Orion: (He gets up the stairs and ready as he looks around seeing that they are the first three there surprising enough).
Mizuko: (Looks around as she sits neatly and patiently at the dome shaped room the design making so voices echo from them doing a small sigh as she waits).
Shizen: (Looks around and from Mizuko and Orion on either side podium of her in the circle seeing they are settled as well but still a bit away from her). I didn't think we were early then.
Agni: (After a few moments he shows up next to Seiji but surprised at seeing the three there first). Oh welcome back to the council room you too we have missed you very much!
Seiji: It is nice to see you again miss Shizen and Orion. It has been a while.
Shizen: (She has to bite her tongue hard in order to hold in her anger but does narrow her eyes at Agni the anger clearly shown in them). Indeed....
Mizuko: (Simply nods her greeting politely but avoids her eyes from Agni looking downwards whenever having to look that direction).
Agni: Well now that everyone important is here now we just wait for the grand guests.
Orion: Not yet we need to wait on Kyoda and Chikara to come. (Seems to be getting slightly annoyed).
Seiji: We are waiting but we must try to hurry things along.
Mizuko: (Has a calm and polite tone to her voice). Have patients, they will be here.
Shizen: (Has a bit of a annoyed tone as well). They deserve just as much respect in the council as we do even if they are young ones so let us wait.
Agni: (He sighs). Fine ill shall treat the same as everyone else in terms of status but don't be playing favorites now Shizen and madam Mizuko. you better than that
Orion: (He grits his teeth). But they know on how to do things it isn't like their first day on the job so I would suggest to not get agitating right now Agni.
Mizuko: (Simply looks down with her hands folded).
Shizen: (Notices Mizuko's look and quickly speaks up with Orion). We all know how things work. We do not need to be told. (Grits her teeth a bit but then sees Kyoda and Chikara have arrived to take their seats getting a sigh of relief).
Kyoda: Sorry to be late it seems. Things had aroused that delayed our arrival.
Chikara: (Nods as she quickly goes to take her seat using a bit of light speed to her step). Yes sorry if we kept you waiting. We may start now.
Mizuko: (Smiles kindly). Do not worry it was not a long wait at all.
Shizen: (Smiles at the two). Hello then we have no problems waiting.
Orion: (He smiles). So than shall we officially start since everyone is here?
Seiji: Well I believe that is the only course of action so yes let's begins the meeting and trial.
Chikara: You may begin with the opening tradition then. Seiji, Agni, Mizuko and Orion begin when you are ready.
Mizuko: (She, Seiji, Agni and Orion all stand from their seats as if about to recite something one by one).
Seiji: (Everyone feels a gust of wind as he starts things off). Here and now I evoke the elemental force of air. The winds of intellect and imagination swirling source of flight. Breath and life, I seek the open sky within myself that I might breathe deep of freedom, ideas, sounds,, and space. I call you forth to sweep away all that accumulates in the unseen places and to sing beauty into the world. Wings and feather, storm and leaf. Air, I call thee hence.
Agni: (Is the next to speak feeling a warmth in the air). Here and now I evoke the elemental force of fire. The flames of creativity and passion, dancing source of heat, light, and life. I seek the glowing forge within that I might warm myself with desire, excitement, courage, and insiration. I call you forth to burn away all that impends my highest vision and toenact change in the world. Lightning and hearth, heart and forge. Fire I call thee hence.
Mizuko: (Sighs before doing her part the area getting a bit damper with a few water droplets from above). Here and now I evoke the elemental force of water. The fluid of infinite shapes and forms, flowing source of adaptability, emotion and life. I seek the pure spring within that I might drink deep of change, relationship, nourichment, and grace. I call you forth to wash away all that needlessly bindsand to move fluidly in this world. Ocean and river, ripple and rain. Water, I call thee hence.
Orion: (Is the last to speak his part feeling a small quake and stones shift). Here and now, I invoke the elemental force of earth. I call to the swirling dust and dawn-lit moutains, to the farmer's field. You that remains solid, you that teaches of quiet stability. You that holds us firm against your skin. I call you here to infuse my intention with your boundless gifts. I call you here to fashion the spirit cavern. Root my will in your soil and ground my purpose in the stones. Boulder and gravel. Earth, I call to thee.

Kyoda: (As everyone has finished doing their introduction to the meeting they all sit down as does Kyoda and Chikara. After sitting Kishi comes in to stand guard next to his siblings). Alright than where should we start....
Shizen: I would prefer if we could get to the main point we all gathered here first off if everyone agrees.
Chikara: Assuming there are none with news in their territories of great importance I agree as well.
Mizuko: (Shakes her head). Water territory has been quite peaceful. I agree with starting with our main concern here.
Agni: There is one thing I would like to ask though. Miss Shizen why did you try to stealth your way through the capitals when you could have just come here directly.
Shizen: (Glares at Agni). It was only logical to make the trip with how many days until this meeting was set. Mine as well go a little sightseeing as things are set up.... My question was why were you so concerned to have us followed.... Is there something you are accusing now? (Has a bit of a warning angered tone with a tightening grip to her chair).
Agni: Now, now no need to get defensive but to clarify I didn't have anyone followed I was just told from others. Now calm down and let's enjoy the rest of the trial.
Shizen: (Still glares but sighs to gain her composer more). I'm not sure how a trial is something to "enjoy" but let's get on with it. (Sighs to gain her composer looking up into the ceiling and noticing a very familiar face sitting casually in a shadowed ledge. She gives a little smirk to her daughter nodding before turning her attention back to the matter at hand).
Seiji: Alright now you two we aren't here for petty arguments when have bigger things to talk about. (Says with a serious tone).
Agni: Yes, yes whatever you say. (He lays back in his chair).
Chikara: Yes let us get started then. (Nods and looks to Kishi nodding to her brothers to bring Yami out).
Kishi: (He goes into the back rooms to bring out Yami into the center court room slowly walking with Yami). Now just keep quiet for now Yami alright?
Yami: I guess.... (Shrugs as he tries to get comfortable with the seal and cuffs on. He tries not to show his nervousness and almost fear but being right next to him it is easy to tell he's tensed up. As he approaches the court circle he has to stop and step back a bit Kishi running into him a bit as he gets a sense of intimidation from the high up council pillars as if designed to give that impression being taken off guard by it).
Kishi: (He taps his shoulder to try and keep him calm). Everything will be alright relax I'm right here if anything happens.
Yami: Yeah... Thanks. (He mumbles as he gulps down a bit before walking forwards again taking a breath as he reaches the center. Looking up and around him in curiosity trying not to focus on the nervous feeling. He hears some mumbling seeing his red and black eyes but ignores it).
Seiji: (He then pulls out a paper to read off for the charges). Now mister Yami, you are here today based off these current charges. (He coughs before he begins to read). You are accused of being a spirit of high danger to the current society that we have built for your powers are the same from your father who had destroyed most of the dark and light territory in a blind rampage. To my knowledge the way you absorb energy is quite deadly to spirits of the same energy. Am I correct so far?
Yami: (Pauses looking up and facing up at Seiji mumbling at first though the buildings dome shape catching the echo looking down slightly at the end). Hey... I'm not my dad... Didn't mean to do most of that stuff....
Seiji: But rather you meant to do it or not doesn't matter right now. do these charges stand though?
Yami: (Looks down a bit but still is a bit quiet with a shrug). I guess....
Mizuko: (Speaks up to Seiji though with a respectful tone). Perhaps be a bit less harsh and serious with this. I don't think we have ever had such large charges for a small child here.
Shizen: I agree, I think there is a better way of going about this.
Yami: (Grumbles a bit). Hey not that small.
Seiji: Well he may be younger compared to the rest of us but the things that are possible is threatening to all dark sprits so excuse me for being aggressive but these are serious things
Shizen: (Gets a bit irritated and it is shown in her tone of voice). He may have a power that is very unstable but he is still a child no matter and I don't like the fact we are treating this case so harshly as if he were a adult in control of his actions.
Yami: (Looks from the two but then down at his chained hands the conversation beginning to get to him Seiji have a point he's always hated).
Chikara: (Looks to the two council members). Why don't we first finish the list of charges regardless and we will all individually go over how the situation should be handled. We first need to hear all the facts gathered though regardless of opinions already formed.
Shizen: (Sighs gritting her teeth to try and hold her tongue). very well then....
Seiji: I agree let us continue.... (He coughs again). Also there was a report of assault towards a council member, break of custody and various reports of theft across the dark territory capital. Though these are very minor compared to everything else. It was still needed to be added in.
Yami: (Looks towards Agni with a hateful glare then back to Seiji). Well... That was worth it... And I needed that stuff.
Shizen: (Leans over to Orion to say more quietly to him). Not the best answer he could of given honestly.
Agni: (He laughs a little to himself). Very amusing he is regardless of the circumstances he is still trying his hardest.
Chikara: If that is all the charges stated shall we start each of our are views on this case and questioning? If you would like to Seiji since you have read the charges or would someone else like to start.
Shizen: (Looks from Orion to Mizuko wanting to make sure they did not want to volunteer before she does).
Seiji: Well considering on how young he is... I would say an imprisonment since he is too young for execution all in hopes he can focus hold on his ability while locked away.
Shizen: (Speaks up angrily instantly even standing). You can not mean to say you would consider execution if not and sealing his ability away in itself is a death sentence given his inability to regain his own energy!
Yami: (Starts to get worried with even mention of execution looking up at Kishi the worry showing clear in his eyes to him).
Seiji: No you are quite mistaken I was talking about just imprisonment somewhere where no one can get hurt... I understand you have been with the boy for quite some time Shizen but please understand your emotions come last in this.
Shizen: (Clenches her fist). Yes I have been with him for a time but it has given me time to understand the pain he is healing from gradually. He can do that best around the people who care about him and we can help him find a way to control that power. He is still young and has a lot to learn but locking him away is not the answer Seiji.
Mizuko: From what I have heard in reports in the past the child hasn't really had the experiences of being able to be the child he is because of such a ability. perhaps there is a solution that doesn't damage his mental health further and feel even more responsible for things uncontrollable.

Kishi: (He puts his hand on Yami's shoulder). It's alright stop blaming yourself....
Agni: Well that may be true but still the danger imposed is still there. Will we take pity on all spirits who have felt that same pain and still living with it now? Will we say everything will be fine now because we are here to make your life better? Some people rather be alone so they don't feel the pain and suffering. Some want to get away because they don't want to destroy the ones they love. Some didn't have a choice where they were almost killed by their family. Tell me shall we go find every single person out their feeling pain pretty much on the same pare with the lad here. Tell me what we should do? Don't throw in your reasons when so many others are dying out in the back corners of alleyways trying to live life as best they can. Don't sit here and tell me we should focus on saving one when he also wants to save the people he cares about. Don't give me that arrogance of protection when the best action is to have him away where no one else in danger. Than we can put effort on others to help them but right now, this is the highest issue
Shizen: (Is completely taken off guard having to sit back looking down with gritted teeth as she mutters under her breath). ... Dammit....
Mizuko: (Looks down herself with hands gripped tightly in her hand as she speaks more quietly about the matter with a frown). I wish better of their wellbeing for those people out there.... A nicer world it would be.
Yami: (Looks down still his fist clenched more as his emotions grow hearing each word knowing the point cuts deep and true even though he hates it. That feeling and some memories mixed along of the past and also not wanting to hurt the ones he cares about now makes the lightening seal shock even more to stop the energy absorption not that he feels much shocking Kishi's hand a bit. He continues look down his teeth gritted being more visible the power being held back as well as the emotions).
Orion: (He is silent for a moment as he is breathless for a second as he collects his thoughts). ... The point you made is very correct Agni... We can't protect everyone... We want to do that... We want to save the pain they feel... But for this moment we want to heal the pain in front so that it can spread and heal others as time goes on... It may be arrogant to say but... I believe we can make fate change right now.
Shizen: (Has a sigh of relief to Orion's quick thinking saying quietly). Thank you Orion....
Mizuko: (Smiles thankfully to her brother as well perking up a bit). That is true. Yes we cannot change all the harm caused but we can start but helping the ones we can in hope that, that belief may spread.
Yami: (Looks up at Orion and Mizuko getting a little hope back but still tensed up from the words from before having hit deep in his mind like it always had).
Kyoda: Well though he is my nephew.... I still believe that things will work out well if we try to work on his ability to control. I believe that having him with Shizen is a right move since she can help mature as a spirit.
Chikara: (speaks up though her expression more flat and lacking of emotion on purpose). It could be a right move though with some persuasions and restrictions would need to be made. I see both sides and how dangerous this ability is so taking that chance is a high risk that perhaps we should never take. What if he can never control this ability? Will a repeat of what happened with my brother occur?
Shizen: (Raises a eyebrow at Chikara in surprise). Such a surprise hearing that from you Chikara.
Chikara: I cannot have a bias opinion in this, I am sorry.
Kyoda: True we can't afford to be bias but I believe things are working out fine if we let him go but left someone to keep an eye on him every so often as official council business I don't agree with using heavy force in this.
Seiji: (He looks down). Now if it was only that easy to have that happen but we all know the importance of the situation so we cannot let that type event slide if it effects an entire population of spirits.
Shizen: (Looks between them and sighs). Are you really not considering giving this child a chance like that. We don't want a repeat judgment of what happened to poison spirits now do we. Just because a power is dangerous and hard to control does not mean all who hold a power like that are a threat. They are just people who want to live their life like everyone else. It doesn't mean we should treat them as something monstrous.... I believe that element and Yami have very much in common and both should be given that chance to prove themselves in control.
Seiji: And I will agree with that for it is worth considering all these points. But we must also play cautiously in this situation.
Agni: The events with the poison spirits were because of public uproar. If we had time to sit down like this for them we would. But the situation was rushed and very straight to the point. Even after the passing of Nagi and Shiro... Things went quickly out of hand.
Shizen: (Her serious expression stays unwavering). Yes there was chaos but that can be rebuilt now so they can come out of hiding a time soon to come. Yami I hope for that same where he is not hunted by people just for who he is. We need to settle that chaos from happening once again.
Mizuko: As long as we learn from those times we will be better moving forward.
Orion: In order to build a brighter future we must try to fix the problems from the past and sitting here arguing doesn't help that so we must see the point of not trying to force a peaceful moment when we could create a peaceful future.
Shizen: Those goals take time even if you are skeptical on taking steps to improve those movements. Seiji maybe consider this, If we treat cases like this a bit better then the world will but at least a little more accepting and not be labeled monsters for his father's actions and uncontrollable abilities.
Yami: (Says quietly staring up at the council members opposed to him more at Seiji more than Agni for obvious reasons). I'm... I'm not a monster....
Seiji: (He looks down in a look of sorrow). I know you aren't personally child... It's just the wind of fate that graced you with an destructive energy.
Yami: (Speaks up now more coincidently in his words and stepping toward him a raised voice to yelling). Then I'll prove I can do something about that! I don't give a crap what you guys think I'll prove it myself that I'm not like my dad! I won't be a monster like he was! (Looks up at him with a determined look the shocks from the seal on him slightly visible but still standing firm with fists clenched).
Kyoda: (He sighs as well as does Kishi). If that doesn't prove his convention than I don't know what will as he shows that he wants to help everyone while living his own life.
Shizen: He has mentioned training to be a warrior perhaps even a knight like his late brother had plans of training under Kishi. Perhaps after his contract that could be a option in the future even though he is young he is strong and well trained in combat already from his experiences.
Yami: (Eyes widen at the idea then looks up at Kishi with a grin). I can do that no problem, bring it!
Kishi: (He smiles as he nods his head yes knowing he can't talk fully right now).
Agni: Now, now before and go plan out your entire future right here right now we need to get case out of the way first and come down to a decision before anything.
Shizen: I believe I have made my decision clear just now.
Mizuko: And I second that notion if the child wants that for his life. He does seem very determined after all.
Seiji: And though it pains me... I will be voting against that....
Orion: Well I will be agreeing with Shizen.
Kyoda: I will be agreeing with that as well since I believe in my nephew.
Chikara: (Looks down and away from the others as she speaks her part quickly with nothing more added to explain). I vote against.
Shizen: (Her eyes widen with a stunned expression then whispers quietly shaking her head with a sigh). Chikara....
Yami: (Looks at his aunt the same stunned way but is not sure what to say).
Agni: (He smirks to himself in secret as though that was a unexpected surprise). Well I vote against as well and since we have an overturning of votes against to let the young lad keep the same life as before. Now we must discuss the aftermath
Mizuko: (Avoids looking at Agni but tries to smile politely at the situation). Yes 3 votes is enough to overturn some but maybe there are simple compromises that could be made?
Yami: (Begins to get worried again looking up at Kishi not sure what's going on fully).
Agni: We can discuss them I am a very civil person after all so we can talk more after a short recess.
Kishi: (He looks just as shocked as he holds Yami's shoulder as he looks up to his younger brother seeing the surprise on Kyoda's face is surprised by his sister's comment as well).
Shizen: (Sighs with fists clenched but nods). Very well a small recess then it shall be.
Chikara: (Stands up and bows with some words before leaving though avoiding her brothers). We will reconvene in half a hour then. Thank you.
Yami: (Still looks up at Kishi trying to hide his concern but the worry is clear in his eyes).
Orion: (He bows as well). Well alright than we shall meet again in a bit than.
Mizuko: (Bows politely as well). Thank you to all then. (Quietly starts to leave her seat with a sigh).
Kishi: (No matter the shock he bows as he escorts Yami out of the court room into a recess room made available for Yami during this time).
Yami: (Says nothing as he looks down walking into the room and just leaning against the wall with a look of deep thought and worry he is now failing to hide well).

Kishi: Alright now that we have room to talk freely... I can say I didn't expect this... I didn't... Not one bit.
Yami: (Just leans against the wall saying nothing seeming too deep in his own thoughts).
Kishi: (He nods at Yami). I know your nervous... Hell I am too....
Yami: (Nods but still looks down fists clenched but shrugs). I didn't think my aunt thought about me like that too....
Kishi: (He nods). Neither did I... But I guess at an early age she was just sacred... She prioritizes family heavily... But I think she has been harboring her feelings of remorse to herself... After the incident she didn't talk to everyone much....
Yami: Yeah guess I don't blame her... Can't change what happened but guess I'll take a little more blame then. (Shrugs like its nothing big but it clearly is).
Kishi: (He hits the wall). No you shouldn't!... You shouldn't be blamed for something you didn't have control of... What make its right to just blame everything on you because your related... It isn't right.
Yami: (Looks up at Kishi but then down once again). I guess I got used to it... don't blame them... I thought so to but not much can do about it. (Shrugs again as he shifts his cuffs to be more comfortable knowing he needs to keep them on but also frowns at them in his thought). Was actually thinking things could go alright for a bit.
Kishi: And they will! Don't think they won't... I need to have a chat with Chikara... I can't let things stay like this... But I'm not sure on how to do it....
Yami: If not can always make a break for it again... I just don't want to be locked away. (Shifts his cuffs so their looser and looks out the window as he debates with himself saying more quietly). Dammit... Hate this power.
Kishi: I know you do... I just need to talk to Chikara... Dammit I don't know how to talk to my own sister... Damnit! (Suddenly hears a hit on the wall across from him as though someone is mad with him but as he checks through the door he just sees a young lady with long white and black hair storm off).
Yami: (Looks over with a confusing expression to what the sound was). Dude what was that?
Kishi: I'm not sure... Just saw a lady with strange hair storm past the door so I'm not sure.
Yami: (Looks even more confused). strange hair? What? (As they both have questioning looks for a few seconds while the door is slightly open it suddenly burst open almost hitting Kishi in the face as two very familiar girls rush in followed by a white haired man more casual about stepping in).
Kura: (Instantly rushes to Yami to hold him her emotions overwhelming her as she becomes teary eyed holding her little brother). Yami!
Kairi: (Is right with Kura with teary eyes as well as she hugs Yami just as tightly).
Yami: (Is taken completely by surprise by the hug yelling out at the sudden hug as he falls over) Ahh!
Kishi: (As he moves the door off him as he runs his nose). oww that was kind of rude there.... (He looks at the girls and immediately recognizes Kura). Kura....
Kura: (Is to swarmed with emotions and tears hugging Yami with Kairi to hear Kishi at the moment). Yami I was so worried, you're not hurt are you?
Kairi: (Hugs even tighter with tears). We really missed you!
Yami: (Lets them hug being handcuffed at the moment getting at small smile to reassure them). Come on sis I'm fine. Come on stop crying I'm fine you too.
Kishi: (He holds his hand out to Kura like wanting to grab her and take her into a hug but he stops himself as he knows he doesn't deserve to have that right). I'm glad to see your alright... And don't worry I'm keeping him safe.
Kura: (Looks up at Kishi finally noticing but still teary eyes as she goes to hug Kishi as well). Thank you uncle Kishi... I missed you.
Kishi: (As she hugs him he hugs her back and holds her tightly as he cries a little). Oh god... I missed you so much too... I was devastated when I got the report... But I just couldn't believe it... Not one bit....
Kura: (Looks down and nods). After Kuro... helped us escape it was hard running... We were cornered and I pushed Yami away to run... It was very hard but after a time I disguised myself until a few months back meeting this group... And Yami... I'm so sorry I left him alone so long. (Is overwhelmed with emotions breaking down a bit since she had been holding it back the past few days).
Yami: (Looks down as well but still tries to cheer his sister up somehow). I didn't know it was her until then too... Don't worry sis did alright so far....
Kishi: I can only imagine the pain and struggle... But you two are strong... So I know you make it through anything.... (He cries as well holding her tight)
Kura: (Wipes here eyes a bit but still can't help crying into the hug as well). It feels like so much has changed since then... I wish it was 3 of us meeting you here now... But I am happy we are here now at least.
Yami: Yeah... Stuff changed a lot. (Looks down still as Kairi still clings to him with a few tears as well).
Kishi: I heard the reports... I saw your house... And I could barely recognize it... I wasn't sure what to think really.
Kura: (Looks down more and nods). There was enough room to hide both Yami and I to escape but Kuro stayed to fight off all he could.
Yami: I don't remember much of that... Think bro knocked me out before he pushed us.
Kura: (Nods but still looks down). It was so he wouldn't give away where we were... I watched him fight too... He didn't stop fighting either... No matter how much he was hurt he kept fighting... Until he was fading and fell... I left a few leaves I could find as flowers on his shadow and ran carrying Yami... That was the hardest part about everything. (Continues wiping her eyes letting out all the emotions she bottled up).
Yami: (Looks down as well in his own thoughts hearing about his older brother).
Kishi: (He rubs her head As he holds). I know...I can only imagine the pain... But it was the same for us when mom and dad fell apart... So I know the pain... Though I wish wasn't like that... I know he wanted to be a knight... But I promise to make sure you two don't go through this type of thing again.
Yami: (Is in thought looking down then at Kishi Standing up and making sure Kairi is alright to stand she being teary eyed as she listens backing up to Tori's side to give him room). Kuro wanted to be a knight and train with you... Can I do that too.... Sounds pretty awesome..... (Has a serious expression seeming determined from going through his thoughts and some of what was said).
Kishi: (He looks up at Yami in Surprise but then smiles). Yes... I would be happy to have you train to be a knight... It's the least I could do.
Yami: (Grins to try and pick up the mood not wanting his sister to cry as much. He puts his fist out to fist bump even though his hands are still cuffed). Bring it and then have all of those travels you talked about... Sounded pretty cool.
Kura: (Looks over to Yami getting a little smile as she wipes her eyes).
Yami: (His grin grows and nods with even more of a determined look). I'll pass it no problem and I it wouldn't be a fun if wasn't a challenge bring it!
Tori: (Having been silent by the doorway he smirks). Well I guess you're feeling better a bit though don't try to push yourself to smile like you did when they came in Yami.
Yami: (Looks over at Tori going over to fist bump him too but can tell he is still keeping the grin to keep everyone else mood up). Hey come on dude no big deal.

Tori: (He sighs as he fist bumps as well). Yes whatever you say but I'll be there to help knock some sense into you.
Yami: Yeah right I'll fight you again anytime, no problem!
Kura: (Smiles at Tori Kairi and Yami). Tori has been looking after both of us the past few months... There's a lot to thank him for.
Tori: Yeah... I had to make up for Kuro... He had me promise him that I'll be around if he can't....
Yami: (Laughs a little). Guess we didn't make it too easy to find us. Guess we did a good job at that.
Kura: (Nods in agreement with a small smile). I suppose we hid from the wrong people though. (Goes over patting Yami on the head him not complaining to much about it for now. As Kishi watches though he sees the short girl in a pink dress and long black hair is holding onto Tori's arm and clingy to him with a big smile to Yami wiping her eyes one more time like Kura had).
Tori: (He smiles as he pets the young girls head). Thank you again Kish for everything ... I got to be stronger to help protect the people I care about the most.
Kish: (he smirks as he looks towards the young girl). Not a problem, I'm just happy you found another place called home... I'm really glad....
Kura: (Looks at Kairi as she realizes something). Oh Kishi I suppose you need to be introduced. This is Kairi, the one Yami and I are contracted too.
Kairi: (Moves forward a bit towards Kishi to introduce herself. The first thing that Kishi notices about her is her bright cute smile). So you're Kura and Yami's uncle it's nice to finally meet you!
Kishi: (He smiles at the young lass). Aye it's nice to meet you as well hope my niece and nephew aren't causing you too much trouble there lass.
Kairi: (Shakes her head no). Not at all, because of them and the rest of the group we have seen so many amazing things! I just hope everyone can stay together and be happy after this. (Has a hopeful expression up at Kishi and looking at Yami).
Kishi: (he Pat's her head). Aye... As do I but if I know your group from the stories I've heard than I'm sure you'll be fine.
Kairi: (Nods her head as she remembers something searching through a travel bag she brought with her going to Yami). Oh Yami we wanted to bring you some things as traveling presents too. I hope you like them!
Yami: (Scratches his head as he looks at Kairi). You got me stuff? Where did you guys go to get me stuff huh?
Kura: We went through a few territories on the way to this capital the best few days.
Tori: Anywhere we went they wanted to get you gifts as if you were traveling with us as well. Didn't want you to be left out, I'll tell you the stories after everything.
Yami: (Laughs a little). Guess I missed out then.
Kairi: (Starts to sort out her bag Yami able to see containers of Sheppard's pie and sushi).
Yami: (Immediately gains more interest seeing the food). Whoa how much food did you guys get?
Tori: Well... You could say you'll be fed for at least a week at least.
Yami: (Grins up at Tori then at all the food). You kidding? I would eat all of this now if I could.
Kura: (Laughs a little). Well I am sure your uncle will help you with that. (As Kishi smells a familiar scent that his stomach almost growls too).
Kishi: (He smiles as he sees the cheeseburger not having for a while because of recent events). Well I would be rude to eat before my nephew but that burger right there... It's mine.

Yami: (Once he hears word of a burger he notices a bag with burgers, fries, hotdogs and a milk shake then looks up at Kishi like there will be a serious fight). No way a burger... No way, that's mine!

Kura: (Looks between the two and places a hand on Kairi's shoulder to back up).
Kishi: Oh is that challenge... I will see to the challenge later.... (He grins with full intention to win).
Tori: (He sighs as he eats the one he grabbed before heading to the central city).
Yami: (Grins up at Kishi ready for a fight). Bring it' that burgers mine!
Kairi: (Speaks up with a small giggle). You don't need to, there's more than one.
Kura: (pats Kairi's head). It's alright just let them settle this.
Yami: (Looks at the bag with a pause then back at Kishi keeping his confident grin). Fine but still going to win!
Kishi: (Though he is about to throw a punch he remembers where he is and laughs a bit). Haha I haven't gotten fired up like that in a while but we can fight later after everything is over.
Kura: (Laughs a little shaking her head). I believe it was with Kuro that happened with... The boys in this family can be so hotheaded. (Shakes away the sad smile focusing on the two in front of her laughing a little more with a smirk).
Yami: (Looks at Kura with a small frown but shakes it off sitting on the floor to look through the bag of food). Ready for that challenge anytime, you name it.
Kishi: Yes whatever you say Yami but let's get ready to head back in a bit... Let's get ready but after you eat some food
Yami: (Frowns but shakes it away taking a bite of the burger throwing Kishi a burger and hotdog as well). Sure man, here ya go.
Kairi: (Looks down hearing Kishi). I hope we can see you afterwards... We need to all be together again....
Kura: (Looks down as well). I always looked up to aunty Chikara as well with uncle Kyoda... I don't understand why she would.... (Pauses not sure what to do or what to think).
Kishi: I'm not even sure myself... But I have the strangest feeling someone is giving her a piece of their mind. (He smiles at the thought). Well just a feeling anyway.
Tori: (He looks around just noticing Hiki isn't with them and just smirks). Yeah... I think so too.
Kairi: (Looks between Tori and Kishi with a confused look but still shows concern).
Kura: (Still looks down but sits with Yami as he eats wanting to make the most of the court recess seeing him patting his head).
Yami: (Lets his sister and Kairi pat his head knowing they are worried doing his best to push away his own bad feeling for them).
Kishi: (After some more time passes with the small group just talking Amongst themselves they cherish the memories they are making together. However, they know the time short). Well... I guess it's near to say goodbye for right now since recess is about to end we need to get heading back.
Tori: (Having been caught up in the small moment he smirks). I don't thinks it goodbye just see you later get it right Kishi
Kairi: (Looks up at Kishi with a frown not wanting to leave). We can come back after right? And all of us can visit next time?
Kura: (Nods reluctantly and gives Yami a hug not letting go right away wanting to hang onto him for as long as she can).
Yami: (Looks at his sister seeing her get slightly teary eyed again). Come on sis, I'll be ok.
Kishi: Yes... Everyone will be here after everything... I'll make sure of it so just keep placing your faith in me.
Kura: (Look up at Kishi and nods putting her trust in him hugging him as well). I know you will... Thank you.
Kishi: (As he was saying that he was trying to convince himself more than anyone that everything will work out). Yeah... I will swear my life on it.
Kura: (Nods and then turns to Yami with both hands on his shoulders kneeling down to his height). Now we will be right there watching so no need to worry.
Yami: (Scratches his head with s small smile to try and reassure). Come on sis I'm fine.
Kura: And try not to pick fights while up there too much.
Yami: (His expression changes to one a bit more grumpy as he mumbles). Fine I won't....
Kairi: (Hugs Yami as well). It's ok Yami we'll make sure everyone is together no matter what.
Yami: (Looks at Kairi with his expression turning reassuring once again). I know.
Tori: (He holds out his fist to Yami). Now don't disappoint me now Yami... I'll be watching over you.
Yami: (Pauses looking up at Tori bringing up a grin as puts his fists out to connect with Tori's). Come on man don't put it like that... But I know. Don't plan to.
Kura: (Lets go of Yami with Kairi very reluctantly after one more hug).
Kairi: (Does the same going over to Tori afterwards clinging onto his arm).
Tori: (He hangs on to Kairi). I know... You will exceed my expectations... I know you will.
Yami: (Looks down but still smiles). ... Yeah... want to prove that too....
Kishi: And you will... Because I'll be there with you and everyone else will pour their feelings into you Yami so believe in them.
Yami: (Looks down in thought with a nod). Yeah... Thanks.
Kairi: (Has a determined look to Yami). You can do it Yami and we'll do everything we can for you don't worry!
Kura: (Nods and smiles at Yami in agreement already knowing between them what was needed to say).
Yami: Thanks... I'll see you later... Maybe get out of these then too. (Holds up his hands still chuffed to each other with a smile).
Kura: You will... I won't let that happen to you I promise.
Yami: (Nods as they say one more goodbye and he turns away with Kishi leading in front of him down the other side of the hall. Once they are in a smaller hall area walking in back of Kishi his smile fades and tenseness he was pushing away returns clenching his fists).
Kishi and Yami go to their place to wait and in a hall on the other side of the court lies the light council members office. Chikara sits at her office with piles a paperwork surrounding her table going through them one by one to sort out matters of her territory alone. She looks a lot like her mother but looking like in her late teens with white long loose curls unkempt a bit and focused light grey almost silver eyes. She is quite focused on her work as if avoiding other things she suppresses not wanting them to interfere with so much needed to be done. Chikara suddenly hears a knock on her office door with a voice calling out to her
????: umm Mis. Chikara I would like to a moment of your time please.
Chikara: (Sighs and says to herself before answering). What now.... (Gains back her composer sitting properly but continues her large amount of work). Yes make it quick then, who is it?
????: Oh my name is Hikari and I'm a light spirit I would like to hear your comments on some things if that is alright with you. (As she peaks through the door with her white hair peeking through alongside one of eyes. Chikara notices immediately on how long the young ladies hair is down to her hips).
Chikara: (Sighs looking at her visitor shaking away the familiar feeling looking back at her papers). I do not do interviews for papers at this time perhaps you may schedule a request at a later date.
Hikari: oh no, no it isn't an interview. (She smiles). I just wanted your thoughts on two or three things, this will not take long.
Chikara: (Sighs but nods). If you can make it quick then very well. What is it you want then and I will give answers to the best of my ability.
Hikari: Thank you very much! (She claps to herself). Well than my first question is... Why did you vote how you did earlier? Curious for reasoning?
Chikara: (Sighs to the question but answer as she looks through another folder). It is only a logical conclusion from past occurrences. We do not want a situation where disaster and devastation is best case scenario.
Hikari: Oh I see then... Why would you do it against your own nephew ma'am? I thought family was a high priority for you?
Chikara: (Her eyes snap to the door Hikari peeks out of a bit irritated). Well times have changed I suppose and I believe that is something that is none of your business now.
Hikari: Hmm are you sure your aren't just afraid of having him around? (She says as she gets closer).
Chikara: (Looks at Hikari seeing her white hair and blue eyes. She narrows her eyes at her becoming more annoyed by the topic). That is none of your business now excuse me you are disturbing me from my work.
Hikari: Oh but I think it would be if it affects the general population Mis. council woman.
Chikara: (It is noticed that the paper in her hand crinkles from her hands tightening). And that is why I made my decision to prevent another disaster. Now please if you would leave. (Hikari can hear Chikara's tone raise at the end towards her).
Hikari: But I think you care cause your scared for your brothers love so much but yet why do it to your nephew? Don't pin the blame of all your stress on him and no I'm not leaving yet.
Chikara: (Hits her hand on the desk and stands looking at Hikari strictly and a bit of anger covering a fear). Listen you have no right to come up with such accusations. You base this on knowing nothing you have no right and you don't know me!
Hikari: (She finally hits the wall in the frustration). But I know the people you are hurting because you can't reveal your heart! (As she does this Chikara sees light energy coming off Hikari's hair and revealing the black hair mixed with the white).
Chikara: (Is taken a back from her Hikari's hair changing having I great feeling of familiarity but grits her teeth standing her ground). I know they hurt but it is for the best for all! You don't understand and if my brothers have sent you for the last time tell them I don't need help and I don't need to talk!
Hikari: (She grits her teeth at how clueless Chikara is). But is it the real reason your running away from all this and no one sent me I came on my own. But I know the stories and the pain you felt when aunty Shiro and uncle Nagi passed away. But all you did was keep your feelings inside in your heart locking them away when the people the closest to you were only trying to help and ease that pain. But all you did was run away! That isn't right... You love your brothers right? And you love Yami right?
Chikara: (Raises her voice yelling at Hikari now with fists clenched angrily). Of course I love my brothers and Yami and that including Izumi!-. (She instantly pauses at her last comment not meaning to say it saying it out of emotion. She looks away now with a hurt expression shown in her eyes and fists still clenched). ... I loved Izumi just as much as my other brothers... And what he did.... (Looks down trying to hide her emotion and keep them down like she's grown to do now but can't help but have a look of having been betrayed).

Hikari: (She smiles finally at the sight). I know... But he didn't mean to betray you... He just missed Hitomi... and wanted to give anything to have her back... So don't blame Yami... He just wants that family feeling again as do your brothers.
Chikara: I... Don't want that feeling again... I miss them all.... (Her clenched fists become more shaky like she is still trying her best to hold in her emotions still).
Hikari: (She gets closer to Chikara). Well they want it badly as does your niece Kura... They miss being together so much... I know you want that as well... But don't be afraid anymore... Don't be alone anymore... When you have a loving family waiting for you to join the hug.
Chikara: That... Was really Kura... She's alive... And Kishi, Kyoda I'm so sor-. (Is no longer able to hold it in as emotions come spilling out after bottled in for so long putting her hands on her face as tears start to fall heavily).
Hikari: (as she is about to get closer to Chikara she hears a knock on the door and smiles). Well I will see you another time aunty Chikara... I hope you remember the name Hiki... But I must take my leave now.... (She creates a small light and shadow gate to leave the room). Until next time... But don't keep everything bottled up alright?

Chikara: (Looks at Hiki eyes widening as she remembers trips to the library with her mother remembering mentions and seeing a younger girl with odd hair there at time though still tears flow uncontrollablely saying before tears flow even more). Thank you... Hiki....
Hiki: (She is a little teary as well). Not a problem... I'll always be around but first... Your older brother needs you.... (She leaves through the gate and disappears).
Kyoda: (As Hiki leaves Kyoda comes through the door in a barrage of questioning why he was hearing loud bangs). Chikara are you ok?! (He sees the tears in her eyes). Wait what happened are you alright?! (He is obviously very worried for his little sister).
Chikara: (When she first sees her brother all she can do is go to hug him tightly with tears flowing with all she's cries out her words). Kyoda I'm so sorry! So, so sorry!
Kyoda: (He is suddenly taken back by the sudden hug not used to seeing Chikara being emotional). W-what is this about Chikara?
Chikara: (Still hangs onto Kyoda tightly as she talks and cries at the same time). I'm so sorry I was pushing you and Kishi away! I kept pushing everything away ! I was so scared because of what happened and didn't know what to do! I pushed it all away because I didn't want to lose more! I just wanted to say goodbye to mom and dad at least! I miss them and Izumi and Kuro and Hitomi too so much! (Continues her breakdown as she cries more into Kyoda's shoulder).
Kyoda: (He isn't sure what to say as he pets her head letting her cry out all of her feelings heavily). Shh it's alright... Your still here with me and Kishi and Tori... And everyone else your connected to now... So don't regret your past... Move forward into your own future....
Chikara: (Is calmed a little more in her loud cries but her eyes still flow with tears). I'm just so scared because of what happened to Izumi... That it could happen with anyone. You and Kishi.... Yami.... I don't want that feeling again... I'm scared....
Kyoda: I know Chikara... I'm scared too..but we must protect the family we have now... We will keep watching over them all.
Chikara: (Pauses for a moment before nodding her head). I know... It's just hard... I don't know what I'm doing either... There's so much to keep track of... I don't know how mom did it... I don't know if I can.... (Looks over at the mountain of work on her desk then down at herself).
Kyoda: Well I know Kishi couldn't handle it either... But he trusted us to do it all... And it won't be easy... But we will make mom and dad proud of us.
Chikara: (Pauses once again but finally nods). I'll try harder then... And try not to handle it all on my own... Try to be closer again... I'm sorry Kyoda....
Kyoda: (He smiles as he kisses his sister's head). I know you will...and thank you for saying that... I didn't want to lose connection with you....
Chikara: (Wipes her eyes looking down for another second but then nods to Kyoda tears slowing more). I want us all to be a family again... Be close like everyone used to be like at dinners... I just am not sure how again... I'm scared since so much of it left it won't feel the same... Or it will leave again.... Please you and Kishi... Don't leave like Izumi did....
Kyoda: Now... How we leave behind our precious little sister... We will never do that I promise you.
Chikara: (Here tears come back though with less sadness, hugging Kyoda tight and hiding her face in his shoulder). I really needed to hear that... Thank you....
Kyoda: No... Thank you for giving us the chance to be connected with you again.... (He pets her hair). But I must ask where did all of this come from.
Chikara: No one ever confronted those feelings... I just bottled it all up... I guess they were confronted just now... I will need to thank her for that. (Looks down with a small smile and expression of thought).
Kyoda: well... I don't know who it is but I'm glad you could let out all your feelings than... I'm glad.
Chikara: It's has been so long... I don't think I ever really dealt with those issues... That loss.... I just kept it all inside... I'm sorry I took it out on Yami... And that really was Kura... She's alive... She really is alive. (Her tear turn into happiness as she says this from how close she was to her little niece back then).
Kyoda: I know Chikara... And wait what... Kura was there?! She's alive... I'm so glad... I missed her a ton....
Chikara: (Nods her head with a smile). I wasn't sure at first but I really saw her... She had blue eyes and blue in her hair so I wasn't sure... But she really looks a lot like her mother... I need to talk to her after this meeting.
Kyoda: as will I... I'm sure Kishi already knows... She was very protective of Yami... But let's make progress to bring the family back together.
Chikara: (Nods in agreement once again as she has a more determined composer to her having gotten her emotions in order. She starts to head out of her office with Kyoda to return to the meeting). Yes... Now let's get going then... There is a vote I need to change.
Everyone starts to head back from their recess of the meeting Council members taking their seats once again finally able to start after the formal traditions. Yami is brought out to the middle below area and Kyoda stands with Chikara to do start the meeting everything quieting so they may do so.
Agni: (He is the first to speak after the small recess). Well than everyone.... (He coughs). We had a very interesting meeting before hand so since we had a majority vote on the young lads fate shall we discuss the way of going about it.
Shizen: (Grits her teeth but nods professionally). I am sure a agreement can be made to resolves this.
Mizuko: It should be a decision that benefits the child's mental health so that he may live a more fulfilling life then what he has.
Chikara: (Slowly stands but more confident and determined in her demeanor rather than her emotionless and cold one before). ... If I could ask I would like to reevaluate my vote from earlier. I had some time to reconsider.
Shizen: (Looks at Chikara with eyebrows raised in surprise but can't help but have a small inward hopeful grin).
Yami: (Looks up at his aunt not really sure that she is doing quite yet giving her a confused expression).
Seiji: (He looks at Chikara in interest). Hmm now why do you say that Chikara because this is the first time you have revoked your vote from before?
Chikara: (Sighs inwardly before speaking again). It was helped realized that I was not leading in the right way... I was making decisions to stay safe but also out of fear of past event happening once again.... I was also as doing that holding that fear over my judgments when one had nothing to do with the occurring.... Making decisions out of fear is not a way to lead.... I know my mother would have made a decision differently.... She would judge on the person in front of hers actions and attitude to change.... I need to start doing that as well to grow as a leader.... So I change my vote to side with Yami so that he may grow to prove the fear wrong that had a hold on me and others still.
Orion: (He looks to her surprised as does Kyoda). Well than since we have miss council members revote than it becomes a majority vote to let Yami be free as long as he has council supervision.
Agni: Well than... This is very interesting as well.
Chikara: (Looks at both of her brothers for a moment as a few mumbled voices echo out in the seating saying quietly). I am sorry it took so long to realize this... I will try to do better and follow my mom's and dad's legacy... And make you proud.... (Looks down but has a small smile at Kishi and Kyoda).
Seiji: Hmm very unexpected in deed. Well because of the rules we have it place I cannot over turn the revote. So because of that. Yami the young dark spirit shall have his freedom from custody. (Agni is seen grinning but mostly to himself)
Yami: (Looks up having a hint of hope in his eyes that grows a smile as well).
Mizuko: (Smiles politely to Seiji). Perhaps for reassurance in your mind we should bring some the our witness to this case. I believe Shizuna the boy she is contracted to named Maru. They seem like the least bias if needed.
Chikara: (Nods in agreement). Luna.... (Pauses mistakenly using her informal name). Excuse me Shizuna is a very credible witness being a well respected light spirit lead knight. I would trust her views.
Shizen: I believe two council members here including I can give some information to Yami's case as well. Orion and I have watched closely and kept watch so far. I think we are capable of continuing that roll until his contract ends.
Agni: Well, well if it's going to be like that I'll back down from stance from earlier and shall follow this feverous dream that your chasing but I shall see where it leads.
Shizen: (Narrows her eyes at Agni not sure of what he is playing at). Very well then.... (Looks up in the ceiling with a smile to ease her irritation knowing who is up there).
Mizuko: Then he shall be released the next coming days I would assume.
Chikara: (Nods in agreement). We will make his paperwork top priority to be released and I am sure Kishi will not mind being the one to travel and form reports on Yami actually as reassurance).
Yami: (Looks up at Kishi with a grin, him seeing the happy expression his young nephew gives fully).
Seiji: Well than we shall proceed.... (He smells something off). Is there someone cooking nearby... I am quite hungry right now... hmm it smells like it is burning.
Chikara: We do not have a kitchen near this buildings hall. (Smells something as well looking around smelling and seeing a growing fog of smoke).
Mizuko: (Immediately stands seriously Shizen doing the same seeing darker billows of smoke from some areas with a flames flickering light in some). What is this?

Yami: (Looks at the direction of the smoke behind Kishi getting a bit defensive instinctively).
Agni: (He smiles as he yells out in a sight of panic). We need to evacuate the building now! Knight Kishi escort the civilians and suspect out of here now!
Chikara: (Stands staying serious and calm matter as people in civilian seating start to panic). Everyone remain calm and follow our guards to the outside! Yuzuki take command of the guards to evacuate the premises!
Shizen: (Grits her teeth as she sees fire on the lower levels standing and quickly to help evacuate). Everyone out now! Mizuko!
Mizuko: (Nods to Shizen knowing what she is about to say gathering all the water available and rushing to get to the lower areas).
Yami: (Sticks behind Kishi but backs up seeing the fires creep to surround them being on the lowest floor there is). Dammit, what the hell....
Kyoda: (He panics as he begins to help evaluate the civilians in the sitting area). Everyone out of here now!
Agni: (He smiles as he disappears from his balcony and goes into the flames resulting from the explosions).

Shizen: (Does the same one the other side of the seating area with Orion. Orion using a wall of stone as a barrier for those to evacuate. Shizen helps direct each person by the wall covering her face from the flames heat growing in the room).
Yami: (Is still on the bottom platform with Kishi as Kishi hears screams of panic from people moving through the closest hallway. He grits his teeth trying to stick behind Kishi but back up a step to avoid flames covering his mouth to not inhale smoke as he looks for a way out of the flames with a few coughs).
Kishi: (He does his best to keep Yami in sight as the council members are trying to keep control of the situation and the flames with those that can). Come on Yami... We need to meet Kura and the rest outside!
Yami: Hey dude hold-. (Is cut off by coughing and his voice hard to be heard from the panic and flames having to back up more as flames drive him back. He covers his face and tries to keep the flames from burning though some of his clothes getting singed and him burned if her he tries to catch up with no success. He uses his arm to cover his mouth and try and find a way but flames surround him as he tries to swallow down the fear but it is clear in his eyes now as he tries to escape. Even with the sense of fear he still tries though the lightening seal shocking him so he cannot take dark energy to strengthen himself to fight pass although he tries with gritted teeth).
Agni: (He comes up behind Yami as he seems to be concerned about his safety). Are you alright lad? We need to get out of here!
Yami: (Instantly turns to look behind him his eyes widening in shock but fear still clear in them though grits his teeth in anger to swing a weakened punch though his hands still chained). No get aw-. (Is cut off but electric jolts of the seal and coughing from the smoke falling to his knees as he does though he tries to fight through it to no success).

Agni: (He grins). Well it isn't good to waste your energy so I have a proposal. (He uses the back end of a nearby staff and knocks Yami unconscious). Take a nap for a little while we have things to attend too.
Yami: (As soon as the impact happens he falls forward his eyes fluttering to slowly close only able to get out one word before he blacks out and goes limp). No....
Agni: (He picks up the unconscious lad as he begins to make his move towards a back entrance to the building). We shall begin than quite shortly.
Yami: (Can remember faint hints of things for a little bit with the memory of some movement being held. His vision is very clouded and very out of it mental wise only remembering a woman's voice at some point though faintly in his memory).
????: Ah so it went as planned lord Agni?
Agni: (Yami can hear Agni laugh a little to himself). Well not exactly as planned but regardless the result was the same... Though you making explosives as a backup plan was exciting.
????: (A laugh is heard from the woman as well). I say it was a more preferred one of mine. But this is the boy then? He looks quite younger than I thought.
Agni: Yes he's the one... He's the one that will help me achieve the dream my parents couldn't dream of doing.
????: Ahh I see, quite exciting indeed. Oh it looks like he is beginning to stir. Perhaps he was not hit hard enough for a long rest?
Agni: (he sighs as he forces a strange smell into Yami's nose to make him fall asleep). Now, now I won't use force again but this is easier for the both of us, you'll see.
Yami: (That is the last he remembers as everything fades into unconsciousness fully).
Meanwhile back in the center of the court Kishi is helping citizens near the fire to evacuate having his back turned to where Yami was last remembered to be. He has just finished helping direct citizens through as the flames surround the area.
Kishi: (He's outside with everyone as he wipes some sweat off). Whoa that's was difficult well it seems like everyone is safe right Ya-. (He turns around and doesn't see Yami there). Mi.... (He begins to look all around him hoping to see him lost in the crowd but no luck). Where did he go?! (No matter how hard Kishi looks there is no sign of Yami. When running back to the area that has become a blaze the center of the court where he thought Yami followed behind having the most intense of flames unable to make it very close with the walls of hot flames. He swears to himself as he hits the ground repeatedly). How... How did I fail like this... It's infuriating! (Kishi feels someone jump down from a higher area to a bit in front of him in the flames while he is hitting the ground. He hears flames flicker and swirl from the presence as if welcomed and grow from it just being there. He looks towards the person only expecting it to be one specific person). Adara... What happened.
Adara: I can track from here... Don't worry. (Has a focused expression as her eyes search quickly across the room. He also notices the swirls of fire as she stands in the blaze unharmed. Her face mask is up with a orange and red tint to her green eyes and her red vibrant hair flowing more flame like as well).
Kishi: I see... Now it just makes sense.... (He is more preoccupied with the current situation than what he sees in front of him). I'll leave it to you than....
Adara: (Looks over to Kishi with a reassuring smile and wink before running further into the flames picking up traces of another's fire).
Kishi: (He mops around a second to collect his thoughts but then he comes up with the idea to run to the dungeon underneath hoping to find someone or someone there).
Adara: (Runs through the flames using it as her advantage as she rushes her tracking to the halls and right above the dungeon and more towards the small back exit being darker besides the light of flames. She rushes not wanting to lose her trace of the other person she senses fire before it vanishes).
Kyoda: (He had ran down to the dungeon to make sure no one was down there where he sees someone running through the hallways and decides to give chase. Being dark enough that he is not noticed he realizes it is Adara with a red glow from being in flames. She runs down the hall with a her red hair flowing like a flame behind her).
Kyoda: (He questions why she is there and begins to follow her as he doesn't want to believe she caused all this).
Adara: (Looks around with concentration talking to herself once as she analyzes the situations). It's possible Yami was taken this way... But the trail is going cold... Two trails... And no struggle either. (Lifts her hand to ignite a flame in her hand with a fire seal in it, using it in a odd complex way).

Kyoda: (He is far away enough that he doesn't hear Adara but sees the flame clearly in a sudden surge of anger and feeling betrayal he runs up to her and tackles her).
Adara: (Is suddenly pushed against the wall with the impact making her gasp from the pain of it for a moment to realize what had happened. She opens her eyes from wincing being lifted off her feet against the wall a Kyoda restrains her there). Kyo-.... (She puts her hands on his arms still with some flames unintentionally trying to get the grip to loosen at least so she can regain her breath to speak coughing a bit from it).
Kyoda: When... WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING TO ATTACK US LIKE THIS... WERE YOU JUST USING MY BROTHER FOR YOUR OWN GOALS?! (He shields his arm with dark energy to protect from the flames).
Adara: (Still struggles to try and get the grip on her to loosen to get her words out). You... Don't understand... There's not much... Time, Yami-. (Coughs again before she can say everything needed struggling once again with a few weakened kicks).
Kyoda: Yami... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY NEPHEW!? (He doesn't fully let up but his hold loosens for a second from the sudden mention of Yami).
Adara: (The grip is loose enough for her to finally catch her breath and look at Kyoda though through wincing green eyes). I am not your enemy Kyoda... Please I know how it looks... But I'm losing the trail... please... I'm not the type of fire spirit you think... I'm nature... But.... (Pauses knowing that statement is hard to believe at all with her hair looking more like fire and struggling again knowing there is no time to waste with such complicated details).
Kyoda: (He let's go of Adara and sits up on the side of her). Alright... Explain yourself... Please I'm just scared for my family again.
Adara: (Sighs being released sitting as well then looks down the hall knowing she had lost the trail of fire). The trail is lost... I will need to find another way to track your nephew... But I know I need to earn your trust so I will tell you what I have told Kishi to earn his trust. (Looks down slightly as she puts her hand on her face mask covering up to her nose sighing before though).
Kyoda: (He is silent as he listens to Adara feeling a rush of different emotions still).
Adara: (Looks downward). First of all I would never use your brother, I quite like him in fact. (Has a small laugh that quickly fades). And I did not lie about being of nature.... I look quite a lot like my mother in fact. (As she does this she pulls down her mask and scarf looking directly at Kyoda for him to get a good luck).

Kyoda: Shizen then... You have that same sense of goodwill as she does.... (He says before she even pulls off her mask fully revealing her face).
Adara: (Smile and nods). I would like to think so. It is why I agreed to help with this situation as well as some of my own interests as well. Not many know of me but perhaps the full truths will be well known one day soon.... I would like it too. (Sighs looking down at her hand a vine growing to wrap around it and the flames mostly on her hair and other hand calm).
Kyoda: Well... I can't say with a full heart that I trust you fully and you can understand why though I will apologize for my tackle but you must understand my reasoning though I do understand yours as well.
Adara: There is no need for apologies. Given the same predicaments I would of come to the same conclusions as you. I more am a sort of spy now to report back to my mother on my.... On movements of fire since she knows it is something she cannot convince me of doing otherwise.... What I was planning now in fact... But it seems the trail has left.... Split into two right before as well. (Bites her thumb as she looks down the hall with a pondering and analyzing expression).
Kyoda: I see... Than... Well I shall do my best to help since this all involves my nephew... I don't want to lose him again.
Adara: (Nods again looking at Kyoda calm yet seriously so that he may keep a somewhat level head). Now I will say that they do have Yami now... I just need a way to track them so that things go well again... But I must go alone as a scout.... I hope you understand.
Kyoda: (He looks down at the statement but looks back up toward Adara). I'm sorry but I can't allow that... Because I need to fight as well... You lead the way and I'll follow... I won't interrupt I just want to help.
Adara: (Sighs looking at Kyoda knowing the emotions are heavy on his mind). Kyoda you need to think of this logically. You are in a seat of power and a scout is needed to infiltrate enemy lines. Think of it as a game of chess as well but a bit more complicated. A person will not rush all their pieces in blindly to an enemies territory. They will send smaller pieces to scope out the area and level of strategy played for the other pieces to follow the trail. I am merely taking that role for you to follow and make your assault. I am most logical choice to go being most familiar with the area since much younger and the one with the most knowledge of the others strategy and the least likely to be detected being already known but not necessarily trusted as your spy. (Holds up a lock of her vibrant red hair with a small sad smile down towards it that she shakes away quickly).
Kyoda: (He looks down and sighs). Fine then I'll shall wait for my chance to attack... Don't hold out on me then... And wait. (After having a moment to think to himself for a brief second the ideas are connecting). By the actions you have done... Your Agni's daughter... I can't believe it. (He begins to pace around in his own circle). From the idea of trusting the fire spirits though it isn't bad but at the time it is very different per say. And if I remember correctly, you seemed to know your way around too well and the keen knowledge you have of his actions. Plus your reaction just now to your hair, it only makes senses it's Agni's since his hair is pure red in some shades if I remember correctly. So it all makes sense now!
Adara: (Looks at Kyoda carefully now as she stands watching him pace). I would appreciate if that little bit of knowledge would be kept between you and Kishi if he had already not connected the dots. There are only a small few who know this being my mother, aunt Mizu and Uncle Orion as well as your parents... That is all... Not even Agni knows... But yes... I am the daughter of both Nature and Fire. (Holds up both hands one a plant and green glowing energy and the other a small flame though it appears to be a struggle to keep both energies up at once).
Kyoda: (He nods as he stops pacing). Alright I will keep it to myself and knowing my older brother... He doesn't realize it yet since he's probably mopping around.... I'll go by him with Chikara and try to cheer him up.
Adara: (Nods a understanding keeping a level head with the situation). I will leave to you to fill them in on what is happening. As for the trails I leave and hidden notes I would go to my mother for that information.... I know she will not like me doing this but there is little time to waste for any other solution.... I do need a favor before I am able to leave however.
Kyoda: What is it Adara? I'll do what I can to help. (He readies for anything she is about to ask).
Adara: (Grins as stretches her arms a little). It is a odd question do you have anything of Yami scent. It is a bit of a nature way of tracking thanks to training with my mother.
Kyoda: (He thinks to himself). Hmm I don't think so anything on me but... I think these seals can help since they have traces of his energy if that could help? (He pulls out a grimoire that is filled with seals).
Adara: (Bites her thumb as she ponders). I suppose if that is the best we can work with. (Continues to think quickly but then gives a motion as if a idea has clicked). Actually that may just work well for what I had in mind.
Kyoda: (He seems surprised by the sudden change in emotion but goes with it as he shows the sum of seals that were used on Yami when he was taken originally).
Adara: (looks over with interest). And you made sure to keep a strand of his energy in at least one of these then? Perhaps if so that scent can be tracked since the same principle applies with the scent.
Kyoda: Yes we had to use multiple seals in order to keep his abilities in check.
Adara: (Bites her thumb again in thought). Then the seal are still on him... That makes him quite vulnerable but I assume Agni will find a solution to that problem quickly if her know the extent of Yami's condition. If so it will hopefully buy us time to make a move as long as Yami is strong enough mentally. (Rambles her strategies out loud more stopping herself realizing how she is talking about the situation not wanting emotions to rise further). For now let's focus on using one of these seals to release energy to make it traceable if you would. (Steps back a bit to let Kyoda focus as she concentrates on her own things more away from his focused vision of the book).
Kyoda: (He nods his head yes as he brings his hands close to his grimoire as he starts to pull out a seal he believes shall help as he begins to dismantle it from the outside to the inside formation of characters making the seal cause a small amount of dark energy to be released. At the corner of Kyoda's eye he sees a faint glow of green as he concentrates).
Adara: Quite fascinating seeing a unique set of seals. It is most helpful indeed though not for Yami's condition I am sure there would of been better alternatives
Kyoda: Yeah... I am working on finding those alternatives... I look into research to help better things like his abilities but I have no luck so far.. But I shall keep working to reach my goal at all costs.
Adara: Perhaps the answers are simplistic but that is not something to focus our minds on now. Yami first needs to be returned as priority. (Comes back to Kyoda's line of vision noticing instead of Adara he sees a big red furred wolf with green eyes looking up at him. There can't help but feel a nostalgic feeling from Shizen favorite form of animal looking at Adara though the fur color very much different from grey being Adara's vibrant red).

Kyoda: (He smiles at the nostalgic feeling but he keeps focus on bringing out the energy trail). Well this is all I can do the rest is on you.
Adara: (Nods going over to the energy her nose smelling it with a focused look). His energy has a quite unique and strong scent, that should make it a bit easier.
Kyoda: Well than I'll leave it to you and I'll go talk to Kishi and fill him. (As he closes his grimoire).
Adara: (Nods once more looking up at Kyoda as she gets ready to go). I will do what I can in terms of passing information. I will leave to you telling my mother what I am taking as a role in this. She will not like it but I imagine her staying calm after all of this is not a reasonable estimate. I hope she is not too harsh but reassure her for me at least that I will be fine. (In her wolf form she gives the most reassuring smile she can manage but a little saddened there is no time to do so herself).
Kyoda; (He smiles to help reassure Adara). Not a problem, I will be there to tell her everything I can so do not worry and don't be sadden. Your just doing what you think is right.
Adara: I hope so and thank you. I will be off then. (As she says this she has a wolf's grin before sprinting off quickly letting her nose pick up the scent faintly right before).
Kyoda: (Watches Adara leave but quickly runs back knowing he needs to find his brother now. Meanwhile outside everyone evacuated is tended too as the building is in smoke).
Mizuko is sitting away in concentration as large streams of water enter their building to put out the fires quickly. Shizen Orion are with their group and the citizen's who have exited making sure there are not too many with severe injuries with Rowen helping as well. The group checks on each other most once everyone is accounted for running out and helping quickly. They hold their animals prospectively some getting a bit of smoke and ash on them like they had. Orion has his dog Spike at his side as he carries his tortoise Rocky carried under his arm with Rowen cradling Echo in his arms prospectively from running out. Tori and Hiki do the same with Silver and Owlet making sure they are alright as well with Chazz. Jennifer if checking on her sister as well a bit prospectively still in a bit of shock and worry to what had happened.
Chazz: (He coughs as he tries to get off the soot from his clothes as does Hiki and Tori who were with him when everything happened). Are the birds ok?
Hiki: (As she coughs). Yeah I think so... I just have to clean him up as I expect Silver does as well.
Tori: (He is wiping soot off Silver). Yes she is going to need a bath.
Jennifer: (Looks over in relief at them also seeing the birds are spooked but unharmed but then turns her attention back to Kairi). Are you sure you are not hurt Kairi?
Kairi: (Rubs her eyes a little which became teary from the heat but other than that appears fine). I'm alright sis what about you?
Jennifer: (Sighs in relief with a small smile still holding onto Kairi tightly). I am fine I think everyone has made it out safely for the most part.
Shizen: (Looks over to Orion and Rowen being a few feet away and calling out to them to make sure everything is alright with them and the animals they hold). Are you two alright as well? Spike, Rocky and Echo are unharmed as well? (Looks to Rocky carried under Orion's arm with Spike beside him and Echo curled in Rowen's arms).
Rowen: (He uncovers Echo). She seems to be fine as well just scared from the sudden events.
Orion: Same here for Spike and Rocky they are just a bit dirty and spooked up.
Shizen: Very good then. (Sighs in relief but then looks outward her eyes searching and a bad feeling growing in her mind). I don't like this....
Orion: Neither do I. (He looks towards the same direction). It's was too convenient of an attack once we were about to pass the vote to set Yami go.
Shizen: (Nods in agreement with a serious uneasy expression). They would be out by now... And a fire... He's not here as well. I don't like this at all. (Continues searching through the people regardless as well as for her daughter though knowing she would be hidden well).
Kura: (Stares out into the people and the smoke filled building her hands clenched to each other close to her heart. Her eyes search a bit frantic in worry though she says nothing, not until she sees her little brother and uncles and aunt. The group sees Kishi by the front door standing there as he though he is waiting for someone to come out).
Chazz: (He looks at Kishi in confusion). Isn't that Kishi? Where is Chikara and Kyoda?
Kura: (Instantly is the first to run up and hug Kishi from her worry. Her first thought being happy he's safe as well getting a little teary eyed looking up at him). Kishi... I was worried.
Kishi: (He is surprised from the sudden hug but wants to hold her as well but pushes her back a little because of the guilt he feels daunting over him). Kura... I'm sorry... I... couldn't.
Kura: (Backs up a step in surprise not expecting Kishi to push her away getting a hurt feeling. Her hands go close to her chest again in worry looking up at Kishi. The first thing she sees is the expression of guilt getting a sinking feeling in her stomach, looking around finally to not see Yami with him her voice coming out only in a silent fear and dread filled reply). ... Yami?
Kishi: (He doesn't answer her as he shakes his head no). I'm sorry... I wasn't stronger... I lost him... Someone has him.
Kura: (Clenches her hands tighter to herself looking up at Kishi with wide fear filled eyes fearing anymore detail).
Shizen: (Looks at Kishi with a serious expression and her tone even more so as she catches up with the rest). What happened Kishi, where are your brother and sister as well?
Kairi: (Still is clinging to her sisters side but looks at Kishi with worry and eyes hard to tell bad news too as well). Where is Yami?
Kishi: I'm not sure... We were leaving together when suddenly his presence was gone... I don't think he died in the fire think it was something else.... (He looks down in shame as he clenches his fists more mad at himself than anything). I'm not sure where they are... But I'm pretty sure there fine.
Shizen: (Her serious expression grows to more stern and strict with Kishi). But you do not know and you stand here instead of searching as well? And How did you lose track of him it was your responsibility to keep him safe and guarded.
Kishi; I don't... And it was happening when I was escorting citizens out of the building and it was just lost in the fire.
Shizen: We had the evacuation quiet handled and you should have kept a closer eye on him. Kyoda and Chikara are in there now go in there and help or I do it myself. It is not like a older brother to stand and wait.
Jennifer: (Hears a raised tone in Shizen's voice her concern rising). Shizen please calm down....
Kishi: (He clenches his fist). Than what do you want me to do than! I'm a failure I know that!
Shizen: (There is a shocked silence to the outburst before Shizen steps forward more towards Kishi. Her gaze is intimidating in a serious manner her tone even more so). That's not the Kishi I know.... Where did that confidence, courage and strength go? Where is the prideful demeanor you always shared with your father? The one I see here is not the young man I have watched grow and grin at the challenges. He would never say something so weak. (She doesn't break her piercing gaze for a moment reaching out with a clenched fist on Kishi's shirt to bring him closer to make sure he doesn't look away knowing she's serious).
Kishi: Well it died when I failed to be a council member... It happened during a revolt temporary I couldn't think straight on what to do.... (He knocks off her hold). It all happened faster... I was accepting it as a challenge and how I am I looked towards it with my pride on the line... But I failed... People died because I was too late..so I stepped down for Kyoda to take over... After that I couldn't trust myself to do anything.
Shizen: (Shakes her head no but still keeps her expression even). They were mistakes yes but some were unforeseeable with so much grief in the world. Yes you made mistakes but one thing your father did after a mistake was move forward to make things better. So that those mistakes wouldn't occur with all the strength he had to protect his people no matter what.... Same with your mother. You don't give up just because something went wrong you learn and fix it for a better tomorrow. You don't run away and toss the responsibility to siblings that depended on you AND LET FAMILY FALL APART! .... The Kishi I know would not let that happen... He would hold onto it until his dying breath... Is that still true? ... Or did Kuro look up to you and follow that protective strength for nothing to have a mistake or two crush that like this.... Where's that fight to make things right and protect what you still have.
Kishi: (He finally looks up toward Shizen with a look of anger and frustration some at him and some at the words she has said). I KNOW THAT.... I know that already... But sometimes it was hard... Even when I grinned I screamed.... When I laughed at the challenge I was scared... But fine.... I'll show how strong I am but don't ever put down my father's name we he was stronger than anyone else here.... Don't you dare say anything like that again Shizen... I'll be that pillar to stand up strong for my family like I did before.... I will keep my family together.
Shizen: (He can see her expression ease up at bit). Your angry... Good. I know your scared but it takes a lot to overcome that fear and rush in anyways. It's what being a knight is and a master at that. You may scream but that's what your family's support was for and that protective instinct takes over to save what you have. Use that drive and focus that frustration and then when feel that confidence start to fall look back to remind yourself what you stand up for. Fear is no match for that just close your eyes and search for that feeling once again where you felt that fight and pride.
Kishi: Yeah... I'll keep being that pillar... I have to be... I was that when my parents died to save everyone... So I'll do again... But I'll make sure to not fail again as I won't lose my niece and nephew again.
Kura: (Looks at Kishi with tears in her eyes not able to put word together quite yet).
Shizen: (A small smile forms placing a hand on Kishi's shoulder). And if you do that much I know your parents will smile at the legacy you carry from them.... I remember the big ceremony of you becoming a master classed knight so well. I never had seen a more pride filled expression from you and your father that day. I know you can live up to that title just as you proved that day.
Kishi: Alright... I'll be that person again only because I must be there for everyone.... I can't fail like that again... I won't.
Shizen: (She pats Kishi's shoulder). Not just for them but yourself as well or else things you care about drift apart. I know you have that fight still in you, you just need a push to find it.
Kura: (Steps forwards towards Kishi tears still threatening to spill from her eyes but feeling like she needs to say something regardless). Kishi... Kuro... He always looked up to you for that fight.... He even said before protecting us how he was going to make you proud by being a big brother and knight like you are.... I know that still would be true.... (Looks down for a moment but has a slightly sad smile looking back).

Kishi: (Now he hugs her). I know and I more than appreciated that he wanted to prove that to me but regardless I'm happy your safe as well as Yami.... Since I have to teach him on how to be knight as well now.
Kura: (Tears falls as she hugs back). I just want everyone to be a close family again.... I know you will do a good job teaching him.... Just where is he.... I'm scared, I can't lose him....
Kishi: (He holds Kura tight). I know... And we will be soon I promise so no more crying... Save the tears when everyone is together again.
Kura: (Nods wiping her tears a bit trying to calm down in the hug).
Kairi: (Her hold on her older sister tightens from her concern holding to see Yami come out soon).
Shizen: (Looks at Kura with sympathy but knows her words had gotten to Kishi knowing he will have many things to think over. She gets a small smile looking over to direction behind them although the bad feeling on her instincts has grown).
Kura: (Can feel someone join the hug the other seeing her use light speed before seeing the girl with very long white curled hair and silver white eyes).
Chikara: (Has joined the hug holding onto her niece tightly). I'm so glad you're safe....
Hiki: (She smiles as she hides behind Chazz to stop from being seen to keep this a surprise for another time).
Kishi: (He smiles seeing Chikara). It's been a while since you ever joined in a hug Chikara.
Chikara: (Looks down a little more ashamed of her behavior in the past). I... was help to realize some things... I want to try harder... To be closer again... I'm sorry Kishi.
Kura: (Hugs back getting emotional from the hug from her aunt as well). I missed you aunty Chikara....
Chikara: (Smiles at her niece petting her hair). I missed you too... I thought I lost you as well.... (Her hold onto Kura in the hug tightens). I'm never letting go again....
Kishi: (As the three are hugging they notice that Kyoda is walking out with his hands covering his mouth to block the smoke he walked through).
Kura: (Look over as well as pulling away from the hug to run to Kyoda and try to see Yami as well). Kyoda....
Chikara: (She and Kishi follow right behind but her expression more saddened that Kishi notices as they do so).
Kairi: (Runs over getting a smile thinking she will see Yami in the smoke filled all Kyoda comes out of).
Shizen: (Looks over as well smiling at Kishi but instantly stops, narrowing her eyes in search not seeing Yami behind him as well as someone else she worries immensely but has kept to herself).
Kyoda: (He doesn't answer as he goes on his knees before everyone). I'm sorry... I failed as well... I couldn't get to him... Someone had taken him... I couldn't.
Kura: (Stops in her tracks in front of Kyoda with a look as if her heart had just has dropped). .... Yami....
Kairi: (Is right beside Kura with the same feeling as she is about to tear up her smile changing instantly). W-where is he...?
Jennifer: (Has a worried expression putting a hand on Kairi's shoulder). Who has taken him?
Shizen: (Just looks down so her face is in shadowed more with both fists clenched Orion and Rowen both noticing). I would think we can all guess and know who has taken him....
Kyoda: But... Someone else is on the trail to find him... I had to believe in her... I didn't have a choice in the matter really.... (He looks down in frustration).
Kishi: (He immediately realizes who Kyoda is talking about as does Orion).
Orion: Clever girl that one is but in a dangerous spot right now.
Shizen: (Snaps her eyes up to Kyoda with a mothers protectiveness in her eyes raising her voice by the end). And you let her go? And alone at that? It's too dangerous now why didn't you stop her!
Jennifer: (Looks back at Shizen concerned and confused). Her?
Chazz: (He and everyone join in the sudden questioning of this "she" as well). Who is she?
Rowen: (He looks worried for Shizen's mentality as it seems this is someone important to her so he goes by her and holds her hand to hope and help the sudden rush of emotion she is feeling and displaying).
Shizen: (Grits her teeth still having a protective expression and tight hold on Rowen's hand. She sighs a little but not helping her emotions calm). Her name is Adara... She shouldn't be in the middle of this now... I shouldn't have.... (She looks down with a tightening grip and gritting her teeth again not able to finish her statement having regrets asking her daughters help).
Rowen: Adara.... (He feels uneasy having heard the name before but only once when they went out drinking).
Tori: Shizen before you get all angry again at least hear Kyoda out since getting angry won't change anything and it seems like he tried to convince her other-wise but didn't work.
Kyoda: (He shakes his head yes). Yes that's generally what happened... Though seeing her with fire powers had forced me to confront her about but it seems like she just wants things to go smoothly for Yami so she is tracking him down.
Jennifer: (Looks even more confused and concern looking from Kyoda to Shizen). A fire spirit?
Shizen: (Takes a breath her grip loosening a bit as she tries to calm down just a little). No stopping her when her mind if made up is impossible, she is as stubborn as me after all. She is quite smart as well for this.... She always has been but-.... (Sighs shaking her head from the worrying thought to something else). And child it is more complicated but she is a self declared spy for fire as her way of help. She is excellent at tracking and can leave us hidden clues to follow if needed. I don't believe she could do anything more but it is most helpful I have to admit.... She's a smart little girl... Always has been. (Looks down knowing Adara was right taking her role for strategy but closes her eyes for a second praying she stays safe with all her being).
Kura: (Has been looking down but now drops to her knees feeling a weakness and pain beyond worry).
Kairi: (Is near Kura with many tears in her eyes no matter how much she tries to wipe them away).
Hiki: (Can't help it anymore as she goes by Kura and Kairi giving them a hug in a hope to help calm down there emotions). Shh everything will be ok you two aright?
Kura: (Cannot manage to say a word only looking down in a state shock).
Kairi: (Her emotions come out in streams of tears looking up at Hiki). We can get Yami back right? Where is he we can go get him and is he alright he's not being hurt right... Please?
Kyoda: To my understanding he will be fine... Just we need to hurry on this but we will have to place trust in Adara.
Chikara: (Goes over to Kura to hug her as well with a small smile to Hiki as a thank you for earlier). I'm not losing anyone else... We will get him back.
Shizen: (Nods but still looks down in thought). You can trust Adara to give reports and trails when able so she is not caught. She needs to be as safe as possible doing this.... Agni has taken him.... That is fact though. (Grits her teeth more).
Jennifer: (Looks at Shizen). Then we can follow the trail and get him back.
Shizen: (Shakes her head no seriously but still looks down her face hidden a bit by her hair. She removes her hand from Rowen's hand and walks with a stride and clenched fists in held in anger. She passes Kyoda and back toward the group stopping for a moment with a sigh). No child... This situation is too much for you to be involved in.... Leave this fight to me... It has been foreseen for a long time and none of you should get in the middle of it now that lines are crossed... This needs to end, I won't let history repeat... No matter the cost.
Chikara: (Looks at Shizen more seriously as she holds Kura). What are you saying Shizen? What have you done now?
Shizen: (Looks back slightly with most noticeable a red in her eyes from rage she hold back but only says one thing leaving the group in a stunned paused silence to process it). I've declared war.
Orion: (His head perks up in sudden surprise in her statement). Shizen you understand that something of that caliber hasn't happened for a very long time.
Chazz: A war? What's the difference between the two realms view on War? I understand it's an desperate and dire situation. But does that mean that all territories take part in it?
Orion: (He pauses for a second to reconnect his thoughts as Chazz seems to be worried as well as everyone else) well war in the spirit realm is usually a battle of territories, with the inclusion of council members fighting it out. Though do want to keep things kept into the territories fighting as don't want to spread the fighting in unnecessary areas.
Shizen: (Sighs turning to walk away into another part of the building that is mostly unharmed).
Jennifer: (Still is processing what Shizen has said watching her walk away). Shizen... A war?
Chikara: (Looks down in thought remembering to well how the last one went) . It sound like both sides know.... (Looks too both her brothers with a worried expression).
Kairi: (Looks at everyone with the same worried expression looking up at Tori last).
Kura: (Continues to look down her hands clenched tight with no words that can be managed at the time).
Kyoda: (He nods towards Kishi and Chikara). Well if it's a war than I'll be taking part as the person in charge of defense of civilians I don't want anyone to get harmed... Not again. (He says as he stands up putting his hands on Kura's shoulder).
Jennifer: (Still looks in the direction Shizen left with hand clenched to her chest in worry). She doesn't expect us to just stand aside in this right? She is not doing this alone if that is what she is saying.
Chazz: I don't think she would be the type to say that without reason but I feel like she wants to do this on her own... But she's know we won't let her do that.
Tori: (He laughs a little). Like a fight would ever turn us away from all this... We will partaking no way around it.
Kairi: (Nods wiping her eyes). And Yami means a lot to us too. I want to help save him!
Mizuko: (Comes up behind Orion having finished her concentration on the fires as water returns to her form but looks down). It looks like our little sister will need a hand in this. Although I had hoped it would not resort to this....
Orion: Well it seems like it... She is a very stubborn one... And I was hoping it wouldn't either... But we got to help her out....
Rowen: (He begins to looks towards Shizen and his worry grows so he decides to head towards her). I will be back everyone... I need to talk to her.
Jennifer: (Looks at Rowen seeing the worried expression as well nodding her reply as she tries to comfort Kairi).
The group stay in the area to sort out what to do as Rowen follows Shizen needing to talk with her most. He keeps his distance for now being curious where she is heading. He finds her going to another area of the council building being as big and grand as the court area. The large hall doors at the end seemed to be engraved with elements symbols seeming very grand and stately as if made for council members. Rowen can see Shizen push the heavy looking stone door open with a serious look the door closing behind her.
Rowen: (Having the sense of worry hover over him he gets closer and follows Shizen through the heavy doors. As Rowen pushes through the doors he sees a grand mostly curved room with 7 opening area in-between pillars. Each opening has a different element symbol and the color of the element with something in each held in place. Each one has what seems to be a stand covered in a cloth of the elements color except for fire which has the red cloth tossed aside and a empty armor stand.
Shizen: (Is silent with her serious expression unwavered her eyes set on the green cloth under a symbol of nature walking up and staring at it for a moment).
Rowen: (Not able to deal with uneasy feelings in his mind he decides to call out to her). Shizen?
Shizen: (Sighs hearing Rowen as her back is towards him but he can hear the tense seriousness and slight sadness in her voice). I declared war Rowen....
Rowen: I know you did Shizen... I don't blame you but please talk with me for a moment.
Shizen: (Sighs once again but more to calm herself a bit more from her tense feeling). What is it Rowen....
Rowen: (He walks closer to her). I wanted to know on how you truly feel right now... Cause I know you... This isn't like you.
Shizen: (Shakes her head). It's only some things from my past... The same I struggle to share even though you have been patient.... Maybe it's a little shame and regret as well but besides that there has not been a war of this caliber in a long time, since Nagi and Shiro were lost... And this time I will end it... history can not repeat again no matter what....
Rowen: Well even if you don't wish to repeat it... You don't have to do it on your own at all, as you know the others are worrying about you.... (He grabs her hand). I'm worried about you as well... I don't want to see you try and bare this on your own.
Shizen: (Looks too the area with the red cloth tossed aside and the empty armor stand then down again). I suppose but this has been a battle I knew would happen one day.... A battle I know I cannot win... But must fight none the less. (Her hand becomes tight on Rowen's as she says this).
Rowen: Well regardless... Then don't fight alone... Fight with everyone here cause they want to protect the people they care about. No longer will you have to fight alone cause everyone will be on your side.
Shizen: (Shakes her head to the side). That is what I am afraid of. Those young ones have so much life to experience, I do not want their lives in danger to not have that chance. I am sure you understand that very well.
Rowen: Well even if you told them not to come... You know full well they would come anyways... They want to stand with you not behind you... And as much I don't want to place them in harm's way.... I feel like they are strong enough to keep standing strong
Shizen: (Gets a small smile and slight nod listening to Rowen). We have taught them well and I suppose that is the hard part of being a mentor and leader... And a mother. She has my stubborn traits, that is a fact. (Sighs saying the last part to herself though Rowen able to catch what was said).
Rowen: (He smiles as it seems Shizen is lighting up a bit). Is it this Adara girl? You seem quite fond of her?
Shizen: (Her smile grows looking up a bit more from the subject change being one she loves having to laugh a little). Fond is quite a big understatement... But yes Adara is my daughter.
Rowen: (He doesn't seemed to surprised by the sudden information as though he expected it from how she has been acting). Well that is quite surprising very much.
Shizen: (Smiles a bit more towards Rowen). I was meaning to introduce you to Adara after the council meeting... But I suppose that will have to wait.... She is a remarkable girl though.... She's my little baby girl and means the world to me. (Looks down slightly for just a moment with worry then the smile growing able to open up to Rowen about her daughter finally even if not fully. He also notices her lift her arm a bit to smile at the gold locket always wrapped around her wrist remembering whenever the name or mention of her daughter had been brought up briefly she would look at it the same way she is now).
Rowen: I see... well I'm glad to hear that... I was aware that you were hiding something....But I'm really glad to hear all this.... (He holds her hand tight as he gives her a loving smile). Well I'll be happy to hear more about her.
Shizen: (She grins holding his hands just as tight as she looks at him). Let's see... She gets being stubborn and a bit wild from me... Also her face looks quite similar to mine especially her green eyes. She can be a bit sarcastic in humor though and if very independent and incredibly smart. (Laughs a little to herself as she opens up about her daughter). Even as a small girl she was very independent which I think came with having such a brilliant mind. Even back then she could outsmart anyone she came across and won every game of chess she played.... She loves that game. She even started learned to read and draw seals when she was so small maybe even a toddler for some. She really loves learning being so curious and adventurous. Once something catches her interest nothing can sway her mind from it until it is solved.... She really is my amazing little girl....
Rowen: (He has Shizen sit down with him on a nearby set of chairs). Well if you talk that highly of her I would be happy than anything else to meet her and begin to understand her and yourself as well.
Shizen: (Smiles at Rowen as she holds his hands together. A thought enters her mind causing the smile to grow slightly sad with a sigh). I am glad you think so and I look forward to that day.... I don't think I can share everything from the past though until you meet and see her for yourself.... Some things I feel I cannot share until then.... You have been very patient with me opening up and I'm thankful for that.... But I hope it's something you accept as openly as you are now. (Smiles sincerely at Rowen but her tightened grip on his hands and look in her eyes he can tell she is scared to share something not sure of if she can).
Rowen: Well... It would depend in how long you make me wait if I get mad... But no matter what. (He brings her close). I will accept anything because I choose to love you and that means I have to love everything about you even your history... If I can't do that than I can't love you... But I don't want to let this feeling go ever again... I want it to last as long as I can... So I'll be waiting for the day for you to tell me.

Shizen: (Rests her head on Rowen's shoulder with a small nod and sincere smile). Thank you for the patients and acceptance and I am sorry if I put it to the test like this.... But I just want you to meet her and learn who she is before.... That way it makes it easier to understand I hope.... But I know you will like her.... She's my most cherished treasure.... Meeting her is the biggest step for us to move forward.
Rowen: (He smiles). Well when we reach that step I'll be happy to move forward along with you... Anytime... Any day... I love you Shizen
Shizen: (Looks up into Rowen's eyes with a smile). I love you too Rowen... Thank you for being understanding.
Rowen: (He keeps smiling). Well I'm accepting because I want to love everything about you.... All of you.
Shizen: (Continues to smile at Rowen with a loving look and hands tight around his as she brings her face closer to his so that their foreheads are touching. She breaths in deeply his scent while closing her eyes to enjoy the moment).
Rowen: (As they are closer now he can feel Shizen's breathing and how harder it has gotten as well as his more and more he brings his face closer to her).
Shizen: (She presses her lips to Rowen's finally and putting all her love and feelings into the kiss having needed his words and support to ease the weight on her shoulders).
Rowen: (The kiss is filled with love they forgot one other member with them right now as it bumps up its head into the two as it interrupts the kiss).
Shizen: (Can't help but burst into laughter breaking the kiss as both of them get many puppy kisses from Echo who wags her tail from climbing onto Rowen's lap).
Rowen: (He laughs as well petting echo hoping to help calm her down). Well that was quite surprising in more ways than one... But I'm glad we could have that moment.
Shizen: (Pets Echo as well with a nod). I suppose it was needed but also do not mind this little one cheering things up in her own way.... Thank you Rowen. (Looks at Rowen while petting Echo giving him one more peck on the lips with a grin).
Rowen: No... No thank you Shizen for loving me.... Just when I thought I couldn't anymore... Your helping me become stronger in my own way... Thank you.
Shizen: (Nods and Smiles). Let's say it is a new beginning for both of us.... I may never have found that one to be my true mate before even though for how long I have been around so far... But I am finally understanding that feeling for myself.
Rowen: Well... I can agree to that... It's a new start for the both of us... To also be Happy and keep this wonderful feeling going.
Shizen: (Looks down at their hands intertwined with a small smile to her thoughts). A nature spirit will always search for a true mate in our terms.... It's a connection you cannot use until you experience it.... I will admit in the past I went about the wrong way trying to find it.... I guess that was just me getting desperate to find that connection seeing so many have it and I was going about it the wrong way.... But after one I stopped looking maybe gave up on it.... But here I say it so effortlessly.... It's only something feel deeply and use just for that time and cannot be used for just anyone.... Here it's so easy to feel the support behind that.... I never felt that before.... Rowen I think I can use that for you.... (Looks up at Rowen again and can see a tear threatening to fall but a loving smile along with it).
Rowen: (He begins to cry a little himself as he hears her words). Thank you... Shizen... after my wife's passing... I may have given up on things as well. I merely just went about my duties not having a drive to do more than what was needed... But after getting to know you more and understand you better... I began to have hope again..I had a reason to keep moving forward past it... I don't regret my marriage with her... Nor do I wish we never met... I miss her dearly.... However knowing her she would tell me to move on and be happy again not sad and mopey like I was before.... Thank you again Shizen for giving me that chance to be happy. Thank you for loving me as I love you.
Shizen: (Her feelings show clear in her eyes to Rowen). I will never replace your wife in your heart and from what you have shared she was quite kind a woman.... Only want to mend each other's hurt and lonely feelings perhaps.... Maybe after all of this we can explore this more.... Meet my daughter most of all... But I have no intention of things coming to end in this inevitable battle... Not without a fight.... I hope we can promise each other in that. I may have a weakness in this but I will not let that control the fate of this battle so easily. (Looks down seeing Echo whine a little on Rowen and pet her head carefully as she speaks).
Rowen: (He smiles). yes she was a wonderful woman that made the world seems brighter... But I understand I'm not trying to place those feelings I have for her on you..when it comes to you it's very special and yes... I would like that very much... I want to help mend your heart as you have helped to mend mine... And I'll be with you so if fate wants to fight you.... Than we can do it together. (He looks down at Echo as well as she is cheering up with small barks holding her tongue out in excitement).
Shizen: (Can't help but have her grin return). Then we will fight together and have our own important roles in this so that this may be possible. (Has another thought and laughs slightly shaking her head). I will not be able to convince the young ones to stay behind from this will I?
Rowen: (He laughs as well looking away from Shizen for a second as he looks towards the door they entered through). I don't think so since it seems like some are waiting by the door wanting to check up on you as Jennifer is a worry wart sometimes.
Shizen: (Laughs shaking her head looking over as well). Yes I have learned that well from the child. But as their mentors we taught them well with good morals so they will fight as hard as us to protect. We only will do all we can so that they are not harmed in this. Like any good leader would do but also inspire to fight for what is right.
Rowen: Well right now they are fighting in they believe in because if didn't want them to be involved shouldn't have brought them here in the first place.
Shizen: And you think they would of listened then? With how close they are to Yami on top of that. They all know how much that little one has gone through so far in life and how much strength he has overcoming it though not without its scars and he doesn't need more. They would risk everything for one another in this group and that includes saving Yami. They couldn't be asked to stay behind from the start.
Rowen: (He laughs a little). Yeah your right knowing them they would just find a way to be here now so not that surprising really. And it's because they have that bond with that they want to keep growing.
Shizen: (Nods in agreement). They will fight with everything they have for that as I am planning to. That was why I stopped here.... A saccade place holding a first generation spirits full power. Only used when necessary as agreed long ago. (Stands glancing at the empty armor stand in the fire areas place and cloth tossed aside then walks to the nature area deep green cloth still covering the stand with her name engraved).
Rowen: Well even at full power I believe that we will prevail because these kids have trained time and time again so no need to worry as much as we have watched them grow.
Shizen: (Shakes her head with a slight laugh). Yes they are very strong but let's just say it is to try and make it a level playing field for myself. I am dealing with someone who is as skilled with fire as I am with nature after all. (After saying that she removes the green cloth swiftly tossing it to the side which Echo tries to climb out of Rowen's hold to chase. Underneath the cloth is a leather and plate armor. The hood and cloak are a deep green with a darker green face mask similar to her normal style of armor. The biggest difference is the mask engravings and stately look about it though it look like the face of the person would not be seen when wearing. The body of the armor if in slabs of different shaded green and from plates the top one each being shades of green metal and under it shades of brown leather. Leaning on the side it a quiver and bow to match being a grand armor Rowen can feel the power from just seeing it).
Rowen: Well you look more stronger than before... But also very beautiful as usual my dear. (He smiles as he feels relieved in a sense as he holds Echo).
Shizen: (Smirks as she puts her hand up to the armor as it starts to glow green). Thank you dear... Now let's level the playing field. (Her expression becomes more focused as a seal forms in her hand as if analyzing her as she approaches it). Every council member has a secret weapon so I suppose this is the best time to retrieve it. It can only be accessed by their energy and the confidence in that.... You gave that to me just now so thank you Rowen.
Rowen: (He stands a small distance from Shizen so she has room to work with). Very well and I'm glad you have also given me the resolve to keep moving forward.
Shizen: (The armor fades as the energy flows into her and once it disappears fully she turn with a grin and green glow to her eyes). Let's move forward then. (Steps toward Rowen petting Echo who wags her tail playfully a last thought coming into her mind looking at the puppy on a serious note). Now what about Echo now? She is quite young are you sure she can be protected through this? (Echo then looks up at Rowen with a begful puppy look and small whimper). But fears of abandonment from you as well.
Rowen: (He thinks to himself for a few moments). Hmm I'm not sure I don't want to put her in danger... Yet I don't want leave her behind..I'm not sure what to do fully.
Shizen: (Pets Echo's head being careful of her ear with a small sincere smile). It will be your choice in the matter. Usually a animal companion would have as much say as the rest of the group but this is different. She is but a pup and it would be quite a risk bringing her to a battle. On the other hand emotionally she has fear of abandonment from her past and it could emotionally scar her to be separated from her first kind owner.
Rowen: (He keeps looking at echo facing a conundrum of his own). I know... I'm just lost on what to do on the matter for once.
Shizen: (Sighs seeing the beggful look grow). While we gather supplies to travel and prepare for this the rest of the day you will have time to think it over if needed. I know it is a hard choice but I know my view though I leave it to you for this. If she is brought along we need to take extra precautions to protect her at least.
Rowen: Alright... I will have something decided when we get ready to leave... I promise you that... Yes... I have to make a decision.
Shizen: (Nods in agreement with a sincere smile). I know you either decision you make you will do your best to protect her. (As this happens Echo paws at his shirt to try and climb to lick his face with a bit of a beggful whine).
Rowen: Echo... I will never abandon you don't worry about that I promise... I'm just unsure but let's think it over alright?
Shizen: (Nods kissing Rowen on the cheek as Echo still paws a Rowen with a small whine snuggling into his hold). I am sure things will work out but let us rejoin the group. I have many things to explain and prepare for and I am sure Orion and Mizu will want to enter this room as well after I have a talk with them.
Rowen: Yes you are correct... I'm glad we could have this time to talk things out fully... But yes let's be off
Shizen: (Grins putting a arm around Rowen's shoulder but more serious expression looking out to the others). It's because of that my mind is less filled with rage... But regardless we need to find Yami quickly and my daughter was right to go ahead. Knowing her we will have a path to follow quickly and then she can move away from this dangerous spies position she's in... Hopefully. (Tries to hake her head from the worry and look forward to join with the group). Next time I see her then... Until then I pray for her safety.
Rowen: Well if she is your daughter than I'm sure she is being just as cunning as you are. (As he grabs her hand again). So just believe in her and everyone else here that it will work out for the better alright?
Shizen: (Her hand in Rowen's tighten from the reassurance). I believe everyone will use the best of their skills to make sure a history does not repeat but right now let us leave here. I believe I gave one a lot on his kind to go over earlier. (Notices from the corner of her eye Kishi going into the room silently with a lot on his mind as he approaches the area for darkness and his father's symbol of dark element and engraved name).
Rowen: I see well than I shall go reassure everyone that things are okay now..I leave you two for now. (As he kisses her cheek so she can talk to Kishi).
Shizen: (Smiles at Rowen with a nod before going). It will only be a moment. (She then walks to Kishi who silently stares at his father's place going to stand beside him silently looking at it as well. They both look at his set of armor uncovered with a set of black horse armor to the side as she places a hand on his shoulder).
Kishi: (He looks at his father's armor space with eyes of remorse as he wishes he was still here with them). If only....
Shizen: (Glances to Kishi understandingly). If only they were still with us.... I know.... I have wished that many times....
Kishi: (He sighs as keeps looking at the armor). It's just been so hard without them both here... It's been difficult but I'll make it work.
Shizen: (Looks around the space then pack to the circular rooms center with a smile). I know... I still remember like it was yesterday when you were given the honor of being a master knight by your father. I have never seen a more proud moment from both of you.... It's something you earned well and I know he and your mother would want to still see that pride and courage with a attitude just like your fathers again. They wouldn't want you and your siblings drift away. It would break their hearts.... We need to push forward for them and smile at what we still have.... It is what they would want.... It is a legacy and their memories we were able to have that has made us stronger.... I know they will be proud of you because you are trying your best with the situation.... Don't let one uncontrolled situation and mistake lose that confidence to strive forward and become greater.... I know that's still inside your goofy self. (Messes with Kishi hair a little as she reaches up to pat his head).
Kishi: (He laughs a little as he pushes her hand aside). Yeah.... It was a wonderful moment for the both of us... When I was told it was going to happen I had trouble sleeping that night from all the excitement I had... And after the incident it became harder to approach Kyoda and Chikara because I felt I was letting them down and I wasn't fully sure on how to deal with that.... I was scared but... Not anymore I'm stronger than I was before... And I will keep getting stronger... To breakout against the limit I placed on myself I keep moving forward.
Shizen: (Cannot help but laugh and shake her head). I am glad the words of tough love had a impact then. Lit more of a fire in you again. We need that.... Yami needs that.... Kura needs that.... Yours little brother and sister need that.... And I know Izumi and Hitomi would want that from you to make sure their safe. It's a heavy weight being the head of your family now but I know you are determined and will fight no matter what.... Yami needs that now and will need that inspiring attitude and courage to learn from that your father passed to you once returned... Same as Kuro once learned from you.... The will to fight to protect what means most.
Kishi: And I will protect them with everything I have... And I will keep doing it as long as my family is safe and happy.
Shizen: (Uses her hand to turn Kishi head so he looks at her looking into his eyes sternly as if searching for something). Well your family need you now so let me see that confidence and fight in you. Those black flames that always filled your eyes with that pride.
Kishi: (He smiles as he fills his fist with dark energy that seems to be in waves across his arms). Then I'll shall show them why I'm the last master knight of the dark territory.
Shizen: (After seeing the black flames fill his eyes she grins back). There's the Kishi I know, I knew it was there. (Pat's Kishi on the shoulder then looks up at Nagi's armor in front of them with a small laugh). Show them how awesome you are if I put it in your father's words.
Kishi: (He smiles more). I will do just that and keep going forward!
Shizen: (Grins back messing with Kishi's hair a bit before she does). I know you will and I know you would make him proud. (She nods getting one last look at the armor set leaving Kishi to stare at it on his own).
Kishi: (He stares more at the armor set and the horse armor set with a sense of determination). Yes...we will move forward together. (As Kishi looks at the armor her hears in back of him a very familiar sound of the heavy clop of big hoofs that with each sound entering sounding like it approaches him. He looks behind him and sees Chief).

Kishi: Oh hey there buddy it's nice to see you out and about... You were thinking on some things as well weren't you. (The black Clydesdale with a white mane and tail huffs out as it approaches, lowering his head to look at Kishi closely with a low neigh and shake of his mane. He smiles as he pets Chief). Well if you're willing to accept me as you did with my father I would be glad. (Chief stomps his hoof after a moment looking at him seeming to have sound something needed then trots to the horse armor to stand by it. He stomps his hoof more repeatedly as he shakes his mane out. He then bucks his front legs up towards Kishi with a loud neighing sound as if giving Kishi the same challenge he had given to his father before him. He grins as he looks at the horse armor with a small laugh than back towards Chief). Well than I accept your challenge don't underestimate me! I'm moving forward and you'll be there with me!
