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Writer's pictureJennifer Beiro

Chapter 24 Part 2

As they continue going up towards the more middle of the city the buildings are taller like apartment's with a few shops and work areas with people going about their day with quite a few have different breeds of dogs by their sides. Some of the building have designs carved into the doorways and edges. They continue walking through the city and more towards the capital area which seems less busy everyone seeming to head towards the market when they notice a little ways away something heading towards them very slowly. They can make out that it is some kind of tortoise about three feet long and 2 feet tall. The shell is light tan to brown in color with a yellow tan, and brown shell. Its legs seem to be covered in long hard scales like for borrowing and a pleasant, calm smile like expression. It slowly makes its way right towards them and specifically Orion.

Orion: (He smiles upon the sight of the tortoise). Rocky!

Chazz: (Has a confused look). Rocky?

Rowen: Meet his pet turtle named Rocky, He is like a type of mascot for the city.

Shizen: He has been growing since last I saw him.

Kairi: (Has an expression of awe that quickly turns into a big smile of excitement going over Orion to see the tortoise). You have a pet tortoise!

Jennifer: (Goes next to Kairi with Kura behind to see as well). Hello there, you seem like a friendly tortoise.

Orion: (The tortoise Rocky stretches its neck to look up at them though mostly Orion moving closer seeming very happy to see him. He pets Rocky with a smirk). Hey there buddy, missed you a lot. (Rocky leans into the pet while slowly trying to climb onto Orion's lap noticing the pumpkin as well).

Kairi: (Giggles as she pets Rocky's shell). He is so cute, hi Rocky.

Jennifer: (Smiles petting the tortoise as well). he definitely is happy. He reminds me of a type of tortoise called a Sulcata I have seen in our own world.

Shizen: (Laughs as she greets Rocky as well). Very similar although they grow quite a bit bigger, it just takes centuries to get there. Rocky here is quite young still, looks about 3 feet long now and what 200, 300 pounds?

Orion: (He picks up the tortoise with ease as he prepares a small earth plating on his legs to hold weight easier and then places him on his lap). There you go, I know you always enjoyed being right here.

Kairi: (Continues to giggle and pet the shell). He looks so happy and friendly too!

Orion: (Rocky tries reaching for the pumpkin in Orion's other hand more as it relaxes on his lap. As Orion pets him Owlet rustles himself out of Hiki's bag fully flapping his wings to hop and glide to land clumsily onto Rocky's shell who quickly ducks his head back into his shell). It's ok Rocky it's a friend, no need to get nervous I promise. (As he pets his shell smoothly).

Hiki: Ahh come on Owlet don't be naughty! (She starts to grab Owlet but is stopped midway by Rowen).

Rowen: Just take it easy now Hiki, let's see what happens. (Owlet once getting his balance stands on top of the shell continues looking in different angles at the shell curiously seeming to settle down sitting on top of it. Rocky has his head tucked in with his legs tucked close with the hard scales on them pointed outward being not sure of what the sudden movement was of Owlets wings still. He seems to slowly calm down when Owlet sits comfortably on top of him).

Tori: (Silver still stands on Tori's shoulder her vision still darkened by Tori but chirps annoyed not knowing fully what is going on). Oh you shush, you're not getting out of that until you become better with shiny stones.

Shizen: (Looks at Tori with a amused expression). She may have that on her for quite a while. Some birds have that habit of collecting anything shiny they have, especially to decorate a nest.

Jennifer: (Takes notice of the darkness on Silver's eyes as well). I have seen it a lot with chickens and turkeys. They are almost hypnotized by shiny objects.

Tori: I know that, just don't want her causing problems for everyone so going to keep her like this until we leave the market.

Shizen: Were almost out of the area, just keep a eye on her. (She looks to Orion with Rocky and smiles with a small laugh seeming Rocky lean onto Orion contently being pet). Rocky really has grown yet still acts like you're his parent as always, that will never change. What will you do when he becomes to big in a century or two to sit in your lap?

Orion: Then I'll just go on top of him instead, I'm sure he understands that.

Kairi: (Still has a big smile petting Rocky's shell). Wow that would be so cool, then you can travel on Rocky like a horsey!

Shizen: (Laughs more). Well that wouldn't be a very fast way to travel but I see that happening with him.

Rowen: Though it would be a very interesting sight to see.

Chazz: Also would be very....

Tori: Unexpected.

Shizen: (Laughs more petting Rocky as she picks Owlet up to give back to Hiki). I can agree with that.

Kairi: (Looks at Rocky still in wonder then looks up at Orion). How did you find Rocky?

Shizen: (Smirks as thinks back). Oh I remember this well.

Orion: (He smirks as well having the memory in his mind though a small hint of gloom he pushes back). Well it was a normal day really where I was talking to Shizen about... Special things that I needed advice on... Well we decided to walk near the border of the capital city it was a nice walk to clear my head. Along the way we had come across these strange sets of rocks that seemed out of place really. So I decided to sit down on one of the bigger rocks but as I was sitting I could feel one of the tiny rocks moving as I inspected it in my hand and I... Uh kind of freaked out in a way... Regardless I was taken heavily off guard and I wasn't sure on how to properly react in the moment but then Shizen noticed something special about the so called "rock". It turns out the rock was the egg of good old Rocky here and after I was given the effort from Shizen. It hatched and me and Rocky immediately bonded and well the small stuff can be saved for another time buts overall on how we met.

Shizen: (Has a amused look as she remembers and laughs). Seeing that tiny egg shake and watching Orion jump and freak out was great. Usually there's a parent tortoise nearby however there wasn't one so when Rocky hatched he first saw Orion and so no matter what Rocky always followed him.

Kairi: (Giggles enjoying hearing about Orion meeting Rocky). He is a really good tortoise.

Orion: Yeah you never would let that go really... I have no regrets though because I got to meet Rocky so it was worth it.

Jennifer: (Smiles at Rocky). He feels the same way, you have a great bond.

Shizen: (Smiles and nod). Your very right there. (Everyone smiles back at the smiling tortoise as it tries reaching for the pumpkin again while staying on Orion's lap).

Kairi: (Giggles). Is that why you bought a pumpkin?

Orion: Yeah, it's his favorite type of food so it only makes sense to bring him one whenever I come back to the city.

Jennifer: (Here's a growl from a stomach hearing it from Chazz's direction). Well then we can get something to eat together then.

Shizen: (Laughs again). There is a pub more towards the capital Orion always grabs food from when I visit. I'm sure Orion wanted to show what his culture's cuisine is like.

Chazz: (He frowns from the growl in his stomach). Well I was not planning on eating but I guess my stomach had other plans.

Hiki: (She laughs as well as Tori). Then let's head to the pub, that sounds like fun!

Rowen: I have been there before as well, it is a pretty swell place to eat at. A very fine establishment.

Shizen: (Pats Orion's back as she and others start to stand). Yes and I'm sure you are getting tired of only vegetables meals Orion, although they are quite healthy.

Orion: Yeah I want to have our cities shepherd's pie again... Haven't had it in the longest time, I miss it. (He has Rocky get off his lap as he stands up to stretch).

Chazz: Sheppard's pie? I thought meals were different in the spirit world.

Rowen: Well they can be in terms of ingredients in some of them though the same food culture seems to overlap in the two realm's.

Shizen: Many influence each other when visiting. Mostly a spirit visiting and bringing back what they learned whether food or clothing in the second generation of spirits or the other way around with the human teaching throughout their life that spirit's culture that spread throughout the area through the generations.

Jennifer: (Think for a moment). I have never thought about it like that....

Orion: It is actually amazing if you think about it. One culture generates the drive to better the other just by sharing what they know. It's a cycle that hasn't really stopped.

Kairi: (Still is trying to wrap her head around the idea). So that means every element has similar culture to back on our world somewhere?

Kura: I've learned about that a while ago from a book my aunt had given me and from what I have seen every land here is quite different for each other especially the foods and dress of each territory.

Kairi: (Looks even more amazed). I want to travel to all of the territories and try all of the foods then.

Hiki: Yes every land has its own culture of food, it's like traveling to a different part of your own world but maybe a little smaller.

Jennifer: From what I've seen this world seems quite vast.

Shizen: It feels like it when traveling this way but if there is access to gates between lands then the world feels much smaller.

Kairi: Oh like the ones we go through to here?

Shizen: (Nods). Very similar to that.

Kairi: (Looks amazed at every little fact she learns as well as the look of the city when making it to a more open street. She is amazed by how high the city goes and how flawless the simple stone carvings are). I think this place is giant though, this world isn't small at all.

Shizen: (Laughs). Well this is one of the biggest cities besides the neutral one.

Chazz: Is that true? I would think the realms would be about the same size.

Tori: In a way yes, but the difference is that with your world there's mostly water scattered in more placeds. While in this one they are all connected... The water city is the exception since they need to be underwater but besides that everything is connected.

Orion: Yeah, Mizu has the only city connected by a large body of water for obvious reasons. However there are multiple small lakes and rivers passing through each territory and a few select amount of small seas.

Shizen: Yes Mizu does have the biggest territory, she also has the frozen land to the north of her ocean since that is water as well just frozen. (She seems to shiver at the thought remembering how cold it was as well as other things she pushes to the side).

Kairi: (Is about to ask about Mizuko's ocean but stops once them make their way out of the street and into a more open area with big buildings).

They step into a very large open courtyard with statues scattered around the area resembling key figures in some areas of the courtyard. It seems to be more of the social area of the city having restaurants with some market stands scattered around with a small park in the center.

Kairi: (Looks around at the large courtyard). Whoa this place is giant and feels just as busy too!

Shizen: Orion's home is near this courtyard as well. It suits you quite well too. (She grins at Orion).

Orion: (He scratches his head). Yeah I did want the city to have a type of social square as for festivals and other things close to that since we can't just be all city.

Jennifer: I can understand that and a open area helps, I am glad there is grass though it gives more color and feels more like a park.

Kairi: (Looks around at the area walking through with everyone). Wow it must be great living here!

Orion: Not to toot my horn or anything but it is pretty nice living here since I try to make sure everyone gets comfortable at least.

Shizen: (Smirks). I would say the praise has gotten to your head, just wait until they see your statue.

Kairi: Wait is it like the statue of you in your city does every city have that?

Shizen: Yes it was a group agreement at a council meeting but Orion chose a more... Casual look for his rather than the serious stately poses everyone else had. (She snickers at the thought). Suited you though honestly.

Orion: I could never get with the serious dynamic the council had going for them so I wanted something that fit me... Really.

Shizen: You definitely accomplished that... That was a good meeting though and you had a great point with that statue. (She laughs a little).

Kairi: Can we go see it after we eat at that place you mentioned, it sounds really cool.

Orion: Well I don't see why not since it's close by it anyways.

Kairi: (Smiles brightly). I look forward to it!

They continue to walk through the courtyard taking in the sight of the flat grassy park with a few trees. As they are walking they start to hear loud hound like barks to the side of them being heard louder and louder as it gets nearer looking around to see what direction it is coming from. Shizen puts her hand over her eyes to shade them from the sun in the direction she hears it.

Rowen: (He immediately knows those barks as does Orion as he smiles). We may have another guest with us very shortly.

Chazz: (He looks confused as he looks around).

They see a large dog in the direction Shizen is staring. The dog is very large being about 3 feet tall standing on all four feet about the same size as a small horse with a hound like bark. Its fur is gray, rough, very wiry and shaggy. The dog heads right for Orion seeming more strong then fast with his stride but not slowing down at all.

Orion: (He sighs as he puts Rocky). Only one second alright buddy... It's time for Spike. (Rocky ducks into his shell as soon as he is put down. The dog runs up to Orion smelling him excitedly with his tail wagging. His hound like bark change more to a low pups bark for attention even with his size. He jumps up on Orion putting his front paws on his shoulders being about 7 feet tall on its hind legs as it licks Orion's face and a big dog smile as it stays jumped up on Orion's shoulder looking like a hug). Alright, alright now Spike calm down. I'm back home I know but we got guests so need to mind your manners remember?

Chazz: (He and the rest of the group that does not know seem confused. Spike does not seem to listen about the manners trying to get his hind legs up to get Orion to hold him like a puppy even though he is so big).

Jennifer: (Moves closer having trouble believing how big this dog is). You have a dog to?

Kairi: (Her eyes are wide in amazement but also excitement to see the dog). He is so huge, are you sure that is not a pony!

Shizen: (Crosses her arms with a grin). You never told me you adopted a dog in the report about dog populations. (She pretends to pout but cannot help but grin instead).

Rowen: Well from what he has told was the dog came to him when he was a puppy and Orion just felt a huge connection between the two so the dog has become what you see now.

Jennifer: He is definitely not puppy size anymore but it sounds like he still think he is.

Kairi: (Goes over to pet Spike), He is a giant puppy then! And he looks like a cave doggy, he is so shaggy!

Shizen: Well explain why there wasn't a single complaint in his report on growing dog populations. (She pats Orion's back looking amused as the dog is in his arms). Have your hands full then?

Orion: Just a little... But don't worry he should be done soon. (As it seems Spike is calming down a bit having gotten the affection he missed).

Jennifer: (As Spike climbs back down she gets a good look at the dog and smiles). I have seen dogs almost this big bred in northern lands at home, they are called wolfhounds. I believe they bred them because they were loyal and large to become hunting dogs but they were too much of a gentle giant at times for that.

Shizen: (Smirks). The dog does suit you perfectly, a big shaggy gentle giant.

Kairi: (Smiles at the dog as it gives her a kiss being only a little shorter then her on all fours as she pets him and giggles).

Tori: It seems like Spike likes you too Kairi. (He smiles as he pets him as does Hiki)

Hiki: (She can't stop smiling seeing the dog). He is so cute!

Rowen: Well he is a very affectionate dog that knows that everyone needs some love and though yes they are a passive species. Not that does not mean they cannot be intimidating in their own way.

Shizen: (Nods in agreement). Yes all dogs share that loyalty.

Kairi: He really is cute! Sis can you tell me what he is saying? (She continues to pet Spike and giggles as he licks hers and the others faces able to reach easily).

Jennifer: (Laughs). I think he is making it clear what he is saying and feeling. I do not think I need to translate.

Kura: (Lets Spike give his kisses and says hello as well with a few pats on the head). I don't think I've ever seen a dog this big.

Tori: (Spike continues his greeting reaching up to sniff the birds as well Silver starting to flap her wings frantically with a cawing noise at the canine smell thinking it's a predator since she is mostly blinded while Owlet simple tilts his head at Spike with a few wing flaps at first being so close). It's ok Silver, it isn't a predator so calm down ok?

Jennifer: (Looks around Spike at Rocky next to Orion and also at the pumpkin that dropped, Rocky already starting to dig into it). Rocky seems to be enjoying the pumpkin. I guess he is thinking about lunch as well.

Orion: Well I wanted to see them both at home before lunch but I guess they couldn't wait so they decided to come find me.

Shizen: They missed you but I'm sure they can come with us, we can eat outside the pub with them. Rocky already has a head start on that. (As Rocky looks up at Orion his face covered with pumpkin).

Orion: Alright Rocky I'll carry you over there and Spike you better be on your good behavior or no Sheppard's pie for you.

Jennifer: (Laughs as Spike wags his tail and follows Orion obediently). Well they do seem well behaved.

Kairi: (Giggles and nods). Sheppard's pie sounds good too, I wonder what else they have here.

Rowen: Well this specific pub we are going to ranges heavily from Irish specialties to other types of sandwiches. A very unique arrangement of foods really

Shizen: It's Orion's favorite pub, I'm sure he will look forward for all of you to try it.

Kairi: Ooh sounds good, lets go! (She skips to Orion to follow being unsure of where they are going).

Shizen: (Grins as she lifts her mug that was full of mead putting her other arm around Rowen). A good opportunity to get another refill as well.

They all follow Orion and his pets to the pub leaving out of the courtyard and to another street. They follow to a older looking stone bar and restaurant. They see how casual the place looks with a bar, wooden chairs and tables inside and outside of the place. They are led to the outside part with the animals, Orion sitting at a long stone table with wooden chairs leaning back to relax as Spike tries to sit on the bench as well. He ends up lying down his head resting on Orion's lap with the rest of his body sprawled lying on the bench taking up most of that side with Rocky set down on the ground to enjoy the rest of the pumpkin.

Jennifer: (Looks around the pubs atmosphere). So this is the place? It feels very rustic yet warm.

Rowen: It is like that but it is a very popular and welcoming pub since their food is something that is well known throughout the city. However they can be a little pricey so it is seen as a celebration place but a decent place to drink at since those prices are good overall for the quality.

Jennifer: (Digs in her purse). Well if their focus on quality then it will be well worth it. I hope we brought enough to eat here. (As she pulls out the gold coin currency she brought from home).

Shizen: (Laughs). There's no need to worry, we have enough though earth spirits are particularly fond of gold and precious metals.

Orion: Don't worry about money as they are doing this meal as paying for a favor I did for them once so don't worry about how much it's worth it for now.

Jennifer: (Puts her purse down). Alright if you are sure.

Kairi: (Looks for if some kind of menu). What should we get then?

Shizen: I suggest just trusting the staff here. There are specials to what they have most quality of since it's most popular.

Jennifer: Most restaurants use that system with seasonal ingredients.

Kura: (Is offered a menu by a waitress first). Seems to make sense.

Rowen: Well do not worry about it too much, just go look at the menu and see what seems interesting and just go from that.

Kairi: (Nods as she happily reads the menu).

Jennifer: (As she reads she looks over to Spike sprawled out on the bench with his head on Orion's lap and the rest taking up most of that bench). He seems comfortable.

Orion: Yeah I had to make sure he had his own bench because he does this quite often but it means he's comfortable so I'm happy to see him like this.

Kairi: He is sleepy too, are you going to order him something to eat too?

Orion: (He smirks). Well of course I have too or he would have a fuss so hmm what I should get him.... (He looks at the menu wondering and then finally smirks as he finds one). Yes, yes here we go now. I shall get him a Irish pub style meatloaf. Does that sound good to you Spike? (Spike instantly looks up at Orion linking his lips with a begging look and tail wagging making the others laugh at the clear answer the dog gave).

They all talk to each other each ordering what stands out to them and Shizen ordering another mug of mead as well. They all talk about plans for travel and the city, the food coming out at a quick pace. The first thing they notice is how large the portions are once set around the table and scattered about. They receive things like corned beef, sausage and mash potatoes, brown bread, beef stew, cream bundt cake, boxty potato pancakes, shepherd's pie, Cornish pastie, cabbage beef casserole, and sausage, bacon, onion and potato hotpot.

Jennifer: (Her eyes go wide seeing how big the portions are). ... Is this really our food?

Kairi: (Has the same expression) ... There is so much.

Shizen: (Cannot help but laugh at the reaction). Well earth spirits do tend to go all out.

Hiki: (She looks at the food being slightly intimidated by it all). No kidding there....

Kura: (Has the same expression). But really, are you sure all of this is ours?

Shizen: (Laughs more). Yes it is, now dig in. (As she passes the big tray of Sheppard's pie knowing it's what Orion has wanted most from here). Besides earth spirit eat like this to keep their great strength up.

Orion: Not always really, it's just how this pub is. Whatever we don't finish we can eat on the travel so all in all we will have food to eat at least.

Jennifer: It looks like enough food to last us a week.

Kairi: (Looks at the plate curiously seeing they use a lot of potatoes and meat and goes in to take a bite. Once she does her eyes widen). It is so good though and savory.

Tori: Well I guess that's the point of the huge servings but we might as well start eating, not going to finish itself.

Kairi: (Nods as she takes the mash potatoes enjoying them a lot).

Jennifer: (Starts passing around the food for everyone to put on their plate passing the beef and potato stew as well since she is at the end of the table with Hiki and Tori).

Hiki: (She smiles as she makes up her plate mostly with mashed potatoes while Tori the opposite as he grabs more beef of the Sheppard's pie).

Rowen: (He just eats what he has ordered as the group settles down as it seems Spike and Rocky are happy to have their master back while it leaves a small jealous feeling in Rowen's heart).

Shizen: (Looks over to Rowen right beside her feeling something is wrong putting a arm around his shoulder to say more privately as well). What's wrong Rowen, the food not to your taste?

Rowen: (He shakes his head as he shakes away the feeling). No, no it is not that at all.

Shizen: (Raises her eyebrows). Hmm then what's on your mind?

Rowen: Nothing really, I promise come on now let's just enjoy the meal. (As he begins to eat again).

Shizen: Hmm very well then. (She kisses Rowen's cheek the begins to eat as well).

Kairi: (As everyone digs in she grabs a piece of the Bundt cake with what looks like honey and nuts on top and eats happily giving some to Hiki as well). You should try it too, it is really good!

Hiki: Hmm then I shall try it Kairi! (She takes a bite and as she is eating it makes a smile on her face). Oh your right, it really is!

Kairi: (Giggles). It is not as sweet as other things but it still taste like sweet bread! (Owlet peers over Hiki's shoulder at the food trying to grab a little bit as she takes bites. Silver does the same leaning in at the beef stew able to smell with a few chirps shifting from one foot to the other).

Tori: (He and Hiki laugh a little as they feed their respected birds). Now, now you can see now just be on your best manners or it happens again ok Silver? (He removes the blinding darkness on Silver. Silver shakes her head and stretches her wings with a cawing noise eating the pieces of beef hungrily.

Orion: (Spike eats as well getting his on big plate of Shepherd's pie as he lays sprawled out on the bench looking at Orion his shaggy fur around his mouth covered in mash potatoes as he licks his lips with his tail wagging hard. He smiles as he pets him as he eats). See told you being good gets you a good reward. (Spike reaches up to lick Orion's face making Rocky look up as well being nearly done with his pumpkin).

Kairi: (Giggles watching Spike and how much food is in his fur).

Orion: Oh don't worry buddy, I didn't forget about you. (He pets Rocky's head and shell). I'm happy your enjoying the pumpkin.

Jennifer: (Smiles at how the two animals are with Orion). They really do love and look up to you.

Shizen: (Smiles and looks over). The great thing about animals, they're so loyal to that one person that take them in as a loved family member. Similar to children in a way as well.

Orion: (He hears the comment). Yeah in a way... They are something close to it though... I can love them just as much.... (The animals notice Orion's sadness in his words. Spike puts his head in Orion's lap as he is being pet as Rocky nudges Orion's foot in their own way of trying to cheer him up).

Shizen: (Realizes what she said and immediately regrets it looking down into her mug with a frown).

Orion: Yeah your right... It's ok, it's ok but let's get back to eating shall we?

Shizen: (Nods taking a sip from the mug wanting to push away the silent mood).

Kairi: (Tilts her head in confusion, not sure what the upset expression was about but Kura puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her from asking so she can try to brighten the mood like she usually does).

Lunch seems to pick up in their mood as they continue eating enjoying the cuisine the earth territory has to offer and surprisingly able to eat most of it together though Orion, Rowen and Shizen having a big part in that. They are completely full as they lean back but not enough to fall off the bench from the wholesome and savory meal.

Jennifer: (Is completely full as she puts her plate to the side). It is so good but I do not think I could eat another bite sadly.

Chazz: (As he burps unintentionally then covers his mouth). Excuse me... And yes it was very delicious. (As Hiki is laying on his lap rubbing her stomach from being so full).

Kairi: (Giggles looking at Chazz hearing the burp).

Jennifer: (Blushes looking over at Hiki but smiles nodding in agreement).

Shizen: You can never leave the earth territory hungry, it's really never aloud.

Rowen: Yes, when I had visited in the past food was practically brought to me with people telling me to eat even though I already ate... I had leftovers for two days after that visit.

Jennifer: I do not think we can carry much more than this, maybe taking along bread since it's easier to eat and carry with our traveling.

Shizen: I believe there is a bakery a bit further up the street. I'm sure they have what we are looking for.

Kairi: Ooh if it is anything like this honey bread and brown bread it must be really good as well.

Shizen: They do stock breads for local restaurants so it wouldn't be surprising.

Tori: Well that does very good but yeah let's get some easy to carry food to take with us. It would be rude to the chef's if we took their food that would go bad midway through the trip.

Shizen: Yes I do know the bakery can seal beef and other things in bread well. They taste better fresh but preserving them so they are edible still is not as difficult.

Kairi: That sounds really good, maybe we can try one while it is still fresh.

Jennifer: (Laughs a little thinking of how full they are). I am not sure I could make room for that right now.

Orion: Don't have to eat it all in one go, if it's one thing I know about our food mostly... Is that it's taste good no matter when you eat it so just enjoying the taste it gives makes it worth it.

Jennifer: (Smiles). That makes sense, especially now that we have taste of the food. It tastes very warm and comforting.

Kura: (Nods in agreement). I wouldn't mind stopping to pick up things for Yami to try as well. I know he eats anything and I don't think he's ever reached a limit on a amount of food.

Shizen: (Grins). Well I'm sure we will stop here again with Yami and Orion's people will put him to the test.

Orion: That sounds wonderful, I'll make sure to get another spot at another pub I eat at regularly. That shall be a fun time.

Kairi: Whenever Yami eats he never looks completely full. Maybe he can eat a infinite amount.

Jennifer: (Laughs a little again). I am sure there is some limit.

Kura: I wouldn't be so sure of that honestly.

Tori: From what I can remember of eating with his family is that everyone had a deep appetite besides you Kura and Chikara. (As he gives his empty plate to the waitress with a smile).

Kura: (Pouts a little reaching to grab Tori's ear). Well from what I remember I didn't have a chance to eat. From the last dinner I remember ended with you and Kuro... Throwing my food at Kishi. (She stops herself a little in the memory and can see a small hint of sadness but then a smile at the good memory).

Tori: Well it's not my fault he was picking on me and I wanted to fight in a way that was easy... Though Shiro got really mad at me and Kuro and oh man it was a very long lecture afterwards but worth it.

Kura: (Smiles more hearing the tone in Tori's voice is happier). I hope it was worth cleaning up the mess afterwards and working to pay back for Chikara's book that was ruined... But you have a point it seeming worth it with such loud laughter from Nagi and Kishi.

Kairi: (Smiles listening to Tori and Kura talk about memories enjoying hearing about them and what it was like).

Shizen: (Smiles as well at the two reminisce knowing old times at that house as well).

Tori: Yeah it was nice times....

Hiki: (As she tries to change subject). I met Shiro before actually, I just remembered something.

Shizen: (She raises her eyebrows in interest at Hiki). You have? I remember Shiro mentioning about talks with your mother about contact with you though they didn't sound like they went as well as she had hoped. You must of been a young child correct?

Hiki: (She shakes her head). No, no it isn't that time... It's when she walked around the city one day and she found me in alleyway... It was after everything that happened it took a little before she remembered me.

Shizen: (Is even more curious). Really, she always had wanted to meet you mentioning something about sensing something about your energy. I think wanting to have a apprentice to cherish in balance to take under her wing like Nagi had his. (She looks at Tori).

Hiki: Well she couldn't take me under her wing without my mom knowing really... But every so often she should me techniques when she came to city... Thanks to her I can control most of the elements when it comes to spells anyway.

Shizen: Ahh that makes sense, she would bring you up in conversations and how special and unique your energy was to have hints of other energies but I never knew how much contact she was able to have with you. I'm glad you met her though... Those two cared a lot about both of you, just as much as their children and grandchildren. (She smiles at both Hiki and Tori).

Tori: Yeah I know... I heard a lot about Hiki but didn't know the name since she never mentioned it really....

Hiki: Oh she did! I'm happy to know she cared a lot... It was like having a second mom at the time, it was great... Though I'm happy with master and Tori... I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Jennifer: (Smiles at Hiki, hearing them and agreeing). Hiki when you met Shiro what did you think of her like a first impression. I have heard a lot about them from Tori and Kura but not from you.

Hiki: (She thinks to herself for a little bit). She was beautiful... In my first glance of her... I didn't know what to think really but she was beautiful at first sight... Then kind and was like a teacher in how she acted sometimes... It was nice to see her kind side yet she would get flustered over some things easily, mostly from her husband.

Kairi: (Smiles as she listens as well). She sounds really nice. It sounds like you act a lot like her too from how kind and pretty you are.

Kura: (Nods in agreement with Kairi as they look at Hiki). You do have a point.

Hiki: (She blushes slightly). No, no I couldn't even try to be like Shiro since... I'm my own person... But thank you anyway. (She smiles as she lays her head on Chazz again).

Kura: (Smiles slightly but downwards a little more to herself). And a very beautiful kind person in your own ways as well.

Jennifer: (Smiles at Hiki). You have a very good point but the person you are is just as amazing.

Shizen: I couldn't put it better myself for every individual at this table. (She smiles at everyone as she starts to gather their things). But we should start heading out again. There's still a few places to stop after all.

Jennifer: We could have someone pick up food for travel at the bakery and meet us to our next stop to save time as well.

Rowen: (He smiles as he raises his hand). I volunteer for that since I know a good bakery Orion took me too last time I was here so I can get there easily.

Shizen: (Looks at Rowen with a smile). As long as you don't mind. We will be heading towards Orion's statue so do you know your way to it? Though it's not hard to miss as a meeting place honestly.

Rowen: Of course. (He smirks). It would be too hard to not know Orion for I look since I see him everyday

Orion: Ouch don't need to say it like that now Rowen! (He and the rest of the group laugh).

Chazz: Well regardless have a safe travel.

Kairi: I am sure the statue looks amazing and giant though, I cannot wait. Oh and I cannot wait to see what you get at the bakery Rowen!

Jennifer: (Laughs patting Kairi's head). We will see when we meet at the statue then.

Rowen smiles and bows before he leaves the pub with an idea of where to go for the bakery. He moves across city as he feels someone is following him but he does not pay much mind to it. Rowen arrives at the bakery as he smiles to see that it is still there and they seem to have the bread he likes. He is browsing the bakery he also sees that there is a sale. Rowen is picking up the bread he wanted but a as he is handed the bag of bread he is also given a pastry fresh out of the oven smelling like it is filled with beef and herbs. It looks like it is made to eat right away but there are no tables or chairs to sit in the bakery or street only the curb of the sidewalk having a few moments to spare having gotten there so quickly. He ponders what he should do but with mildly thinking he shrugs his shoulders as he sits on curb being excited to eat the fresh food. Rowen sits to eat his food but just before he is about to take his first bite he hears odd rustling like something being knocked over in the small alley behind and around the corner towards a darker alley next to the bakery. He looks behind him with curiosity wondering what it is so he decides to check it out with the fresh food In his hand.

Rowen: What could that be....

He walks up to the ally he can see it is very shadowed in some areas getting a eerie feeling from it. From what he can see it is quite empty besides a few garbage bins behind the store with one knocked over which must of been the sound as well as what looks like a old cardboard boxes beside it. He gets on guard a little bit as he examines the alleyway while also looking around seeing if anyone is there. The ally seems mostly quiet but once Rowen is turning to leave thinking it was nothing one of the old cardboard boxes tipped to the side of the garbage bins rustles around like there is something alive moving around inside it. He goes over to the box and in small surprise he sees a dog which scares him for a second making him take a back step. He only catches a glimpse of the dog being on guard until a high whimpering puppy sound is heard inside the box as it flips up right. It is a few seconds of the dog moving around in the box until he can get a better look. He sees more clearly once the dog goes up on its hind legs to try a climb out of its box, its little paws hanging on the side with her head poking out. The dog looks to be a puppy seeming only about a few months in age at most. The dog's fur coat is black with a white blaze on the face, neck, feet, legs, and tail tip looking to be similar to a border collie breed. The dog has a lot of dirt in its fur seeming to be a stray with one ear looking to be damaged by something or part of it was cut giving the assumption it was not treated well in the past. It look up at Rowen with very cute dark brown almost black eyes but timid and unsure of him. Upon seeing the dog he is star struck by how the dog looks and immediately kneels over to the dog being cautious not trying to scare the puppy.

The dog folds her ears back timidly but also reaches out to sniff Rowen being unsure of him still with a puppy like whimpering sound. He frowns as he sees the puppy in this condition.

Rowen: Now how could this happen to a sweet looking dog like you....

The small puppy moves back from Rowen, back into the box sitting in the corner of it. It looks up at Rowen with a look of fear seeming to have bad experiences around people. Still unsure of him putting its ears back more while staying in the corner as if thinking it's in trouble.

Rowen: I see... Well you must be hungry I am sure....

He looks around and breaks down the fresh bread he received and creates a clay bowl for the dog to eat out of.

Rowen: I am sure this will help and maybe this as well....

He makes another bowl and pours some water into it. The puppy hesitantly looks over at the food but slowly waddles towards it sniffing the fresh bread quite a lot. The puppy starts eating once getting a sense it's safe to as well as drinking the water able to tell how hungry the dog is from how fast it is eating the food. Rowen smiles as he sits close to the dog as it eats.

Rowen: Well I am happy you are enjoying it at least.

The dog finishes the bread very quickly as well as the water and then sits facing Rowen its ears still back but a begging look on its face. He can finally see the dog's tail wagging a little as it silently begs besides a small whimper. He sighs as he hands over the rest of the bread to the dog).

Rowen: Here you go then.

The puppy's tail wags more as it eats the rest of the food just as quickly. The food is gone in a few seconds just like before and afterwards sitting a little closer to Rowen looking up at him while licking its lips from the food. Rowen shakes his head.

Rowen: No, no I do not have any more to give you... Hmm I need to have a name to call you or it would be rude, lets see I hear you all the way from the street... Let's go with Echo....

The puppy tilts its head in confusion but does its best to understand making a high pitch bark which echoes through the alley from how narrow it is. Echo moves closer to Rowen sniffing his leg with tail wagging more finally getting a sense that he is safe.

Rowen: Well now I see that the name fits you. (He smiles as he pets Echo). Would you like to come with me now?

Echo's tail continues wagging very fast as the dog tries to go up on its hind legs into Rowen's lap but is only able to lean on his leg from how small a puppy it is still as it chews on his pants leg a little. He laughs as he picks up the puppy.

Rowen: Well I will take that as a yes then Echo... Welcome to my journey.

Echo's tail wags happily finally being held with love reaching up to lick Rowen's face . He pets Echo but as he scratches the wounded ear he hears the dog's discomfort with it.

Rowen: Now what happened here...? How could someone do this to you?

Echo yelps at the ear being touched, shrinking back in Rowen's arm to try and hide in a timid matter again. Rowen panics for a second from the yelp but regains his composure.

Rowen: Oh umm... I am sorry... I will take you to Shizen first to have this looked at... But do not worry, you will not be put through hardships anymore.

Echo settles in Rowen's arms seeming to be very tired but shakes a little from the yelp though licking Rowen's hand as well. Rowen carries the puppy with him being careful of the ear to the meeting place they agreed on. He walks down the streets doing his best to recall the way to Orion's statue. He walks for a few moment before reaching a intersection of a street near the meeting place. He notices the group first making their way out of the streets and into a open area the statue is located at.

Rowen: (He gets closer to the group and waves at them with the only free arm that he has). Oh everyone, I am over here.

Kairi: (Turns hearing Rowen and waves with a bright smile). Hi Rowen!

Shizen: (Walks over with a grin towards Rowen seeing him wave). Ahh there you are. I was worried you had become lost.

Rowen: Now that would be hard to do really with this status here.

Shizen: (Raises her eyebrows but then notices a small puppy in Rowen's other arm instantly showing more interest her grin growing). Oh I see.

Jennifer: (Is right behind Shizen noticing the puppy laying in Rowen's arm right after). A dog?

Kairi: (Instantly has her attention hearing about a dog going on her toes to try and see). You have a doggy!?

Rowen: (He laughs as he looks down at Echo). I was wondering when you would notice but yes I have this little one here.

Shizen: (Walks over to beside Rowen looking down at the curious puppy as it sniffs its sounding). Ahh very little one indeed.

Kairi: (Finally can see the dog getting very excited and immediately catching everyone else's attention especially Hiki). It is a puppy!

Hiki: (Cannot help but get excited as she rushes by Kairi). It's so cute!

Jennifer: (Is right with Hiki and Kairi as the puppy sniffs around the people starting to come over with tail wagging but ears back in a nervous timid matter). Looks like a border collie too, where did you find her?

Rowen: By the alleyway next to the bakery I went too... She was very cautious since it seemed like she did not have a good time with humans beforehand.

Shizen: (She and Jennifer notices the condition of the puppy immediately). I see.... (She looks at Rowen knowing she wants to check on the puppy from her concern, Orion coming over to look at the puppy as well).

Orion: Oh I have heard some stories about the dog as everyone was dragging me along before we met up I was hoping to stop by their later but I guess you beat me too it.

Shizen: (Has a more serious expression saying more quietly while examining the dog closer). She shows signs she was neglected at the least... I am glad you found her now. She's so young to survive being a stray for long... I'm thankful you saved her then Rowen.

Jennifer: (Looks over the dog as well frowning at how much dirt is in Echo's fur petting her gently and calmly). It is alright girl, you are safe now.

Kairi: (Looks at the puppy now being concerned seeing the serious look). Is the puppy alright?

Rowen: (He nods his head yes). Yes it seems she is alright now, I fed her some free bread I got from the bakery and gave her some water as well knowing it would probably help.

Shizen: (Looks at Rowen while placing a hand by Echo nose to sniff and get to know her then pets her gently like Jennifer had done). Do you mind if I do a small check up on her anyways? It doesn't hurt to make sure.

Rowen: Please be my guest, I was hoping you would but I am not sure how she is with anyone else.

Shizen: Perhaps not surround her. It can be overwhelming at first. (She calmly pets the puppy to make sure the puppy is alright with moving to her. Echo does a little high pitched bark seeming to enjoy positive attention for a change).

Kairi: (Looks up at Jennifer wondering about the bark). What did she say, is she happy?

Jennifer: (Smiles at Kairi). I think so, it is similar to listening to a toddler or baby talk though but perhaps give Shizen some space to look at the puppy. I am sure she will want to play later.

Shizen: (Smiles and nods to Jennifer looking at Hiki and Kairi as a sign to go over to where Chazz and Tori are with Spike and Rocky). Thank you Child, I was about to ask for that. Don't worry, it won't take long.

Rowen: (He shakes his head yes as he sits down at a nearby bench with Shizen and Orion).

Shizen: (Smiles calmly at the puppy in Rowen's lap moving slowly and carefully not to scare her. She starts to move Echo from his lap to hers when Echo starts to whimper at moving away from Rowen. Shizen pets her and holds the puppy similar to holding a baby in a very comforting way. Rowen's able to see the maternal instinct holding Echo and the soothing calm words to stop the pups whimpers). It's alright little one... No need to be afraid anymore... I've got you... Shh it's alright. (As she does this the puppy's whimpers slowly lesson and calm).

Rowen: (He is taken back by the sight being reminded of the sight of his first wife practicing on a baby doll... He cannot help but smile yet feel sadness in his heart).

Shizen: (The puppy is calmed down and she pets her head). There we are, see you're safe now.... (She sighs but still smiles looking at Rowen but stops once noticing the smile yet hint of sadness). Rowen?.... Is something wrong?

Rowen: No... No nothing is wrong but I am happy you were able to help Echo... I am glad.

Shizen: (Pauses looking into Rowen's eyes but decides to ask when more alone looking back to the puppy that sniffs and wags her tail on her lap). Hmm very well then... Echo... Is that what you have named her?

Rowen: Yes it was. I thought of it after hearing her echo through the alley way.

Shizen: Ahh I see then, well hello Echo just stay calm a little longer. Just a small check up. (She starts to look Echo over more carefully her hand slowly going across her fur as it glows green. Echo seems to sniff and nip at the green glow but calms down even more as it seems like the energy is making Echo relax as Rowen and Orion watch next to her).

Orion: Whatever it seems you are doing seems to be working really well. It seems she is completely calm down, like all of her anxiety is gone for right now.

Shizen: (Nods as she focuses). I am checking her condition now but she has been through a lot. There's bruising I am healing now but other then that she is in stable condition besides being underweight. I don't feel that she is timid though. I get the impression she is more hyper and rambunctious in nature. She just needs the right person to treat and understand the hyperactive nature which I believe from her condition and fear she hasn't had that yet....

Rowen: (He smiles as he hold onto Echo and pets her). Well I will make sure she is not put through all that past trouble again.

Shizen: (Smiles and nods keeping her glowing hand on Echo to heal her). I'm glad you are taking her in then. When you looked at Orion with Spike and Rocky I almost thought I saw a look of jealousy wanting your own animal companion as well. I'm glad you found one of your own in Echo then.

Rowen: Well I was a little bit... But I was still happy to see everyone else happy.

Shizen: I can understand that very well though. (She gives Rowen a kiss on his cheek then goes back to focusing on healing Echo pausing once reaching the injured ear inspecting it closely. She narrows her eyes with a frown becoming very bothered feeling the damage of the ear getting Echo and flinch and yelp slightly at first).

Orion: (He looks with heavy interest at what Shizen is seeing of what caused the injury to the heavily damaged ear).

Shizen: (Continues to look over the ear more carefully narrowing her eyes at the damage as both can see her expression becomes more serious and upset). This... Wasn't accidental.... (She carefully lifts the ear showing that it is a bit smaller then her other ear because it looks like the tip of it was cut off with redness and swelling inside the ear).

Rowen: (He is silent as he visually more upset at the idea of this type of thing being done on purpose).

Shizen: (Closes her eyes and takes a breath to calm herself first wanting to focus on what she can heal of it). I will heal what I can of it but I cannot grow back the part of the ear that was lost. It will look visibly shorter permanently. Perhaps when her fur grows more it will cover up some of it but as for internal damage or the ear she has a ear infection and may be prone to them in this ear. I can make something to put on her ear to help it since its harder to heal with only energy but it's too early with the swelling to tell if the hearing is this ear is damaged permanently. (She looks down as she heals what she can of the wounded ear taking another breath).

Rowen: Well whatever happens I am sure you will do everything in your power to help right now so just relax and focus. I will help keep Echo relaxed.

Shizen: (Nods as she puts her full attention into her healing able to close up the wound but unable to grow back the missing part. She then reaches her bag pulling out medical herbs she used for Silver the day before). Again I healed the wound but I cannot grow back the part of the ear that was cut however for the infection it needs to be dealt with naturally. Rowen I can give you the herbs to use on her ear. It will be uncomfortable for her but it will get rid out the infection at least. Her hearing should be mostly intact as well, just a little better in her healthy ear. (She sighs as her hand stops glowing with her energy healing all she could with it).

Rowen: (He smiles as he kiss Shizen). alright I will do my best... I just ask for help making sure she is comfortable.

Shizen: (Smiles back at Rowen). I'm sure you will take good care of Echo here. You have a way with animals, you're very kind to them so I think she sensed that in you. Since she is just a pup and a hyperactivity breed I would keep a close eye on her since that nature can be a handful... As well as teething. (She has a amused look as she notices Echo chewing through the leather band of Rowen's watch on his wrist as she wags her tail).

Rowen: (He immediately jerks back his arm so he can try to save his watch but as he looks at it seems it is already too late. He seems a little upset since the watch was from his first wife). Well... That is unfortunate.

Shizen: (Places a hand on Rowen's shoulder to try and cheer him up as Echo tries to climb up and lick his face but struggling to reach while wagging her tail). I'm sure she didn't mean to, perhaps we can save the metal case part since only the leather band looks damaged at least.

Rowen: Alright but... Let's focus on Echo for now, I am sure someone in the city can help with the leather working.

Orion: I know a shop so it should be an easy stop for a quick fix.

Shizen: Well she seems energetic and happy enough. (She starts to put mix of what looks like herbal water in a vial offering it to Rowen). She should be fine besides the ear being shorter and being prone to ear infections. Use this in her ear for the infections and it should take care of the ear. I will warn it does sting a little though.

Rowen: (As he takes the vial of medicine from Shizen he sees that Echo is feeling energize again and smiles). Well I am happy to see her like this after seeming to be all alone.

Shizen: (Smiles at Rowen and Echo). I'm glad she found a home with you then. (As they are talking Orion's pets go towards them Spike being first as he sniffs and licks Orion's face then sniffs Echo in Rowen's lap. Echo shrinks back at the approach of the large dog but sniffs Spike as well as if getting to know each other).

Rowen: Well it looks like they might get along fine.

Orion: (He laughs). That's just how Spike is, he can get along with anyone.

Shizen: (Smirks at Orion). He's a gentle giant just like his owner. (As Rocky lags behind to go towards Orion with the rest of the group as well, specifically Hiki and Kairi wanting to see the puppy most with a sparkle in their eyes).

Hiki: (As soon as she is able to get close the puppy Kairi is close behind them as they make their way towards Echo in awe).

Kairi: (Looks from Rowen to Echo who wags her tail seeming less timid than before towards them). So cute... Is she alright, are you keeping her?

Shizen: (Laughs a little). She is fine. A bit hyperactive but quite a intelligent little one.

Rowen: And it seems she will be traveling with us on my journey

Jennifer: (Looks at Rowen with concern). Will it be too dangerous for her? She is very young, what if we run into some sort of trouble? (As Echo turns to Rowen putting her front paws up at him with big cute eyes and a wagging tail as she tries reach up and lick his face).

Rowen: I will make sure that she is kept safe, no need to worry about her. (As he pets her head)

Kura: (Seems concerned as well). As long as she is kept safe then.

Shizen: A animal companion can help quite a lot for many things. They make a bond with their human or spirit and it can almost be immediate. (She looks at Hiki and Tori with Silver and Owlet on their shoulder). They can be quite stubborn about staying by your side and since Rowen saved this little one leaving her behind would be quit harming. I don't advise animals this young traveling like this but then if left here she would feel abandoned like before. A animals bond is strong, it is the reason Orion's two hearing them I can tell they don't like him being away so long. (As Rocky looks up at Orion beside him and Spike rests his head on his lap).

Jennifer: (Seems to understand what Shizen is saying and sighs). I understand... I just cannot stand the thought of animals getting hurt in some way.

Shizen: (Nods in agreement). It's like the feeling of anyone becoming hurt honestly, they could be human, spirit or animal so I understand your worries.

Kairi: (Frowns a little then gives a determined look). It is alright, we will all protect each other. Nothing bad will happen as long as that happens.

Rowen; Well of course we will all make sure of that.

Hiki: (She smiles as she looks Echo then everyone with a sorrow expression that changes to a smile).

Kairi: (Reaches to pet and greet the puppy with a bright smile Echo turning around on Rowen lap to wag her tail and lick and play being less hesitant to show her true nature making Kairi giggle. She pets the dog more cleaning the dirt too from the ally and notices how much her black and white markings stand out looking at them with wonder how pretty of a puppy she is. She gets a idea from the black and white markings looking to Chazz, Hiki and Tori). She is so cute! She is like a balance puppy too!

Chazz: (He laughs from the comment greatly as the markings do resemble the idea of their energy).

Jennifer: (Looks at the border collie markings and cannot help but laugh and agree).

Shizen: (Bursts out in laughter just as much at the comment looking at Rowen and patting him on the back). You just can't stay away from raising balance can you?

Rowen: (He smirks with a small blush). Well I guess I cannot since the first one seems to be just fine with the ones he is with.

Chazz: (He is taken off guard a bit). Yes... You did a fine job Rowen... Though still need you around.

Jennifer: (Smiles looking from Chazz to Rowen). That is true.

Shizen: I've come to learn that even as students grow into young adults they still want their teachers guidance.

Kairi: (Has a big smile petting Echo still). Now you have two students to look up to you!

Shizen: (Laughs again looking at all of the younger ones in the group). Even more really.

Rowen: Well that is true... But... Nevermind let's get going before it gets late into the day.

Shizen: (Stands up and nods). Ahh yes I believe our meeting place was near the statue.

Kairi: Oh Orion's statue!

Kura: (Has a questioning look). A meeting place?

Shizen: Ahh yes, Orion has a workshop near the statue. I believe that's the meeting place Orion chose.

Orion: (He thinks to himself). Oh yes you are correct, I was distracted so I had forgotten about the meeting place.

Jennifer: (Has a little confusion). Alright then... Who are we meeting then? I do not remember you telling us.

Orion: (He smiles). Oh don't worry about a thing and let's just get going ok, don't want to keep them waiting long.

Kura: (Sighs as they start to walk down the street). I hope they are there soon as well then.

The group continues and carry or walk beside their pets noticing this side of the city is much calmer. It is more open as they turn the corner seeing they are on part of the mountain that was carved out. There is a stone rail to look out onto the scenery safely where land and the ocean on the other side meet as well as a humble looking workshop to the side. To the side where the mountain wall starts rising again is where a large stone statue of Orion is. The statue is all grey like the mountain stone and very well detailed looking like Orion perfectly though with a bit of a longer beard. Instead of holding his weapon or a expression of thought his statue leans against the mountain wall very casually with a big grin and arms crossed. There is also green grass under the statue with a duck pond at his feet with a few benches, the area seeming to be a good place to clear someone's mind.

Orion: (As the arrive towards the statue he cannot help but smile seeing the statue still there in one piece). Ahh I'm so happy it's still there.

Kairi: (Looks up at the giant statue in awe). It is amazing, it looks just like you!

Jennifer: (Is at a loss of words at first looking at the statue and the view of the landscape). It is... Impressive... Especially the view of the landscape.

Kura: (Looks out at the scenery as well). Yes... It feels peaceful here.

Tori: (He, Hiki and Chazz are taken back by how the scenery doesn't fit the idea of the city so easily yet it feels so relaxing just being in the area).

Rowen: This is one of the popular areas of the city for those who need a proper place to relax.

Shizen: The first generation spirit's statues are always the biggest landmark of a city. Orion's is one of the best ones in manys opinion. It fits him quite perfectly though.

Jennifer: (Goes closer with the group to the statue still going in awe but also noticing a humble looking workshop on the other side of the open area pointing to it). What is that used for? I do not see any other buildings around here.

Shizen: Ahh Orion's workshop, I believe that is where Orion chose to have our meeting spot.

Kairi: (Looks at the workshop to the side then up at Orion with a wondering look). What kind of workshop, is it like the others we saw in the city?

Orion: Yes in a way it was a nice meeting place for me and... Nevermind those details but yes it was a good place since not many are allowed into it unless the city needs repairs. Then I take care of it.

Shizen: (Pats Orion's shoulder with a small comforting smile).

Kairi: (Looks around in awe again at the area becoming excited seeing all of her surroundings especially the duck pond which catches her eyes taking both Jennifer and Hiki's hand to bring with quickly making Owlet flap clumsily at the sudden movement. Kairi pulls them along excitedly with Kura behind them seeing a family of ducks in the middle of the pond). Whoa there is a duck pond here!

Hiki: (She gasps at how pretty the pond looks being very well preserved). It look so pretty.

Kairi: (Giggles as she runs to the edge of the pond kneeling down to look at the ducks in the water with a sparkle in her eye). Their so cute!

Kura: (Looks at the pond and bench smiling at the small park). It's quiet and peaceful. It's a nice change in pace compared to the busyness and crowded market areas. I imagine it's nice to have a break from that.

Orion: Well that was the goal of this park, to allow people to get away from the business and be able to relax.

Jennifer: It is nice, I like how the ponds right beside the feet of your statue.

Shizen: Yes this area and the statue was created to fit Orion's personality. Then again you are the one who created it.

Jennifer: (Looks up at the statue then up at Orion). It is like looking into a stone mirror.

Orion: (As he recreates the pose next to the statute while smiling). Yeah...It took a few days to get the scenery just right. I become a perfectionist when it comes to my work

Shizen: (Laughs as well as everyone else in the group doing the same). Oh you are always a perfectionist when it came to your work though.

Kura: is that why your workshop is here, have a quieter place to focus on your work then?

Orion: That's mostly the reason why... Another reason is because someone requested it of me.

Jennifer: (Has a questioning look). Really? Who requested it?

Shizen: (Quickly cuts into Jennifer's question clearing her throat). Orion I believe you said you would show them your skills of earth crafts. May be a good thing to show them with Rowen while we are here and waiting.

Orion: (He sighs). Ok I need to do a project anyways so might as well do it now.

Kairi: (Her face lights up hearing everything). Ooh I bet it is something really cool, can I help? (As Echo barks in Rowen's arms at the ducks chasing them to the other part of the pond making her pout). Aww do not go, you are just as cute as bunnies.

Rowen: (He laughs as he lets Echo go so she can enjoy the open air but makes a wall to block the dock pond making it too big for her to jump over). Be nice Echo. (Once he lets Echo go she immediately tries to jump up the wall almost jumping the height of it despite her puppy size. She gets distracted not able to see the ducks anymore chasing something and landing into a muddy area besides Rocky who ducks into his shell, Echo putting muddy paws on his shell as well as Chazz's pants leg).

Chazz: Oh... I guess I need to go change now but at least she looks happy now.

Rowen: (He laughs as sits on a nearby bench to watch Echo).

Jennifer: (Looks down at Chazz's shoe and pant leg and laughs). Well it does not look to bad at least.

Shizen: (Grins at Echo sniffing and exploring her surroundings). She is quite the curious and adventurous little one.

Kairi: (Giggles going over to watch and play with the puppy). She reminds me of one of the wolf pups. The one that was grey and kept running around and chewing on things like Chazz and Tori's shoes.

Shizen: (Pauses and thinks back). Hmm quite similar indeed.

Tori: Well if it's going to be like that than you may not even want to change master since it seems like Echo is a very playful and energetic puppy.

Chazz: (He sighs). And yes you are right completely... Sadly.

Shizen: We are on the road so I do not believe we are able to focus on our appearances as much as we would want to. It is something you will need to get used to.

Jennifer: (Nods). I understand, it's easier to manage without the elegant dresses to worry about. (She smiles seeming happier to not have to worry about dresses getting ruined like at the mansion).

Kura: (Sighs remembering how much care went into Kairi's dresses). I think I can agree.

Shizen: (Grin and laugh but also watches Echo try to play with Spike who wags his tail while laying down watching Echo more calmly). Consider this as a break from those things then. (She sighs looking out into the distance more now hearing a griffin's call echo out from another mountain in the scenery. Hearing the far off call instantly makes Silver alert and perk up to scan the surrounding Owlet doing the same but more calmly and curiously turning his head in all angles).

Orion: Oh I hear it's back now, I'm glad to hear that. (He smiles as he waves towards a nest that is on the mountain).

Shizen: (looks in the distance as well towards the mountain tops). Looks like there will be quite a few griffin chicks this season. I would advise not flying in the mountains for a decade or two. Mothers are always quite protective of their young.

Tori: (He smirks). Wish I found that out earlier.

Orion: (He laughs). Yes this Griffin here is a resident of the city technically, much different than the one we encountered earlier. She allows flight just not too close really.

Shizen: Yes even a griffin used to spirits though can get even more hostile then males about her chicks. It is best to stay away until the mother is comfortable.

Kairi: (Looks up at Tori). Maybe you can meet the griffin you ran into again when she has her family. She seemed to like you.

Orion: Yes I have set barriers nearby to not be in her zone or something close to that. It took some good testing to get that to work correctly.

Shizen: (Smiles at Orion). I appreciate that measure being taken then. (She looks one more time at the mountain tops with a grin then back to the group). Shall we start heading to the workshop now?

Kairi: (Looks back and gets a bright smile up at Orion). Ooh I cannot wait! Can I help with whatever you are making?

Orion: (He smiles but then looks away from the group facing the workshop). Yeah... Let's get going.

Shizen: (Nods as she starts to leave with Rowen and Echo following Orion, Rocky and Spike).

Kairi: (Skips to catch up walking beside Spike with Kura behind them).

Jennifer: (Is gathering her things to follow but notices a oddly shaped rock by another bench near the pond going towards it curiously to see the other side of the well cleaned polished stone in front of the pond).

Hiki: (Looks back being behind the rest of the group noticing Jennifer is not following yet and gets curious as well to what distracted her. She goes over by Jennifer). What is it Jenny? Something up?

Jennifer: (Nods with a curious expression). It is just that this stone looked a little out of place so I was just taking a look. There is something engraved into the flat part though. (She starts to brush her hand over it to get rid of dust and read it better).

Hiki: (She gets closer to the rock in question and sees the engraving as well). What does it say?

Jennifer: (Wipes the dust away the stone being a little worn by time but kept up well as she makes it easier to read out loud). Sarah.... (She has to pause reading what's under the name her expression changing to more of a frown as she reads slowly to process it). My... Little duckling....

Hiki: (She is silent as she put together why this is her). Oh no....

Jennifer: (She hesitantly lifts her hand from the stone looking at the words and then the pond as a whole understanding what it means and recalling Orion's tone was off while here. She continues looking at the pond and the ducks then at Hiki struggling to get the words out about the pond). ... It is... A memorial....

Hiki: (She is silent as she looks towards Orion for a few moments). That's why his workshop is here....

Jennifer: (Looks at Orion head into the workshop with everyone with sorrow as she nods). Yes.... (She looks back at the name and words again going over the name Sarah with her hand again with a sorrowful frown). She must of really loved ducks... I remember Shizen saying Kairi reminded him a lot of her... And that he wears a duck pendant bracelet she made for him... Just being at this pond with others while keeping a smile... It must be really hard for him....

Hiki: Well... Maybe she... Wanted be near a duck pond so she could always watch them or something close to that... I think Orion is just honoring her wishes while at the same time his own....

Jennifer: (Pauses again looking at the pond and nods). I suppose so... I guess we should catch up with them though. It is nice to know a little more at least... Sarah... It is a pretty name.

Hiki: It really is... But yeah let's get going before they notice.

Jennifer: (Nods again getting up looking at the name one more time. She then gives a small smile as they leave to the workshop together).

As the group arrives at the workshop it seems to have a iron door knocker on it for it seems to grab his attention when Orion is working. Orion is opening the door as the group is just swarmed with the smell of charcoal ready to be burnt. They enter as they basically see Orion's workspace with a anvil and a furnace nearby with tools being held onto the wall. It seems to be multiple variations of the tools while it seems Orion has a small place for all different kinds of metals that offer variety in his craft.

Kura: (Looks around as all of the tools and metals rubbing her nose from the smell of coal).

Kairi: (Looks around in interest and wonder touching a small hammer on a table that looks well used). Whoa there are so many tools here.

Orion: Well I need all kinds of tools for the different things I need to create.

Jennifer: (Looks at the weapons on shelves as well, a handful of works in progress). It reminds me of the blacksmith shop we visited in the market.

Shizen: (Smiles then looks at the sword wrapped in leather on Chazz's back knowing it was not there the previous day). It explains why there is a extra weapon with us.

Chazz: Oh yes... It was given as a gift from what I understand from a blacksmith.

Rowen: Really as a gift? I was wondering why you would have a weapon on your back.

Jennifer: (Nods). He was very nice and showed Kairi I few metalworking techniques. He then gave us this sword saying perhaps we could make it work somehow. He was very generous.

Kairi: He was really nice and taught me how to make pendants out of geodes too.

Shizen: (Thinks then looks at Orion). Perhaps you would want to take a look at it then? It may be one of your old students.

Orion: Hmm maybe it could be since a good amount of people wanted me to teach them blacksmithing or give critique.

Shizen: (Smirks). I wouldn't blame them for wanting to be the student of the grandmaster.

Kairi: I think his name was Vorin, he had a lot of cool metal statues too.

Orion: Hmm Vorin... Vorin... I do remember the name but I don't think I showed him on how to create weapon's though I did show a blueprint for one I wanted him to try out.

Shizen: Hmm interesting, must be quite talented then. (She looks at Chazz and the sword on his back). Why not have Orion examine the sword then before he shows off his focus in blacksmithing skills.

Chazz: Oh alright, yes we can do that. (He hands Orion the weapon).

Orion: (He takes it and feels design on the blade with raised eyebrows after a moment). Oh very well done Vorin.

Kairi: (Peaks over trying to see the blade better with Jennifer). What kind of sword is it, the stone in the middle is really pretty too.

Jennifer: Does it have a type of magic it needs. Neither of us could figure it out so we thought Chazz might figure that part so we gave it to him.

Shizen: (Starts to ponder possibilities as well). Perhaps it is a weapons which abilities will be awakened at a certain time or the right conditions?

Orion: (As he creases his fingers across the swords blade and examines it closely). Hmm it may be that but the blade seems to unfinished in a way as the hilt is curved where it shouldn't be and the gem stone which I believe is holding it together doesn't seem to be able to handle too much energy at once. If I am thinking of the right sword, than the blade is supposed to have a gap in the middle of it and maybe the gemstone is a placeholder for now since it didn't seem like he had the right one for the type of blade I showed him. He wanted a sword that could protect people so I drew up a blueprint for it so that he could do that but maybe he realized that the sword was too much for him... Maybe by adjusting it he could make it work... Oh Vorin... I know things were tough for you... But I'm happy you could pass off your treasure... I should stop by there another time.

Kairi: (Smiles looking at the sword). I think he did a really good job.

Shizen: It does look well made so perhaps he put his own little spin on the blueprint then. It was a good idea to give it to Chazz though, it feels like the best choice for some reason.

Orion: Oh I agree with that I... Just don't understand how he changed it though it's going to take more time to be examined.

Shizen: Well I believe we have a little time at least to work on your projects beforehand. (As Spike has grabbed one of the bigger hammers to bring to Orion seeming to have done that before as Rocky rests at his feet. Echo being at Rowen's feet watches Spike imitating by bring Rowen a much smaller hammer although she is more reluctant to let go of the hammer now that she has it).

Orion: (He nods as he takes both hammers). Thanks a bunch you two and yeah I'll get working on something I need to do real quick since someone wanted a quick fix for a piece of armor they had. While I'm working on this you guys are free to watch or go relax in the little park outside. I'll be done shortly.

Kairi: (Stands up on her toes to see better). I can try to help.

Jennifer: Well I suppose we can have a seat and see more of the crafts the earth element has.

Kura: Although it is a little small for all of us. We don't want to distract his focus.

Shizen: (Grins). It's not every day you see a grandmaster at work. Once Orion's in the zone its quite hard to break his focus being a perfectionist.

Rowen: Well since I have seen this many times already I will take Echo outside to play and make sure she enjoys herself. (He signals for Echo to come along but she does not fully understand the signals at first but follows Rowen anyways staying where he is in her sight at all times).

Shizen: (Laughs watching Echo). Have fun and try to think of one signal for her to learn specifically. Perhaps a whistle or something similar, they tend to work well.

Jennifer: (Looks around the workshop still noticing clay for pottery as well noting all projects from metal work, to sculpting, and to pottery being impressed). You have a lot of variety here. (She cannot help but laugh seeing Silver try to snatch a small shiny metal chain again).

Orion: Well I have to if someone questions my ability they have an example of what I have done but then again not many people question it nowadays.

Shizen: I don't think many would question the grandmaster that developed the crafts in there element. Much how none would question my knowledge of wildlife.

Jennifer: (Looks at the chunks of iron and steel beside Orion curiously). Is it like the human worlds blacksmithing? We watched some of Vorin's work and it seemed like it was so easy for him to bend metal with just his hands.

Kura: (Has a questioning look hearing Jennifer). Then perhaps tools and a hammer are not necessarily needed or at least needed to improve project?

Orion: No, no it isn't that they question it but more like see what I have done before which I'm always happy to show curious people and hmm in a way it isn't needed but it can make things easier. I like the feeling of traditional blacksmithing while others just use the earth element itself to help with the crafting

Kairi: (Still looks over the table at the anvil and giant hammer Orion has). It looks more fun to hit stuff with a hammer anyways.

Orion: (He laughs as he shakes his head). Oh how right that is true Sa... I mean Kairi. It is very fun to do that.

Shizen: (Catches what Orion almost said moving to hand Orion one of the bigger hammers). Might as well get started then.

Jennifer: (Looks from Orion to Kairi and also the bracelet on Orion's wrist with the duck pendant with a frown then quickly distracts her attention from it sitting by Chazz, Hiki and Tori).

Orion: (He looks down as he begins to work on the iron looking armor he was given).

Kura: (Covers her ears from the loud sound of clashing metal as Silver and Owlet become alert by the sound. Silver flaps her wings quickly with a caw hitting Tori in the head with her wings a few times as well as Chazz's shoulder. Owlet perks up as well looking all around but ducked down on Hiki's shoulder).

Orion: (He stops the hammering). Oh yes I forgot I have some earmuffs as well on the wall next to you, my apologies. (He scratches his head with a nervous laugh)

Kura: (Sighs as she takes the ear muffs passing them to Hiki and Tori as well). Yes thank you we were just taken off guard.

Hiki: (As she rubs her ears hearing ringing kind of sound). Yes that was too loud for me.

Chazz: I expected the sound though not as loud but it did seem like fun.

Tori: (As he calms down silver with dark energy formed as ear plugs). That should help but I should give one to Owlet as well. (As he does the same to Owlet).

Shizen: Ahh yes the reason this city can be quite loud is because of this.

Jennifer: It was loud but do not worry.

Kairi: (Goes on her toes again to see the hammer and armor better). Is there a certain way you have to hit the metal?

Orion: (As the three get ready for the loud noises about to happen). Hmm not really, you just have to try and hit the areas of the metal that require touching up or just in the center to bend.

Kairi: Oh I see that makes sense so then you have to be careful when you hit it.

Shizen: Yes like with any profession it takes a large amount of focus at times.

Orion: Oh it is very focus heavy since many things can change in an instant if something isn't done right.

Jennifer: Oh we will let you concentrate then while we are waiting for this person to show up then.

Kairi: I am sure it is going to look amazing when you are done!

Orion: (He smirks). Yes I'll do my best to show you the fun of blacksmithing.

Chazz: (He smiles as Hiki lays on his shoulder with Owlet relaxing on a hanging piece of iron similar to a tree branch).

Jennifer: (Looks at the armor Orion is working on with interest along with Kairi).

Orion: (As the rest begin to just focus on Orion he begins to work pulling the armor down onto a table that seems to be foldable so he can easily move it without touching the piece. He begins to hammer down on the armor and a sword hoping to even out some of the dents it has gained from battles before).

Kairi: (Watches with interest being amazed at how easily Orion can bend and smooth out the metal, not minding the loud sound of hammer as much).

Orion: (The more he hammers the more it seems that the armor is shaping up to a decent state but he stops as he looks around for a specific hammer to finish up the job as he has a burning metal piece help make things smooth).

Kairi: (Looks around seeing Orion is looking for something and wanting to help she looks too. She sees a small hammer to the side where she is standing at and picks it up noticing it is not with his other tools. She lifts up the hammer to offer to Orion who is looking through his other tools with a bright smile). Is this it?

Orion: (He takes a second to notice Kairi as he finishes up the armor with another tool but then grabs the hammer from Kairi by habit). Thanks Sarah just what the armor needed for the finishing to-... Wait.... (He drops the hammer on the table realizing what he had just said).

Kairi: (Tilts her head to the side in confusion at Orion to the name). Sarah?

Jennifer: (The room quickly quiets with her eyes widen at what just happened looking to Hiki with a small frown being unsure of what to do).

Orion: (He shakes his head as he looks away from Kairi and heads outside). Excuse me.

Hiki: (She has a worried expression as she sees Kairi look a little upset like she did something wrong and Shizen shaking her head).

Shizen: (Puts a hand on both Jennifer and Kairi's shoulder stopping them from leaving after Orion. She looks out the doorway seeing Rowen's attention caught by Orion shaking her head no to him as well to get a idea what is going on). He just... Needs a little time to himself... Just give him that. It's nothing you have done wrong, I promise.

Chazz: (He and Tori both look concern as Hiki looks down not knowing what to do as Rowen comes back in with Echo hearing the story from Shizen. They all stay by the workshop letting Orion have some time to himself).

Orion walks silently deep in thoughts of old memories making his way to the duck pond. He goes to sit on the bench right in front of the stone with his writing on it. He looks at the name on the stone Sarah as well as "My Little Duckling" underneath then down to his wrist where the bracelet and duck pendant his daughter had made for him being his most precious possession he has. He looks down more and more sitting on the bench he and Sarah would always sit on.

Orion: You're not here anymore... Even as much I want you to be... I can't stop loving you... Even since your mom passed you're all I had... I know the moments were tough for you as well... But you just cared if I could smile again... I don't know how much love I have to you and how much I wish you were here... But I would do it all again even knowing this pain would happen.

Orion stares downwards as he goes through his memories of his daughter. The early ones he remembers make him smile a little at least especially seeing her smile. He sighs as he looks at the ducks in the pond as he goes through those precious memories almost like he is reliving them if only for a few moments of reminiscing.

It is quite a long time ago when Orion had his last contract to go to the human world, rarely getting the chance to do so at the time with all of his council member responsibilities. It is about time for him to come back but with some things about him changing during this trip all because of something very small in his arms wrapped in a soft pink blanket. Shizen is the one that is at the meeting place with a gate back to their world finally wanting to greet the person like a big brother to her though their older sister Mizuko not there to greet them planning to go and meet them once her work is done. Shizen sits and waits near the earth city alone sighing as she looks out at the mountains to pass the time, Orion being a bit later than expected.

Orion: (He walks over to Shizen while holding something special). Oh hey Shizen, how you doing?

Shizen: (Sighs with a smile). Took you long enough to return. (She stands with a grin to look up at Orion but has to pause noticing something different about him. Besides his beard being trimmed a little she see he is cradling a pink blanket raising her eyebrows in a puzzled expression). I hope your contract went well, I look forward to hearing it over drinks. I never thought pink is really your color though, is there a style change I hadn't heard of or did you bring home a souvenir?

Orion: (He smirks as he rubs his head in a nervous way). Well In a way you could say that and hey I could make it work. Maybe should talk about this at my place so come on by.

Shizen: (Grins more). If you say so, I heard from Nagi, Shiro and Mizuko will arrive later to celebrate your return as well. I just arrived first. (She laughs patting Orion's back to go. As she does this she starts to hear something like a whimper of a infant before it fully cries coming from the pink blanket in Orion's arms instantly stopping in her tracks frozen in complete shock).

Orion: (He looks behind him to Shizen). So uhh... Umm I wanted to surprise you at home but I guess this works here as well.

Shizen: (Still is in shock hearing the cries slowly putting her hand down as she tries to put words and thoughts together). ... Orion?... The pink blanket... Umm... Is crying....

Orion: (He reveals the baby's face with the dark brown curious eyes the baby has). Yes it is Shizen.

Shizen: (Still is completely surprised looking down at the baby with her brown eyes looking up at her seeing she has dark brown almost black hair as well being amazed how small she is. She pauses again but instead begins to smile looking at the little girl's eyes). Orion... She is yours... Isn't she?

Orion: (As he rubs the babies hair as she plays with one of his fingers he shakes his head yes).

Shizen: (Calms down staring at the baby girl that smiles making her smile as well). She has your eyes... She's so small... A giant goofball like you made something so tiny?

Orion: (He smiles at first but then frowns for a second as he looks at the baby but regains the smile). Yeah I guess I did.

Shizen: (Looks up at Orion with a grin). I take it there will be quite a story with this contract to the human world you had. I'll need to hear it with the others at your house. (She looks more closely at Orion's face giving a sincere smile). I can see a change in you though... The change I see in all new fathers... Especially ones who have a little girl.... (She looks back down smiling at the little baby girl in Orion's arm seeing her reach up at Orion still holding onto his finger with her small hand).

Orion: Yeah... I couldn't stay the same way I was before... I had to change for her....

Shizen: I see.... (She has a big grin). Well you should of sent something telling Mizuko and I about making us aunts to such a cute little girl! (She pats Orion on the back to go towards his home). Well lets get going, you have some big news to share and celebrated on!

Orion: (He smiles as he rubs the baby's head). Yeah... I was meaning to do that while over there but... I wanted to surprise you two and yeah let's go home.

Shizen: Yes and tell me the name of this beautiful little girl when we are all together, ooh this is so exciting! (She puts a arm around Orion's shoulder as they walk as she continues to talk excitedly about ideas for Orion's little girl excited to suddenly be a aunt).

It is not a very long walk and it passes quickly with so many things to discuss. They reach one of the stone homes up the mountain being carved out to make the earth city expand to what it will be eventually the house having two floors with a humble and simple look to it.

Shizen: (Still has a hand on Orion's shoulder looking at the house). Same as you left it. Good to be home? (She glances around seeing a few puddles of water as well as traces of dark and light energy). Huh I thought they would be late from what I was told.

Orion: (He looks around and hears some talking nearby). Well I guess you weren't the first one here after all Shizen.

Shizen: (Pouts). At least I was the first one to learn such a great surprise. (As they hear a explosion of dark energy inside the house making her pause). ... Hmm.

Orion: (He sighs). What happened now in my home. (He begins to get nervous about the whole reunion).

Shizen: Worse case is you don't have a home to bring the little one to, only one way to find out. (She pats Orion's back going forward to go inside and figure out what happened).

Orion: (He laughs nervously). I hope I have something at least.

Shizen: (Laughs as Orion opens the door to go inside first seeing a simple living room with a kitchen behind it with rooms to the side as well as stairs on one side. They can see two woman by the kitchen as well as a man wearing black and dark grey and black hair and a little boy looking similar to him but about 6 or 7 years old cleaning up a few pottery broken items).

Shiro: (They immediately recognize the voice of the woman with pure white hair turns a little having her back turned to everyone look in back at the two cleaning with a tone knowing they are in trouble). Nagi, Kishi you better clean that before Orion gets here. I am sure that he will not be happy to see such a mess by you two.

Nagi: (He is cleaning as he sighs). Oh not at all and certainly would't happen with you here as well.

Kishi: (He is in a panic cleaning as he has dark energy coming out of his arms).

Mizuko: (Smiles back at Kishi wearing her normal blue kimonos and her black hair and blue highlighted hair down with deep ocean blue eyes). It's alright Kishi, just try to calm down. All children start to show their energy and power at this age, it's normal.

Shiro: (Sighs knowing Mizuko is right trying to calm her frustrations). Yes Kishi, just follow you father.

Shizen: (Grins looking at Kishi). So your starting to develop more darkness energy then huh Kishi?

Shiro: (Smiles having not turned around yet). Yes Nagi is very proud about it. It looks like his energy will be just as strong as his father's one day. (She turns toward everyone wearing a white flowing dress draping over her growing stomach seeing both Shizen and Orion at the doorway jumping a little). Oh Orion your home.

Mizuko: (Quickly goes over with a smile being excited to have her brother home). Welcome home Orion.

Orion: (He walks in through the doorway holding the baby in the blanket as he begins to talk a little nervously). Hey everybody, nice to see you all again.

Kishi: (He is too busy cleaning as Nagi stare is immediately attracted to the blanket in his arms but can see the babies face clearly becoming in shock).

Mizuko: (Can see as well coming closer becoming in shock as well looking from Orion to the baby in his arms repeatedly).

Shiro: (Goes up from behind Mizuko to see Orion). Happy you are home, Mizuko and I are making dinner to celebrate and hear all of your stories. (She sees the baby and instantly stops her greeting staring at the baby like everyone else).

Shizen: (Grins patting Orion's back).

Nagi: Orion... When did this happen? How could this happen? She is so tiny! How did that work?!

Kishi: (He is still confused on how this is so shocking to everyone while scratching his head)

Orion: (He sighs). I'll talk about it all later, don't worry about it.

Shizen: (Smirks at Nagi). Come on Nagi you know how it happened, you have one child and another on the way.

Shiro: (Is in just as much shock as Nagi). Is she really yours, it is so sudden as well. Is she from here or your trip to the human world. She is so small though I would imagine a child from you would be a giant like yourself.

Mizuko: (Looks closely first at the little baby in Orion's arms her eyes having a little sparkle in excitement). ... She has your eyes... She's so cute....

Orion: (He smiles as he looks down at the baby as Nagi gets flustered and sighs). Yeah... She really is.

Mizuko: (Still has a sparkle of excitement in her eyes). Does this mean I'm a aunty? Can I hold her? What is her name?

Shizen: (Pouts going beside Mizuko to look at the baby girl who looks around the area in wonder cutely). No fair, I was going to be the aunty to hold her first. I saw her first.

Orion: (He laughs nervously as Mizuko stares down Shizen for the comment with a pout). Her name's Sarah... And yes you can Mizuko.

Mizuko: (Goes to hold Sarah rocking her a little, Shizen leaning over to see as well). Hi little girl, we are your aunties.

Shizen: (Cannot help but smile at Sarah who smiles and reach up to their hair with a little bit of baby babbling). That's right, we are going to spoil you so much.

Orion: (He smiles seeing the care from Mizuko and Shizen however he feels a sadness come over him).

Shiro: (Notices the sad look and frowns with a questioning look). Orion is something wrong? (Once mentioned Shizen and Mizuko look at Orion with concern but still are careful for Sarah in their arms).

Orion: (He breaks out of his mindset). Oh... I'm sorry I was just daydreaming really, my apologies.

Shiro: (Still has a questioning look but looks at baby Sarah still pondering when this happened saying calmly). Orion I have never heard word of a relationship before you left... So she was born in the human world wasn't she... With a human mother.

Shizen and Mizuko: (Both look at each other, to Sarah, then to Orion not really connecting those dots being too excited to holding their new baby niece).

Orion: Yeah.... (He looks down as if not really enjoying this topic). It was with the Mis I was contracted too... But because this had happened the contract became voided... She couldn't handle the labor, something happened I don't know the details of fully but yes... You caught on much faster than I expected.

Shiro: (Looks in thought and in sympathy as well as the others). I see, there are not many instances so far of spirits and humans having children. It is current a issue the council brings up for future notice but the mother being human has not happened... I wonder how that affects the child.

Mizuko: (Has a sympathetic look as well). If she was born a spirit she would not be able to stay in the human world for long... At least without possible problems I assume.

Shizen: (Looks down at Sarah). So you went back with your daughter.... (She looks at Orion as well both she and Mizuko coming closer with Sarah in her arms making a few giggly baby notices seeing and reaching to Orion).

Nagi: (He is by Shiro now as Kishi is finishing up). If it becomes like that than from what we know... If the spirit is half human they could survive in either world by themselves however with limitations with spirit powers their age wouldn't be as long as normal for spirits.

Shiro: (Still is in thought). Hmm that all depends how many traits the child is born with from either parent though... I could do a checkup real quickly.

Shizen: (Smiles). Might as well, you and Mizuko are the best healers you can get.

Orion: Alright... And I knew of that... However I couldn't stop being excited for having her.

Shiro: (Smiles). I am not saying it is something you should not be excited about this, in fact becoming a parent is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Nagi and I both know this fully. (She rubs her stomach with one hand and pats Kishi's head with the other, messing up his hair a little smiling at him for a second before she continues). I just want to make sure your child is healthy and how much of your side was passed down to her. It is a common checkup really.

Nagi: So there is nothing to worry about Orion... Oh trust me I was a huge mess when it came Kishi because I was going crazy with worry.

Shiro: (Laughs). Oh yes and every time after Kishi cried you thought you broke him until you figured out he is just like you getting upset when you don't get your nap.

Shizen: (Grins and laughs looking at Nagi and patting Kishi's head). Yes even more Kishi looks and acts like a mini version of yourself Nagi. Makes me think you're making a mini army of yourself.

Shiro: (Laughs as well). Well I can definitely tell this next one will be darkness as well so I do not feel that is far off.

Nagi: Well I don't want to feel like outnumbering you, I know you want a little girl really badly.

Shiro: (Laughs more). Well we cannot control how many that will take. For now just focus on a check up on Orion's little girl. (Holds out her hands to Orion who is holding his daughter to take Sarah from him for a moment).

Orion: (He hesitates at first but then gives Sarah to Shiro for her to do the checkup).

Shiro: Thank you Orion, it will not take long. (She smiles at Orion to reassure him then goes to sit on the couch a little stiffly with Sarah smiling down at her making the baby smile). Oh hi there little girl, you have such a big bright smile there. I could mistake you for a light spirit at first.

Shizen: (Laughs with a grin taking a seat with Mizuko). You know what, she's got a point.

Orion: She is like her mother, always shining in a special way.... (He looks down but Nagi sits next to him to help reassure him it is fine).

Shiro: I am sure she was quite a woman to see so much change in you now. I am sure little Sarah here will do the same for you. (She smiles reassuringly as she begins to concentrate making her hand glow with light as she places it on Sarah's back moving her hand a little. Sarah seems very talkative during this making many baby like sounds with a smile seeing Kishi closes trying to reach and play with a little dark smoke coming off his hair making a few laugh).

Kishi: (He sees the baby he keeps trying to make small tricks with his energy so they don't go out of hand as he makes new clouds and shapes).

Mizuko: (Smiles watching Kishi play with darkness and Sarah eyes watch enjoying the shapes). He's pretty good for just growing into his energy.

Shizen: (Grins). Sarah seems to like the dark energy too. Great job Kishi you'll make a great big brother.

Kishi: (He smiles as he makes more shapes). I don't think it's the energy, because shapes made.

Shizen: (Grins patting Kishi's head). I know but she seems to like the smoke of your power as well, it's very unique.

Shiro: (Is busy concentrating on Sarah getting a small frown in her concentration making Orion's worry rise having watched intently).

Orion: (He then sits up having begun to worry after he was laying back). Is everything ok Shiro?

Shiro: (Sighs keeping her focus as she talks). It is nothing too serious. She is a spirit so she took a lot of your side on that. She probably was rushed growing in the pregnancy then which might be the cause for her energy being so low. There are many spirits who are not genetically given much energy, Kishi is one who is growing to have a great amount for energy for example of the opposite. With Sarah I cannot feel very much of that spirit energy so she will be weaker compared to other spirits.

Orion: (He is silent for a moment). ... That is fine since I just want her to be happy before anything else. If she needs protecting I'll make sure to protect her with everything I got.

Shizen: You hold the record for strongest spirit strength wise so I don't think anyone would mess with her.

Shiro: She probably will be able to do smaller earth abilities when she's about Kishi's age but that is all I can guess to this point. We will have to see when that time comes. (She smiles at Sarah carefully offering her back to Orion. Sarah is looking up at him but still has her bright smile up at him reaching for his beard).

Orion: (He smiles as he takes Sarah back into his arms). Then I'll just be the best dad to her.

Nagi: (He pats Orion on the back). Knowing on how you are you will be just fine so don't have to worry about that.

Mizuko: (Smiles at Orion). If you need help we are here as well.

Shizen: (Grins). That's right and even if don't call on us to help we still will and will spoil her greatly!

Orion: (He laughs). I know you will... I know you will be just fine Sarah... I know so.

Mizuko: (Places a hand on Orion's shoulder with her compassionate smile). She will and you have a lot of support to help her grow.

Shizen: Yes so let's celebrate tonight and get you some baby stuff tomorrow.

Shiro: I will help as well since I have my own to think about shopping for.

Mizuko: It will be nice for her to have someone her age to play with.

Shiro: (As she is about to say something she burps unexpectedly quickly covering her mouth as a little darkness comes out).

Shizen: (Bursts out in laughter). Looks like another darkness kid for sure.

Nagi: (He can't help but laugh as he hugs Shiro from behind). Now there's the reason why I love you.

Kishi: (He laughs as well).

Orion: (Through all of his nerves he cannot help but smile as well seeing Shiro do that). Well I'm sure you will need support just as much as me.

Shizen and Mizuko: (Go on either side of Sarah trying to get her to smile again and going daw when she yawns).

Shiro: I love you too Nagi. (She smiles and laughs then looks at Orion). Oh you do not need to worry Orion, just provide a good life for your little girl. (As she takes a breath from the burp a slight amount of darkness smoke is absorbed from Nagi and Kishi when she inhales pausing not remembering that happening with Kishi but turns to Nagi with a smile the others not noticing as much as them). Odd.

Nagi: (As he feels slightly out of breath for a slight second he could feel energy being sucked out of him but there has been that type of feeling for a while... He then begins to have an understanding). This next one will be quite a handful.

Orion: (As he sees the action as well he can't take his attention away from Sarah knowing Nagi will handle it just fine as he plays with her as does Kishi a little bit to help out).

Orion settles into his home and coming back a father many helping him out especially Shizen and Mizuko. During his free time from his work with the council and taking care of his little girl he spends his time crafting many things out of stone for Sarah like a crib and furniture to fill her room. His home slowly becomes more pink but he not minding it wanting to do the best he can for his little girl making him smile with every day with his daughter not leaving his side for long being so protective of her. Sarah grows slowly like many others spirits being a little bigger but still very small compared to other earth spirits the people in his territory treating her like a princess of the territory. Orion is remembering all the big moments she had starting with her first word remembering the feeling he had in that proud moment and many others even at the very small things.

Sarah: (Is still a infant at this time looking about a year old as Orion holds her. She waves her hand trying to grab a pink butterfly mobile dangling in her room with a sparkle in her eyes Orion having figured out she like the color pink. She tries reaching and grabbing anything that catches her eyes she giggles and makes random silly sounds in her baby talk). Ba ba!

Orion: (He smiles as kisses her head). Great job Sarah, I'm so proud of you right now but come on let's go to the park with Shizen.

Sarah: (Still reaches to grab anything she sees giggling one hand gripped into Orion's beard as they get ready to go. Before Orion carries her away she reaches for pink blanket beginning to cry as move further away from it to leave).

Orion: (He notices that he didn't bring the blanket with him). Yes I'm sorry about that. (He grabs the blanket and gives it to Sarah).

Sarah: (Grabs the blanket clinging to it as Orion gets up to leave again. She waves her hand a little waving to a duck statue in the living room then grabs onto Orion's beard again reaching up being very active and talkative to him that day in her baby babbling. One thing gets Orion to stop in his tracks before grabbing their coats reaching for things around to try and get his attention). Baba... Dada....

Orion: (He immediately stops and feels his heart flutter greatly). Oh... Sarah you are just the cutest, I love you so much for saying that.

Sarah: (Giggles in her babbling from the encouragement as she waves her hands with a bright smile saying the word repeatedly though not correct every time Orion realizing she was attempting to say that with baba). Dada... Dada, baba, dada!

Orion: (He holds her as tight as he can while being gentle with her). And you Sarah... I love you my little princess.

Sarah: (Continues her babbling moving around less seeming to settle down in the hold as she quietly repeats herself).

Orion: (Stays like that for a few moment's being completely happy to be her first word. He collects himself but keeps a hold tight on his little girl. She starts to yawn planning to go and walk back with Shizen since Sarah is yawning as he can't wait to tell her such great news of her first word).

The memory moves on to another big moment to Orion, Sarah still looking about the age of 1 though older when Mizuko visits his home. Orion agrees when asking to watch her as well having brought presents every time she visited just like Shizen as well. This time she brings some clothes and toys sitting and showing Sarah her gifts as she crawls around sitting up with a bright smile at the pretty toys. Orion is doing chores and some unfinished paperwork he needed to sign on the table looking over every moment or too with a smile.

Mizuko: (Has a smile helping Sarah try on her new outfit and showing her the new toys as well, setting them out for her to look at with a hopeful look she likes them). There's a big smile, do you like them? I picked them up just for you.

Sarah: (Is looking at all of the new toys in wonder most being figures of animals in different colors Mizuko and Shizen noticing how much she liked things with pink and animals in the past. She begins to crawl forward to reach of one of them grabbing a blue duck with pink bill and looking at it in wonder. She then waves it towards Orion calling out as if to get his attention and look at what she found). Da!

Orion: (He smiles as he waves to Sarah with a pen in his hand). Yes Sarah, nice duck you have there.

Mizuko: (Laughs happy she likes the toy). I'm happy you like it Sarah. (She claps her hands together with a smile trying to get Sarah to do to same).

Sarah: (Starts to do the same getting a big bright smile back while clapping with the duck then remembering it she puts the duck in her mouth slobbering on it a little).

Mizuko: (Laughs as she reaches over to get a towel). Very silly, I'm glad you like the duck. Can you say ducky... Du-cky?

Sarah: (As Mizuko motions to the duck she looks down at it while repeating what her aunt it trying to get her to say). Du... Dada, dada, duc! (She waves the duck at Orion again).

Mizuko: (Laughs again and hugs her little niece).

Orion: Well I think I wouldn't have a say in cloths and toys since you and Shizen have practically filled up her closet without me really doing much. I do admit it does fit her very well and I'm glad she is enjoying herself.

Mizuko: (Keeps support of Sarah standing whose more focused on the duck with a smile). Well we're her aunts. Of course we will pitch in with clothes and style.

Orion: I know but I'm happy that she has you two around to at least have mother like images around, so I'm glad.

Mizuko: (Has her kind and compassionate smile). We will do our best when we can. I'm just happy to spend time with my little niece. Sarah has such a big smile and I can see you have the same smile around her. Isn't that right Sarah?

Sarah: (Holds the duck towards Orion continuing to smile). Da!

Orion: (He smiles as he gets out of his chair though he has not finished his papers as he sits down in front of Sarah and kisses her head). Yes it's true, I'm weak when it comes to her

Mizuko: it's just you've become more of a gentle giant ever since.

Sarah: (Smiles still handing the duck to Orion but instantly wanting it back she gets a little unbalanced standing still in front of Orion but regains a little almost taking a step towards Orion more but very wobbly for a few seconds pointing to the duck). Duc da!

Orion: (He smiles greatly as he sees Sarah almost walk for the first time). Yes Sarah just like that! (He says softly though he is not yelling). Come to daddy, come on!

Mizuko: (Gasps covering her mouth in shock staying perfectly still not wanting to ruin the attempt).

Sarah: (Is still a bit wobbly but takes a step her arms waving a bit to try and keep balance as she's determined to reach Orion. She then takes two small steps both looking at her in amazement at her first actual steps with no help). Dada!

Orion: (He smiles greatly as he holds out his arms to Sarah for her to get a hug).

Sarah: (Continues to walk two more steps to get to the hug but on the fourth steps wobbles and starts to fall forward).

Orion: (He catches her and kisses her head). You did great Sarah, I'm so proud of you!

Sarah: (Hangs onto Orion but also takes back the duck). Dada duc!

Mizuko: (Still has her mouth open in shock but smiles at the exciting moment). That was amazing Sarah, I'm so proud of you too!

Orion: (He tears up a little but just keeps smiling seeing Sarah continue to make progress).

Mizuko: (Is a little teary eyed as well but smiles at Orion and Sarah).

Sarah: (Seems more concerned with showing Orion the duck some more not seeming to understand what he's proud of her for but has a big bright smile and giggle in the hug).

Orion continues to hug Sarah and encourage her more to take a few more steps and say a few more words each day. Every time he hears a new word or sees her walk a little further until she wonders all about the house curiously his grin growing each time. He thinks of another memory when Sarah is a toddler taking her to a new pond on the higher part of the city. He holds her on his shoulder until they arrive Shizen tagging along and sitting on a bench watching Sarah begin to explore with Orion. She is about 3 or 4 at this time her eyes sparkling as she sees the new small pond. It is the same one he sits at in the present with his statue in the background though without a workshop. The pond is small yet peaceful with a faint breeze being a bit higher on the mountain.

Sarah: (Is wearing one of her frilly pink dresses with a brown sash and a ribbon in her dark brown long hair. She points at the pond excitedly while being helped with a bright smile). Daddy water!

Orion: (He feels Sarah tug onto his hand). Yes, it's one of the ponds that I asked auntie Mizuko help with since we needed more water areas. I'm glad you like it.

Sarah: (Still points at the pond but then hears a quack from the pond her eyes widening in wonder her excitement growing jumping a little from it and pulling Orion's hand to get there faster).

Shizen: (Grins seeing the reaction to the ducks seen swimming in the pond). With a little help to some wild life of course.

Orion: (he follows along with Sarah as he is being pulled with her just stopping before the pond seeing the excitement in her eyes as she see's duck for the first time). Well how do you like them Sarah?

Sarah: (Continues pointing excitedly seeing the family of ducks better). Real ducky, real ducky!

Orion: (He sits down by the pond with Sarah in his lap). Well let's sit here and watch them ok?

Sarah: (Still moves around to see the ducks better wanting get closer as she picks out her favorite blue duck toy waving it at the duck excitedly trying to get them to come closer). Hi ducky!

Shizen: (Smiles sitting on a bench closest to them). If you are calm and gentle with them they may come closer easier.

Orion: (He smiles as he watches Sarah). Just make sure to be careful near the water ok?

Sarah: (Scoots off Orion's lap and quickly runs to edge of the pond waving the blue duck toy being her favorite to try and get the ducks closer to her. They move to the other edge of the pond making her start to get upset that they are moving away from her).

Shizen: (Leans towards Orion). Did you bring some bread like I suggested?

Orion: (He laughs as he brings out a bag of bread). Of course I did.

Shizen: (Grins taking some of the bread). This should help with ducks. Don't want her to cry thinking the ducks don't like her. (She pats Orion's back and then begins to get up and head over to the edge of the pond where Sarah is).

Orion: (He gets up as well with the bag and goes by Sarah). Hey this may help in getting the ducks attention.

Shizen: (Laughs punching Orion's arm lightly). That's why I asked, you didn't think it was our snack did you?

Orion: Of course not, thought I would mess with you obviously. (He laughs).

Shizen: (Messes up Orion's hair with a fake pout). Oh come on. (She laughs then sees Sarah still looking upset and teary eyed that the ducks swam away from her. She kneels down beside her with Orion on the other side to comfort her). Now don't cry little one, you just need to be more patient with living animals. It's not your fault.

Orion: (He taps Sarah's back). It's fine, it's fine no need to get upset but auntie Shizen and I have a way to get the duckys to come back.

Shizen: (Shows Sarah the bread to Sarah to take some). See this bread here. Don't eat it, it has magic inside of it for the ducks. (She smirks nodding to Orion making sure he gets an idea of where she's going with this).

Sarah: (Looks at the piece of bread in her hand curiously). Magic?

Orion: (he shakes his head as he brings out more bread in his hand). Yes they are filled with special treats that duck love that fills them with happiness.

Shizen: So if you hold it out to the ducks they will come closer and eat right out of your hand. Just promise to be gentle with them. (Only Orion notices a slight glow in Shizen's eyes as she looks at the ducks).

Sarah: (Has a expression of wonder looking from the bread to the duck holding and waving it trying to get their attention). Ducky mag-ic.

Orion: (He laughs a little). No, no you hold it out in your hand, not wave it towards them.

Sarah: (Tilts her hand in confusion but holds out the bread though impatiently until she sees the ducks start making their way back to the side of the pond they are at. She gasps excitedly hearing their quacks holding out the bread as far as she can).

Orion: (He taps her head). Now, now just relax and be calm right now. You don't want to scare them away again.

Sarah: (Does her best to stay still but seems to struggle with it until she sees the duck family come closer. She sees a adult female mallard duck with shades of brown feathers with a hint of blue on the wings. She has 7 duckling swimming behind her all ranging from shades of brown and yellow making Sarah gasp again in awe of seeing them whispering in amazement). Ducky....

Orion: (He smiles as he nods towards Shizen). Alright now just hold out your hand for them and see what happens.

Shizen: (Nods back her eyes still glowing green as she focuses on the ducks).

Sarah: (Puts her hand out leaning as far as she can to reach the ducks the mother duck approaching the shore of the pond first but cautiously. It quakes looking at all 3 backing up every few steps being hesitant. The duck slowly waddles her way to Sarah inspecting her hand with the bread held out making sure it is safe. Sarah's look of wonder grows as she stays as still as possible whispering to the duck while offering the bread). ... Here ducky....

Orion: (He rubs her back). It'll be ok now, just relax and wait.

Sarah: (Still hold out the bread waiting for the duck to take some. The duck finally starts to nibble on the bread making her start to smile brightly. She feels the duck's bill nibble at her hand lightly a bit giggling as the duck becomes less hesitant. The duck bill is ticklish rather than hurting making her giggle more). Tickles.

Orion: (He kisses her head as he watches the ducks and can see a very subtle smile start to form more and more).

Sarah: (Has a bright smile as the rest of the ducklings come over knowing it's safe and start to nibble on the bread making her giggle more. She starts to pet a few of them in wonder being completely focused on the duck with a sparkle in her eyes). Soft.... So cute.

Shizen: (Looking at Orion and Sarah and seeing the expression Orion has she smiles).

Orion: (He continues feeling proud to be a dad because of seeing his daughter smile so much making everything worth it).

Sarah: (Continues playing with the ducks petting the small duckling with a look of wonder). Fluffy... So cute.

Shizen: (Smiles down at Sarah and the ducklings). Yes the small ones are baby ducks, they're called ducklings.

Sarah: (Tilts her head up at Shizen then back at the ducks). Ducklings?

Shizen: Yes little children and baby ducks. The big one is there mommy and the ones with the green head behind Orion is the daddy of the flock.

Sarah: Ducky family.... (She looks in back of her at the ducks in amazement and the mallard behind Orion pecks his shoe and quakes at him to protect his flock. The duck isn't able to do much to him with not being able to peck hard because of his bill making her giggle).

Orion: (He smiles and laughs as he feels the mallard behind him and hands him some bread). Now, now it's ok. We are just here to give some treats nothing else.

Sarah: (Looks back at the duck with a solid, metallic green head). Pretty....

Shizen: (Looks at Sarah and the duck with a smile). That's the daddy duck, he looks over and protects his family.

Sarah: (Looks at the duck tossing some of her bread to it as well. She then looks at Orion with a look of thought and points up to him with a big bright smile). Daddy ducky!

Orion: (He smiles as he kisses Sarah's forehead). Well if I'm going to be called that than your my little duckling.

Sarah: (Giggles and nods excitedly at being called a duckling).

Shizen: (Smiles at the nickname thinking how well it fits then back at the pond and the ducks who are in the water again. She gives Orion a few moment to watch the ducks before she speaks up enjoying the ducks quacks). It wouldn't be a bad idea to move your workshop here. It would give Sarah a good place to play when you take a break.

Orion: (He looks at Shizen in a moment's pause as he rubs Sarah's head). You know what... You're not wrong. It would make things easier and if Sarah is there she can have something to do if she gets bored from watching me do stuff.

Shizen: : (Grins). I can already tell it will be a favorite spot for her.

Sarah: (Still waves at the ducks in the pond). Ducky every day!

Orion: (He smiles). Yeah everyday you come with you'll see the ducks anytime you want.

Shizen: (Sighs with a smile, sitting back a little to enjoy the view and talk to the ducks some more).

Sarah: (Has a bright smile instantly hugging Orion). Best daddy duck!

Orion: (He smiles). Yes... All for my little duckling... I love you Sarah.... (He hugs her tightly).

Everyday Sarah begs to go to the duck pond pulling Orion to get their faster so she can say hi to the ducks. Orion does eventually move his workshop up near the duck pond to give Sarah a place to play taking a break to keep an eye on her playing, smiling every time. She usually stays in the workshop as well watching him work and handing him tools as she grows a little wanting to help. Things like this happen for many years Orion happy he can make his daughter smile constantly clinging to his side like a little duckling. He calls her a duckling often the nickname seeming to stick as he asks for tools in his work shop that she hands him learning all about types of stones being curious about them all and how they shine so uniquely. She looks about 6 or 7 around this time looking at all of the stones on the ground having quite a collection by now in the workshop. She has tried carving into some to make shapes but has struggled with practicing focusing and being determined having seen how great Orion his with his craft. On this day she has a small cold but still is stubborn wanting to practice and go to the pond like always. Orion sighs but lets her take a easy at least as she sits looking at her new stones.

Sarah: (Coughs a little but shakes it off rubbing her nose and looking at her stones holding a pretty purple one up to the light to see better). Pretty....

Orion: (He comes out of the workshop wiping off his sweat seeing Sarah by the pond as always ). Hey duckling it's about time to get ready for lunch with Shizen and Mizuko.

Sarah: (Turns her head to Orion with a bright smile still holding up her stones). Ok daddy say bye to duckys-. (Before she finishes that she says she lets out a sneeze).

Orion: (He sighs). See I told you, you should have stayed home if you're feeling sick.

Sarah: (Pouts looking at the ducks and stones). But-. (Before she can make her retort she coughs again but twice in a row. As she coughs Orion sees the stone in her hand glow an orange and brown tone from her energy).

Orion: (He smiles as he holds her as he taps her back). Now Sarah it's ok, I'm right here but look at your hand. Your energy is starting to come in, I'm so proud of you!

Sarah: (Catches her breath looking at the stone in her hand her eyes widening). It's... Glowing?

Orion: (He shakes his head). Yes it means your energy is starting to awaken.

Sarah: (Has a look of wonder at the stone sneezing again making the stone glow more for a second. She looks completely amazed but then has a big bright smile up at Orion with a giggle).

Orion: You are doing great though I am a bit worried about your fever so I'm taking you to bed when we get home ok?

Sarah: (She pouts but nods before remembering one more thing). Oh I borrowed tools. I want to be good at making things just like daddy.

Orion: (He laughs a little bit knowing she has been practicing in secret mostly). Oh I'm sure you will be because you are my daughter. I look forward to what you will make for me to see.

Sarah: (Scrambles through the small tools she borrowed picking up a stone that look carved into. It looks very simple and a little rough but Orion can tell it's the shape of a duck with a wire clasp attached to a sturdy braided bracelet string). I was working on this for you. It took a few times.... But I hope you like it. (She looks up at her dad cutely hoping he likes it).

Orion: (He can't help but smile and getting a little teary eyed as he takes it). Well Sarah... I love it, I'm so proud of you.

Sarah: (Her face brightens up). You like it yay! (She giggles and hugs Orion coughing a little into the hug).

Orion: (He hugs her tightly). Well of course I'll like it when you put so much effort into it.

Sarah: (Has the biggest smile she can have). You promise to wear it every day then right?

Orion: (He smiles). Of course I'll wear it every day because you made it for me.

Sarah: (Continues to smile brightly happy Orion likes his gift). I can show aunty Shizen and Mizu too when we get home too!

Orion: (He pats her head). Well of course, maybe I'll help make some for them.

Sarah: (Nods excitedly). Alright lets go then, I can't wait. (She waves to the ducks in the middle of the pond). Bye ducky's, see you tomo-. (Before she finishes what she says she starts coughing again but a little more than the other times looking a little more tired).

Orion: (He immediately changes his smile to a frown off worry as he kneels down to Sarah in a second). Sarah are you ok sweetie?

Sarah: (Looks up once done coughing looking a little flushed but still gives a reassuring smile holding her blue duck toy close not to forget it). I'm ok daddy.

Orion: (He shakes her head as he faces away from Sarah showing his back to her). I know you will be but come on, get on my back.

Sarah: (Smiles and climbs onto Orion's back). Ok yay... Piggy back ride. (He can tell how tired she is by how loose her grip is and how out of it she seems).

Orion: (He sighs). Ok let's get going then, hang on tight as you can.

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