Jennifer: (Picks up the card to look into it). What was that about?
Hiki and Tori: (Gives a confused look to each other).
Jennifer: It is a nice card, Kairi even drew a nice picture in it. (Shows everyone the card that says "I know you can be upset a lot but I don't think you are as bad as you say, in fact you can be pretty nice” But also a picture of everyone together and helping cheer up Yami like a family).
Tori: And he gets bothered over that?
Jennifer: (Frowns seeing Kairi is getting upset and hugs her to comfort). ... Very odd.
Kairi: (Looks upset and as if about to cry). I did not mean to upset him.
Tori: (Frowns seeing Kairi tear up and goes towards the window Yami went out of). Kura come with me and let's talk to the fool.
Kura: (Gets up). Yes I agree.
Tori: (Leaves with Kura without another word).
Kura: (Once they are outside they walk for a bit until Kura points to a tree). He should be right behind that tree over there.
Tori: (Walks over to the tree with Kura).
Yami: (From behind the tree). Go away!
Tori: Why should I?
Yami: Just go! I don't need to tell you why!
Kura: It would help.
Yami: Just leave me alone!
Tori: Yami I can't leave you alone.
Yami: (Snaps back). Why not!
Tori: Because you can't act like this.
Yami: Why not, not like I care!
Tori: But yet you do care.
Yami: don't tell me if I care or not! You don't know me!
Tori: Well you are coming back to the room now.
Yami: Why should I!
Kura: (Sneaks around the tree to look at Yami).
Tori: Because if you don't I'm going to beat it into your skull.
Yami: And you think I care if you do, not saying you can!
Kura: (Peaks around the tree then seems a little surprised then frowning to herself a moment keeping it to herself best she can).
Tori: Oh I can't can I?
Kura: (Frowns still then runs back to Tori).
Yami: ... Whatever I'm not in the mood so just go.
Tori: No fun then.
Kura: (Whispers to Tori). ... I think he was crying.
Yami: Do what you want, I don't care even if you do I'll just take your energy.
Tori: (Whispers to Kura "I see then it makes things easier"). Now Yami why did you run from a sweet letter and picture that lady Kairi gave you?
Yami: None of your business!
Tori: Well come on back then.
Yami: I don't feel like it, go away!
Tori: Nope.
Yami: Just leave me alone! (With anger in his voice dark energy is taken from Tori as Kura frowns more noticing right away).
Tori: You're not taking anything from me.
Kura: (Pauses as if thinking of something to say as she gives Yami more energy so Tori is not as affected). It is easier to take from me first since we are both Kairi's spirits. I just hope Kairi is far enough to not be affected.
Tori: Oh she is slowly affected still since like you said, her spirits.
Kura: I will try to take whatever burden I can so Miss Kairi is fine. Yami stop taking energy.
Yami: Taking what? (Pauses not even noticing he was). Oh I see.... Should I care about anything that is happening?
Tori: Because you do care. You try to push it off to hold your ego up because you can't accept the fact that you do care.
Yami: What do you know! You don't even know me! What I've done who or what happened before I was here so you have no right to say I care!
Tori: Well then explain to me what happened.
Yami: (Stands and turns steps away from the tree to look at Tori). Why should I bother and why should you care!
Tori: Because you are part of this group so I will care. A bonus that you are darkness.
Yami: If you're saying that darkness spirits should stick together you're wrong and what good is getting attached to a person who won't even stick around!
Tori: Is that how you feel? You're afraid of losing a connection so that's why you distant yourself so you don't feel pain.
Yami: .... I-I never said that! Don't put words in my mouth!
Kura: Is it Miss Kairi and that drawing that made you realize this?
Yami: N-no it's just a stupid card, why would it?
Kura: Or is it the fact that someone actually cared enough about you to get you something with nothing in it for themselves? Just to give you a gift.
Tori: You stutter, you lie or are not being honest with yourself.
Yami: (Darkness taken from Kura becomes more as she becomes a little tired looking as she is taking the burden off of Tori). Shut up, you don't know me at all!
Tori: (Smacks Yami suddenly). I know enough that you are hurting the people that care about you! Come back or I will make you come back!
Yami: (Changes his stance to a fighting defensive stance) You'll pay for that and I'm not going back there, I can't!
Tori: Why can't you then?
Yami: (Looks down looking sad for only a second but then changes to a look of anger as he readies his dagger). I don't have to tell you!
Tori: Oh, oh here Kura have a barrier to reduce the draining. I need to put a kid in their place.
Yami: I'm not a kid!
Kura: I can make a barrier of my own. I am fine but I do not fight as well. I leave him to you.
Yami: If you can't fight what good are you?
Kura: A fight is not all combat.
Tori: A fight is strategy and courage.
Kura: And then there are those who support the ones fighting.
Yami: That sounds boring.
Tori: That is why you are a kid.
Yami: (Throws a dagger as Kura sets a barrier around herself). I'm not a kid!
Kura: I would say the barrier should last about 5 minutes before it is absorbed by him, is that enough time?
Tori: (Brings out his swords). Yes it is.
Yami: (Another dagger appears in his other hand as he gets ready to fight). Fine you want to fight, bring it!
Tori: Oh, oh.
Yami: What you making fun of me?
Tori: (Readies his swords). No, no just thought I needed to finish this up quick.
Kura: It is alright I am a spirit who has the ability to give others power as long as it is the same element.
Yami: Bring it!
Tori: (Charges at Yami quickly).
Yami: (Charges in as he yells and moves faster because of the energy he absorbed from Kura but Tori is able to keep up. He throws his throwing daggers every time he is backed away and then uses both daggers, slashing nonstop more power being drained from Kura's barrier than before as she places he hands on the barrier to help it stay).
Tori: (Hits Yami on the back of the head with the hilt of his sword to knock him out quickly).
Yami: Gah! (Is knocked onto the ground a bit dazed but gets up but stumbling quite a bit).
Tori: (Hits Yami again).
Yami: (Falls to the ground again but still awake but out of breath struggling to get up again).
Tori: You're done Yami.
Yami: (Energy continues to pour into Yami as he slowly stands up again). Never.... I'm not giving up!
Tori: (Hits Yami over the head again but harder, as Yami's head hits the ground hard enough to make a small crater).
Yami: (Is dazed but then reaches out his hand darkness out his hand darkness energy being taken lessening). I... cant... give... up.
Tori: Stop taking energy now!
Yami: Don't you see I can't! ... If you want me to stop then just knock me out already.
Tori: Calm down and focus and I won't need too.
Yami: I won't give up though even if I can't move I won't... I don't know how. (Stares at his hand eyes narrowing as he thinks of something).
Tori: (Hits Yami again the same as before).
Yami: (Energy taken slows even more and slowly comes to a stop).
Tori: (Looks around Yami).
Kura: (Lets down the barrier seeming to be very upset no matter how hard she tries to hide it). Did you really have to-.... That was quick but what do you think?
Tori: He is still awake. I was aiming to stop the draining.
Kura: It seems to have stopped... Thank you.
Yami: (Says nothing looking away as he lays there).
Tori: Yami starting tomorrow you will be practicing with Hiki and I on teamwork and Kura would you join us as well.
Yami: (Says nothing as he looks away still).
Kura: I will do what I can to work as a team with him. (Bows then stumbles as she falls to her knees). But let's rest for today I am drained. He takes more energy when angry.
Tori: I know and alright.
Kura: Yami why won't you say something? Is your pride hurt?
Tori: Yami get up and let's head back. Lady Kairi is waiting for you.
Yami: (Sits up and turns his back to both Tori and Kura). No.
Tori: Why not?
Yami: I can't care, not again. I rather leave.
Tori: Well we can't let that happen as I can see you already do care.
Yami: (Still is turned around and looks down).
Kura: (Looks down as if already knowing the answer to her question). What has happened to you that you don't want to?
Tori: Hmm.
Yami: (Still doesn't answer standing up, Tori and Kura looking at him with confusion).
Kura: We cannot help if we do not understand.
Tori: We can't help if you don't talk about it.
Yami: Why bother... Why help.
Tori: Because... You are part of the family.
Yami: What family.... I don't even know what that means.
Tori: Kairi is family to Lady Jennifer who my master serves. In a way we spirits are part of this family too.
Yami: Why have a family who are not spirits? They don't stay... Not even the spirit ones do.
Tori: But that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the moments that count.
Yami: I would rather not care then enjoy something that doesn't last. That's why I had someone who taught me to corrupt so I wouldn't have to.
Tori: Well Hiki get out of here.
Hiki: (comes out).
Kura: (Bows to Hiki). Hello miss Hiki.
Hiki: Hello everyone.
Kura: I take it you were here the whole time?
Hiki: Yes.
Kura: Is there any way you could help? I am not sure how.
Hiki: Yami if you are scared of losing connections then what is more scary? Being alone or being surrounded by people that care about you.
Yami: I used to know that but I choose not to now... I was taught that... Someone....
Hiki: Well I believe they were wrong.
Yami: He's the one who taught me to corrupt but also did that by leaving and promising to come back... And never did.
Hiki: I see then.
Yami: But then he just left... He promised... Then just disappeared.
Hiki: Like Tori's teacher.
Yami: After that I just was a street rat, either no one paying attention to me or just....
Hiki: Well Kairi pays attention to you and loves you very much.
Yami: Why I'm just a corrupt spirit whose ability has caused so much death. For a person who hates death what good am I.
Hiki: Why not ask her yourself. (Leads Kairi to Yami).
Yami: No don't I-.
Kairi: Yami are you alright.... I'm sorry you had a hard life so far.... I just thought that being your friend could make it a little better....
Yami: (Turns looking surprised). But why...? What is there to gain from being friends with me?
Kairi: Gain? I just want you to cheer up and be happy.
Hiki: For every friendship there is always nothing gained but the happiness they want.
Kairi: Is that why you don't like hugs?
Yami: Haven't got one since last of my family went away about 200 years ago.
Kairi: (Looks shocked and sad but then smiles kindly reaching out to him). Really...? how about a hug now? They are not bad. (Steps towards Yami as he steps back).
Tori: (Pushes Yami forward into the hug).
Yami: (Is pushed into Kairi's arms as he panics a little not really knowing what to do, looking to anyone for help).
Hiki: Why not hug her too?
Yami: (Looks like he's not sure what to do putting his hands in his pockets looking away but can almost see a slight blush as Jennifer and Shizen come to watch).
Hiki: (Guides Yami's hands to Kairi's hips to hold).
Yami: (Looks surprised but still kind of frozen not knowing how to react as Kairi smiles up at him. Seeing the smile, he gives a confused look not knowing what to think as Jennifer and Shizen stand by Hiki and Tori).
Hiki: He is not very honest.
Tori: No he is not, sounds like someone we know.
Jennifer: (Looks both ways). Who?
Shizen: (Laughs with sarcasm in her voice). I have no clue.
Jennifer: (Gives a confused look but shrugs it off).
Kairi: (Let's go of the hug still smiling at Yami who puts his hands in his pockets and looks away). See not so bad.
Yami: I-I'm not scared of something silly like a hug.
Hiki: But you just said a while ago that you were scared.
Yami: (Gives an embarrassed look). No I didn't!
Shizen: It is not weak to show emotion.
Hiki: It really isn't.
Tori: (Laughs). Well moving on how do you feel now?
Yami: Fine but I want a rematch.
Shizen: Just like a child to not let things go.
Yami: I'm not a child!
Shizen: How old are you again?
Yami: (Crosses his arms looking upset as he looks away). ....
Jennifer: I don't know, I thought he would follow us.
Hiki: Hmm.
Jennifer: Hold on I will tell you in a second. (Closes her eyes looking for Chazz through the stone finding him in the dining as he talks to maids about a upcoming dance. Opens her eyes that are now glowing green but fades away). He is in the dining hall.
Hiki: Cool.
Shizen: Good also Yami another thing you look older then you should. Show us what you really look like.
Tori: (Raises his eyebrows in interest). Hmm?
Yami: (Studders with a obvious lie). I-I look like this.
Shizen: (Narrows her eyes at Yami). It is a trick I know well. Hiki and Tori don't need it because they are young adults but you look a little younger the Hiki now.... That seems off.
Yami: W-what are you talking about?
Shizen: I know because I am using the a similar trick right now with the wolf form.
Tori: Interesting.
Shizen: Tori remember when you cut off my energy, I was going back to what I really look like.
Tori: Yes I remember.
Shizen: It is alright we won't laugh at how you really look. You will not look weak to us.
Yami: No way!
Tori: (Sneaks behind Yami getting where Shizen is going with this).
Shizen: Come on, I will show you what I look like.
Yami: No, I don't care. I just don't want to.
Tori: (Stabs Yami's energy flow).
Yami: (Panics as he tries to get away). Hey what are you doing!
Tori: (Hits Yami already which creates a magic seal on it until he says otherwise).
Shizen: (smirks). Now there was no need for that.
Yami: Bastard... wait why aren't I changing and let go of me!
Shizen: Give it a few seconds.
Tori: Sorry, sorry I did not want to be patient.
Yami: Just let go! (Tries to get Tori to let go of the back of his shirt collar).
Shizen: Why do you have a problem with that? Are you afraid he will lift you up?
Tori: I have let go but the seal stays until I say otherwise.
Yami: Lift the seal now!
Shizen: And 5.
Yami: What?
Shizen: 4.
Yami: What are you counting?
Shizen: 3.
Tori: 2.
Hiki: 1.
Yami: (Gives a worried look and then looks at his hands to see if anything changes and nothing does). Nothing happened...?
Shizen: Oh wait I was I little off it should be right... Now.
Yami: No! (He begins to slowly shrink looking younger and younger).
Shizen: He said he was a few hundred correct?
Hiki: I think so.
Yami: (Continues to shrink now looking to be in his early teens now and continues shrinking).
Tori: (stops the seal).
Shizen: you stopped it?
Yami: Why. (Covers his mouth realizing he sounds like a kid his age stopping fully at about looking 10).
Tori: That's why I stopped it.
Hiki: (Laughs uncontrollably).
Yami: Don't laugh at me!
Kairi: wow you look younger than me now.
Kura: (Looks slightly emotional seeing Yami but brushes it away quickly). If Tori hadden't of take the seal off would he have been younger? .... No that should be the right age by now.... (Whispers that last part to herself).
Yami: Shut up!
Hiki: (Can't stop laughing).
Yami: I said don't laugh at me! (Realizes he still sounds like a kid and covers his mouth so he doesn't talk anymore).
Shizen: It is alright, I do the opposite with my appearance to make me look a little younger at times.
Yami: Then why don't you show how you look for real! (Covers his mouth again).
Hiki: (Stares at Shizen now in intrest).
Shizen: (Sighs). I do not hide to much since I am quite fond of my looks and age now as a spirit. I quite like the form of a wolf but I can show you my human form instead since it has not been seen often. Perhaps I should show it more to you since that is what I truly look like.
Tori: It doesn't matter to me.
Hiki: I like the wolf.
Shizen: Very well give me a moment. (Sits down).
Jennifer: (Looks interested and concerned). You don't have to if you don't want to.
Hiki: Yes it's fine.
Shizen: If you want to know it is fine but I rather Tori not put a seal on my energy.
Tori: I only do that when I don't know and everyone wants to know too. Plus they are weak seals, only lasts for 10 minutes. I wouldn't put a big one for something like this.
Yami: Wait that was a weak seal, are you calling me weak!
Shizen: He can put the seal back.
Yami: (Looks at Tori becoming a little scared).
Tori: No, no it is easy to seal magic energy off temporarily for a very short period, no need to worry. I already had undone the seal on your magic, it will go back to its normal flow in a bit. If I made it stronger you would be unable to use magic or become physical in this world.
Yami: Wait then why did I stop shrinking?
Shizen: He took off the seal when you stopped, you look about 10. I believe which makes more sense now.
Yami: Jerk.
Kairi: You look smaller then me still woah.
Tori: You should be returning to normal in a few minutes.
Yami: Still will get you back for this!
Tori: I look forward to it then.
Kura: (Sighs). I do not understand how fighting can be fun but very well.
Hiki:Boys will be boys.
Kura: I suppose.
Shizen: Save the fight for another time.
Tori: I know.
Shizen: (Sighs). I suppose it's my turn.
Hiki: Hmm?
Shizen: (Lies down casually).
Hiki: It is fine.
Shizen: Very well give me a moment. (Glows until it is hard to see her as Jennifer and Kairi cover their eyes while Hiki can see fine. Shizen instantly ageing looking a little older around in her forties instead of late twenties both in human and wolf form showing both one at a time as the glowing fades away. She has very long grey hair that is a bit wild in style and her figure is very well endowed with her curves and forward about showing them off).
Tori: (Sits by a tree casually as he watches).
Shizen: this is what I really look like; pardon me if it is a little underwhelming. Believe me I am quite old for a spirit though it may not seem so to a human.
Yami: (As he goes back to looking like a young teen). God how old are you? You look really old.
Shizen: (Narrows her eyes at Yami). Someone needs to teach you manners.
Hiki: (Laughs a bit).
Yami: Yeah what you going to do about it. You can't even move I bet.
Shizen: So you do not think I can teach you respect?
Hiki: (Sits by Tori and lies on his shoulder and relaxes).
Yami: Bring it!
Shizen: (Instantly a vine hits Yami in the gut sending him flying).
Kairi: (Laughs and then sees Hiki and Tori thinking how cute).
Shizen: Now that, that is taken care of I believe you should show what you look like Yami. We did agree and you should accept it and stop hiding.
Yami: ... I never agreed. (Sees the vines wrap around his foot again). ... Fine. (Shadow goes over him then goes away Yami looking maybe ten or even younger perhaps being quite short).
Shizen: Was that so bad?
Yami: Whatever. (Covers his mouth sounding even more childish).
Shizen: Very well shall we head back.
Jennifer: But Hiki and Tori are asleep.
Shizen: Oh we can relax as well.
Kairi: Sounds good but we didn't open all the presents.
Jennifer: We can sort them out for everyone later.
Kairi: Alright.
Chazz: (Walks out of the mansion and towards the group). Oh, oh what are those two doing now?
Kairi: They are taking a nap. It is a nice idea.
Yami: Why? I'm not tired. (Covers his mouth again forgetting he sounds like a kid).
Chazz: Oh, oh how is sir Yami now hmm?
Yami: Shut up! (Shadows form over him and he goes back to looking like a young teen). Much better.
Shizen: He was only showing what he really looked like because of a seal Tori put on him so I did the same.
Chazz: Ahh alright Tori and his seals. Tori always practices with them, he excels at magic flow slowing seals.
Yami: Yeah well it sucks.
Shizen: Everyone has what they excel at. I wonder what Kura and Yami have as strengths.
Yami: (Shrugs).
Kura: I could show you my abilities anytime. (Bows).
Chazz: Well we will find out some day. Anyways why not have a picnic out here?
Shizen: (Goes back to her wolf form instead of a woman in her early forties).
Jennifer: Good idea, plus it is a nice day.
Chazz: I will get the needed things then.
Jennifer: I could help.
Kairi: Me to!
Yami: I don't want to have a stupid picnic.
Kura: Quit whining, what if they ask you to show what your abilities are and show off.
Yami: ... Maybe I'll stick around.
Chazz: Very well madams I appreciate your help.
Kairi: What if one day we could switch places. We could try being servants and you a noble.
Chazz: No, no need for that.
Jennifer: I tried; I lasted about a half hour.
Kairi: Really, wow it's that hard?
Jennifer: No... I am just extra clumsy.
Chazz: When did you try milady?
Jennifer: I helped Amber and Hiki dress.
Kairi: You what? Why did they need help?
Jennifer: ... Well.
Chazz: I feel like I should ask.
Jennifer: ... Hiki said she can't dress herself...
Kairi: Why?
Jennifer: Umm....
Chazz: Umm alright then let's get going.... (Starts to walk back to the mansion with Jennifer and Kairi but looks at Hiki questioningly like she has lied about something).
Kairi: Wait spirits can't dress themselves? Then how do they get clothes on?
Jennifer: They... Appear magically?
Chazz: Pretty much they can convey their energy to clothes to make it easier but I think it is uncommon
Kairi: Wait what happened when they fall asleep?
Jennifer: Honestly, I have no clue. I am no help.
Kairi: (Looks even more confused).
Jennifer: Wait then how did-. (Remembers the night Hiki and her cuddled Chazz and that Hiki was unclothed more as she shuts her mouth quickly). ... Nothing.
Chazz: Do not get me wrong they can take off their clothes when they reverse their energy but once it's on it looks and feels like normal clothing.
Kairi: Woah I kind of feel silly getting clothes for them if they can just poof clothes on.
Chazz: It is fine, they can wear normal clothes, but some are not used to it.
Kairi: If their alright with that. I don't think it is that difficult, but I can try being a maid and helping.
Jennifer: No.
Kairi: But why, you got to be one.
Jennifer: Not by choice and you are too young to help with that.
Kairi: Does not sound that hard.
Chazz: Then I suggest following a maid around and see how they work. You may not work as one, but you certainly can see how they work.
Kairi: I can follow you around.
Jennifer: Do not do that.
Kairi: Aww why?
Chazz: You may follow Hiki around since she is a maid.
Kairi: Why not Chazz or Tori?
Jennifer: Men do different chores.
Kairi: Like what?
Jennifer: ... This is too many questions.
Chazz: Tori will not be around, and tomorrow is a day for me so I cannot escort you around another time however Hiki is available or another maid is.
Jennifer: Good you need a day off.
Kairi: Alright but still have a lot of questions.
Jennifer: Since when have you asked so many questions?
Kairi: I don't know I just want to learn a lot.
Jennifer: Alright then ask anytime and about anything.
Kairi: Can I ask one more question?
Jennifer: Of course.
Kairi: This question has been bothering me for a while but why do men and women have different places to go. Like one goes to one restroom and one goes to the other or in clothing stores or locker rooms or even different wings of a house.
Jennifer: (Stop frozen in shock and surprise). K-Kairi that question is... Hard to explain.
Kairi: Why is it? It is just a question. I did try to sneak into the boys quarters to figure it out myself but I got kicked out.
Jennifer: You did what!
Kairi: What did I do that is so bad?
Jennifer: Just never do that again... Did anyone talk to you about this stuff?
Kairi: No not really, what stuff?
Jennifer: Good... Wait then if no one did and our parents are not really around to explain that, then that means.... (Looks in shock and panic as Kairi looks at her confused).
Kairi: What is wrong, I am just asking.
Jennifer: (Still is frozen in shock).
Kairi: Hello?
Chazz: Well then.
Kairi: (Waves hand in front of Jennifer's face). I think I broke sis.
Chazz: I think you did.
Kairi: How? I just asked a question.
Chazz: Your sister wasn't ready for that question.
Kairi: What is so bad about it?
Chazz: You will find out one day.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look). Can someone else explain?
Chazz: Boys and girls are made different so they have places made for them because it would be bad if they were all together in the same changing room.
Kairi: Why, who cares if we are different that's just silly.
Chazz: Well you have a point but there are parts of our bodies that are different.
Kairi: (Looks lost in confusion).
Chazz: You will figure out one day lady Kairi. It is hard to explain to you but one day you will understand.
Kairi: Is that why sis has not moved yet?
Chazz: Yes she is trying to figure out how to explain it.
Kairi: I guess but there has to be a better person to explain it... She has trouble with those things.
Chazz: I am not sure.
Kairi: So should we just come back later for her?
Chazz: We can wait.
Kairi: Alright I will ask again later.
Chazz: Yes.
Jennifer: (Snaps out of it a moment later). Huh what happened?
Chazz: Different things.
Jennifer: (Remembers looking kind of traumatized). Oh right.
Chazz: Yes, yes.
Jennifer: Kairi how old are you?
Kairi: 14.
Jennifer: (Sighs as the realization hits her). I see.
Chazz: Yes that age.
Jennifer: This is not fair.
Kairi: What?
Jennifer: You're growing up to fast.
Kairi: But I have not grown much since I was 10. I am still really short.
Chazz: (Chuckles a bit).
Jennifer: Well I forget sometimes that you are not that age anymore.
Kairi: Is that good?
Jennifer: For me yes.
Chazz: But everyone grows up at some point.
Kairi: But what if I stay short?
Jennifer: Then you will be like me.
Kairi: You are awesome though.
Jennifer: Daw that was sweet, thank you. (Pat's Kairi's head).
Kairi: Well you are my big sis.
Chazz: The love of siblings is undying.
Jennifer: (Hugs Kairi as they walk). Yes we have stuck by each other's side since... She was born really... Especially since our parents are not around a lot.... Mom more so but my father.... (Looks down for a second but quickly brushes it away).
Chazz: I have seen the both of you grow to be great ladies.
Jennifer and Kairi: Thank you. (Both smile and curtsy, Jennifer lightly blushing).
Chazz: No, no thank you.
Jennifer: Why are you thanking us?
Chazz: I am not sure but let us move on.
Jennifer: Very well.
Kairi: Alright.
Jennifer: (As they walk). Oh and about the watching us grow up thing. Since we are close to the same age, we watched you grow as well.
Chazz: That is true isn't it?
Jennifer: And you have become a loyal butler and a great friend.
Chazz: Your words are far too kind milady.
Jennifer: But it is true you being here means a lot. I do not have many friends but you Hiki and Tori are great ones.
Chazz: Well, I am proud to be your friend.
Jennifer: Yes... friend.
Kairi: (Looks at both Jennifer and Chazz but says nothing).
Chazz: Is something the matter with that?
Jennifer: oh no don't worry about it... It is nothing.
Chazz: As you say.
Jennifer: What do we need for the picnic?
Chazz: We need some sandwiches and something to drink.
Kairi: Oh and a big blanket to sit on. I think I got one while at the store.
Jennifer: Of course you did.
Chazz: Alright then let's get our things together.
Kairi: Alright I will go get the blanket and meet you back where everyone is.
Chazz: As you wish.
Kairi: Bye. (Runs very quickly becoming out of sight with a shadowed streak behind her as she runs).
Jennifer: ... Umm she's fast.
Chazz: Very.
Jennifer: How did she learn that?
Chazz: Probably from Kura or Yami.
Jennifer: She learns quick... But anyways what do you want me to get or help with.
Chazz: The sandwiches.
Jennifer: Ah yes what kind are you in the mood for?
Chazz: Anything you see fit.
Jennifer: Maybe just a bit of everything to make everyone happy.
Chazz: Seems nice.
Jennifer: Yes happy to help. (Makes it inside the building and into the kitchen).
Chazz: (Gets the sandwiches ready rolling up his sleeves to do so).
Jennifer: Oh you know what would make this even better, cake.
Chazz: That does sound really good.
Jennifer: Hmm what kind, maybe chocolate vanilla or peanut butter or add some cinnamon, maybe strawberries since Kairi likes those. (Starts listing ingredients and flavors she could make).
Chazz: How about chocolate and vanilla.
Jennifer: that works (goes through the kitchen grabbing a apron and putting it on as she gathers ingredients to mix).
Chazz: You want to cook?
Jennifer: I thought you wanted me to make a cake?
Chazz: If you wish too.
Jennifer: You never have seen me cook have you? I like it even though it is frowned upon for a noble to do servants duties. I may burn some things but I enjoy it still. I think I am getting better at least.
Chazz: No, no I have heard some nobles do cook.
Jennifer: Well my favorite is baking. (Puts her hair into a ponytail looking in a mirror nearby).
Chazz: Well pastries are one of my favorites.
Jennifer: I could do that ooh maybe vanilla or chocolate filled.
Chazz: Maybe.
Jennifer: Here you decide, whatever you want.
Chazz: A brownie sounds nice.
Jennifer: Brownies it is. (Smiles as she bows and then goes to collect ingredients).
Chazz: (Starts making sandwiches).
Jennifer: (Mixes the ingredients as she hums and dances a little dorkily as she cooks happily).
Chazz: (Laughs a bit as he watchs Jennifer dance around).
Jennifer: (Does not notice Chazz as he laughs being to absorbed in her mixing and cooking).
Chazz: (Thinks to himself "why is she dancing around like that, maybe that's how she goes with the flow since she is a bit of a klutz.... It is really cute).
Jennifer: (Puts the brownie into the oven hesitantly, seeing the stoves fire but puts it in quickly so she does not freak out playing it cool and then looking at Chazz). Alright that steps done, now to make the toppings.
Chazz: Ohh how are you making them miss dorky dancer.
Jennifer: (Blushes feeling embarrassed). Oh... I forgot I was not alone here but I guess I got a little carried away with that.
Chazz: You kind of did milady but it was nice to watch.
Jennifer: (Blushes more as she looks away). ... Right well let me get the toppings while that's in the oven.
Chazz: As you say. (Sits down and watches with interest being done with the sandwiches).
Jennifer: (Feels a little uncomfortable with being watched feeling self conscious so she stops dancing but does hum a little as she mixes ingredients).
Chazz: I can guess I am making nervous so I will leave. I do not want you to stop your cute dance lady Jennifer. (Begins to leave).
Jennifer: (Blushes more). No it is alright. I just... Wait... Cute?
Chazz: Umm yes sorry for the comment but the way you were dancing was cute in certain words... I apologize if unneeded to say.
Jennifer: No it is fine you spoke your mind and that is good. (Looks down as she smiles slightly as she blushes).
Chazz: Well then please continue to cook your heart out.
Jennifer: Very well you do not have to leave if you want so sit back down and take a break.
Chazz: Well I am going to finish up the sandwiches.
Jennifer: Very well. (smiles and then goes back to mixing).
Chazz: (Tries to keep busy and works on the sandwiches some more).
Jennifer: (Starts to hum and dance a little again as her mind wanders).
Chazz: (Starts to watch again with a smile).
Jennifer: (Sways her hips to whatever she hums as she mixes ingredients).
Chazz: (Laughs a bit ammused).
Jennifer: (Blushes). Oops I did it again didn't I?
Chazz: No need to worry.
Jennifer: Oh the brownies should be done. (Heads over to the stove).
Chazz: Well my sandwiches are done so I will be leaving.
Jennifer: Before you do could I ask one thing of you?
Chazz: Yes, what is it milady?
Jennifer: Could you take the brownies out of the stove.
Chazz: Of course. (Heads over to the oven to take the brownies out).
Jennifer: I am sorry, I just do not like opening the stove....
Chazz: I know, it is fine. (Gets the brownies out).
Jennifer: Thank you. (Blushes as she stands close to Chazz).
Chazz: Are you alright milady? Do you have a fever? (Puts his hand on Jennifer's forehead to get her temperature).
Jennifer: (Blushes even more). Uh umm yes I am fine.
Chazz: Hmm you are quite warm.
Jennifer: N-no it's not that I promise. (Blushes a lot).
Chazz: As you say then.
Jennifer: I-I am fine please do not worry.
Chazz: Alright milady.
Jennifer: Anyways thank you I just need to put the toppings on and I will be done.
Chazz: Alright I will wait then.
Jennifer: Very well, it will not take long.
Chazz: (Sits down and puts the sandwiches in a basket).
Jennifer: (Starts putting icing on the brownies as she hums and sways her hips a little and then pours the icing on the brownies. She looks for something to spread the icing around as she bend down to look in a cabinet).
Chazz: (As Jennifer bends down he looks away instantly to find other tasks to focus on).
Jennifer: (Finds a big spoon and brings it over to where the brownies are).
Chazz: (Finishes packing up the sandwiches as he hears Kairi running down the hall with the blanket).
Kairi: (Yells as she runs in with a blanket that is blue with a green design). I've got the blanket!
Jennifer: Good, I see you are excited.
Chazz: Very nice blanket, I like the design.
Jennifer: Yes it is very nice.
Kairi: Thank you.
Chazz: (Puts the bottles of juice in the basket with the sandwiches and lifts the basket looking ready to go).
Jennifer: Oh right juice, what kind are you getting?
Chazz: Some apple, orange and grape.
Kairi: Ooh yum
Jennifer: (Laughs at Kairi's reaction). Indeed.
Chazz: It is nice to have a variety of flavors.
Jennifer: It really is. (Puts some final things on the brownies then picks them up). Alright I am done.
Chazz: Alright well let's head out now madams.
Jennifer and Kairi: Right!
Chazz: I will walk with you both.
Kairi: I hope so, you have the food.
Jennifer: If not I made brownies.
Kairi: Yay!
Chazz: Do not worry, I have the food.
Kairi: Good what kind of brownie did you make?
Jennifer: I made a chocolate brownie with vanilla frosting.
Chazz: She was not sure what to make.
Kairi: Sounds yummy though.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Chazz: She kept dancing around as she was cooking.
Kairi: She does that alot when doing chores.
Jennifer: (Blushes with embarrassment).
Chazz: (Laughs).
Jennifer: Let's just forget that ever happened.
Chazz: I will try milady.
Kairi: You are not going to are you?
Chazz: Nope.
Jennifer: (Looks defeated).
Kairi: Aww cheer up, it is alright.
Chazz: (Gives Jennifer a hug) it is fine milady.
Jennifer: (Blushes a lot when suddenly hugged). T-thank you.
Kairi: (Smiles at Jennifer and Chazz with a small sound of daw).
Chazz: Now, now let us get going.
Kairi: Right! I will race you there! (Runs off).
Jenifer: Wait we have food... And she's gone.
Chazz: Yes she is, we might as well keep going.
Jennifer: I do not think I can stop her anyways.
Chazz: Yes neither can I.
Jennifer: Well let's keep going. (Continues to walk with Chazz as she blushes looking away so he cannot see).
Chazz: As you wish milady. (Walks beside Jennifer carrying the sandwiches).
Jennifer: R-right....
Chazz: It has been a long day so far and it is only lunch time.
Jennifer: Indeed but it has been a good day.
Chazz: Very true.
Jennifer: Yes oh and I have a question.
Chazz: What is it?
Jennifer: How did you hide that you had powers from me for so long?
Chazz: Well it was easy. I did not give the image of having them. I always carried my sword because I was supposed to but you never really looked into it so I just hide it. Plus it is not hard to suppress the presence of energy.
Jennifer: Wow then how did I keep my powers secret. I mean I am bad at hiding things.
Chazz: Well I had an idea but I never proceeded further.
Jennifer: Why not?
Chazz: I am not sure.
Jennifer: I mean the head butler taught me a little of the fighting skills mostly but I guess I did not really see you train with him.
Chazz: Because we train in the early morning and at night.
Jennifer: Oh right me and morning do not mix but when I could I snuck out to the forest at night.
Chazz: And the head butler would find you and send you back.
Jennifer: Oh right. (Gives a grumpy look to the memory).
Chazz: Do no't make a face like that.
Jennifer: Oh sorry that was rude towards him.
Chazz: It is fine.
Jennifer: But if you trained your spirits as servants wouldn't I have known them earlier?
Chazz; No they worked behind the scenes for things I needed help with.
Jennifer: Ohh I see oh one more thing. That time I went to the woods and the first time you followed me, why did you?
Chazz: I am not sure, I just felt like I should have oddly.
Jennifer: I see but did you have to attack me?
Chazz: Well I wanted to test you.
Jennifer: You could of just told me that.
Chazz: There is no fun in that then.
Jennifer: Instead you just scare the heck out of me, such a good butler.
Chazz: Thank you.
Jennifer: (Glares grumpily at Chazz).
Chazz: (Smiles happily).
Jennifer: Well I will get you back for that then one day.
Chazz: Well then I will wait for it also was it a good idea to follow you?
Jennifer: Well I did get to meet Hiki and Tori.
Chazz: And Shizen sooner then you should have.
Jennifer: That to, she is hiding something though. Sometimes she looks a little sad.
Chazz: Well all spirits have their pasts; I learned Hiki and Tori's.
Jennifer: Really, could you tell me a little about it.
Chazz: Well Hiki is a light spirit as you know but she was also is the daughter of a 2nd generation light guardian which are the spirits that protect the spirit world, powerful ones indeed.
Jennifer: I see, it explains why she is so powerful.
Chazz: Yes.
Jennifer: What about Tori?
Chazz: Tori as you know is the student of the 1st generation darkness spirit as he is a 3rd generation but he once had the desire for power to protect his new family that he would do anything to get it. His master put him into place and taught him that what he truly wanted was to strive forward to change his fate as darkness.
Jennifer: I see, it is similar to Yami's story but whoever he was with seemed to have taught him to grab as much power as possible no matter what.
Chazz: That is the difference.
Jennifer: It is hard to think Tori could be like a grown up Yami though he is well mannered and kind like you.
Chazz: Well because he was taught to not act like the others unless he needs to. I taught him the gentlemanly manners.
Jennifer: Wow I cannot imagine what they were like when you first met them then.
Chazz: They were very similar to how they are now but just a bit looser in actions.
Jennifer: I bet it must be fun having them around.
Chazz: It does make my days interesting with them around. I have gained very close bond with them.
Jennifer: I can tell they are very close to you.
Chazz: Very.
Jennifer: Hiki told me that you go out every day on the 22nd of June to town with them and have fun.
Chazz: We do it as a birthday in a way but it became a tradition since I care about them both very much. I am not sure how I would be without them.
Jennifer: And that you save up for a long time to have that day.
Chazz: I do what I can just walking around with them is great. (Kooks down looking a little sad).
Jennifer: Well do not worry about what you cannot do for that day. I am giving you a bonus.
Chazz: Milady thank you but there is no need. I am fine truly.
Jennifer: No it is a special day for you, Hiki and Tori. You cannot change my mind.
Chazz: Well I guess I can accept it just this once though.
Jennifer: No every year on that day... Hmm how much would be enough, a thousand each should work.
Chazz: No milady only a hundred, no need to go crazy.
Jennifer: But you do need to go crazy at least one day of the year and this is it, a thousand for all but that is final.
Chazz: Fine I cannot deny my madam far more than I have.
Jennifer: No you may but I still will sneak the money into your pocket so enjoy it, you deserve it. We could even throw you a party when you get back.
Chazz: No need, I want keep it the way it is, just us three.
Jennifer: I can respect that.
Chazz: Thank you for the offer though.
Jennifer: Though do not tell Kairi. She will go overboard.
Chazz: I do not plan too.
Jennifer: Yes and could you tell me about when you first met them. Did you fight yourself like I did.
Chazz: At first I met them I did not know what to do. Hiki was ready to be my spirit but with Tori he wanted me to prove I was ready since I was very young so I had to fight them both at the same time. It was quite difficult but I lost the fight though I had proven I could stand my own so Tori accepted me and my skills on the condition that I train with him whenever possible.
Jennifer: Seems fair enough, I can tell you work hard.
Chazz: I worked very hard, then my skills grew as I kept training.
Jennifer: Good... I think I can learn from that.
Chazz: It is also good to have a relationship with your spirit.
Jennifer: I can see that from how close you are to your spirits.
Chazz: Plus at first Hiki and Tori did not get along all too well but they grew into their relationship now.
Jennifer: Really wow I would have never imagined.
Chazz: Light and dark do not usually get along but some do.
Jennifer: I wonder if Kura and Yami will ever get along like they do.
Chazz: It takes time, when Tori said team practice he was trying to get Yami to rely on others more.
Jennifer: (Laughs a little). Good luck with that. Yami seems to have a temper tantrum at the thought.
Chazz: Well he will be forced to at least know how to work with Kura.
Jennifer: I can tell Tori will keep him in line but Yami does need to control taking energy.
Chazz: He really does.
Jennifer: But Kura seems willing to train though she is quiet.
Chazz: Yes she does.
Jennifer: But she said she did not like to fight.
Chazz: She is more of a support type of person. She cannot do much combat wise but her being in a fight could change the fight entirely.
Jennifer: Makes sense, Yami seems to rush in without thinking and Kura thinks a battle through I guess.
Chazz: Exactly those two together are a good team, just need to start acting like it.
Jennifer: Yes well we are almost there. (Sees everyone and waves).
Chazz: Yes we will see what happens.
Jennifer: Indeed but let's enjoy lunch first.
Chazz: Yes milady.
Jennifer: Hello everyone.
Kairi: Hi what took you so long?
Jennifer: ... Really? You know we had the food right?
Kairi: Oh right.
Chazz: (Laughs a bit).
Shizen: Welcome back, so what did you make for lunch?
Chazz: I just made some sandwiches if that is alright.
Shizen: Sounds fine.
Kura: I am pleased with anything you make.
Yami: (Sounding grumpy). Guess I'm a little hungry?
Kura: As good a mood as ever I see.
Yami: Whatever.
Chazz: Thank you Kura and Mr. Yami you will be fighting with Hiki and Tori after we are done so I recommend getting your energy up.
Hiki and Tori: (sSuddenly appear behind Chazz and Hiki lays her head on Chazz's shoulder.
Yami: Sounds fun I get to pay you back for last time and this time I won't lose.
Kura: (Sighs). And what if you fight both of them. You will need help.
Yami: I don't need help. I'll take both of you on I don't care.
Kura: (Sighs again and shakes her head).
Hiki: What's wrong Kura?
Kura: It is nothing he should probably fight you two alone to learn he needs my help.
Yami: Ha yeah right!
Hiki and Tori: (Sits downs to eat with everyone).
Jennifer: I made brownies too.
Shizen: Very nice.
Hiki: Yay brownies, I love brownies!
Tori: Thank you madam Jenny.
Jennifer: It was Chazz's choice on what to make.
Hiki: Yay good choice master! (Kisses Chazz on the forehead).
Chazz: Hiki what are you doing at this hour?
Hiki: (Laughs a bit teasingly).
Jennifer: (Blushes a little at seeing them but also smiles thinking they are cute).
Chazz: Well let's eat.
Jennifer: Yes lets.
Yami: (Starts to go for the brownie but a vine grabs his hand). What the?
Shizen: That is for after lunch as a desert. You have to eat a sandwich first.
Yami: What, you got to be kidding me?
Shizen: (Gives a serious look). Does it look like I am kidding?
Chazz: Brownies are for desert only Yami.
Yami: Oh come on, that's not fair at all.
Shizen: Yes it is, now eat.
Kairi: (Hands Yami a sandwich).
Yami: Not cool. (Eats grumpily along with everyone else but stares at the brownies as he eats).
Hiki: These are really good.
Tori: They really are.
Kairi: Yummy what's in them?
Chazz: Just some ham and cheese or honey turkey in the others.
Kairi: Ooh I think mine tastes like turkey.
Jennifer: I have ham.
Kairi: Can we trade? I like ham more.
Jennifer: Sure. (Switches sandwiches with Kairi). Very good.
Yami: Gross why eat a sandwich another person ate when you don't have to?
Jennifer: ... Umm?
Kairi: Wait what?
Yami: What? Just don't like sharing food.
Jennifer: Umm.
Chazz: Not all people like that.
Jennifer: I see.
Yami: What's the problem, it's gross.
Kairi: Want the rest of my sandwich?
Yami: No! (He pauses though as if a debate with his stomach).
Hiki: (Crawls over to Yami). How about mine Yami?
Yami: No, go away.
Shizen: So you're afraid of germs or is it cooties? Are you just making something up to be grumpy about? I think that is what is really going on here.
Yami: No I'm not!
Hiki: (Gets closer to Yami).
Yami: (Back up a little). W-what are you doing, go away!
Shizen: (Smirks). What are you planning?
Hiki: (Gets even closer to Yami, at face to face level as her hair goes down).
Yami: (Looks a little scared). Backup... I'll push you if I have to.
Hiki: (Blows into his ear as she says). Want to have my sandwich?
Yami: N-no now go away.
Hiki: Are you sure (Exposes the top part of her dress slightly showing a little bit of cleavage).
Yami: (Pushes Hiki away but pushes her chest and then turns and sits with his back facing Hiki with his arms crossed). Go away!
Hiki: Now, now you can't touch a ladies chest without permission, Yami bad boy.
Yami: Wait what no I didn't mean, I mean I meant to get you away, now go away! (Becomes embarrassed though more pout and grumpy still).
Hiki: You are so cute when embarrassed.
Chazz: Now, now Hiki do not tease. Be a good girl.
Hiki: (Back off as soon as Chazz says too). Now master you are the only one worth teasing.
Shizen: Though that was funny to watch I may want to remind you he still has the brain of a child.
Jennifer: (Looks in shock at what just happened as Kairi looks just confused).
Hiki: I know, that's why it was easy.
Jennifer: (Laughs a little bit).
Kura: (Has a small smile that she covers).
Chazz: now, now Hiki I understand it was fun but no teasing the young one.
Hiki: Would you rather have me tease you master?
Chazz: You already do that, what is different?
Tori: (Shakes his head in agreement).
Yami: Hey I'm not that young. I'm older than you. (Points at Chazz).
Jennifer: (Laughs more).
Chazz: But I am not a spirit now, am I?
Yami: Well still am.
Shizen: But intelligence wise Chazz is about... what 10 years ahead?
Yami: Hey!
Hiki and Tori: (laugh a bit as well).
Shizen: Yes he does act a bit younger than his age. I don't think he can even comprehend perverted thoughts.
Yami: Shut up, I can understand!
Kairi: Understand what?
Jennifer: Uh oh not again....
Chazz: Now, now let's all settle down and eat.
Jennifer: Please.
Yami: Yeah, yeah just stay away from me.
Shizen: Kairi what are you confused about?
Jennifer: (Looks at Shizen in shock and fear and then at Kairi).
Kairi: Sis why do you look so scared?
Jennifer: Let's just save the questions for later.
Shizen: Hmm?
Hiki: (Lays on Chazz's lap and Tori sits up next to him as they finish eating and drinking their juices).
Kairi: (Looks at Chazz and Hiki and opens her mouth to say something about them being in a relationship or not but Jennifer sees her stare knowing what is going through her mind and quickly covers Kairi's mouth).
Chazz: (Looks at both Jennifer and Kairi with confusion).
Jennifer: Do not worry about it, keep eating. (Nervously laughs).
Kairi: (Licks Jennifer's hand so she lets go).
Jennifer: (Let's go quickly). Hey gross! Why did you lick my hand?
Kairi: (Heavily breaths). Why cover my mouth and nose... I could not breathe.
Jennifer: ... Oops.
Yami: (Looks disgusted as he slides away from Jennifer and Kairi).
Tori: You are not going anywhere Yami.
Yami: What I do? I wouldn't run away from something so meaningless.
Tori: If it is meaningless why blush from Hiki.
Yami: (Blushes with embarrassment). I did not!
Hiki: If you would like me to tease you again I would be more than I am happy too.
Yami: Whatever I'm not scared of you.
Tori: Oh you are not?
Yami: Nope not at all.
Shizen: What about if a dog came up to you and slobbered on you?
Yami: (Looks slightly terrified at the thought).
Hiki: (Laughs a bit at the thought).
Yami: N-no not scared at all.
Shizen: Are you sure about that? (Looks at Hiki for her to decide as she smirks).
Hiki: (Shakes her head yes).
Shizen: (Nods to Hiki). Yami what scares you so much about this? (Leans to the side of her where Yami is sitting and gives him a slobbery dog kiss and then looks for his reaction seeing Yami is frozen in shock and terror as everyone else stares at him to see what happens).
Yami: (Is frozen as he processes what just happened).
Kairi: I think you broke him.
Chazz: Shizen though it was funny I suggest someone get a towel or cloth for Yami.
Yami: (Dogs and wolves come out of the clearing of the trees and tackle Yami as they give him kisses as he struggles to get away). Gah help!
Kairi: Whoa where did they come from!
Chazz: Shizen if you may.
Shizen: Though I do find this funny I did not call the other dogs and wolves.
Jennifer: (Quietly drinks her juice with her eyes close).
Chazz: (Quickly stares at Jennifer). Milady did you?
Jennifer: (Puts her juice down and smiles politely but with a slight smirk and then opens her eyes which are green and glowing slightly).
Chazz: (Sighs). Milady why?
Jennifer: I thought it was funny.
Yami: Help!
Jennifer: That is enough. (The dogs stop and run back to where they had come from).
Yami: (Soaked in slobber). ... So gross.
Jennifer: There is a lake not far from here you can wash up, it is directly north of here.
Yami: (Instantly runs toward the lake as fast as he can).
Hiki: (Laughs along with Tori). Nice one Jenny.
Jennifer: (Smirks). What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with that... But thank you.
Chazz: Whatever you say milady.
Jennifer: Yes indeed.
Kairi: Whoa your eyes are glowing.
Chazz: You did not know that lady Kairi?
Kairi: No, never really paid attention.
Jennifer: Alright then.
Chazz: Well we should wait for him.
Jennifer: Does anyone have a towel?
Kairi: I kind of want to go swimming now.
Chazz: Why don't we go then?
Jennifer: Are you sure? We do not have swimsuits.
Kairi: Well not exactly, they actually do.
Jennifer: Huh?
Chazz: Spirits can make their own remember.
Kairi: Oh yes and also the ones I bought.
Jennifer: You just got one of everything for everyone didn't you?
Kairi: Umm maybe.
Chazz: (Laughs). Well let's go get changed then.
Kairi: You do not have to wear the ones I got everyone if Hiki and Tori can just poof on clothes. I am still confused about that but I wish I could do that.
Hiki: No, no if you got them for us it would be rude to not wear them so let's go.
Tori: Yes let us see what you got.
Kairi: A-alright but the rest I am just sending to you. We do not have to open them together.
Jennifer: (Smiles). Wait won't Yami wonder where we are?
Chazz: Do you want to grab him first.
Jennifer: I do not think he will be happy.
Hiki: When is he ever?
Jennifer: (Laughs). True but he will be in an even worse mood.
Chazz: True.
Jennifer: Let's head over to the mansion and meet him there. We will not be too long. (Stands up along with everyone else).
Kairi: Let's go!
Jennifer: (Notices that Kura and Chazz stick behind). Are you coming?
Kura:Yes but I would rather read then swim, my apologies. (Bows).
Jennifer: If you do not want to it is fine.
Chazz: I will be getting everything ready; I will go lay out the towels as such. Kura would you like to keep me company?
Kura: Of course, I would be happy to help.
Jennifer: Very well we will see you in a little bit.
Chazz: Thank you very much. (Bows to Kura).
Kura: (Bows in return).
Jennifer: Where did you learn to act like a servant?
Kura: (Pauses as if trying to think of a answer to say). I have had a few masters who were nobles and it became a habit of mine.
Chazz: It is also a set of manners to be polite and kind to all.
Kura: That is why I kept those teachings.
Chazz: Then you were taught well.
Kura: (Bows to Chazz once again). Thank you.
Chazz: Let's be going now.
Jennifer: Very well we will meet you by the lake or my room if you are not long.
Kairi: Bye!
Kura: Farewell lady Kairi. (Leaves with Chazz).
Shizen: I think I will be taking a nap while you change. I will come back when you are done.
Hiki: Alright Shizen. (Waves goodbye and so does everyone else).
Shizen: (Nods and fades away).
Jennifer: Yes let's continue on our way.
Kairi: I will race you there!
Jennifer: Do I have to really run?
Hiki: I will race you Kairi.
Kairi: Great lets go. (Instantly runs off very quickly with a shadowed streak behind her).
Jennifer: Your suppose to start at the same- and she is gone.
Hiki: It's fine, I can catch up. (Runs off in a flash of light going much faster and catching up to Kairi).
Jennifer: (Laughs as she shakes her head). Tori won't you go with?
Tori: (Laughs as well). I rather not.
Jennifer: Yes I think Hiki has everyone beat when it come to speed.
Tori: Maybe.
Jennifer: Maybe?
Tori: I think lady Kairi is the only one to give Hiki much of a challenge.
Jennifer: Really but she just learned how to do that recently, however give her a cup of coffee and everyone will have to run... Seriously do not give her coffee.
Tori: I know now, thank you for the tip.
Jennifer: And I want to apologize to you.
Tori: For what?
Jennifer: I gave you mean looks when around my sister, there was no call for that. I was being protective of her and probably will do the same at other times for future notice towards you. I was out of line though, I am sorry.
Tori: No I understand, I could tell you were just looking out for your sister.
Jennifer: Yes but was improper of me to do. I am sorry I just... She's growing up to fast.
Tori: Most do, you just have to accept it.
Jennifer: I know but she will always be my little sister and I will look out for her....
Meanwhile far ahead Hiki reaches Kairi easily.
Kairi: (Laughs as she is having fun). Aww you caught up.
Hiki: I can do more than catch up. (Runs further ahead).
Kairi: Hey! (Run as fast as she can now behind Hiki not able to pass her but is able to sort of keep up).
Hiki: Ohh you can keep up? Let me get serious then. (Goes so fast that she makes a zoom sound as she runs).
Kairi: No fair! (Starts to lag behind a little as she tries to think of something).
Hiki: (Goes even faster).
Kairi: (Looks very determined trying to move faster but only catches up a little).
Jennifer: They know they passed the mansion right?
Tori: I doubt it.
Jennifer: At this point we may win if they go any further.
Tori: Might as well, after you.
Jennifer: Why thank you but do you want to run or not?
Tori: Nah.
Jennifer: Good. (Continues to walk with Tori). So when do you think they will come back?
Tori: I am not sure.
Jennifer: Oh well they are having fun.
Tori: True.
Jennifer: Is it just me or is Kairi getting habits from Hiki?
Tori: What do you mean?
Jennifer: Well there are some things that remind me of Hiki that Kairi does. I do not know how to explain it.
Tori: Well Hiki is like the female side of master so she takes on some qualities of him and also has her own bubbly personality so maybe that's why.
Jennifer: I swear if Kairi learns how to tease like Hiki does I am going to have a problem.
Tori: No need to worry. Hiki only does it from time to time plus she just embraces her womanly charms.
Jennifer: Makes sense, well we are almost there. Should we go get them or yell to get them in?
Tori: Up to you.
Jennifer: (Yells as loud as she can). Hey Hiki, Kairi time to get back here!
Kairi: Huh what's sis saying?
Hiki: I think that it's time to head back.
Kairi: Wow we went far.
Hiki: Oh yeah.
Kairi: Wait I can still win, I am closer now! (Makes a 180 back to the mansion).
Hiki: (Panics for a second and then just zooms past Kairi at the speed of light).
Kairi: Hey! (Picks up her speed a bit but can only get close enough that Hiki can be seen ahead of her but gets a idea looking at shadows that they pass quickly trying to focus on them as they pass).
Hiki: (Sees the shadows and puts a light on some).
Kairi: (Pouts). Hey no fair.
Hiki: (Laughs).
Kairi: (Pushes herself as fast as she can go only catching up a little but looks determined).
Hiki: (Slows down a bit to talk to Kairi). Are you alright Kairi?
Kairi: Sorry, I kind of get competitive. How do you run so fast?
Hiki: Well I am light so it is easy. I just devoted time into my ability.
Kairi: Oh and do you want to know something.
Hiki: What?
Kairi: I have been slowing down the whole time we have talked now.
Hiki: Ahh alright.
Kairi: So I could do this! (Goes as fast as she can now that their almost to the finish line).
Hiki: (Speeds ahead of Kairi).
Kairi: Aww. (Tries to pass Hiki but cannot, Hiki winning and making it to Jennifer and Kairi's room first).
Hiki: (Gets to the room after running through the house).
Jennifer: (Peaks out of Kairi's room seeing Hiki run in). Hello Hiki, have a good run where's Kairi?
Kairi: (Zooms in behind Hiki).
Jennifer: Ah nevermind.
Kairi: (Pouts but then cannot help but laugh). That was fun!
Hiki: It really was nice running with you but why are you able to run that fast?
Kairi: I do not know. I just really like to run and Kura taught me a little.
Jennifer: Your saying Kairi kept up with you?
Hiki: Just a couple of seconds behind but basically I was still in eye distance which is good. (Puts her fingers together).
Kairi: I can do better next time.
Jennifer: Good job but neither of you won.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look).
Hiki: Ohh.
Tori: How was it being in last place?
Jennifer: Tori I think you were the first one in the room so you win.
Kairi: Hey no fair, you were not in the race.
Tori: Technically we all were since the goal was your room.
Kairi: But you were not racing so that does not count.
Jennifer: But we still got here first.
Tori: there was no way we could try anyways.
Kairi: Tori I thought you were fast too?
Jennifer: Hey what about me?
Tori: No, no I'm never as fast as Hiki.
Hiki: Tori you're so mean for cheating. (Starts hitting Tori's back).
Tori: Hey, hey that's enough Hiki.
Hiki: (Makes a pouty face).
Jennifer: How did he cheat? You are the one who went past our house.
Hiki: He just is. (Continues to pout).
Tori: (Pets Hiki's head). Hey it's fine, next time it will be fair, promise.
Kairi: Better be. (Pouts as well and crosses her arms).
Jennifer: Looks like we have 2 sore loser.
Hiki and Kairi: Hey!
Tori: (Laughs).
Kairi: (Looks at Hiki as she smiles). We should tickle them as pay back.
Jennifer: Wait what?
Hiki: We should.
Tori: (Gives a confused look).
Jennifer: Tori run! (Tries to get away but Kairi grabs her and both of them fall over).
Hiki: (Readies her hands to tickle Tori).
Jennifer: Run! (Tries to get up Kairi holding her down and laughing so she cannot as she panics not able to get away).
Tori: I accept my fate knowing I was number one.
Hiki: (Smile at Tori).
Kairi: Show off.
Tori: Just a bit.
Kairi: (Starts to tickle Jennifer's legs making her laugh uncontrollable).
Hiki: (Tickles Tori's feet and the same thing happens).
Jennifer: (In-between laughing). Help me!
Kairi: No stay still!
Jennifer: Fine two can play at that game! (Tickles Kairi's sides and she laughs but still tickles).
Kairi: Hey no stop!
Jennifer: No you!
Tori: (Gets Hiki's feet and makes it a circle of tickling, everyone laughs for a good 5 minutes but everyone gets tired and collapse exhausted lying on the ground).
Jennifer: (Out of breath). I... Think we... Are done here....
Kairi: What... Did we... Come here for?
Jennifer: I do not remember... My mind is exhausted... Can anyone get up?
Kairi: I do not want... To.
Hiki: (Breaths heavily as well). We... Came here... To get changed.
Jennifer: Oh yeah.
Kairi: Anybody else able to get up?
Jennifer: No you are on me.
Kairi: Sorry to hear that... Goodnight.
Hiki: Goodnight.... (Falls asleep on Tori who just accepts it).
Jennifer: (Tiredly laughs). Their both asleep... Chazz will be waiting for us.
Meanwhile while the race and the tickle fight had happened Chazz and Kura gather the towels.
Kura: They are gone, shall I get the towels?
Chazz: Yes we shall go together.
Kura: Where are they?
Chazz: They are held in the storage area in the back.
Kura: I see then lead the way.
Chazz: As you say Miss Kura.
Kura: No I follow your orders since you are a butler and I am only trained as a lower servant. Therefore you are in charge.
Chazz: Well this is something servants do together, quite an odd couple now isn't it?
Kura: Pardon me but what are you trying to say?
Chazz: Oh nothing, it is just who do you follow, a servant or a servant?
Kura: I see but you know where everything is which makes you in charge.
Chazz: True enough.
Kura: Now to teach Yami the way of being a servant, though I have little hope for that.
Chazz: Why do you want to teach him to be a servant?
Kura: He needs to be taught manners and blend in to this area.
Chazz: That is true but he does not need to be made a servant.
Kura: How else will he be able to walk with Kairi through the halls if he does not learn simple manners. People will question him.
Chazz: Just because you have manners does not mean you are treated as a servant. Spirits are friends to me, they are wonderful because you grow a relationship with someone that will always be there for you.
Kura: Though I have made friends out of my previous masters I was told to follow their every order.
Chazz: No matter the order?
Kura: (Nods looking dowards but quickly hides it). unfortunately in some cases but I have had some good masters.
Chazz: Well now that is not right.
Kura: How so?
Chazz: Though I do understand to follow orders but you should still have a say of right and wrong.
Kura: Yes I am in many cases aloud to say something about my task but it is their decision in the end.
Chazz: But that is not right. You are not a slave.
Kura: But some seemed to had thought so... so I expected it.
Chazz: You should not Miss Kura.
Kura: I am fine with it. Kairi seems like a very caring person. I will have no problem with whatever orders she gives me.
Chazz: Whatever you say.
Kura: If you have any more questions about me, feel free to ask.
Chazz: I will, no need to worry on that.
Kura: Then feel free to ask... I am open with my past and abilities. (There is still a sense that she is hiding something).
Chazz: Well then if you are, what are you capable of doing or do I have to wait for your team fight with Hiki and Tori.
Kura: I am mainly support in a fight usually more defensive when fighting on my own with not very many offensive abilities. I could use barriars quite creatively to do so thought.
Chazz: I see, your support but what more can you do?
Kura: One of the abilities I am best at is creating barriers.
Chazz: I see.
Kura: I was very impressed with the one you put up during training this morning.
Chazz: It was because I had both Hiki and Tori helping me.
Kura: I could tell they are both very skilled and make a good team.
Chazz: At first not so much. They had their disagreements since they are light and dark but they grew up together and learned to work as a team. Even the most opposite of people can learn to work together.
Kura: And become incredibly strong.
Chazz: Yes so I expect the same result from you and Yami.
Kura: I will do my best to work with him but I cannot promise that he will do the same.
Chazz: It takes time Miss Kura; until you two get into teamwork because separate you will not be able to best Hiki and Tori.
Kura: Yami will try to best them himself. Maybe be needs to realize he needs my help before we fight together.
Chazz: He will learn the hard way.
Kura: He could not even beat Tori by himself. What makes him think he can fight Hiki as well.
Chazz: His ego and whatever happened in his past had corrupted his mind to follow power and that is a bad path. He needs to gain his own mind set.
Kura: (Looks downward in sadness). Yes but he is you so he is not far gone, it will take time though.
Chazz: Yes it will and this fight will help a lot.
Kura: Indeed shall I fight them alone as well so it is fair?
Chazz: No it is a team fight. It would be better if you are together but it is up to you two how you fight, also the way to win is to keep fighting until both are unable to fight or they give up.
Kura: I see, I will do my best.
Chazz: Tori told me you did quite well with working with him.
Kura: Do you mean when we went to get Yami after he ran away?
Chazz: Yes Tori was keeping me updated.
Kura: I was only trying to help.
Chazz: I know and Tori appreciated it but he was worried for your safety.
Kura: There is no need to worry for my safety... Yes if I had not put a barrier around myself I would have been hurt but that is not what happened... Only weakened.
Chazz: That may be the case but Tori is a bit of a worried type of person when it comes to people put in harm's way.
Kura: I understand and I apologies for worrying him.
Chazz: No need to be sorry to me.
Kura: I will say I am next time I see him.
Chazz: He will probably say "no need to be sorry I'm just happy you are alright" or something like that. (Laughs).
Kura: (Smiles). I see but I still will and find some way to pay him back for his kindness.
Chazz: Well it is up to you.
Kura: Yes and another of my abilities that I have not used often with other masters is that I am able to heal dark spirits very quickly but it only comes in use when I am around other dark spirits like I am now.
Chazz: Well very helpful in a team fight cause because you can heal Yami while he fights.
Kura: But will he let me or just take the energy from me is the question.
Chazz: He needs to handle that.
Kura: (Looks down again seeming to know more then she tell about the subject with some sadness showing more). It seems to be one of his abilities but one he cannot control well.
Chazz: He will need to or Tori will seal it away and he does not want that.
Kura: (Looks slightly frightened by the idea). Yes... Let it not comes to that.
Chazz: If he goes out of control it is an option.
Kura: I could always put a barrier around those affected.
Chazz: True.
Kura: But the barrier would slowly be absorbed since it is made by a dark spirit.
Chazz: I figured that.
Kura: Yes it will be interesting what happens in the fight.
Chazz: Very, Hiki would have an advantage.
Kura: That is true, she would not be affected.
Chazz: Yes, well we are here now let's get the towels. (Opens the door).
Kura: Very well how many should we bring. I know there will be 7 of us but maybe we should bring extras.
Chazz: Sounds good.
Kura: (Grabs a stack of towels).
Chazz: Also I want to mention something. If Miss Kairi was faced against a real enemy with the desire to kill how would you act?
Kura: I would protect her with my life.
Chazz: Good.
Kura: She has just started training she cannot fight yet but I understand she needs to prepare just in case.
Chazz: iIt the moment the only way she can fight is with you and Yami so that's why we are trying to get you two to work together because it could make the difference between saving a life or losing three.
Kura: I would ask the same question to Yami as well but know that if someone has the intention of hurting lady Kairi. (Gives a serious look). I will not hesitate to step in.
Chazz: I would be proud and Miss Jennifer would be grateful.
Kura: I thank you for agreeing with my response now shall we start heading to the lake?
Chazz: Yes but I think we should see if they are in Lady Kairi's room.
Kura: I will follow.
Chazz: Alright. (Grabs some towels and walks out with Kura).
Kura: If you have any other questions please let me know.
Chazz: I will. (Leads the way and walks down the hallway to Kairi's room).
Kura: Why do I hear so much laughter?
Chazz: I think we will find out. (Walks into the room seeing Jennifer, Hiki, Tori and Kairi on the floor looking exhausted). Umm what is going on?
Hiki: Umm we are taking a nap.
Tori: We had a tickle fight.
Hiki: Whelp.
Jennifer: Oh hello yes there was a race and Tori and I won so Hiki tickled Tori and Kairi tickled me and now Kairi is asleep on me.
Hiki: She is, a nap does sound good. (Goes back to resting on Tori).
Jennifer: But we need to get up and get changed. (Tries to get up but fails since Kairi is on her). Well I tried.
Tori: Oh ok then.
Jennifer: Any ideas?
Hiki: Oh yeah we need to get changed. I can start now. (Gets up and begins to undress).
Chazz and Tori: No Hiki stop!
Hiki: (Puts the strap of her dress back up). No fun.
Jennifer: (Laughs and face palms). I have a feeling this happens a lot.
Kairi: (Wakes up and yawns). What happens a lot?
Chazz: No not really.
Tori: (Walks over to Kairi). Good morning Miss Kairi.
Kairi: (Rubs her eyes and sits up a little). It is morning already? I slept all day?
Tori: No it's the same day.
Kairi: Oh right, what are we doing now?
Hiki: Getting changed to go swimming.
Kairi: (Smiles as she remembers). Oh right, I will get the ones I got you. (Gets up quickly stepping on Jennifer).
Jennifer: Ahh that hurt!
Kairi: Oops sorry sis... When did you get there.
Jennifer: You fell asleep on me.
Kairi: Oops sorry.
Chazz and Tori: (Laugh a bit).
Jennifer: Laughing at me when getting hurt. Some butler you are.
Chazz: No, no I just laughed at what Miss Kairi said.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look). What did I do?
Jennifer: Just forget it.
Chazz: Yes, yes Kura and I have the towels for everyone.
Kairi: Ooh I want pink.
Jennifer: I will take blue.
Hiki: What do I get?
Jennifer: Looks like you have a choice of pink, green, red and blue that's left.
Hiki: I will take blue then.
Kairi: Save the red one for Yami. I think he likes that color.
Chazz: Alright.
Jennifer: Alright that leaves green and pink and 2 men. (Smiles as she thinks about one of them getting the pink towel and tries not to laugh).
Hiki: Ooh master want pink?
Chazz: Umm I must decline.
Jennifer: Well then the pink one goes to Tori.
Kairi: What is wrong with pink? It is my favorite color.
Tori: Nothing.
Jennifer: Are you saying you are willing to take the pink towel?
Tori: Sure.
Kairi: And it means we have matching towels!
Jennifer: ....
Tori: Is that a problem?
Jennifer: hmm oh no, oh no... All good.
Kairi: (Smiles). I am still confused on how spirits poof clothes on. Can you change the style automatically? I want to do that, then I would not have to buy clothes.
Jennifer: You still would though.
Hiki: We just focus our energy really then they appear and stay on like real clothes.
Kairi: But any style, no sewing, no picking out fabric?
Jennifer: Wow you are amazed by that.
Kairi: (Shrugs). I like making and buying clothing.
Hiki: We are able to think of any combinations and it makes things fun.
Kairi: Can you show me how to do that?
Jennifer: I am not sure we can but Hiki is wearing a dress I gave her.
Hiki: I can't really teach you.
Kairi: Aww. (Pouts).
Kura: It is alright lady Kairi.
Hiki: Yes and Jenny helped me put this dress on.
Kairi: Wow reminds me of when she helped me when I was little. Did she have a lot of trouble with it?
Jennifer: (Looks embarrassed).
Hiki: No just that my chest was a bit harder for her.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look).
Jennifer: Moving on from that, Kairi can you get the swimsuits?
Kairi: Alright! (Runs into her closet which looks like two servants rooms put together and with clothing everywhere).
Hiki: Ooh big closet.
Jennifer: Yes when we got our rooms I got the bigger room with a smaller closet and she got a smaller room with a giant closet. It is good she did with how well she shops.
Chazz: Yes indeed I remember all of the other times. (Shakes a bit with fear).
Jennifer: (Laughs).
Kairi: You can come in, there is enough room.
Hiki: Alright. (Heads in along with everyone else).
Kairi: (Picks up some boxes but wobbles a bit with so many boxes that no one can see her head).
Hiki: Whoa!
Kairi: (Walks forward but trips on a shoe and falls into Tori since she could not see where she was going). Whoa!
Tori: (Catches Kairi easily).
Kairi: That was close thank you, oh Tori it is you thank you and sorry I could not see.
Tori: No, no it's fine as long as you are alright.
Kairi: I am alright, thank you. (Puts down the boxes).
Tori: Want me to help?
Kairi: No we can just open the boxes here.
Tori: Alright.
Kairi: (Sits down along with everyone else and starts to hand out boxes).
Hiki: (Gets her box first and opens it excitedly seeing a white two piece swimsuit with a black border). Ooh how cute.
Tori: (Receives his box at the same time Hiki got hers and opens it seeing swim trunks that are black with a white border). Very nice.
Kairi: I think there is also a sea shell hair thing in your box too Hiki.
Hiki: (Finds the crystal hair clip). Ooh.
Kairi: I thought you would like it. It is made of crystal. Alright Chazz this one is yours. (Hands one box to Chazz).
Chazz: Hmm (opens the box and finds swim trunks with different shades of grey on them). Ohh.
Kairi: I hope you like them!
Chazz: I do thank you.
Kairi: This one is sis swimsuit.
Jennifer: Why thank you. (Opens a box and finds there is a green 2 piece swimsuit with a blue border and a little skirt as she blushes as she looks at it). Oh t-thank you.
Hiki: Why are you blushing Jenny?
Jennifer: Oh nothing.... It is just I never have worn something like this.
Kairi: Oh you never wore a 2 piece swim suit? I can get you another one.
Jennifer: No, no it is fine....
Hiki: I bet you will look cute in it Jenny.
Jennifer: T-thank you.
Kairi: I do not see what the big deal is.
Jennifer: Of course you do not.
Kairi: (Gives a confused look as Hiki smiles but continues to hand out boxes). Anyways this one is yours Kura.
Kura: Why thank you Miss Kairi, you are far too generous.
Kairi: It is no big deal, your welcome.
Kura: (Opens the box seeing a blue swimsuit with black polka dots). Why thank you Miss Kairi.
Kairi: I am happy you like it!
Hiki: I want to get changed now. (Grabs Jennifer's hand). Let's go Jenny!
Kairi: Where are you going?
Hiki: To her room to get changed.
Kairi: Wait we have to leave my room just to get changed?
Hiki: If you want you.
Jennifer: Wait then where will the men change?
Hiki: They can in the bathroom.
Kairi: But mines beside the closet. (Points to a door on the side of the closet).
Jennifer: Then we can stay here and the men can change in my bathroom.
Chazz: Yes milady.
Jennifer: But if one of you looks through my stuff your dead got it.
Kairi: It is not like they will try on your clothes.
Jennifer: ... Not what I meant.
Chazz: ... We will not.
Jennifer: How did you even think of that?
Kairi: You have to admit it is a funny thought.
Jennifer: (Pauses and then laughs and shakes her head). I prefer not to while they are here.
Chazz: Hmm. (Leaves with Tori).
Jennifer: They do know my rooms locked right, oh wait Chazz has a key never mind.
Kairi: Why does Chazz have a key to your room?
Jennifer: He is my butler.
Kairi: So he gets a key?
Hiki: He does.
Jennifer: Kairi where is your swimsuit?
Kairi: Right here. (opens a box that has a one piece swimsuit that is pink and with a frilly flowery skirt and black polka dots).
Hiki: Ooh so cute.
Jennifer: I like it, well let's get changed. (starts to undress but stops getting a little self conscious again). Oh Hiki do you want me to help you first?
Hiki: I think I can figure it out. It seems the same as putting on underwear.
Jennifer: Yes the only difference is there is a thing to tie in the back.
Hiki: Then I may need some help. (Makes her hair go fully straight down).
Jennifer: When you get there I will help.
Kairi: Still want to see how spirits poof clothes on. That is the best power I have heard of.
Jennifer: You really need to let that go.
Hiki: I can understand her wanting to know, it is fine.
Jennifer: I suppose.
Kairi: I will stop, sorry it just would be nice to poof clothes on instead of changing them this way.
Jennifer: Wow lazy a little lazy there sis.
Hiki: (Laughs). It kind of is.
Kairi: (Pouts). Hey!
Jennifer: Come on, you need to get changed.
Kairi: I know but not nice.
Hiki: (Starts to blush).
Jennifer: Is something wrong Hiki?
Hiki: Umm I seem to be having trouble....
Jennifer: Is it the tie on the back of the swimsuit or something else?
Hiki: Yes. (Holds up her swimsuit top to her chest as she tries to hold it on).
Jennifer: Alright let me help.
Kura: Would you like me to help?
Jennifer: No I've got it, you can finish getting dressed.
Kairi: So do you, your still in a under dress.
Jennifer: (Blushes). I will... Just when everyone leaves or does not need help....
Hiki: Why not when everyone leaves?
Jennifer: I am... Not comfortable changing around other people.
Kairi: We have changed together before.
Jennifer: T-that's different... We are sisters... We grew up together.
Hiki: Come on, why are you so embarrassed Jenny?
Jennifer: A-am not.
Kairi: I do not see the big deal.
Hiki: Your face is red, come on let it all out.
Jennifer: I-it just that I'm not comfortable with it.... (Blushes more).
Hiki: Come on or else I'm going to undress you.
Jennifer: (blushes flusteredly). What, no I can do that myself!
Hiki: Then do it and I will not but you have to change now.
Jennifer: Fine just stop making it a big deal!
Kairi: But you are the one making it a big deal.
Jennifer: Quiet!
Hiki: (Laughs).
Jennifer: Not funny!
Hiki: It kind of is.
Jennifer: Quiet I just never was comfortable changing around others even the maids who helped me get dressed when younger....
Hiki: Well then I'm going to undress right now then.
Kairi: Hold on your half in your swimsuit still.
Jennifer: How are you alright with this!
Kairi: (Shrugs).
Hiki: Well Miss Kairi can you tie it while I handle you sister?
Kairi: (Gives a confused look). Alright but what about sis?
Jennifer: Wait what!
Hiki: I will help her get changed.
Jennifer: What no way!
Kairi: Alright but you will have to stay still while I tie the swim suit together.
Hiki: I will do my best.
Jennifer: No just let me do it myself, just look away. (Blushes even more).
Hiki: Fine, Kairi will you still help me?
Kairi: Sure turn around I can tie it. If sis did it might fall apart.
Jennifer: Hey!
Hiki: (Laughs as she turns around and sits moving her hair out of the way).
Jennifer: Wait why are you not scolding Kairi about not being changed into her swimsuit?
Kairi: Oops sorry.
Jennifer: Just put some clothes on!
Kairi: Hold on I am helping Hiki.
Hiki: She is at least trying and not getting embarrassed.
Kairi: I do not see the big deal.
Hiki: Neither do I.
Kairi: (Ties one side of the suit). alright one more.
Jennifer: (starts to undress quickly and put the swimsuit on behind everyone while their backs are turned as she blushes still).
Hiki: Ohh this is going to be so much fun.
Kairi: What is, swimming?
Hiki: Yes and getting changed together.
Jennifer: How is this fun?
Kairi: (Finishes the last tie). Alright done.
Jennifer: Wait do not turn around!
Hiki: Fine.
Kura: I could help you.
Jennifer: No I am fine just do not look.
Hiki: (Turns around a bit to get a peak in at Jennifer).
Jennifer: Hey do not look! (Covers herself with her dress that was on the ground).
Hiki: (Snickers a bit and turns back around).
Kairi: This is silly, just get changed already. (Turns around).
Jennifer: Put your swim suit on!
Kairi: You do not need to tell me.
Hiki: (Laughs at the sisters bickering).
Jennifer: Not funny.
Kairi: Is to.
Jennifer: Is not.
Kairi: Is to!
Jennifer: Is not!
Hiki: Is to.
Jennifer: Fine. (Starts to put on her swimsuit).
Hiki: Yay!
Kairi: See not so bad.
Jennifer: Quiet.
Hiki: Come on, let me see.
Jennifer: Alright hold on. (Ties the string that goes around her neck).
Kairi: It looks cute!
Kura: Very nice.
Hiki: Hmm.... (Gets closer to Jennifer).
Jennifer: (Gets a uncomfortable feeling). What?
Hiki: (Puts her hands on Jennifer's chest suddly with a expression of thought).
Jennifer: (Blushes from embarrassment and shock). H-hey what are you doing!
Kairi: (Gives a confused look as Kura covers her eyes).
Hiki: You still need to grow.
Jennifer: (Blushes more flusterdly). J-just let go!
Kairi: Grow? But I thought sis was just short.
Hiki: No need to worry Kairi, your sister knows what I mean.
Kairi: What do you mean?
Jennifer: Never mind and Hiki let go! (Tries to shrug Hiki's arms away).
Hiki: (Let's go).
Jennifer: Now thank you, what was that about?
Hiki: Was just curious.
Kairi: About what? (She walks over, Jennifer still blushing).
Hiki: Just to see how the suit fits Jenny is all.
Jennifer: Some way of checking.... (Crosses arms over her chest).
Hiki: Yes.
Kairi: I like all of your swim suits.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Hiki: I like mine too.
Jennifer: I like that little skirt on mine, wait umm Kairi where is your swimsuit... Put your swimsuit on now!
Hiki: Come on Kairi.
Kairi: Sorry I forgot I just got caught up in the conversation.
Jennifer: (Sighs). Just get dressed.
Hiki: (Pushes Kairi along).
Kairi: I am going, I am going but where is my swimsuit?
Kura: I have it Lady Kairi.
Kairi: Oh thank you.
Kura: Do you need help?
Kairi: No thank you. (Quickly gets dressed). I wonder if Chazz and Tori are waiting for us or what they are talking about.
Hiki: I can find out for you. (Thinks to herself for a second).
Kairi: Oh cool.
Jennifer: But what if they are still changing do not do that.
Hiki: No they are waiting by the door.
Kairi: Alright.
Jennifer: Sorry we are keeping them waiting.
Hiki: No I told them and they said they do not mind waiting.
Kairi: Well it might of helped us go faster if I had mentioned I have a curtain in here so that you could of changes behind it.
Jennifer: (Blankly stares as she processes what Kairi had said).
Hiki: Oh is there?
Jennifer: ... You could not have told me this earlier?
Kairi: You never asked.
Hiki: She does have a point.
Jennifer: (Looks annoyed but tries to let it go).
Hiki: Are we ready to go?
Jennifer: Right I will bring our other clothing with us just in case.
Hiki: Good idea.
Jennifer: Shall we? We do not want to keep the boys waiting. (Opens the door for everyone).
Chazz: (As he waits in the hall with Tori Hiki suddenly jumps on his back both wearing a grey T-shirt with their swim trunks).
Jennifer: That is one way of saying hello.
Kairi: (sees Hiki and thinks to herself and then does the same as she jumps onto Tori's back as he catches her). Hi!
Chazz and Tori: Good afternoon ladies.
Kairi: Sorry we kept you waiting. (Looks up at Tori with a cute pouty face).
Tori: No, no it is fine.
Jennifer: Very well shall we?
Chazz: Yes we shall, Hiki do you want me to carry you.
Hiki: (Blushes a little). Oh thank you master.
Jennifer: (Frowns and blushes a little but shakes it off to feel happy for Hiki).
Kairi: Then let's go, oh Tori I am sorry. Do you want me to get down?
Tori: No I am fine, you can stay.
Kairi: Woah so this is what it feels like to be tall?
Tori: (Laughs a bit). It is quite fun, isn't it?
Kairi: Wouldn't you hit your head every time you go through a door way?
Jennifer: ... Alright he's not that tall.
Tori: No, no I'm fine.
Jennifer: Alright shall we... Though it would look weird going down the halls like this.
Hiki: We could always go through the window.
Kairi: Ooh I like going that way.
Jennifer: Umm when have you ever done that?
Kairi: Umm. (Panics a little).
Tori: She saw me do that so she was always interested.
Kairi: (Gives a relieved look).
Jennifer: Uh huh well let's go.
Kura: (Opens the window in Kairi's room for everyone). After you.
Jennifer: Why thank you. (Casually jumps out of the window and waits outside).
Tori: (Jumps out next).
Kairi: Whoa (When Tori lands). Let's do that again! It is almost like flying when you jump.
Tori: I'm not sure....
Jennifer: How about some other time. (Looks at the window as they wait for the next person to jump).
Kairi: fine.
Chazz: (Jumps out with Hiki on his back).
Hiki: Yay! (Giggles as they land).
Jennifer: I see you are having fun.
Hiki: Just a bit.
Jennifer: Now Kura.... (Looks up at the window again).
Kairi: It is fun being carried.
Tori: It was fun to carry you.
Kairi: Aww I have to get down? (Pouts cutely).
Tori: Up to you.
Kairi: If it bothers you.
Tori: Hardly. (Smiles sincerely)
Kairi: Alright. (Smiles up at Tori with a faint blush).
Jennifer: Wait where is Kura?
Kura: (Appears behind Jennifer from a shadow of a tree). I am right here Miss Jennifer.
Jennifer: (Jolts away from Kura not expecting she was there). Wah you scared me!
Kura: My apologies.
Hiki: Very nice Kura.
Jennifer: Well let us go, we do not want it to become too late that we cannot swim much.
Kairi: Aww why can't we swim at night?
Tori: I think it wouldn't be safe.
Chazz: Yes Miss Kairi, I would not be recommended.
Kairi: Why would it not be safe?
Chazz: It just would not be right.
Kairi: Is it because dangerous animals hunt at night?
Jennifer: Umm their not that dangerous.
Chazz: We will not be doing that is all.
Jennifer: (Whispers in Chazz's ear so Kairi cannot hear). Is something wrong?
Chazz: I just have a bad feeling.
Jennifer: ... Tori could you go on ahead with Kairi, we will catch up.
Tori: sure (Picks up the pace that he is walking).
Jennifer: (Waits until Kairi is out of earshot having also had that feeling but at first thinking it was just her imagination. Now that Chazz has felt this too she knows it was not). What do you think?
Chazz: I just have a bad feeling.
Jennifer: Let me guess. Is it like someone is watching us in the shadows?
Chazz: No nothing quite like that.
Jennifer: Hmm we need to keep an eye on things then. I will look through the surrounding nature in my mind to help.
Chazz: As you wish.
Jennifer: yes lets go catch up for now.
Kura: I will check the perimeter as well.
Chazz: Oh Kura, please do.
Kura: (Bows and then goes into the shadows looking around).
Jennifer: Yes if anything does happen we need to get Kairi to safety.
Chazz: This is why she is with Tori.
Jennifer: Yes he is powerful, that for sure.
Chazz: Very.
Jennifer: I wonder where Yami is, is he still upset?
Chazz: He is probably still at the lake. That is why we are doing this in the first place.
Jennifer: Should I feel bad for playing that trick on him?
Chazz: I am not sure.
Jennifer: Oh well and Tori did not need to walk so fast.
Chazz: I do not think he did.
Jennifer: Very well but I do not feel like picking up the pace to catch up if I am checking the nature around us at the same time.
Chazz: Well we can walk normally then.
Jennifer: I am fine with that. Meanwhile near the lake where Tori walks with Kairi in his arms.
Kairi: (Hums to herself happily).
Tori: Enjoying yourself?
Kairi: With what... Oh yes I am I like spending time with you... Oh and everyone else to.
Tori: Just me, seems kind of selfish.
Tori: (Puts his forehead on Kairi's forehead). I didn't say that would be bad.
Kairi: (Starts to blush). W-well you made it sound bad.
Tori: I never had that intention, you are too sweet to be mean.
Kairi: T-thank you and I do like spending time with you.
Tori: (Smiles at Kairi). As do I.
Kairi: Why do you like spending time with me?
Tori: Just as I said you are kind and sweet to others and... things like that. (Stops himself before he goes to far into those thoughts).
Kairi: Thank you and you have your kind and caring side to, it is very nice.
Tori: Well I would hope so.
Kairi: (Smiles as she hugs Tori).
Tori: (Cant help but smile into the hug and hold her closer as he carries her). Well here we are.
Kairi: Yay oh should we wait for everyone else.
Tori: I think so.
Kairi: Oh alright. (Lets go of the hug and smiles up at Tori).
Tori: (Goes to sit by a tree with Kairi still in his arms).
Kairi: (Leans back so that she is lying on Tori's chest as she hums to herself happily).
Tori: What are you humming about now?
Kairi: oh just a song that I like.
Tori: Which song?
Kairi: sis used to hum it to me to help me fall asleep or to calm me down. She said that mom sang it to her when she was little too.
Tori: Sounds nice. (Lies back and relaxes).
Kairi: She still does sing it, she even dances funny while humming it when she does chores. I guess I picked up that habit.
Tori: Why yes master told me about the cooking experience.
Kairi: Do not mention that he told you about that to her, though I don't mind if someone catches me dancing while I do my daily things. It makes chores more fun.
Tori: It really does to just let loose a bit.
Kairi: Have you done that while doing chores as well?
Tori: No not really sadly but I have heard it is quite fun.
Kairi: It is better than just being quiet and working.
Tori: True.
Kairi: Yes. (Looks up at Tori again then looks into his eyes oddly).
Tori: Is there something on my face?
Kairi: (Continues to stare). N-no nothing.
Tori: Then why are you staring at me?
Kairi: (Stares as her mind starts to wander).
Tori: Are you sure there isn't something on my face?
Kairi: (Breaks out of her daze with more of a blush). Oh n-no nothing.
Tori: (Gives a confused look). If you say so.
Kairi: You just have really cool eyes.
Tori: (Looks shocked for a second). Oh I do...? Well thank you.
Kairi: Why, is that a bad thing to say?
Tori: I just was never told that.
Kairi: Well they are cool. They look like they are black and shadowy and it's nice to look at.
Tori: Well thank you lady Kairi.
Kairi: (Smiles and then lays on Tori as she get comfortable).
Tori: Well let us relax.
Kairi: (nods as she looks comfortable already as if almost ready for bed).
Tori: (Lies back as he closes his eyes).
Kairi: (Lies on Tori with her eyes closed as well, wrapping her arms around Tori as she snuggles up to him).
Tori: (Smiles a bit).
Kairi: (Smiles as well as she drift in to a light sleep).
Tori: (Falls asleep as he thinks of how sleep is nice and of how Kairi is so soft and light to hold).
Kairi: (Opens her eyes but half asleep). Tori? (Sees that Tori is asleep). Oh he's asleep... He is cute when he sleeps.... Hmm I wonder... If spirits and humans have went out before.... Wait that's a silly thought I'm a little young for that... My birthdays coming up though... And he does not age.