennifer's side as she quickly hugs Chazz and heads over by Kairi).

Jennifer: (Nods and blushes with a smile hugging Chazz as well). I am glad you like it, I think it suits you.

Chazz: I think so too... It looks very clear and nice... Like it is actually filled with its own energy.

Jennifer: (Gives a confused look). It's own energy? Huh that's weird, I wonder what kind if so but either way I still think it would look nice on you. (She smiles more looking up at Chazz).

Chazz: I am not sure how to explain it really... But yes I do like it a lot so thank you again Jennifer. (He smiles back at her as the atmosphere seems a bit more lovely dovey between them).

Jennifer: (Blushes more looking down for a moment to hide it not being sure of what to do at the moment realizing she was becoming lost a bit looking into his eyes). Your welcome... I am happy you like it.

Chazz: (He ends up doing the same as he looks away and starts to rub the back of his head). Yes... I am too.

Jennifer: (Continues to look down and blushes but cannot help but smile).

Kairi: (Is looking at Jennifer and Chazz beside Hiki and giggles).

Hiki: (She is smiling as well though with a little more hurt in her eyes though she buries it for now). They need to be more honest sometimes.

Kairi: (Has a much bigger smile). It is alright, it is really cute. (Looks over to Tori for a second and blushes then back to Jennifer and Chazz).

Hiki: (She sighs as she pushes Kairi over by Tori and makes a go movement with her hand).

Kairi: (Stumbles a little from being pushed and then looks back at Hiki trying to pout but is smiling still then remembers something looking through the pile of things she had bought taking out a black jacket and skipping over to Tori with a bright smile and faint blush). Tori I think I found a jacket you might like, I hope it fits.

Tori: (He looks up at Kairi after looking through the things Kairi had already brought). Oh cool... Hmm let me try it on then.

Kairi: (Holds out the jacket for Tori being black leather with a grey and white border seeming simple but well made with good comfortable materials yet sturdy leather armor. Something that would seem to fit Tori's style).

Tori: (As he is trying it on he feels how comfortable the jacket is tailored perfectly as if it shapes to fit him). Wow this feels great Kairi.

Kairi: (Has a big smile as she hugs Tori). Yay I am glad you like it!

Tori: I'm glad you picked up a great jacket for me, wow this thing feels so comfortable. Thanks a bunch Kairi

Kairi: (Still has a bright smile being happy). I thought you would like it, and it looks good on you too. (She has a slight blush while saying this).

Tori: (Ss he smiles he hugs Kairi closely without thinking and kisses her head).

Jennifer: (Looks over seeing the embrace and gives a warning glare as she looks for her bow).

Kura: (Looks surprised at Tori not expecting him to be so bold as she stands beside Hiki).

Tori: (Having realized what is going on and backs off immediately with a heavy blush). Umm... Umm... Umm... Thanks for the jacket.... (He then runs over to another stall as fast as he can).

Kairi: (Blushes as well though she is confused why Tori ran away).

Jennifer: Excuse me Chazz but there is some business I need to attend to. (Reaches her bow and starts to follow Tori with Shizen stopping her).

Shizen: Now child there's no need, he's already scared for his life. No need to harm him in this busy of an area.

Kura: (Laughs at what has happened saying to herself and Hiki as well). Quite forward.

Hiki: Yes... I've got to give him more credit than I originally did for things like this.

Chazz: (He is over by Jennifer trying to calm her down as well).

Kura: Hmm I do see them cuddling often... It's quite cute really though too bad it was interrupted.

Hiki: It really is but because of the protection of Jenny he doesn't want to do much more but the cuddling is always refreshing to look at.

Kura: It is plus it's not her birthday yet. Who knows they may even have their first kiss then. (She says this more quietly so Jennifer does not over hear and become more upset).

Hiki: Ohh that would be exciting. (She smiles and giggles a little bit).

Kura: (Smiles as well). I think so too.

Yami: (Had overheard Hiki and Kura seeming not very interested). what's the big deal with a kiss anyways.

Kura: (Sighs shaking her head while patting Yami's head). You will understand one day Yami.

Yami: (Still doesn't seem to understand why everyone is making a big deal about it).

Kairi: (Goes over to everyone being done with her shopping and trying to calm Jennifer down by giving her things she got for her. She goes over to everyone else including Hiki, Kura and Yami). Oh I think I got everyone something too. Hiki what do you think of this? (She holds out what looks like a white long sleeve shirt with a black over shirt leather corset with a black belt for a sword to go. The skirt seems to have the same type a leather connected to the corset but short with white fitting pants underneath of it and long thigh high black boots).

Hiki: (She looks at the outfit with immediate want). Oh... My... Gosh! This looks so good! I want to wear it now! I just love the style of it!

Kairi: Yay I am glad you like it oh and I found a black and red one for you to Kura. I hope they fit.

Kura: (From Hiki's reaction she has a big smile and laughs). Kairi thank you, wow it looks really nice though. I hope you do not mind having similar matching outfits Hiki. (She takes her own outfit from Kairi and giving her a hug).

Hiki: (She does not pay much attention to anything else as she keeps looking at the outfit). Yes no problem, I don't mind.

Kairi: I do not think there is a changing booth in this place but I think the one across from here Tori ran too has one oh and Yami I got you something too. (She takes out a black jacket but with a red border being a little smaller than Tori's jacket but not by much).

Yami: (Looks at the jacket seeming to like it but not admitting it as he takes it). Ok I guess, didn't really need to. (He puts on the jacket but the jacket being too big for him, the sleeves much too long for him looking like it would fit someone that's in his teens and not someone who looks 10). Umm it's kind of big.

Kura: (Pulls on Yami's ear). Say thank you anyways, you can grow into it.

Yami: (Gives a grumpy look). Hey not cool, let go!

Hiki: (She smiles and laughs a little bit as Chazz is finally talking with Jennifer as she is calmed down but trying to be safer than sorry).

Jennifer: (Seems to have calmed down but still seems to be slightly upset).

Kura: I think it will be fine to bring Tori back, is he still hiding?

Kairi: I can go get him.

Kura: (Pauses looking unsure). I do not think that is the wisest decision right now.

Chazz: Yes...That would not be right for now... I will go grab him if that is alright. Anyone wish to come with?

Kura: If you want someone to come with I can.

Yami: Why he hiding though, not like that scary really, faced worse.

Kura: (Sighs patting Yami's head). One day you will understand when your older.

Yami: I doubt it, makes no sense.

Chazz: Yes, yes but shall we get going then Kura?

Kura: Very well then.

Jennifer: It is about time to head to the fireworks so you cannot take too much time. We do not want to miss them.

Kairi: (Smiles excitedly). Yay I cannot wait!

Shizen: Sound nice, I don't believe I've seen fireworks in quite a long time. It's nice to watch them with others though I believe. (She looks mostly at Rowen).

Rowen: Oh yes the firework show... Umm. (He looks at Cordeila by his butler instinct and is reluctant to go with Shizen because of this).

Orion: (He sighs as he knocks Rowen on the head). Hello... Get going with Shizen already.

Cordelia: (Laughs). Yes go on, I can handle myself just fine for a night. So go have fun, and do not worry about me. You have a very nice date with you and I believe you could use something like that, and besides I can see you smile more so go on or else I will instruct you too escorting lady Shizen anyways.

Shizen: (Has a big grin nodding to Cordelia as a thank you who nods back).

Chazz: (He and Hiki smile as he leaves with Kura to get Tori back and Hiki stays by Jennifer).

Rowen: (He looks down a bit as he rubs his head in embarrassment). Yes I am sorry the thought had crossed my mind.

Cordelia: (Nods). Now go on then, leaving I lady waiting is impolite. Oh and Hiki I want you to take this. (She unclips her necklace with the water gem Hamako is in and hands it to Hiki carefully saying quietly so Amber cannot hear). Hamako was wanting to go with you if you do not mind her company.

Hamako: (Can be barely heard like a whisper). ... Hika....

Hiki: (She smiles as she shakes her head yes taking the pendant and putting it around her neck). Well of course she can, let's go.

Hamako: (Hiki hears a small high pitch happy sound from the pendant).

Jennifer: I guess we should go then. We can meet everyone else there. There is a really good spot in the park we always go to, it has less of a crowd.

Kairi: (Gets a even more excited smile). Yay come on, let's go we can't be late!

Hiki: (She gets ahead of the group a little bit as she smiles and takes Jennifer's hand and leads her forward)

Shizen: (Lifts her arm hoping Rowen would offer his as she smiles). Shall we?

Rowen: Yes we shall Shizen, I am sorry for the delay.

Shizen: There is no problem, I had no intention of rushing.

Cordelia: (Walks behind everyone beside Amber discussing the idea of the merchants that would help her).

Kairi: (Skips beside Hiki happily).

The group heads towards the park to see the fireworks trying to get through the big crowd they take a detour towards the other side of the park staying close so they are not separated. When they reach the area they put out blankets to sit on so they can watch as they wait for the rest of their group to meet them.

Jennifer: (Decides to help Hiki with the blanket as Cordelia and Amber put out snacks they had gotten on the way there).

Kairi: (Tries to help as well but ends up needing help from Jennifer).

Shizen: (As Rowen is laying out a blanket for the both of them). Why thank you Rowen, such a gentleman. (She laughs a little and kisses his cheek).

Jennifer: (Notices Shizen kissing Rowen on the cheek and looks back at Hiki to see if she saw it as well as she smiles).

Rowen: (He blushes quite a bit as he sits down on the blanket).

Hiki: (She looks back at Jennifer and giggles and smiles as she starts to get comfortable).

Shizen: (Sits with Rowen holding onto his arm with a small laugh).

Jennifer: (Gets comfortable as well as the rest of the group makes it to the area, everyone waving to them so they can see where they are since it is getting darker).

Yami: (Notices the waving and he, Chazz, Tori and Kura walk over to them and he looks up at the sky where a firework was set off ahead of time as a warning and he nudges Tori and pointing at the sky seeming to get a idea). Hey dude, I dare you to fly up there when it starts.

Kura: (Sighs and shakes her head though she smiles seeming amused). That... Would be interesting to say the least.

Tori: Umm I don't feel like having my wings burned up thank you.

Yami: Would look cool though.

Amber: (Returns since it seems that was talking to a vendor for a very long time and catches up with Chazz and the group). I am sorry... I was talking with a vendor and... Was trying to get some tips on being a merchant... So the man had a lot to say.

Jennifer: (Hears Amber and smiles up at her). I am sure you can do it though, you seem to like the idea at least.

Amber: Yes... Though I do not have anything worth selling right now, maybe I could work another vendor to get by.

Cordelia: The contacts I have will most likely take you as a apprentice. He and his trade partners will be the ones teaching you how to sell and trade. You will be paid for your apprenticeship though not as much as one of the employees at first. It includes food, shelter and gear so you will not need to worry about that, that will be provided though not as fancy as you are used to. There will be a lot of traveling as well. It will be hard work but if you are not wanting that I can try to find another place though this one you will have plenty of opportunities to gain experience.

Amber: No, no I think I will be fine with that one... I cannot really choose to be picky right now.

Cordelia: (Smiles at Amber). I think you will be fine. The people are very nice so I believe you will like it there, they are not rich but very friendly especially with customers. They do quite well with getting returning business which is a skill that will be much needed in that.

Kairi: But you get to travel too? Ooh you will probably see so many cool places.

Amber: And that is all I can ask of them since friendly people are always fun to be around and yes I think so. Traveling is always fun to do and fun to see all kind of new things.

Jennifer: (Nods in agreement). I look forward to hearing how it goes but for now do not worry. We will do our best to help you, you are a friend after all.

Amber: I know, and I know that I will come back after a while and just to show you how much I have grown

Jennifer: I look forward to it just don't forget to send letters as well. (She smiles and gives Amber a hug).

Amber: (She accepts the hug happily). Well of course.

Jennifer: Great I look forward to it.

Kairi: (Sees Tori and the others make it to their spot to view the fireworks and moves over a little so Tori has more room to sit by her). Hi you made it just in time, it is going to start any minute!

Kura: I'm glad we could make it. (She smiles then sits beside Hiki with Chazz in the middle of Jennifer and Hiki).

Yami: (Looks up at the sky not sure what to expect never seeing fireworks before but liking the idea of watching explosions).

Hiki: (She and everyone are excited to see the fireworks as everyone waits in anticipation of the event to come to a close on the first day).

Kairi: (Sees the falcon fly away from the area Jennifer giving it a warning of the loud noises then looks down at the pendant she had bought wondering what the sign is on it).

Shizen: (Notices Kairi looking at the pendant and smiles). I see you bought a sealing pendant, one of the rarer ones too.

Kairi: (Looks at Shizen then back to the pendant curiously). Really... What does it do?

Shizen: It's not one of the most decorative ones but the powerful ones usually are not. That one looks like a memory pendant. It stores ones memories that are close to them, I can show you how it works later on .

Kairi: (Looks at the pendant in wonder). Wow really?... I like it... It means I can hold on to memories I like the most forever... Like this one.... (She smiles at everyone then up at Tori).

Shizen: (Nods and grins more). Yes I couldn't agree more. (She goes back to sitting normally by Rowen then resting her head on his shoulder kissing his cheek).

Rowen and the rest of the group take notice of the stone none of them can bring themselves to comment on it since they do agree with what Kairi said that they all want to hang onto their memories for as long as they can.

Amber: (She is behind Chazz and wants to give him a hug but she knows she cannot... She begins to tear up a little bit since she feels a type of pressure in her chest but she does her best to live with it).

Jennifer: (Looks back at Amber and how she looks at Chazz and frowns knowing what she must be feeling and tries to smile to cheer her up not sure of how to help with Hiki noticing this as well).

Amber: (She looks at Jennifer and Hiki and smiles as she puts her back against Chazz's).

Chazz: (He is taken off guard as the sudden presence on his back makes him jump a bit but he recognizes the softness that is amber's hair).

Jennifer: (Blushes but still smiles as she rests her head on Chazz's shoulder as the first fireworks start to go off signaling the start of the fireworks show).

Hiki: (She does the same as she rests her head on Chazz's shoulder which isn't new for him).

Tori: (Upon seeing the four of them all grouped up liked that he can't help but laugh a little bit and smile as he begins to watch the fireworks).

Kairi: (As Tori was looking at the small group and the fireworks she does the same to Tori as she looks up at the fireworks as well with a smile looking at all of the pretty colors in the sky).

Rowen: (He enjoys the fireworks with Shizen feeling that she is getting closer to him and he does not mind it).

Shizen: (Leaning onto Rowen a bit while holding his arm and looking at the fireworks the up at him from where she is resting her head on his shoulder as well).

Orion: (As the fireworks show keeps going it seems that everyone is watching the show in awe. However he sees that Rowen are Shizen are exchanging looks from time to time yet not making any type of affection. He sighs and realizes the show is ending soon he nudges Rowen forward).

Rowen: (As he jumps up his head in surprise now being closer to Shizen's face and he is staring into her eyes and cannot deny how beautiful they are).

Shizen: (Seems surprised at first then looks back into Rowen's eyes with the same expression though trying to not let her forwardness get the best of her wanting him to be comfortable though savoring the moment looking back at him in this way).

Rowen: (After a few seconds of staring into each other's eyes he brings his face closer to Shizen's. As a result, the closer he gets, more of the fireworks keep going off as if it is going along with the moment).

Shizen: (Moves closer to him as well until their foreheads touch and closing her eyes as she savors this moment still as their lips are barely inches apart).

Rowen: (And as though the whole thing was planned as the final firework goes up Rowen brings himself to kiss Shizen finally after all the time they have been together counting even before she had been sealed away).

Shizen: (At first she pauses seeming surprised but after a second Rowen can tell she smiles and then kisses him back).

Rowen: (He smiles as well knowing on how much they needed this type of thing).

Shizen: (As the kiss goes on Rowen can tell she is reluctant to part from the kiss not wanting to end it).

Rowen: (Upon hearing the fireworks are ending he has to bring himself to pull away from the passionate kiss).

Shizen: (Pouts at little that the kiss ended but then smiles looking at Rowen biting her lips a little as she tries to find words to say finding it difficult for such a moment). Well... That was....

Rowen: (As their kiss is broken he can tell there are a few watching them from the group with a few giggles. He looks a bit down in blush but is still holding onto Shizen like it is a lovers embrace).

Shizen: (Leans into the hold but sees some are staring as well including Orion Cordelia as well Jennifer, Hiki, Kairi, and Kura who giggle giving them a look to not interrupt mostly giving Orion the warning but smiles happily and nods. She then goes back to putting all of her attention on Rowen and their embrace).

Orion: (He and the rest of the group begin to get up to explore some final area of the festival before heading back but do not want to interrupt Shizen and Rowen's moment so they just let them know quickly and get on their way).

Shizen: (She watches the rest of the group leave her and Rowen happy to have some privacy with him from the others. She turns her attention back to Rowen still in his embrace from watching the fireworks smiling up at him with a small laugh and looking into his eyes).

Rowen: (His hold on her is tight but yet loving). These are moments I love the most.

Shizen: (Nods in agreement resting her head on his shoulder). I cannot remember ever having a moment quite like that.... And that kiss.... That feeling. Something about it is new to me. (She looks up at Rowen from resting on his shoulder).

Rowen: A kiss full of love... It has been a while since I had one like that... It was really nice... And how was it new? I would be sure by now someone have loved you before me.

Shizen: (Shakes her head looking down slightly for a second). A kiss filled of love.... To be honest I never had a feeling quite like that. Yes I had been in relationships in the past and in those I suppose I was desperate for that feeling and that had blinded me.... (She shakes out of her thoughts looking back up at Rowen). But this felt different from that. It felt... Easy in a way.... That I did not need to force feelings into it.... They were just there.... If that makes enough sense.

Rowen: (He smiles as he kisses her forehead). It makes perfect sense dear so do not be embarrassed... I am just happy the feelings of... What do they call it "butterflies" in your stomach.

Shizen: (Laughs a little from the comment). I suppose that is a newer term then. Sometimes being so old you lose track of new things in this world especially. I will have to remember that one though, it somehow fits.

Rowen: (He laughs as well to the thought). I just heard it while we were walking and I thought it fit... Though I could want that feeling again.

Shizen: (Grins with a nod in agreement). I am glad we were given the rest of the night to ourselves it seems. Perhaps we can enjoy that feeling a bit more then.

Rowen: (He holds her more tightly). I would be glad to do just that... Just to experience this feeling again.

Shizen: (Smiles genuinely holding Rowen's hand). Then I would be happy too. Maybe even take the long way to the hotel and cuddle up there. Cut through the park as well, It's a lovely evening out after all.

Rowen: (He smiles at the suggestion). Well I would be happy to have you accompany me then.

Shizen: (Grins up at Rowen). And I would be honored to be your company.

Rowen: Well let's get going then shall we my dear Shizen. (He smiles as he kisses her head).

Shizen: (Gets a faint blushes Rowen helps her up and at the kiss as well). Yes why thank you. I wouldn't mind being escorted by such a gentleman.

Rowen: Well only a fine gentleman acts like this when near a beautiful woman as yourself.

Shizen: (Smirks with a growing blush as well holding onto Rowen's hand). Such compliments as well from a handsome man? I must be spoiled tonight.

Rowen: (He begins to lead her towards the park so they go travel through it). Well I am just merely being spoiled with your presence.

Shizen: (Cannot help but laugh moving closer to lean against Rowen more as they walk). I am happy then to be in your presence as well. I don't think I have had a date like this... It feels nice.... New.... The best dates I've had in fact. (Looks down with a small smile putting a hand to her lips from thinking of the kiss before).

Rowen: (He smiles as well as they arrive at the park and begin to see similar couples around them bringing a romantic air to the park). Well it seems like many others are experiencing the same time.

Shizen: (Looks around laughing again watching the couples). It's funny I've always watched couples like this wanting to know how that felt. True I have had mates before, I'm old enough to admit that fully but never a true mate.... Inside I have always wanted the true part and I didn't realize I was acting desperate until a long time later.... It took me some time to realize this and I stopped searching to focus on things most important.... Who knew after I stopped searching I find someone I want that with. (She looks into Rowen's eyes and he can see the genuine feelings in her expression).

Rowen: (He laughs as well looking around before seeing the love in her eyes and smiles sincerely). Yes... After my wife I was lost and afraid but not anymore... I am glad I did not give up. I promised her I would not.

Shizen: I suppose I was lost in another way to desperate to find a true mate that it blinded me. It's a different type of being lost but lost none the less. I will not try to replace her in your heart either. I couldn't dare to with how great she sounds. I just want the chance to find that same happiness moving forward, to feel that great feeling you always described.... Heal both our past sadness's in the process.... I can feel that happening now even.

Rowen: Yes... I feel that as well... I feel the radiance of your love helping my heart... And I would not want to forget her... She had helped me become who I am now.

Shizen: I am sure she wants you to be happy in her memory. A true mate is rare and cannot be forgotten either I believe because the memories are so cherished.... Or I would believe anyway. I do not think we have reached that term quite yet but I hope one day to call you a true mate for myself in the future.

Rowen: Well when I reach that point in our relationship... Then I am sure you will show me how special I am too you. But I want to keep loving you and I will for as long as I can.

Shizen: I will be patient for the day I can call you my mate. I may be forward but you are worth the wait I believe. For you I am patient but will not push it onto you like my mistakes in the past.... This feeling growing that makes this bond form is not something I want to mess up with and lose. (She looks upwards to the sky with a small smile and hand tightening around his).

Rowen: (He smiles comfortingly). Well thank you for being patient with this old fool and trust me, I would not do anything to jeopardize this feeling we have right now.

Shizen: (Gives a small laugh). Now I wouldn't say old fool and I will be patient for as long as it takes. Your worth it after all as long as you can be patient with me in some ways as well.

Rowen: (He laughs as well). Thank you dear, still I appreciate you and your patience.

Shizen: (Laughs more looks up at Rowen and leaning on him a bit more as they walk). And I am not the only one who you need approval form as well after all. Someone most dear to me as well. (She smiles more sincerely up at him as she has one young girl in her thoughts).

Rowen: (He seems confused by the comment). Hmm well whoever it might be I look forward to meeting them if I need their permission as well. I look forward to it.

Shizen: (Grins up at Rowen). I hope to introduce you one day in order to build on what we have but I know right now in a moment like this there is a happy feeling inside I cannot help. (She can't help getting a big smile and loving look in her eyes as the reach then end of the park right outside of the big city inn they are staying at).

Rowen:(He kisses her forehead as they arrive to the front door and smiles with a sense of love behind it). Well right here, right now I want to keep feeling strong as it is helping me breaking free of my cold and lonely heart.

Shizen: (Has the same sense of love behind her's looking up at Rowen). I want to focus on the moment and strong feelings this day has had. Nothing else to distract this.... Just this. (He holds Rowen's hand affectionately looking down at their hands intertwined).

Meanwhile with the group that had left Shizen and Rowen to themselves Kairi watches Shizen and Rowen before she walks away with everyone. She walks beside Tori and then looks up at him, thinking about the kiss and down at his hand wanting to hold it. Her mind is full of those ideas not noticing Jennifer keeping a eye on them as she walks beside Chazz though Tori notices seeing that the warnings are for him.

Jennifer: (Says quietly to herself). It is not her birthday yet to court her, do not even think about it.

Tori: (He does not know what she said but he can feel a chill down his back and his survival instincts kick in).

Cordelia: (Sees what is happening and laughs a little shaking her head). It looks like she gets that from me... Maybe even more than me. They both are growing so fast.

Amber: (As she is behind Cordeila she is the only one that could hear her and leans forward to ask). What do you mean Miss Cordelia?

Cordelia: Well they are my children after all and they have grown so fast. I remember when they were just little children wandering in the halls and now they a young ladies my oldest now betrothed though not as soon as the family would of liked and the other starting to catch notice of suitors... How time goes by. (She smiles as she is reminiscing).

Amber: Jennifer Is betrothed, to who? (As she begins to have a bad feeling).

Cordelia: It is still new but to Chazz. She was in a similar situation the family wanting her to pick a suitor or else they would pick for her. Chazz stepped in so that my daughter could stay in the family. It still is quite new so not as many know of it.

Amber: (As Cordeila says this her heart begins to drop feeling the pain coming from her chest building up again). I see... Well that is good.

Cordelia: (Looks at Amber seeing her from and gives a understanding and sympathetic smile). Yes... I understand.... (She gives Amber a quick comforting hug as they walk).

Amber: (She smiles as receives the hug and as everyone is going back to the main market street).

Everyone is walking not sure of where to go as it is pretty dark out now they see lamps light up and some vendors closing besides the places with food and drinks.

Kairi: (Looks around at the market area wonder what they are going to do). Where are we going now?

Jennifer: (Stops to think not sure either but sees it is getting late). I am not sure, it is getting late though.

Cordelia: (Sees Kairi yawn a little). We could head to the hotel since it is quite dark out. I am sure Rowen and Shizen will make it there later on.

Orion: Yeah I expect them wanting to be alone right now especially with that moment they had. (He has a grin on his face).

Hiki: (She giggles a little thinking back to it as Tori smirks knowing on how stubborn the both of them can be)

Jennifer and Kairi: (Both giggle as they think back on it as well).

Cordelia: Very true so we will most likely see them later on or the next morning for others seeing some are tired. (She looks at Kairi).

Kairi: (Pouts not wanting to go to bed just yet). Aww but it's been such a great day. Do we have to?

Jennifer: Well we do have to start heading back very early, we have a birthday to celebrate tomorrow. (She smiles and pats Kairi's head who giggles).

Chazz: It would be wise to head back to the hotel since we do have early arrangements to take care of.

Jennifer: Very well and if we do not get back tomorrow early enough we will miss guests who plan to stay the night as well as party guests arriving in the afternoon.

Cordelia: Yes it should be quite busy, quite a few invitations were sent with many replies back though quite a few were suitors but others were nobles and wealthy nobles children.

Jennifer: (Remembers all of the guests list and sighs knowing how much work they will have to do when they get back let alone dealing with all of the suitors).

Amber: (She thinks to herself for a moment hearing about some of the people coming). Hmm I would not think some of the people are coming for just the party. I am sure some will talk to you as well lady Cordelia I believe anyway.

Cordelia: At any party there are opportunities to talk about trade and other business. If you would like you could accompany me since I will be talking with a few merchants as well.

Amber: That would be a nice idea I believe.

Cordelia: (Gives Amber a polite smile). Very well, I look forward to it.

The group continues walking the streets getting darker and less busy. Hiki notices Kura looking down nearly completely dark side streets narrowing her eyes at them in almost a glare seeming like it has things like brothels and bars in that area Kura not seeming to like those areas at all.

Hiki: (She says with a very noticeable concern). Are you alright Kura?

Kura: (Pulls her attention away from the dark street and puts on a smile). It's nothing to worry about, I just don't like those areas is all.

Yami: (Overhears but stays silent and then looking into the ally as well both seeing in it clearly being dark spirits though Kura seeming more visibly upset by those types of areas). Don't worry about it, just some stuff don't like seeing. Just keep walking.

Kura: (Looks down and nods).

Hiki: Alright if you're sure. (She is still concerned but knows not to push more on it as the group reaches the hotel).

Everyone heads inside seeing the lobby lit up but not as many people there. Cordelia with Orion by her side go to the desk to get the room keys that are ready as everyone waits taking a seat for a moment.

Kairi: (Yawns but still smiles happily from their day). I cannot wait to see the rooms. I bet they are really nice. (She looks a bit tired and leans against Tori because of it).

Tori: (He smiles as the group gets into their hotel rooms as Jennifer leads Kairi off to bed as the rest hang out in the living room).

Cordelia: (Goes to the living room area after helping tuck Kairi in since she is quickly falling asleep). My apologies for not being able to rent more rooms but assume some of you do not mind sharing. The boys room is on the left and girls will be on the right and if you need me or Rowen for something we will be in the rooms more down the hall. I hope this is a acceptable for the night.

Yami: (Looks around the hotel rooms). Whoa this place is huge.

Kura: (Looks around as well seeming to think the same thing).

Chazz: Alright, there should not be much of a problem with that.

Hiki: (Has a face of disappointment). Aww I wanted to rest with master... Oh well.

Amber: (She looks a bit confused since she knows he is betrothed to Jennifer).

Jennifer: (Laughs and smiles being normal hearing that though she blushes a little as well).

Kura: (Looks at Yami since they are in different rooms patting his head like when he was a lot smaller). Little Yami make sure you wash up before bed and you need to brush your teeth and wear pajamas.

Yami: (Crosses his arms grumpily seeming to pout). Sis stop, not like I can't do that myself and quit calling me that. I'm not little.

Kura: Whatever you say but I know you well enough to know you won't do that without someone to keep telling you too.

Yami: Hey not cool and not like I'm going to be sleeping anyways.

Tori: (He knocks him on the head as throws a couch pillow at him). Well don't say it like that then and make your sister more worried you idiot.

Orion: Yeah, or I think she will invoke her own type of wrath on you or just getting hugged by Kairi will make you listen.

Yami: Hey not cool! (He throws the pillow right back at Tori and grabs another to throw at Orion).

Kura: (Pulls on Yami's ear before he is able to throw the second pillow). Not the time to start a fight you can't win.

Yami: (Takes what Kura said as a challenge). Hey let go and who says I can't win. Bring it! (He throws the pillow at Orion which makes Kura grab his ear again harder).

Kura: (Sighs and shakes her head). You were warned.

Tori: (He catches the pillow and sighs). I did warn you didn't I?

Yami: (Grabs another couch pillow with a big grin). Bring it!

Jennifer: Umm try not to make too much of a mess please....

Cordelia: Yes we do not want to disturb other guests in this Inn.

Orion: It would be much preferred since we don't want to be thrown out by the first night. It would be a long time before we got back home.

Cordelia: Yes and spending the night riding in a carriage would not go well I believe. That reminds me if Rowen has returned I may ask about the carriage in the morning and when it will be ready. I do know if it will be before dawn so rest well. Orion would you mind escorting me in Rowen's place for a moment?

Orion: (He smiles as he takes a more formal bow). I would be honored too madam.

Cordelia: (Smiles back politely and curtsies). Why thank you. (She looks back at everyone in the room). Now everyone, please be good and do not stay up to late.

Jennifer: Yes mom we will be getting ready for bed now, thank you.

Cordelia: Very well let me know if anything is needed, goodnight then.

Orion: (He escorts Cordeila to her room after saying his goodbye and the rest of the group says their goodbyes shortly after).

Amber: (She yawns a bit and with the things on her mind she heads to bed as well after saying goodnight to everyone).

Jennifer: (Does the same bowing and saying goodnight and then checking on Kairi who is already is asleep and then getting ready for bed along with Hiki, Kura and Amber). We may have to share beds some of us unfortunately. I only saw two big beds though I can share with Kairi. I do not know who else is willing to share in the other one or I think can fit a third in with Kairi and I, I suppose.

Kura: (Looks at the other empty bed and then at Hiki but then back to the mirror to push the thought away with a slight blush).

Amber: (She shakes her head yes as she heads into the room as she gets ready to go to bed).

Kura: (Nods as she is standing next to Hiki while looking down). I can sleep in another area if you would like... I tend to not sleep well anyways so I would not want to disturb anyone.

Hiki: No, no it's fine Kura. I don't mind sharing the bed with you. (She says with a sweet smile).

Kura: (Nods hiding a blush as she follows Hiki smiling back at her as everyone settles in for the night). Very well I will try not to keep you awake then, thank you.

Hiki: I know you won't!

Kura: (Nods and smiles as they all get settled in to fall asleep).

All the girls settle in to sleep peacefully after a very busy and fun filled day the room is quiet and dark with some festival noises in the distance. During the night as they sleep Hiki wakes up feeling the bed shake slightly as if someone moving or shaking on the other side of the bed.

Hiki: (She looks around and wonders what is going on and sees Kura in a type of scared state).

Kura: (Shakes in her sleep as if going through a nightmare with hands and whole body clenched and tense as if in pure fear of whatever she is dreaming about).

Hiki: (In a panic she shakes Kura to wake up). Hey Kura wake up!

Kura: (Once being shaken in instinct her eyes snap open in fear slapping Hiki away sitting up to crawl backwards in a panic. She breathes heavily with pure fear in her eyes clearly not in her right mind and unable to realize it's Hiki there seeming to see something else at the moment as she whispers to herself). No... Go away....

Hiki: (She is taken back a little by the sudden slap but she gets over it as she crawls slowly over to Kura and stops right in front of her). Hey Kura... It's me Hikari... Remember... You told me how you love books and you were going to tell me all about the little stories you have written down remember?

Kura: (Still takes heavy shaky breaths still as her eyes are just noticed that they are red with black and glowing slightly now that Hiki is closer to see it. She is against the wall on the head of the bed when she was trying to get away very slowly coming back to reality with her voice still shaking though). ... Hiki?

Hiki: (She shakes her head yes as she gets closer to Kura doing her best to be careful).

Kura: (Looks at Hiki still processing what had happened, her breath slowly calming though still tensed up trying to calm herself shaking. She looks at Hiki then her own hand slowly realizing she hit her). Hiki... Did I... I'm sorry. (She looks down and away from her).

Hiki: (She suddenly hugs Kura). It's fine just tell me you are ok now because you had me really worried there for a second.

Kura: (Still shakes and tenses up from the hug as she looks down and away). It's fine... Only a bad dream... Sorry to have woken you....

Hiki: No, no don't worry about me right now, I'm only worried about you right now since you still are very shaken up.

Kura: (Looks down again and sighs). I am fine... Only a nightmare... It's nothing I am not used too.... (She looks at Hiki again seeing a red mark on her cheek placing her hand on it). I really hit you hard didn't I... I'm sorry....

Hiki: I have dealt with worse, trust me and I understand. Just stay in the hug for a little bit longer alright?

Kura: (Gives a surprised look). Are you sure, I don't want to be too much trouble... I can sleep somewhere else... You should get some rest.

Hiki: No it is fine so stop being humble and your staying here.

Kura: (Sighs knowing she cannot argue and hugs Hiki back holding her close as she closes her eyes that are a little teary eyed). Thank you Hiki... You have helped more than you know.

Hiki: (She smiles as she pets Kura's head for a second). I'm just happy to see you are better now.

Kura: (Smiles and nods as she clings to Hiki as if that keeping the nightmares and fears away).

The guys head into their room which is just two beds by a wide window that has a small wooden balcony on the outside with the moonlight shining through the drapes above the window. Both Chazz and Tori begin to get ready to sleep since tomorrow is Kairi's birthday and they will need the energy in order to make it through the day. When they are about to head to bed both Chazz and Tori notice Yami is sitting on the balcony outside just watching the moon being surrounded by the clouds.

Yami: (Sits back on the window sill casually looking up at the sky seeming to get comfortable as he looks up seeming to be in his own thoughts as he changes his eyes to red with black).

Chazz: (As he seems he is about to ask Yami on why he is sitting there Tori stops him and starts to explain that Yami tends to have nightmares so he does not sleep much).

Yami: (Continues to look up at the sky seeing the falcon fly past diving and flying through the open window to land by Tori perching on the lamp by the bed picking at its feathers as it settles in).

Chazz: (As he and Tori begin to get ready for bed Chazz lies down on his own bed and drifts off immediately).

Tori: (As he gets ready for bed he first sits up to check on something quickly).

Yami: (Is still sitting outside casually looking up at the clear starry sky the lights being out in the room thinking they are asleep. He has something on his mind as asks without much thought to if he should at this point not looking away from the sky for a second). Hey Tori... You still up over there?

Tori: Yeah I'm up, what's up.

Yami: Got to question for you.

Tori: Yeah what's up. (He sits up again after just laying down).

Yami: (Continues looking up into the sky as he asks). What's it like to fly up there?

Tori: (He is taken back a little bit by the sudden basic question). Wait what? Why do you ask?

Yami: (Just shrugs casually though his expression more serious and in wonder). I don't know... Just curious... Must be pretty cool up there I guess....

Tori: (Still is surprised but nods). Well it is pretty nice up there since there is no boundaries to stop flying around.

Yami: (Pauses for a moment before responding while still just looking up). ... Cool... I guess was just wondering... Thanks.... (He continues looking up at the sky after pausing what he says he reaches his hand up to the sky as if trying to reach up to it).

Tori: If you're sure Yami but yeah I'm going to head to be bed alright? Don't try to tire yourself out too much, if you need some energy heading to the forest wouldn't be a bad idea. Goodnight Yami, see you tomorrow. (As he lies back down in bed wondering what is on Yami's mind but soon finds himself slowly falling asleep as he looks out to the moon as well).

As everyone is settled into sleeping the last of the people awake being Orion who is escorting Cordelia to her room but before that they head to Rowen and Shizen's room to check if they have made it back yet.

Cordelia: Thank you for escorting me, it has not happened in a while in fact. I cannot remember last time you took over escorting me for Rowen. (She laughs a little). It must of been years since then. (She gives Orion a smile as she remembers).

Orion: Yeah... It has been a while since I've done this haven't it? (He starts to think to himself for a second as they make their way Shizen and Rowen's room).

Cordelia: ... Yes it has... How time goes by... My youngest is even turning 15 tomorrow my oldest betrothed... I am glad not as arranged as well... How time goes by.... (She smiles looking down then sighs and frowns something seeming to be on her mind).

Orion: (He doesn't say anything as he looks down as well).

Cordelia: (Sighs again and laughs a little). You want to know something... Of all the invitations I made... All but one was sent back saying they could attend... Quite sad really... As long as I make it here for them that is enough I suppose.... (She let's out a frustrated sigh remembering a letter from yesterday but tries to shake off the upset feeling).

Orion: (His head perks up in interest). Who sent back the invite?

Cordelia: (Looks down as her fists clench to keep her composer). My husband... Perhaps too busy in his studies and duties... Or maybe still upset I did not have a son for him... It is nothing you should worry about for now. I just need to make sure Kairi enjoys her party. (She looks up and ahead and gives a smile to try and brush her frustrations aside).

Orion: (He clenches his fist in frustration). That just isn't right... Delia... You know that's not right to not even show up for your kids birthday. At least come give her present or something....

Cordelia: (Let's out a small laugh shaking her head while hiding her face from Orion). Now you see my frustrations. (She looks up as she tries to remember something). I do not even recall me visiting his study for more than a hour these past few years... I know Jennifer remembers him from when she was younger... But Kairi I am not sure how much she remembers sadly.... (She looks down again as she thinks with the same frustrations, gritting her teeth a little but it is almost as if she is holding something else back).

Orion: (He takes Cordeila's hand in frustration). That is even more wrong! How could he do that to his daughters!

Cordelia: (Is taken by surprise for a moment then sighs looking down). Orion... trust me I have had the same frustrations ever since meeting him so many years ago... But I can do little to push that... Only thing I can do is to make sure my daughters are happy and do not go through the things I had at their age... Even when the head of the family gave her to another family's to marry I knew that young man that Rowen took under his wing would go after her so she can stay where she belongs... That is all I can hope for now is that they are happy Orion. (She smiles looking down still happy her daughters would not go through something arranged like others).

Orion: (He doesn't say anything besides looking down with a stern look on his face as his grip tightening a little bit on Cordeila's hand).

Cordelia: (Looks at Orion with a frown still then gives a reassuring smile also shone through squeezing his hand). Orion... Do not worry about me. I know you too well... I have dealt with this so much I'm used to it but as long as I know my daughters are happy that is all I need... Though this kind of thing does bring back some good memories in a way. (She looks at her hands in his and smiles though a little sadly).

Orion: (He sighs in annoyance). Fine if you say so Delia just remember if you need me I'll come running.

Cordelia: (Smiles and nods going on her toes to reach Orion's head to rough up his hair a bit). I can always count on you for that. (She gives a kind soft smile that Orion remembers well though still seeing the hint of sadness before she looks ahead of them and continues to walk holding his arm like being normally escorted).

Orion: (In a sudden instant he hugs Cordelia from behind and whispers). Don't try to hide your feelings with me. (After he says this he lets go of Cordelia and walks in front of her).

Cordelia: (Pauses in surprise taking a shaky breath but feeling a comfort from the hug looking at Orion as he walks ahead of her saying more to herself self). How could I forget... I never can hide those things from you can I? Well besides 1 thing. (She laughs and smiles to herself speeding up to walk next to Orion with a smile holding his hand rather tightly as they make it to Shizen and Rowen's door feeling in a much better mood from the hug as she says). Orion... Thank you... You help more than you know.

Orion: Well I only do what I can and only try something like that when I know you are holding your feelings back.

Cordelia: I guess I have been doing that more often I suppose but still... Thank you Orion... But for now it is not time to let frustrations take over. It is my daughter's birthday tomorrow after all and everyone seems to be happy in this little group of theirs. (She laughs a little being in a better mood as she knocks on the door to Rowen's hotel room). Rowen are you back yet? I was wondering about the carriages in the morning, when they will be ready? (For a long moment there is no answer but can hear hurried movement from behind the door).

Shizen: (Is heard from the other side of the door). One moment.

Cordelia: (Raises and eyebrow as she hears this). This is quite odd I suppose.

Orion: (He is taken by surprise by the sudden change in atmosphere and begins to have a little smirk on his face).

Cordelia: (Sees Orion smirk and smiles at the look seeming slightly amused by it). Orion what is with that smile?

Orion: Oh nothing, you'll find out soon enough.

Shizen: (Opens the door but only enough to see her with hair messily down and in one of the hotels white robes). Hello could this wait until the morning. Rowen is a little... Busy at the moment. (She laughs a little to herself as she cover the view into the room more fully).

Cordelia: (Seems even more amused now seeing what is going on as she gains a smirk as well). Oh now I understand... Yes Shizen it may wait until tomorrow.

Shizen: Thank you. (She then looks at both of them smirking as well and then that Cordelia and Orion hold hands raising her eyebrows giving Orion a motion to get going as well but also a questioning look about the hand holding Orion knowing her enough to get both signals).

Orion: (He smiles as he understands the signals). Yes, yes we shall get going now.

Cordelia: (Still has a amused look but nods). Yes we will let you enjoy your night.

Shizen: Thank you some privacy would be good, enjoy your night as well. (She has a smirk looking at Cordelia and Orion holding hands still and laughs a little giving the same smirk right back at Orion as she closes the door).

Cordelia: (Lets out a laugh once the door is closed with a big smile moving away from the door with Orion). Well I suppose they are enjoying each other's company today.

Orion: It would appear so though I'm not that surprised since they had their moment at the firework show.

Cordelia: You have a point, they look quite happy together. Rowen deserves that kind of happiness but for now we should leave them alone. We have to respect their privacy after all. (She laughs again as they walk down the hall again and sighs looking up at Orion with a smile still holding his hand as they walk).

Orion: (He looks down at Cordelia with a kind and delicate smile). He does but I know Shizen will be able to give that type of happiness to him. For now it seems everything is good for him and I'm happy with that.



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