Shizen leads the group of girls in the direction Nara and Raku had went not searching long before they see Raku down one of the halls with a personal restroom trying to get in. He seems very worried going up to him with everyone else with her behind her.
Jennifer: (Looks at Raku and the door she knows Nara is in and gives a concerned look with Kairi). Raku, is everything alright with Nara?
Raku: I'm not sure... I feel really worried about what's going on... Did she get food poisoning or something... Though unlikely... I just don't understand what's going on anymore.
Shizen: Hmm because you both are poison spirits I doubt food poisoning is something you could ever have but I have a very good idea of what might be happening. (She places a hand on Raku's shoulder with a calming smile). Raku do you mind if I step in here. I am sure you will find out what's happening soon enough.
Raku: (In his panic and yet worried state he shakes his head and makes space for Shizen and the group to go into the restroom).
Shizen: (Sees the panic and worry and hugs Raku to comfort him and says). Come on now, your wife is just fine... I've always thought you were one of the most caring people especially towards your wife... But God Raku your also one of the most clueless I know. (She laughs a little).
Raku: (He is confused mostly by Shizen's comment but his worry and panic take over his curiosity).
Shizen: (Let's go patting Raku's shoulder reassuringly then knocks on the door). Nara, it's Shizen let me in and I and some others are here wanting to help. (There is a long pause before the door unlocks without any words and Shizen and the others let themselves in leaving Raku outside. They close the door once everyone is in seeing Nara with her snake lower half curdling around her having unlocked the door with it. She is hunched over the sink and bit leaning over it from the sick feeling having just threw up her meal smiling a little at everyone to try and reassure she fine)
Nara: Just tell Raku I'm fine... And to give me a moment... Just not feeling well.
Shizen: (Puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrow at Nara not buying the comment but saying nothing yet).
Hiki: (She sighs as she goes over by Nara and starts to use her healing on Nara). I'm not really effective in this medical field but I can at least help with your nausea because it wouldn't be right for you to puke on him while you're telling him right?
Luna: Why haven't you told him anything about this?
Nara: (Looks down not sure what to say at first as she obviously looks nervous). ... At first I didn't think much of it... But now... It's getting worse... I don't know if it's that... I don't know how to tell him though... Or if he would even want this.
Shizen: You have all the clear signs of it so there's no avoiding telling him for long. You should tell him but I can make sure for you just in case. (She lifts her hand that has a green glow around it with Nara seeming unsure being nervous about knowing for sure).
Ziona: (Has a smile going up to Nara and rubbing her back to help). It's alright Nara, I was scared to about it, but I'm sure he won't get mad. Raku's not type of person and I think you two will be great at this.
Kairi: (Still looks very confused). I do not get it, what is wrong?
Jennifer: (Smiles at Kairi petting her head and kneeling down to whisper to her what is happening).
Hiki: (She smiles as she goes by Kairi and Jennifer after she is done helping with Nara). Well do you know now?
Kairi: (Her eyes widen looking at Nara getting a big smile and giggles nodding excitedly but covering her mouth having been told not to be too loud about it since Raku is right outside).
Hiki: (She giggles to herself). I understand your excitement but we got to keep it in for now alright?
Kairi: (Nods again and continue to cover her mouth to not blurt out).
Shizen: (As this is happening she is by Nara kneeling down to put a hand to Nara's stomach and seeming to have concentration on it).
Nara: (Looks away embarrassed but also nervous and anxious of finding out for sure).
Ziona: (Nods reassuringly to Nara being excited for her and Raku).
Shizen: (Her eyebrows raise looking up at Nara for a second then goes back to focusing).
Nara: (Grows more impatient looking down at Shizen). Well... Is it?
Shizen: Calm down, just a moment. (She keeps moving her hand around Nara's stomach for a few moments then pauses and looks at everyone and Nara waiting for an answer and get a big grin and nods).
Nara: (Her blush deepens as her mind goes a mile a minute with worries and many emotions at once from excitement to scared nervousness).
Ziona: (Has a big smile as well and hugs Nara to calm her down). Congratulations Nara... I'm sure it will be fine.
Nara: (Says nothing still seeming paused to process everything, finding it difficult to wrap her head around it).
Luna: Well we had a feeling of what it would be but regardless congratulations Nara.
Hiki: Yay more family time for Nara now.
Nara: (Nods slightly her mind still in a bit of shock). ... Umm... I guess... So... This is really happening?
Shizen: (Laughs a little). Yes Nara you are carrying a child though it's too early to tell more than that. You seem to be 10 years or maybe a few less along so you still have around 80 to 100 more.... Roughly it's hard to know at this point.
Nara: ... Really... That long. (Her eyes widen in more shock not knowing how to react). But... How... I only started really feeling this way till a week or two... And before that it was just minor things... I didn't think much of it but now....
Shizen: It's different for every spirit but the symptoms usually are noticed around that time or sooner. You may be a little late in that though so perhaps it is a lot earlier, I would need to do a further check up but that is my guess.
Ziona: I started feeling it a lot earlier so I guess it makes sense, still I'm very happy for you Nara. (She gives a big excited smile to Nara who nods still wrapping her head around it).
Kairi: (Looks up and thinks). Wow 80 years sounds like such a long time.
Jennifer: It really does....
Nara: Not to me... Can I ask for more time... I don't think I'll be as good as Ziona with this.
Ziona: (Hugs Nara again reassuringly). Nara you'll be a great mother and Raku will be a great father, I can tell so don't worry.
Nara: (Looks down now worrying about Raku and how he will react). I hope he won't freak out to much or be upset about this....
Hiki: I'm pretty sure he won't... I think he is the type of person that becomes deeply devoted to you no matter what happens... He will always be there to stand by your side... So trust him a bit more alright Nara?
Kura: (Stays quiet and nods with a smile feeling happy for Nara as well).
Shizen: (Hugs Nara with Ziona to comfort her). You should know your husband better than that Nara. He loves you after all even if he is quite a clueless one.
Nara: (Laughs a little). ... He really can be a clueless idiot sometimes... I still love him though. (She looks out at the door knowing Raku is behind it).
Jennifer: Do you want to tell him now... I mean you should do it at some point. You cannot avoid it for that much longer really.
Kairi: (Still has a big smile and nods). You should tell him now.
Ziona: (Nods in agreement). I wouldn't wait either... When I did... Well I guess it was easy for him to figure it out being so far along... I was very scared... But he was happy with it... I think Raku will be happy about it too... Because it's with you and I can see he really loves and cares for you....
Nara: (Looks down but smiles still). ... Your right... But I want to tell him alone... Is that alright...? I need to. (She looks at the door still seeming nervous but more determined).
Shizen: (Nods with Ziona who gives her one more hug for support Kairi going over to hug her as well with Jennifer).
Hiki: (She and Luna give their hugs as well as the group gets prepared to leave the room).
Kura: (Having been quiet most of this time she hugs Nara last saying quietly). You'll make a great parent Nara, don't worry about that part. (She then let's go and gets ready to leave with the others).
Kairi: (Still has a excited look but covers her mouth so she does not say anything knowing she cannot hold her excitement in well as Jennifer laughs and pats her head).
Shizen: (Looks at Nara reassuring her with a proud grin). You are strong and brave Nara. You can do this and you are not alone. You have a man that loves you with all his heart and when you are done telling him come to me and I can do a full examination to see for sure where you are at.
Nara: (Nods and blushes still being very nervous). Thank you....
Ziona: (Takes Nara's hands and smiles at her). You can do this Nara... I know you can and I know Zahir and I are here to help as well since you and Raku are there for us and any advice you need or herbs I can take care of.
Nara: (Smiles at Ziona feeling a little better now). Thank you Ziona... It means a lot... Thank you, all of you....
Shizen nods and grins with saying good luck leaving with the others who had left and Ziona as well but Shizen being last. She peak out then comes into view seeing Raku pacing as she comes out closing the door with a very worried and panicked expression. She walks up to him to get his attention seeing he is deep in thought.
Raku: (In his panicked state he does not notice that Shizen and the group have come out of the room being is still nervous with everything happening).
Shizen: (Goes up to Raku placing a hand on his shoulder to shake him out of it with a calm smile). Raku, come on now.
Raku: Wait what? (As he is recovering from his previous mind set as the last if the group leaves the room and shuts the door). Wait... Is something up with Nara? I need to know!
Shizen: (Keeps her calm smile and hand on his shoulder). Calm down Raku, she is going to be just fine, but she asked to see you now. There's something she needs to tell you and needs to tell you herself in private.
Ziona: (Stands by Shizen and gives a big smile to Raku).
Raku: (As he is confused he can see from everyone else that they are making the move along now signal with their hands so he decides to head into the room as the group leaves the area).
Shizen: (Nods to Raku with a big grin then she and Ziona starts to shoo away those trying to stick around to eavesdrop).
Nara hears the door open having been looking in the mirror and turns quickly seeing Raku enter. She becomes even more nervous with her tail curled around her on the floor and holding her hands in front of her tightly to help ease her nerves not that it helps much.
Nara: Raku... Umm. (She looks down trying to find the best way to tell him).
Raku: (As he walks into the room he notices almost immediately that Nara is very nervous about something since he knows how she usually acts when she gets nervous whenever her tail is curled around her tightly). Yes... Nara what is it? Are you alright?
Nara: (Lets out a sigh to calm herself down more). Well... I guess I have been feeling a little off for a bit of time now... It just is getting too much to ignore or hide I guess... That I've been acting weird with eating so much and getting a little sick and maybe more moody with little things.... (She gives a small smile to Raku stating all the things she had been experiencing in a rambling way hoping he gets the hint from what she is experiencing).
Raku: Yeah I have been wondering what's been up with you recently since you have been acting more strange lately. Do you know why?
Nara: (Pauses and looks at Raku very surprised he still is not getting a idea at least going closer to him). Raku come on, you don't know what this kind of thing is? Being nauseous, being tired more easily, all of the food cravings?
Raku: (He thinks hard to himself but gets an idea of what she is talking about after some more time). Do you mean?
Nara: (Is clearly losing patience and tired of giving hints knowing she needs to just say it since she knows how clueless Raku can be. Before she thinks of her actions she knocks him over the head and yells out without much thought at Raku). Raku I'm making you a father you clueless idiot! I'm pregnant!
Raku: (He is taken by a huge surprise by the sudden outburst by Nara that he goes backwards onto a small stall and he begins to look down).
Nara: (Realizes what she had done more clearly and rushes to Raku going in front of him to see if he is alright worriedly). Raku dear I'm so sorry. I hope that didn't hurt too much. (She reaches out to check if Raku's head is alright looking concerned).
Raku: (As he looks down Nara can see some tears running down his face).
Nara: (Sees the tears in Raku's eyes and remembers what she had blurt out looking down as well thinking he's upset about it). Raku... I'm sorry... If it's not news you want... I'm.... (She looks down more being more upset thinking Raku is upset with the news beginning to go backwards and leave Raku thinking he wants to be alone getting teary eyed herself). I can go... If need some time to think....
Raku: (As she is leaving his side, Raku reaches out for her and grabs her hand in a tight grip as he says quietly). No.... No you idiot... Why wouldn't I want that news.... (He looks up at Nara, to her surprise he is smiling hugely with tears coming down his face). You always overthink things... But you got to believe me that I could be the happiest person in the world right now... I wouldn't want to leave your side because of something like that... I want to keep standing by you... For as long as I can you idiot.
Nara: (Looks at Raku in surprise and then gets a big smile in relief with tears coming down as well as she wipes her eyes going back to Raku and into his arms). I really do over think things a lot... I just worried so much... If you wanted this or if we were ready... If I would be a good mother... I guess we have a lot to learn. (She laughs a little but tears are still coming down).
Raku: Yeah.... (Tears continue coming down). But it will be well worth all of the adventure that is ahead of us now. Am I right my wife?
Nara: It really is a big adventure... But I think we can do this... But I'm sorry to make you worry so much... At first I didn't know... I guess when symptoms became more noticeable I figured it out... And it was confirmed tonight... I guess we're both a little clueless then. (She laughs more with a big smile looking up at Raku with some tears she wipes away).
Raku: Yeah... I'm sorry I can be but I guess we both have our down sides but regardless I will love you no matter what happens.
Nara: I love you too... And I think we can do this, I mean it's like another adventure together... But we have so much to prepare for now... But one more thing you should know. (She smiles and little sheepishly at Raku).
Raku: What is it Nara? (Seeming confused not understanding what else she has to say).
Nara: (Blushes and looks down). Shizen told me before you came in here that I was already around 10 years along so there's 80 instead of 90 now... I don't know how I didn't realize this for this for 10 years... Feels like a long time though still at least to figure things out. (She looks up at Raku with a little blush but a big smile and laugh).
Raku: (He is a bit taken back). Ohh umm that is alright... I'm sure we will figure something out.
Nara: (Smiles and laughs a little again). I think so... I remember always saying I wouldn't marry... But then we became a couple and you changed me and my mind even though I was scared of it... I think it's the same thing with this really... I think we can do this... Because we are together. (She smiles up at Raku as she takes his hand placing it on her still flat stomach while holding his hand still and wrap her snake half around his lower half giving him a kiss).
Raku: (As he breaks away from the kiss). Well I didn't expect to fall this hard in love with you... In the beginning I did like Ziona... But her heart wasn't there like mine was... Yet with you... You just kept looking my way and waiting for me... And when I finally did come to you... It was a magical experience and the adventure isn't over just yet... So I'll keep running to you like you do to me.
Nara: (Looks into Raku's eyes). At first I didn't think you would return my feelings because you liked Ziona so I kind of gave up... I remember it was when I made those cookies... Or tried to anyway... I wanted to be happy for you but... I guess it just hurt too much so I turned away so you wouldn't see if was hurt... But then after a few days you came to my door... And realized everything... It took some time to gain confidence and not hide myself... But somehow you changed that... You held your hand out even when I was difficult and we're patient with every step... I'm glad things turned out the way they did... And for Ziona and Zahir too being able to say feelings to each other... I kind of feel like we are copying them though with getting married after them and now this too. (She laughs a little).
Raku: (He laughs as he hugs Nara). In a way maybe... But we are our own couple that can't be like anyone else.
Nara: (Hugs Raku back, wrapping around him more). I know so I think this will be interesting, just don't expect me to try many crafting things during this or cook without burning anything during this... Wait I won't be able to spar anymore either.... (She frowns and pouts as she realizes this).
Raku: (He laughs a bit as he kisses her). Well I'm sure we can find something else to replace it.
Nara: (Laughs as well and kisses back thinking of idea). Well I can think of one idea... Since we have a little alone time in here. (As Raku sees a seductive look he knows well as she wraps around him more).
Raku: (As he gets what she means right away). I feel like you're more in the mood than ever huh Nara? Oh well what am I going to do with you... We will need to make quick.
Nara: (Smirks and kisses him wrapping her arms around his neck). I think we can manage that dear.

They enjoy each other's company the rest of the time having their privacy as everyone is enjoying the party. The girls make it back to where the boys still are. They see Cordelia had joined them as well with Hamako on her shoulder with Hailey seeming to have gone somewhere though Maru still asleep as everyone catches up with the news Yami having joined them sitting by Tori but not paying as much attention.
Shizen: (Sits by Rowen who had returned with a big grin still as she puts a arm around his shoulder to relax).
Kairi: (Has a big smile and giggle skipping to everyone excitedly with Jennifer laughing at how excited Kairi is but has a big smile as well).
Ziona: (Giggles sitting next to Zahir who still is holding Luka and Lulu kissing Zahir's cheek and both of her children on the head. She then plays with them with a big smile as Luka tries to grab her fingers and Lulu is a little more shy about it).
Zahir: Well I can tell something good happened then. (As he smiles seeing Ziona smiling so much as she holds Lulu).
Ziona: (Smiles up at Zahir then down at Luka and Lulu). looks like we get to be a aunt and uncle too, and Luka and Lulu can have a little playmate. (She giggles again making Luka try to laugh and wave his hands grabbing at Zahir's shirt as Lulu watches him).

Zahir: Ohh I see... Things will be fun from now on. Hopefully Raku will be able to handle it since knowing how Nara can get, but regardless this will get exciting.
Yami: (Looks a little confused having missed a lot). Wait so the snake lady is having a baby. Is it going to have a snake tail too or something?
Kura: It's Nara not snake lady, that's rude and I'm not sure.
Kairi: That would be really cute!
Shizen: It depends on which parent the child takes after but from what I could tell she has 80 years still since she is about 10 years along. That's only a estimate, it varies quite a lot depending on the spirit just like their aging as a child.
Kairi: (Looks up and thinks). Wow 80 years sounds like a really long time stilll.
Jennifer: It really does....
Shizen: Remember spirits grow much slower than humans though some at a slight difference early on and seem to slow in age the closer they are to reaching maturity. Think of it as every 10 years being one month in a pregnancy and one century being how long it takes for a young spirit child to look 1 in human years on average.
Kairi: (Looks amazed). Wow that still sounds like a really long time. It is like they are kids almost forever!
Yami: (Crosses arms grumpily). Hope not.
Kura: (Laughs and pats Yami's head). You'll grow eventually little Yami.
Tori: (He and Hiki laugh as they relax with Chazz being in the middle of the two leaning against the wall). Man it did feel like forever when growing up huh Hiki?
Hiki: Yeah in a way though I bet master can't guess the age range for us huh?
Chazz: Hey I can try! Hmm maybe both in your 20's in our age maybe?
Hiki: Hmm in a way your right but I'm not properly sure on how to convert it.
Shizen: (Laughs). I would say you are late teens since you are a early 4th generation Hiki and Tori perhaps 20 at oldest or late teens as well more likely but just a year older then Hiki if my memory of the last couple of centuries does not fail me. That also means you probably have reached the point you are done aging and growing noticeable for a spirit as well.
Kairi: (Looks a Shizen curiously). What about you Shizen?
Shizen: (Gets a amused grin). Now, now it's rude to ask a older woman their age. (She thinks for a moment anyways). But honestly I am so old I probably have forgotten. I do not believe any of the 1st generation have ever reached a truly old age. Perhaps it's just not possible and are wisdom will just grow over our experiences.
Yami: (Looks a little confused). What? You look old to me though.
Shizen: (Before Kura can hit Yami over the head a vine travels up the balcony as none of the guests inside see and hits Yami instead as Shizen finishes her wine and sets it down like she had done nothing). Well we can move on from that then.
Yami: Hey what the hell, not cool!
Kura: (Sighs). Neither is calling someone old you idiot.
Rowen: (He sighs as he goes by Shizen). I would like a little less violence thank you very much though I do appreciate the company I have here.
Shizen: I have no idea what you are talking about. (She laughs and kisses Rowen's cheek).
Yami: (Scratches his head and then remembers something looking at Chazz and Tori). Wait didn't you guys fight with Nara. Kind of means you fought a pregnant lady I guess right?
Chazz: Oh umm... I think we did but we did not know at the time... Though I do not think we hit her stomach area now did we?
Tori: (He is silent alongside Hiki nervously).
Shizen: When I examined a little Nara and the baby seemed fine health wise so do not worry. Plus it sometimes takes longer for the symptoms to take affect more like in Nara's case. It decreases the amount of power the spirit can use because their energy is being more focused on the baby which explains why her stamina was much lower then I remembered when sparring with both of you and why she had trouble doing a seal she knows so well today.
Jennifer: (Nods as if trying to understand). I guess that makes sense.
Hiki: Well at least the baby wasn't getting hurt so I can feel better about the whole thing then... I guess.
Kairi: (Giggles). This is the best birthday ever, there is so much good news to celebrate for everyone!
Jennifer: (Laughs petting Kairi's head). Glad you are enjoying your party Kairi.
Kairi: (Has a big smile). It really is amazing having everyone here like this.
Hiki: (She runs over by Kairi and gives her a hug). Yay Kairi is having a good time!
Chazz: (He smiles alongside everyone else as they talk amongst themselves again with Tori being by a window).
Yami: (Is looking out the window since he is close to it as well not seeming to pay attention to everyone talking amongst themselves. His mind seems to wander as he looks out at the sky that is starting to get dark seeming a little uneasy about something but not sure of what).
Tori: (He slides over by Yami since he is close by). You alright there Yami? You look more miserable than you do normally when it comes to group things.
Yami: (Breaks out of his thoughts a little but still looks out the window at the scenery). Huh... It's nothing.... (He shrugs but Still seems a little troubled by something as he continues to try and shake it off).
Tori: (Seems a bit concerned). Not even a spar could make you feel better? Cause I know you too well so I know something is up.
Yami: (Gives Tori a grin at the sparring comment but it seems not as genuine as the many other times still trying to shrug off the bad feeling not seeming as excited at the chance to spar). Sure man... Just a bad feeling I guess... I'll get over it. (He looks back at the window one more time before trying to turn his attention to everyone else seeing everyone seeming to have fun helping a little).
Kura: (Looks at Yami able to tell something is wrong and looks concerned wanting to ask him later when the party is dying down).
Tori: If you sure Yami, if you don't I'm just going to beat it out of you alright.
Yami: (Grins more punching Tori's shoulder). Yeah right, like you could.
Kura: (Sighs in relief seeing Yami more like his usual self and laughs a little).
Tori: (He sighs as he punches back seeming relieve with a smile). Well I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to test that.
Yami: (Smirks as if getting ready to fight). Oh yeah, bring it.
Kura: (Sighs). It's not the time to fight you can tomorrow.
Yami: (Is about to make a comeback but then looks at Kairi and then crosses his arms with a grumpy pout). Fine.... (He goes back to listening to everyone talking and getting something to eat noticing all of the food set out)
The conversations continue for a few more minutes as some of the group see Raku and Nara joining them again Kairi noticing first.
Kairi: (Gets a big bright smile seeing Raku and Nara going and giving them a big hug which get everyone else's attention). Congratulations!
Ziona: (Looks over as well and can't help but giggle with a big smile as well).
Shizen: (Looks at both of them with a big proud grin).
Nara: (Has a slight blush from all of the attention as she laughs a little). Umm thank you.
Zahir: (He nudges at Raku). Where were you guys? You were gone much longer than you should have been.
Raku: (He is flustered a bit and does not answer well). Well um... We had some business to handle so yeah.
Zahir: (He gains an idea of what happened). Uh huh then well regardless welcome to the father life Raku! (He places his arm around his shoulder).
Nara: (Laughs at Raku getting flustered knowing what he is thinking but also blushes at the same time from the thought of being parents looking at Zahir and Ziona). Well you and Ziona make it seem easy somehow. I mean Ziona it's almost like you were born for this type of thing.
Ziona: (Giggles looking down at Luka and Lulu). Well... I don't know how to explain it... It has been a lot of work the past few days but it's still worth it....
Nara: (Smiles as she thinks about what Ziona says looking down and placing a hand on her stomach).
Shizen: (Smiles at both poison spirit families some memories from when they were younger coming to mind and how they already are having families of their own now as she is giving advice to them on how to care for their children).
Ziona: (Nods her head as a thank you as the conversation goes on). Thank you Shizen for all of the advice. Nara: (Laughs a little). It's like you raised all of the nature spirits or tried to so it makes sense you have the most experience I think.
Shizen: (Grins). Well I am mother nature after all, though raising so many is not quite that easy, it took plenty of help. Jennifer: Oh and Shizen mentioned she had a daughter as well, I hope we can meet her one day.
Kairi: (Remembers hearing that as well). Oh yeah I bet she is amazing!
Shizen: (Her smile fades and eyes widen in surprise as she frowns with a small amount of panic she hides by taking a sip of wine. It still seems like she is hiding something trying to cover the emotion up quickly but it doesn't work as her eyes wonder down to the locket around her wrist. She has a saddened expression with one thing and happy with the other becoming lost in thought as she looks down at it as the poison spirits look confused).
Ziona: (Looks very confused and stunned). A... Daughter?
Nara: (Looks just as surprised). We never heard of that... You must be mistaken maybe.
Orion: (He looks at Shizen unsure of whether to share with everyone but he does nudge her to at least acknowledge Adara).
Shizen: (As Orion nudges her she is brought out of her thoughts looking at everyone with a small smile holding onto the locket tightly). Oh... Yes I did, she is in her mid teens by now and quite smart... I'm sorry but I did not tell very many people.
Zahir: (He and Raku are taken by surprise not expecting Shizen to have a child). Wait what? How come you couldn't tell us Shizen?
Shizen: (Pauses to think of a answer). ... I suppose I just wanted to keep it quiet perhaps... She is a wonderful child though with an incredible mind... And she looks a lot like me besides her hair... And very adventurous. (As she looks down her smile grows with how proud she is).
Nara: (She and Ziona still have a shocked look at the news). But why couldn't you tell us, I thought you trusted us right?
Shizen: (Finds it difficult to answer). It... Was a little complicated... And hard to explain.
Orion: (Understands what Shizen means knowing the relation to Agni would cause major issues so he stands by Shizen hoping to comfort her since she seems really tensed up talking about all this).
Shizen: (Smiles at Orion as if to erasure them that she's fine then looks at Zahir, Ziona, Raku and Nara with a smile). Perhaps one day you could meet her to make up for this.
Ziona: (Smiles at Shizen). It's alright, we just want to know more about her.
Nara: Yeah like is she as wild as you? (She laughs at the thought).
Shizen: (Smiles more). Oh she can be but also seems to outsmart me a lot even when she was little, and always seemed to wander off when something caught her interest. I don't know how many times I panicked because she would wander away. She was so independent even at a very young age. (She laughs a little at the memories).
Zahir: Well who's the father then? We need to know that at least?
Shizen: (Pauses for a moment looking down as if hiding something with a small hint of sadness, her grip on the locket tightening). He... Is gone... He died to me long ago....
Jennifer: (Frowns seeing Shizen's expression wondering what had happened with many others in the group thinking the same).
Zahir: (He and Raku and some others are silent upon hearing that not expecting that response coming from Shizen and Orion usually seeing Shizen being more forgiving but understanding why she makes this statement).
Shizen: (Is silent for a few moments then sighs and gets up and excuses herself saying quietly). Excuse me... I just need to get another drink.
Rowen: Excuse me as well then. (He follows Shizen knowing she is feeling down at the moment clearly but he does not understand the full story yet he will be patient with her to tell him when she is ready).
Jennifer: (Looks at Shizen as she excuses herself looking very concerned and saying her thoughts out loud wanting to follow her and Rowen but he motions for her to stay). What is wrong with Shizen... Why is she so upset?
Ziona: (Looks just as concerned as everyone else). Is it something we said...? (She looks at Orion hoping he might know, worried that they upset her somehow not remembering seeing Shizen like this many times in the long time they had known her).
Orion: (He sighs as he raises his hands up). Don't worry, let Rowen handle it. Right now she just needs to think about some things.
Ziona and the others still look in the direction Shizen went to with concern and she looks down still wondering what would make Shizen act this way as everyone tries to talk amongst themselves though their minds still on what had happened. Maru is still sleeping but he begins to wake up slowly from all the music and the talking and he feels he is laying down sideways like on a couch instead of a bed. He sit up slowly he wonders where Hailey is since he had fallen asleep on her, but then he begins to hear piano music being played beautifully.
Cordelia: (Notices Maru sit up with Luna as well and smiles turning to him). Oh Maru you are up, I hope it was a good rest.
Maru: (As he rubs his eyes from just waking up). Oh hello.... (He yawns). Where is Hailey... I thought I fell asleep on her.
Cordelia: Oh I believe she heard us mention the music room in one of the halls near here. She seemed interested in going somewhere quiet as well so I offered for someone to escort her there.
Maru: (As he yawns one more time and looks more awake). Alright.... (He begins to hear the music faintly). Wait who is that playing.... (He unknowing stands up and begins to follow the music).
Jennifer: (Hears the music once it is mentioned having listened to her mom talk to Maru hearing very faint piano music). Huh I hear a little music too.... (She stops once seeing Maru get up and follow the sound deciding not to mention it more to the others).
Maru finds the hall near the music is less faint as he approaches. The melody is soft and feathery with one of the most beautiful songs he has heard, the kind that would melt anyone's heart when heard. As he gets closer and closer to the room he sees that the door is half opens and he decides to take a peek inside as he sees Hailey on the piano playing. Hailey has her eyes closed in focused but her expression soft as if playing the music in her heart as her fingers genteelly glide across the keys of the piano not missing a single note or timing it is played in, the song being slow like a lullaby but still complex enough to need to be played with two hands. She does not seem to struggle at any point since it is clear she is in her own little world while playing.

Maru: (He listens very closely to Hailey playing the piano and decides to lean against the wall and listen to the music).
Hailey: (Continues to play as the music echoes throughout the room making the atmosphere very calm and peaceful like walking in a garden with each note).
Maru: (Be brings himself and starts to sneak into the room wanting to know how Hailey can play this beautiful).
Hailey: (As she is playing she seems to be playing to the sounds around her turning those sounds into the notes she plays. To the slight breeze in the window and leaves brushing against the mansion walls outside and even Maru's movements as if following the sound of his footsteps).
Maru: (He gets closer and closer to Hailey to the point he is behind her just hypnotized by the way she plays).
Hailey: (Her playing slowly stops as she feels a presence behind her and freezes nervously breaking out of her focus a bit to listen if anyone is there timidly). H-hello... Is anyone there....
Maru: (Knowing on how she gets with this type of situation by now). H-hi Hailey....
Hailey: (Takes her hands away from the piano keys quickly holding them close to her). O-oh... Maru... I hope you rested well... I am sorry I left you there....
Maru: Yes... I slept alright though I was wondering where you went... But then I heard this beautiful music....
Hailey: (Looks down and starts to blush at the comment). Oh umm... T-thank you... It was just very loud at the party so I wanted to go somewhere quieter... And I always liked playing... But not many really hear it... Since I like to play alone a lot....
Maru: (He smiles as he sits next to Hailey). Well keep playing it if you want too....I want to hear that song again...
Hailey: (Seems hesitant to play again now having Maru listening to her keeping her hands close to herself timidly not having too much confidence. She looks downwards seeming to have some stage fright even with one person there). ... I-I do not know....
Maru: (He holds her arm as he lays on her shoulder again). It is fine... Play anything you want Hailey.... (He seems to be falling asleep again).
Hailey: (Has a small smile and nods hesitantly placing hands on the piano taking a few nervous breathes, closing her eyes as she feels the keys feeling a little calmer now. She starts to play slowly becoming more confident with the keys with each note starting the song she played before like a heartwarming lullaby).
Maru: (As he hears Hailey play he cannot help but smile as he mutters out a little bit). ... Your ... Beautiful... No matter... What people tell you Hailey.... (As he falls asleep again on Hailey seeming to wasted a lot of energy from defending her earlier).
Hailey: (Stops playing again in a little shock and surprise and a heavy blush growing feeling Maru head on her shoulder. She looks downwards with hands folded in her lap but cannot help but gain a small smile). I am... Beautiful?
Maru: (As he falls asleep, Hailey can feel Maru shake his head yes with a tight grip on her arm).
Hailey : (Turns to Maru but still lets him rest his head on her shoulder in surprise and pauses from it looking downwards with a smile realizing Maru had fallen asleep from how he is breathing as she listens to it she smiles. She sits there with Maru in silence for a little bit then becomes a little curious though timid and blushing at the thought but her wondering curiosity showing as she debates with herself if she should. She takes a hand and hesitantly lifts it to where Maru's head rests on her taking a pauses before placing a hand on his cheek and hair moving it around a little hesitantly her hand gentle and smooth on his cheek as she feels around his face a little gaining a small smile again). ... He is soft....
Maru and Hailey stay in the quiet piano room eventually starting to play again as he rests on her shoulder. The rest of the group continues to chat besides Shizen and Rowen who are in another area having moved passed the sad feeling and she enjoying the party with him. As the group decides to get up and walk around with Hamako hiding in the water gem necklace Cordelia has Nara notices that desserts are being served now and looks to Raku with a little blush having noticed they had cake and ice cream.
Nara: Maybe we could have a little more to eat before dancing!
Kairi: (Notices the chocolate cake as well with a big smile). Yay the cakes here!
Raku: (He laughs a bit seeing Nara more open about the whole thing now). Yes we'll be right back alright.
Zahir: Yeah just don't get too sidetracked again.
Ziona: (Has a small giggle but then notices Luka and Lulu become a little fussy and blushes knowing they are probably getting hungry as well but not sure of a good place to feed them having so many people in the area). U-umm... I think I need to feed them now... Is there anywhere I could go please.
Cordelia: (Pauses to think for a moment). Yes there are more private guest rooms down the hall I believe and if you need a blanket as a cover we can provide that.
Ziona: (Shakes her head no looking at the bag Zahir has for the twins). N-no thank you... We brought a few things... I think they need to be changed too....
Jennifer: There are some restrooms down there as well, I think there the same Nara was in.
Nara: (Cuts in quickly). Umm I wouldn't use that one....
Raku: (He looks nervous as well). Yeah... I would avoid that one as well....
Orion: (He and Rowen sigh as they expect to clean to up the mess later).
Ziona: (Nods not wanting to know but then Luka and Lulu start to cry more which distracts her so she tugs on Zahir's arm so they can take care of the twins quickly to change diapers and feed them). We'll be right back.
Zahir: (He nods quickly). Yeah, alright well we should be going now since its seems they are getting fussy so we will be back as soon as we can.
Jennifer: (Nods as they are leaving). Maybe we should look for Shizen too, she hass been gone for a little bit now.
Chazz: Yes, it seems that something is going on in the crowd.
Jennifer: (Looks at the crowd in interest and curiosity seeing amazement and some in shock over by the bar area). Huh what is going on over there.
Nara: (Sees the crowd as well having gotten her cake and is just as curious). Whatever it is it looks like their having fun.
Chazz: (He and Tori both look into the crowd as they are very curious of what is currently going on). Huh what is this cro-... Is that Rowen over there? (He spots Rowen almost immediately).
Jennifer: (Tries to get a better look going by Chazz and Tori being just as curious). I think it is... What is he doing?
Chazz: I am not exactly sure either... Let's get closer now then.
Jennifer: (Starts to walk towards the crowd with the others and is about to ask Rowen what is going on but stops herself looking in the center of the commotion seeing Shizen sitting at the bar).
Shizen: (Has a row a shots lined up and one in her hand ready to drink and seeming to already have a big pile of shot glasses used with a few men out cold from their drinking. Another had stepped up to challenge her confidently with a smirk only to now be onto the brink of losing seeming almost wasted while Shizen almost completely fine. The only way of telling she is drinking is a slight blush but still she is pretty level headed for so many drinks being consumed. She has a big grin and smirk as another challenges her and takes the shot in her hand with no problems as she laughs).
Chazz: (He and the group get a closer look as they see Rowen has an annoyed type of look not seeming happy Shizen is doing something like this as the two begin to drink again).
Jennifer: (Goes over to Rowen still being confused on how this started). Umm Rowen... What is going on here with Shizen... And how did this start?
Rowen: (As he says everyone with a sighs). Well, she was in a bad mood from earlier and she began to drink. Then a gentleman was feeling upset on how much she could drink so easily so this drinking competition had begun but as you can see, Shizen does not seem she is going to stop anytime soon.
Jennifer: (Sees how many shots Shizen had taken and gives a surprised look). Wow she can drink a lot.
Nara: (Comes up to see Shizen as well with Raku as she eats her cake and seeming amused by the situation since it is familiar). Oh she gets like this sometimes, I remember at parties in the nature territory where she was showing off like this until a poison spirit came along. I believe it was me a few times.
Jennifer: Why until then?
Nara: nature is barely affected by alcohol but with poison it has no effect really.
Raku: (He comes back with a smile with an arm across Nara). Yeah it was always interesting with her at parties though it was hard to deal with her sense of competition.
Nara: (Has a little smirk as something comes to mind looking at Raku). Might as well give her a challenge then... Well I think you should take this one dear. (She smiles kissing Raku's cheek).
Raku: (He is taken by surprise). Wait what...? (As Nara pushes his forwards towards Shizen). Oh... Hi Shizen seem to be having a lot of fun as always.
Shizen: (Looks up at Raku with a grin holding up another drink for herself). Hello there Raku and yes it's always a good time with a few drinks. Are you drinking against me now, seems a little unfair. (She laughs patting Raku's back seeming like she just a little buzzed).
Raku: (Gets a bit annoyed). Sure let's drink then Shizen... Drink until you drop.
Shizen: (Laughs seeing the annoyed look). Oh come on now Raku don't be like that, besides it's a good opportunity to talk about things your wife's going through and help you with that at least.
Nara: (Goes to whisper to Rowen). You might want to prepare for helping her to her room after this.
Raku: (A sigh). Well I would rather not in front of all these people so shall we drink then? (He raises his glass).
Shizen: (Has a big grin lifting her glass). Very well then Raku. (She puts her glass too Raku's to cheers then downs her shot quickly).
Raku: (He does the same as well as Rowen sits by Shizen waiting for this to end).
Shizen: (Continues to take many shots with Raku seeming to get a little more tipsy as she laughs more. She talks to Raku about many random things one time breaking a glass on accident putting it down on the table with too much force).
Raku: (He drinks and drinks with Shizen but of course not being affected as he talks with Shizen perfectly fine though she is a bit buzzed).
Rowen: (He joins in the conversation as well as he cleans up the glass warning Shizen to be careful).
Shizen: (As the conversation goes on it is clear she is getting a bit drunk since she is rambling and a bit of a blush as well. Swinging a arm around Raku she lifts another glass and laughs slurring her words a little). You know Raku... You're a good guy... I'm shure you can help Nara through theshe thingsh... But let me give you shome advice how to deal with those mood shwings. (She takes another drink her voice on the last part a little hard to hear from her drunken state).
Raku: Uh huh then how about you lay on Rowen since it seems your having trouble over there.
Shizen: (Gives a stubborn look but pauses and blows a kiss at Rowen before continuing her thoughts). Hey I'm fine... But jusht when Nara mad you jusht gotta kissh and rub her shtomach... Trusht me it alwaysh work.
Rowen: Alright, alright I think that's enough for now Shizen. (He says as he grabs her hand). You will cause problems for the rest of the guests if this keeps up.
Shizen: (Puts her hands on her hips stubbornly leaning towards Rowen). I'm not the one caushing problemsh, Nara the one about to kill Yami. (As she motions drunkenly by a wall a little further away from Raku where it looks like Yami is backed against the wall almost with Nara having a very angry and menacing look as Kura is on the side shaking her head and face palming).
Raku: (As he puts down his drink and starts to walk towards Nara). What did this idiot do now. (As he begins to hurry along as Rowen deals with Shizen).
Shizen: (Bursts into laughter lifting another glass). Hey meansh I win! (She falls off her seat having reached her limit of drinks).
Rowen: (He catches her as he rubs her heading seeing that she passed out from all the drinking.
As Rowen deals with Shizen Raku rushes to calm Nara down before she ends up killing Yami.
Yami: (Is backed up to the wall almost). Hey quit it, didn't mean it like that!
Kura: (Sighs shaking her head still and saying to herself). My idiot little brother.
Nara: (Still has a menacing look towards Yami but saying in a almost polite but very scary tone). Oh really, what was that part about me getting fat?
Yami: Hey but doesn't that happen though, I mean happened Ziona right? (He tries to defend himself but doesn't really help making Nara even more rageful making a bit of fear for himself).
Raku: (As he gets closer to Nara and overhears on what's going on). Oh there Nara you need to calm down alright? Can't do anything stupid in front of all these people.
Nara: (Still looks very upset mumbling and glaring scarily at Yami). Not fat... And he's stupid.
Kura: (Goes over to Yami knocking him over the head). You're a idiot, now apologize.
Yami: Hey. (He crosses his arms stubbornly and is about to make a comment but sees the death stare from Nara and mumbles while looking away). Fine... Sorry.
Raku: (He pulls Nara away from Yami and he holds her from behind as he places his head on her shoulder and begins to rub her stomach). Now everything is fine Nara, lets go relax somewhere alright?
Nara: (Blushes slightly but still glares at Yami as Kura drags him away by the ear to scold him then back to Raku and makes a fake pouty face). But Raku he was mean and called me fat.
Raku: (He kisses her cheek). I know but it's alright because your still beautiful to me no matter how your body changes so it's alright right?
Nara: (Blushes and turn around in his hold so she can wrap her arms around him and kiss him). Well I can say your handsome to me as well... It's why I might like doing some... Things with you quite often. (She smirks remembering what happened in the bathroom but then smiles at Raku in a loving way). I love you Raku.
Raku: I know you and I'm always willing to do stuff with you too Nara... I love you too Nara. (As he kisses her).
Nara: (Kisses back as they go somewhere else together a little less busy holding each other close).
As the party goes on with everyone seeming to have a lot of fun with Kairi eating a lot of the chocolate cake and Rowen taking Shizen to a coach and taking care of her. Chazz, Hiki and Tori help some guests that had questions as Jennifer stands on the side talking to guests that approach her greeting them politely and thank them for coming and watching the guests enjoy themselves with a smile.
Amber: (As she is coming back after meeting with the merchants that Cordeila had talked about she scouts out the group but she first sees Jennifer and rushes over to her trying not to lose her). Hello there, how is it going with all the guest? You look kind of tired.
Jennifer: (Sees Amber and gives a big smile though looking a little tired in her eyes). Yes I am getting tired, I think guests will start to leave soon but before that the last dance of the night will happen soon. Anyways how has your night been, I heard from my mom that you were talking with the merchants she mentioned could help you. How did that go for you?
Amber: (She smiles at the mention of the merchants). It went great actually... They agreed to let me travel with them for a while. It seems your mom called in a favor from them but regardless I am still grateful.
Jennifer: (Her smile grows and she hugs Amber). That is great, it means you will be able to see so many things probably. It sounds exciting but I want you to promise to send letters to us while you are traveling. I hope you are happy with it too.
Amber: (She hugs her back). Yes it will be a journey for sure and of course I will send letters when I can and I think I will be happy though... It will get lonely in the beginning.
Jennifer: Lonely? I thought you would be going with a group to different towns and cities all over. Are they sending you out with less people then and I hope their nice.
Amber: No, no not like that... I mean that I would miss everyone here... Though I was not around a lot I still like having people I already know around.
Jennifer: (Smiles and looks down). Oh... I understand... And I and everyone else here will miss you. You are a good friend after all but since we are next to a pretty good sized town I hope you can stop by sometimes. Especially with all of the festival's in the city, it was a lot of fun yesterday. I hope we can do that again.
Amber: Yes... But regardless I will still smile because I know I have you guys supporting me and of course! I will see when we are stopping into town and I will let you know right away.
Jennifer: (Laughs a little). I would hope so and then we will ask about all the things you have seen and learned in person. I know Kairi will want to hear all about it and so will Chazz.
Amber: (She stops for a second to think). Chazz... Yes... I will do my best to keep a journal of everything.
Jennifer: (Notices Amber's pause when saying Chazz and looks down feeling badly as she subtly hides her hand with the ring on it. She then looks at Chazz seeing him through the crowd as he smiles to a guest seeing Hiki with him as well, Jennifer saying out loud but more to herself). ... He has a lot of feeling towards him....
Amber: (She knows the current situation very well from what Cordelia had told her and what she heard from guests who have heard already). Yes... I know... But... But if anyone can make him happy. I know I had a chance... But I lost it so now someone else has to take it right?
Jennifer: (Looks down with a little bit of a sad smile for Amber). ... I know he will still care for you... But... I guess I do not want to take him and make others cry from their feelings... I never want to make someone sad like that.... (She looks at Amber and then at Hiki as she stands close to Chazz with a big smile not wanting either of them to feel broken hearted because of the situation feeling to badly).
Amber: (She looks down but then back up as she pokes Jennifer on the forehead). Well do not think that badly about it... It may make someone sad but in the end everyone will be smiling since they will see you and him smiling.
Jennifer: (Hears Amber and stares down at the ring a little then back at Amber). I know... But I still want him to be happy too... And not want to have to choose me so I can stay here... I mean he seems happy with all of us though... I guess we made it a little difficult for him with so many feelings going his way though... It must be a little confusing. (As she looks at Chazz and Hiki smiling and talking to each other).
Amber: (She sighs). I know Chazz... I know he would not make that type of decision and have so much resolve with it just so you could stay and you should know that as well.
Jennifer: (Gives a small smile but still looks down). I understand... It is just I have always been one to not push someone I care about to do something... I know I am not pushing... I just want everyone to be happy is all and for things to be like they have been for as long as possible... It is nice seeing everyone smile like this.
Amber: Well do not you think that everyone will be happy in the end no matter who ends up with who?
Jennifer: (Smiles at Amber). You have a point but maybe I need to learn to accept things too. (Her eyes spot Tori and Kairi together dancing and smiling at each). ... Well maybe not everything all at once... But baby steps at least.
Amber: That is all people can do sometimes.
Jennifer: (Nods and smiles at everyone enjoying the party and then notices a pile of presents and envelopes on one table her eyes widening and a little panic not believing she had forgotten). How could I forget, Kairi's presents were not done yet tonight!
Amber: Well we better get on that then! (As she laughs and smiles as she goes with Jennifer to help with the presets).
Jennifer: (Looks at Amber). You do not mind helping sort through the presents until then? Some are just sent through the mail or just dropped off from the guests that had to leave early. I believe those could wait, the once with closest relationships to Kairi should be done now since it is getting late. (She begins to ramble on what to do being a little flustered from forgetting).
Amber: Yes I know, Just calm down and we will get it done alright?
Jennifer: (Sighs and takes a breath smiling at Amber). Thank you for helping, I think with two of us we can figure this out faster.
Amber: Well of course! Now let's get sorting! (She raises her arm as she pretends to roll a sleeve up).
Jennifer: (Laughs and nods picking up the first card and present and handing some to Amber to sort out as they chat after a few moments seeming confused as she looks at some of the tags on presents).
Amber: Wow... I never expected sorting presents will take this much work now.
Jennifer: (Still looks a little confused seeing the tags of a few presents she picked up). I think some of these are marked wrong... Like the to and from are switched around.
Amber: (As she begins to look at around the presents as well). Your... Right?
Jennifer: (Takes another present out with pink wrapping and a red bow out reading the tag and handing it to Amber). Did you mark this one wrong too? It has your name so I guess it is from you. (As she passes the present to Amber the tag clearly says to Amber, from Kairi).
Amber: (She looks at the gift being very confused). Wait what... I did not do that for sure... Wait... Here is the gift I brought.... (She picks up another gift with red wrapping paper but the tag is correct).
Jennifer: (Looks even more confused). Wait then who brought this gift then and there's a couple more like this too. (She motions to all of the gifts she has in a pile with the from saying Kairi and the two being to different people they know lifting another pink present with a green bow that says to Jennifer from Kairi. She is so confused and trying to figure things out to notice Kairi come up behind her with a big smile as she skips towards them).
Amber: D-did she get everyone who came gifts?
Kairi: (Skips around so she is seen having a bigger smile as she nods). Yes, I needed to get something for everyone important to me!
Jennifer: (Sees Kairi and pauses in surprise before she can speak and laughs a little). But Kairi it is your birthday, I think you have it a little backwards.
Kairi: But sis, I wanted to get everyone something too.
Amber: (She smiles at the fact that Kairi got everyone something so she goes by Kairi and gives her a hug). Well regardless thank you Kairi!
Jennifer: (Laughs and pats Kairi's head). I should not be surprised that you would do this, but thank you Kairi and I hope you like your gifts as well.
Kairi: I just like seeing everyone smile so I like getting gifts for everyone. Are we opening presents now?
Jennifer: I think so since we have things figured out. We just need to gather everyone together again. (She stops to think of how to do this looking around and seeing Chazz, Hiki and Tori waving to them to try and get their attention to help gather the group for presents by holding one up in her hand).
Chazz: (He notices Jennifer and smiles as he heads to the center of the ballroom to make an announcement). Well good evening everyone, it seems it is time for Mis Kairi's birthday presents to be open but it seems to have come with a twist! Now shall everyone circle around miss Kairi and be ready for one of the main events!
Jennifer: (Sees everyone head to their area noticing the ones that are not as well known to them staying back and just watching or chatting as the rest move closer).
Nara: (Hears the announcement and pulls Raku to get closer).
Ziona: (Had just gotten back with Zahir, Lula and Lulu and goes over as well).
Cordelia: (Heads over with Orion with a big smile as she hugs Kairi). Happy birthday Kairi.
Shizen: (Looks over still being a bit drunk from the drinking and sighs knowing she should get up. Rowen sits next to her only he noticing her eyes glow green as if focusing on a temporary fix to feel more sober so she can head over as well).
Chazz: (He smiles as he collects Hiki and Tori to come to the group).
Zahir: (He wonders what is going on as he is with Ziona)
Raku: (He is questioning on what is going on hoping Nara does not kill anyone today from the incident with with Yami making her a bit moody since then).
Rowen: (He rubs Shizen's head as he lays her head on his shoulder).
Kairi: (Skips to in front of everyone gathered around with a big bright smile). Thank you everyone for coming and thank you for all of the presents! I did not really think it was fair to be the only one to have presents so I got something for everyone close to me as well!

Nara: (Looks a little confused saying quietly). Is that how birthdays work here?
Cordelia: (Laughs shaking her head). I would expect nothing less, you always have loved giving gifts to others Kairi.
Raku: No, no it doesn't work like this from last I heard... But then again who are we talking about?
Cordelia: I suppose we should get started then, Kairi how do you want the presents to be passed out.
Kairi: (Pauses to think for a second and then smiles skipping to all of the presents with a excited look). I think when I pick up a present the person who gave me the present I give them theirs.
Jennifer: It is a good idea, go ahead pick any present in the front since those are from people closest to you.
Kairi: (Pauses to think looking at all of the pretty presents before picking up one with white wrapping paper, a big pink bow and some glitter). Ooh this one is really pretty!
Hiki: I hope you like it Kairi! (As she had trouble finding a gift for Kairi not knowing what she would get her, so she had decided to get a jewel set that has a black gem in it with a red stone in the center of it).
Kairi: (Gives Hiki a bright smile opening the gift excitedly she sets out the jewelry). Ooh it's really pretty and I like the gems in it, thank you so much.
Kura: (Looks at the colors of the jewelry and seems to like the colors of it as well but Yami not seeming interested in jewelry). They are quite pretty.
Kairi: (Giggles). It reminds me of yours and Yami's colors.
Hiki: (She giggles as well). Well that was the point.
Kairi: It is really pretty thank you! Oh let me get your present too! (She reaches over the table pick up a light pink present with a white bow and some glitter as well skipping over to Hiki the box being a little flat and like a box clothing would be in).
Hiki: Ooh what did you get me now? (As she opens the gift box she finds a white dress seeming to be made with silk and chiffon fabric draped on the skirt so that it flows. There is also alight blue flower pin for her hair or to put on the outfit and the dress having a black border at the seams. The top in a fashion so that it is a pure white corset with thin straps on her shoulders. The box also contains a white gem in the shape of a yin symbol as a bracelet or necklace. She looks at the dress with awe and yet feels bad her gift wasn't enough to make up for this). Kairi... Thank you very much. (Some tears in her eyes begin to form).
Kairi: I am glad you like it! (She looks at Hiki tearing up and gets a little concerned). Is something wrong with it?
Hiki: (She wipes her tears and shakes her head). No, no... Everything is fine.
Kairi: Oh... I was worried it ripped.
Cordelia: I am sure she just appreciates the gift that much.
Jennifer: (Looks at Hiki and nods in agreement with her mother as she smiles).
Hiki: Yes everything is just perfect Kairi... No need to worry just keep you going for now. (As she holds the dress closely).
Kairi: (Smiles brightly and nods going over to the presents again looking over them to see which one she wants to pick next seeing a light purple present with a light pink bow and picking it up). Ooh this one is pretty.
Ziona: (Perks up seeing her present is chosen). That's from Zahir and I... I hope you like it.
Kairi: (Has her big excited smile again). You got me presents too!
Zahir: Well of course we did because what kind of guest would we be if we didn't get you anything.
Kairi: Wow thank you! (She excitedly opens the gift finding a small pink bunny stuffed animal made of soft yarn with big buttons for its eyes and floppy light purple ears and stomach and feet she hugs it instantly loving the present). I love it, it is so cute!
Ziona: (Smiles at Kairi's reaction). I was hoping you liked it, you seemed to like rabbits so I made one for you.
Kairi: wow it is really soft, you are really good at knitting and crafting things.
Ziona: (Smiles and blushes at being complimented). I'm glad you like it Zahir even tried helping... But I don't think it came out as well... But he did tie the bow on the other one with a vile of herbs in it... They smell nice....
Kairi: (Looks through the box more finding a pile of purple and black yarn with two knitting needles stuck into it). Oh it is alright, I can use that to learn how to knit to.
Zahir: Yeah if it wasn't for Ziona I'm sure the bunny wouldn't have been a bunny... And I'm terrible with coming up with gift ideas so I'm happy you like it. (As he smiles and holds Ziona by her shoulder).
Kairi: It is alright I really like it, oh and I got something at the festival is wanted to give you next time I saw you. I am glad it was today. (She goes over to the table with gifts and starts to search around it).
Ziona: (Smiles kindly). You didn't need to get us anything... We're just happy to be here.
Kairi: But I found something really cute for Luka and Lulu. (She giggles and picks up a pink present with a light purple bow and ribbons).
Zahir: Umm... I don't think we can really change her mind now....
Ziona: (Giggles a little). It's for Luka and Lulu?
Kairi: (Has a big smile still and nods holding out the gift to them). It was really cute!
Ziona: (Smiles seeming curious handing Lulu to Zahir to hold together with Luka so she can put the gift on her lap. The twins grab onto Zahir's shirt and seems in wonder from all of the colors of the presents then turn their attention back to Zahir holding onto him with their small grip. As Ziona open the gift she finds two onesies that are light purple with a hood with a darker purple border seeming the same until she sees the hood. One has bunny ears and a fluffy bunny tail on the back and the other having the ears of a bear with a small tail that bears have on the back of the onesie).
Zahir: (He looks with awe at the onesies not believing that they are this cute). Wow nice one Kairi! I'm sure they will love them.
Kairi: I thought they were a little big but at least they can grow into them!
Ziona: (Looks at the onesie and then the twins taking Lulu gently in her arms to put the bunny hood on her then doing the same with Luka putting the bear hood on him. She raises them up a little to see better being completely speechless on how cute they look as Lulu pulls on one of her ears hiding onto Ziona's chest and Luka still reaches a Zahir and grabbing his nose once close enough and attempting to make baby babbling noises).
Zahir: (He is taken by awe by seeing his daughter in the bunny outfit. By his fatherly instincts he takes the bear outfit and begins to put it on Luka). Oh boy Luka this is going to look great on you!
Ziona: (Just smiles at Luka and Lulu and how cute they are holding them close to her and kissing them on the heads).
Nara: (Looks at the twins and lies her head on Raku's shoulder and placing his hand on her stomach and holding it as she rests on him and smiles).
Kairi: (Is looking at Luka and Lulu and how adorable they look). Their so cute!
Kura: (Looks over with Kairi and smiles at the cuteness).
Jennifer: (She and Hiki both say daw as they watch with big smiles).
Chazz: (He is by Jennifer as he watches the crowd begin to have caring eyes towards the two children and smiles knowing that). Even from a different world... We all smile at the same things.
Jennifer: (Smiles at Chazz having heard him and agreeing with him seeing everyone's caring expression).
Tori: (He is behind Kairi smiling at her at how thoughtful and silly this whole idea is but yet he could not expect this from anyone else but her).
Kairi: (Has a bright smile but then notices a purple present next to her with a very poor attempt at a bow and the wrapping in not much better of shape being very messy and ripped in some areas as if the wrapping had been crumpled up and she being curious she picks it up looking at it).
Nara: (Notices Kairi pick up the present and immediately blushes in shame of how poorly she wrapped the present saying quietly to Raku). Why did you leave wrapping the present to me. You know I'm not good at that kind of stuff.
Raku: Hey it's alright not many people will care... I think. (As he scratches his head).
Kairi: (Reads the tag looking at Raku and Nara and smiles). You got me something too?
Ziona: I could of helped wrap it for you Nara.
Nara: (Mumbles crossing her arms and pouting still feeling embarrassed). I could do it myself... At least it's covered.
Kairi: (Smiles more). I like the color and ribbon though so it's alright.
Raku: But regardless of the way it looks I'm pretty sure you will like it since I think it's pretty good.
Kairi: (Gets excited and starts to open the present. Once opened she pulls out a pink blanket and once unfolded she realizes the blanket is a pink snake skin like pattern her eyes wide with how pretty the pattern is). Wow it is so pretty!
Nara: (Laughs a little at the amazed look). We're glad you like it, Raku actually made it when he was with Ziona.
Kairi: (Looks at Raku amazed). Wow you know how to make things like this?
Cordelia: (Laughs a little looking at Raku then Kairi with the blanket). Not common to see a man who does arts and crafts, the blankets quite nice though, very skilled.
Raku: (He blushes a bit at the comment). Well... I was planning to give it too Ziona but because of baby events... I could never do it so I thought it would be better to give it too Kairi since she seems to like pink so she would put it to use.
Ziona: (Smiles at Raku). It is alright, I think I made too many anyways, and we can make more for you and Nara later. You need a lot of those types of things so I can help. It is a nice blanket though and a really nice gift for someone who likes pink.
Nara: Well you two are the creative ones so have fun with that.
Kairi: (Has a big smile wrapping the blanket around herself giggling). Plus I can pretend to be a snake.
Nara: (Laughs at the comment). Well that would be interesting.
Raku: It really would be now wouldn't it? (He and Tori begin to imagine it and laugh at the thought).
Kairi: (Giggles and goes to the table of gifts picking up a pink present with a purple bow and goes over to Raku and Nara with it). I got something for you too, I hope you like it!
Raku: Ohh, what will it be I wonder... We shall see. (As he takes the gift from Kairi and shares it with Nara). Shall we open it together dear?
Nara: (Holds the gift with Raku and nods being curious). Of course dear, ooh what is it. (She begins to open the present opening it up and seeing first a stuffed animal of a purple snake with black button eyes. Raku takes it out of the box to see it better as she looks with him smiling and laughing a little).

Raku: (He takes a closer look to the snake as well as he begins to laugh seeing the funny sight).
Nara: Well thank you Kairi, it's very cute.
Ziona: (Looks over at the present and giggles a little). You can save it for your little one when they arrive too.
Zahir: I bet it will be their favorite toy! (He says with a grin as he holds Ziona closely).
Kairi: I did not think of that but I hope they will like it.
Nara: I think they will, thank you Kairi.
Kairi: (Smiles brightly). Your welcome, I am glad you like it!
Raku: (He smiles as he holds Nara tightly). I'm sure... Our child will have the best time with it... I want that time to be a fun filled time.
Nara: (Smiles and kisses Raku her mind still wrapping around the idea as well while hugging him).
Kairi: (She and everyone else smiles at them as she looks for another present picking up a small red present with a pink bow that catches her eye).
Amber: (She comes forward). Oh look, it is my turn then I believe. I believe you will like it very much.
Kairi: (Has a big smile still bring the present forward). Alright Amber, ooh I cannot wait! (She begins to open the present excitedly).
Amber: Well open away Kairi! (She says hoping that she enjoys the pink stripped shoes she got her).
Kairi: (Opens the present excitedly taking out the shoes quickly being dress up shoes but more flat with pink and white straps going across it and a buckle around the front like a belt to fasten the shoe she instantly loving the shoes). There so pretty, I am going to wear them to the next party I go to. Thank you so much!
Jennifer: (Looks at the shoes and then Amber as she smiles). They are certainly her style.
Amber: Well that is what I was looking for since I would think that Kairi would not enjoy heels... Since not everyone does either. (Her feet hurt from just the thought of walking in them).
Kairi: Thank you I cannot wait to wear them! (As she says this she picks up a small pink present with a pink ribbon on it going over to give it to Amber). I got something for you as well, I hope you like them!
Amber: Oh I am excited for what you are going to give me now... Thank you very much Kairi... You did not need too. (She says while smiling sincere).
Kairi: Of course I did and I hope you like them!
Amber: (Opens the small present to find a pair of small silver earrings with a curvy style to them in a way so that it shapes to hold a garnet gem that dangles from each one. She picks up one of the earrings and looks at it closely). Wow you have a great sense in jewelry Kairi. I love the way this looks!
Kairi: Thank you and I knew you liked red and they were really shiny so I am glad you like them!
Jennifer: (Looks at the earnings since she is sitting closest to Amber). They really are nice, and the dark red goes well with a lot of the clothes you seem to like wearing.
Amber: Well I am happy you thought of me and these are still beautiful! Thank you very much Kairi.
Kairi: Your welcome, I am happy you like them! (She smiles happily as she looks for another present to open seeing one with black wrapping paper and a pink ribbon and bow picking it up).
Kura: (Smiles moving a little closer). That one is mine, I hope you like it Kairi.
Kairi: Ooh yay! (She eagerly opens up the box and quickly looks through the wrapping paper to find different kinds of pencils, paints and sets colored pencil with one set being metallic colors with a pad of thick paper underneath).
Kura: (Smiles at Kairi). I saw that at one of the booths of the festival and thought you would like those.
Yami: Doesn't seem that exciting. (He is immediately hit over there head by Kura and he rubs his head and mumbles grumpily about it).
Kairi: (Looks at the shiny colors). Ooh I can make shiny drawings, thank you so much!
Hiki: (She stands next to Kura as does Amber). Wow those are really cool looking!
Amber: Yes, they really seem like special pairs of pencils, they look great!
Kura: I found them at the bookstore I went to yesterday.
Kairi: (Giggles really liking the gift and brings Kura a pink present with a black bow and ribbons).
Kura: (Looks at the present in her hands and sees it's the size of a book and laughs). Well I'm guessing it's a type of book.
Kairi: (Looks a little impatient). Open it! I thought you would really like it!
Kura: (Laughs and opens the gift and takes out a leather bound black journal with red bindings and stitching. On the corner of the front there is a pink little bow and laughs patting Kairi's head). You do know me quite well, thank you Kairi. I needed it new book to write in.
Kairi: (Has a big smile). I am glad you like it!
Chazz: Well it is not surprising that she would know what to get you immediately.
Hiki: (She smiles as she is closer to Kura). Yay I can read more of your stories!
Kura: Maybe I will start it tonight then, I look forward to using it. Thank you Kairi.
Kairi: (Smiles brightly). Your welcome! (She hugs Kura then goes to pick up another present seeing a bigger green present with a pink bow and ribbons). Ooh this one is big.
Jennifer: (Gets a big smile seeing her present is next seeming excited about it). That one is from me Kairi, I hope you like it.
Kairi: Ooh what did you get me sis! (She opens the present excitedly and quickly pulling out a pink night gown in the style of a sundress with a black line of fabric going around her waist and the skirt long with some little frills at the end. Her eyes go wide since it is just like her favorite nightgown and more simple dress she has instantly loving it).
Jennifer: (Laughs a little seeing Kairi's reaction knowing she would like the present getting a big smile). I knew you would like it Kairi!
Chazz: That one was a fun one to find since there were so many of them that Jennifer had problems picking one out. (He smirks a little bit with a small laugh holding his hand close to his mouth).
Tori: (He is contemplating on whether to comment on the gown). It looks... Cute.
Kairi: (Her eyes are almost sparkling from how much she loves the dress). It is so pretty, I love it!
Jennifer: (Laughs hugging Kairi). I am glad I could find something like that for you Kairi, I know how much you like dresses like this.
Kairi: I really do, thank you so much! (She picks up a pink present with a green bow and ribbons and hands it to Jennifer excitedly). I got you something to sis!
Jennifer: (Takes the gift having a big smile). I am sure whatever it is I will love it no matter what. (She begins to open the present seeing a dress with brown leather around the corset and bordering it and deep green fabric and a green skirt that goes to her knees. It has darker green leggings with a imprint of a wolf howling on one side of the corset top and she gets a bigger smile looking at the dress). You know my style very well to Kairi.
Kairi: (Smiles brightly hugging Jennifer again). I knew you would love it sis!
Chazz: Well I do believe it is my turn now isn't it? Mi- oh I mean Kairi can you pick up the present behind where Jennifer had hers? It should be in black in white wrapping paper with a small butterfly on the ribbon.
Kairi: (Looks in back of her being curious and sees the black and white present with the pink butterfly ribbon and puts it in her lap looking at it excitedly). Ooh I cannot wait, what is it!
Cordelia: (Laughs a little). Getting more excited with each gift I see.
Orion: Well I would think she would after all the gifts she has gotten so far.
Chazz: Well I just hope that mine will not be a disappointment so open it up Kairi.
Kairi: (It is a pink butterfly hair piece that is meant to give her a butterfly design if she puts it into a ponytail which she does often with yin yang symbol on one of the wing's. She gets a big smile and starts to put the hair tie into her hair). It is really pretty, I am going to wear it right now.
Jennifer: (Looks at Chazz). I do not think you had to worry about her not liking it.
Chazz: Yes you are right but I was bit worried that things would not work out but I am glad everything did.
Jennifer: I do not think you really needed to. I think get anything pink and she will be happy.
Kairi: (As they are talking she picks up a pink present with a black bow and white ribbons giving it to Chazz with a bright smile). I got something for you too, I hope you like it.
Chazz: I know but it does not hurt to worry now for a bit just wondering if your present will work right? (As he takes the present from Kairi). Well I look forward to opening it now.
Kairi: (Smiles happily as she waits for Chazz to open his gift).
Chazz: (As he open the medium sized box he sees a hat inside looking like a black fedora with a leather rim seeming very stylish and with a white band around it. As he picks up the fedora he looks at it closely). Oh this looks quite nice, I needed a new hat anyways.
Kairi: I thought you would look good in a hat!
Jennifer: (Laughs and smiles at Chazz). You should wear it now, you will be very stylish.
Chazz: (He smiles). Well alright I will then. (He puts the hat on). Well how do I look.?
Kairi: (Has a big smile). It looks great!
Jennifer: (Pauses looking at Chazz and a blush begins to form on her cheek as she sees him in the hat).
Hiki: (As she and Amber look at Chazz they cannot help but blush a little seeing how he looks right now). Well... I'm... Mas-... I mean Chazz you look great.
Amber: (She smiles as she blushes). You really do! It is a nice choice Kairi!
Jennifer: (Blushes more and nods in agreement). It... Looks nice....
Cordelia: (Looks at the crowd of people, the few that are paying attention giving a weird look to the attention Chazz is getting).
Orion: Is something wrong Cordelia?
Cordelia: (Smiles at Orion with Rowen next to him as he helps support Shizen). Nothing it is just not preferred the rumors started between nobles. (She looks at Kairi). How about going ahead and picking another present Kairi?
Kairi: Alright mom. (She goes over to the table of presents to look for another one).
Orion: (He looks at Cordeila wondering she means). I guess I'm going to ask you later then but who's next anyway since it doesn't seem to be that many left.
Kairi: (Looks around and something catches her eye. She sees crumpled up poorly wrapped black wrapping paper around something very obviously knife shaped with a pink string tying around it as she struggles to try and figure out what's on the tag).
Yami: (Crosses arms and is leaning back casually). Just open it later, don't need to now.
Kura: (Looks at the obvious shape able to tell what it is quickly and sighing). Let me see the tag. (She goes over to Kairi to try and read the tag with her and then struggling just as much as she looks at Yami). Your taking writing lessons tomorrow.
Yami: (Shrugs not really caring about that).
Nara: (Whispers and Raku hears her). ... At least I feel a little better on how I wrapped mine....
Yami: (Looks at Nara with a annoyed look). Hey I heard that!
Tori: (Upon hearing the commotion he goes closer to the knife and sees the tag being mostly all scribbles besides the letter K and I being legible).
Yami: Hey quit looking at it so much and just open it! Not that bad at least I got a gift like you said ok. (He crosses arms grumpily).
Kura: (Looks back at Yami but has trouble replying still being in shock).
Kairi: (Smiles brightly at Yami). Thank you Yami, it means a lot!
Yami: (Looks away and some can see he's a little embarrassed from all the commotion over the present but still shrugs like it's no big deal). Yeah sure.
Tori: Well since I'm here why not open mine up now? It's the black gift with blue ribbons behind that green one over there.
Kairi: Ooh I can open them both then and give you both your presents too! (She excitedly picks up both presents opening Yami's first and it being a more plain looking knife but the leather wrapped hilt being pink smiling and going over to hug Yami). Yami thank you so much!
Yami: (Almost falls back). Hey no need to hug!
Kura: (Laughs shaking her head). Maybe he's not as bad at gifts as I thought.
Tori: (He smiles). Well I guess not... Well it's my turn now. (He grabs the gift and gives it to Kairi though it is a very small box). I hope you like it.
Kairi: (Looks at Tori with a bright smile then starts to open the box eagerly pausing when seeing It's a ring in a simple sense with a pink gem that has a small mist of black energy in it. She then stares Tori with a sweet smile looking into his eyes).
Ziona: (Covers her mouth seeing the ring Tori is giving Kairi tugging on Zahir's sleeve Nara doing the same to Raku).
Jennifer: (Looks at Tori suspiciously not knowing his intentions as Cordelia's eyebrows are raised).
Tori: (He smiles seeing that Kairi is happy). Well I guess I made the right choice then if it stopped you in your tracks. But no it isn't a wedding ring but yet isn't a promise ring either. It's the type of ring that carries the bond that we share in a special way... So as a token of getting to know you Kairi... I give you a ring of our memories.
Kairi: (Still looks up into Tori's eyes for a moment then down at the ring as she slides it onto her finger and hugging Tori whispering to him her emotions seeming a little overwhelmed to say much else). Tori... Thank you....
Jennifer: (Even though she wants to give Tori a death glare she cannot and looks away knowing she needs to though being very difficult).
Cordelia: (Sighs but cannot help but have a smile, Rowen and Orion and Shizen though not very sober still hearing her say quietly). ell now I know next year I'll be signing papers for a betrothal again....
Tori: (He holds her close knowing the feelings she is experiencing right now as he pets her head). Now, now the birthday girl can't cry on her birthday now can she?
Hiki: (She begins to tear up simply by what she still calls a form of proposal and smiles greatly)
Kura: (Has just as big a smile as Hiki wiping a tear away).
Kairi: (Nods still in Tori's hold having a present in her hands but puts it away after some thought wanting to giving it to him later Tori noticing a present that seems a little larger than his as she says quietly to him). I can give you your present a little later I think... If that is alright.
Tori: (He is taken by surprise with comment since he knows Kairi is not usually like that but keeps petting her head). Yeah it's fine.
Kairi: (Smiles at Tori and nods wiping her eyes giving Tori another big hug then back to everyone else with a slight blush). I should finish opening presents now.
Yami: Don't see how anyone's topping that though.
Kura: (Sighs). It's not a competition Yami.
Hiki: It isn't really though that one was definitely a highlight of the night.
Kairi: But I really like everyone's gifts so don't worry, there all great!
Cordelia: Yes and just a few left now so why don't we finish this up now. We still have to have the last dance of the night.
Kairi: (Gets a big bright smile then looks at Tori and can tell who she would want the dance to be with).
Chazz: Oh right I have to let the music players know what the final song will be, I will be right back. (He leaves for a moment).
Hiki: Geez he can never stay in one place for long.
Jennifer: (Laughs). At least his present was done before though. (She then looks at Kairi). Why don't you pick up another gift now?
Kairi: Alright! (She goes over to the table of presents backing up a white present with a pink bow looking at the tag and then around the room looking confused as if not finding someone). Where is Maru and Luna?
Amber: (Knowing who they are she looks around as well). Huh maybe they are still by that piano since I heard it still playing earlier.
Kairi: Should I open their present later then?
Jennifer: (Looks around). Perhaps, and if you do not get a chance today he will be staying over so we can wait until tomorrow at latest.
Hiki: Yes I think Maru was really sleepy so I guess we can leave it until tomorrow then.
Rowen: Well that would be wise since they seemed to get along really well.
Kairi: Hailey was really nice and I am glad Maru was getting along with her.
Jennifer: (Laughs a little). Well I wonder if there will be feelings between them over time, they seemed to like each other.
Hiki: They did didn't they? Huh I think we shall the beginning of something nice.... (She looks at Kairi). I wonder what made him change his mind.
Kura: (Hears what their talking about and then looks at Tori knowing Maru must have seen something back when they were training outside). ... I can think of one reason.
Tori: (He wonders why Kura looks at him by shrugs it off for now). Well regardless let's just leave them be for now and let's finish this up I guess.
Kairi: Alright I think there are a few left. (She picks up a green present with a pink bow reading the tag then looking at Shizen with a smile).
Shizen: (Is still pretty drunk from previous events and is leaning on Rowen for support or else she would fall over. She smiles back at Kairi and laughs a little). Looksh like it'sh my turn.
Jennifer: (Looks back at Shizen and is a little amused). Are you sure, we can come back to you later.
Shizen: (Pouts a little). I'm fine child.
Nara: (Bursts into laughter). She's fine, I mean she's had more before so this is nothing. Just don't start a fight with her like this... It doesn't end well for anyone. (As memories come back to her, Zahir and Raku of when in the nature territory and seeing Shizen at the parties sometimes).
Zahir: (He and Raku get a type of scared expression while reliving the incidents in their heads). Yeah... It would be bad if that would happen again... I think we would have to rebuild the mansion... And the forest.
Jennifer: ... It was that bad?
Shizen: (Pouts putting a hand on her hip). Hey... Washn't that bad... I fix it later.
Jennifer: ... Well I will keep that in mind....
Kairi: (Goes over to Shizen and Rowen with the present from her as well as a brown present with pink lace ribbon from Rowen). Can I open both of yours together?
Rowen: Well I do not see why not. Especially since I think Chazz I getting the final dance ready soon but regardless I hope you enjoy my present Mis Kairi.
Kairi: Alright, thank you! (She begins to open the present starting with Shizen's being a plant in a small pot but looking like it's shaped into a rabbit with a pink flowers growing by its ears. In Rowen's present she finds a pink traveling hat made of a braided straw and cloth with a big white bow and long enough around the edges to keep the sun away from her face more as she gets a big bright smile putting the hat on). Ooh I love them both, thank you so much!
Shizen: (Laughs a little patting Kairi's head). Knew you would... Glad you likesh them.
Rowen: Thank you very much Kairi and I am happy you enjoy the hat.
Kairi: (Giggles and goes to get a pink present with a green and brown ribbon to bring back to Rowen and Shizen). I hope you do not mind but I wrapped your presents together since you really like each other. That is why I wanted to open both of your presents together.
Shizen: (Laughs leaning on Rowen more than she already is). I wonder what gave... Thatsh away. (She kisses Rowen's cheek and would of fallen over if not for leaning on Rowen making Kairi giggle and a few others laugh).
Rowen: (He blushes a little from the sudden kiss). Now, now no one needs to see all that especially since you have been drinking Shizen,
Shizen: (Pouts with a hand on her hip). Hey... Only a little.
Nara: True around 100 a pretty low number for her.
Rowen: I... I do not want to know the highest than... But regardless let us go from here and open the present then shall we?
Shizen: ... You do the honorsh... Then.
Kairi: (Hands Rowen the gift happily). I hope you like them!
Inside the present are two pendants for each of them with a polished brown stone and green metal wrapped around the stone holding it into the pendant setting and a pink backing.
Shizen: (Looks at the pendants and smiles). Ooh pretty... They match.
Rowen: Well this is surprising... Yet I like the color's a lot.... (He holds up the pendent closely). Thank you very much Kairi.
Shizen: (Takes the other pendant and starts to clip it onto her dress). I'll wear it proudly.
Kairi: (Has a big smile once again). I am glad you like them!
Cordelia: I believe it is my turn to give my daughter a gift, I think you will like it Kairi. (She points out a blue present with a pink bow).
Kairi: Ooh what is it! (She goes over to the larger sized present and looks it over before opening it and once she does she finds a pink long dress with some blue areas and a frilly skirt. The dress has a pink hood attached with white ears and a black inside part. Some of the borders are black as well as the leggings. She instantly gets a giant smile seeing the gift and runs to hug Cordelia). I love it!
Jennifer: (Laughs). Well mom, you do have good taste it presents.
Cordelia: (Laughs and pets both Jennifer and Kairi's heads). It is just that I know my children's taste in style well by now.
Orion: Well one would hope so by now anyway unlike... Nevermind I digress, the dress looks great. I am sure a certain someone is looking forward to see you in it.... (He looks at Tori as Tori blushes and looks away as Hiki and Chazz laugh a bit).
Cordelia: (Nudges Orion knowing what comment he would make and sighs shaking it off to smile at Kairi). I think there is one more gift for tonight, right Orion. I just wish you had wrapped it. (She laughs a little).
Orion: Hey, hey... I did what I could with little time I had to prepare it... But give me one second. (He leaves for a moment to go grab the present and grabs a pink bow that is leftover from the other gifts). Well this will work... Alright done. (He comes back to the group with a stuffed bunny with a rose quartz necklace around its neck). Well happy birthday Kairi.
Kairi: (Gets a big bright smile taking the bunny and hugging it tight then giving Orion a big hug). Thank you so much Orion! It is so cute!
Orion: (He smiles as he pets her head). I knew you would like it and no problem. Happy birthday Kairi.
Kairi: Thank you! (She has a bright smile going over to pick up the last two presents she has to give out, giving Cordelia hers first being a medium sized pink bag with a blue bow). Mom I hope you like it!
Cordelia: (Laughs a little patting Kairi's head). Well I am sure whatever it is I will love it since it is from you. (She starts to open the present taking out a deep blue silk simple yet fancy scarf with some light blue flower designs at the ends in a watercolor fashion making her smile and wrap it around her arms to try it on since her dress is a deep blue). This will go quite nicely with most of my dresses, thank you Kairi. (She kneels down to give Kairi a big hug).
Kairi: (Gives a big hug back). I knew you would like it, you are welcome!
Orion: Well that does look very nice but I am very curious as to what you got for me Kairi. (He sits down and begins to go through Kairi's present. As Orion is digging through his present he first sees a pin with a pink rabbit looking like it was made by Kairi and laid on the bottom many drawings of what looks like Kairi and Orion most looking like made by Kairi as a small child. There are also pretty stones she painted on and attempted carving and just as many things having to do with some memories of Orion when she was very little).
Orion: (Upon picking up the small stones he can't help but smile as he pulls Kairi in for a hug with a set of small tears and happiness in his voice). Thank you very much Kairi... Thank you so much.
Kairi: (Smiles hugging Orion back). I remember a little from when I was little of you and I wanted to show you that I remembered. Especially the rock painting... It was really fun.
Cordelia: (Smiles at Orion and Kairi glad that Kairi remembers these things from when she was very small as most around them smile and some others are confused).
Orion: (He smiles heavily as he holds Kairi close). I know and I couldn't be happier that you did this for me Kairi thank you so much still. We may need to go rock painting again if that's alright with you.
Kairi: (Has a big bright smile up at Orion). Of course, we can even do that tomorrow if you want to.
Shizen: (Sees Orion and a kind smile grows as she remembers something about him looking down). Now... I haven't sheen him shmile like that... In a long time....
Rowen: (Knowing on how Orion and growing up a bit with him around from when he first met him he can't help but shake his head yes). Yes... From what I heard it would seem that way.
Shizen: (Nods and smiles). I'm glad... He deserves a reason... To smile like that again. (She looks at Kairi and Orion more her smile growing).
Cordelia: (Smiles as well at Kairi and Orion, happy that they are bonding and remembering times Orion was around her when little and how much he cared for her children. Something tugs at her mind as she watches covering a frown as if to hold something back from them).
Jennifer: (Looks at some little confused on Shizen's comments wanting to ask later but still smiles at Kairi and Orion as Hiki hears her say quietly). Well... He is already a better dad to her than our actual one... I can count on two hands how many times she has seen him. (She seems to be upset at her own statement but also seems to have accepted it happy that Kairi does not have to deal with it as much and can have someone else to look up to like that).
Hiki: (She seems to get upset as well but taps Jennifer on the shoulder). Now, now, regardless of how your parent is they are still your parent... So be happy that you are able to have the chance to meet everyone alright?
Jennifer: (Sighs and smiles back at Hiki reassuringly). I know, I am just happy that Kairi is happy. She really is enjoying her party.
Hiki: Well that's all we worked hard to do right? So job well done I believe.
Jennifer: (Nods). I think so. Our little group has grown a lot together and I want us to stay together as long as possible... I just wonder what Shizen was talking about happening to Orion and the smile... Then again Kairi can make anyone smile.
Hiki: Well maybe we can ask them later about that but right now let's just focus on the party alright? (As she turns her head back towards the group and Kairi finally coming out of the embrace).
Jennifer: (Turns her attention back to the group and also sees Chazz coming back signaling it is about time for the final dances to take place). Oh looks like it is time for the final dances to take place. It is a good way to finish such a great night.
Cordelia: (Hears the music starting to play and stands up). It looks like it is time for the final dances then I suppose. Rowen do you mind announcing it to all of our guests. (She looks at Shizen and thinks again laughing a little). Or perhaps I will announce it myself, you have your hands full.
Rowen: (As he laughs a bit nervously hanging onto Shizen). Umm... I apologise if I am a bother in my responsibilities....
Chazz: (He laughs as he waves goodbye again). Never a bother Rowen. I will be back in a second. (As he heads to the main stage Hiki gets a bit nervous feeling her heartbeat). Ladies and gentlemen, well as a wonderful night as this it is sad for me to say that this next song will be the final dance of the night. In honor of this last dance please grab your dance partner, and have a dance under the stars. (As he says that some tarps are removed that reveals the star lit sky above everyone they had set out in the large balcony area).
Nara: (Looks up at the stars then smiles at Raku looking into his eyes and giving him a kiss as she relaxes with him her hands clasped around his that are on her stomach seeming to enjoy the moment).
Ziona: (Rests her head on Zahir looking up at the sky with him as they hold the twins together as they cling to one another and rock them gently).
Amber: (She looks at Chazz on instinct but just smiles as she pushes Hiki and Jennifer towards him). Come on now, go dance.
Jennifer: (Looks at Amber in surprise and trips a little then looks back at Amber and nods understand then looks at Hiki). I already had my turn earlier, Hiki why don't you dance with Chazz next.
Kura: (Goes over to Jennifer and Hiki being nearby). Hiki go on... You deserve at least one dance with him....
Hiki: (She looks back at Jennifer still being taken by surprise). Are you sure... I thought the engaged couples should do the final dance.
Jennifer: Oh I promised you would dance with him next. I do not mind that it is the last dance just stop pushing away your feelings. You are a little and I can tell but you tell me I should not do that myself constantly. I know it is a bad habit but you should not have it either.
Hiki: (She smiles greatly as she hugs Jennifer). Thank you Jenny... I will return the favor I promise. (As she goes towards Chazz).
Jennifer: (Smiles and returns the hug). You already have though... Many times. (She goes back to where Amber is to talk a little with a small smile towards her).
Kura: (Still looks at Hiki as she starts to dance with Chazz as she gets a little bit of a sad smile watching her but tries to shake the feeling away quickly as she stands by Tori who notices this).
Tori: You alright there Kura? (Seeing Kura shake her head).
Kura: (Looks at Hiki and the big smile she has and smiles shaking off her feelings and looking at Tori to reassure him). I'm fine, just happy Hiki is having fun.
Yami: (Comes over to Tori and Kura with another piece of cake casually). She's just upset because she wanted the dance with-. (He is cut off by Kura quickly covering his mouth and hitting him over the head).
Kura: (Says in a calm but scary tone). Shut up Yami....
Yami: (Tries to retort and argue but his voice is muffled heavily by her hand).
Tori: (He gets an idea of what is going on from thinking who Kura had danced with before). Ahh I get it now, don't worry I'm sure you'll have your chance next.
Kura: (Gets a small blush and looks away but feels a sudden pain in her hand yanking it away from Yami's mouth). Hey Yami, no biting!
Yami: (Yells back being annoyed). You were the one covering my mouth, I couldn't breathe!
Kura: (Laughs a little shaking her head). Oh right... Sorry little Yami.
Yami: Quit calling me little!
Tori: (He laughs a bit as he rubs Kura's head). Now, now don't tease him too much and don't worry. I'm not telling anyone, that would ruin the whole surprise now wouldn't it?
Kura: (Looks at Tori seeming relieved). Good... Besides she's really happy now... I don't want to make that complicated, I'm happy just being close friends. (She smiles watching Hiki dance with Chazz and how happy she looks).
Tori: I know Kura but love is complicated on its own so we live with it for now.
Kura: (Nods looking down for a moment). Many things are complicated, I've learned that well. (She shakes out of the thought and smiles at Tori). Anyways why don't you dance with Kairi speaking of feelings.
Yami: (Points out on the dance floor with his fork he is eating cake with at Orion dancing with Kairi as she is standing on his feet like I little girl would with a father). Think she's already dancing.
Kura: (Looks at where Yami is pointing and smiles and laughs a little). Well isn't that cute.
Tori: Yes I think I gained too much attention already with the ring so I'm good for now. I'm just happy she's having a good time.
Kura: She really is and maybe after the dance you can spend more time with her.
Yami: (Shrugs). Why not just go over now, no big deal.
Kura: (Pats Yami's head). That's rude Yami and don't worry you will learn these types of feelings one day.
Yami: (Is annoyed by being pat on the head but shrugs seeming skeptical). Doubt it, just is weird.
Tori: Meh, he isn't wrong really since love is strange. But, yeah I'll go talk to her after the dance is over.
Kura: Good I hope that there are not as many menacing stares then. (She laughs more).
Everyone continues to talk and dance for the last dance guests start to leave and say their farewells as the party is coming to a close. The group coming mostly together to say farewell to Zahir, Ziona, Raku, Nara, Luka and Lulu since their energy in this world limits them from being there any longer so many hugs are given before they head into the forest to activate the gate Shizen had made earlier.
Nara: (Hugs Kairi before leaving as well as Raku). Happy birthday Kairi, it was really fun.
Ziona: (Smiles and waves Luka's hand a little to say goodbye even though Luka seems more focused on trying to eat his mother's hair). It was really fun and we really liked the gifts.
Kairi: I am happy you could make it is hope we can see you again soon!
Jennifer: It was nice having you as guests. (She gives out hugs farewell and waves back to Luka and tries to wave at Lulu but she seems to be hiding in Zahir's arms making her laugh).
Amber: (She doesn't fully understand but waves goodbye as one of the merchants pull Amber to the side).
Hiki: It was nice seeing all of you again! We need to come visit again soon!
Rowen: Well I would hope it would involve less invasions now.
Chazz: (He rubs his head nervously). Uh huh I think we will be careful.
Orion: (Still close by Kairi). Well I would hope so. Writing up all those reports were not fun.
Nara: Well at least we can move on from it, just next time I see Agni I'll be sure many knives go into him. ... I don't understand how things are run there... Couldn't always be like that. (She glances back at Ziona knowing Zahir and Raku feel the same way about what happened).
Shizen: (Rowen can feel her clench her fists and tense up with her face in the shadows though incredibly more drunk having drank a bit more when Rowen was not looking as she whispers). ... Gone... Turned monshter....
Rowen: (He wonders what Shizen means as he holds her closer). It is alight Shizen... Calm down.
Ziona: (Hugs Zahir to comfort and looks at Shizen seeing how out of it she is). I guess she had a little more to drink. I made herbs for her earlier for tomorrow morning, that may help.
Nara: (Laughs a little being glad there's a change in subject). She really does know how to drink.
Shizen: Woo. (She lifts her arm as if to respond more but does not).
Jennifer: (Laughs). Well as long as she had fun.
Rowen: Well I would be making sure that she gets it tomorrow morning for sure.
Orion: It would be a good idea especially since she has been drinking more seeming to be related to some kind of feelings.
Jennifer: Perhaps we should start closing up the party and turning in. (She looks at Kairi). Kairi why don't you get ready for bed now?
Kairi: (Pouts a little). Aww but the party was so much fun, does it have to end? I am not tired.
Cordelia: (Kisses Kairi's head). Come on now, a party must end at some point no matter how fun it is, but I am happy you enjoyed it.
Kairi: (Smiles and nods though is a little upset it is ending). Alright but first I need to give everyone hugs! (She starts hugging everyone one by one quickly).
Zahir: (He and Raku accept the hugs happily). Thanks again for having us Kairi. I'm sure Luka and Lulu love their gifts, thank you again.
Kairi: I am sure they will grow into them more and then they can wear it more!
Ziona: (Smiles as she gives a hug as well). I promise they will.
Nara: (Laughs as it is her turn in the hug). And thank you for our present as well, we will save it for the future.
Kairi: Your welcome and I hope I get to see her when she arrives.
Nara: (Questions the her looking down at her stomach). Her? Really? I was thinking it would be a boy maybe. (She laughs).
Shizen: (Blurts out drunkenly). Mother knowsh besht!
Ziona: (Giggles looks down at Luka and Lulu). She has a point... I guess it makes sense I couldn't tell which one they were... I know why now.
Nara: (Laughs more). Well I guess we will have a lot of things to think about. (She smiles at Raku kissing his cheek). But right now I'm still wrapping my head around it... But I guess I can still guess it's a boy for now, and hopefully takes after Raku so he doesn't have to deal with twice as much craziness. (She laughs again looking at Raku with a smile).
Raku: (He laughs along with her). I think no matter what I will have to deal with twice the craziness regardless of what may happen.
Nara: Well I guess it will be pretty interesting but let's talk more when we get home dear. (She turns to everyone else and waves). I think it's time to leave, we had fun tonight.
Ziona: (Nods her head politely). Thank you for inviting us.
Jennifer: (Curtsies). No problem, we enjoyed having you here.
Kairi: (Waves back with a big smile). Bye I look forward to seeing you again.
Kura: (Waves beside Kairi with a smile).
Yami: (Does the same but only one wave with arms crossed while leaning against the door frame). See ya.
Cordelia: (Smiles and curtsies with Jennifer). It was a pleasure meeting you.
Zahir: See you next time everyone. (As he walks off first with Ziona).
Raku: See you next time, we will update you all on the situation but for home we shall go.
Ziona: (Giggles and rest her head on Zahir's shoulder as she walks away with him and each hold one of the twins as they start to fall asleep).
Nara: (Walks with Raku holding his waist to be closer to him and once farther away they can see her snake lower half appear and wrap around Raku).
Kura: (Smiles and then turns her attention to Kairi). Come on Kairi, let's get you ready for bed. You can even wear your new nightgown.
Kairi: Ooh I cannot wait to try it on. Bye everyone thank you for the amazing party and gifts!
Jennifer: (Laughs). It was no problem but it's late now so go get some sleep, we will all see you in the morning.
Kairi: Alright! (She quickly hugs everyone again and follows Kura).
Yami: (Stretches and starts to follow seeming pretty indifferent).
Jennifer: (Claps her hands together). Well I guess we should wrap things up here now for us as well.
Hiki: (She yawns). I may go head off to bed. (As she messes with her dress a bit). Yes... I may need to rest so bye everyone. (as she waves and starts to walk off).
Tori and Chazz: Night Hiki.
Jennifer: I may do that in a little bit but I want to help put things away first. (She looks at Shizen not able to see her face but able to tell she is very out of it with a arm around Rowen who supports her). I suppose Shizen should go get some rest now as well.
Rowen: Yes I shall take her to her room then since I do not really trust her on her own right now.
Shizen: (Just has her head down seems very out of it as Rowen holds her up mostly).
Jennifer: (Laughs a little). I think that would be best, she looks very tired.
Rowen: So because of that, excuse us. (He bows as he takes Shizen to her room).
Jennifer: (Laughs and waves as she goes to help clean up). Take care of her.
Rowen is walking Shizen back to room answering some maids questions as they rush to help clean up and he apologizes for not being able to help.
Rowen: (As they get closer to her room). Well this has been an eventful day now hasn't it..
Shizen: (Does not answer as she mostly is leaning on Rowen for support still having a tight hold on his shoulder and her face down in the shadows and covered by her hair as Rowen gets the feeling she is still being bothered by something).
Rowen: (As he holds her closer upon seeing her like this). Is everything alright Shizen? You have been mostly silent, which after all that drinking is quite surprising.
Shizen: (At the moment she still has her head down in the shadows when he realizes there is water on his suit by his shoulder from silent tears as she says something quietly in her very drunken state. Rowen gets the feeling it not to him). Don't... Leave... Don't go down... Path... Why... Do all... Thish and become... Monshter... Why....
Rowen: (He is silent for a moment as he turns Shizen around to hug her tightly). It is alright now Shizen... Just calm down... I am right here.
Shizen: (Still mumbles a little before collapsing in Rowen's arms). Adara... Why can... You shee... Good in him... I jusht don't shee it... Can't... Anymore... Not after.... (Her words trail off as she collapses in his arms).

Rowen: (As he holds her up still with the sudden collapse). Adara... I wonder who that is... But first I am going to take you to your room.... (He finally lifts her more up princess style and takes her to her room to rest and not be so distressed by whatever troubles her).
Tori upon finishing up his section of the cleaning up after the party.
Tori: Woo that was a work out. (He then yells towards Amber and Chazz). Ohh I'm going to head to bed is that ok? I'm all finished over here!
Chazz: (As he is moving some boxes with a sleepy Amber motivating him with a type of cheer). Alright Tori, we are going to finish up here in a bit. Make sure to see that everyone is leaving alright?
Tori: Ok, I'll just head to the roof then. (He starts to walk off).
Amber: Bye Tori. Now come on Chazz fight on! (She raises her hand up and down as Chazz moves the box).
Tori leaves the main area heading up the hallways stairs he reaches the top floor above Chazz, Jennifer, and Kairi's hall where their rooms are. He sees a open window to get to the roof with noticing how clear the night sky is with many stars out and a crescent moon making it a very beautiful night sky.
Tori: Yeah everyone is leaving alright... I guess it's time to relax for now I guess... Wow the moon looks great tonight. (As he begins to lay back against the roof just watching the stars while falling asleep once again).
As Tori is resting someone from downstairs in their room heard him talking to himself as she had just gotten ready having her new pink nightgown on. She looks up from her window hearing it from the room. She decides to carefully climb up to the roof and pokes her head up to see Tori laying back on the roof with arms under his head as he relaxes. She lifts her head more to see him better and call out to him.
?????: Tori?
Tori: (Upon hearing the voice he sits up recognizing it instantly). Yes Kairi, what is it?
Kairi: (Climbs onto the roof more and goes over to sit by Tori with a sweet smile). I heard you on the roof so I just wanted to know why you were up here... Though it is a pretty night out. (She looks up at how clear the sky is).
Tori: Well I just wanted to relax really being in a big room full of guests can get pretty stuffy so coming out here is great sometimes since it feels so free.
Kairi: (Smiles and takes a moment to enjoy the peaceful night with a slight breeze). It is really calming and I like the wind... I like it too. (She smiles brightly at Tori).
Tori: (As he notices it is a bit colder outside and Kairi is in her gown he brings out his wings). Well it's getting cold out so come over by me so you warm up a little bit before we head back inside alright?
Kairi: (Is taken by surprise by the sudden wings but leans against Tori looking at the wing wrapped around her. She reaches out to touch them surprised at how soft it is when petting the feathers not having been able to get such a close look at the wings before as she seems amazed by them). Whoa... Their so soft....
Tori: Well they are wings so they have to be in order to keep me up in the air.
Kairi: (Gives Tori a curious look). What is it like to fly up there... Is it calm and peaceful like right now. It looks a little scary though too.
Tori: (He gains an interesting idea). Well, Kairi I think I have another birthday present for you so how about you take my hand. (He holds out his hand to her)
Kairi: (Looks a bit more confused and curious at Tori tilting her head but takes his offered hand as she asks). What is it?

Tori: A type of freedom. (As he begins to flap his wings and begin to fly with him hanging onto Kairi just floating in air for the moment).
Kairi: (Her eyes widen to process she is in the air with her feet not touching the ground. She looks down at the roof seeing their a few feet off the ground then up at Tori and the wings flapping to keep them in the air and suddenly holds on tightly not wanting to fall). Whoa please don't fall!
Tori: (He laughs a little). Don't worry don't worry. we will be just fine, just trust me on this.
Kairi: (Takes a moment to calm down but still has a tight hold on Tori her arms around his neck as she looks up at him and nods). A-alright... Just don't fly to fast. (She closes her eyes and holds on tightly to Tori being nervous).
Tori: (He smiles as he pulls her closer and it is like he is hugging her comfortingly). Well don't worry now Kairi, I will hang onto you the entire time.
Kairi: (Pauses and then opens her eyes looking up into Tori's eyes trusting him and then hugging him back as she nods). Alright Tori....
Tori: (He holds her tight as he begins to move a bit forward with the flying seeming to go at a steady slow pace). How's this for right now?
Kairi: (Hesitantly looks down then ahead with a slight breeze becoming more amazed then scared as she looks out towards the sky seeming a little speechless still wrapping her head around the idea of flying). I am... flying?
Tori: (He laughs a bit). Yes... Yes you are... Happy birthday Kairi.
Kairi: (Reaches her hand out into the air feeling the air blow by and starts to gain a smile starting to enjoy the experience and giggles).
Tori: (He casually begins to speed up bit by bit). Hang on tight now.
Kairi: (Listens to Tori and holds onto him but still looks forward flying through the sky getting a big bright smile enjoying the flight a lot more). It is amazing up here!
Tori: Well now you know why I always enjoy flying around especially at night since it becomes so beautiful.
Kairi: It is! (She let's go of Tori a bit since he has a tight hold on her and opens her arms out like flapping them with Tori's wings and enjoys the feeling of the wind and flow of the sky. It is like a free feeling she now understands as she acts like able to fly beside him with a big smile from it).
Tori: Whoa there Kairi don't fly off from me. (He laughs as he continues his circles around the property).
Kairi: (Giggles and continuing to fly with Tori encouraging him to fly faster). You can go anywhere like this! This must be how a birdy feels!
Tori: Yep and ok your wish is my command madam. (He begins to fly faster).
Kairi: (Giggles more and holds on tightly but continues to look forward with a big smile it feeling like a theme park ride with how fast Tori's flying is at some points). This is so much better than running!
Tori: (In a spur of the moment he lifts Kairi up into a princess hold as he flies up). The time I have with flying is almost up so going to do one more thing.
Kairi: What? (She holds on and looks around at how high they are going and at the moon before looking at Tori). Whoa... We are so high up....
Tori. (He snickers a little bit as he spreads his wings out and outputs some energy so that he can clear what clouds are in the sky). Give it a second. (As he says this, the clouds in the sky fade away revealing the moon fully)
Kairi: (Her eyes widen in amazement as she looks at the clear sky then at Tori). Wow... You can do that...? Your amazing Tori.... (She smiles and hugs Tori close). Thank you... It is the best gift you could ever could give... The present I got you does not even compare... I wish I remembered to bring it up here for you... Though it's not quite finished yet.... (She looks at Tori apologetically that she forgot).
Tori: (He smiles as he rubs her head). Don't worry just having you with me right here is worth even more.
Kairi: Thank you Tori.... (She smiles sweetly at Tori her arms wrapped around his neck and then starts to look into his eyes becoming a little lost in the moment as she looks into them).
Tori: (He does the same to Kairi as it seems the moon is behind them as they are in the air).
Kairi: (Without much thought into her actions she starts to move her face closer to Tori's as she continues to look into his eyes. Holding him closer as she does this the moment being perfect as feelings are in the look she has towards Tori are clear, no words are needed).
Tori: (He does the same as he brings himself closer to her. His feelings are self expressed in the moment as their lips connect in the moonlit sky).
Kairi: (Kisses Tori back and holds Tori as close as possible. Even though the kiss is short it is enough to express their feelings and even after she still can't help but look into his eyes whole time they fly through the sky).

Tori: (After they disconnect from the kiss they connect their foreheads savoring the moment). I love you Kairi....
Kairi: (Looks into Tori's eyes again and smiles sweetly keeping her forehead touching his enjoying the moment). ... Tori... I love you too. (She smiles more as she says this and her hold on Tori tightens to embrace him).
Tori: (He smiles as they gently go back to the roof as they embrace each other).
Kairi: (Continues to hold Tori as long as she possibly can wanting every moment to last with Tori not wanting it to end).
Tori: (As they finally reach the roof again the hold on Kairi does not light up). Well here we are again.
Kairi: (Looks a bit disappointed that the moment is over but looks at Tori giving him a sweet smile and one more big hug as she blushes cutely). Tori... Can we do this again another night...?
Tori: We can do it again anytime you want your silly. (He pets her head gently as he sets her back down).
Kairi: (Places her feet on the roof carefully but still looks up at Tori with a smile although knowing she has to say goodnight). I guess it is goodnight for now though... Right?
Tori: Yes, we can Kairi but let's head to bed now ok? Come on I shall escort you Mis Kairi. (He takes a butlers bow).
Kairi: (Giggles and curtsies taking Tori's arm to lead her back to her open window right under them even though it is not at all far she still has a big smile). Thank you sir Tori and thank you for tonight.
Tori: Anything for you madam but shall be on our way then? I do believe that it is time for our date to end for tonight. (He leads her back to the door leading to the roof of the mansion).
Kairi: I suppose so. (She pouts again at having to say goodnight but gets a idea as she begins to blush and smiles cutely up at Tori). Oh Tori... One more thing....
Tori: Yes what is it Kairi?
Kairi: (goes on her tiptoes to reach up to Tori giving him a soft quick kiss on the lips as her blush deepens. She whispers goodnight then uses her power to speed away with a giggle before Tori can react fully).
Tori: (Being taken completely off guard by the kiss but cannot help but gain a big smile). Now aren't you a sneaky one... Huh... We finally kissed... I don't think I could be happier right now... Even if it kills me... I will protect that smile. (As he finally heads inside).
